Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Brett McL Robinson
Further to the advice below about Legacy working from other folders, I
have been using C:\Program Files 2\ for all my program files except
those that come with the PC and operating system (they go in C:\Program
Files\). Legacy has not given me any trouble set up like this. This
makes it easy to separate discretionary software from the necessary
stuff but still easy to find and understand, and avoids the Windows7
control problem. All my data goes in D:\ - a partitioned drive in the
previous PC and separate physical drive in my current one.

Cheers, Brett B McL Robinson, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand

On 30/05/2012 2:06 a.m., Sherry/Support wrote:
> Tim is correct that you can chane the file name and redirect the install.
> Normally we only recommend this file name change to users who have
> installed Legacy to the Program FIles folder and find out the hard way
> why we have specific instructions for installing Legacy to the default
> c:\Legacy folder on a Windows 7 or Vista computer.
> Now they need to uninstall Legacy, reinstall to the default c:\Legacy
> folder using the renamed file, move their data and other files out of
> the c:\Program Files\Legacy folder before they can delete the folder.
> Otherwise, Legacy will just install on top of the existing folder.
> If you put Legacy in the Program FIles in Windows Vista or Windows7,
> you will run into problems with the program not runnign correctly.
> Vista and Win7 does not allow programs to write data to their folders
> when they're in the Program Files - which seriously blocks a lot of
> Legacy's functions.
> To allow Legacy to work correctly in the Program FIles folder in Vista
> or Win7, it will mean some major reprogramming of Legacy and the
> installation process.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Tim Rosenlöf  wrote:
>> On 5/28/2012 10:39 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:
>>> I just hope that, one day, the developers will see fit to make Legacy
>>> just like every other Windows program and stick it in Program Files
>> Tony,
>> You may already be aware, but just change the name of Legacy7Setup.exe
>> to LegacyNew.exe and put it where you wish.
>> No worries. I am a beta tester and past employee and I would not lead
>> you astray.
>> Tim Rosenlof
>> Utah, USA

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Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Tony Rolfe

On Tue, 29 May 2012 09:16:48 -0700 Marg Strong wrote

 > Tony, 
 > Since MRIN refers to marriages, do you handle the RIN of unmarried
 > people the same way?

Unmarried children's files are stored in their parents' folder until
they marry, then they get their own folder and their files get moved there.

I create a MRIN folder whenever I get an image or other M/M file which
relates to the marriage or the unmarried children.  Usually, the first
thing is a census image, sometimes a marriage certificate or whatever.
I don't have MRIN folders for marriages without any files.

Anything which relates to the married couple or to one or both of them
incorporates the MRIN in the file name, so I might have "1891 Census
(M0123).jpg" and would reference that for a census event for each person
in the household.  If husband and wife are in different places then the
main household gets "1891 Census (M0123)" but the other one gets "1891
Census (M0123) - Mary Anne (I04986)".  If the census image spreads over
two pages, the first one has "part 1" and the second "part 2" added to
the end.

Any unmarried children at home come under the main census, but an
unmarried child living away from home would get "1891 Census - George
(I01234)", which would be stored in the parents' folder.  Similarly
birth certificates or death certificates for unmarried children just
have their name and RIN included in the file name and are stored in the
parents' folder.

Once an unmarried child marries and gets a file relating to that
marriage, they get their own folder and all their childhood files get
moved there.  Once one file from this new folder becomes known to
Legacy, I run a test all multimedia paths to realign everything.

Essentially, the file name reflects the marriage if the person is
married at the time of the image, but just has the RIN when they are
unmarried at that time.

If someone remarries, the new marriage gets a folder for files relating
to the new marriage but the "unmarried" info stays in the first marriage

If one of the couple dies and the other doesn't remarry then later
census images etc. go into the marriage folder with the MRIN in the
name, just as if they were both there.

Sometimes I have to leave part of one of the names (in the folder name)
blank.  Usually the wife's maiden name but sometimes the husband's first
name. Sometimes I just have an initial for a middle name. That's not a
problem in itself.  However, when I find out that info I change the
folder name and have to fix that up in Legacy.  Not a drama, just a
housekeeping chore.

There are some other rare issues, but I just put the file into the most
appropriate folder and name it including the most relevant numbers.

This does guarantee that all file names are unique.  It isn't too
complicated.  It does generate a lot of folders, but there is
essentially no limitation to how many Widows will let you have.
Performance isn't an issue, except something (probably Legacy) goes into
a disk thrash when I reference the first file in a new folder.

It works for me, your mileage may differ.



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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

2012-05-29 Thread Ward Walker
I decided to deal with that very issue with the following:
  - Back up everything but pictures, videos, and music to the cloud 
automatically, using Carbonite;
  - manually backup pictures, videos, and music to a pair of portable external 
hard drives, with one of the pair being stored off site at a friends house.

The assumption here is that my big files (pictures, videos, and music) don't 
typically change on a daily basis, but rather in big clumps, such as after a 
trip. My fear is that Carbonite and similar products will drain my computer 
resources monitoring and uploading a large number of usually static, big files.


P.S.: I install Legacy in the default location, but maintain my family files 
and multimedia (just copies for Legacy use, normally reduced in size) on a USB 
thumb drive. The USB drive can be used on either the desktop or laptop, with no 
worries about where the 'master' or most recent data is. Legacy backups go to 
the hard drive of whichever computer is in use.
  - Original Message -
  From: Marg Strong
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

  I think you are talking about the "cloud?" I've looked at a couple of 
unlimited amounts with a reasonable annual fee, but don't know how much longer 
they will stay unlimited. With about 700 GB of photos and Genealogy files it 
would take a long time to upload, with no guarantee the price will stay 
reasonable. It might be worth checking out to upload Legacy files and folders 

From: Wes 

I am using Google Drive for my backups which I perform 3 times a week.
My C drive backup goes to another online backup site.


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RE: [LegacyUG] Citation issue

2012-05-29 Thread Michele Lewis
I did try running the search in the other fields just in case.  I submitted it 
as a bug but I haven't heard anything back yet.  I have fixed it for all of the 
future entries.  All I have to do is put this in the detail field

James E. and Celia Anna Simmons double

Then the citation comes out perfect :)  The word double goes with the word  
marker (which is in the source not the detail).


-Original Message-
From: James Cook []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Citation issue

No idea.  Is it possible you've done this more than on one occasion?
In that case maybe one time it was in source details, but another in master 

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 7:34 AM, Michele Lewis  wrote:
> I asked this question yesterday but got no response so I thought I
> would try again today :) :)
> I just added a bunch of markers to my file from a cemetery I visited
> yesterday.  I formatted the citation but I made an unforeseen error.
> My citation looked like this..
> Red Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery (174 Red Oak Grove Road,
> Edgefield County, South Carolina), L. Foster and Bertha P. Morgan
> [double marker] marker, personally read, 2012.
> I put in [double marker] so that you would know that is what it was
> but the word marker already appears because that is how the source is
> set up.  So I did  a search and replace with this
> Search:[double marker] marker
> Replace:  double marker
> The search and replace found all of the occurrences no problem and I
> replaced all of them.  HOWEVER, when I went back to take a look they
> hadn't really been replaced.  They looked exactly as written above.
> I pulled up the search and replace again and ran it with the exact
> same criteria but it said there were no matches (like they really had
> been already replaced).  So now I am stuck.  The program thinks these
> have been replaced  but they haven't been.
> Any ideas?
> Michele
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James Cook
GED Utils,  Ancestry Utils

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Re: [LegacyUG] Citation issue

2012-05-29 Thread James Cook
No idea.  Is it possible you've done this more than on one occasion?
In that case maybe one time it was in source details, but another in
master source?

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 7:34 AM, Michele Lewis  wrote:
> I asked this question yesterday but got no response so I thought I would try
> again today :) :)
> I just added a bunch of markers to my file from a cemetery I visited
> yesterday.  I formatted the citation but I made an unforeseen error.  My
> citation looked like this..
> Red Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery (174 Red Oak Grove Road, Edgefield
> County, South Carolina), L. Foster and Bertha P. Morgan [double marker]
> marker, personally read, 2012.
> I put in [double marker] so that you would know that is what it was but the
> word marker already appears because that is how the source is set up.  So I
> did  a search and replace with this
> Search:    [double marker] marker
> Replace:  double marker
> The search and replace found all of the occurrences no problem and I
> replaced all of them.  HOWEVER, when I went back to take a look they hadn't
> really been replaced.  They looked exactly as written above.
> I pulled up the search and replace again and ran it with the exact same
> criteria but it said there were no matches (like they really had been
> already replaced).  So now I am stuck.  The program thinks these have been
> replaced  but they haven't been.
> Any ideas?
> Michele
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James Cook
GED Utils,  Ancestry Utils

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Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Laird
Hi Tim,
My answer was specific to the question as it related to Legacy multimedia
(Pictures) files.  Legacy stores the multimedia folder locations in a "hard
coded" format.  I am not suggesting your 87 year old mother would have a problem
with a new PC.

As far as Legacy is concerned:
In Windows XP "My Documents" is really something like: C:\Documents and
Settings\username\My Documents.

In Windows Vista the equivalent folder is "Documents" and is really something
like C:\Users\username\Documents.

For any version of Windows:
If you store your multimedia in a location like C:\FamilyTree\Multimedia and
then copy your files to a new PC using the same folder name there isn't any need
to "find" a new location for the files.  These files can be on another drive
like D: or E: etc.  So long as you copy the files to the same folder name on a
new PC there isn't a problem.


On 5/28/2012 12:52 PM, Tim Rosenlöf wrote:
> On 5/27/2012 2:02 PM, Laird wrote:
>> Nichele,
>> I would like to discourage you making this change:
>> Someday you will have to buy a new computer.
>> It will NOT have a folder called
>> "My Documents" like you have with XP now.  The new computer will have a
>> different operating system, in the near future it will be "Windows 8".
> You know something we don't ? Why would Microsoft move away from the
> convection that has been there for many versions ? That would create
> havoc for a very large amount of users. My Mother (87), would have no
> clue how to change. She is one that has a hard time with just the basics.
>> At that
>> time you will have to do this process all over again.  That is one of the
>> reasons Legacy puts everything in C:\Legacy\.
> I don't have mine in the default location and it runs just fine. Even
> with the Sample.fdb file that has attached multimedia :-)
> Happy Hunting,
> Tim Rosenlof
> Utah, USA
>> You will have to locate/find at least one photo from each 
>> folder\sub-folder\etc.
>> Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

2012-05-29 Thread Marg Strong
I think you are talking about the "cloud?" I've looked at a couple of unlimited 
amounts with a reasonable annual fee, but don't know how much longer they will 
stay unlimited. With about 700 GB of photos and Genealogy files it would take a 
long time to upload, with no guarantee the price will stay reasonable. It might 
be worth checking out to upload Legacy files and folders though!

> From: Wes 
>I am using Google Drive for my backups which I perform 3 times a week.
>My C drive backup goes to another online backup site.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

2012-05-29 Thread Wes
On 5/29/2012 12:41 PM, Marg Strong wrote:
> Sherry brought this to mind under another topic, but it seemed I
> should ask under a new subject. I think it's been addressed before,
> but maybe someone won't mind giving me a quick answer.
> I am in the process of looking for a laptop so I can take my genealogy
> work with me when traveling or sitting out on our deck. It is legal to
> install and use my copy of Legacy on my (soon to be) laptop isn't it?
> Wouldn't the problem happen only if I were using the desktop and
> laptop at the same time? (I'm not that talented!)
> Thanks for answers.
> I have Legacy installed on both my Desk top and laptop computers.  To
> make things "easy" for me, I have my LegacyData folder setup on a 500
> GB Freeagent GoFlex portable drive.  I simply unplug from 1 computer
> and plug into the other.  Off we go.

I am using Google Drive for my backups which I perform 3 times a week.
My C drive backup goes to another online backup site.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

2012-05-29 Thread Marg Strong
Thanks for taking the time to explain details, Sherry. I keep a number of 
backups and use Syncback SE to keep my backup drives updated.  I think I could 
make that work to transfer updated work since it will be only a one way sync 
and not a more complicated mirroring back and forth.

> From: Sherry/Support 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:01 PM
>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?
>Yes. Make sure you keep both installations of Legacy updated in tandem
>- i.e., on the same build.
>I have some ideas on how to transfer files back and forth, but I know
>the listers do as well.  Yup,it's definitely been discussed before!
>You can use IntelliShare, back up the Family File on one computer and
>restore over the existing file on the other computer, keep the data &
>multimedia files on an external drive and switch that between the two
>computers (making sure you back up to the computer before you unplug)
>or use cloud sharing such as Dropbox, Skydrive, Google Drive,
>SugarSync, etc.
>There's been a lot of discussion about Dropbox on the list - you can
>check out the archives for that information.
>Technical Support
>Legacy Family Tree
>On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Marg Strong  wrote:
>> Sherry brought this to mind under another topic, but it seemed I should ask
>> under a new subject. I think it's been addressed before, but maybe someone
>> won't mind giving me a quick answer.
>> I am in the process of looking for a laptop so I can take my genealogy work
>> with me when traveling or sitting out on our deck. It is legal to install
>> and use my copy of Legacy on my (soon to be) laptop isn't it? Wouldn't the
>> problem happen only if I were using the desktop and laptop at the same time?
>> (I'm not that talented!)
>> Thanks for answers.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

2012-05-29 Thread Tim Rosenlöf
GRANT OF LICENSE.  Millennia grants to you the right to use the enclosed
Millennia program (the SOFTWARE).  You may install it on more than one
computer (such as a laptop) as long as there is no chance of more than
one copy being used at the same time.

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA

On 5/29/2012 10:41 AM, Marg Strong wrote:
> Sherry brought this to mind under another topic, but it seemed I
> should ask under a new subject. I think it's been addressed before,
> but maybe someone won't mind giving me a quick answer.
> I am in the process of looking for a laptop so I can take my genealogy
> work with me when traveling or sitting out on our deck. It is legal to
> install and use my copy of Legacy on my (soon to be) laptop isn't it?
> Wouldn't the problem happen only if I were using the desktop and
> laptop at the same time? (I'm not that talented!)
> Thanks for answers.
> >>It will run from the thumb drive as long as the drive is plugged into
> the computer you installed Legacy on  It won't run on a computer
> that doesn't already have Legacy installed.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree<<

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

2012-05-29 Thread Sherry/Support
Yes. Make sure you keep both installations of Legacy updated in tandem
- i.e., on the same build.

I have some ideas on how to transfer files back and forth, but I know
the listers do as well.  Yup,it's definitely been discussed before!

You can use IntelliShare, back up the Family File on one computer and
restore over the existing file on the other computer, keep the data &
multimedia files on an external drive and switch that between the two
computers (making sure you back up to the computer before you unplug)
or use cloud sharing such as Dropbox, Skydrive, Google Drive,
SugarSync, etc.

There's been a lot of discussion about Dropbox on the list - you can
check out the archives for that information.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Marg Strong  wrote:
> Sherry brought this to mind under another topic, but it seemed I should ask
> under a new subject. I think it's been addressed before, but maybe someone
> won't mind giving me a quick answer.
> I am in the process of looking for a laptop so I can take my genealogy work
> with me when traveling or sitting out on our deck. It is legal to install
> and use my copy of Legacy on my (soon to be) laptop isn't it? Wouldn't the
> problem happen only if I were using the desktop and laptop at the same time?
> (I'm not that talented!)
> Thanks for answers.

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[LegacyUG] Legacy installations - laptop & desktop allowed?

2012-05-29 Thread Marg Strong
Sherry brought this to mind under another topic, but it seemed I should ask 
under a new subject. I think it's been addressed before, but maybe someone 
won't mind giving me a quick answer.
I am in the process of looking for a laptop so I can take my genealogy work 
with me when traveling or sitting out on our deck. It is legal to install and 
use my copy of Legacy on my (soon to be) laptop isn't it? Wouldn't the problem 
happen only if I were using the desktop and laptop at the same time? (I'm not 
that talented!)
Thanks for answers.

>>It will run from the thumb drive as long as the drive is plugged into
the computer you installed Legacy on  It won't run on a computer
that doesn't already have Legacy installed.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree<<

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RE: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread CE WOOD

And not be left in the dust.  I had the very first commercial computer 
genealogy application, and it is long gone because of not keeping up to the 
latest standards. If Legacy programmers are on top of things, they need to be 
working closely with Microsoft so that Legacy is based on the latest Windows 8 
parameters.  Microsoft has a whole division that works with programmers to that 
end.  Many smaller production applications succeed because they take advantage 
of that.It's an old horse we're beating here, old Access, wrong code, et alia.

CE  > From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is 
> the best way to do this?
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 08:21:00 -0700
> What is NOT being said is that Legacy is NOT 100% Windows compliant and it is 
> based on a very old version of Access.
> This is why it is NOT using "Programs" and "My Documents and Documents" 
> folders for the program and data files.
> In my opinion, this is the one shortfall of Legacy I do not understand. I 
> think that the developers need to take the time and effort to upgrade to a 
> more recent version of Access and become 100% Windows complaint. Then the 
> program could be writing the required data to the Windows required areas.
> Thanks,
> David C Abernathy
> Email disclaimers
> This message represents the official view of the voices in my head.
> == All outgoing and incoming mail is scanned by F-Prot Antivirus  ==
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Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Marg Strong
Just for the record, Sherry (I know you were advising someone else on this) I 
have my Legacy installation in the default location. What I don't have under 
(what I think were default locations) are the media files, the database files, 
and the backup files. Many primary drives are not large, since it makes the 
system backups smaller, for one thing. So putting all that's possible on a 
second drive saves precious space.It's also easier to switch the data drive out 
for a new one if needed. Hopefully that won't become a problem.

> From: Sherry/Support 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:06 AM
>Subject: Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is 
>the best way to do this?
>Tim is correct that you can chane the file name and redirect the install.
>Normally we only recommend this file name change to users who have
>installed Legacy to the Program FIles folder and find out the hard way
>why we have specific instructions for installing Legacy to the default
>c:\Legacy folder on a Windows 7 or Vista computer.
>Now they need to uninstall Legacy, reinstall to the default c:\Legacy
>folder using the renamed file, move their data and other files out of
>the c:\Program Files\Legacy folder before they can delete the folder.
>Otherwise, Legacy will just install on top of the existing folder.
>If you put Legacy in the Program FIles in Windows Vista or Windows7,
>you will run into problems with the program not runnign correctly.
>Vista and Win7 does not allow programs to write data to their folders
>when they're in the Program Files - which seriously blocks a lot of
>Legacy's functions.
>To allow Legacy to work correctly in the Program FIles folder in Vista
>or Win7, it will mean some major reprogramming of Legacy and the
>installation process.
>Technical Support
>Legacy Family Tree
>On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Tim Rosenlöf  wrote:
>> On 5/28/2012 10:39 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:
>>> I just hope that, one day, the developers will see fit to make Legacy
>>> just like every other Windows program and stick it in Program Files
>> Tony,
>> You may already be aware, but just change the name of Legacy7Setup.exe
>> to LegacyNew.exe and put it where you wish.
>> No worries. I am a beta tester and past employee and I would not lead
>> you astray.
>> Tim Rosenlof
>> Utah, USA
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Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Marg Strong
Tony, thanks for the rundown on how you handle this. Coincidentally (due to the 
MRIN topic) I have been thinking more about how to use it and this is helpful. 
I also have a Genealogy Directory. My Legacy directory is a subdirectory of 
that. Organizing the media files by MRIN seems a good possibility. I don't mind 
a lot of folders but don't want to go to deeply into too many subdirectories of 
subdirectories, etc because I think that's where errors/troubles can start in 
Windows (at least from what I've read. Your way seems to avoid that.

Since MRIN refers to marriages, do you handle the RIN of unmarried people the 
same way?

I do have more general folders for the family directly under Genealogy; 
including correspondence, history of places, etc. Files that will be
useful when I am bringing my Legacy database up to date, but that won't
be used as media files. The one thing you do that I'm not sure of is to put the 
marriages (and media) directly under "Genealogy." Since I am working on two 
intertwined branches right now (lots of intermarriages) I have a directory of 
that line under Genealogy/Legacy for the media for that combined line, actually 
my maternal Grandmother's line. If I'm understanding you correctly, that would 
not be a problem either, would it? Putting the media files under marriages and 
unmarried individuals (under the Legacy directory) would be an easier way to 
find them when I start to attach them to my database.

> From: Tony Rolfe 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:39 AM
>Subject: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the 
>best way to do this?
>My C:\ drive is a comparatively small solid state disk.  I have two
>other disks, D:\ and E:\
>On the C:\ drive I have the OS, plus (among other stuff) C:\Legacy.
>Into this, I put the absolute minimum I can get away with, but I do use
>C:\Legacy\Backup for my database backups.  C:\Legacy does not contain
>ANY of my data.
>On my D:\ drive, I have a D:\Genealogy folder which contains all my
>genealogy data.  I have a D:\Genealogy\Data folder which contains my
>main database, plus anything else which comes under the generic "data"
>heading - downloaded Gedcoms, other FDB files etc. - but does not
>contain any images, videos or other multimedia.
>I have replicated the Legacy multimedia structure under D:\Genealogy and
>have added a folder D:\Genealogy\Marriages.  This contains all
>multimedia files relating specifically to people, organised by MRIN, so
>I have a lot of folders named
>D:\Genealogy\Marriages\M Hisname and hername
>M0123 Joe Robert Bloggs and Mary Anne Smith
>Anything which doesn't belong to a specific person or couple or family
>goes under the D:\Genealogy multimedia structure.
>I can foresee no problems with this.  I cannot imagine ever having a
>computer with just one disk but if I do, I'll simply move the
>D:\Genealogy to C:\Genealogy and use LTools to rename the D: bit to C:
>I did this once to separate all the MRIN folders out of Data\ to the,
>then new, Marriages\ and it took LTools all of 10 seconds to change
>Genealogy\Data to Genealogy\Marriages
>If you have multiple hard drives, I recommend splitting your data away
>from your programs.  Make sure that you back up your data onto a
>different drive from the original.
>I just hope that, one day, the developers will see fit to make Legacy
>just like every other Windows program and stick it in Program Files
>where it belongs - but I'm not holding my breath.
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>Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Sherry/Support
It will run from the thumb drive as long as the drive is plugged into
the computer you installed Legacy on  It won't run on a computer
that doesn't already have Legacy installed.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Tim Rosenlöf  wrote:

> On a side note, I tried to install Legacy on my thumb drive just for the
> heck of it. It worked to my surprise. It did however write some files to
> \windows somewhere. I was just fooling around and probably wouldn't suggest
> it. :-)
> Tim Rosenlof
> From the good ol state of Utah, USA

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Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Tim Rosenlöf
I hate to have a fire storm about this one. :-)

I have installed in \Program Files with XP and Win7. My data is
somewhere else as I mentioned earlier and have not had ant troubles.
When a new build come out (which I get many), Legacy finds my Legacy in
\Program Files without any work on my part. If Legacy is meant to only
be installed in C:\Le... , then it should be _forced_ there, and not
give the user any opportunity.

I see Sherry's point, we have worked support together and it is hard at
times to troubleshoot issues with some crazy installs.

We have had this discussion so many times. Take a peek at the archives

On a side note, I tried to install Legacy on my thumb drive just for the
heck of it. It worked to my surprise. It did however write some files to
\windows somewhere. I was just fooling around and probably wouldn't
suggest it. :-)

Tim Rosenlof
 From the good ol state of Utah, USA

On 5/29/2012 8:06 AM, Sherry/Support wrote:
> Tim is correct that you can chane the file name and redirect the install.
> Normally we only recommend this file name change to users who have
> installed Legacy to the Program FIles folder and find out the hard way
> why we have specific instructions for installing Legacy to the default
> c:\Legacy folder on a Windows 7 or Vista computer.
> Now they need to uninstall Legacy, reinstall to the default c:\Legacy
> folder using the renamed file, move their data and other files out of
> the c:\Program Files\Legacy folder before they can delete the folder.
> Otherwise, Legacy will just install on top of the existing folder.
> If you put Legacy in the Program FIles in Windows Vista or Windows7,
> you will run into problems with the program not runnign correctly.
> Vista and Win7 does not allow programs to write data to their folders
> when they're in the Program Files - which seriously blocks a lot of
> Legacy's functions.
> To allow Legacy to work correctly in the Program FIles folder in Vista
> or Win7, it will mean some major reprogramming of Legacy and the
> installation process.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Tim Rosenlöf  wrote:
>> On 5/28/2012 10:39 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:
>>> I just hope that, one day, the developers will see fit to make Legacy
>>> just like every other Windows program and stick it in Program Files
>> Tony,
>> You may already be aware, but just change the name of Legacy7Setup.exe
>> to LegacyNew.exe and put it where you wish.
>> No worries. I am a beta tester and past employee and I would not lead
>> you astray.
>> Tim Rosenlof
>> Utah, USA

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[LegacyUG] Wednesday's webinar - Researching Your New York Ancestors by Thomas MacEntee

2012-05-29 Thread Geoff Rasmussen
Join us for Wednesday's webinar, "Researching Your New York Ancestors" by
Thomas MacEntee at 2pm Eastern U.S. Register at See you all there!


Geoff Rasmussen
Millennia Corporation 

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RE: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread David C Abernathy
What is NOT being said is that Legacy is NOT 100% Windows compliant and it is 
based on a very old version of Access.
This is why it is NOT using "Programs" and "My Documents and Documents" folders 
for the program and data files.

In my opinion, this is the one shortfall of Legacy I do not understand. I think 
that the developers need to take the time and effort to upgrade to a more 
recent version of Access and become 100% Windows complaint. Then the program 
could be writing the required data to the Windows required areas.

David C Abernathy
Email disclaimers

This message represents the official view of the voices in my head.
== All outgoing and incoming mail is scanned by F-Prot Antivirus  ==

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Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

2012-05-29 Thread Randy Clark
Regarding Milesit's a township and in 1728 shows up in NCA1 which I
take to mean No County Administration.  See

Bethlehem would appear to be in (a then larger) Northanpton County.

Pine Grove (now in Schuylkill) then in Berks.

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Barbara  wrote:

> Thanks Michele and Randy,
> I am attempting to find Miles, Centre, Pennsylvania for the period of 1728.
> It just doesn't show it.
> Also, looking for Bethlehem (Lower Nazareth), Northhampton, Pennsylvania
> for
> 1763.
> Pine Grove, Berks (Schuhlkill). Pennsylvania 1802.
> I'm don't know how to navigate around the site and need help with that.
> Perhaps I'm expecting too much.
> Barb
> - Original Message -
> From: "Michele Lewis" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:35 AM
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] AniMap
> I thought it was okay to talk about any  of the add on programs that Legacy
> sells so
> I use AniMap all the time.  Yes, you can consult the Redbook or the
> Handybook to see when a county was formed from what parent county BUT in
> Animap you can plot specific places (more than one at a time) and see where
> they are in relation to these boundary changes.  For example, a town might
> be right near the border of another county in 1863 so you know that you
> need
> to check the adjacent county.  Most people would travel to the point that
> was easiest to get to do their business.  It might  not be in the county
> that they lived.  You can link families in different counties because you
> can see that they actually lived quite close to each other.  You can
> overlay
> a modern map over the top.  It also show a lot of things other than towns,
> like cemeteries and churches. AND, you can plot by lat/long :)
> Michele
> -Original Message-
> From: Barbara []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap
> While I like the concept of AniMap and I have a copy, I'm having difficulty
> understanding just how to use it.  I'm would like to talk with someone
> through my email address, rather than take up the Legacy User Group time,
> as
> I know this is not really what our Legancy user group is all about.
> Thanks,
> Barb
> - Original Message -
> From: "Tim Rosenlöf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:11 PM
> Subject: [LegacyUG] AniMap
> AniMap to the rescue again ! If you do any USA research, it is in my
> opinion a must !
> --
> Tim Rosenlof
> Utah, USA
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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> To unsubscribe:

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Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Sherry/Support
Tim is correct that you can chane the file name and redirect the install.

Normally we only recommend this file name change to users who have
installed Legacy to the Program FIles folder and find out the hard way
why we have specific instructions for installing Legacy to the default
c:\Legacy folder on a Windows 7 or Vista computer.

Now they need to uninstall Legacy, reinstall to the default c:\Legacy
folder using the renamed file, move their data and other files out of
the c:\Program Files\Legacy folder before they can delete the folder.
Otherwise, Legacy will just install on top of the existing folder.

If you put Legacy in the Program FIles in Windows Vista or Windows7,
you will run into problems with the program not runnign correctly.

Vista and Win7 does not allow programs to write data to their folders
when they're in the Program Files - which seriously blocks a lot of
Legacy's functions.

To allow Legacy to work correctly in the Program FIles folder in Vista
or Win7, it will mean some major reprogramming of Legacy and the
installation process.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Tim Rosenlöf  wrote:
> On 5/28/2012 10:39 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:
>> I just hope that, one day, the developers will see fit to make Legacy
>> just like every other Windows program and stick it in Program Files
> Tony,
> You may already be aware, but just change the name of Legacy7Setup.exe
> to LegacyNew.exe and put it where you wish.
> No worries. I am a beta tester and past employee and I would not lead
> you astray.
> Tim Rosenlof
> Utah, USA

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Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

2012-05-29 Thread RICHARD SCHULTHIES
One thing I do is, use xxx's to cover the recent boundary, then go back in 
time to compare areas. You can print any map, and include details important to 
you. I also add the maps to my reports.

 From: Barbara 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

While I like the concept of AniMap and I have a copy, I'm having difficulty
understanding just how to use it.  I'm would like to talk with someone
through my email address, rather than take up the Legacy User Group time, as
I know this is not really what our Legancy user group is all about.


- Original Message -
From: "Tim Rosenlöf" 
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] AniMap

AniMap to the rescue again ! If you do any USA research, it is in my
opinion a must !

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA

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Re: Legacy Pictures/multimedia Storage: was Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Tim Rosenlöf
On 5/28/2012 10:39 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:
> I just hope that, one day, the developers will see fit to make Legacy
> just like every other Windows program and stick it in Program Files


You may already be aware, but just change the name of Legacy7Setup.exe
to LegacyNew.exe and put it where you wish.

No worries. I am a beta tester and past employee and I would not lead
you astray.

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA

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RE: [LegacyUG] AniMap

2012-05-29 Thread Michele Lewis
Do you have GPS coordinates for Miles? In the AniMap database there are several 
Miles* in Centre.  Milesburgh, Milesburg, Milesboro.  All have the same GPS 
coordinates so the name has changed a few time.  Centre County didn't exist in 

 I had no problem finding Bethlehem, Northhampton.  Pine Grove is in there too.

Here are the step by step instructions to find Pine Grove  (I am using this one 
as an example)

1) Bring up PA (you don't have to change the year yet)
2) On the toolbar hit OPTIONS and then SITEFIND a list of all places in PA will 
come up
3) On the toolbar hit SEARCH and then BY NAME
4) Type Pine Grove in the SEARCH FOR box.  Type PA in the STATE box (you can 
leave the county blank)
5) Double click the Pine Grove that is in Schuykill.  A little box will come 
up.  You can ignore it.
6) X out of the window that has the list of places in PA and you will be back 
at the map of PA
7) On the toolbar hit OPTIONS then PLOT.  Double click Pine Grove and now it 
will be placed on your map.
8) Now you can play with the years to see what county Pine Grove was in when.
9)  You can go through this process as many times as you want and you can add 
multiple locations to the same map.

Let me know if you get it to work!


-Original Message-
From: Barbara []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

Thanks Michele and Randy,

I am attempting to find Miles, Centre, Pennsylvania for the period of 1728.
It just doesn't show it.
Also, looking for Bethlehem (Lower Nazareth), Northhampton, Pennsylvania for 
Pine Grove, Berks (Schuhlkill). Pennsylvania 1802.

I'm don't know how to navigate around the site and need help with that.
Perhaps I'm expecting too much.


- Original Message -
From: "Michele Lewis" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:35 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] AniMap

I thought it was okay to talk about any  of the add on programs that Legacy
sells so

I use AniMap all the time.  Yes, you can consult the Redbook or the
Handybook to see when a county was formed from what parent county BUT in
Animap you can plot specific places (more than one at a time) and see where
they are in relation to these boundary changes.  For example, a town might
be right near the border of another county in 1863 so you know that you need
to check the adjacent county.  Most people would travel to the point that
was easiest to get to do their business.  It might  not be in the county
that they lived.  You can link families in different counties because you
can see that they actually lived quite close to each other.  You can overlay
a modern map over the top.  It also show a lot of things other than towns,
like cemeteries and churches. AND, you can plot by lat/long :)


-Original Message-
From: Barbara []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

While I like the concept of AniMap and I have a copy, I'm having difficulty
understanding just how to use it.  I'm would like to talk with someone
through my email address, rather than take up the Legacy User Group time, as
I know this is not really what our Legancy user group is all about.


- Original Message -
From: "Tim Rosenlöf" 
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] AniMap

AniMap to the rescue again ! If you do any USA research, it is in my
opinion a must !

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA

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Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

2012-05-29 Thread Sherry/Support
Geoff created a training video on how to use AniMap.  Go to our
website > Training > View Training Videos  to
learn more about this one.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 4:11 AM, Barbara  wrote:
> While I like the concept of AniMap and I have a copy, I'm having difficulty
> understanding just how to use it.  I'm would like to talk with someone
> through my email address, rather than take up the Legacy User Group time, as
> I know this is not really what our Legancy user group is all about.
> Thanks,
> Barb

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Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

2012-05-29 Thread Barbara
Thanks Michele and Randy,

I am attempting to find Miles, Centre, Pennsylvania for the period of 1728.
It just doesn't show it.
Also, looking for Bethlehem (Lower Nazareth), Northhampton, Pennsylvania for
Pine Grove, Berks (Schuhlkill). Pennsylvania 1802.

I'm don't know how to navigate around the site and need help with that.
Perhaps I'm expecting too much.


- Original Message -
From: "Michele Lewis" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:35 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] AniMap

I thought it was okay to talk about any  of the add on programs that Legacy
sells so

I use AniMap all the time.  Yes, you can consult the Redbook or the
Handybook to see when a county was formed from what parent county BUT in
Animap you can plot specific places (more than one at a time) and see where
they are in relation to these boundary changes.  For example, a town might
be right near the border of another county in 1863 so you know that you need
to check the adjacent county.  Most people would travel to the point that
was easiest to get to do their business.  It might  not be in the county
that they lived.  You can link families in different counties because you
can see that they actually lived quite close to each other.  You can overlay
a modern map over the top.  It also show a lot of things other than towns,
like cemeteries and churches. AND, you can plot by lat/long :)


-Original Message-
From: Barbara []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

While I like the concept of AniMap and I have a copy, I'm having difficulty
understanding just how to use it.  I'm would like to talk with someone
through my email address, rather than take up the Legacy User Group time, as
I know this is not really what our Legancy user group is all about.


- Original Message -
From: "Tim Rosenlöf" 
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] AniMap

AniMap to the rescue again ! If you do any USA research, it is in my
opinion a must !

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA

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RE: [LegacyUG] AniMap

2012-05-29 Thread Michele Lewis
I thought it was okay to talk about any  of the add on programs that Legacy 
sells so

I use AniMap all the time.  Yes, you can consult the Redbook or the Handybook 
to see when a county was formed from what parent county BUT in Animap you can 
plot specific places (more than one at a time) and see where they are in 
relation to these boundary changes.  For example, a town might be right near 
the border of another county in 1863 so you know that you need to check the 
adjacent county.  Most people would travel to the point that was easiest to get 
to do their business.  It might  not be in the county  that they lived.  You 
can link families in different counties because you can see that they actually 
lived quite close to each other.  You can overlay a modern map over the top.  
It also show a lot of things other than towns, like cemeteries and churches. 
AND, you can plot by lat/long :)


-Original Message-
From: Barbara []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

While I like the concept of AniMap and I have a copy, I'm having difficulty 
understanding just how to use it.  I'm would like to talk with someone through 
my email address, rather than take up the Legacy User Group time, as I know 
this is not really what our Legancy user group is all about.


- Original Message -
From: "Tim Rosenlöf" 
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] AniMap

AniMap to the rescue again ! If you do any USA research, it is in my
opinion a must !

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA

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Re: [LegacyUG] AniMap

2012-05-29 Thread Barbara
While I like the concept of AniMap and I have a copy, I'm having difficulty
understanding just how to use it.  I'm would like to talk with someone
through my email address, rather than take up the Legacy User Group time, as
I know this is not really what our Legancy user group is all about.


- Original Message -
From: "Tim Rosenlöf" 
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] AniMap

AniMap to the rescue again ! If you do any USA research, it is in my
opinion a must !

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA

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