1999-05-24 Thread Rosemary Nelson Campaign

Fwd: For Immediate Release from Roberts Rinehart Publishers

Contact: Public Relations Officer Shelley Daigh at (303) 652-2685 or
Attorney Russell Smith at (516) 668-0818


Unable to Intimidate Roberts Rinehart Publishers, Ulster Unionist Leader
Lashes Out Against the Internet

David Trimble is trying again to stop publication of book he wishes was
never printed. Having failed in his effort to threaten Roberts Rinehart
Publishers into dropping the book, Northern Ireland=92s First
Minister-Designate and the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party announced
today that he is suing the world=92s largest internet bookseller,
Amazon.com. Trimble=92s latest maneuver comes the day before the paperback
release of the best-selling book, The Committee: Political Assassination
in Northern Ireland, which Amazon.com describes as "a gripping story of
terrorist atrocities and political corruption," which "makes clear that
[the IRA=92s] opponents have been just as capable of committing evil in
the name of their cause." Publishers Weekly calls the book "startling"
and "convincing."

According to the London-based establishment newspaper The Sunday Times,
Trimble is suing for libel in Britain "over allegations that he was
associated with a loyalist murder conspiracy," as discusssed in the
book. In an editorial today, entitled "The Truth On Trial," The Sunday
Times acknowledged that it may turn out that the book=92s author,
award-winning journalist Sean McPhilemy, "is possibly one of the most
successful investigative journalists in Irish history," and that "he
will have exposed a scandal that could see ministers and police officers

Roberts Rinehart Publishers denounced Trimble=92s latest action, saying
"if Mr. Trimble truly wanted the facts to come out, he would have joined
Sean McPhilemy in calling for a public inquiry. Instead, he devotes his
time and energy to trying to stop this book." Russell Smith, the senior
U.S. libel defense attorney for the publisher and author, says that
"this move by Trimble is an attack not only against the book, but
against the internet, and against the freedom of the British and Irish
people to read what they want to read." Trimble previously had written
an angry cease-and-desist letter to the book=92s publishers, in which he
defended all of the alleged members of the Committee, which include two
known terrorists and two persons recently convicted of offenses in
connection with anti-Catholic riots in Drumcree.

In another development, according to The Sunday Times, Trimble today
tried to belittle efforts to subpoena him and compel him to testify
under oath in the $100 million U.S. libel suit against the book by two
Protestant Portadown businessmen. Trimble, the supposed statesman,
called this "a stupid stunt," adding that "Roberts Rinehart knows I
already have offered to give evidence..." Attorney Smith responded:
"While it is not true that Mr. Trimble communicated any such offer to
us, we welcome it now, and we have written to Mr. Trimble today to take
him up on his offer."

In another development this week, Committee witness James Sands, whose
supposed "recantation" of his eyewitness account of high-level collusion
between British security forces and Loyalist paramilitaries scandalized
the media world in Great Britain, has come forward to confess that his
abrupt change of story was a complete hoax on the part of the Royal
Ulster Constabulary. In a filmed interview, and in a sworn affidavit,
both obtained last weekend, this former political associate of David
Trimble says he stands by all of the revelations he made to Channel Four
Television in 1991, as recounted in the current book.

Sands has confessed how the RUC stage-managed his later "recantation,"
which was then amplified by The Sunday Times. In his affidavit, Sands
tells what happened: "After the RUC learned of my identity, I was
detained and held against my will in British Army barracks and various
police stations for a week. I was told what to say by RUC officers prior
to my tape-recorded questioning. The RUC made it clear to me that if I
did not cooperate with them and do what they ordered me to do, I would
be prosecuted or possibly even killed. I never would have freely given
any of the statements which I made to the RUC. By 'made it clear,' in
relation to death threats, I mean that RUC officers told me that if I
did not 'recant,' I could be assassinated by loyalist paramilitaries.
They told me I should cooperate 'for [my] own safety.'"

Sands also has provided Sean McPhilemy=92s Box Productions with a new,
filmed interview on the subject of the murder conspiracy, and he focuses
in particular on the RUC=92s role in organizing the assassination of
Belfast human rights lawyer Pat Finucane. Sands, who confirmed what he
told Channel Four in 1991, explains how the go-ahead for the murder was
given at a well-attended meeting of the Committee at Finaghy Orange Hall
in Belfast. In his 

LL:ART:Screws tighten for 'job snobs'

1999-05-24 Thread S. Plunkett


Screws tighten for 'job snobs'


UNEMPLOYED people will no longer be able to stay on the dole forever, 
Employment Services Minister Tony Abbott said yesterday.  

The unemployed will receive $3.6 billion in welfare cheques over the 
next year. But as the Howard Government prepares to expand its work-
for-the-dole program, Mr Abbott told The Sunday Telegraph the days of 
"career" dole bludgers were over.  

"The kindest thing we can do is not let people live on welfare 
forever," Mr Abbott said.  

"People won't be able to build a life on welfare. It will be almost 
impossible for people to build a career on welfare.  

"We will expect people to do something for themselves. We are moving 
to a situation where people who have been on welfare for a long time 
will have to do things to re-integrate with society."  

Mr Abbott's comments follow his criticism of Australia's "job snobs" 
=96unemployed people who refuse to take so-called menial jobs and 
instead stay on the dole.  

"You might at some time in your life do jobs which are not 
particularly fulfilling, but they can be a means to an end," he said. 
"We talk about menial work, but in the end, a job is a job is a job." 

The expanded work-for-the-dole measures under the Government's 
"mutual obligation" drive come into effect on July 1.  

They will effect dole recipents aged between 18 and 34, who will lose 
part of their benefits if they refuse to meet their end of the mutual 
obligation deal.  

Unemployed people under 25 who have received the dole for six months 
and those between 25 and 34 on the dole for 12 months will be told to 
choose from a number of options, including work-for-the-dole, 
voluntary work and training.  

They will be given two weeks to decide what path they wish to follow. 
If they don't make a decision, work-for-the-dole will be compulsory 
and they will lose part of their benefits if they refuse.  

Work-for-the-dole will also be expanded to take in school leavers who 
have been unemployed for three months.  

With the scheme deemed a political success, it is understood some of 
those within the Government's ranks sympathise with the idea of 
expanding work-for-the-dole to all unemployed people.  

The Howard Government believes work-for-the-dole has not only struck 
a positive chord in the community, but is already helping put 
Australians back in the workforce.  

Mr Abbott said more than 40 per cent of work-for-the-dole 
participantshave been placed in paid employment or further 
education and training within three months of leaving the program.  

NSW Liberal MP Charlie Lynn has compiled a submission to the federal 
Government calling for a modern form of "national service" to be 
introduced for the long-term unemployed.  

National service has not been in place since 1972.  

The scheme would not involve military service.  

It would use training camps set up in rural areas to boost regional 

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1999-05-24 Thread Andrew Haydon Alcock

Campaign for an Independent East Timor (S.A.) Inc.
(Member of the Australian Coalition for a Free East Timor  and the East
Timor Relief Association/Affiliated to the Australian East Timor Network)

first floor, Torrens House 
  220 Victoria Square, 


The Campaign for an Independent East Timor today praised the Australian
Council of Trade Unions for observing Thursday 27 May as a day of
solidarity with East Timor. Andrew Alcock, the Campaign's Information
Officer, released the following statement:

"The call for this day comes at a very crucial time for our East Timorese
friends. Their country is still occupied by the brutal Indonesian army and
the militias that it has organised to terrorise East Timorese who want to
be free from Indonesia.

The main aim of the day will be to call for an effective UN peace making
mission to be sent to East Timor. The presence of international observers
has already demonstrated that the planned UN mission of 600 with 300 police
will be insufficient to achieve calm for a violence-free referendum.

The observers  have been able to clearly identify who is responsible for
the ongoing massacres. While investigating the 16 May massacre at Ataro, Mr
David Wimhurst, the spokesperson of the UN Mission in East Timor (UNMIET)
witnessed Indonesian army officers training militias.

On the ABC programme, Background Briefing on 23 May 1999, Dr Dan Murphy,
the American who has been working in East Timor said that someone from
outside is going to have to take charge because there is no security inside
East Timor. 

He believes that the only hope is for an international peace making effort.
The alternative is that  there will continue to be ethnic cleansing and
genocide. Dr Murphy claims that all the weapons  are on one side - the
Indonesian military and the militias.

He told of the massive brutality occurring in Timor. During the Liquica
Massacre,  people went to the church for refuge - they were all murdered by
the militias.  Others sought shelter in a house. The militias tear gassed
the house and shot the people as they emerged. Dr Murphy also expressed
frustration because he does not  have adequate resources to cope with the
situation.   He is not a surgeon and the Motael Clinic where he works is
not geared for large numbers of surgical casualties. Sister Josephine
Mitchell, an Australian nun, told of wounded young East Timorese going to
Indonesian hospitals and not receiving treatment. 

 These reports support the claims of the East Timorese and their supporters
that the Indonesian regime is using the militias in an attempt to terrorise
the Timorese into accepting autonomy with Indonesia. They also demonstrate 
that the change of leadership of  Indonesian regime one year ago has not
stopped the bloodshed and terror in this tiny nation.

It is time for the western world to stop its callous appeasement of the
brutal Indonesian regime to bring an end to the terror, bloodshed and
suffering in East Timor.  The ACTU rally in Adelaide will, therefore, also
call for the UN to demand that Indonesia withdraws all its troops from East
Timor before the August referendum and organise an international boycott of
military cooperation with Indonesia. NO MORE EAST TIMORESE BLOOD FOR OIL". 

Andrew (Andy) Alcock
Information Officer  
Campaign for an Independent East Timor (South Australia) Inc

Phone:  61 8 83710480 (home)Pager:  61 8 84157467
Facsimile:  61 8 82236509   

Chris White
Secretary, United Trades and Labour Council (South Australia)
Phone:  61 8 83528585   
Mobile: 0418830297

The aims of the rally are to stop more killing in East Timor by calling for
the following:

1.  Call on the Australian Government to work for a UN peace making  mission
in East Timor that is adequate to:
- control the militias  the Indonesian army 
-ensure the integrity of the 8 August 1999 ballot

2.  The right of the East Timorese to vote on their future  free of terror 

3.  Urgent distribution of food  medical supplies in ET free from attack by
   militias  the Indonesian military

4.  Pressure to be put on the Indonesian government to:
- disarm  disband the militias
- withdraw the Indonesian army from East Timor

5.  Call on UN members to halt all military cooperation with Indonesia

6.  Call for wider union, community and government action if Indonesia does
not take steps to halt the violence by disarming the militias and
withdrawing its army from East Timor

  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

LL:Carpenter's Wildcat Strike Continues -- Solidarity Requested!

1999-05-24 Thread margaret

Sent: Saturday, 22 May 1999 01:33
Subject: Carpenter's Wildcat Strike Continues -- Solidarity Requested!


 Fellow Workers, friends, and comrades:

 The Carpenters' Wildcat Strike continues and is gaining momentum.  However
 they need our solidarity.   I went to their rally at Pacific Bell Park in
 San Francisco at 2:30 PM this afternoon, where Carpenters (including
 workers from several parts of this extensive building trade's union)
 discussed where to take the strike from here.  Workers from all around the
 Bay Area continue to wildcat.  The open meeting included discussions about
 strategy and tactics and it's clear that while some differences exist
 about how to proceed with the strike itself, an overwhelming majority of
 those present voted to continue the strike.

 I'm sorry that I d not have all the details, and admittedly this
 spontaneous wildcat strike has been spontaneously organized to say the
 least.  Whatever the case, these workers have taken direct action and
 they've already crossed that magical line between theory and reality.  If
 they lose this battle it will represent a defeat for the working class.
 If they succeed, it will send a shot in the arm to the labor movement.  We
 need to do our part to make this as successful as the Neptune Jade if we

 What these workers need is solidarity on the picket line and on the front
 lines.  They need folks to spread the word about what's happening.  They
 need financial support.  Because this wildcat was the spontaneous efforts
 of a small group of pissed-off workers, many carpenters do not know about
 it.  The mainstream media is largely ignoring the wildcat (when they're
 not belittling it).  The only thing that's helping spread the word about
 this strike are the efforts of these rank  file workers who've been
 traveling from job-site to job-site pulling workers off the job.

 There will be more walkouts on Monday and Tuesday.  You can help by
 joining in the pickets.  Call (510) 496-3458, Working Carpenters for a
 Stronger Union, for further information.  That is a voice mail.  Listen
 carefully for instructions.




 Brothers  Sisters:  throughout (the) San Francisco (Bay Area) carpenters
 are shutting jobs down.  The San Francisco AirPort-the largest
 construction job in California-is shut down.  Carpenters walked off
 Pacific Bell Park.  They walked at Kaiser Hospital in San Francisco.  They
 walked at Microsoft.  We are getting support from the ironworkers, the
 laborers, the cement finishers, and the electricians.  If we have left any
 out, or we have left out any other jobs that have been shut down, we
 apologize.  This first day has succeeded so far beyond our imagination
 that we are unable to fully keep up with our successes.

 We all understand what is at stake.  We are fighting to take our union
 back from that tiny handful of unelected, unrepresentative officials who
 are shoving this contract down our throats.  We are the strongest union
 supporters there are, but we know that the only way the union will be
 truly strong is if it fights for us.

 We are told that we are jeopardizing the "Project labor Agreement" at the
 airport.  We, the working members, are the real project labor agreement.
 We have sworn a blood oath that when we go back to work there, Agreement
 or no, there will be no non-union construction at the airport.  We don't
 need a "PLA", all we need is our own strength and our own unity.

 We demand the following:

 (1) (The sellout) contract (negotiated by the union's bureaucrats and the
 bosses without the consent of the union's rank  file) must be taken off
 the table.  It does not represent our interests and it was voted on
 illegally at a meeting that was called illegally.  It must be removed.

 (2) No new contract voted on by the Regional Council delegates until it is
 voted on and passed by the working members at area-wide general membership
 meetings where we can discuss the pros and cons.  No phony "mail-in"
 ballots, where they control the source of information, they keep the
 members feeling isolated, and they count the "results".

 We are united, we are strong, and we will take back our union.


 Working Carpenters for a Stronger Union

 For more information and regular updates, call (510) 496-3458.


 Posted in Solidarity by a Wobbly

 For the One Big Union,

 -FW Steve
 East Bay IWW / Branch Secretary

 East Bay IWW  http://bari.iww.org/  Phone (510) 845-0540

 Timber Workers IU 120 -- http://bari.iww.org/iu120/local/
 Marine Transport Workers, Local 9 -- http://www.iww.org/iu510/local9/
 Communications Workers, Local 23 -- http://www.iww.org/iu560/local23/

 Take Part in the I99 International Solidarity Conference!

LL:ART: FPI ++ Volume 3 Number 14

1999-05-24 Thread S. Plunkett

 Original Message 
Subject: FPI ++ Volume 3 Number 14
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 21:31:14 +
From: "Freedom Press" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: F R E E D O M   P R E S S  I N T E R N A T I O N A L, Volume 3
Number 14


the National Minimum Wage

Last month the government introduced the national minimum wage (NMW).
Workers aged over 22 were entitled to a minimum =FA3.60 an hour and
those aged 18-21 to =FA3.00 an hour. Stephen Byers, the trade and
industry minister, described the NMW as 'historic', while TUC boss
John Monks said it represented "a land- mark day for Britain's low
paid workers". In theory some 1.9 million workers should see an
increase in their pay packets this month. The reality, however, is
very much different from the government's rhetoric. Trade unions are
angry and disappointed at the abysmally low rate the NMW has been set
at. =FA3.60 an hour represents an annual wage of just over =FA6,500 a year
for someone working 35 hours a week. As Rodney Bickerstaffe, general
secretary of the public sector trade union Unison said: "I defy anyone
to live on =FA3.60 an hour and be happy and content". 

Young workers employed by Pizza Hut are certainly not happy and
content with the NMW. They actually saw their wages cut on 1st April
to bring them in line with the NMW. The restaurant industry is the
lowest paid in Britain, closely followed by security services,
cleaning and the clothing sector. 

Unions are already reporting workers telephoning them saying that
employers are paying less than the NMW even though their wage slips
will show =FA3.60 an hour. Other employers are cutting their wage bill
by reducing hours of work but expecting staff to produce the same
level of work. One GMB organiser said "we have been inundated with
calls from people telling us their hours are being cut but they are
expected to do the same amount of work". Some manufacturers are paying
the NMW but deducting wages for the cost of worker's overalls. The
Financial Times reported the senior tax partner at Grant Thornton as
saying "what will happen is that minimum wage fiddles will be added to
fiddles for avoiding VAT and income tax".

In one survey a massive one in five of employers questioned said they
would not pay the NMW. Avoidance is likely to be so high because it
will be up to workers to report rogue emplo~ers. The Inland Revenue
has just a handful of inspectors to police the new system (in contrast
to the number pursuing benefit fraud). Even when caught employers just
face a fine of =FA5,000.

Next year the NMW is expected to rise to just =FA3.70 an hour. Many
unions are calling for a rate of =FA4.79 an hour and the Campaign For a
Living Wage has set a target for collective agreements of =FA5.00 an
hour. There is though a real danger that =FA3.60 will become a ceiling -
the level of poverty pay the government approves of and which it
becomes hard for unions to negotiate above.

The NMW shows that government intervention can make things worse not
better, as those workers experiencing a cut in the wages have found.
All governments try to get away with as little as they possibly can.
If New Labour was serious about tackling wage poverty the NMW would
have been set well above =FA3.60 and it would have been properly
enforced. The NMW will actually save the government money in lower
in-work benefit payments.

As anarchists know, the best defence workers have against low wages is
not the government but to organise together in trade unions. Those
industries with the lowest wage rates are generally the least
unionised. Many unions had already negotiated wage rates for their
lowest paid members above =FA3.60 by the time the NMW was introduced.

Anarchists abhor poverty pay (as well as the even lower amounts paid
to those on benefit). The Independent Labour Research Department
reports of a firm in Hampshire who were paying a 53 year old employee
who joined them on leaving school =FA62 a week for a full- time job, and
of a security guard in Manchester paid =FA1.87 an hour and of a woman in
London paid just 92p an hour. Anarchists campaign against poverty

The reality is that the pockets of the low paid are empfied to line
those of the bosses. The NMW will not change this. If anything it may
institutionalise low pay as has happened in America. Can you imagine
the sort of rates a future Tory government would set? At present
almost a quarter of employers will ignore it totally. More will fiddle
their way around it. Others will find legal loop-holes. As one officer
for the clothing workers' union said: "there is no doubt that
employers will be trying every trick in the book" to get around the
NMW. So much for the historic day. 

Richard Griffin

  Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List

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LL:(ET) Dr Dan Murphy on Background Briefing

1999-05-24 Thread Fisher, William Alford - FISWA001

To all,

Dan Murphy on "Background Briefing" repeated on ABC Radio National 
on Tuesday at 7 pm (check local guides).  Listen!!!  

Bill Fisher

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LL:DDV:Forum: Human Rights in Chile Argentina

1999-05-24 Thread Roque Grillo

After more than 20 years, why is there still no justice for the people
detained and disappeared by Latin America's dictatorships?

Mariana Guzman
Collective for the Familes of the Detained and Disappeared in Chile
(A.F.D.D. Chile)
Roque Grillo
Support Group for the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (Argentina's Mothers of
the Disappeared)
Terry McDonald
Amnesty International

Thursday May 27
Building 3C-42
Victoria University
St Albans Campus

Exhibition presented by the Refugee Mental Health Services
Arts and Crafts

Refreshments provided
South American Music

Organised by Taller Alerce Workshop
Sponsored by The Department of Communication, Languages and Cultural
Studies (Spanish Discipline) of Victoria University.


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LL:ART: Esso fires union members for refusing to work

1999-05-24 Thread S. Plunkett

From ABC on-line news today:

*Esso fires union members for refusing to work*

Esso has stood down hundreds of workers at its Gippsland gas plant,
in another dispute with unions over safety at the site.

Union members are refusing to work, demanding sirens and flashing
lights be installed to warn of emergencies, after a gas leak and
evacuation last week.

But Esso says the Workcover Authority has declared the site a fit
place to work and says Longford's warning system is adequate.

Dean Mighell from the Electrical Trades Union says Esso must take
better care of it workers.

"The situation last Thursday was the four tradesmen were left
working on the site an hour after the leak was detected, and other
personnel were evacuated," he said.

But Esso spokesman Ron Webb says the leak in a heat exchanger was a
minor incident and the response was adequate.

"The area around the exchanger was cordoned off and people in other
areas kept working as normal," he said.

"It was fixed up and it was not an issue. We've had WorkCover in
since that time.

"They've come in and independently said the site is safe to work,
the evacuation procedures are appropriate and as a result we've
asked the people to go back to normal work and they've refused.

"Now if they call an emergency like that and have an evacuation,
they left workers lives at risk...it's unacceptable," he said.

Mr Webb says the company had no option but to order a stand-down.

"We've got to the point, following lots of discussion, to say that
we can't do [that] any more," Mr Webb said.

"This is industrial action...you need to work on a site that's been
declared safe, and if you don't you're stood aside."

Workers will meet at the Longford plant at 7:00am today but will
stay off the job if safety concerns at the plant are not met.


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LL:DDV: Workers Strike Back!

1999-05-24 Thread Debbie Brennan

An invitation to all Melbourne Leftlinkers:

Radical Women Meeting --
"Workers Strike Back! Teachers, hospital and garment workers are on the move"

Wednesday, 26 May, 7.00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Crescent, West Brunswick

Come along to hear about the battles and victories that you won't find
highlighted in the Packer and Murdoch press.

The bad news is:
* nearly 1 in 5 workers in Australia is a casual
* they are just part of an expanding pool of low-paid and discardable
labour that also includes wage earners forced onto individual contracts and
unregistered outworkers
* bosses need them all as a bulwark against waning profits
* unions are under attack

The GOOD news is: these workers -- most of them women and migrants -- are
fighting back!

Come and hear Pamela Curr tell us about the FairWear Campaign to unionise
outworkers in the garment industry. She will introduce the video, "20
Pieces: outworkers tell the real fashion story." Hear about the recent
landmark victory of Mario Kobza in the Victorian Civil and Administrative
Tribunal! He was sacked for joining the Liquor, Hospitality and
Miscellaneous Workers Union. VCAT ruled that it is unlawful for employers
to disciminate on the basis of industrial activity. And there's more.

Everyone is welcome. Dinner will be served at 6.15 pm for a $5 donation.


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1999-05-24 Thread Bullimore / Kim Maree (COM)


Invites all interested persons to a World Environment Day Public Meeting.

Speakers include:   Senator Dee Margetts - West Australian Greens
Dr Jim Green - People Against the New Nuclear

Senator Margetts is a long term campaigner for the environment will
discuss the eleven new proposed mines for Western Australia and the impact
that they will have on the environment.

Dr Jim Green is a well known anti nuclear campaigner who writes regularly
for Green Left Weekly and has been long term campaigner against the new
nuclear reactor for Lucas Heights which has been recently approved by the
Federal government.  Dr Green will speak on the Howard government's
nuclear agenda for Australia, as well as the campaign to stop the new

Time has been allocated to allow questions and comments from the public
once guests have concluded speaking.


WHEN:   7 pm - Friday, 4 June 1999 
WHERE:  Hayden Allen Tank -ANU
COST:   Entry by gold coin donation

Refreshments will be available

ACT Jabiluka Action Group presents a film night fundraiser.

FILMS:  Pangea Promotional Film  -See the promotional video used by Pangea
to sell Australia as the nuclear waste dump of the world.

E.R.A. of Destruction  - The latest News Unlimited Film on the Jabiluka
Campaign.  Currently there is legal action being taken to stop this film
being shown around Australia.  See it while you can

WHEN:   6. 00 pm Wednesday, 26 May 1999 (National Sorry Day)
WHERE:  Hayden Allen Tank - ANU
COST:   $5 waged/ $3 unwaged or concession. Tickets at the door.

Refreshments will be available


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LL:DDN: Stop the GST picket

1999-05-24 Thread Michael Thomson


A SNAP PICKET against the GST has been called by the ANTI-GST alliance and
the Greens:

12.30-2pm  Tuesday, 25 MAY
70 Phillips Street, Sydney

If you can get along that would be good.

Michael Thomson



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LL:DDV: Politics in the Pub: Indonesia and East Timor

1999-05-24 Thread vhearman

Green Left Weekly is presenting Politics in the Pub each month at Comrade's
Bar (next to ETU office, 520 Swanston St, Melbourne)

Date: Wednesday 26 May
Time: 7pm
Topic/speakers: Resistance activist, Bronwyn Jennings and Action in
Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) activist Jo Williams
returned from a  Student Solidarity Tour of Indonesia share their
impressions of the Indonesian democracy movement.

Ph 9329 1277 for info.



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1999-05-24 Thread FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign


Dear People,

After the events of last week at Jabiluka, which resulted in a number of
letters to Unesco Director-General Federico Major and World Heritage
Committee Chair His Excellency Ambassador Koichoro Matsuura of Japan, we'd
like people to concentrate on faxing Federico Major and Matsuura with
something like the below.

People in the US should however, keep faxing their interior secretary Bruce
Babbitt. If you are in the US and you've already faxed Babbitt, and want to
do more, then do this one, but fax Babbitt first.

If you are in Japan we'd like you to fax this  letter or something a bit
like it to Matsuura  *IN JAPANESE* with a copy to the Japanese WHC rep, in
Paris and Japan.

Federico Major's fax number is: +  33 1 45 68 55 54
Matsuura is faxable on +33-1-42-27-50-81
Japan's WHC rep in Paris is on +33-1-47-34-46-70, in Japan 81-3-3591-3228.

Bruce Babbitt's number is 202-208-5048.
The US WHC rep, John Reynolds is on 202-208-7889.

If you've alredy sent other letters that's just fine no problem.

If you have not yet sent anything, use the texts below for Major/Matsuura
and Babbitt.

It is also important if you are in a country that is on the WHC, to fax
your Ministers for the environment and/or foreign affairs, to ask them to
instruct your WHC rep to not only vote for Kakadu to be put on the 'in
Danger' list, but to actively lobby for that. The WHC includes the US,
Japan, France, Finland, Italy,  Canada, Benin, Brasil, Ecuador, Greece,
Morocco and Cuba.




M. Bouchenaki, Director, World Heritage Centre Paris,

Dear Director-General Fedrico Major and Ambassador Matsuura,

I am writing to express our concern over the fate of the World Heritage
Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory of Australia, and to convey
to you the extreme urgency of this matter.

Last year in December, the IUCN and ICOMOS strongly recommended that Kakadu
National Park be immediately listed as 'in danger' on account of the threat
to World Heritage values posed by the construction of a large uranium mine
at Jabiluka,  in the heart of the National Park.

In a joint statement, both bodies said that failure to list Kakadu as 'In
Danger' immediately would compromise the integrity and standing of the
World Heritage Convention.

However, in deference to the extreme opposition to an 'In Danger' listing
expressed by the Australian delegation (but emphatically not by Australian
NGOs), Australia was allowed a further six months to prepare a case against
an 'in Danger' listing.

Australia was asked to cease construction operations at Jabiluka.

It did not do so.

This means that for the past six months, construction, and therefore damage
to the World Heritage values of Kakadu has been proceeding on a 24 hour a
day basis.

IUCN and ICOMOS (as well as the NGO community) have now dismissed the
Australian government case as not credible, and IUCN and ICOMOS have
re-emphasised the necessity of listing Kakadu as 'In Danger'.

The extreme urgency of taking action on this matter is underlined by the
fact that as I write, Energy Resources of Australia is resuming
construction activities on a tunnel which will desecrate the Boyweg-Almudj
sacred site, thereby severely compromising World Heritage values.

It is also emphasised by the refusal of the Australian government to listen
to any of the warnings on this matter that have been sounded by the
European Parliament, by our own Senate, and now by the World Heritage

Any further delay in placing Kakadu on the list of sites that are in
danger, and any ambiguity in its being placed in that list, will lead to
further damage to the site and the further destruction of World Heritage

We call on you to act immediately to ensure positively that Kakadu will be
listed as 'in Danger' when the World Heritage Committee meets in Paris on
July 12, and to convey to the Australian government the extreme gravity of
its actions in failing to cease construction as demanded by the World
Heritage Committee last December in Kyoto.

Yours respectfully,


John Reynolds, US WHC Delegate,

Dear Bruce Babbitt,

I am writing to you to urge the US delegation to the World Heritage
Committee  to adopt a clear and unequivocal position in defence of the
World Heritage Convention,  when it meets in Paris on July 12 1999, to
discuss the question of whether to place Kakadu National Park on the list
of properties that are 'World Heritage in Danger'.

We would like the US delegation not only to vote for 

LL:ART: Mandatory jailing 'masks black genocide'

1999-05-24 Thread Deaths In Custody Watch Commitee (WA) Inc.

Mandatory jailing 'masks black genocide'


MANDATORY sentencing laws could be masking a "hidden genocidal intent"
given new research showing rising Aboriginal imprisonment rates across
Australia, NSW magistrate Pat O'Shane has warned. 

Ms O'Shane, an outspoken advocate of Aboriginal rights, said despite
evidence Aborigines were no more "criminal" than the rest of the
population, the latest figures showed Aboriginal imprisonment had continued
to increase since the 1991 royal commission findings into Aboriginal deaths
in custody. 

Delivering the Elliott Johnston tribute address at Adelaide's Flinders
University last night, Ms O'Shane said that as research showed harsher
penalties had little if any effect on crime rates, it was difficult to
avoid the view the Northern Territory's mandatory sentencing laws were
"targetted specifically at Aborigines". 

"If we accept the findings of the royal commission that the major cause of
Aboriginal deaths in custody is the fact that they are in custody too
often, we might permit ourselves to wonder aloud whether there might even
be a hidden genocidal intent in the Northern Territory's mandatory
sentencing laws," Ms O'Shane said. 

Ms O'Shane said while the royal commission found Aborigines were 10 times
more likely than non-Aboriginal people to be in prison, an examination of
the types of offences of conviction or charge showed "Aborigines are no
more criminal than are non-Aboriginal Australians". 

She said research by the University of Sydney and the Australian National
University for a new book indicated imprisonment rates for all Australians
had risen, but those for Aborigines had outstripped non-Aboriginal rates. 

The 1995 National Prison Census showed 17.1 per cent of all prisoners were
Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, when they made up only 1.3 per cent
of the population. 

In 1986, Aborigines made up 14.6 per cent of all prisoners and 1.46 per
cent of the total population. 

"Increased imprisonment rates, far from being signifiers that Aborigines
have become more criminal in the recent past, rather indicate abject
failure by governments," she said. 

Ms O'Shane also criticised cases of "passive pin-pricking racism", such as
mandatory sentencing and the common practice of serving released Aboriginal
prisoners with warrants for previous offences. 

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LL:ART: MAI Mark 2 needs watching

1999-05-24 Thread Valerie Yule

May 1999

Transatlantic wheeling and dealing

Sheltered from the hubbub of war and crisis, Europe, the United States and
the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are devising agreements that will remove
the final obstacles to the free play of "market forces" and require
countries to submit to the unfettered expansion of the multinationals.
Learning from the failure of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment
(MAI), big business and technocrats are trying to force through a decision
before the end of 1999.

by Christian De Brie *

The corpse of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) hardly had
time to get cold in the vaults of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) (1) before the ultra-liberal Dr Jekylls led by Sir
Leon Brittan, the outgoing European Commission vice-president and
Thatcherite die-hard, have tried to clone it, excitedly hoping to see new
Draculas emerge from their test tubes by the year 2000.

This urgent work is being carried out in two secret laboratories with "keep
out" signs to deter anyone not wearing a lab coat: the Transatlantic
Economic Partnership (TEP) and the Millennium Round of the World Trade

The first of these, which opened on 16 September 1998, is dedicated (though
it will not admit it) to that favourite project of the British and the
Americans - seeing the European Union dissolved in a free trade area with
the United States. Following the failure of the first attempt in 1994, a
rehashed version presented by the European Commission on 11 March 1998
under the name NTM (New Transatlantic Marketplace) was thrown out by the
foreign ministers of the Fifteen on 27 April.

As he had done before, Brittan went back to his drawing board (without
seeking a mandate) to come up with a disguised version of his pet scheme.
If the 27 pages of the Commission recommendation on the negotiation of
agreements in the field of technical barriers to trade between the EU and
the US (2) are anything to go by, the outcome promises to be instructive.
(An abbreviated version was approved by the Council, empowering it to
negotiate on behalf of the member states, then by the European parliament
in September and November 1998).

On the pretext of removing "technical barriers to trade", which include
health, social and environmental protection regulations, the ultimate aim
is to "reach a general commitment to unconditional access to the market in
all sectors and for all methods of supply" of products and services,
including health, education and public contracts. In the inimitable jargon
of the Commission, states and local authorities are required to make all
derogations explicit in the form of "a negative freedom" given that the
agreements negotiated apply to all the territory of the parties, regardless
of their constitutional structures, at all levels of authority. This is
very restrictive for the local authorities of the European countries, but
of little risk to the US, where the federal states are not bound by
Washington's signature in the matter.

The aim is gradually to draw up common minimum regulations "based on the
recommendations of enterprises" in order to "create new outlets" for them -
all this in "a spirit of conviviality". Involved in the TEP talks from the
outset, the multinationals have greatly influenced the content thanks to a
powerful lobby that has been institutionalised for four years: the
Transatlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) bringing together the upper crust of
big business on both sides of the North Atlantic. Its last two-yearly
meeting took place in Charlotte (North Carolina) in November 1998.

Big business to call the tune

In order to allay suspicion, they are trying to rush through the
establishment of a Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue, a Transatlantic Labour
Dialogue and a Transatlantic Environment Dialogue for consumers, trade
unions and ecologists respectively, who will have to stay firmly within the
bounds set by big business in the TABD. The latter has no intention of
giving anything more than a half-hearted commitment to optional codes of
conduct with no sanctions attached.

Thus "hemmed in", talks proceed behind closed doors, using salami tactics
to avoid alerting public opinion, so that everything can be sewn up by
December 1999. Industrial goods, services, public contracts, intellectual
property, etc. - in a dozen fields, slice by slice, "mutual recognition
agreements" (MRA), apparently technical but in fact political, seek to
reduce standards and regulations to the lowest common denominator. The
outcome is that the safeguards that Europe has built up, in food, the
environment and health in particular, are being dismantled.

Once agreement has been reached, governments will be obliged to abolish any
laws that conflict with the MRAs. And it is no surprise to find that the
procedures will consist of meetings "at cabinet level in order to maintain
political impetus" and 

LL:PR: Activists of Color Speak Out in New Anthology

1999-05-24 Thread Debbie Brennan

Dear Leftlinkers

As fighters for justice and human rights, you will undoubtedly be as
thrilled as I am by "Voices of Color," a new offering from Red Letter Press.

This powerful anthology, edited by Yolanda Alaniz and Nellie Wong, is an
essential tool for anyone who wants to hear what grassroots activists of
colour have to say about the forces impacting their lives. In 35 articles,
writers of different racts, genders, and sexual orientations offer
insightful reports on little-known union and community organising campaigns,
news on Native struggles, frank discussions on how to combat racism within
progressive organisations, film and book reviews and much, much more. All
articles tie together the issues of sex, sexuality and race in a way that is
seldom seen.

The book conveys great optimism about race relations and social progress,
because it presents the actual experiences of people who are out there every
day in the struggle. As Ria Roncales-Goodwin writes in The Asian Reporter,
"Their writings urge us to realise that we are powerful as individuals, that
people will listen to us, and that we can make a difference." Another
appreciative review by Aboriginal activist Ray Jackson is reprinted at the
end of this letter.

I urge you to purchase "Voices of Color" for your library, or perhaps as a
special gift for a friend. By responding immediately, you will not only gain
an inspiring new book but you will also help Melbourne Radical Women and the
Freedom Socialist Party, make our collective goal of selling 85 books by 14

If you email your order form (below) to us by 14 June, you will get a free
copy of the current issue of the Freedom Socialist newspaper, featuring the
Voices of Color column: "Energy and optimism of young people needed to win
back affirmative action." I will contact you directly to make arrangements
for payment.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

In solidarity,
Debbie Brennan
Freedom Socialist Party (Melbourne)

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Yes, I want a copy of "Voices of Color"
Red Letter Press, 160 pp, paperback, ISBN 0-932323-05-7
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Find out more about Red Letter Press at:

(Email bookstore and review requests to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Book Review by Ray Jackson

In 35 exciting articles, "Voices of Color" encompasses the whole rainbow of
struggle and empowerment for people of colour in the United States and
Canada. We hear the strong, vibrant voices of African Americans,
Chicanas/os, Asian pacific Americans and Native Americans detailing their
fights for social justice over the past 15 years.

These are the voices of the Comrades of Colour Caucus of the Freedom
Socialist Party and Radical Women. In their writings is the recognition that
struggles for the equality of all races, sexes, sexualities and working
people are linked -- each finding strength and purpose by being mutually

The 20 authors are all leading activists with attitude -- and proper
attitude at that!

Though the writers are in the United States, their struggles for justice
mirror ours in Australia. In "NAFTA: tri-country genocide against indigenous
people," Chippewa writer, Ann Rogers, explains most clearly how the North
American Free Trade Agreement is being used to sweep aside all remaining
rights of the original peoples of Mexico, Canada and the United States and
give corporate capital open slather. She calls NAFTA "a cannon aimed by big

NAFTA is precursor to even more ambitious boardroom plans, like the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), to turn the world into one big
"free trade" zone. For Aboriginal people everywhere, this would be the
ultimate genocide. But Ann Rogers doesn't mourn. She talks about resistance
-- Native peoples, trade unions and environmentalists unifying as a
counterforce that can beat our common enemy: international big business.

The authors cover so many more shared struggles -- against bans on bilingual
education, racism in sport and entertainment, racist police crackdowns and
racist bosses. They are activists in the trade unions and the movements of
gay/lesbian/transgender rights, Native American cultural and land rights,
among others.

This is but a taste of the banquet served up in "Voices of Color." It is not
a book to just read and then put back on the shelf. "Voices" is a resource
for day-to-day struggles -- struggles that are worldwide and as fresh today
as they were in 1982. It is a call for urgent, united action.

"Voices of Color" is a very strong, rich palette of politics and showpiece
of community action. Read, savour and enjoy. Then organise!

-- Ray Jackson is a