2003-09-16 Thread FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign
media release *** media release
September 16, 2003
Stop the War Coalition


Anti-war and human rights activists are preparing a giant protest
against US President George Bush when he visits Australia in late

A meeting last night of 60 people representing 17 organisations
(including four local peace groups, Sawiyan - Committee in Solidarity
for Palestine; the Other September 11 Committee; Friends of the
Earth; Illawarra NoWar and Books not Bombs) has called the Stop Bush
protest around the themes: Troops out of Iraq; No Free Trade
Agreement; Break the Howard-Bush Alliance and Justice for Palestine.

Nick Everett, from Stop the War Coalition, said that the protest was
expected to be large given the mass opposition to the war on Iraq.
"We're appealing to the half-million people who marched on February
16 against the war on Iraq to come out again against the occupation",
said Everett.

Brian Webb added that Stop the War also expected people concerned
about the US government's support for global trade regulations which
privilege the rich countries over the poor to mobilise. "The US
government's refusal to sign on to the Kyoto greenhouse protocol and
the nuclear non-proliferation treaty; and its support for compliant
dictatorships, such as in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will also bring
people to the protest."

Rihab Charida from the Sawiyan - Committee in Solidarity with
Palestine said that the US government's support for Israel's war on
Palestine, and its refusal to condemn the expulsion of Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat from Palestine, would bring many communities
concerned about peace in the Arab world to the protest.

A demonstration has been called for 5pm at Town Hall the day
President Bush arrives in Australia (any time from October 21).

Stop the War is also supporting a planned national convergence in
Canberra, and will be assisting the ACT Network against War which is
planning a lunchtime protest at Parliament House.

Contact: Nick Everett 0409 762 081 Brian Webb 0425 347 634 Rihab
Charida 0405 760 929 Bashir Sawalha 0413 859 060


Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 20:04:27 -
From: "Alan Heymann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(source unknown)

I attacked and took over two countries.

I spent the US surplus and bankrupted the US Treasury.

I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history (not

I set an economic record for the most personal bankruptcies filed in
any 12 month period.

I set all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the stock

I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

I am the first president in US history to enter office with a criminal

In my first year in office I set the all-time record for most days on
vacation by any president in US history (tough to beat my dad's, but I did)

After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided
over the worst security failure in US history.

I set the record for most campaign fund raising trips by an president in
US history.

In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their jobs.

I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any
other president in US history.

I set the all-time record for most real estate foreclosures in a
12-month period.

I appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than
any president in US history.

I set the record for the fewest press conferences of any president since
the advent of TV.

I signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than
any other US president in history.

I presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to
intervene when corruption was revealed.

I cut health care benefits for war veterans.

I set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously
take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the
record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.

I dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.

I've made my presidency the most secretive and unaccountable of any in
US history.

Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US
history. (The poorest multimillionaire, Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron
oil tanker named after her).

I am the first president in US history to have all 50 states of the
Union simultaneously struggle against bankruptcy.

I presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud in any market
in any country in the history of the world.

I am the first president in US history to order a US attack and military
occupation of a sovereign nation, and I did so against the will of the
United Nations and the vast majority of the international community.

I have created the largest government department bureaucracy in the
history of the US.

I set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases,
more than any other president in US h

LL:INFO: September 27 Melbourne Channel 31 Literacy event

2003-09-16 Thread vyule
   Channel 31, Melbourne community TV, Saturday, September 27 at 8.30 a.m.
is broadcasting a  new experimental  half-hour self-help cartoon
video literacy program that anyone can tape and copy for their own use 
and their family, for self-help watch-at-home learning, to watch and 
re-watch, and as a take-home aid for courses, schools and second 
language learners.

 < ABC GO!

This is the premiere of Experimental Version 7 of a world-first innovation.
Copies of the videos and  CDs, including earlier versions can also be
bought from the New International Bookshop.

It is a step in campaigning for 'Literacy for the Left' because so
many people cannot read, or cannot read anything worth reading.
That is a tremendous handicap for democracy and any hope of a just society.
(As a recent poster to Leflink remarked:  It is certainly a stark
contrast when a relatively poor country like Venezuela builds 3000
new schools and has 100,000 volunteers waging a national literacy
campaign, while a rich country like Australia closes schools and
privatises education!   And when the Left in Anglo countries
does not regard it as urgent that everyone should be able to read
books - more than just forms and labels.)

The video/CD program has been developed over 20 years, and is based
on research and my
experiences as a clinical child psychologist and teacher.  So many
people labelled dyslexic
are confused and have gaps about how to read.  It is a disgraceful situation

   The aim is free or cheap re-useable kits that learners of any age
can copy, borrow or buy from courses, libraries, schools, workplaces,
video and bookshops, or download from the Internet, of especial value
to distance learners, to those who cannot or will not attend courses,
and to English-language learners who need assistance with English
speech sounds.

Top learning principles!
Overview of the English writing system
Starts from scratch
With advance-organizers
Self-help for independent learning
Cognitive understanding as the key
Chunking information for economical learning
No activities except reading
Intrinsic entertainment with no diversions,
Lots of surprises,
and Learning to Read by reading

Not suitable for group viewing

See also http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozideas

In the future, I hope that it will be taken for granted that everyone
setting out to learn to read, or with literacy difficulties, at any
age from five to eighty, will be able to watch and re-watch at home a
lively half-hour cartoon video/DVD with animated text. It will give
them an overview of the English writing system and what it helps to
know to learn to read. It will be a self-help tool that can help
learners and teachers in three ways - instruction, diagnosis and
intrinsic interest.  It will make phonics and print interesting,
while using a Whole Language approach of 'learning to read by
Encouraging learners' self-help will not supersede teachers - rather,
it would be an invaluable aid to free them for imaginative and
inspiring teaching with students who were not bogged down.

*   It can help adults and adolescents who have failed to learn
by conventional methods because it is not 'more of the same'.  It
builds on the strengths of older learners, in the ability to learn by
understanding, and to bring to the task a background of experience.
It uses principles of adult learning such as advance-organisers,
chunking, linking concepts, use of cognitive structure, and
self-help, making independent learning possible.
*   Most learners do not know what they do not know, in order to
negotiate how they are to learn it.  The video shows them what they
may need to know, so they can know what help they need, and feel
encouraged to attend courses.
*   It starts from absolute scratch - since many adult learners
fail in literacy courses because neither they nor their teachers have
realised where they may have an elementary gap or confusion that
sabotages everything else.  This video can show them where they got
stuck, where their gaps and confusions lie.
"There are only 26 letters?  I thought there were thousands!"
   "Oh, you don't have to learn every word separately?  I gave up after
the first hundreds!"
*   It uses computer graphics to present complex concepts in a
visually simple and fascinating way.
*   The visuals and the structure simplify the task, using George
Miller's principles of 'chunking' to facilitate comprehension and
*   Ideally, it should be of such high quality as a production

LL:REM: Ian Chappell@ refugee public forum - Wed 17/9

2003-09-16 Thread Shute, Carmel
A Just Australia

Invites you to join Cr. David Brand - Deputy Mayor, at a public meeting

Ian Chappell

Phillip Adams

Hanifa Deen

Howard Glenn

Plus special guests and entertainment

Come along to hear why Ian Chappell and our other speakers have joined
A Just Australia in its campaign for just refugee programs in Australia.

You will also have the opportunity to hear first hand stories from =
refugees and asylum seekers in the local community and their hopes for =
their lives in Australia.

When: Wednesday 17th September at 7.30pm
Where: St. Kilda Town Hall, Cnr Carlisle and Brighton Rd

The evening is free but we will be asking for donations and explaining =
how you can support our work on a long-term basis.

Carmel Shute
Council Media Officer
City of Port Phillip
Ph: 03 9209 6163
Fax: 03 9525 4640
Mob: 0412 569 356



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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance trade union pamphlet lanuch

2003-09-16 Thread maureen murphy
You are invited to attend a general meeting for trade union members in 
Socialist Alliance.

Tuesday 30 September, 6.00pm.
Upstairs, John Curtin Hotel, 29 Lygon St, Carlton

Socialist Alliance has many members who are active unionists. Our 
caucuses in the NTEU and AEU are starting to make a real impact. There 
are good possibilities for the Left as shown in recent victories by SA 
members and other left candidates in union elections. We have an 
essential role in building union consciousness among workers and 
developing militant trade unions.

The meeting will launch our new trade union pamphlet, which is an 
invaluable aid to any union activist.

There will be three agenda items:

1. Launch of the trade union pamphlet by John Cummins (CFMEU) and Louise 
Walker (NTEU)
2. Report on progress of Socialist Alliance trade union work nationally
3. Plans for how we organise our trade union work in Victoria

The meeting should take about one and half to two
hours depending on the discussion. It would be great
to see as many as possible of our union members there
to share experiences and develop a good plan for our
union work.

We are also organising a trade union seminar for
1.00-5.00pm on Saturday 18 October at the MUA rooms in
West Melbourne. The title will be ``Seminar for
unionists: getting organised’’. It will kick off with
guest speakers - new postal union state secretary Joan
Doyle and new MUA secretary Kevin Bracken. This will
be followed by two workshops, one on how to challenge
the anti-union laws and one on organising in non-union
and poorly-unionised workplaces.

Please contact Sue Bolton on 0413-377-978 or
9639-8622, Judy McVey on 0418-347-374 or Maureen
Murphy on 9386 0367 if you have any questions or would
like to discuss anything.

Yours in unity
Sue Bolton, Judy McVey and Maureen Murphy


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDA: House Concert this Saturday

2003-09-16 Thread Claire Bruhns
A Special House Concert

Come and celebrate the cultures and the creativity within the Canberra
community and at the same time, contribute to the costs of refugee advocacy.

Salar Ayoubi – extraordinary singer & multi-instrumentalist from Iran

Nitya & Andrew Purdam – Bamboo flute and tabla - Ragas of Spring

A Chorus of Women – Women singing for peace and cultural well-being.

Shahzad Kayani – Songs from Pakistan

JAM’NN – instrumental music from Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria

Iqbal Khalidi – Songs from Afghanistan

Ahmed & Nihad – Contemporary music from Kurdistan & Turkey

Maryam Saeed – Sublime Poetry   Iimala (& students) – Egyptian Dance

The Tribe – David, Natalia and friends

All money raised will cover the fares to send Marion Le to Baxter
Immigration Detention Centre so she can represent a young Afghan asylum
seeker who is about to return to the Refugee Review Tribunal:

"I was lucky enough to meet this young Afghan in Baxter in January this
year.  He could be the son of any of us, he is shy, sweet, and he misses 
his Mum dreadfully.  He grieves for family members killed, both in the 
past, as well as one brother killed recently.  Like the young people in 
our own communities, he too deserves to be safe. He heard about Marion’s 
trip to Afghanistan and he begged me to ‘find her’ and tell her about him. ”
(Claire Bruhns).

Saturday, Sept 20th   7.00 for 7.30 pm start
7 Yate Gardens, Rivett   (Claire, Nitya & Hannah’s Place)

$10 Contribution + bring plate to share for late supper

RSVP ph 6288 0535; 0401325943; [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:DDN: Workers' Control Conference: 10th-12th October, 2003

2003-09-16 Thread Workers' Control Conference
===>>> Register Now: http://www.jura.org.au/workerscontrol/
==>>> Please forward to your friends and workmates.
===>>> Apologies for cross postings.

There is an alternative... Workers' Control

 Workers' Control Conference
 University of Technology, Sydney
 10th-12th October

Hi all,

This is an invitation to register for the "Workers' Control
Conference", which will be held from the 10th to 12th
October, 2003.

The conference will be a dynamic weekend of talks,
discussion and workshops on past experiences of workers
control and the current strategies of militant unionism.


Keynote speakers confirmed to date include:
   * Michael Crosby (Co-director, ACTU Organising Centre)
   * Joan Doyle (newly elected Secretary, Victorian Postal
   * Martin Kingham (Victorian State Secretary, Construction
Division of the CFMEU)
   * Humphrey McQueen (Author, historian)
   * Paul True (Special Projects Officer, CFMEU. Speaking on
the NSW Builders' Labourers Federation and the Green Bans.
Author of "Tales of the BLF - Rolling the Right!")
   * Hall Greenland (Author of 'Red Hot: The Life and Times
of Nick Origlass').

Topics to be covered by plenaries and workshops include:
   * Reforming the Union Movement Today
   * The Organising Model: Successes and Limitations
   * The NSW Builders Labourers Federation and the Green Bans
   * The Ability of Militants within Unions to Achieve
   * The Possibilities and Limitations of Direct Action Today
   * The Harco Work-in
   * The Experience of the Melbourne Tram Workers
   * Unorthodox Leninism: Gramsci and Workers' Control
   * The Student-Worker Uprising in France in May 1968.
   * The Workers' Revolt Against Stalinism in Hungary in 1956
   * The Australian Experience of Workers' Self-Management
   * The Social Responsibility of Trade Unions: the 1938 Port
Kembla Pig-iron dispute and the NSW Builders Labourers
Federation Green Bans.
   * The Opera House Work-In
   * Revolutionary Reforms and Andre Gorz.
   * Creating a Workplace Newsletter
   * Workers' Self-Management and the Upsurge of the 1960s
and 70s
   * Workers' Control in Australia in the 1960s and 70s:
successes and failures
   * The idea of self-management in Marxist revolutionary
   * Workers' Self-Management and the Allende Government in
Chile 1970-3

To view a complete agenda for the conference visit the
conference website:


We strongly encourage people to register before the
conference so that we can properly predict numbers for
seating, printing and catering. You can register by:

Phone: 02 9572 9089
Or on our website at:

PLEASE include your name, phone number, email address and a
postal address.  No money is needed - you can pay on the

If you would like to present a workshop please contact the
conference organisers by 25th September, 2003. Workshop
topics should be in the spirit of the conference. In your
submission, please include a title and a 50 word overview of
the workshop. Due to limited space and time, we may not be
able to accept all workshops.  Please email

We are interested in workshops on any relevant topics, but
in particular would be interested in both practical
workshops on recent experiences of union organising in
various industries, and historical workshops on the
experiences of militant union movements.

We would greatly appreciate any assistance with publicising
the conference.  If you contact us, we can post you copies
of the agenda and posters.  If you have access to your own
photocopying you can download PDFs of the material from our
website at:


Please don't be shy about asking us for posters and
leaflets - we have thousands of them.

If you can assist by getting an advertisement or article in
your union newsletter or email list, that would be
excellent. If you need any statements or an article, please
contact us.

The Workers' Control Conference is open to all genuine
participants.  Please forward this email to people you think
might be interested, submit a workshop, register early, and
join us on the 10th, 11th and 12th for a dynamic weekend of
debate and discussion.

In Solidarity,

Nick Harrigan
For the Workers' Control Conference Organising Committee.

Phone: 02 9572 9089
Mail: PO Box N32 Petersham North NSW 2049
Web: http://www.jura.org.au/workerscontrol/

The Workers' Control Conference is an initiative of members
of Jura Books, the Centre for Radical Workplace and Union
Democracy and the Research Initiative on International
Activism at University of Technology, Sydney.

If you 

LL:INFO: Call for papers: Community Development/Human Rights

2003-09-16 Thread Shute, Carmel
Community Development, Human Rights and the Grassroots

Trades Hall

Victoria Street (Cnr Lygon Street) Melbourne, Australia

14 - 18 April 2004

(a conference for academics, researchers and the grassroots practitioners)

There is a renewal of interest in community development, both in
Australia and internationally. This conference will explore the
questions: What does community development look like today? What are the
key issues? What is its potential? How is it operating at the grassroots
and in global contexts? What are the links between community development
and human rights?

There will be two sections to the Conference:

Reflection14-16 April, 2004 (14th - evening Opening Session - Hotel

This section will focus on reflection and analysis of the role, methods
and contexts of community development today. In particular, it will
consider the influence of the human rights revolution on local and
global community projects. Submissions for papers which address the
following themes are invited, but other themes are also welcome.

*  human rights and community development
*  social capital
*  community development and globalisation
*  new and old forms of activism
*  multiculturalism and cultural citizenship
*  the effects of neo-liberalism & managerialism
*  gender, race and class
*  third sector research
*  indigenous projects
*  strengths & weakness of capacity and community building
*  women in community development
*  diversity and solidarity in community development
*  civil society debates and discourses

Abstracts should be 200 - 300 words and written in plain English and an
electronic copy (in MS word format) sent to:

Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone (03) 5227 2113
 (all papers will be blind peer - refereed)

Website  www.deakin.edu.au/cchr
  Deadline for Abstracts 14 November 2003


17 - 18 April, 2004

Themes of these two days of the conference will be:

*  the political context of community development
*  challenging the status quo
*  co-option and colonisation
*  working in atypical areas
*  new sites of community development
*  community development and the future

Workshop facilitation (10 -15 minutes) will focus upon issues relating
to these themes. This will involve sharing and celebrating ideas and
experiences, with creative discussion and decisions for future

The process of these two days will be participatory, interactional and
provocative (workshops - not presentations) focussed upon core community
development values in practice (rather than specific projects or

Those interested in further information, becoming involved in planning
the conference and / or facilitating workshops please contact Caty Kyne
(ph: 03 94817894)   [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Ben Leeman (ph: 03.9819 3239)


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LL:DDV: Free Trade Agreement

2003-09-16 Thread David Glanz
With the collapse of the talks at the WTO in Mexico, the Liberals are
quickly shifting the focus to the Free Trade Agreement with the US. The next
round of talks begin in Canberra on October 27.

That is why you are invited to a forum hosted by Socialist Worker:

"The Free Trade Agreement: economics of empire"


* Kevin Bracken, state secretary of the MUA
* Patrick McLiesh, Socialist Worker

Thursday, September 18, 7pm at RMIT, Swanston St, city.

For more info ring Tom on 0408 619 152 or visit www.iso.org.au

Please forward



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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