LL:DDS: Adelaide Public Forum

2000-02-03 Thread Erica H

Refugees are not criminals - Reject Australia's racist Laws on Refugees!

The recent refugee laws introduced by parliament are inhumane and racist. 
Most of the detained asylum seekers are from third world countries and are 
fleeing severe persecution, war  economic crisis. The same rules are not 
applied to other 'illegal immigrants', most of whom come from Britain, USA 
and other wealthy countries. Come to a discussion about these laws and how 
we can campaign against them.

Wednesday February 9 @ 7pm
Dinner available from 6.30pm
Entry by donation
Resistance Centre
34a Hindley St Adelaide
Ph: 8231 6982

A Green Left Weekly Forum organised by the Democratic Socialist Party 



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LL:INFO: Apology

2000-02-03 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear friends,

There was an error in the message I sent yesterday concerning the World
March of Women 2000 national organising committee. As there are eighteen,
not sixteen, representatives of national women's organisations on the
WMW2000 committee in Australia, I owe an apology to Women's Electoral Lobby
and the National Women's Media Centre for the mistake.


Cathy Picone


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LL:DDV: Melbourne Cuba Solidarity Mtg.

2000-02-03 Thread Rachel

Green Left Weekly presents
Politics in the Pub: Inside Cuban Socialism.
Why has Elian Gonzales been offered $1 million by the USA?
What happened to the ideas of Che Guevara?
And an Eyewitness Report on Socialism: Cuban Style.

Its an Open Forum featuring JORGE JOQUERA- Latin American solidarity
activist, Melbourne Secretary of the Democratic Socialist Party and JO
WILLIAMS - Union and solidarity activist recently returned from Cuba

Feb 23. Wed 7pm at COMRADES BAR cnr Swanston and Queensbury St, Melb
Phone 9639 8622 from more info



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LL:DDV: Melb Anti-Nuclear Meeting

2000-02-03 Thread Rachel

A Nuclear Australia Public Meeting.
Looking at Dumping Nuclear Waste, Beverly, Honeymoon, Jabiluka, Lucas

SPeakers: Dave Sweeny; Australian Conservation Foundation
Daniel Voronoff; Friends of the Earth
Jacob Grech; Earthworker
Harry Van Moorst; Werribee Residents Against Toxic Dump

Collingwood Town Hall (Hoddle Street Collingwood) Wed March 15th 7:30pm
Meeting called by Australian Conservation Foundation, Friends of the
Earth, NUS (Victoria), Earthworker

For more info call ACF 9926 6704 or FOE 9419 8700



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LL:DDV: International Women's Day 2000 Melbourne Rally

2000-02-03 Thread Rachel

Could people pls pass this email message onto the rest of the world! And if 
in Melb: pls come and pick up some posters. The Collective needs some 
helpful feminists to poster/leaflet/dress up as tampons/protest etc etc

International Women's Day 2000
Melbourne Rally
Saturday March 11, 12pm at State library (opposite Melbourne Central)

Women of the World Unite and Fight

Free Education for All Women!
No Sweatshops, No Outwork - Real Wages for Women!
Support the Struggle of Afghani Women - Full Political Rights Now!
End all military ties with Indonesia - War Reparations for Timor!
Reproductive Freedom for all - Free, legal abortion on demand!
No GST - Tax Big Business!
(demand around indigenous struggles being formulated in consultation)

Attend the Rally to Struggle for Women's Rights!

for  IWD posters or for more information please email



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LL:ART: Textile workers 'to walk away with nothing'

2000-02-03 Thread Trudy Bray

The Sydney Morning Herald

Textile workers 'to walk away with nothing'

Date: 03/02/2000


Most of the 300 workers who lost their jobs with the closure of National 
Textiles last month would walk away with nothing from an entitlements 
protection scheme proposed by the Federal Government, it was claimed yesterday.

The scheme, which the Employment Minister, Mr Reith, will take to Cabinet 
on Tuesday, is meant to offer employees a maximum of $20,000 in cases where 
they lose entitlements when a company goes broke.

But criticism of the proposal is growing amid State Government and union 
complaints that almost no workers would receive the maximum payout because 
of the way the scheme is structured.

Employees also could be left in the position of having to pay back 
government funds in cases where an administrator appointed to oversee an 
insolvent company's affairs paid workers' entitlements after the sale of 

The NSW Industrial Relations Minister, Mr Shaw, yesterday said the 
administrator appointed to the Hunter Valley-based National Textiles 
company had joined in the chorus of complaints that Mr Reith's proposed 
scheme was inadequate.

Mr Shaw said his staff had met Mr John Starr on Tuesday night, and the 
Federal Government's scheme was discussed.

"The administrator explained the technicalities as to how the payments 
would be made and how the Federal scheme would work," Mr Shaw said.

"They say there would be some money, but the details simply emphasise it is 
very far from a generous package - in fact, it is plainly inadequate."

Mr Starr is also understood to have relayed his complaint directly to Mr 
Reith's office. He declined to comment yesterday.

A spokesman for Mr Reith confirmed discussions had been held with Mr Starr 
but declined to comment on what was discussed, saying he was surprised the 
meeting had been made public.

He said the virtue of the Federal Government's scheme was that it could be 
"up and running now" and was meant to be "an extension of the social 
security welfare net, not a top-up scheme".

Under the plan, employees would be eligible for up to $20,000 in a scheme 
jointly funded by the Commonwealth and States, back-dated to January 1.

However, the maximum allowed is not guaranteed to workers whose total in 
lost entitlements exceeds $20,000 because the benefits are split into a 
maximum of four weeks' leave, five weeks' redundancy pay, 12 weeks' long 
service leave, four weeks' unpaid wages and four weeks' pay in lieu of notice.

The secretary of the NSW Labor Council, Mr Michael Costa, claimed it was 
"dishonest" of Mr Reith to say $20,000 would be available because of the 
way payments were compartmentalised.

Mr Shaw said he would push the Federal Government to increase the benefits 
offered to the sacked workers.

He said NSW was prepared to match the Federal Government's contribution no 
matter how generous it was in an effort to ensure the workers were paid all 
the money they were owed.

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This posting is provided to the individual members of this  group without
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LL:PR: This Week on BB Luxury Fever

2000-02-03 Thread RN's Background Briefing

Welcome to the First Background Briefing of the 2000 Season:
THIS WEEK On ABC Radio National's
  Background Briefing Program:
Sunday, February 6, 9.10am
Repeated Tuesday, February 8, 7.10pm
  Produced by Tom Morton

Did you know that, in baseball teams, where the superstar gets millions and
the ordinary players only get hundreds of thousands, the teams tend not to
do particularly well.

The reason is each player plays for himself - to get into the millions
bracket - and the team spirit suffers.  They're saying that perhaps the
same thing is happening in Corporations and wider society.

Catch affluenza

Background Briefing, Sunday morning after the news at 9.

Americans are in the grip of Luxury Fever according to some economists - a
frenzy of conspicuous consumption the likes of which has never been seen

Robert Frank believes that people are locked in an arms race of competition
for the trappings of status and success which he says is making their lives
less comfortable and less satisfying.

In Australia, while our supply of high wealth individuals is rather more
modest, we have more rich people than ever before and there are plenty of
signs that we too are suffering from luxury fever.

LAST WEEK:  Transcripts now available on-line:

  Produced by Chris Bullock

Background Briefing on ABC Radio National
GPO Box 9994  Sydney NSW 2001   Australia
Fax: +61-2-9333-1400 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subscribe or signoff weekly program announcements by:
  Sending an email to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  SIGNOFF BBANNOUNCE(in body not 'subject' of message)
or visit:  http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/bbing/bbmail.htm
Transcripts: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/bbing
Tuning: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/freq/map.htm


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LL:PR: what's on earth matters this week 4/2

2000-02-03 Thread 3CR Staff Email

EARTH MATTERS can be heard on 3CR in Melbourne Sunday 11am, 2XX Canberra 
Tuesday 10am, 8CCC Alice Springs Sundays between 8-9pm, 2NCR Lismore Friday 
10am, 5UV Adelaide Thursday 2pm, 7LTN Launceston Monday 7:30pm, 2VOX 
Wollongong between 9-10am  much more!!

Earth Matters
Program 93a
Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 4/2/2000
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to =85"
OUTRO : "... again next week."
DURATION : 25'15" (frogs til around 26'30")

World Wetlands Day 2000
On February 2nd 1971 the Convention on Wetlands was signed in the Iranian
city of Ramsar, located on the edge of the Caspian Sea. The official title
of the treaty is The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance
especially as Waterfowl Habitat - but nowadays it's more commonly known as
the Ramsar Convention.=20

Sarojini Krishnapillai is a marine campaigner with the Victorian national
parks association, where on World Wetlands Day they turned their focus to
some local concerns. Today on Earth Matters Saro joins us and begins by
describing just what sort of a wetland exists on Westernport Bay.
IN: "Well the whole of Westernport Bay =85"
OUT: "=85 needs protecting."
DUR: 8'15"

Campaign against Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean
On January 25th Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise cruised into Fremantle,
Western Australia, after taking non-violent action against Japanese whaling
in the Southern Ocean. Greenpeace says that Japan's Antarctic whaling
program is in violation of articles 65 and 120 of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Seas, a convention which sets out how states
should follow the International Whaling Commission in protecting whales.=20

Japan continues to ignore both the commission and the convention and
intends to kill 440 Minke whales this year. Today we hear from John Bowler,
a Greenpeace campaigner on board the Arctic Sunrise, speaking from the ship
docked in Fremantle.
IN: "Yes well we've just come back from =85"
OUT: "=85 of the global community."
DUR: 10'10"


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LL:DDV: Fretilin fundraiser

2000-02-03 Thread AAWL


There will be an Fundraising Party for Fretilin's office in East Timor on 
19 February 2000 at the Dandenong South Progress Hall, 66 Hammond Road, 
Dandenong South, Victoria.

You can arrive at 7.00pm. The party will go until late.

The entrance fee is $8.

There will be a live band, with a Timorese flavour.

Contact Lito Santos (03) 9700-5639 or Teresa Santos (03) 9700-7235.

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746



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LL:DDV: May Day C/tee General Meeting

2000-02-03 Thread AAWL

MAYDAY COMMITTEE General Meeting - 14 Feb

Dear Comrade,

The next General Meeting of the May Day Committee and its affiliates will be
held on:

 Monday 14 February, 2000 at 7.30pm
 Old Ballroom Annex
 Trades Hall Building
 Carlton South, Melbourne, Victoria

Affiliates of the May Day Committee should please notify delegates of the

You can contact the May Day Committee via Secretary Vic Little on:

phone:  (03) 9419-
fax:   (03) 9416-1303

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746



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LL:INFO: Nuclear disarmament publications and the NPT Review

2000-02-03 Thread Clare Henderson

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty will be reviewed 24 April-19 May 2000, 
in New York at the United Nations.  This Conference is particularly crucial 
as it is clear that, on a number of fronts, progress towards nuclear 
disarmament is stalled.  It is very important that the urgency of nuclear 
disarmament is conveyed to the nuclear weapon states and their allies. This 
includes Australia, which could be taking a key role in leading the way 
towards nuclear disarmament rather than accepting inadequate efforts from 
the nuclear powers.

If you would like more information on the NPT review or to receive regular 
updates please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are also two recent publications that provide comprehensive details 
of the state of nuclear disarmament and a way forward, Fast Track to Zero 
Nuclear Weapons and Security and Survival -- brief details of each below.

Fast Track to Zero Nuclear Weapons
The revised edition of the Middle Powers Initiative briefing book Fast 
Track to Zero Nuclear Weapons by Commander Rob Green is now available 
through MAPW.

This book highlights the deepening nuclear weapons crisis, makes the case 
for the feasibility and desirability of rapid nuclear disarmament and 
explores the role that middle power governments, supported by citizens, can 
play in abolishing nuclear weapons.
It provides an excellent overview of the state of nuclear 
disarmament.  Essential reading in the lead-up to the Review of the 
Non-Proliferation Treaty on 24 April till 19 May in New York. 88 pp. 
illustrated.  $20 from MAPW or the first edition is available in pdf format 
at http://www.middlepowers.org/

Security and Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention
* How do we eliminate nuclear weapons?
* How would we verify and enforce nuclear abolition?
* How could we safeguard nuclear materials?
* Should we eliminate delivery systems?

Security and Survival helps answer these questions and in developing 
realistic approaches to advocating a nuclear weapons free world. In recent 
years demand has grown for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, a treaty of 
framework of treaties to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.

Security and Survival examines the desirability of a Nuclear Weapons 
Convention (NWC) and the form it might take.  An annotated model NWC, a 
revision of the draft treaty circulated by the United Nations in 1997 as a 
discussion document, is included.

Security and Survival is co-published by International Physicians for the 
Prevention of Nuclear war (IPPNW), the International Association of Lawyers 
Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) and the International Network of Engineers 
and Scientists Against Proliferation (INESAP).
144pp. illustrated.   $15 from MAPW or it is available in pdf format at 


The Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) is an 
organisation of health professionals dedicated to the abolition of nuclear 
weapons.  There is no adequate health response to a nuclear weapons 
explosion -- deliberate or accidental.  In addition MAPW works for the 
elimination of all weapons of mass destruction and urges that financial, 
technical and human resources spent on armaments be directed to uses which 
promote the health and welfare of humanity.


Clare Henderson
Executive Officer
Medical Association for Prevention of War
PO Box 197
Ph: (02) 6262 9345
Fax: (02) 62629346


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LL:DDV: Free Timor Vigil Closing Ceremony

2000-02-03 Thread Peter Job

SUNDAY 6 FEBRUARY 12.00 PM - 2.30 PM

At the request of Xanana Gusmal the Free Timor vigil will discontinue its
occupation of the sire at the Indonesian Consulate, Queens Rd, Melbourne.
The action is being taken as a gesture of conciliation toward the new
Indonesian President Mr Abdurrahman Wahid. The vigil has operated 24 hours
a day for close to 5 months.

The vigil's primary objective has been to maintain awareness of the fact
that tens of thousands of East Timorese cointinue to be held against their
will in West Timor and other parts of Indonesia. The people in West Timor
in particular are still in serious danger from attacks from the militia and
are, in effect, being held as hostages.

To highlilght this issue and mark the closure of the consulate action, the
vigil collective, with the support of the Free East Timor Campaign, has
organised an afternoon of events at the vigil site on Sunday 6 February.


A BBQ, other snacks and a range of events will be held from 12.00 pm,
culinating at 2.30 pm in the release of balloons from the vigil site to
symbolise the release of the East Timorese hostages. Please come along to
share in these events and to allow us to express our appreciation for the
support we have recieved form the people of Melbourne.

Regards from the Vigil Collective.



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