[Ldsoss] Hi folks, great to find this list

2005-11-06 Thread m h
Just a new user excited to find this list.  As a long time linux user
(who works for an open source company), it's great to find this list.

I was recently called as Ward Membership clerk (and thus am forced to
use windows).  Researching about MLS (and scripts to manipulate and
create reports led me here).

I hope to find some good stuff, and have some geek talk with other LDS folk.

Til we meet again...

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Emergency Preparedness Software

2006-01-11 Thread m h
There's no reason a standalone application can't be a web app.  In
fact I've done one at work using python (
http://developer.spikesource.com/wiki/index.php/Projects:sam ).  Add a
little AJAX for GUI goodness, compile it into an exe for windows folks
(for mac, linux geeks it'll run out of the box). (~1Meg for the
complete windows app <200kb for linux/mac). Put it on a keydrive, and
you are good to go, it'll run on any machine and serve pages to the


On 1/10/06, Jay Askren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I originally thought about creating a web based system.  In my former life I
> was a web developer.  I think ideally something like this could be added to
> the church website for each ward, but I don't see that happening anytime
> soon.  I chose not to make this a web application for several reasons:
> 1.  Security
> This is my biggest concern.  If someone would hack into the application or
> the server, this would be very bad publicity for the ward and the church in
> general.   I would imagine it could cause many to go inactive.  I plan to
> store names of all family members, email addresses, phone numbers,
> addresses, birthdates, and membership numbers.  I could see that being a big
> problem if someone hacked into the system.  This is probably a bigger
> concern since I would be using a free server.
> 2.  I don't know that the church would be ok with it.
> Several years ago, lots of wards were putting up ward websites, and the
> church sent out a letter asking all wards to take their websites down.  They
> then of course created the ward websites on the church websites.  I would
> imagine they could have a problem with creating and storing all of this
> information on the web namely for security reasons.
> 3.  Administration
> If we create a web application, we would also need someone who can do basic
> administration stuff, like redeploy the application when it goes down and
> stuff like that.  That means if I move, either we find someone else to do it
> in the ward to do basic admin stuff, or the emergency preparedness program
> dies.  If they have a simple application, practically anyone can use it who
> can use a computer.
> 4.  Without internet access, the app can't be used.
> Since our church building doesn't have internet access, people couldn't use
> the application on the church computer.  Also, if a natural disaster
> happened, it seems highly likely that internet access would be down.  But
> anyone with a laptop could use the application still.  This though is
> probably not a huge issue.
> 5.  Web hosting generally cost money
> It is true that there are many websites which offer free web hosting, but
> they generally don't offer web application hosting.  That generally cost
> money.  Now this isn't as big an issue as some of my other points, because
> there is:
> http://www.mycgiserver.com/
> Again though, when I move I would have to train someone else how to use the
> webserver and if the company runs the server runs out of money, we are out
> of luck.
> Anyway, so for all of those reasons I felt it would be better to make a
> standalone application.  Here's a prototype I have so far:
> http://jay.askren.net/emergency/
> I'm working on converting it to Java.  If it's something that your ward
> would like to use, let me know.  I hope to get done with the data entry part
> some time in Februrary.
> Jay
> On 1/10/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/9/06, Jay Askren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > In our ward I've been asked to put together a little database to store
> > > Emergency Preparedness information such as who has a truck, who has a
> > > generator, who knows CPR or First Aid, etc.  It will be a Java
> application
> > > and import data directly from MLS.  I was wondering if this application
> > > would be useful for anyone else.  I also was wondering if anyone else
> would
> > > be interested in helping to develop it.
> >
> > Is there any reason something like this couldn't be web-based so
> > everyone can have convenient, yet still secure, access to it?
> >
> > Bryan
> > ___
> > Ldsoss mailing list
> > Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
> >
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-05 Thread m h
On 2/5/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nathan wrote:
> > On a related note, if anyone knows how to package up a python app and
> > it's dependencies as a standalone app on Linux, let me know.  I used
> > py2app for OS X, and py2exe for windows, but didn't see anything for
> > linux.
> FWIW, it worked on the first try on my Gentoo box.  I like the music
> that plays when someone wins... did you write it?
> Your best bet for packaging is probably Python Eggs.  I haven't dug into
>   the technology yet myself, but a lot of people are excited about it.
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs

I've been messing around with Eggs a bit recently.  They won't really
help you in the way that py2app or py2exe (ie you won't be able to
create a standalone linux exe from it).  Eggs will will a person who
has easy_install installed automagically get the dependencies
installed.  (I understand the need to have a linux binary, at my work
I'm currently including all deps with my app (but they are all pure
python so it's easier) and going the py2exe for windows).  I recall
there being a "freeze" utility that was supposed to create standalone
linux and windows python binaries, but admit that I haven't tried it.

Good luck packaging your app :)

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-08 Thread m h
On 2/6/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> m h wrote:
> > I've been messing around with Eggs a bit recently.  They won't really
> > help you in the way that py2app or py2exe (ie you won't be able to
> > create a standalone linux exe from it).
> In the Linux culture, standalone apps really don't make much sense,
> because most binary interfaces are unstable.  It's quite hard to make a
> standalone app that runs on many distributions, let alone future
> versions of those distributions.

Yes and no.  Klik, zeroinstall and autopackages are all somewhat
solutions to this.  So linux folks are somewhat dealing with this (or
else they wouldn't have bothered making these solutions).

For pure python solutions, if you write it using 2.3 syntax, it should
basically be cross-distribution by default...

> > Eggs will will a person who
> > has easy_install installed automagically get the dependencies
> > installed.
> That sounds like a reasonable requirement.  The majority of Linux users
> should have no trouble installing easy_install.
> > (I understand the need to have a linux binary, at my work
> > I'm currently including all deps with my app (but they are all pure
> > python so it's easier) and going the py2exe for windows).  I recall
> > there being a "freeze" utility that was supposed to create standalone
> > linux and windows python binaries, but admit that I haven't tried it.
> It makes sense to package software for a specific version of a specific
> Linux distribution.  It rarely makes sense to make a package that spans
> distributions or even versions of distributions.  The only type of
> package that can really span all the variations of Linux distributions
> is a source tarball and a well-maintained list of dependencies.

Hmmm, I disagree here.  Our company is actively looking into
cross-distribution packaging...  Because customers are asking for it.

> On Mac OS X and Windows, developers work hard to support binary
> compatibility in support of closed source software.  On Linux,
> developers don't really mind breaking binary compatibility.

Sorry, I'm not trying to be confrontational, but developers and end
users are often different people.  I run gentoo (so obviously I fall
into the developer camp) and I don't run RHEL for probably the same
reasons that an IT guy is going to run RHEL and not gentoo.
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Feedback request

2006-02-14 Thread m h

I just got back from doing booth duty at OSBC and ran into Ransom Love
(of Caldera/SCO fame) who is now working at the church.  My
understanding is that the church is planning on doing a website very
similar to yours (and they also want to open source it, hence the
recent job posting for os evangelism...).

Are you familiar with what the church is doing here?  Are there any
overlaps/differences?  As an (open source) software developer I sense
NIH going on...


(I met you a briefly couple years ago in PA2, funny that we cross
paths again...)

On 2/10/06, Dallan Quass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's all open source and open content so what you want to do would be easy.
> I haven't made anything publically accessible yet because I want to spend
> the next month working out any bugs (in the software and the data), but I
> expect to make everything publically accessible by the end of March.
> Adding sync is a good suggestion.  MediaWiki has some support for RSS feeds
> and even OAI-PMH.  I'll have to check more into this.
> -dallan
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jesse Stay
> > Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 9:13 AM
> > To: 'LDS Open Source Software'
> > Subject: RE: [Ldsoss] Feedback request
> >
> > How easy is this to cobrand?  I'd love to take this and put
> > it on my own server, and host it just for my extended family
> > to encourage collaboration between family members.  Perhaps
> > beyond this, a sync action would be good to allow a family
> > member to then push out the family's data to werelate.org and
> > update the data there for all to see.
> >
> > Jesse
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dallan Quass
> > Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 1:17 AM
> > To: ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > Subject: [Ldsoss] Feedback request
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I just launched a website for genealogy - www.werelate.org.
> > It is part search engine and part wiki.  The overall goal is
> > to help people discover and share information about their
> > ancestors online.  The website is in what I would call an
> > "alpha" state right now, meaning there is some fine tuning
> > needed on the look and feel and I'm sure there are a number
> > of bugs, but it is to the point where I'm interested in
> > criticisms of the ideas, suggestions for new features, bug
> > reports, etc.  It's sponsored by the Foundation for On-Line
> > Genealogy, a not-for-profit organization I co-founded earlier
> > this year.  It's all open source, both content and software.
> >
> > If you decide to look at it, please don't edit any pages yet
> > (or more specifically, don't expect your edits to "stick").
> > I'm soliciting feedback during the coming weeks on systemic
> > problems with the data, at which point I'll fix them and reload.
> >
> > If anyone is interested, I'd love to get feedback on how the
> > website could be improved.  Help on creating/editing content
> > or development and administration would also be appreciated.
> > I started working on this at the beginning of last year
> > because I wanted to do something interesting and help out in
> > the area of genealogy.  I don't expect to ever get a salary from it.
> >
> > The website is composed of four major sections:
> >
> > (1) Search: search genealogy-relevant web pages for names,
> > places, and keywords.  You can elect to include related names
> > in your search, which causes searches on John Smith for
> > example to return pages containing Jonathan Smythe.  The
> > index currently includes about 5M pages, but that number will
> > increase over time.  The ultimate goal for search is to point
> > people to information regardless of its location, whether on
> > static web pages, behind forms, or in offline books and microfilms.
> >
> > (2) Names: this section lists related names and possible
> > misspellings for given and surnames.  It has been created
> > using a combination of manual data entry and a
> > weighted-edit-distance algorithm.  As far as I know it is the
> > largest such list publically available.
> >
> > (3) Places: this section contains what I believe is the
> > largest database of historic places currently available
> > online.  It integrates data from Wikipedia, the Getty
> > Thesaurus of Geographic Names, and the Family History Library
> > Catalog.  It currently has places for North and South
> > America, Europe, and Australia/NZ.  Africa, Asia, and the
> > rest of Oceania should be up soon.
> >
> > (4) Resources: this section lists websites and microfilms
> > that are relevant to genealogy.  Currently it includes about
> > 400K websites and online message boards that we've come
> > across and roughly 1M microfilms from the LDS Church.
> > Search (section 1) performs searches over the pages on these
> > resources.
> >
> > Sections 2-4 are wiki's, with the idea that people can
> > improve them over time.  I'm ho

[Ldsoss] Re: Wholsome Entertainment

2006-03-04 Thread m h
Another game that my daughter has played a little is
(you move the mouse to uncover pictures).
It's written using pygame (though the python code is quirky, when I
looked at it, it used a mix of tabs and spaces and all the comments
are in french.  Though it is pretty hackable).

The 2.0 release looks like it has some improvements (I used 1.5).

My daughter (just turned 4) also liked the thomas the tank engine
website (google for it).  It has some decent flash games, though
recently her favorite thing is typing letters (in openoffice with big


On 3/5/06, Michael Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you use Linux, have a look at the Debian Jr. project; they've done a
> > lot of work at aggregating material (games plus a whole lot more) fit
> > for children:
> >
> > http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/
> >
> > If you have a Debian system, the packages are junior-*.
> >
> > You should be able to install Debian (or other variants of Linux) on a
> > Mac without undue difficulty, and can even make it dual booting. :-)
> I use Linux, and would love everyone to run Linux (because
> family/friend tech support would be easier for me), but I'd like to
> throw some more support Nathan's way.
> Running another OS just to get a single program isn't that great of a
> solution, especially if the rest of your apps don't also migrate well.
>  Even getting apps running on OSX via X11 isn't very satisfying.
> Nathan, I can probably help test builds and stuff. My wife is still on
> OSX (10.3) and I have the dev tools installed on my iPod.  Something
> that would be cool is to use the built in OSX voice synthesizer to say
> the letters, and make it fairly easy for the kid to change which voice
> says them. KidPix or some other kids program did this back on OS 7 or
> so -- I spent hours making sentences and having different voices say
> them.
> My son would be glad to help as well, but he's got about 2 years to
> catch up to where yours is at now. Maybe he can help on the 2.0
> release. :-)
> --
> Michael Moore
> ---
> www.stuporglue.org -- Donate your used computer to a student that needs it.
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Less than an hour to go...

2006-04-01 Thread m h
I'm trying to see if I can get the video stream of conference from
http://byu.tv on linux.  If I'm successful, I let you guys know.

If you are not running on windows make sure to send them an email
letting them now!

Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Re: Less than an hour to go...

2006-04-01 Thread m h
Hmmm, after changing the user agent, I find that it requires another
download of their video player.  How annoying!  I'm not in the mood to
mess with wine.

Why do people insist on re-inventing the wheel?  How many media
players does one need?

I guess I'll just be listening to audio.

On 4/1/06, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to see if I can get the video stream of conference from
> http://byu.tv on linux.  If I'm successful, I let you guys know.
> If you are not running on windows make sure to send them an email
> letting them now!
> -matt
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Re: Less than an hour to go...

2006-04-01 Thread m h
The html for the activeX installer notes that the video requires
windows codecs.  I've got most of the windows codecs installed, so if
any windows users out there can pass along the url of the actual video
stream please do!

On 4/1/06, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm, after changing the user agent, I find that it requires another
> download of their video player.  How annoying!  I'm not in the mood to
> mess with wine.
> Why do people insist on re-inventing the wheel?  How many media
> players does one need?
> I guess I'll just be listening to audio.
> On 4/1/06, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to see if I can get the video stream of conference from
> > http://byu.tv on linux.  If I'm successful, I let you guys know.
> >
> > If you are not running on windows make sure to send them an email
> > letting them now!
> >
> > -matt
> >
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: Less than an hour to go...

2006-04-01 Thread m h
On 4/1/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/1/06, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmmm, after changing the user agent, I find that it requires another
> > download of their video player.  How annoying!  I'm not in the mood to
> > mess with wine.
> >
> > Why do people insist on re-inventing the wheel?  How many media
> > players does one need?
> I don't think these guys are re-inventing anything.  I gave in and
> used internet exploder on windoze, and I have to say that this stream
> is amazing.  You can pause it and it picks right back up when you
> un-pause, you can back up a few seconds, minutes, hours, and watch
> stuff from the past very very easily.  The picture and sound quality
> is better than any stream I've ever seen.  Anyone know how they are
> doing this?

So do you happen to have the url of the stream?
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Archiving Our Electronic Lives

2006-04-07 Thread m h
We could use Frappr (www.frappr.com) for that.

On 4/7/06, Jay Askren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it would be interesting if we could compile a list of where every
> one is living?  People who live close together may want to meet as well.
> Along with that, it would probably be good to have a summary of people's
> interests as well.
> On 4/7/06, Jesse Stay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This got me thinking.  I think a lot (while certainly not near all) of
> > our members are currently living in Utah.  Would anyone be interested in
> > having regular get-togethers or meetings where we can get to know one
> > another, and perhaps share some of the things pertinent to the purposes
> > of LDSOSS that our members are doing?  I don't think even monthly is
> > necessary.  We could perhaps do quarterly get-togethers.
> >
> > I don't want to neglect our members outside of Utah (we even have some
> > outside of the US), so if you have any other suggestions, that would be
> > nice.  I think this would be a good way to see what others are doing,
> > and encourage all of us to get out and contribute to OSS.  Just some
> > thoughts...
> >
> > Jesse
> >
> > V. B. Hunt wrote:
> > > Ashley Oviatt wrote:
> > >> V. B. Hunt wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Bryan Murdock wrote:
> > >>>
> >  That's interesting.  Do you use any kind of special paper or printer
> >  that archives better?
> > >>>
> > >>> Just a heavy bond, acid free paper in an auto-duplexing laser
> > >>> printer.  That's usually enough to last for a very long time.
> > >>
> > >> I think a meeting is in order to learn how you do this newfangled
> > >> technology first hand. I'd love to learn how to bind a hard bound book.
> > >>
> > >> (hmmm this thread is really easy to read as being sarcastic, when in
> > >> fact the poster is not.)
> > >>
> > >> Ash
> > >>
> > > Looking over my calendar for the next several months, I see that the
> > > most likely time I would have to demonstrate would probably be a
> > > Saturday in September or early October.  With my wife in school and
> > > working and me homeschooling, we're really busy right now.  My wife
> > > and I are going to a national competition in late June for a school
> > > team that she is on.  Until that is over, her team has a lot of
> > > practices and that leaves very little spare time (this is her second
> > > year going).  After that, I have promised my kids that do a lot of
> > > fishing and camping this summer, which means we will be gone most
> > > weekends.  My wife is back in school in late August.  After we get
> > > back into a routine while she is in school and before midterms is
> > > usually our least busy time and I most likely could give a
> > > demonstration at that time of year.
> > >
> > > On the other hand, if you wanted a demonstration sooner, we could try
> > > to find someone else that isn't quite so busy right now.  I am a
> > > member of the Yahoo! BookBinding group.  We could probably find
> > > someone local that might be willing to do a demonstration sooner than
> > > September.
> > >
> > > Brice
> > > ___
> > > Ldsoss mailing list
> > > Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > > http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Ldsoss mailing list
> > Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
> >
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Open source or free diary/journal software recommendation

2006-06-16 Thread m h

I'm currently writing a diary using RST, here's a blog entry on the
subject ( http://panela.blog-city.com/restructuredtext_is_cool.htm ),
which contains the pros/cons and why I went with it.

I'm so far quite satisfied with my decision.


On 6/16/06, Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mediawiki might be too heavy, but there are a lot of FLOSS blogging
> packages that are pretty much the same as a journal.

My favorite which for personal use is blosxom:


Everything is completely driven by the file system. No database
required. Very simple and minimalistic.


A guy
Who wants
To middle-aisle it
Must never scratch
His little Violet
Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Open source or free diary/journal software recommendation

2006-06-16 Thread m h

Another route if your stuck on the wiki thing is MoinMoin.  I believe
that the only real dependency is Python (which includes a webserver)
and it uses flat files.

I guess I'm still confused about your requirements?  Are other people
going to be accessing this?

For something like a journal (which can/should be kept for a long
time) what will you do when wiki++ (or wiki#) comes out, or some
web3.0 solution?  How do you update/migrate?
How do you export it in a persistent manner (read dead-tree)?

Just curious


On 6/16/06, Gary Thornock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Dan Hanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Jun 2006, John M wrote:
> > Any suggestions?
> Apache + PHP + Mediawiki + MySQL (I believe all those
> should work on Windows), and you can keep your journal in a
> wiki. Different users/profiles might be a challenge, but I
> believe it would be possible.  I'd have to delve more into the
> Mediawiki guts to know for sure.

I'd have said WordPress instead of MediaWiki, but otherwise my
suggestion would be about the same.

Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Linux and Windows--How wide the divide

2006-06-18 Thread m h

The other day, someone asked about a journaling application that could run
on Windows.  Given that the individual is on this list, I gather that they
are fairly technical, however it seemed like they wanted a turnkey solution
and not a new maintenance task.  The answers ranged from installing web
servers and interpreters like python (which I've found very useful in
computer security, btw), to managing Wiki variants.  Those are all really
good answers.  Let me repeat that, those are all really good answers.
However, they missed the mark in that they were providing an engineering
solution to an end-user requirement.  I don't know exactly which answer met
the requirement.  However the one that seemed to fit was the one that said
to use notepad and MS Word.  Why?  Not because it was necessarily the best
solution, but because it was likely the best one for an end user.  Remember,
Windows users are not dumb, they just have a different goal in mind -- and
the computer is just a means to their end.

Thanks, I'm one of the one's who provided a useful answer.  I also
asked for clarification on what the problem was and why they insisted
on a web based solution.  In my blog entry I list my issue with MS
Word (and OpenOffice) for a journal, and hence didn't recommend them.
I'm still waiting for more clarification from the original poster. (Of
course there are many CMS,wiki solutions that allow for what he's
asking for on the windows platform...)

With respect to Operating Systems and this list, I would think that
most here are technical enough that this shouldn't be an issue.  (I'm
sure I'm jaded though since I'm a developer ;)).  (I've programmed on
both MS and Unix environments and have to admit that my time with VB
contained the most headache ridden moments of my career).  Most Open
Source software is a little confusing to install on either unix or
windows platforms.

But the benefit is that it WILL (usually) work on most operating
systems, whereas the same is not true with proprietary solutions

(Though mono might change this two+ years down the line, when all MS
apps are on top of the CLR yeah right)

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Linux and Windows--How wide the divide

2006-06-19 Thread m h

This is just what the Linux users are saying to the Windows users: don't
dismiss other operating systems simply because you hold a notion of what
users of each operating system are like.  Let's build on cross platform
technologies, not Windows-centric technologies.

Good point Shane.  There is are many continuums here.  One is open
source vs closed (the purpose of this list is to discuss open source).
Another is open standards vs proprietary.  These aren't dichotomies,
so there's lots of area in between.  MS has traditionally been at one
end of both these spectrums, but they are apparently beginning to move
(ever so slowly).

A nice attribute of open source is that it can provide a way to
mitigate vendor lockin.  (I could make some gospel analogies here...)

Open source software can run on closed operating systems.  It can run
on closed language runtimes.  It can run on open but non-standardized
language runtimes.  It can run on standardized non-open runtimes.  But
I think one should choose their tools wisely...

Everyone's favorite company these days seems to be leading the way
with the way they target end users.  (Of course they believe that the
net is the operating system, so anyone with a browser can use their
stuff).  But look at Google Earth.  It was recently released to
Windows, Linux and Mac.  And they got tons of press in the blogosphere
from linux and mac users alike.

Sorry for the flamish, rantish stream of consciousness spew.  Not
trying to be contentious, just trying to illustrate some examples that
I think are relevant when you talk about open source or targetting end
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Linux and Windows--How wide the divide

2006-06-19 Thread m h

On 6/19/06, Adam C. (gmail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't agree.

Fair enough

Yes, general thoughts and designs should be cross-platform, or rather,
should be platform independent, but once a concept is to be realized and
implemented, why not select the platform that best lends itself to the
success of the concept, be it Linux or Windows.

Why does it have to be an either or?  And what do you mean by
platform?  Toolkit?  Language?  Operating system?

I may be a Windows/.NET

guy, but I'm happy to concede some ideas are easier/faster/cheaper developed
on Linux, and vice versa.

Why do we have to live in a vanilla world?  Sometimes I like chocolate and
sometimes I like strawberry.  Sometimes I like both.  I don't agree with the
philosophy of trying to please everyone just to be nice. Let's do what's
best for the success of a given idea.

Have what ever kind of ice cream you want.  But be away that some
vendors might be selling you pickle ice cream ;)  And some of the open
source cream might not even come frozen... (trying to be realistic not
completely biased)

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Linux and Windows--How wide the divide

2006-06-19 Thread m h

Have what ever kind of ice cream you want.  But be away that some
vendors might be selling you pickle ice cream ;)  And some of the open
source cream might not even come frozen... (trying to be realistic not
completely biased)

can't type either

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Mailing list topics

2006-06-21 Thread m h

Dave, you took the words right out of my mouth (Well except for
that .NET part ;) )


On 6/21/06, Dave Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"We could be offending people by holding a courteous discussion!". We could
also be offending people because were Mormon, does that stop us?

I have to disagree, ofcourse by doing so I may be accused of trolling for a
flame war but ohwell. Most of your list falls squarely under your broad
mission statement, "The purpose of LDS OSS is to help advance God's purposes
using our knowledge of technology and science. We strive to do this in
harmony with the teachings and wishes of the leadership of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Unfortunatly most of those things you
feel should not be discussed deal, either directly or indirectly, with our
knowledge of technology and science. I am reminded of the founding of this
nation, not everyone agreed on a single definition of freedom and it took
years just to hammer out a common definition, then we started working on who
was included, etc. My point is that by debating, in a civil manner, issues
that affect our craft, in this case open source software (which is very
broad), we can move closer to a more common ground and in turn faster and
more frequent advances in our technology and knowledge. I don't know about
all of you but in my priesthood class we choose a topic and debate it in a
reverent manner until we can, for the most part, agree on it's meaning in a
phylisophical sense.

"I think others feel similarly.  Some developers apparently feel they can't
participate unless the software is in .Net." Being that only two of us on
this mailing list (that I can recall) have given any mention to .NET taking
a pro stance, it is fairly easy to track down our comments on this matter.
With that said, I can not find anywhere in the records where either of us
said that we felt we could not participate unless it was done in .NET or any
other language or platform for that matter. Infact, I found quite the
contrary, as I recall, both of us mentioned that while we prefer programming
in .NET we feel there are valid uses for all programming technologies and
both of the major platforms.

"These aren't hard rules, and I think we'll be judged less by whether we
adhere to the rules and more by how we avoid conflicts." I think this would
be a much more appropriate to concentrate on rather than the actual topic of
the discussion at hand (unless the topic is wildly off-topic like political

"Users of operating systems.  No one should assume that users of a
particular OS have particular aptitudes." and "It's OK to say
that a lot of people who don't know a lot about computers run Windows."
Perhaps I'm not following that email properly but this sounds fairly
contradictory. I think the first statement is correct, stereotypes should be
avoided, afterall, I reall dislike it when someone finds out I'm a Mormon
and asks me where my other wife is.

Perhaps I am too accustomed to living in the US and the kind of democracy we
have come to enjoy though. I just hate to see censorship being used as a
means to avoid conflict, it merely represses issues, not addresses them.
Also, I would rather enjoy being able to finish the other discussion in a
civil manner. I really feel a need to understand why it seems the majority
of this list is so dismissive of apposing points of view (as far as
programming matters go). It's the same reason I stopped responding to this
list so many months ago and it's only being validated now.

Nonetheless I think I am going to shrink off into the dark and just keep
reading this list hoping someday I may be of help to someone here.

On 6/20/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Thomas Haws and I had a short private exchange about the Linux vs.
Windows thread, which I've attached with his permission.

A lot of us are enthusiastic about building open source software that
fits with our faith and convictions.  Unfortunately, we're getting a
little distracted.  We (myself included) need to recognize that while
our purpose is the same, our backgrounds and skills are quite different,
and it is unrealistic to believe that we can resolve our differences here.

Therefore, I'd like to suggest certain topics should not be discussed on
this list.  Even if we are able to maintain complete courtesy as we
discuss conflicting viewpoints, some people don't follow the threads
closely and to them it looks like an unprofessional flood of email about
topics not related to this list.

We could be offending people by holding a courteous discussion!  That
phenomenon is a strange but consistent outgrowth of mailing lists.
People not accustomed to the art of discussing things on mailing lists
don't understand it and it troubles them.

We really don't want newcomers to feel offended, so we need to stay
focused.  As for myself, in the future I'm going to pretend that when I
post on this list, I'm going into a church for a 

Re: [Ldsoss] Stake Conference Broadcast - Technology Success Story

2006-10-03 Thread m h

Here's an solution/idea that might prevent urgent Stake Conference
items from being shared before the stake presidency wants it to, while
still allowing everyone to listen at the same time (if that is the
point of broadcasting it).

Record the session (dv or whatever)... with no one in the audience.
Go home and copy the tape (or make 2 dvds of it).  Then invite both
groups to their chapels and show them the video.  If anyone asks, tell
them the other session is live ;)



ps- might want to add some mumbled amens after the prayers just to
make it a little more convicing ;)

On 9/30/06, Spencer Gibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/30/06, John Epeneter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My stake did this a few weeks ago.  I'll see if I can get the guy who
> > set it up to post details.  His solution might be different...
> Bottom line is that we are going to work on the solution for the next
> stake conference.  Since we don't fit into our stake center, we don't
> have much choice but to make it work.
> -John-

Our stake wouldn't fit in our stake center either, they hold two sessions.

Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] FamilySearch Labs - Smart Pedigree Viewer

2006-10-07 Thread m h

Hmmm, sounds cool but doesn't work on linux (firefox

On a related note, this is great that the family search website is
being updated.  I've tried to use it various times over the last few
years and have found it completely unintuitive.  I got up to 10
generations done but it was like pulling nails.  (If the information
is all in there, why did it take me able 6 hours to just download and
re-link it all?  Only to find out later that my aunt has done a lot
more than I have, so in essence I wasted my time, doing a fraction of
what someone else has done.)  (I'm willing to admit that I'm probably
dense so perhaps others know how to use it better, and no I haven't
gone to any family history research center since the days when they
were all dos based).  Hopefully this will bring some Web2.0 goodness
to the site and make it easier to find, download, upload and
collaborate with others (who have already done the previous steps, but
you happen to repeat them since that seems like the only step...)

Dan, I don't mean to be too critical but seeing as how the church is
sitting on a vast database of genealogical information, giving people
an easy way to get at it would be appreciated.


On 10/6/06, Dan Lawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A week or so ago I posted an image of my pedigree in a smart pedigree viewer
we've been working on. Many people expressed an interest in playing with the
viewer using their own data and I thought this group would be interested.
We've just made a new website available (FamilySearch Labs) to showcase
interesting new technology we're working on. The first project on the site
is our smart pedigree viewer. It allows you to upload your own GEDCOM and
view it or view one of our sample files. Go check it out at
www.familysearchlabs.org and be sure to use the feedback link on the site to
tell us what you think.

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copies of the original message.

Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Boy Scouts get a "Respect Copyrights" activity badge

2006-10-24 Thread m h

On 10/24/06, Shawn Willden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tuesday 24 October 2006 07:20, Manfred Riem wrote:
> While it is interesting to debate this I don't think this forum was meant
> for this.  If we are talking about furthering Open Source among LDS
> developers I think we need to respect the charter of this mailinglist. So
> please take this offlist and  discuss this somewhere else.

Sorry -- my first post to the list ever, and it's off-topic!

Some lists are more careful than others about staying on-topic.  Apparently
this is one of the more-careful ones.  I'll remember that in the future.


No problem Shawn.  We are religious about our open source here ;)


ps - Also of the opinion that if this is off-topic, then the charter
needs to be modified...
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Recommendations for family history site tools

2006-10-28 Thread m h

Since it appears you're looking for a CMS system, drupal is quite
popular.  It appears there is a ged plugin as well[1].

Note that I haven't used the plugin, so I can't comment on it, but it
might be worth checking out.  Drupal has quite a large userbase and
community, so you might want to check them out.


Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Recommendations for family history site tools

2006-10-28 Thread m h

On 10/28/06, Shawn Willden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 28 October 2006 10:05, m h wrote:
> Since it appears you're looking for a CMS system, drupal is quite
> popular.  It appears there is a ged plugin as well[1].

Is it easier to set up/manage than Plone?  Or are there other advantages for
what I'm doing?  I'm hoping to avoid having to learn each CMS system before
picking one.  While that might be interesting, I'm trying to keep this
project from taking over my life :-)

I have anectdotal evidence that Drupal is more popular/bigger
community than Plone.  (Note this is coming from a python bigot.
(Not that zope/plone are very "pythonic")).

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Non-Web Application Frameworks

2006-10-31 Thread m h

Though I haven't used it for 4 years, I'm a big fan of wxpython[1].
It provides about everything that swing does for you.

Here are some positves about wxpython:
* Requires that you spend a day to learn python
* Uses python -> shorter dev cycle, no annoying compile step
* Popular, maintained, helpful community
* Uses native toolkit on windows/linux/mac (not emulated like swing)
* Commercial friendly license (for those anti-GPL folks)
* Can build native exe for windows
* Ships with a demo/sample code

* based on c++ toolkit, so isn't as "pythonic" as it could be


[1] http://www.wxpython.org

On 10/31/06, Mitch Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm a low-level OS-type guy with a reasonable amount of Java knowledge.
However, I'm a beginner at things like GUIs and Swing. I have an idea for a
Java Application that I would like to develop. It will a standalone program
that runs on a single machine and must have a reasonably good GUI.

I've been teaching myself Swing, and all that stuff is very cool. But I find
myself having to write too much stuff from scratch that I know has been done
before. Plus my framework stuff doesn't look very nice! I need an
Application Framework to hang my code on.

I stayed up late last night (too late according to my wife!) searching the
Web, and I found a few candidates: Aloe, JSR 296, JGoodies, Eclipse, XUI.
There are also a whole host of other frameworks (too many!) that are
targeted more at Web-type applications (AJAX, JLense, Radicore, etc.). I
don't think I'm ready for those yet. But then I don't know, as I will want
to learn Web App development eventually.

Anyway, does anyone have experience with those that I mentioned or others
that I don't know about yet? I want to be able to quickly and easily
prototype my ideas. I'm looking for something that helps me with the
following kinds of things:

- Error/Exception handling
- Logging (of events and special conditions)
- Menus, buttons, controls
- Window management (changing fonts and styles)
- Look and Feel management (I want to try different L&Fs to see what I like)
- Tables of data, sortable in different ways, and editable
- Printing facilities for reports
- Multi-threading (kicking off a background task, and updating the GUI with
- Copy/Paste
- Message boxes
- File access
- Properties

The one thing I don't need is a database. My data is reasonably small, so I
plan to just serialize the objects into a file and reload them into memory
whenever the App starts up. That is actually the kind of code that I am
pretty good at. It is the GUI stuff that gives me fits.

I'm using Eclipse as my IDE, and I especially like the idea of actually
using Eclipse as the framework itself (RCP). But that sounds like a huge
learning curve and perhaps overkill, and I want to have something working
soon in my spare time.

Anyway, I suppose if I spent several weeks with each of the above
technologies, I could eventually figure out which one meets my needs best.
But I don't want to do that right now (lazy me!). So, I'm looking for advice
from those who have more experience in this area.
Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Non-Web Application Frameworks

2006-11-01 Thread m h

I should've mentioned in my post, I've also used swing and swt (jface
too) (as well as vb, qt and some pygtk).  If you are wed to java, use
either of swing or swt.  There are pluses and minuses to each, which
others have mentioned.

I would still recommend wx.


ps - The main dev of wxpython is a byu grad...
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Non-Web Application Frameworks

2006-11-01 Thread m h

Good point Mary.  One often thinks that they need a dedicated server
for a web based app.  But you can also run a local webserver on your
laptop or home machine when you want to access a webapp locally.

With recent advances in javascript/ajax libraries (dojo) you can do
some pretty "thick" stuff in the client too.


ps - This is easy to do in python too

On 11/1/06, Mary Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have you fully considered the advisability of writing the application as a
client app as opposed to a web-based app?

I've taken a few such full-blown applications and turned them into web-based
apps.  As time goes on, I (and my bosses) find more & more reasons to
develop new applications as web-based apps rather than client apps, or port
existing client apps to the web.  There's a lot less fuss when it comes to
creating installers, testing & deploying the app on different operating
systems, and rolling out updates.  Users can access the site from computers
other than their main computer (in case of power outages or vacations).
Things like look & feel, layout, and buttons & controls can be easily
manipulated using CSS and the browser takes care of copy/paste and
client-side file access.  You also have the ability to send out alert or
reminder e-mails if the app requires it.

I started a personal project about 3 years ago as a client app but put it
down after not very long (family reasons).  I'm going to pick it up again
soon, and this time I'm going to build it as a web application.  I know it
will be a better application as well as easier/faster to write.

One major concern when deciding between web & client apps is report
printing.  At my last job, I had to create printed reports from the web, and
it was a ROYAL pain - mostly because the customer required it to be exactly
like the original app's printed report with pagination and special
headers/footers for the first and subsequent pages.  But that port was from
Perl on Linux to Perl on Windows (it wasn't my decision) and I couldn't find
a PDF library.  I honestly don't know what kind of PDF creation you can find
for Java.

If you have good reasons for doing it as a client app, it's my opinion that
Swing can do it all and the best thing to tackle all that stuff with would
be a good book.


On 10/31/06, Mitch Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a low-level OS-type guy with a reasonable amount of Java knowledge.
However, I'm a beginner at things like GUIs and Swing. I have an idea for a
Java Application that I would like to develop. It will a standalone program
that runs on a single machine and must have a reasonably good GUI.
> I've been teaching myself Swing, and all that stuff is very cool. But I
find myself having to write too much stuff from scratch that I know has been
done before. Plus my framework stuff doesn't look very nice! I need an
Application Framework to hang my code on.
> I stayed up late last night (too late according to my wife!) searching the
Web, and I found a few candidates: Aloe, JSR 296, JGoodies, Eclipse, XUI.
There are also a whole host of other frameworks (too many!) that are
targeted more at Web-type applications (AJAX, JLense, Radicore, etc.). I
don't think I'm ready for those yet. But then I don't know, as I will want
to learn Web App development eventually.
> Anyway, does anyone have experience with those that I mentioned or others
that I don't know about yet? I want to be able to quickly and easily
prototype my ideas. I'm looking for something that helps me with the
following kinds of things:
> - Error/Exception handling
> - Logging (of events and special conditions)
> - Menus, buttons, controls
> - Window management (changing fonts and styles)
> - Look and Feel management (I want to try different L&Fs to see what I
> - Tables of data, sortable in different ways, and editable
> - Printing facilities for reports
> - Multi-threading (kicking off a background task, and updating the GUI
with progress)
> - Copy/Paste
> - Message boxes
> - File access
> - Properties
> The one thing I don't need is a database. My data is reasonably small, so
I plan to just serialize the objects into a file and reload them into memory
whenever the App starts up. That is actually the kind of code that I am
pretty good at. It is the GUI stuff that gives me fits.
> I'm using Eclipse as my IDE, and I especially like the idea of actually
using Eclipse as the framework itself (RCP). But that sounds like a huge
learning curve and perhaps overkill, and I want to have something working
soon in my spare time.
> Anyway, I suppose if I spent several weeks with each of the above
technologies, I could eventually figure out which one meets my needs best.
But I don't want to do that right now (lazy me!). So, I'm looking for advice
from those who have more experience in this area.
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/lds

Re: [Ldsoss] Internet Filter

2007-01-02 Thread m h

On 1/2/07, Jay Askren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know of a good internet filter for linux?  I do know about Dan's
Guardian(http://dansguardian.org/) which is a good server filter, but I'm
looking for a client side filter.


Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Internet Filter

2007-01-02 Thread m h

Whoops... hit send on accident.

Probably not what you are looking for exactly, but I recommend adblock
plus [1] for anyone using firefox (plus you can import the filters
into konqueror).

Interested to hear others comments, since my daughter is not starting
to become familiar with the computer.


1 - http://adblockplus.org/

On 1/2/07, Jay Askren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know of a good internet filter for linux?  I do know about Dan's
Guardian(http://dansguardian.org/) which is a good server filter, but I'm
looking for a client side filter.


Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Dinner/meetup before CIO Tech Meeting on Jan 18??

2007-01-04 Thread m h

Fellow geeks-

Would anyone be interested in a meetup/dinner before the Jan 18th
meeting?  I attend the baypiggies [1] meetings (when I'm in the area)
and the dinner beforehand is often fun (and amusing).

I'd like to gauge the interest of others here.  I was thinking around
5pm for dinner, and there are lots of options nearby the JS Mem
Building .  I'm partial to Crowne Burger.  But I'm open to other
suggestions for dinner as well.

Please reply back to the list so I can see if people are actually interested.


1 - http://baypiggies.net/
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Laslo vs Flex vs GWT vs ?

2007-01-05 Thread m h

Dojo and Zimbra are others.  Tibco just open sourced their toolkit.
If you aren't building "thick" clients on the web but just want async
calls then I would recommend mochikit (very simple and extremely well

I've used Dojo and Mochikit.  Like I said mochi is lightweight, and if
you just want dynamic updates that's the way I'd go.

Dojo is sort of bleeding edge, smart people behind it, apache
adoption, a steeper learning curve, bigger download, etc.  But they
are really pushing the envelope, having tools for js packaging,
linting, obfuscations/shrinking.  Just the other day they announced an
offline tool that will allow web apps to work disconnectedly.  (Not
sure any other open source ajax has that yet).

Neither of these are tied to server side languages, as long as it can
speak JSON you should be fine.

Here's a blog entry from some of my "research" a year and a half a go:
Creators of Dojo and Mochi commented there.

Good luck (note that this is sort of asking like should I use emacs or vi)


On 1/5/07, Jesse Stay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You might also want to consider the yui framework by Yahoo.  I
personally enjoy that one, but I haven't done much with Laslo, Flex,
or GWT so I can't compare.


On 1/5/07, Jay Askren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know there are a lot of web developers out there.  I'm looking into the
> various AJAX frameworks out there and was wondering if someone could give me
> a run down of the advantages/disadvantages of the various frameworks.  I
> know of Laslo, Flex, and GWT.  I believe these are all major players in the
> AJAX world.  Are there other major players I'm missing?  Is there any
> agreement over which is better than another?  Thanks.
> Jay
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss


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Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] One Laptop Per Child

2007-01-05 Thread m h

On 1/5/07, Steven H. McCown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Their intent was to not emulate the file folder motif or the 'learn
commercial office products' paradigm, so it's a bit different.

When I lived in Chile someone invited me to dinner and was proud to serve me
American Cheese.  I asked them where they got it and they said that the
government (Chilean) was selling it at a good price.  Reading the package, I
read something to the effect of 'Provided by the People of the United
States' and (I quote) "not for sale".  Given that single data point (you'll
probably have others) it will be interesting to see how this laptop is
delivered to the people it's intended to serve.

I'm not sure I get your point.  Are you saying that the interface
should be the same as "grown up" computers?  Or are you saying that if
you were traveling through Africa you wouldn't stoop down low enough
to use said computer created by "Americans"?


disclaimer - I haven't tried out sugar, I've only seen screencasts
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Dinner/meetup before CIO Tech Meeting on Jan

2007-01-05 Thread m h

On 1/5/07, John Epeneter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can be there at 5:00.

Just to be sure, do you mean the Crown Burger on 377 E 200 S?

Actually I was thinking of 118 N 300 W.  I've never been to the 2nd
South one.  If it has big tables and is less busy perhaps we should
consider that one.   I know the one on 3rd West has some bigger tables
up in the center section.

Does anyone care?

How will we know who is from LDSOSS, red roses with copies of Pride and
Prejudice? :-)

Umm, there's a picture of me on my blog[1].  I could borrow some
bright red U paraphernalia and wear that if it's necessary ;)


[1] - http://panela.blog-city.com/
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Meetup at Crown Burger before Tech Talk Jan 18th 5pm

2007-01-17 Thread m h


Just some friendly spam to remind anyone in the Salt Lake vicinity of
the CIO tech talk tomorrow [1].  And the meetup at 5pm at Crown Burger
before hand [2].  That's the 118N 300W location.  Come one, come all.

Looking forward to meeting some of you.


1 - http://www.ldscio.org/2007/01/02/tech-talks/
2 - 
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Blog report on Tech Talk

2007-01-19 Thread m h

Thanks to all who came to Crown Burger last night.  (Even those who
attended unannounced).  It was definitely worthwhile, given that there
were some 8 sessions and you could only attend two, so it was nice to
chat with some of the other session people

Short story, the tech talks were very professional and quite good.

Long story is here: http://panela.blog-city.com/web_20_for_a_church_1.htm

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Plone on Zope

2007-03-05 Thread m h

I haven't had much direct experience with Plone, and the last time I
used Zope was some 7 years ago (incidentally for a ward website).  But
I am involved with various python communities and the question of
Plone is brought up quite often.

Then common response is: "use the right tool for the job".  So to
expand on that, if plone gives you 50-70% of what you need, then
perhaps it is the right tool.  If plone doesn't give you much, then
the correct tool might be to create your own tool.  The common
knowledge is that one you try to do something fancy in Plone, things
get hard pretty quickly and you have a steep learning curve.  (Which
is why a year ago at pycon, Plone founders were touting that it is
easy to make a living doing plone, because so many people need
customizations that require a lower level understanding of the
python/zope underpinnings of Plone).  Perhaps Drupal might give you
similar functionality or moreso (depending on how much is provided by
plugins), and how much you need to create yourself.

I'd probably pull up Plone and perhaps Drupal and see how far they can
get you.  Your problem description was a little vague  If you find
that they don't give you much of what you want and if you are wed to
python (which is a smart choice IMNHO), consider using a python web
framework.  I don't think you can go wrong with Django, TurboGears or
Pylons.  Django is used to create CMS's and you can get up and running
quite quickly.  Pylons and TG are more flexible, the main difference
between them being that Pylons is looking like what TG will be in
future editions, but TG has a bigger community around it.

Good luck.


On 3/5/07, Gordon Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does any one have oppinions and more importantly experience with Plone on

The church is considering building a Research knowledge-base using these

Please send your comments and experience with these tools.


Gordon Clarke
FamilySearch DevNet Manager
NOTICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)
and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized
review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all
copies of the original message.

Ldsoss mailing list

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Testors for FamilySearch API, Developer Website, and Support

2007-08-03 Thread m h
On 8/3/07, Gordon Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> LDS Developers
> We will be using a API licensing agreement very similiar to Ebays. This will
> be a click-through
> accepatence when you register with us.
> See http://developer.ebay.com/terms/index-terms.aspx  Any
> comments are
> appreciated before we finalized the agreement.
> Gordon Clarke
> FamilySearch Developer Services Manager

Perhaps I'm just dense (or too lazy to read through the eBay license),
but if I understand correctly I need to accept their license to
receive a key/user/password/activation.  But does the license preclude
me from creating python (or choose your favorite language) bindings to
the API and releasing the bindings under an open source license?

End users would still need to register to accept the API/activate their account.

Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Script to download conference mp3s....

2007-08-19 Thread m h
My wife recently asked for all the recent conference mp3s, so I
whipped out a little script to do that in python.  You point it at a
lds.org conference url and it will pull all the individual talks
(skipping the complete session ones) into a specified directory.

I thought I'd share it in case anyone cared.


script to download all mp3 sessions from a given conference url

example use::

  python downloadconference.py -u http://lds.org/conference/sessions/display/0,5239,23-1-690,00.html -d /tmp/conf 

Only requirement is BeautifulSoup module.

Licensed under PSF license.

Copyright 2007 - matt harrison

import urllib2
import logging
import optparse
import sys
import os

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

logging.basicConfig(filename="log.txt", level=logging.DEBUG)

def get_contents(url):
page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
return page

def get_link_iter(url):
html_page = get_contents(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page)
links = soup.findAll("a")
for link in links:
yield link

def get_mp3_iter(url):
for link in get_link_iter(url):
if is_mp3(link):
yield link["href"]

def is_mp3(link):
#filter out "Complete sessions"
href = link["href"]
return href.endswith(".mp3") and "Complete" not in href

def copy_mp3s_to_dir(url, dest_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):

for mp3_url in get_mp3_iter(url):
#download mp3
logging.info("Downloading %s" % mp3_url)
fin = urllib2.urlopen(mp3_url)
mp3 = fin.read()
filename = get_filename(mp3_url)
#copy to dest
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
logging.info("Writing to %s" %dest)
fout = open(dest, 'w')

def get_filename(url):
"""strip off last part of url for filename"""
return url.split("/")[-1]

def main(args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv

p = optparse.OptionParser()
p.add_option("-u", "--url", action="store", dest="url",
 help="specify url to download mp3s from")
p.add_option("-d", "--destination-directory", action="store",
 dest="dest", help="directory in which to place mp3s")

opt, args = p.parse_args(args)

if opt.dest and opt.url:
copy_mp3s_to_dir(opt.url, opt.dest)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Script to extract relief society members from MLS Membership.csv dump

2007-08-19 Thread m h

I also recently was tasked by my wife to help her personalize letters
to all the Relief Society.  Enter python and OOo.  The attached python
script will extract all Relief Society members from the csv dump
(based on gender and date script is run).  I assume everyone else
does/will do this in their favorite language, but in case any python
people are interested here it is.


ps - mail merging and label generated is a pain.  (I haven't done it
since the days of DOS, but I wanted to throw something through my 24
inch monitor a couple times.  My wife thought it was funny.)
Convert MLS Membership.csv dump to Relief Society only.  I also add 3 extra
name columns ("First", "Last", "First and Last") useful for doing mail merges.

Here's the usage:

usage: Utility to extract current RS members based on todays date

  -h, --helpshow this help message and exit
  -i FIN, --in-file=FIN
specify MLS export to read from
  -o FOUT, --out-file=FOUT
name of Relief Society file

Licensed under PSF license.

Copyright 2007 - matt harrison


import datetime
import time
import csv
import optparse

HEADERS=["Indiv ID","Full Name","Preferred Name","MRN","HofH ID","HH Position","HH Order","Phone 1","Phone 2","E-mail Address","Street 1","Street 2","D/P","City","Postal","State/Prov","Country","2-Street 1","2-Street 2","2-D/P","2-City","2-Zip","2-State/Prov","2-Country","Ward GEO Code","Stake GEO Code","Sex","Birth","Baptized","Confirmed","Endowed","Rec Exp","Priesthood","Mission","Married","Spouse Member","Sealed to Spouse","Sealed to Prior"]

def get_data(filename):
"""return an iteration of dicts"""
fin = open(filename)
reader = csv.DictReader(fin)
for line in reader:
#extra comma in header puts empty field remove it
del line[""]
yield line

def rs_iter(data_iter):
for data in data_iter:
if is_rs(data):
yield data

def add_names_iter(data_iter):
"""Take Preferred Name column and make 3 new columns
First, Last and First and Last
#update HEADERS
for name in ["First", "Last", "First and Last"]:
if name not in HEADERS:
global HEADERS

for data in data_iter:
preferred = data["Preferred Name"]
split_index = preferred.index(", ")
last = preferred[:split_index]
first = preferred[split_index+2:]
first_last = " ".join([first, last])

data["First"] = first
data["Last"] = last
data["First and Last"] = first_last
yield data

def to_file(data_iter, filename):
fout = open(filename, 'w')
#get data first since it updates HEADERS possibly
datas = [x for x in data_iter]
writer = csv.DictWriter(fout, fieldnames=HEADERS)
for data in datas:

def is_rs(record):
return is_18(record) and is_female(record)

def is_female(record):
return record["Sex"] == "Female"

def is_18(record):
>>> is_18(dict(Birth="09/17/75"))
>>> is_18(dict(Birth="08/14/89"))
>>> is_18(dict(Birth="08/16/90"))
today = datetime.date.today()
#if empty assume they are too old to ask hence, hence True
if not record["Birth"]:
return True
birth = datetime.date(*time.strptime(record["Birth"], "%d %b %Y")[:3])
return today.year - birth.year > 18 or \
   (today.year - birth.year == 18 and \
today.month >= birth.month and \
today.day >= birth.day)

def test():
import doctest

def main():
p = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Utility to extract current RS members based on todays date")

p.add_option("-i", "--in-file", action="store", dest="fin",
 help="specify MLS export to read from")
p.add_option("-o", "--out-file", action="store", dest="fout",
 help="name of Relief Society file")
p.add_option("-t", action="store_true", dest="test",
 help="run file tests")

opt, args = p.parse_args()

if opt.test:
to_file(add_names_iter(rs_iter(get_data(opt.fin))), opt.fout)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Script to download conference mp3s....

2007-08-20 Thread m h
I guess I could add them to this page


On 8/20/07, Thomas Haws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should you add these tools to LDSoss wiki?
> On 8/19/07, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > My wife recently asked for all the recent conference mp3s, so I
> > whipped out a little script to do that in python.  You point it at a
> > lds.org conference url and it will pull all the individual talks
> > (skipping the complete session ones) into a specified directory.
> >
> > I thought I'd share it in case anyone cared.
> >
> > enjoy,
> >
> > matt
> >
> > ___
> > Ldsoss mailing list
> > Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Tom Haws 480-201-5476
> Have a beautiful day.
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] lds-scriptures v3.0 release candidate 1

2007-09-23 Thread m h
Your changelog refers to an XML dump.  Is that available?  (I'm
personally more interested in an xml dump with wrappers to transform
to sql and create tables, than table dumps).

(I've often though it would be nice to have a web 2.0ey version of the
scriptures.  I'd like to through the xml into SOLR to find similar
scriptures based on terms used)


On 9/23/07, Steve Dibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> It's been a few years, but I've finally got a much cleaner database dump of 
> the
> LDS Scriptures ready to push live.  I'd like it if someone could take a look 
> at
> it though before I do a final release, though.  As far as I can tell, the 
> actual
> schema and data rearrangements are all done, and all that's left to do is 
> finish
> writing up the documentation.  That can be tedious and time-consuming, so 
> it'll
> be a few days, but in the meantime, if you find any bugs, please let me know.
> I've got db dumps of sqlite 2 & 3, mysql and postgres online right now,
> available here:
> http://mdp.nephi.org/download/scriptures/3.0rc1/
> There's a small ChangeLog in there as well documenting the major changes, 
> which
> is mostly just normalization, and a lot of cleanup.
> Any input is really valuable, especially since once I release this stuff, it
> pretty much stays that way for a good long time.
> Thanks!
> Steve
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] lds-scriptures v3.0 release candidate 1

2007-09-23 Thread m h
On 9/23/07, Steve Dibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> m h wrote:
> > Your changelog refers to an XML dump.  Is that available?  (I'm
> > personally more interested in an xml dump with wrappers to transform
> > to sql and create tables, than table dumps).
> Well, the old version downloads are still available:
> http://scriptures.nephi.org/download.php
> I haven't exported the DB to all the formats yet, though.  In fact, for
> XML, TeX and CSV I can't even remember right now how I did them, so
> it'll take me a few days to get them wrapped up properly as well.  The
> SQL ones are pretty simple, though.

Thanks for the link.  Do you know if there are any exports that
contain lds cross-references?   Where did you get the digital copy to
begin with?  Scraping?

Thanks for your efforts on providing digital form of scriptures.
Sorry, perhaps I should expound on my point about XML.  XML is
excellent for marking up text.  Scriptures (excluding pgp diagrams)
are text.  Having them in XML is more useful for hacker types than a
db.  (Though I might be interested in your schema, and methods (read
scripts) to load the xml into the db.)  Hackertypes should be able to
go from XML to whatever (SQL, csv?!?!, json, restructuredText,
odf)  pretty easily  The reverse is not necessarily true.

This is even more true if the data is meant for archiving.  A readable
open format is much preferred to closed binary formats (even if they
are the standard of the day).  If you're concerned about space, throw
it in a tarball.

Not trying to bash on your work at all, I just see XML as the central
hub in the wheel, while you view SQL as it...

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Digitizing handwritten records by stopping spammers (or vice versa)

2007-10-02 Thread m h
Sounds like a good way to do genealogical indexing. Someone should
tell the church ;)
Also sounds like an interesting business idea.  Farm out captchas to
blogs, and pay people for using the captcha

On 10/2/07, Jon D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's an idea...
> Some of you may have seen today's (and previous)
> Slashdot links on reCaptcha, a cool idea
> that's starting to be more commonly-used:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7023627.stm
> http://recaptcha.net/learnmore.html
> Basically they're using a CAPTCHA to digitize old
> scanned books.[1]
> This could be applied to handwritten historic records.
> However, it might be hard to trust regular schmoes to
> correctly transcribe handwritten historic texts.  One
> way to address this might be to just ask more people
> the same word, and if they all (or mostly) match, we
> can be fairly certain it's transcribed correctly.
> Or this could just be used to verify a previous manual
> transcription.
> Thoughts?
> -Jon
> [1] FYI, a CAPTCHA is where you have to type
> a distorted word - to stop spammers & hackers.  For
> example, when you mistype your password to enter gmail
> or yahoo mail enough times, it'll require you to type
> in a word that's blurred.  The new application of this
> anti-spam technique is to use scanned books as the
> source of words.
> Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search
> that gives answers, not web links.
> http://mobile.yahoo.com/mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Digitizing handwritten records by stopping spammers (or vice versa)

2007-10-02 Thread m h
On 10/2/07, Jesse Stay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/2/07, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sounds like a good way to do genealogical indexing. Someone should
> > tell the church ;)
> > Also sounds like an interesting business idea.  Farm out captchas to
> > blogs, and pay people for using the captcha
> >
> Seth Godin actually already proposed this idea - it's open for anyone to
> try!:
> http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2006/12/commercializing.html

Great minds think alike (or think the same thing a year later).  One
issue with his idea is he doesn't use the results for anything
useful... (Admittedly if someone made me translate immigration records
to reply to a blog I probably wouldn't do it much)

> Another thing to look into is Amazon's Mechanical Turk:

Yes, this is a specialized version of the turk.  As I understand it
now, genealogical indexing is done by Volunteer Turks

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Script to download conference mp3s....

2007-10-08 Thread m h
I've updated my script so that there are no longer dependencies on
BeautifulSoup.  Just one script and you can download all the mp3s for
conference.  It will run on most recent unix derived OS's (windows
users will need to download the only dependency, python).



ps. note that sunday afternoon still isn't up on

On 8/20/07, Cathy Malmrose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow, that is so nice. Thank you for doing that.
> --Cathy Malmrose, CEO ZaReason, Inc. (Mormon family building Linux systems)
> www.zareason.com
>  On 8/19/07, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > My wife recently asked for all the recent conference mp3s, so I
> > whipped out a little script to do that in python.  You point it at a
> > lds.org conference url and it will pull all the individual talks
> > (skipping the complete session ones) into a specified directory.
> >
> > I thought I'd share it in case anyone cared.
> >
> > enjoy,
> >
> > matt
> >
> > ___
> > Ldsoss mailing list
> > Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
script to download all mp3 sessions from a given conference url

example use::

  python downloadconference.py -u http://lds.org/conference/sessions/display/0,5239,23-1-690,00.html -d /tmp/conf 

Only requirement is BeautifulSoup module.

Licensed under PSF license.

Copyright 2007 - matt harrison

import urllib2
import logging
import optparse
import sys
import os

logging.basicConfig(filename="log.txt", level=logging.DEBUG)

def get_contents(url):
page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
return page

def get_link_iter(url):
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
html_page = get_contents(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page)
links = soup.findAll("a")
for link in links:
yield link

def get_mp3_iter_no_bs(url):
remove dep for beautiful soup...
html_page = get_contents(url)
for line in html_page:
start = 0
done = False
while not done:
loc = line.find('a href="', start)
if loc == -1:
done = True
loc = loc + len('a href="') 
end = line.find('"', loc)
link = line[loc:end]
if is_mp3(link):
yield link
start = end

def get_mp3_iter(url):
for link in get_link_iter(url):
href = link["href"]
if is_mp3(href):
yield href

def is_mp3(href):
#filter out "Complete sessions"
return href.endswith(".mp3") and "Complete" not in href

def copy_mp3s_to_dir(url, dest_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):

for mp3_url in get_mp3_iter_no_bs(url):

def download_mp3(mp3_url,dest_dir):
#download mp3
logging.info("Downloading %s" % mp3_url)
fin = urllib2.urlopen(mp3_url)
mp3 = fin.read()
filename = get_filename(mp3_url)
#copy to dest
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
logging.info("Writing to %s" %dest)
fout = open(dest, 'w')

def get_filename(url):
"""strip off last part of url for filename"""
return url.split("/")[-1]

def main(args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv

p = optparse.OptionParser()
p.add_option("-u", "--url", action="store", dest="url",
 help="specify url to download mp3s from")
p.add_option("-d", "--destination-directory", action="store",
 dest="dest", help="directory in which to place mp3s")

opt, args = p.parse_args(args)

if opt.dest and opt.url:
copy_mp3s_to_dir(opt.url, opt.dest)
print p.usage

if __name__ == "__main__":

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Conference music

2007-10-08 Thread m h
On 10/8/07, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/8/07, Dan Hanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Just curious as to whether any one knows of a way to listen to the
> > music of General Conference without having to download the MP3 for the
> > entire session. I can do that, or listen to it via the conference
> > DVDs, but it would be nice if high-quality MP3s of the conference
> > music were available (in case folks from the lds.org site are lurking
> > within earshot :-). There are some breathtakingly beautiful
> > arrangements that show up at conference.
> I agree.  In fact, I downloaded the full mp3 of one session and used
> audacity and it was really easy to select one of the songs I liked and
> export it as its own mp3.  I don't know if I should share that mp3 (it
> *seems* like the church wouldn't mind...), and I'm not sure if I want to do
> that for all the songs, but I had the same thoughts as you.

IANAL, but I think the church probably does mind if you redistributed
the music.  (If not, why don't they provide it, since the speakers
often make reference to it.  They seem pretty strict about
redistribution, plus a lot of the hymns the church doesn't "own").
(just MHO..., note that I'd also like to have just the music

For those who want more detailed instructions on using audacity to
"autosplit" based on silence here's an article describing ripping



ps - on a semi-related note, why aren't there audio versions of
priesthood?  (Might be fun to try TTS on the text if they had a "old
man" voice...)
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Conference music

2007-10-08 Thread m h
On 10/8/07, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/8/07, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 10/8/07, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On 10/8/07, Dan Hanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi folks,
> > > >
> > > > Just curious as to whether any one knows of a way to listen to the
> > > > music of General Conference without having to download the MP3 for the
> > > > entire session. I can do that, or listen to it via the conference
> > > > DVDs, but it would be nice if high-quality MP3s of the conference
> > > > music were available (in case folks from the lds.org site are lurking
> > > > within earshot :-). There are some breathtakingly beautiful
> > > > arrangements that show up at conference.
> > >
> > >
> > > I agree.  In fact, I downloaded the full mp3 of one session and used
> > > audacity and it was really easy to select one of the songs I liked and
> > > export it as its own mp3.  I don't know if I should share that mp3 (it
> > > *seems* like the church wouldn't mind...), and I'm not sure if I want to 
> > > do
> > > that for all the songs, but I had the same thoughts as you.
> > >
> >
> > IANAL, but I think the church probably does mind if you redistributed
> > the music.  (If not, why don't they provide it, since the speakers
> > often make reference to it.  They seem pretty strict about
> > redistribution, plus a lot of the hymns the church doesn't "own").
> > (just MHO..., note that I'd also like to have just the music
> > downloads...)
> That's why I won't post a link to my mp3 here.  That and I just
> listened to it on my better headphones and it sounds pretty bad.  I'm
> guessing going from mp3 decoded into Audacity and then re-encoded back
> out of Audacity is the reason for that.  Might have to check my bit
> rate settings.

Good thing you don't post your link, I might download it and commit
copyright infringement ;)

Double encoding is bad.  I'm not sure if audacity can split without
doing it.  However this tool appears to be able to:

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Conference music

2007-10-08 Thread m h
Aha, so it's a marketing ploy!  I knew there must be a reason

On 10/8/07, Orson Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> I usually just get the cds and rip them. That is the easiest way I have
> done it. Sometimes I even post the data to MusicBrainz. (CD's include
> all regular sessions + priesthood session with words and music across
> the board!)
> Orson
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list