LL:URL: Freemasons, Trade Unions and the Tragedy of History

2001-03-25 Thread Takver

Dr Bob James has researched and written a major new study:
Part One - Britain from Gothic Cathedrals to the Tolpuddle Conspirators
available at: http://www.takver.com/history/benefit/ctormys.htm

 From the Preface: Freemasons, Trade Unions and the Tragedy of History
The tragedy is at least five-fold:

First - students of history have been denied an adequate account of the
'lodge movement' and its social context, with the result that it is
invisible to the general populace and researchers in many fields have
been denied the challenge of seeing Freemasons, 'trade unions' and
'friendly societies' as fruit of the same tree;

Second - the idea of mutual aid, the impact of its once wide-spread
existence, its origins and its demise have all been rendered invisible
to the detriment of our understanding of ourselves. The clearest example
of historico-cultural consequences of this process is the tradition of
the 'true believer', the worker who allegedly chose to be disciplined by
the collectivity, the 'trade union', at the precise moment she/he became
aware of his/her individual freedom;

Third - social commentators have advocated and governments have
legislated flawed, indeed destructive 'solutions' to social needs, eg,
the State-regulated health and welfare system; and

Fourth - we have all been denied an adequate understanding of ourselves
and of our potentialities, because the history we have been taught lacks
depth, complexity, ambiguity and resonance.

Fifth - mis-understanding the failure of the particular model of 'mutual
aid' dominant since industrialisation has prevented practitioners (lodge
members) and their observers (historians) from redressing it in the
direction of systems theory, ie replacing linear with integrated
perspectives. Thus, social theory has pendulumed between goal-oriented
models, 'free trade' and 'protectionism'.

Other articles of interest are available at the Freemasons, Friendly
Societies and Trade Unions Index:
with solidarity
  Takver's Initiatives - http://www.takver.com
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
  Visit Anarres Books -http://www.anarres.org.au


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LL:DDV: Socialist Feminism vs Rightwing Backlash

2001-03-25 Thread Debbie Brennan

Melbourne Radical Women Meeting. Everyone is welcome!


Around the world, rightwing regimes are being met by grassroots resistance.
Come along to hear about international and national struggles against the
likes of John Howard, George Bush and Saddam Hussein. A panel of dynamic
speakers will feature Surma Hamid, organiser for the Committee in Defence of
Iraqi Women's Rights; Maria Mardones, Chilean feminist and community
activist; and Alison Thorne, Radical Women member and a leader in Socialist
Alliance. We'll explore what drives the Right, why it has become a global
force and how a multi-issue feminist movement can defeat it.

A tasty dinner, with vegetarian option, is served at 6.30 pm for a $6.00

Place: Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

For more information, contact Radical Women at (03) 9386 3230 or


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LL:DDV: M1 in Melbourne's west

2001-03-25 Thread Arun Pradhan

In the lead up to M1 the Democratic Socialist Party (Melb West Branch) and 
Resistance are organising several events including

 Monday April 2 6:30pm
 The Resistance Centre 48 Leeds st suite 6 Footscray
 screening this is what democracy looks like which gives an insight 
into the three days of S11 to S13 that shook Melbourne, then discussion and 
brainstorming on future western events and actions in thelead up to M1

 Tuesday April 24 7pm
 Western Region Environment Centre 6 Synott St Werribee
 Film followed by discussion including Harry van Moorst from the 
Western Environment Centre

For more information or to help publicise these events please contact the

 48 Leeds St suite 6 Footscray
 ph 9687 0789 or 9639 8622
 www.dsp.org.au  www.resistance.org.au

the DSP (melb west) runs introduction meetings every monday at 6pm at the 
Resistance Centre. Phone for info


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LL:REM: change of venue for debate about M1 blockade

2001-03-25 Thread New International Bookshop

Please note that the debate between Dave Kerin (long time union and
community activist) and Jerome Small (leading organiser of Jabiluka
blockade and Socialist Alternative member) on what kind of blockade is
needed for M1 has a new venue.
Due to the comedy festival we've moved from Trades Hall to the John
Curtin Hotel (on Lygon Street, opposite Trades Hall). There's been a lot
of interest in the event, and it should be an important forum for
discussing issues relating to the M1 demonstration. All welcome!

7.30 pm Thursday 29th March
John Curtin Hotel, 29 Lygon St Carlton
Organised by Socialist Alternative ph 9421 4439

Jeff Sparrow

New International Bookshop
Trades Hall
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth
tel 03 9662 3744
fax 03 9662 4755


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LL:REM: Global Action Conference this Saturday

2001-03-25 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne


Global Action Conference - thinking globally, acting locally

A day of discussion and debate about the new movement against global capital.

Sat 31st March Union House, Melbourne Uni $5 concession/ $10 full, 
registration at the door

Organised by Friends of the Earth, Victorian Greens, Democratic Socialist 
Party, International Socialist Organisation

We can make a difference! Despite widespread opposition to 'free trade', 
the federal government continues to push for new trade negotiations. The 
IMF has also called for another wave of neo-liberal "restructuring" in 
Australia. This will mean stripping awards to further shift industrial 
relations in favour of employers, another round of aggressive cut backs to 
welfare and public expenditure, and further cuts to the taxation 'burden' 
on business! It has even been suggested that Australia may be challenged 
under the WTO for its provision of free and subsidised health care. All of 
this is, and will, have dramatic impacts on our communities and the natural 

Reportedly, meetings between Howard and Costello and IMF officials 
identified the fact that it will be difficult to push the neo-liberal 
agenda further because most people in this country value "social cohesion" 
and won't react to kindly to further attacks on social and environmental 
values. The success of community opposition to these attacks on natural 
ecosystems and our living and working conditions will rely on effective 
alliances and collaboration between divergent sectors of society.

It is IMF style policies worldwide which are causing a growing opposition 
to neo-liberalism internationally, in terms of street-level protest, but 
also through the development of new ideas for economic and political 
governance, and the growth new social movements.

The Global Action Conference hopes to address some of the challenges facing 
the emerging radical opposition to global capital. It has ben called in a 
spirit of hope and collaboration. We welcome your participation.


Opening 9.30pm
10am Main Panel:
WTO, WEF, IMF & World Bank. Fix or nix?
Looking at the role of these international financial
institutions and what should be done about them.
Speakers confirmed so far:
Speaker Jubilee 2000
David Glanz, s11 media spokesperson, Socialist Worker
Pat Ranald, AFTNET

11.30 - 12.45 Workshops A:
see below

2pm Main panel
M1: Can we move beyond summit hopping?
With the M1 protests it is the activists taking the
initiative and taking the movement forward, but where
next for the new anti-corporate
Speakers confirmed so far
Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth
Max Lane, Chairperson, Action in Solidarity with
Indonesia and East
Timor (ASIET), Democratic Socialist Party
Jen Couch Victoria University academic

3.15 - 4.30 Workshops B
see below

4:30pm Final panel
Alternatives to globalisation: Remaking society, left
& green visions.
Looking at the alternatives that we can pose to the
neoliberal globalisation currently impacting on
today's world.
Tristy Fairfield, Friends of the Earth
Sarah Peart, M1 media spokesperson, Democratic
Socialist Party
Jess Whyte, Socialist Worker
Chris Chaplin, Victorian Greens

Workshop A - 11.30-12.45

1. Cancel third world debt
This workshop will take up one of the key demands of
the anti-corporate
movement and explain the impact this debt has on
underdeveloped countries.

2. Taking on the corporate parties
Views on what alternatives to the Liberal-Labor
consensus from the
Greens and the newly formed Socialist Alliance in
Australia. Also looking at the Nader campaign in the
recent US elections.

3. Resistance to the neoliberal agenda in Asia
South east Asia has been the scene of some of the
strongest resistance to neoliberal globalisation.
Speakers will look at the struggles unfolding in
Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia.

4. Globalisation; myths and realities
What is really behind the myths of globalisation? This
workshop will discuss what globalisation really means
for people and the environment.

5. No borders - free the refugees
While the elite continue to push for capital to be
able to flow freely throughout the world, refugees are
being denied access to Australia.
Speakers will look at the treatment of refugees in
Australia and where to take the movement to free the

6. Combatting the nuclear cycle
At the peak of the campaign against the Jabiluka mine,
78% of Australia's population said they were against
it. How can we continue to build the movement to
oppose nuclear energy.

Workshops B 3.15 - 4.30

1. Women fighting against corporate globalisation
Looking at the role of women in the new anti-corporate
movement and
some of the campaigns they are leading.

2. Environment under fire: looking at the resistance
against governments and transnational corporations
Speakers will also take up some of the ke


2001-03-25 Thread S.P

(Please distribute widely)

Friends Of Palestine
Public Forum
Friday 30 March 7.00 PM
Royal Society's Hall
9 Victoria St. Melbourne
(entrance 8 Latrobe Street)
all welcome


On the 30th of March 2001 severe clashes with Israeli Occupation forces are 
expected with the marking of Palestinian Land Day.

On March 30 1976, Israeli military authorities imposed collective 
punishments on the Indigenous people of Palestine and confiscated 
Palestinian land. During this 1976 land confiscation, Palestinians stood up 
collectively and confronted the Israeli army. A curfew was imposed on the 
Palestinian villages and towns in the region. Six Palestinians were killed 
by Israeli troops in the towns of Sakhnin and Arabeh.

Land Day has become a symbol of Palestinian resistance to occupation 
throughout the whole of Palestine. It is expected that this year's 
commemoration in Palestine will result in serious clashes, as Israeli 
troops will again try to suppress Palestinian demonstrations against 


Burt Blackburne
Divisional Secretary, Technical Division, CEPU

Dr. Scott Burchill
Lecturer in International Relations, Deakin University

Sari Kassis
Palestinian Human Rights Activist, Sydney

 for further information contact:

 (Let us know if you'd like to join our
egroup for daily updates on Palestine)


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