LL:ART: privatised water -

2001-09-13 Thread Denise Tzumli

Privatisation of water and sewerage continues across the world.
SA's privatised water  sewerage handler United Water features in this
article on a criticism of moves to privatise New Orleans water 
sewerage systems.

Denise Tzumli

Companies Vying for New Orleans' Water and Sewer Systems Linked to
Criminal Behavior, Corruption, Poor Service Records Collectively Include
Bribery, Environmental Violations, Substandard Maintenance, Broken
Promises and Questionable Ties to Government Officials

WASHINGTON - September 7 - The top three corporations competing to take 
over the city of New Orleans' water and sewer systems have tarnished 
records that, combined, include connections to criminal wrongdoing, suspect 
relationships with government officials, infliction of environmental 
damage, failures to maintain equipment, and the delivery of substandard 
customer service, a Public Citizen report reveals. The report, The Big 
Greedy, details the unseemly histories of three multinational corporations 
likely to submit bids to operate the water and sewage systems for nearly 
half a million people in New Orleans, in what would be the largest public 
works privatization in U.S. history. The winning company, expected to be 
chosen next spring, will run the system for up to 20 years and take in an 
estimated $1 billion in revenues. All three corporations are either 
subsidiaries of or maintain intimate business relationships with 
foreign-based conglomerates that are aggressively acquiring water and other 
utility services throughout the world.

Giving a precious public resource to private interests is distasteful to 
begin with, but handing over New Orleans' entire water system to one of 
these companies would set a new standard for governmental negligence, said 
Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and 
Environment Program. City officials need to seriously reevaluate their 
actions - particularly because multinational corporations hold the 
interests of their overseas shareholders above the interests of local 
communities. Public Citizen does not believe that New Orleans residents 
would benefit from privatization of their water and wastewater systems. 
Evidence indicates that private operation or ownership of such systems 
fosters corruption and often results in rate hikes, poor customer service 
and a loss of local control and accountability.

Following an emerging trend among local governments, the New Orleans 
Sewerage  Water Board (SWB) decided last year to hire a private company 
to operate the city's water and sewage systems. A team of financial 
analysts concluded that a corporation could do a better job than the city 
of minimizing rate increases that will result from $1.3 billion worth of 
necessary repairs to the systems. The SWB will continue to set water and 
sewer rates, but the system otherwise will be privatized.

Though no formal bids have been submitted to run the systems - which 
include 1,610 miles of water pipes, 1,450 miles of sewer pipes, 105 pumping 
stations and two treatment plants - representatives from three 
corporations, including U.S. Filter, which already operates the city's 
sewer system, have toured the facilities. The track records of all three 
corporations have been sullied by various misdeeds:

OMI Inc. of Greenwood, Colo. - Last year, the City Council of Biddeford, 
Maine, withheld payment from OMI until the company fixed a chronic odor 
problem at the city's sewage treatment plant. This year, the county 
executive of Bergen County, N.J., was accused of trying to privatize the 
county's wastewater system to pay back his campaign contributors, which 
included OMI, its parent company and its law firm. OMI is planning to 
submit its bid with Thames Water, a British water giant recently acquired 
by German energy giant RWE.

United Water Resources of Harrington Park, N. J. - In 1996, a top executive 
of United Water's parent company, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux of France, was 
sent to prison, along with government officials in Grenoble, for bribery in 
connection with a contract award. Last year, United Water executives from 
several states donated more than $10,000 to the brother of Atlanta Mayor 
Bill Campbell, who was running for state auditor of North Carolina. It was 
just two years earlier that United Water won a $21 million contract in 
Atlanta, where local officials and residents have since complained about 
broken fire hydrants, slow service and brown water with flecks of debris.

U.S. Filter of Warrendale, Penn. - In 1997, executives of U.S. Filter's 
parent company, Vivendi Environnement of France, were convicted of bribing 
the mayor of St-Denis to obtain a water concession. Last year, U.S. Filter 
shareholders took Vivendi to court over allegedly illegal payments made to 
U.S Filter executives to win support for Vivendi's takeover of the company. 
Last month, an electrical fire at one of the sewage 


2001-09-13 Thread Samantha Bond

Hello there,

The following show Waving Couples is a new play about globalisation
written by Dutch Playwright, Aafke Heuvink.

Carlotta's Web is a new production company which celebrates international
cultural exchange that addresses current social and political issues through
artistic projects.

This production is being performed as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival
at the Brunswick Mechanics Institute Performing Arts Centre from September
19 to October 6th.

For more information please contact Samantha Bond on 0402 832 495

Bookings (03) 9482 7545 or www.melbournefringe.com.au


Sam Bond


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LL:DDV: New York socialist speaks Trades Hall on US Bombing

2001-09-13 Thread sp

Emergency Public Meeting
Carnage in USA: A socialist response
New York socialist and eye-witness to World Trade Centre attacks, Margaret
Collins, speaks live via speak phone to Socialist Party public meeting this
Tuesday. 7pm September 18th Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts,
Carlton South
People in Sydney who want to participate in this meeting via speaker phone
in that city, please phone Tiwai on 02 47572470 or 02 98390224

Don't miss this meeting. Plenty of time for questions and comments to Margaret.

Phone (03) 9639 9111 for more details


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LL:DDV: Forum: Self Defence is No Offence

2001-09-13 Thread fernandezandrew

Discussion Forum

Self Defence is No Offence

With speakers including
Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth
Dennis Evans from 3CR (recently arrested at Nike protests while trying to 
interview an undercover police officer)
Carlene Wilson from Workers Power

Tuesday September 18
7.30 PM at RMIT
Meeting Room CD
Building 8, Level 3
Swanston St, City

 From S11 to Gothenburg and Genoa, our political leaders have made it 
clear that they will not lightly tolerate civil disobedience which disrupts 
the gatherings of the globalisers. They will forcibly violate democratic 
rights if need be.

What shall we anti-capitalists do now? Since the shootings in Gothenburg, 
Genoa and Papua New Guinea, a broad and intensive debate has been underway 
within the movement internationally. Do we accept a drastic narrowing of 
legality? Do we limit ourselves to those tactics which avoid at all costs a 
clash with the state forces? Do we inscribe the principle of non-violence 
into our strategy, or merely adopt it as a necessary and temporary expedient?

Now the recent attacks on New York and Washington will no doubt give state 
leaders around the world a pretext for increasing the surpression and 
repression of political dissent and the right to protest in the name of 
being tough on terrorism. Already, the Queensland Parliament was suspended 
so that Premier Peter Beattie could review security options for CHOGM, with 
Beattie publicly attempting to link the US attacks with the CHOGM protestors.

In this context this forum will discuss the implications for protests 
against corporate globalisation  and what approach activists should take.

Presented by Workers Power
0409 355 296

Subscribe to iRed, workers powers discussion list for activists and people 
interested in socialist politics. Send blank email to 


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2001-09-13 Thread :: arun ::


   Above the Asylum Seekers Centre
   @ 207 Nicholson St, FOOTSCRAY

   ph: 9689 9867 for information
   web: www.vicnet.net.au/~rac-vic

(note- sorry for change of date, we did not want to clash with a range of
refugee events this thursday  were also reliant on venue availability.
At this meeting we want to establish A REGULAR meeting schedule!
again sorry for inconvenience!!!)

In the wake of tragic events in the US there has already been a growing
racist backlash against middle eastern people and refugees more generally.
This makes our work even more urgent.

Refugee Action Collective (Western Suburbs) will hold an important
campaigning meeting this coming WEDNESDAY (SEPTEMBER 19) 6:30PM


  * Dispelling the myths: due to requests from RAC West activists we
 will bring a range of fact sheets to the meeting to help arm
 people with statistics  arguments on the issue.

  * Rock For Refugees: planning for a major concert outside Maribyrnong
 Detention Centre on November 10 (THIS COULD BE HUGE, BUT WE NEED

  * A proposal for community rallies in support of refugee rights

  * The vigils  hunger strike at the detention centre

  * Freedom Tour: last minute details for those on the bus

  * Regular Meeting Schedule  other upcoming events

if you are in the western suburbs, be sure to get involved with RAC WEST...
if you have never come to a meeting before, this will be a great way to


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LL:URL: Hunger Strike for Refugees on Front Page of Local Paper

2001-09-13 Thread :: arun ::

The call for a hunger strike  protest at Maribyrnong Detention Centre
received front page coverage in the major local paper, the Footscray Mail

see the article:

After tragic events in the US there will no doubt be a renewed racist
backlash against anyone of middle eastern appearance as well as on
protesters more generally.

In this period the hunger strike and your support become even more
important... get involved!

  please forward the email below to lists, friends  supporters


On September 21 to 23 Refugee Action Collective is organising a Solidarity
Bus Ride to Woomera Detention Centre. In the wake of the Tampa Crisis
such action is clearly needed to respond to bipartisan attacks on refugees.

In solidarity with this initiative JORGE JORQUERA the SOCIALIST ALLIANCE
candidate for GELLIBRAND invites those not on the bus, to be part of a three
day hunger strike  protest. Demand that these camps be closed, and that the
war against refugees  immigrants end now!

   53 Hamstead Rd, Maribyrnong (82 Tram from Footscray Station)
   Register for Hunger Strike ph 0417 537 388
   VISIT THE HUNGER STRIKERS anytime over the weekend!

-- 11:30am to 1pm
THE VIGIL @ Maribyrnong Detention Centre
come and support the ongoing hunger strike at the weekly vigil.
Bring placards, balloons and friends, but be sure to come along!
ph 9689 9867 for more info

-- 5PM to 10PM
A night of music  fun to mark the end of the hunger strike. A fundraiser
for Socialist Alliance Gellibrand, which is focussing on refugee rights and
closing down the camps as key aims in its campaign. ph 9318 6065



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LL:INFO: looking at borders

2001-09-13 Thread kwilkinson

environmental catastrophe
choose one border, what does it look like?

An invitation to submit words / images
to be compiled for a small publication for RE: MOVE BORDERS project,  part
The Office of Utopic Procedures -
18 October - 18 November,
1st floor 15 -19 Anthony Street,

deadline October 4th 2001

no one is illegal



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LL:DDV: Peace Vigil Sunday Sept 16

2001-09-13 Thread cate grant

While it is still unknown who were the perpetrators of yesterday's violent 
acts in the US, there is growing concern that retaliatory measures will 
only lead to more suffering of innocent people.

A meeting of peace, green, union and religious activists in Melbourne this 
evening have called a Vigil for Peace from 4.00 pm Sunday 16 September in 
the City Square on the corner of Collins and Swanston Streets.

While many this evening had differing opinions and analysis of yesterday's 
atrocities, we were all in agreement that 'two wrongs don't make a right'. 
The purpose of the vigil is to call for a calm and balanced approach to 
apprehending the perpetrators rather than the escalation of racial and 
religious vilification and hatred.

Religious and community leaders from many faiths will lead the call to 
stand together as one people in opposing all war and call for a peaceful 
and real resolution to the plague of violence based on social justice and 

Bring flowers and or a candle.

Corner of Swanston and Collins Streets MELBOURNE

4.00 pm
Sunday 16 September 2001


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LL:DDV: help to find - chairs for invisible people

2001-09-13 Thread kwilkinson

assembly of the invisible

gathering chairs for an action mid October
one chair for every person who has moved and waits, imprisioned in
Australian detention centres

please call Kylie 9486 3804

or bring your chair to Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
in Melbourne October 15th 8am



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LL:PR: Statement on human security by WILPF (Australia)

2001-09-13 Thread Cathy Picone

Statement by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

The loss of human life in New York and Washington yesterday is keenly felt.
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) (Australia)
sends love and condolences to all those who have lost loved ones in the

Over recent months, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and Donald
Rumsfeld have been working hard through all diplomatic channels to persuade
the international community that their plan to build a missile defence
shield to protect mainland US against rogue states is in the
interests of human security.  We in WILPF (Australia) have been saying that
their plan is not in the interests of human security - either of humans in
their own nation state, the United States, or of humans elsewhere in the
world. In fact, WILPF believes that their missile defence shield is a
plan which, if enacted, would further jeopardise human security by
precipitating a new arms race.

Clearly the US Administration has not had their eye on the main game. While
they have been working to bring other nation states on board to support -
or at least not to oppose - their billion dollar missile defence shield,
they have failed to take the necessary steps to avert threats to human
security through the very simple means of ordinary commercial airliners
being turned into weapons of mass destruction.

WILPF (Australia) believes that if we allow the present gross inequities in
distribution of the world's wealth to continue, we in the affluent nations
of the West must continue to expect anger and resentments to be directed
against ordinary citizens.

In order to ensure human security needs, our leaders must stop allowing a
system where 99,000 children die each day. According to the United Nations
Human Development Report of 2000, under our present international economic
system, 1.3 billion of the earth's 6 billion people are surviving on US $1
a day or less.  This is, in and of itself, a violent system violating the
right to life of millions of innocent people each year who die due to

While we have an economic and distribution system that allows such
disparity and such inherent violence to exist as a normal part of
everyday life, we have an extremely unstable situation. As the events of
yesterday demonstrate, this instability has now reached volatile

We have all allowed to develop a system which is serving the interests of
only a very few multinational corporations.

If world leaders truly value human security as they proclaim, then they
will have to abandon their cant about barbaric acts of terrorism against
civilised nations. To use such rhetoric and to try to posit an enemy
other then the real culprit is to mislead people. To permit such racism to
flourish is to further undermine our collective security.

The real enemy is greed.  Of the 100 biggest economic entities in the
world today, 51 are no longer nation states but mulitnational corporations.
If we are to find long-term and stable solutions to human security needs,
then we have no choice but to find a way to share the wealth of our planet
fairly among all peoples and to stop allowing a system marked by gross

WILPF (Australia) believes that yesterday's disaster in mainland US is a
failure of western foreign policy and economic policy. There has been a
vacuum of leadership.

In this context, to suggest that further billions of dollars of the world's
wealth should be diverted to the boardrooms of the multinational
corporations who manufacture armaments is to build a white elephant missile
shield. It is a robbery of the world's people and does not make anyone
more secure.

As the Australian Government under John Howard has been one of the most
gung-ho supporters of the proposed US Government missile shield, WILPF
(Australia) encourages all Australians, and especially Australian women and
girls, to contact your local MP, the Prime Minister and the Foreign
Minister, Alexander Downer, to insist that our real human security needs
are met and that the Australian Government ends its support for the
irrational missile defence shield.

You can write to MPs at Parlaiment House. Canberra ACT 2061 or phone
Parliament House switchboard on 02 6277 7111

Contact: Cathy Picone for WILPF (Australia) phone: 08 8296 4357


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LL:DDV: Great Sustainable Building Debate

2001-09-13 Thread Margaret

From: Glenda Lindsay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 4 September 2001 1:02:PM
Subject: Great Sustainable Building Debate - Daylesford Sept 22- 24


Sat 22nd/Sun 23rd/Mon 24th/September.
Daylesford, Vic - organised by Solar Sisters
Maureen Corbett and Kerry Wise.

Three full days of speakers:
Hear experts, radical thinkers, architects, owner-builders including
# David Holmgren
  # Eric Zehrung
# Frida Thornton
# John Morgan
# Sam Thompson
# Kerryn Wilmot

House Tours:
Visit a range of 18 very different architect-designed
and/or owner-built timber, mud and strawbale houses

Argue the rules and how to break them!
# Sustainable building
# 5-star energy ratings
# Embodied energy  materials
# Power, water  people systems

Solar Sisters welcome any promotion of this event you could undertake
on our behalf. Feel free to contact us if you'd like posters,
multiple hard copies of our brochure or further information,

Kerry Wise 5348 2055
Maureen Corbett 5348 2592


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