LL:DDV: fairwear actions,t shirts,forum

2000-07-20 Thread kylie wilkinson

please pass this message on to someone

Hello there!!

Fair Wear is a coalition of Trade Unions, church groups, students,
individuals... who work to eliminate the exploitation of outworkers in

While we are running part of our campaign from WEST SPACE an artist run not
for profit Gallery,(1st floor 15 - 19 Anthony Street,MELBOURNE)  we are
screening videos of the WTO Seattle footage, Fair Wear doco, doco on child
labour in the Hunduras and footage of Nike CEO Phil Knight at a press
conference (Hmm the last one not really).  There are also fantastic anti
Nike T shirts to buy and petitions to sign,work by the Free Timor Campaign,
Maori Activists and other artists.

Thursday 3 August @6:30pm at WEST SPACE  there will be a forum on the
fairwear campaign.  Prominent speakers will address the complexities of
encouraging companies to sign the Homeworkers Code of Practice for good PR(
as a pledge to not exploit outworkers or homebased workers in Australia) ,
the difficulties in accurately engaging shopping trends to deliver this
promise, maintaining media interest and the risks that face outworkers being
involved in the campaign.

West Space is really easy to find!! between A'beckett and Franklin Streets
nr Vic Market.HOURS WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY 12-6, SATURDAY 11 - 5
until August 5

for more information please contact Kylie Wilkinson on 93811062 or Shelly
Marshall on 9347 3377



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LL:DDV: Alliance for Supervised Injecting Facilities

2000-07-20 Thread toni bloodworth


Dear Friends

The Community Campaign for Heroin Reform has been actively campaigning
for Supervised Injecting Facilities since April 1999. We have held many
rallies,vigils and public meetings and have thousands of signatures on
At a recent meeting we decided to call for a coalition or alliance to be
formed of groups who are for SIF's. This would enable the groups involved to
share experience and ideas. Rallies, press conferences, and meetings could
also be held together for those interested.

Now, more then ever, is the time. We need to act now. Come and help us.

   The first meeting will be held at:

   The Comrades Bar on Swanston (near Queensbury St)
   in the City at 7.30pm on Wednesday the 26th of July.




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LL:DDV: Surviving Time Out of Prison forum and campaign fundraiser

2000-07-20 Thread toni bloodworth

How many women have to die before something is done?

At least 93 women have died shortly after leaving prison in the past 12
years. Women leave prison with a garbage bag of belongings and little else.
Some are lucky and have families that are willing to support them, but for
many the stigma of having a family member who has been to prison is too much
to bear and the woman is often left unsupported.

60% of women reoffend and end up back in prison. Prison does not work.
International research has shown that increasing the number of people in
prison does not reduce crime nor does it make the community feel safer.

Between 1996 and 1998 there was a 17.2% increase in the size of the
Victorian prison population. 188 women were in prison in Victoria as of
3/2/2000. Approximately half of them are in prison for property related
offences and 11% for drug related offences. 40% are under 29 years of age.
77% were unemployed prior to entering prison and over 70% are mothers.
Nearly 80% of women in prison are survivors of sexual assault, incest and/or
domestic violence.

If women had access to livable incomes, affordable housing and a range of
support and community services, including detox and drug rehabilitation,
they may not be forced to commit so-called "criminal offences" in order to
survive. Prison is a system that brutalises, represses and controls women.

Surviving once released from prison is often as hard as being inside.
The surviving time outside prison campaign has been working towards a week
of action to raise awareness about the issues surrounding women in prison,
and the effects that privatisation of the prison system is having on prison
life. As part of the week of action there is a one day forum organised in

WHEN: Friday August 4, 2000
WHERE: North Melbourne Town Hall (Errol St, tram no. 57 from Elizabeth St)
TIME: 10am - 1.30pm with an informal gathering afterwards

This is your chance to hear the real stories, the real issues and the real
solutions from women who have experienced the system themselves.
Come along and show your support for these courageous women and become
involved in the campaign to STOP the deaths of women when they emerge from
the penal system. Regular campaign meetings are every second Thursday at the
Darebin Community Legal Centre in High St Northcote, near Westgarth St. Next
meeting is Thurs August 3, 6.30pm.

Also, come along and support the campaign by attending a fundraising session
of Judas Kiss (MA) at the Westgarth cinema, 89 High St, Northcote. Friday
July 28, 7pm. Tickets are $12 full/$10 conc.
Tickets can be purchased at the door.
Phone Cherry 9481 1547 or Catherine 9489 6276 for more information.

Hope to see you at one or both of these events.



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LL:DDN: Marxism 2000

2000-07-20 Thread David Glanz

The global rebellion against corporate greed and capitalist values is
gaining strength. First there was the magnificent 60,000-strong united
rally in Seattle, then tens of thousands in Washington, then 70,000
gathering in the French town of Millau against McDonald's ... and on
September 11, we shall be taking to the streets of Melbourne against the
World Economic Forum.

While growing numbers know what they are against, debate continues on what
we should be for. That's why Marxism 2000, the weekend of discussion of
debate hosted by Socialist Worker, will be so valuable. The event will be a
forum to discuss and explain the socialist alternative, and to prepare for

Speakers include:

* Jack Mundey, secretary, NSW Builders Labourers Federation, in the green
bans era.

* James Goodman, UTS academic active against globalisation.

* Fairwear and S11 activists.

You can hear these speakers at the opening rally, "Fanning the Flames of
Global Rebellion", at 7.30pm on Friday, August 18, UTS University Hall,
Harris St, Sydney (near Central Station).

On Saturday and Sunday, August 19 and 20, Marxism will take place at UTS
Markets Campus (opposite Paddy's Markets, near Central Station). Guest
speakers will include:

* Cyndi Tebbel, author of The Body Snatchers: How the Media Shapes Women.

* Hall Greenland (an original freedom rider) and Chicka Dickson (Aboriginal
wharfie) on the Australian freedom rides of the 1960s.

* Author Humphrey McQueen on the corporate history of Coca Cola.

* Academic George Aditjondro on "East Timor and Cockroach Capitalism".

There are more than 30 talks, with choices in every timeslot.

Topics include Frankenfoods--science and the economics of GM food; There's
a new deputy in town--the Howard Doctrine and Australian militarism; Are
the Liberals finished?; The fire last time--how 1968 changed the world;
Sexing the brain--nature, nurture and gender roles; Capitalism and the
Third World--is liberation still possible?; They're not just playing
games--imperialism and the modern Olympics; Beazley's Labor pains--will
Labor ever turn left?; Can Marxism explain oppression?

The cost for the weekend is $38 waged, $28 unwaged, $15 high school
students (day and session tickets also available).

Professional childcare is free (you must book by August 10). We can also
provide free, basic accommodation.

To find out more, or to register (credit cards welcome), ring 0418 316 310
or (02) 9261 4862, or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or write to Marxism, PO
Box A338, Sydney South 1235. Cheques payable to ISO.

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LL:ART: sp newsletter 19/7/00

2000-07-20 Thread sp

Socialist Party newsletter
Wednesday 19th July 2000
Produced every second Wednesday
PO Box 1015, Collingwood 3066   Ph: (03) 9417 0805   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web address: http://home.mira.net/~sp/

New Melbourne Branch Programme
The next few branch meetings for Melbourne are as follows:
25th July: The life of Leon Trotsky - 60 years since his assassination.
Speaker Jonas from the Swedish section of the CWI.
1st August: Business meeting
8th August: Health and safety in the workplace: lessons from activists.
Speakers include Steve Roach (ex-Shearers Union, now WorkCover and Ben
Matthews, CFMEU steward, personal capacity)
15th August: Business meeting
22nd August:  Debate with Democratic Socialist Party on Cuba to mark
publication of the CWI's Peter Taaffe's new book on Cuba. The book defends
our position and highlights the weaknesses of the DSP's position in light
of an article by them in their internal bulletin. Organised by New
International Book Shop Collective.
All meetings at 7pm at New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, cnr Lygon
St and Victoria St, Carlton South. Phone 9417 0805 for a lift or help with
child care.

Sydney Branch meetings
Saturday 2nd September 4:30pm - Free Trade - Fair Trade - what it means for
workers. Parramatta TownHall.
Tuesday 11 September 6:30pm - Fighting Globalisation - launch of the SP
pamphlet. Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, King St, Newtown (opposite railway

New Books
We have just released two new publications
* Cancel the Debt! A socialist programme for the anti-globalisation
movement. $2. Includes explanation of globalisation, the role of the IMF
and World Bank, colonialism today, and a socialist alternative.
* Cuba: Debates on the revolution and today by Peter Taaffe. $15 from
bookshops, $12 direct from Socialist Party.
A must read for every worker and young person serious about their politics.
Takes up the question of Cuba, permanent revolution, stages theory, DSP and
more in a very accessible style. Come to the debate!
S11 latest
We are highly involved in building for the action at the Crown Towers from
September 11th-13th. 1,000 CEO's of the major multinationals will join
politicians and right-wing 'experts' to better plan how to rip us off and
destroy the environment.
Only this week, Heinz workers felt the effects of globalisation with their
plant in Dandenong set to close and relocate to New Zealand where wages are
lower. Over 200 workers will lose their jobs.
The Socialist Party is concentrating on the high school students strike on
Monday September 11th at 9am at Flinders St Station. Make sure you and your
school attend. If you are not a school student, give leaflets to students
you know, or leaflet your local schools. Phone 9417 0805 for leaflets or

Come to the Sydney Olympics Protest!
Seats are going fast. The coach to the Olympic Protest leaves Melbourne's
Trades Hall on Thursday September 14th at 6pm to get into Sydney the next
morning for the Opening Ceremony. There we will join members of the
Aboriginal community to march to the Games themselves to peacefully defy
the anti-civil rights legislation banning protest and to protest at the
elitism of the Games.
The coach arrives back in Melbourne on Saturday afternoon (16th). It's $20
for a deposit on a seat. The coach will have music, entertainment and lots
of politics. Don't miss the chance of a lifetime. Book now by contacting us
at the above phone number or email or postal address.
Paper sales
Public sales results for past two weeks. Friday 7th July sale in City: $134
raised. Saturday 8th July sale at Victoria Market: $61. Friday 14th July
sale in City: $41. Saturday 15th July sale at Victoria Market: $32

Thanks to those who donated to the special appeal to send Zac Wright and
Matt Wilson to the CWI's Euro School in Belgium. They are there now. The
target was well and truely broken.


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LL:PR: no women's jail - NSW Parl Committee Australia

2000-07-20 Thread JUSTICE ACTION


Unanimous decision: No more women prisoners

Justice Action today called on the NSW Minister for Corrective Services,
Bob Debus to abandon plans to build a new women's jail at Windsor after
the Upper House Select Committee on the Increase in Prisoner Population
called for a moratorium on women's cells.

The Committee received one hundred and thirty eight submissions from a
range of individuals and organisations. "Only one submission supported the
building of the new jail and that was from the Department of Corrective
Services. This clearly shows their intention to take money to build their
empire despite the system's failure. The community is now saying we want
schools, hospitals and better social support not more jails" said Kilty
O'Gorman, spokesperson for Justice Action.

"We call for the unanimous recommendations of the committee, including the
wider use of social solutions to be immediately implemented" said Brett
Collins, spokesperson for Justice Action.

"If Minister Bob Debus does not respect the unanimous recommendations of
the Committee he is effectively negating the process of wide community
consultation and logical decision outside of the law and order rhetoric"
said Kilty O'Gorman of Justice Action.

"Prisons have failed. They are horrendously expensive both in monetary and
social terms. Now it is up to Mr Debus to ensure the community-based
options are utilised" said Brett Collins of Justice Action.

For further comment please contact:
Brett Collins 0414 705 003 or Kilty O'Gorman 9281 5100

PO Box 386, Broadway, NSW 2007   Ph: 02 9281 5100 Fx :02 9281 5303
[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.justiceaction.org.au


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