LL:ART: West Papua could follow Timor way

2000-11-13 Thread MAD MAL

The Age (Melbourne)
Irian Jaya could follow Timor way
Source: AAP|Published: Thursday November 9, 7:17 AM

Indonesia accepted that its province of Irian Jaya would follow in the 
footsteps of East Timor in seeking independence if human rights were not 
observed there, Foreign Minister Alwi Shihab said.

"I think this is a universal premise", Shihab told AAP last night before 
departing for a meeting of Islamic countries in the Middle East nation of 

With relations still tense over Australia's role in establishing peace in 
East Timor after a vote for independence last year, Shihab this week 
requested clarification from his Australian counterpart Alexander Downer of 
his comments about the Papuan independence movement.

Downer told Meet The Press that human rights there had to be observed, 
otherwise secessionist movements would be encouraged.

In recent months, security forces and independence fighters have clashed, 
sometimes fatally, as authorities attempt to prevent the raising of the 
Morning Star flag, a symbol of independence in Irian Jaya.

Shihab said he accepted Downer's remarks as a "reminder", which would be 
said to an equal, rather than as a "warning", which was used for a child.

"He is only reminding us if the human rights violation takes place in Irian 
Jaya, as was the case in East Timor, it is likely Irian may follow suit", 
Shihab said.

Asked whether he agreed with this claim, he said:

"We know that there are so many malpractices of the past, injustices and we 
would like to correct that, so it is very valid."

Shihab also said he was not offended by last month's communique from the 
Pacific Islands Forum calling on Indonesia and the Papuan independence 
movement to exercise restraint

"We have to verify the statement", he said. He said he would accompany a 
delegation of ministers to Canberra on December 10 to prepare for the 
long-delayed and controversial visit of President Abdurrahman Wahid in late 
January or early February.

"It is up to the Australians to fix the date in late January or the first 
week of February, but we are ready to go ahead", he said of the President's 

Last month, Shihab cancelled a ministerial delegation just days before it 
was set to take place.


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LL:DDV: Revolutionary dinner - Socialist worker fundraiser

2000-11-13 Thread Peter Cahill

Announcing a Revolutionary Dinner - Food, history and revolution all on the 
one menu!  This is a  fund  raiser for Socialist Worker. Saturday 18th 
November at 7.00 pm. Venue - St Augustine's Church Hall, 94 Sydney Road, 
Coburg (next to the Woodlands Hotel), Tram No 19(first stop after Moreland 
Road). Tickets $25 waged, $15 unwaged - three course dinner (BYO drinks). 
Let's congratulate ourselves on a truly amazing year, from the people's 
revolution in Yugoslavia to World Bank protests in Washington and Prague, 
and the S11 victory over the WEF in Melbourne. For bookings and more info 
call Michael on 9930 1505 or 0418 365 771.


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LL:DDV: Chef Factory closure - public meeting

2000-11-13 Thread Peter Cahill

Advance Notice - there will be a Public Meeting on 30th November at 
Brunswick Town Hall to protest at Email's decision to close the Chef 
factory in Brunswick with the loss of 520 jobs. Join a United Front with 
the Australian Workers Union, Socialist Worker, Moreland councillors, local 
ALP politicians and concerned local residents and traders to condemn this 
blatant example of corporate greed at work. In its 2000 annual report, 
Email writes "management attention remains directed to aggressive cost-down 
targets ... to increase direct sourcing from lower cost offshore ... and 
cease local manufacturing operations." The average wage at the Chef factory 
is $11.65 per hour. Email's profit last year was $94.3 million (up 20% from 
the previous year), and its turnover was more than $2.1 billion. What 
better way to mark the 1st anniversary of Seattle? For further details, or 
if you want to help, ring 9930 1505 or 0418 365 771. Watch for further 
postings in this forum.


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LL:DDS: Empowering Women for Peace: Women in Armed Conflict Situations

2000-11-13 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear LL friends,

Could you please pass along the following message to any women in your 
networks/ organisations in South Australia?

Saturday 25th November is International Day of Action to End Violence 
Against Women. Women are warmly invited to join us on that day at the next 
meeting of the South Australian Branch of the Women's International League 
for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

At this meeting, Tina Dolgopol (Lecturer in Law at Flinders University) 
will report on the workshop she conducted on behalf of WILPF at the recent 
United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) Conference in Hobart. Tina 
will also conduct a workshop on the same topic: "Empowering Women for 
Peace: Women in Armed Conflict Situations".

Tina has worked for many years in the international lobbying efforts for 
the human rights of and monetary compensation for the "comfort women", the 
women who were drafted into sexual slavery work by the Imperial Japanese 
Army during World War II. Tina has a breadth of expertise having worked in 
the areas of women in armed conflict situations and the implications for 
all women of such international initiatives as the International Criminal 

All women and girls are welcome. You don't need to be a WILPF member to 
come along. The meeting starts at 2 pm and ends at 4.30 pm. If you'd like 
to join some of us for a shared meal beforehand, the meal starts an hour 
earlier, that is, at 1 pm - bring some food to share - a microwave oven is 
available. Hot drinks provided. Place: WILPF rooms in the Community Aid 
Abroad building at 5 Hutt Street, Adelaide. No cost.

Further information: phone: 8296 4357

Many thanks for passing along this message.

all the best,



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2000-11-13 Thread Workers_Power

Are there any other unions that have passed similar motions?

If so, could someone forward them to this list, because I'm sure many would
be interested to know what the formal positions  of unions are, over S11.

passed unanimously at the recent NTEU National Council

Recognising that:

The World Economic Forum (held at Crown Casino 11-13 September 2000) was 
organised as a meeting for over 1000 of the world's foremost transnational 

Such a meeting could only provide opportunities for those corporations to 
extend their already massive fiscal power, at the expense of the world's 
people and environment; and

Corporations with hideous human rights, anti-worker and environmental 
records were represented at the forum;


Believes that the conduct of a protest outside such a forum was entirely 
legitimate and long overdue and endorses non-violent protest (as evidenced 
by those who blockaded the WEF);

Condemns the Victoria Police Force's involvement in and instigation of 
violence at the protest, which resulted in injuries to workers, teachers, 
doctors, student, the unemployed, activists, children and other;

Is concerned especially at the effusive commendation of the police action 
by Premier Steve Bracks and his reference to (some) demonstrators as 
"fascists" and calls on the Premier to ensure that the Government fully 
supports an independent enquiry into the police violence against protestors:

Expresses its serious concern at the governmental use of the police force 
as a political tool including the use of State violence to repress dissent.

Believes that the review by the Police Ombudsman is not satisfactory and 
backs the demand that the Government initiates an expeditious and 
independent inquiry into police actions over the three days of WEF:

Resolves that this motion be sent to both Premier Steve Bracks and to VTHC 
Secretary Leigh Hubbard and be prepared as a press release.


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LL:DDV: The Uneasy Alliance - Melbourne Forum

2000-11-13 Thread Workers_Power

Workers and the Anti-Corporate Globalisation Movement
Open forum and discussion

Tuesday 14 November
7.30pm RMIT
Meeting Room 1
Lesley Clucas Lounge
Building 12, Level 4
Swanston St

While Bracks gets a pie in the face, S11 protestors vow to continue their
fight at May 1 next year.

N30 in Seattle, A16 Washington, S11 Melbourne, S26 Prague. These mass
protests against Corporate Tyranny and Global Capitalism show that
activists around the world are angry and fighting back against the symbols
of capitalism itself. The trade union movement to varying degrees is
sympathetic and even supportive of this movement.

However, S11 shows that this is an uneasy alliance. The S11 Alliance
largely failed to convince unionists to join the pickets of the World
Economic Forum. Some would argue this isn't important. Others would argue
that this isn't actually the case.

Workers Power believes that the lack of trade unionists on the S11 pickets
contributed to the ability of the police to attack protestors after the
Monday Blockade.

Open discussion and debate about the lessons of S11 and the way forward to
May 1 2001.


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LL:ART: What unbelievable conceit (in case you missed it)

2000-11-13 Thread S.P

Surviving without welfare

Monday 13 November 2000

Schemes to force people off welfare were actually making people more 
dependent on the government to survive, a new report today claimed.

The Working out of Welfare report commissioned by St Vincent de Paul said 
the Federal Government's stringent activity statements and punishments for 
minor welfare breaches forced some people to survive without any money at all.

The punishments the government imposes included having welfare payments 
reduced or cut off if forms were not properly completed or filed late.

"In turn this leads to an increase of people being forced to live for long 
periods without any payment at all. This has the unintentional effect of 
creating greater dependency as people fall behind in their weekly 
commitments ..." the report said.

The report highlighted five welfare traps; insufficient social security 
payments, a lack of social support networks, a decline in affordable 
housing, decreases in public health and education/training spending and 
high rates of long-term unemployment.

St Vincent de Paul's Victorian president Gerard Dowling said in a statement 
that people should not be surprised by the findings of the report.

"The two most rapidly rising demographic groups seeking assistance are 
people suffering from a mental illness and young people," the statement said.

A spokesman for Employment Services Minister Tony Abbott said the minister 
would not respond to the report.

He said a letter from the minister to St Vincent de Paul adequately 
explained the government's position in relation to the criticisms.

"The Federal Government currently distributes some $26 million to 
organisations such as St Vincent de Paul for emergency family assistance. 
It is almost a given that government funding in these areas will never be 
enough because human beings can always find new ways to get themselves into 
trouble," the letter said.

Mr Abbott also said he believed the government's system of mutual 
obligation was in line with Catholic doctrine.

He attacked the charity's belief that increasing welfare payments would 
help the poor.

"Topping up welfare payments can certainly make beneficiaries' lives easier 
in the short term, but is unlikely to get people jobs or even to reduce the 
numbers considered poor in a society where poverty is a relative concept," 
Mr Abbott said in the letter.



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LL:AA: action to support fair employment bill

2000-11-13 Thread TCFUA Vic Branch

Support Outworkers to get a Fair Go in Victoria - CALL TO ACTION

The FairWear Campaing urges all supporters to take a couple of minutes this 
week to email, phone, fax or mail the following liberal and national 
politicians to urge them to put the Fair Employment Bill through the upper 
house of parliament.

The Bill will give back to Victorian workers: Better annual leave, sick 
leave and unpaid parental leave Access to the Fair Employment Tribunal A 
system for reviewing unfair contracts Stronger protection for low wage 
workers by making outworkers employees A proper system of enforcement for 
wages and monies owed for work performed.

If you need any further information please contact Pamela Curr 9251 5270
or Annie Delaney
9347 3377

Please contact:
Denis Napthine- Opposition leader
Parliament House
Melbourne, 3002
Ph. 9651 8512, Fax. 9651 8426

Mark Birrell - Leader of the opposition legislative council
Parliament House, Melbourne, 3002
Ph. 9888 6244, Fax. 9888 6529

Peter Ryan - Leader national party
Parliament House, Melbourne, 3002
Ph. 9651 8911



I am writing, calling to ask you to let you know that I support the Fair 
Employment Bill and ask you to support Bill in the upper house. The Bill 
will  ensure outworkers and other workers in Victoria get protection and 
will bring Victorian standards up to equal the rest of Australia.

Yours sincerely


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