Re: [LegacyUG] Comparison to FamilySearch

2020-08-31 Thread Bruce Jones
I wondered if that was the case.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 7:49 PM Cathy Pinner  wrote:

> Bruce,
> FamilySearch have made changes. Expect a new update to Legacy very soon.
> There's just a few things still being worked out in testing with changes
> made.
> Cathy
> > Bruce Jones <>
> > Tuesday, 1 September 2020 6:48 AM
> > Just recently, when I click on the link to compare my Legacy data with
> > the FamilySearch data, the LDS temple names are displayed as usual;
> > however, ordinance dates are not displayed.
> > This seems to be true for all my people.
> > Am I doing something wrong or is FamilySearch making changes?
> >
> > <
> >   Virus-free.
> > <
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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[LegacyUG] Comparison to FamilySearch

2020-08-31 Thread Bruce Jones
Just recently, when I click on the link to compare my Legacy data with the
FamilySearch data, the LDS temple names are displayed as usual; however,
ordinance dates are not displayed.
This seems to be true for all my people.
Am I doing something wrong or is FamilySearch making changes?



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Re: [LegacyUG] Familysearch sources to Legacy

2020-06-25 Thread Bruce Jones


On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 12:49 AM Cathy Pinner  wrote:

> Bruce in the Legacy FamilySearch module there is a sources tab. It's
> useful but you do need to know that Sources can't be attached to all events
> on the FamilySearch tree. It's to the Right of the Share Data tab.
> Cathy
> Bruce Jones wrote:
> I'm confused. Where is the Sources Tab?
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2020, 2:18 AM Jenny M Benson  <>> wrote:
> On 24/06/2020 00:14, Bruce Jones wrote:
> > How can I transfer sources (& documents) in FamilySearch to my
> Legacy file?
> If you are importing data to Legacy using the Legacy FamilySearch
> Share
> Data tab and clicking the little arrow on the relevant line you
> will be
> given the option for an automatic Source to be added to your Legacy
> file.  If you are taking data from FamilySearch, then FamilySeach IS
> your Source.
> If you mean that want to copy a Source which has been added to an
> individual in FS, then open the Sources tab in Legacy FamilySearch
> and
> click the relevant arrow there.
> --
> Jenny M Benson -
> Wrexham, UK
> --
> LegacyUserGroup mailing list
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Re: [LegacyUG] Familysearch sources to Legacy

2020-06-24 Thread Bruce Jones
I'm confused. Where is the Sources Tab?

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020, 2:18 AM Jenny M Benson  wrote:

> On 24/06/2020 00:14, Bruce Jones wrote:
> > How can I transfer sources (& documents) in FamilySearch to my Legacy
> file?
> If you are importing data to Legacy using the Legacy FamilySearch Share
> Data tab and clicking the little arrow on the relevant line you will be
> given the option for an automatic Source to be added to your Legacy
> file.  If you are taking data from FamilySearch, then FamilySeach IS
> your Source.
> If you mean that want to copy a Source which has been added to an
> individual in FS, then open the Sources tab in Legacy FamilySearch and
> click the relevant arrow there.
> --
> Jenny M Benson -
> Wrexham, UK
> --
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Re: [LegacyUG] Sourcing a little faster

2020-06-24 Thread Bruce Jones
Since you called me an imbecil (I sent one of the emails you complained
about) let me ask you what you would call a person who signs on to a list
to get emails, then complains when those emails arrive?

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020, 9:05 PM Jennie Matheson  wrote:

> Because you subscribed to the list!  And there is no need to be rude or
> swear!
> You have received messages before advising you how to unsubscribe - but
> once more:
> *To manage your subscription and unsubscribe
> *
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 1:10 PM  wrote:
>>  Why do these Imbeciles keep sending me this Bullshit
>> - Original Message -
>> From:
>> "Legacy User Group" 
>> To:
>> "Legacy User Group" 
>> Cc:
>> Sent:
>> Sun, 21 Jun 2020 16:06:24 +
>> Subject:
>> Re: [LegacyUG] Sourcing a little faster
>> Thanks for sharing that trick Jenny!
>> Monique A. Riley, AG®
>> --
>> *From:* LegacyUserGroup  on
>> behalf of Jenny M Benson 
>> *Sent:* Sunday, June 21, 2020 9:41:29 AM
>> *To:* Legacy User Group 
>> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Sourcing a little faster
>> I thought I'd mention a little tip which I reminded myself about
>> recently:  it might be useful to a few people.
>> I was working on a project which involved adding a lot of new people and
>> new information to my database but restricted to about 4 or 5 different
>> Sources.  As my Master Source List is a a few hundred items long, it
>> takes quite while to find the one I want each time,
>> What I do under these circumstances is to open the Master Source List
>> and Tag those 4 or 5 different Master Sources and then select Show Only
>> Tagged Sources.  If I do then need to select a different Source it only
>> takes a moment to untick the Tagged box, select the Source I want and
>> then go back to the limited list.
>> Of course, I also the Source Clipboard as much as possible.  For
>> example, if I am adding a new set of children to a family it might
>> involve Sourcing their Births and their Baptisms.  Firstly I add each of
>> the children, adding as much information as I know on their Individual
>> screen.  Then I add the Source for the Birth of the first one and copy
>> that to the Clipboard, paste it for the next child and amend the details
>> as necessary, copy and paste to the next and so on.  That I repeat the
>> process to Source their Baptisms.
>> --
>> Jenny M Benson -
>> Wrexham, UK
>> --
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[LegacyUG] Familysearch sources to Legacy

2020-06-23 Thread Bruce Jones
How can I transfer sources (& documents) in FamilySearch to my Legacy file?

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Re: [LegacyUG] File organization question

2020-05-24 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks Cathy.
So it probably makes sense to have two copies of any pictures, one for
Legacy and a second for other purposes.
What size would you recommend for the Legacy copy?

On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 5:03 PM Cathy Pinner  wrote:

> Bruce,
> There is no reason for having duplicates on your hard drive if they are
> exact duplicates. Legacy copies rather than moves media for extra safety.
> However, there is a reason if you resize down the copy of images you
> attach to Legacy.
> Archive sized copies of photos are large. Attaching them at this size to
> Legacy makes Legacy work hard and slows Legacy down whenever it is doing
> something that requires a thumbnail of the photo - changing view if this
> photo is shown on Family View or Pedigree View, opening the relevant
> Media Gallery, making reports with pictures that include this large
> picture ...
> Legacy only needs pictures sufficiently large to give good output with
> the best method you intend to use, at the size you intend to include
> pictures. If you intend commercial printing with the pictures being 2
> inches wide then you probably want to have your pictures 1200 pixels
> wide so they can be printed at 600dpi although you'll get pretty good
> results if it is half that.  But that is still a lot smaller than an
> archive sized copy. [For those who know heaps about digital images, yes
> I know that this is a simplification.]
> Cathy
> > Bruce Jones <>
> > Monday, 25 May 2020 1:01 AM
> > Thank you both. I'm better understanding things now.
> > What would be the reason for having duplicates?
> >
> >
> >
> > Cathy Pinner <>
> > Sunday, 24 May 2020 12:10 PM
> > Bruce,
> >
> > Brian has alerted you to the dialogue that asks if you want to copy
> > your media. This is one way you get duplicates.
> >
> > He has mis-remembered the options. There is no option to move the media.
> > There is an option to copy into a sub-folder of the folder listed in
> > Options > Customise 6.2 on the second tab of the dialogue.
> >
> > You can move your media wherever you like, then set Options >
> > Customise 6.2 to your new top media folder and run the Media Relinker
> > to relink your media PROVIDED you haven't renamed any of the files.
> > When you use the Media Relinker, make sure that you choose not only
> > the right media but the right media in the right folder. Then click
> > the button to link to this particular media file and any others in
> > this same folder.
> >
> > Another option if you want all your Media in the one folder is to run
> > the Media Relinker to make sure you have no broken links and then run
> > the Gather Media tool which will copy all your linked media to the
> > folder you choose. Make sure this folder is listed at Options >
> > Customise 6.2. I'm not sure whether this is set automatically when you
> > choose a different folder in the Gather Media tool.  You could do this
> > and then sort the files into sub-folders and run the Media Relinker
> > again to relink them.
> >
> > Here is an article on fixing broken links.
> > <
> >
> >
> > The Gather Media tool can also be used just to gather stray linked
> > media that has been linked outside your normal media folder structure
> > (designated at Options > Customise 6.2). Used in this way, make sure
> > you don't check Copy media up from Sub Folders within the Media Folder
> > up to the Main Media Folder.
> >
> > Cathy
> >
> >
> > Brian Kelly <>
> > Saturday, 23 May 2020 6:34 PM
> > How do you answer Legacy's question when you attach media from a place
> > outside the default media location you have set in Options > 6.
> > Locations > 6.2 Default location of media files?
> > If I remember correctly when I add media from a location that is not
> > in my default location I am asked if I want to MOVE the file to my
> > Legacy media folder?, COPY my file to the Legacy media folder or leave
> > the file where it is. If you choose COPY then Legacy will MAKE A
> >
> > To my knowledge the copy option is the only one where Legacy will make
> > a second copy unless you have also created web pages and in that case
> > Legacy places copies of the media (all converted to .jpg format) in
> > Documents/Legacy Family Tree/Web/(Project name)/Media so th

Re: [LegacyUG] File organization question

2020-05-24 Thread Bruce Jones
Thank you both. I'm better understanding things now.
What would be the reason for having duplicates?

On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 9:11 PM Cathy Pinner  wrote:

> Bruce,
> Brian has alerted you to the dialogue that asks if you want to copy your
> media. This is one way you get duplicates.
> He has mis-remembered the options. There is no option to move the media.
> There is an option to copy into a sub-folder of the folder listed in
> Options > Customise 6.2 on the second tab of the dialogue.
> You can move your media wherever you like, then set Options > Customise
> 6.2 to your new top media folder and run the Media Relinker to relink
> your media PROVIDED you haven't renamed any of the files. When you use
> the Media Relinker, make sure that you choose not only the right media
> but the right media in the right folder. Then click the button to link
> to this particular media file and any others in this same folder.
> Another option if you want all your Media in the one folder is to run
> the Media Relinker to make sure you have no broken links and then run
> the Gather Media tool which will copy all your linked media to the
> folder you choose. Make sure this folder is listed at Options >
> Customise 6.2. I'm not sure whether this is set automatically when you
> choose a different folder in the Gather Media tool.  You could do this
> and then sort the files into sub-folders and run the Media Relinker
> again to relink them.
> Here is an article on fixing broken links.
> <
> >
> The Gather Media tool can also be used just to gather stray linked media
> that has been linked outside your normal media folder structure
> (designated at Options > Customise 6.2). Used in this way, make sure you
> don't check Copy media up from Sub Folders within the Media Folder up to
> the Main Media Folder.
> Cathy
> > Brian Kelly <>
> > Saturday, 23 May 2020 6:34 PM
> > How do you answer Legacy's question when you attach media from a place
> > outside the default media location you have set in Options > 6.
> > Locations > 6.2 Default location of media files?
> > If I remember correctly when I add media from a location that is not
> > in my default location I am asked if I want to MOVE the file to my
> > Legacy media folder?, COPY my file to the Legacy media folder or leave
> > the file where it is. If you choose COPY then Legacy will MAKE A
> >
> > To my knowledge the copy option is the only one where Legacy will make
> > a second copy unless you have also created web pages and in that case
> > Legacy places copies of the media (all converted to .jpg format) in
> > Documents/Legacy Family Tree/Web/(Project name)/Media so the web pages
> > can find them.
> >
> > You can also see where Legacy sees your media by clicking the view
> > current list of media folders.
> >
> > Brian Kelly
> >
> >
> >
> > Bruce Jones <>
> > Saturday, 23 May 2020 9:18 AM
> > As I review where my Legacy media is located, I find my media
> > duplicated in two different locations.  One where I put them, and a
> > second in "Legacy Family Tree/Media/xxx".  Is this normal?  Is Legacy
> > putting my data in media for a reason?
> > I am considering reorganizing my Legacy media with document type as
> > the lowest subfolder (aka Lesa Louise Cook).
> > And also considering moving all my photos to a separate folder system.
> > Will that cause a problem with the "media" data?
> >
> >
> --
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[LegacyUG] File organization question

2020-05-22 Thread Bruce Jones
As I review where my Legacy media is located, I find my media duplicated in
two different locations.  One where I put them, and a second in "Legacy
Family Tree/Media/xxx".  Is this normal?  Is Legacy putting my data in
media for a reason?
I am considering reorganizing my Legacy media with document type as the
lowest subfolder (aka Lesa Louise Cook).
And also considering moving all my photos to a separate folder system.
Will that cause a problem with the "media" data?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error accessing Family Search

2016-10-23 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks. Traffic sounds reasonable since it came back a little later.

On Oct 23, 2016 5:07 PM, "Ian Thomas"  wrote:

> Bruce
> I often have that problem. Several weeks ago, I think it was Cathy Pinner
> who suggested that it may be related to the amount of traffic at the Family
> Search website. I know that quitting Legacy, restarting Windows has not
> been the solution for me. Patience?
> Ian Thomas
> Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia
> *From:* LegacyUserGroup [] *On
> Behalf Of *Bruce Jones
> *Sent:* Monday, 24 October 2016 10:42 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Error accessing Family Search
> Just started working again!
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Bruce Jones  wrote:
> I get
> "Access violation at address 008824EC in module 'LegacyFS.exe'.  Read of
> address 00A8."
> This seems to happen on any person in my Legacy file.
> I'm running Legacy Deluxe under Windows 10.
> Anyone else affected?
> --
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Re: [LegacyUG] Error accessing Family Search

2016-10-23 Thread Bruce Jones
Just started working again!

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> I get
> "Access violation at address 008824EC in module 'LegacyFS.exe'.  Read of
> address 00A8."
> This seems to happen on any person in my Legacy file.
> I'm running Legacy Deluxe under Windows 10.
> Anyone else affected?

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[LegacyUG] Error accessing Family Search

2016-10-23 Thread Bruce Jones
I get
"Access violation at address 008824EC in module 'LegacyFS.exe'.  Read of
address 00A8."

This seems to happen on any person in my Legacy file.
I'm running Legacy Deluxe under Windows 10.

Anyone else affected?

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[LegacyUG] Pedigree chart default

2015-09-21 Thread Bruce Jones
When printing a Pedigree Chart, the Sources default to
"If an event has multiple sources, combine them into one paragraph"
can this be changed to not make this the default?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy and Dropbox

2015-02-09 Thread Bruce Jones
Excellent description and explanation Cathy!
On Feb 8, 2015 11:04 PM, "Cathy Pinner"  wrote:

> Hi Keith,
> You may want to look at the archives as this is often discussed. (see link
> at the bottom of email)
> Whether or not keeping your working Legacy file in Dropbox ( the .fdb and
> all the related files) is a good idea depends on two things. The speed of
> your internet access and your degree of discipline and patience.
> If you're not switching computers, there's no problem. The problem arises
> if you open the Dropbox file on another computer before:
> a) the latest version has fully uploaded from the other computer
> or
> b) before the latest version has fully downloaded to this computer.
> If you don't wait for both processes to complete before using the file,
> you end up with conflicted copies.
> If you decide to keep your family file in Dropbox, you need to tell Legacy
> that that is where it is. So you go to Options > Customise - 1.2 and choose
> the D ropbox file to be the one to open on starting Legacy.
> You might also want to go to Options > Customise 6.1 and make your Dropbox
> Legacy sub-folder the default data folder.
> Note that this doesn't mean you don't need Documents\Legacy Family Tree\
> Your settings will still be held at  ... Documents\Legacy Family
> Tree\_AppData\
> I don't keep my working family file in Dropbox but do keep the backups I
> make in Dropbox and my attached media. (I don't use the Legacy backup to
> backup the media).
> If my internet connection was always fast (I get variable speed) AND I
> often switched computers I would probably keep my working family file in
> Dropbox.
> Cathy
> Keith wrote:
> I recently heard (my computer wasn't able to pick up the pictures) the
> Webair on using Legacy and Dropbox. Unfortunately they didn't seem to
> give a step by step way of doing that and this evoked a few questions.
> (1) Geo ff indicated that he puts his.fdb in the dropbox and makes a
> change in the customize area: is this the common practice and what
> does one change within the program? (2) When I called the Legacy
> techs, the reminded me that Dropbox is a third party program and
> seemed to indicated that they really like people using this way of
> operating -- but for me Dropbox works so well with my laptop and
> smartphone and other programs --- what is the community's experience
> with using Dropbox? and finally, can someone give a somewhat
> inexperienced users an easily understood step by step way of doing this?
> Thank you
> /Keith
> /
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Re: [LegacyUG] Dropbox / Legacy problem

2014-11-12 Thread Bruce Jones
I had this same problem when I updated one computer to a different
operating system (from Windows XP to Windows 7).
I discovered the problem was that the PATH name was now different that the
other computer.
I moved the dropbox folder so the PATH to it was the same on both
computers, and that solved the problem.
Another poster suggested a setting in Legacy 8, but I haven't tried that as
I solved my problem by moving the dropbox folder so the PATH was the same
on both computers.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Ron Goodwin  wrote:

> I have decided to use Dropbox for syncing my two computers.
> For years (I now don't want to change) I have kept all my family files in a
> folder called "MY GENEALOGY" and then in sub-folders under each family name
> and using WINDOWS 7.
> They were in C:\users\Ron's Office\My Genealogy\(sub folders)
> I moved this folder to my Dropbox folder: C:\users\Ron's Office\Dropbox\My
> Genealogy\(sub folders)
> And as I expected the link to all my pictures, etc in Legacy are broken.
> I tried using "Legacy Media Relinker" and while is searches my C:\ drive it
> doesn't search my new "Dropbox" folder.
> I am able to relink them manually, one at a time, but with close to a
> thousand files this is very time consuming.
> I have searched the Legacy User Group archives but haven't found a solution
> to my problem.
> Does anyone have a solution; what am I doing wrong?
> Thanks
> Ron
> Ottawa, Canada
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Re: [LegacyUG] Long/Lat for stones

2014-10-27 Thread Bruce Jones
I only see two options:
Put the Lat/Long in a field other than the Location (description, notes)
If you want it in the Location field, then I think you need to create
multiple locations for that cemetery.
Here are examples of locations in my database.

Salt Lake City-Cemetery (I.12.10), Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Salt Lake City-Cemetery (J.19.6), Salt Lake, Utah, USA

Hope this helps.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Jay Wilpolt  wrote:

> How can I add in the Long/Lat for several stones within the same Cemetery
> without creating a separate "address" card for each one?
> Under Burial Address
> If I enter the first one as
> Cemetery Name, City, State
> and then in the Long/Lat enter a specific set of Long/Lat
> Then when I come to add another stone at that same cemetery,
> it overwrites the first entry (long/Lat Coordinates) ?
> Just wondered how others were handling this.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Jay
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Re: [LegacyUG] Pedigree Chart question

2014-09-12 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks, Brian.  That helprf me decide to try a different approach .

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Brian/Support 

> Another user has pointed out that the Ancestral file Number is on the
> Report Options, just not where all the other numbers like RIN, MRIN,
> User ID and Family Search ID are created. It is active in Legacy 8 but
> has always been greyed out (not selectable) in previous versions 6 and
> 7.5. I have entered a problem report to have this fixed so it is likely
> that the AFN will not be available once the report options have been fixed.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> On 11 Sep 2014 4:21 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
> > What version of Legacy are you using?
> >
> > Legacy 8 does not have an option to include the AFN on pedigree charts.
> > The AFN was also removed from Legacy 7.5. Ancestral File Numbers are
> > obsolete now that the LDS church has migrated to Family Search - Family
> > Tree. I even went back and checked Legacy 6, that also did not have an
> > option to include AFN on pedigree charts.
> >
> > If you are using the Charting Application instead of Legacy to create
> > the pedigree chart the Reference Number available to be added to the
> > names in that application is the RIN not the AFN.
> >
> > Brian
> > Customer Support
> > Millennia Corporation
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 11 Sep 2014 3:11 PM, Bruce Jones wrote:
> >> One of the available options for the Pedigree Chart is Ancestral File
> >> Number.
> >> I have checked this option but it does not show on the report, even
> though
> >> it is on some of the people on the chart.
> >> Am I missing something?
> >
> >
> >
> > Legacy User Group guidelines:
> >
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> >
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> >
> > Online technical support:
> > Follow Legacy on Facebook (
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> > To unsubscribe:
> >
> >
> >
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[LegacyUG] Pedigree Chart question

2014-09-11 Thread Bruce Jones
One of the available options for the Pedigree Chart is Ancestral File
I have checked this option but it does not show on the report, even though
it is on some of the people on the chart.
Am I missing something?

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[LegacyUG] How can I show which individuals I think are correct

2014-08-08 Thread Bruce Jones
I have many individuals in my file.  Many have no sources and I don't
remember where I got the name and information.

O would like to have some indication when I feel comfortable about the name
and relationships.
It would be nice if it showed on the pedigree chart so I could follow a
line and see where to spend time in research.
The best I have come up with is to show it in the UserId or Ancestral File
Id fields (I'm not using either right now).
Am I missing a better way?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Dropbox

2013-12-07 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks for the reassurance.

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Mary LeClerc  wrote:

> I do the same with Skydrive and it also syncs my laptop and desktop.
> Since I was already including the "My Documents" folder, I didn't have to
> do anything with Skydrive after installing Legacy 8.  Just had to change
> the default settings for files in Legacy itself using customize.
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Leon Chapman  wrote:
>>  Yes, it should work fine.
>> *Dr. Leon D. Chapman*
>>  On 12/7/13, 2:45 PM, Bruce Jones wrote:
>> Will that work for the "media" file(s) as well?
>> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Thomas Ramey wrote:
>>> I have a folder in my dropbox folder labeled Legacy Family Tree which
>>> has a data folder in it.  After original setup using system defaults, I
>>> moved the data folder using the customize function to the dropbox folder.Â
>>> Working fine. Tom
>>> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Bruce Jones wrote:
>>>> How are users implementing Dropbox with Legacy 8?
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Re: [LegacyUG] Dropbox

2013-12-07 Thread Bruce Jones
Will that work for the "media" file(s) as well?

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Thomas Ramey wrote:

> I have a folder in my dropbox folder labeled Legacy Family Tree which has
> a data folder in it.  After original setup using system defaults, I moved
> the data folder using the customize function to the dropbox folder.
> Working fine. Tom
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Bruce Jones  wrote:
>> How are users implementing Dropbox with Legacy 8?
>> Legacy User Group guidelines:
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[LegacyUG] Dropbox

2013-12-07 Thread Bruce Jones
How are users implementing Dropbox with Legacy 8?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Search for all people in one county

2013-11-10 Thread Bruce Jones
Your example helps to see your problem.
Just curious, how many locations do you have in total?

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Kathy Thompson wrote:

> I do understand that Bruce, but when I first started I would simply put in
> (as examples)
> Angus
> Brechin angus (complete with no capital and no comma)
> Angus Scotland (again, complete with no comma)
> so you see, I can't very well sort like the program can do because Angus
> isn't going to come up in the first position if there are no commas there
> Hence I need a search feature to help me find all of these stray locations
> so that I can actually get things organised and standardised.
> On 11 November 2013 14:06, Bruce Jones  wrote:
>> Kathy,
>> When they say to "standardize" your location, it doesn't mean they have
>> to have a specific number of positions, just that they need to be entered
>> in a consistent manner; i.e. either from smallest to largest or from
>> largest to smallest, regardless of the number of positions. So,
>> If you have locations entered as follows:
>> Sublimity, Marion, Oregon, USA
>> Marion, Oregon, USA
>> Oregon, USA
>> Salem, Marion, Oregon, USA
>> 123 Anystreet, Sublimity, Marion, Oregon, USA
>> they are consistently entered from smallest to largest.
>> Then, go to "View", "Master Lists", "Location"
>> Click on "Sort"
>> Click on "Right to Left" on Direction of Sort
>> Then they will be listed as
>> USA, Oregon
>> USA, Oregon, Marion
>> USA, Oregon, Marion, Salem
>> USA, Oregon, Marion, Sublimity
>> USA, Oregon, Marion, Sublimity, 123 Anystreet
>> So, all the Oregons will be together, all the Marions will be together,
>> all the Sublimitys will be together etc.
>> This may or may not help you, but I wanted to make sure you understood
>> what is being said.
>> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Kathy Thompson wrote:
>>> Michele - to get my locations consistent, I need to be able to find the
>>> locations in the first place.
>>> I am not good with geography, never have been, never will be.
>>> To ensure I don't "stuff up" I need to do all of one place at the one
>>> time - in other words, I need to do all the Angus places at once, then move
>>> on to Fife, then move to Perthshire, and then eventually move to Oklahoma,
>>> and so on.
>>> Given that only the USA uses 4 parts to their place names, and all of my
>>> other locations are 3 part or have "extras" like suburbs or cemetery names,
>>> sorting them according to fields isn't working for my current location
>>> database.
>>> Right now I'm ready to give up on this aspect of standardisation because
>>> it's just way too complicated and difficult to work out how best to
>>> standardise everything in a way that makes sense and looks good - ie no , ,
>>> gaps just because my family doesn't live in America.
>>> Regardless of the above though, putting in a search field for "Any
>>> Place" will also allow me to search for (as an example)
>>> Individual > Any date > Contains > 1900
>>> Individual > Any Place > Contains > Angus
>>> and get a result list of only those people who are recorded as living in
>>> Angus in 1900, regardless of how standard or non-standard my locations list
>>> is.
>>> On 11 November 2013 10:06, Michele/Support >> > wrote:
>>>> Kathy,
>>>> If you have your locations entered in a consistent manner (Legacy is a
>>>> true database program that uses fields) the sort feature is great and it is
>>>> fast.  The only time you would have a problem with the sort is if you don’t
>>>> enter your locations in a consistent manner.  Even though it would be a lot
>>>> of work initially you might want to go through all of your locations and
>>>> get them changed over to the standard format.  The good news is, the
>>>> changes are global.  You can also combine locations if you have two
>>>> identical locations entered differently.  Once you have your locations in
>>>> Legacy this way you will be able to manipulate your data more efficiently.
>>>>  One hint, as you get each location "cleaned up" you can tag it so that
>>>> whenever you go back to work on the locations again

Re: [LegacyUG] Search for all people in one county

2013-11-10 Thread Bruce Jones
When they say to "standardize" your location, it doesn't mean they have to
have a specific number of positions, just that they need to be entered in a
consistent manner; i.e. either from smallest to largest or from largest to
smallest, regardless of the number of positions. So,
If you have locations entered as follows:

Sublimity, Marion, Oregon, USA
Marion, Oregon, USA
Oregon, USA
Salem, Marion, Oregon, USA
123 Anystreet, Sublimity, Marion, Oregon, USA

they are consistently entered from smallest to largest.
Then, go to "View", "Master Lists", "Location"
Click on "Sort"
Click on "Right to Left" on Direction of Sort
Then they will be listed as

USA, Oregon
USA, Oregon, Marion
USA, Oregon, Marion, Salem
USA, Oregon, Marion, Sublimity
USA, Oregon, Marion, Sublimity, 123 Anystreet

So, all the Oregons will be together, all the Marions will be together, all
the Sublimitys will be together etc.

This may or may not help you, but I wanted to make sure you understood what
is being said.

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Kathy Thompson wrote:

> Michele - to get my locations consistent, I need to be able to find the
> locations in the first place.
> I am not good with geography, never have been, never will be.
> To ensure I don't "stuff up" I need to do all of one place at the one time
> - in other words, I need to do all the Angus places at once, then move on
> to Fife, then move to Perthshire, and then eventually move to Oklahoma, and
> so on.
> Given that only the USA uses 4 parts to their place names, and all of my
> other locations are 3 part or have "extras" like suburbs or cemetery names,
> sorting them according to fields isn't working for my current location
> database.
> Right now I'm ready to give up on this aspect of standardisation because
> it's just way too complicated and difficult to work out how best to
> standardise everything in a way that makes sense and looks good - ie no , ,
> gaps just because my family doesn't live in America.
> Regardless of the above though, putting in a search field for "Any Place"
> will also allow me to search for (as an example)
> Individual > Any date > Contains > 1900
> Individual > Any Place > Contains > Angus
> and get a result list of only those people who are recorded as living in
> Angus in 1900, regardless of how standard or non-standard my locations list
> is.
> On 11 November 2013 10:06, Michele/Support 
> wrote:
>> Kathy,
>> If you have your locations entered in a consistent manner (Legacy is a
>> true database program that uses fields) the sort feature is great and it is
>> fast.  The only time you would have a problem with the sort is if you don’t
>> enter your locations in a consistent manner.  Even though it would be a lot
>> of work initially you might want to go through all of your locations and
>> get them changed over to the standard format.  The good news is, the
>> changes are global.  You can also combine locations if you have two
>> identical locations entered differently.  Once you have your locations in
>> Legacy this way you will be able to manipulate your data more efficiently.
>>  One hint, as you get each location "cleaned up" you can tag it so that
>> whenever you go back to work on the locations again, you will know exactly
>> which ones have been done and which ones haven’t.  Another hint, you might
>> want to go ahead and put in short locations at the same time and check the
>> geocoding.
>> When I switched from FTM to Legacy in 2005ish I had to do this.  At that
>> time FTM had no way to check the locations like Legacy did/does (FTM might
>> now, I have no idea) so I had my locations entered every which way.  It
>> took some time but it was well worth the effort.  Once it was cleaned up it
>> was no problem because then I entered the locations the correct way.
>> Michele
>> Technical Support
>> From: Kathy Thompson []
>> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2013 6:38 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Search for all people in one county
>> What a convoluted time consuming way that could easily be solved using
>> one simple search for "Individual > Any Place > Contains > Angus" that I
>> can think print out a list of names from and the whole process is over and
>> done with in 2 minutes tops.
>> I'm glad that some people have been able to keep there Locations list in
>> an organised way so that they can simply sort it and get all the Angus
>> locations together - why do you think I need to have an "Any Place" search
>> ability?
>> So I can get my locations sorted and organised and standardised.
>> (As well as other reasons)
>> I've just spent 10 minutes tying to find all my Angus locations as you
>> suggested - I doubt I even have half of them yet - because of the
>> non-standard way the locations have been entered over time
>> If I have to do this for every single possible locatio

Re: [LegacyUG] Tagging Marriages

2013-10-25 Thread Bruce Jones
What if you Untag all marriaage records of a tag #, then when you correct
them, you TAG them.
Could that work?

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 5:34 PM, R G Strong-genes

> Laura,
> It looks like, currently, that there is no way to quickly tag all marriage
> records. However you can Untag all marriage records of a tag # using the
> option button on the Marriage List screen. You may be able to do it with MS
> Access or the LTools program.
> -Original Message-
> From: Laura Johnson
> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 6:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Tagging Marriages
> Is there a way to tag ALL marriages in the database?  I can see how to
> do it with individuals and I already have done that but I would like to
> tag all of the marriages so that I can work through them to correct
> problems that were in FTM before I converted the file to Legacy.  As I
> correct them, I remove the tag from the individuals but I would like to
> do the same thing with all of the marriages as well
> --
> Russell G. Strong
> P. S. Check out Legacy Family Tree today! This full featured genealogy
> program can be downloaded FREE at
> Oh so many branches and not enough time to check out all the roots!!!.
> Check out my Genealogy Pages at .
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Re: [LegacyUG] Individual Report

2013-09-29 Thread Bruce Jones
If I'm not mistaken, the Individual Report lists events in the same order
they are on the list of events for the individual.  So, you can order the
events anyway you want to see them.

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Ray Rhoads  wrote:

>   Is there any way to produce an individual report that mirrors the
> listing in nFS, in other words all similar events are listed together. All
> Census events would be together, all residences together etc. If not is
> there any chance this would be included in V8.
> Ray Rhoads
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Re: [LegacyUG] Half children on Family Group Sheets

2013-09-23 Thread Bruce Jones
Only if you add them as children of the current couple (in addition to
their biological parents).  You can add a child status of "Adopted" or
similar to each child affected.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Anne Picketts  wrote:

> Can half children be included on Family Group Sheets?  I don't see it
> included in Options, or help index.
> Thanks
> --
> Waipu, NZ
> NZSG #5331;  KFHS #6151
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Re: [LegacyUG] Latitude and Longitude

2013-09-14 Thread Bruce Jones
I have GPS Status on my Android tabled that displays latitude & longitude.

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Al Mieswinkel wrote:

> You are 100% correct about the accuracy being a function of the device.  I
> have a friend who had one of the very first GPS receivers ever sold.  He
> would drive down a highway with it in his car and it displayed his lane
> changes visibly but I don't remember if it displayed coordinates or not.
>  That has been too many years ago to remember but I remember watching it as
> he changed lanes and the resultant track.  10-20m sounds extremely
> inaccurate.
> Remember, I'm not using a phone, just an iPad.  The iPad has both Google
> Maps and Google Earth on it.  I'm not necessarily looking for some
> particular place, I just come across places and want to know the
> coordinates for them at that time so I can document and/or return.
> Thanks to everyone for all the input.
> Al
> -Original Message-
> From: Gavin Nicholson []
> Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2013 10:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Latitude and Longitude
> The main thing to bear in mind here is that it is generally not the App
> that determines the accuracy of the GPS coordinates but the device itself.
> The app just displays the position that the receiver has derived. The
> accuracy of civilian GPS receivers is typically in the order of 10-20m
> although it can be better and it can be worse depending on conditions. If
> this is good enough for your purposes then plot away! However, as Kathy has
> suggested a more accurate method if you can see what you are looking for is
> to use Google Maps. You could even use a combination of the two to roughly
> plot with your phone then refine it by going to that position in Google
> maps and adjusting it if needed.
> Gavin...
> -Original Message-
> From: Kathy Thompson []
> Sent: Sunday, 15 September 2013 9:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Latitude and Longitude
> Maybe not Floyd, but with Google Maps, if you already know where a grave
> is located within the cemetery (as an example), it is possible to
> accurately pinpoint the GPS location of that grave and thus obtain the
> Latitude and longitude of the location.
> Google Maps is free and so is Legacy basic - anyone should be able to
> input the lat and long of any location.
> Perhaps the feature was not added as a separate feature because there is
> already the lat and long capability within the location mapping section of
> Legacy, and given the incredible flexibility I've recently been finding out
> with the locations, it would be possible to have a location GPS marked for
> each known grave relating to family. Perhaps a little bit overboard to give
> every single Peterson within a cemetery their own separate location, but
> there's nothing to say that lat and long can't be stored within the notes
> field of the the burial event.
> Just my two cents
> Kathy
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Re: [LegacyUG] Latitude and Longitude

2013-09-14 Thread Bruce Jones
You might want to look into "I-gotU", a standalone GPS product that
continuously logs your latitude & longitude (I think every 10 seconds is
the default).  It can work with ANY digital camera.  You just need to make
sure both have the same time at the start of your trip.  I use the model
GT-120. It costs $49.95 at Amazon.

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Al Mieswinkel wrote:

> I do use the Notes field to keep location information.  I have no issue
> with working Legacy or the PC or Apple version of Google Earth or Google
> Maps.  It is not an issue of inputting either.  I do often use coordinates
> for cemeteries, etc.  I'll explain this way:  Pretend that you are in the
> middle of a 3000 acre forest with basically no landmarks and you stumble on
> the ruins of an old grist mill that you believe belonged to your 4 times
> great grandfather.  You have only an iPad with you that is connected to the
> cellular network.  I'm just looking for an app that tells you accurate
> coordinates for where the iPad is located.  This type of thing has happened
> to me on a few occasions and I go back to "civilization" and roam around
> some map tool until I may be lucky to find the place.
> Thanks.
> Al
> -Original Message-
> From: Kathy Thompson []
> Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2013 7:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Latitude and Longitude
> Maybe not Floyd, but with Google Maps, if you already know where a grave
> is located within the cemetery (as an example), it is possible to
> accurately pinpoint the GPS location of that grave and thus obtain the
> Latitude and longitude of the location.
> Google Maps is free and so is Legacy basic - anyone should be able to
> input the lat and long of any location.
> Perhaps the feature was not added as a separate feature because there is
> already the lat and long capability within the location mapping section of
> Legacy, and given the incredible flexibility I've recently been finding out
> with the locations, it would be possible to have a location GPS marked for
> each known grave relating to family. Perhaps a little bit overboard to give
> every single Peterson within a cemetery their own separate location, but
> there's nothing to say that lat and long can't be stored within the notes
> field of the the burial event.
> Just my two cents
> Kathy
> On 15/09/2013, at 8:37 AM, Lloyd Hite  wrote:
> > On 9/14/2013 5:53 PM, David Dearth wrote:
> >> At one point I made a new feature suggestion to Legacy, as it would
> >> be a valuable addition to the software, but never heard anything more
> >> about it.  Using it directly within Legacy would be a great feature.
> > Hello David,
> > As you should know, not everyone who uses Legacy can afford a camera
> > with built in GPS.
> >
> > Lloyd
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] How can I successfully use Legacy on desktop & laptop?

2013-09-09 Thread Bruce Jones
I have had my Legacy database on Dropbox for several years and like it.
Just make sure you never have your database open on both computers at the
same time.

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Kathy Thompson  wrote:

> Aside from installing Legacy on both machines, is there any other thing I
> need to do to enable this to happen successfully?
> Will saving my main Legacy database file in a cloud storage (like Dropbox)
> be enough?
> I'm finding I'm using too much paper when going to the library to do
> research, and the other day I got there and found I didn't have information
> with me that I knew I wanted to look up.
> Taking the laptop would solve both those issues.
> Thanks.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Where to log Twins?

2013-09-08 Thread Bruce Jones
Mary Slawson, in her book "Getting it Right" says
"Note: The designations "widow" and "twins" are recorded in the Notes
field.  They are not entered in the title fields."

I have several entered in the Title Suffix.
I may need to change how I have done it.

It will be interesting to hear what others have done.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Jay 1FamilyTree

> Is the best place to Log Twins, Triplets etc the "Child Relationships"?
> or is there a place connected to the birth /record?
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Jay
> 1familytree
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Re: [LegacyUG] Reports - Event Formatting

2013-09-07 Thread Bruce Jones
Based on Sherry's response and my experience, there is no way to change the
order of the columns.

On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 4:31 AM, Kathy Thompson  wrote:

> I'm not sure I made myself quite clear - but if the only way to rearrange
> the format of the data output is the sentence construction, I won't worry
> about it too much.
> I'd just like to be able to print a basic, almost summary report, that
> presents just the bare facts, with no sentence envelope at all, but have
> the 4 areas of data for each fact in a specific order.
> No dramas *grin*
> On 7 September 2013 02:26, Bruce Jones  wrote:
>> If you use the List Style formatting, you can't change the order, per
>> Sherry.
>> I have done something similar to what you are asking for using the
>> Sentence Style formatting.
>> It doesn't put things in columns, but I have fiddled with the sentence
>> definitions to add spaces to approximate a column for the event name and
>> have the date lined up with the location and description following in the
>> same "column"..
>> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 6:31 AM, Sherry/Support <
>>> wrote:
>>> There's no way to change the order which the information for an event
>>> shows in the report.
>>> In a report, events are listed in the order they show on the
>>> individual's Events/Facts list on the Individual Information window.
>>> You can change sort by date or name under the Options button next to
>>> that list.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Sherry
>>> Technical Support
>>> Legacy Family Tree
>>> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 4:35 AM, Kathy Thompson 
>>> wrote:
>>> > Is there any way of re-organising the order in which the List Style
>>> > formatting of the Events displays in the reports?
>>> >
>>> > At the moment it displays in columns
>>> > Event Name - Description - Date - Location
>>> >
>>> > I'd like to be able to move Description after Location so that I have
>>> > Event Name - Date - Location - Description
>>> >
>>> > Is this possible? If so, where am I missing the (probably obvious)
>>> settings
>>> > for this to happen?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks
>>> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] Reports - Event Formatting

2013-09-06 Thread Bruce Jones
If you use the List Style formatting, you can't change the order, per
I have done something similar to what you are asking for using the Sentence
Style formatting.
It doesn't put things in columns, but I have fiddled with the sentence
definitions to add spaces to approximate a column for the event name and
have the date lined up with the location and description following in the
same "column"..

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 6:31 AM, Sherry/Support

> There's no way to change the order which the information for an event
> shows in the report.
> In a report, events are listed in the order they show on the
> individual's Events/Facts list on the Individual Information window.
> You can change sort by date or name under the Options button next to
> that list.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 4:35 AM, Kathy Thompson 
> wrote:
> > Is there any way of re-organising the order in which the List Style
> > formatting of the Events displays in the reports?
> >
> > At the moment it displays in columns
> > Event Name - Description - Date - Location
> >
> > I'd like to be able to move Description after Location so that I have
> > Event Name - Date - Location - Description
> >
> > Is this possible? If so, where am I missing the (probably obvious)
> settings
> > for this to happen?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
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Re: FW: [LegacyUG] Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Origins and Migration Reports

2013-08-06 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks, Boyd.  I really enjoyed that!

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Boyd Miller  wrote:

>  Perhaps this will help explain the situation.
>  On 7/08/2013 2:30 p.m., CE WOOD wrote:
>  --
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Origins and
> Migration Reports
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 19:25:41 -0700
>  Â
> Great Britain is an island on which are three equal and sovereign
> countries of Scotland, Wales, and England. It is not a country, it is an
> island. Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles.
> Â
> Ireland is the second largest of the British Isles, on which are two
> separate countries, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
> Â
> The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland comprises 4 equal
> and sovereign countries: Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and England.
> Â
> The Republic of Ireland, although located on one of the British Isles, is
> neither a part of Great Britain nor of the United Kingdom.
> Â
> CE
> Â
>  --
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 18:36:20 -0700
> From:
> Subject: Re: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Origins and
> Migration Reports
> To:
>   I am curious, if not countries what are they?
> Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
>  --
> * From: * CE WOOD  ;
> * To: * ;
> * Subject: * RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Origins and
> Migration Reports
> * Sent: * Mon, Aug 5, 2013 11:26:15 PM
>   Amen!  They certainly are not!Â
> CE
> Â
>  --
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 10:35:42 +1200
> From:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Origins and
> Migration Reports
> To:
> Love this new feature. Congratulations!
> Â
> Their is just one observation. Great Britain and United Kingdom are not
> countries.
> Â
> Â
> Regards,
> Shirley
> New Zealand
> Â
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Geoff Rasmussen
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 06, 2013 4:57 AM
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Origins and
> Migration Reports
>  One of my favorite new features in the upcoming Legacy 8, described at
> Thanks,
> Â
> Geoff Rasmussen
> Millennia Corporation
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Legacy User Group 

Re: [LegacyUG] Error code 76 when going to geo databas

2013-07-13 Thread Bruce Jones
I agree with what Paul says.
Just one thing to be careful of when your active file is in dropbox.
Make sure you ALWAYS close your legacy file on one (dropbox) computer
before opening it on a different (dropbox) computer.

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 5:20 AM, Paul Gray  wrote:

> Mike,
> I must disagree with your comment about using Dropbox as only a backup
> mechanism. Putting your 'active' Legacy file in there was never a problem
> for me. With Dropbox, you have a local folder resident on your PC in
> addition to the one in the cloud, and when using Legacy you are using the
> local copy. It works just fine.
> What Legacy, and many other programs, can't handle is when the one and
> only copy of the file is on some cloud server. But that isn't how Dropbox
> works.
> Paul Gray
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Fry []
> Sent: July-13-13 1:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Error code 76 when going to geo databas
> On 2013/07/13 03:58, Thomas Ramey wrote:
> > I recently moved my data file and pics to dropbox.  It is installed
> > c:\dropbox\legacy and utilizes the same folder names as in the
> > original c:\legacy.  All seemed to work well until I went to go to a
> > geo lookup.  I get a runtime error 76 and then get kicked out of the
> > program.  Help file says to reset the temp file on the locations
> > folder which I did even though it was correct as c:\legacy\temp.  No
> > solution.  I uninstalled my geo codes and reset them back up.  No
> > help.  They are in the c:\legacy\geo.  No help.  I tried changing the
> > temp file to the dropbox folder.  no help.  I would appreciate any
> > ideas.  Running current build on Win I.  Tom
> Are you trying to use Dropbox as a working environment? Then you're going
> to have serious problems. Dropbox should only be considered as a backup
> mechanism.
> --
> Regards,
> Mike Fry
> Johannesburg (g)
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Re: [LegacyUG] Family Group Record print out anomaly

2013-03-18 Thread Bruce Jones
That works for the Family Group Sheet.  To turn it off for all reports &
displays, go to "Options".

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Ch  wrote:

>  From the Family  Group report under "Report Options", turn off "LDS
> ordinance info."
> Ch
> On 3/18/2013 4:24 PM, John Gregson wrote:
> > I've just started using Legacy Deluxe, ver
> > I'm using Win 7-32
> >
> > I've printed out my first Family Group Record; for my
> > parents, myself & sister.
> >
> > The print-out; after event label, Date, and Location (3 columns) ; has
> > two additional columns
> > on the right, but these extra columns are not labeled.
> > In many occasions the fourth column contains:
> > *B  E  SP SSin bold
> >
> > I have no idea what the above refers to, I cannot find any information
> > in the HELP.
> >
> > There is also a fifth column; this column has no data.
> >
> > John
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Re: [LegacyUG] Family Group Record print out anomaly

2013-03-18 Thread Bruce Jones
Those are only of interest to members of the LDS church
You can remove them as follows:
Click on "Options", "Customize", "General Tab"
On the right side, unclick "Display LDS Information"

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 2:24 PM, John Gregson  wrote:

> I've just started using Legacy Deluxe, ver
> I'm using Win 7-32
> I've printed out my first Family Group Record; for my
> parents, myself & sister.
> The print-out; after event label, Date, and Location (3 columns) ; has
> two additional columns
> on the right, but these extra columns are not labeled.
> In many occasions the fourth column contains:
> *B  E  SP SSin bold
> I have no idea what the above refers to, I cannot find any information
> in the HELP.
> There is also a fifth column; this column has no data.
> John
> --
> John.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Organization of Photos, Scanned Documents and etc.

2013-03-15 Thread Bruce Jones
I am using a modification of the strict MRIN filing method

I have 4 grandparent surnames: Jones, Barnes, Warr, Tingey
So I have created 9 main folders:
Jones, JonesR, Barnes, BarnesR, Warr, WarrR, Tingey, TingeyR, and Misc.
(those ending in R are "related" or married into the grandparent line)
I then create MRIN subfolders for each family within one of the main 9
Everything for a marriage goes into the appropriate MRIN subfolder.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Ron Walter  wrote:

> Cathy,
> As a contrarian 
> ** **
> **1.   **I throw EVERYTHING into only one folder
> **2.   **I use this naming scheme for EVERY file:
> .lastname.firstname..descriptor;  since I have many German
> ancestors and they all seemed to be named Johann Friedrich, I started the
> scheme with  (birth year);   is the year of the document or
> picture;  descriptor is something like ‘federal.census’, ‘state.census’,
> ‘tombstone.picture’, ‘death.certificate.’, ‘marriage.record’, etc.
> **3.   **Then I use Windows Explorer’s search function to find the
> specific documents I’m looking for – for example, if it is a specific
> person, I enter ‘.lastname’ or for all the family members I enter the
> family ‘lastname’ or for all the marriage.records just enter
> ‘marriage.records’.
> ** **
> As they say, YMMV.
> ** **
> Best
> Ron
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Sentz []
> *Sent:* Friday, March 15, 2013 3:52 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Organization of Photos, Scanned Documents and etc.**
> **
> ** **
> I am in the process of deciding how to best reorganize things, since I
> don't have that many individual records yet and need to do some major clean
> up with my source citations. Prior to getting Legacy, I set up 2 Genealogy
> folders with sub folders by Surname and then Surname with the head of
> household under both My Documents and My Photos in Windows 7.  In my mind
> at the time I was thinking that Pictures/Photos should be separate from
> images of documents, census records, family documents, death records, birth
> records, etc.  Using the Surname organization seems to work along with the
> "filing cabinet" in my head so that I could find things easily.  How do
> some of you organize your photos and scanned docs?  Do you put them in the
> same "Picture" folders?  Seems like it would be more efficient, eventhough
> they may be a different type of media.  
> Geoff Rasmusen uses the Geographic filing system. I see the logic behind
> doing this, but will likely stick with the Surname filing for now.  
> Cathy
> Researching Conger, Landmark, Lilly, Hobaugh, Hoyle, Kent, Lindquist,
> Nyberg, Petrie, Seeley, Sentz et al
> --
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 2013.0.2899 / Virus Database: 2641/6142 - Release Date: 03/02/13
> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
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Re: [LegacyUG] What program did I use to create a chart

2013-03-13 Thread Bruce Jones
Now I'm not so sure.  I don't see how to assign colors to the different

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> Thanks Brian.
> My grandfather was the starting person, there are no boxes around the
> individuals but there are lines connecting individuals to their parents and
> death dates under the person for those who had died.
> I don't remember purchasing Tree Draw, but I will search to see if I have
> it.
> Thanks
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:50 AM, Brian/Support  > wrote:
>> You did not say who was the starting person for that chart, nor did you
>> say if the chart is graphical, ie. boxes around everyone or text based.
>> You may have used the Add-on Tree-Draw for Legacy by Spansoft to create
>> a custom layout. That is a very powerful program for creating graphical
>> layouts of genealogy charts and does have a horizontal charting option.
>> Brian
>> Customer Support
>> Millennia Corporation
>> --
>> On 13-Mar-13 01:41, Bruce Jones wrote:
>> > 5+ years ago I created a Descendants chart using my Legacy data where
>> the
>> > earliest ancestor was on the left, the next generation in the middle,
>> and
>> > the 3rd generation was on the right and I was able to use a different
>> color
>> > for each child line in the second (middle) column.
>> > I can't remember or figure out what program I used to create this chart.
>> > Any ideas?  (did I describe the chart good enough?)
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Re: [LegacyUG] Multimedia Locations

2013-02-17 Thread Bruce Jones
I'm pretty sure Brian's method also works if you rename any folders.

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Brian/Support

> Go to Options > Customize > Locations
> Click on the View Current list of Multimedia Locations button
> Select each of the paths in that list and click the change button
> Point to the new equivalent of that path on the new drive then click OK.
> Now the multimedia in that location will be found.
> Repeat for each path in the list that was moved to the new drive.
> The hint about finding one photo in each path suggested by other users
> will also work but that will add the paths on the new drive to your
> list. The paths on the old drive will still be there. My method replaces
> the old paths with the new.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> --
> On 17-Feb-13 17:07, Brian L. Lightfoot wrote:
> > Well, looks like changing drive letters of multimedia locations when
> there are sub-folders involved DOES NOT work. For those of you that may
> have missed my exact topic of discussion, it all related to the fact that I
> have multiple sub-folders under the specified multimedia locations. But if
> I move that entire folder, such as “Pictures†, along with all of its
> subfolders to a different drive letter, then ALL links to anything in a
> sub-folder is lost. Nothing else is changed other than everything resides
> on a new drive letter.
> >
> > Yes, I have changed the multimedia location to point to the new location
> but please be aware that you can only point to the main folder. Apparently
> once you change anything, Legacy is not smart enough to parse through any
> sub-folders.
> >
> > I’m now left with a monumental task of re-linking over 3,000 images.
>  There has to be a better way. I’m about ready to go back to 3 x 5 index
> cards. J
> >
> > Brian in CA
> >
> > (At lease I was smart enough to save all my .usr files)
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Re: [LegacyUG] Wording for Descendant Narrative

2013-01-30 Thread Bruce Jones
If I understand the help for this report, what you can use these
replaceable fields for is in the TITLE that precedes your notes.  Is that
what you want to do?

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:

> Brian,
> I am in
> Reports> Book Reports> Descendant Narrative> Report Options> Wording 2
> (which is for Notes of all kinds).
> Pat
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:
>> What about General Notes?  Isn't that a text field?
>> That works just fine:
>> Background and further information about [FullName]:
>> Background and further information Isaac PRICKETT:
>> Pat
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:05 PM, R G Strong-genes <
>>> wrote:
>>>   I know what you are saying however the Marriage Notes is a text field
>>> and does not work the same as an Event Window. [couplenames] is a
>>> programmed pointer used in the Event box. They cannot be used in a text
>>> field. Whatever is put in the Notes is what shows on the output.
>>>  *From:* Pat Hickin 
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 30, 2013 3:47 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Wording for Descendant Narrative
>>> But this is not* in* the Notes field.  It's the wording outside it.
>>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 3:37 PM, R G Strong-genes <
>>>> wrote:
   Because the Notes field is a text field and not a programed field

  *From:* Pat Hickin 
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 30, 2013 3:28 PM
 *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Wording for Descendant Narrative

  Why does the wording I have for marriage *events* work whereas
 similar wording for  marriage *notes* does not?


 Wording 1 *(Events*):
 Further information about *[couplenames]'s* marriage:  [results in]
 "Further information about William BROOKFIELD, Sr. and Unknown's
 marriage: • Where not known:"

 Wording 2 *(Notes)*:
 Additional information about *[couplenames]'s* marriage:  [results in]

 "Additional information about [couplenames]'s marriage: When unknown."

 Russell G. Strong
 P. S. Check out Legacy Family Tree today! This full featured genealogy
 program can be downloaded FREE at
 Oh so many branches and not enough time to check out all the roots!!!.
 Check out my Genealogy Pages at .

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Re: [LegacyUG] Webinar Wednesday - Eastern European Genealogy

2013-01-21 Thread Bruce Jones
Sorry, forgot to enter the right email address

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> Joe, if this interests you, it will be available for about 10 days for
> free viewing.  After that, you need to buy the CD.
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Geoff Rasmussen wrote:
>> With more information coming online and greater access to records,
>> there’s never been a better time to research your Eastern European
>> ancestors. Learn about the best Internet resources for locating records,
>> maps, networking with fellow researchers, and tracking down information
>> abroad.
>> Join us for the live webinar on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 2pm
>> Eastern U.S. Register today to reserve your virtual seat. Registration is
>> free but space is limited to the first 1,000 people to join that day.
>> Before joining, please visit to ensure you have the latest
>> version of Java which our webinar software requires. When you join, if you
>> receive a message that the webinar is full, you know we've reached the
>> 1,000 limit, so we invite you to view the recording which should be
>> published to the webinar archives within an hour or two of the event's
>> conclusion.
>> [image: Registerbut] <>
>> *About the presenter*
>> [image: 
>> Lisa-alzo-100]<>Lisa
>> A. Alzo. M.F.A. is a freelance writer, instructor, and internationally
>> recognized lecturer, specializing in Slovak/Eastern European genealogical
>> research, writing your family history, and using the Internet to trace
>> female and immigrant ancestors. She is the author of nine books, including
>> the award-winning *Three Slovak Women*, and hundreds of magazine
>> articles, and writes the blog "The Accidental 
>> Genealogist<>
>> ."
>> She is also the author of:
>>- Beyond the Arrival Date: Extracting More from Passenger Lists
>>- Researching Your Pennsylvania Ancestors webinar-on-CD
>>- Digital Writing Tools for Genealogists webinar-on-CD
>>- Tracing Immigrant Ancestors webinar-on-CD
>>- Ready, Set Write! Share Your Family's Story webinar-on-CD
>> Her webinar CDs can be found 
>> here<>
>> .
>> *Add it to your Google Calendar*
>> With our Google Calendar button, you will never forget our upcoming
>> webinars. Simply click the button to add it to your calendar. You can then
>> optionally embed the webinar events (and even turn them on and off) into
>> your own personal calendar. If you have already added the calendar, you do
>> not have to do it again - the new webinar events will automatically appear.
>> *
>> *
>> <>
>> *Webinar time*
>> The webinar will be live on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at:
>>- 2pm Eastern (U.S.)
>>- 1pm Central
>>- 12pm Mountain/Arizona
>>- 11am Pacific
>>- 7pm GMT
>> Or use this Time Zone 
>> Converter<>
>> .
>> *Here's how to attend:*
>>1. Register at 
>>  today.
>>It's free!
>>2. You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the
>>3. You will receive a reminder email during the week prior to the
>>4. Calculate your time zone by clicking 
>> here<>
>>5. Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed on your
>>computer. Check at
>>6. Check your GoToWebinar connection 
>> here<> by
>>clicking on the "Test Your GoToWebinar Connection" link.
>>7. Click on the webinar link (found in confirmation and reminder
>>emails) prior to the start of the webinar. Arrive early as the room size 
>> is
>>limited to the first 1,000 arrivals that day.
>>8. Listen via headset (USB 
>> headsets<http

Re: [LegacyUG] Webinar Wednesday - Eastern European Genealogy

2013-01-21 Thread Bruce Jones
Joe, if this interests you, it will be available for about 10 days for free
viewing.  After that, you need to buy the CD.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Geoff Rasmussen wrote:

> With more information coming online and greater access to records, there’s
> never been a better time to research your Eastern European ancestors. Learn
> about the best Internet resources for locating records, maps, networking
> with fellow researchers, and tracking down information abroad.
> Join us for the live webinar on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 2pm Eastern
> U.S. Register today to reserve your virtual seat. Registration is free but
> space is limited to the first 1,000 people to join that day. Before
> joining, please visit to ensure you have the latest version
> of Java which our webinar software requires. When you join, if you receive
> a message that the webinar is full, you know we've reached the 1,000 limit,
> so we invite you to view the recording which should be published to the
> webinar archives within an hour or two of the event's conclusion.
> [image: Registerbut] 
> *About the presenter*
> [image: 
> Lisa-alzo-100]Lisa
> A. Alzo. M.F.A. is a freelance writer, instructor, and internationally
> recognized lecturer, specializing in Slovak/Eastern European genealogical
> research, writing your family history, and using the Internet to trace
> female and immigrant ancestors. She is the author of nine books, including
> the award-winning *Three Slovak Women*, and hundreds of magazine
> articles, and writes the blog "The Accidental 
> Genealogist
> ."
> She is also the author of:
>- Beyond the Arrival Date: Extracting More from Passenger Lists
>- Researching Your Pennsylvania Ancestors webinar-on-CD
>- Digital Writing Tools for Genealogists webinar-on-CD
>- Tracing Immigrant Ancestors webinar-on-CD
>- Ready, Set Write! Share Your Family's Story webinar-on-CD
> Her webinar CDs can be found 
> here
> .
> *Add it to your Google Calendar*
> With our Google Calendar button, you will never forget our upcoming
> webinars. Simply click the button to add it to your calendar. You can then
> optionally embed the webinar events (and even turn them on and off) into
> your own personal calendar. If you have already added the calendar, you do
> not have to do it again - the new webinar events will automatically appear.
> *
> *
> *Webinar time*
> The webinar will be live on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at:
>- 2pm Eastern (U.S.)
>- 1pm Central
>- 12pm Mountain/Arizona
>- 11am Pacific
>- 7pm GMT
> Or use this Time Zone 
> Converter
> .
> *Here's how to attend:*
>1. Register at 
>  today.
>It's free!
>2. You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the
>3. You will receive a reminder email during the week prior to the
>4. Calculate your time zone by clicking 
> here
>5. Make sure you have the latest version of Java installed on your
>computer. Check at
>6. Check your GoToWebinar connection 
> here by
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>  work
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> We look forward to seeing you all there!
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Re: [LegacyUG] To add a step relationship or not?

2013-01-12 Thread Bruce Jones
FWIW. If the child actually lived with the step parent, then I would link
that child to the step parent and indicate the relationship.

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Eliz Hanebury  wrote:

> Oh thank goodness I don't have that many marriages! With children that
> is! Thanks for this.
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 12:39 PM, David Abernathy
>  wrote:
> > I see no real advantage in doing this. I have people that have been up
> to 6
> > times and had children with 4 different spouses.
> --
> Eliz
> Not Today and Not without a Fight
> (unknown to me)
> For all that has been, thanks.
> For all that will be, yes.
> (Dag Hammarskjold)
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Re: [LegacyUG] Families 1.7.1 for Android

2013-01-11 Thread Bruce Jones
Mine too.

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Richard  wrote:

> Mine updated automatically on both of my Android devices.
> Richard Young
> On 1/11/2013 11:40 AM, Judith wrote:
> > Malcolm:  Does 'Families' update automatically?
> >
> >
> > Original message: Families 1.7.1 for Android
> >
> > Families 1.7.1 for Android is now available in Android Market/Google
> Play and SlideME, and should be available within the next few days in the
> Amazon Appstore and Nook Store. This includes the following changes:
> >
> > - fix screen update issue after editing marriage data
> > - fix bug when searching for location
> > - changes to relationship calculation including "Max Cousin Distance"
> > setting
> >
> > Malcolm Green
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-05 Thread Bruce Jones
Two comments.
1. Regarding the sorting of the Master Location List, I change the sort
order to sort from Right to Left, so it doesn't matter how many fields I
2. If I don't put the address in the location, I can't map out the
different houses, in the same city, I have lived in.  Or am I missing

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Sherry/Support

> If you follow the suggestions in "Getting It Right" by Mary H.
> Slawson, only the governmental jurisdictions will be included in the
> location field.  Those are city/town, county, state and country.
> Including more than that, separated by commas from the city/town
> (street address, city, county, state or cemetery name, city, county
> state) makes it impossible to properly sort locations in the Master
> Location List and the Expand/Contract Location Parts can't correctly
> do its job.
> I would put what you're referring to in Events - using the
> "Description" field for the cemetery name, street address, etc and any
> other information in the Notes (grave site, etc).
> The Event Sentence reads:
> He was buried in the Mountain View Cemetery at Dillon,
> Beaveryhead,Montana, United States on 29 Sept 2007"
> or
> He resided at 123 Main Street from 1958 to 1996 in City, County, State
> Of course you can always edit the Event Sentence Definition if you
> don't like the order they print out on.
> I know we should use the Event addresses for birth, bap/chr, death,
> burial, marriage, etc, but since that's not as useful as the Master
> Event when reporting, I prefer the event. I'd love to find out if the
> programmers are making the event addresses more useful for reports
> beyond a simple list of who uses it or creating a Search List to print
> a report from that list.
> Many people are happy with their detailed address or cemetery or
> building name in the locations - it's up to you but not everything
> will work correctly if you add that, separating with commas.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Tony Rolfe 
> wrote:
> > On 04 November 2012 00:46 Sherry/Support said:
> >
> > "If you put the cemetery name in the location field (which we don't
> > recommend for several reasons)"
> >
> > Sherry, can you please clarify this?
> >
> > I have all details in locations. Street numbers and Street names, Church
> > names, Cemetery names etc. with each field separated by commas.
> >
> > My biggest includes grave number, section number, Cemetery name, street
> > address, town, county, England.
> >
> > I'm not having any problems that I'm aware of, but I can geolocate
> > everything and it keeps everything together.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Tony
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Re: [LegacyUG] Basic Source Format vs Source Writer

2012-10-08 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks, Ron, for your insightful comments.  I consider you efficient!  You
have reinforced my decision to continue using SW.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

> Bobby,
> None that I am aware of.
> As many will know, I am averse to standardisation, but I like, and use SW
> because it saves me time and effort, not to mention that I no longer have
> to think about the construction of a Source - a god send for those of us
> who are lazy (or efficient - take your pick) .
> Do I export to a GEDCOM - yes I do; to a PHP web site; do I lose some of
> the detail - yes I do, but does it matter - not really as the important
> bits are still there, and visitors can email me if they want the exact
> reference.
> I do not often use a GEDCOM to export to non-Legacy programs, if the other
> program happens to be Legacy then I send my back-up.
> Will I continue to use SW?  Of course, and the Basic Sources which I have
> never bothered to convert.
> Ron Ferguson
> GOONS #5307
> "Bobby Johnson"  wrote:
> >I too would like to know why people are bailing out of SW.  The only
> problem I have been able to see in all of the discussions is that gedcom
> does not handle it properly.  Are there other reasons?
> >Bobby
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Suzanne Scheraga []
> >Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 8:42 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: [LegacyUG] Basic Source Format vs Source Writer
> >
> >I have been following the thread of changing sources entered in Source
> Writer to Basic format but I'm totally confused. Could someone give me�the
> pros�and cons of each format (in simple language)?
> >�
> >Thanks,
> >Suzanne
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] Where is the best place to post obituary in Legacy?

2012-09-26 Thread Bruce Jones
Or you could put the obituary in BOTH the Obituary Event Notes AND in the
source detail text.
I have been doing that with my census events as I'm not sure which way I
will want the reports in the future (got this idea from Geoff).
Then I have a different event sentence depending on if I have anything in
the Description field.  If I do, I don't include Notes in my sentence.  If
I don't have anything in the Description field, I do include the Notes in
my sentence.
What I put in the description field is simply "age 16" (whatever age is in
the notes).
So if I want the notes to print, I just delete the description.
This may or may not work for you for Obituaries.
Just my thoughts.

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 8:31 PM, CE WOOD  wrote:

>  You can use the Obituary Event and put the whole obituary in the notes
> section of the event.
> Problem with that is, it may take up lots of space in your report if you
> include Events.  You can use the Obituary Event without putting it in the
> notes section of the event and then include the whole obituary in the
> source detail text for that event.  Your choice.
> CE
> --
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Where is the best place to post obituary in Legacy? -
> Also comments regarding locations in Census Reports
> Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 18:42:58 -0500
> I am wondering where users find is the best place to post obituaries and
> similar text information in an individuals record in Legacy.
> I have been putting it in the source citation – detail – text area.  But,
> I am beginning to think this may not be the best place when it comes to
> printing reports.  I’m not sure I like it printing in the source part of
> the report, would probably prefer it in the narrative.
> Any Comments?
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations - putting the pin on the map in the right place

2012-08-27 Thread Bruce Jones
Glad you got it to work.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Wendy Howard wrote:

> Thanks for your reply, Bruce.
> At first I misinterpreted what you'd said - as did a friend who was
> having similar problems - and I was going to ask for clarification today
> to get it right.  But another read of what you'd written told me you
> were spot-on the first time, and it was my brain jumbling it up that was
> the problem.
> For others reading who might have done the same as me at first - the
> trick is to ignore where the marker is at present and right-click on the
> spot you want to mark.  A box will pop up asking you "would you like to
> set the Lat/Long to the Right Clicked location?"; answer OK and the
> marker will move to that point.
> (I was right-clicking on the marker before, which does not produce the
> desired effect!)
> Thanks again for your help, Bruce.  :-)
> Kind Regards,
> Wendy
> Bruce Jones said the following on 26/08/2012 5:21 p.m.:
> > When you display the location on the map, move the cursor to the
> > correct location and right click on the mouse.
> >
> > On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Wendy Howard  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > I should know how to do this, but can't remember and don't see it
> > in the
> > help.
> >
> > How do I correct the pin in the map in the Master Location List?
> >
> > I'm looking at the address 1 Merriefield Avenue, Forrest Hill,
> > Auckland,
> > New Zealand.
> >
> > Google Maps knows where this is and marks it correctly.  But the Bing
> > map in Legacy thinks it's up the road on the other side from where it
> > really is.
> >
> > Can I change it to the correct location?
> >
> > Wendy
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] Date question --

2012-08-26 Thread Bruce Jones
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 4:05 PM, mbstx  wrote:

> Gmail is notorious ... also for blocking messages entirely without telling
> you it has done so.  Marianne
> I've never had this problem...but then, how would I know?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations - putting the pin on the map in the right place

2012-08-25 Thread Bruce Jones
When you display the location on the map, move the cursor to the correct
location and right click on the mouse.

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Wendy Howard wrote:

> I should know how to do this, but can't remember and don't see it in the
> help.
> How do I correct the pin in the map in the Master Location List?
> I'm looking at the address 1 Merriefield Avenue, Forrest Hill, Auckland,
> New Zealand.
> Google Maps knows where this is and marks it correctly.  But the Bing
> map in Legacy thinks it's up the road on the other side from where it
> really is.
> Can I change it to the correct location?
> Wendy
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Re: [LegacyUG] Census List options

2012-08-21 Thread Bruce Jones
I completely agree that, once you understand the need for percentages, the
information you mention would be very helpful.
I was trying to explain, in a simple way, why a percentage is even needed,
which was a question I think someone asked.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

> Bruce,
> That is a very specific instance, and in my files one which is very rare.
> Given the multitude of options between a record at census a) and the
> possibility of finding someone in census b) living at the same place in my
> files is not very common, it would be more than useful to know what
> weighting Legacy puts on the Place field in Events, and/or which Events -
> or
> any other fields/Events for that matter, and what weighting is put onto
> other factors such as age etc..
> Ron Ferguson
> From: Bruce Jones
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 6:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Census List options
> That should be no other "places" are entered in Legacy.
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Bruce Jones 
> wrote:
> Here is how I see it.
> Say a person was born in location A, and died in location B and no other
> dates are entered in Legacy..
> At the time of the census, he could have been living in A or B or somewhere
> else.
> The program has to "guess" where he was living at the time of the census.
> If the date of the census is closer to his birth than his death, the
> program
> will probably "guess" he was living at A during the census.
> But since his family could have moved immediately after his birth, the
> program can't be sure that is where he was during the census so it assigns
> a
> percentage. The closer the census date is to his birth date the higher the
> percentage.
> Make sense?
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Ron Ferguson 
> wrote:
> I agree that the Help Files description is very, very imprecise. I took my
> first degree in the sciences which included pure maths, and hence
> statistics. I still am not able to come to a definite conclusion as to the
> meaning in Help, nor can I safely conclude what is the best way of using
> the
> tool because of the lack of clarity. It has been mentioned before on this
> list, when we asked for at least an indication of the algorithm used to
> arrive at the percentage is given.
> Ron Ferguson
> -Original Message-
> From: Don Brown
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Census List options
> Percentage of probability
> Don Brown
> Orangeville, Ontario, Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: Pat Hickin []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 11:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Census List options
> Thanks, Randy, I guess I'm obtuse but I still don't get it!  What does
> "location percentage "
> mean? -- I thought percentages had to do with numbers, not with places.
> Percentage of what??
> Thanks,
> Pat
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Randy Clark  wrote:
> > Found in Legacy Help:
> >
> > *Exclude individuals from the Report with location percentages less
> > than X % *- Each location Legacy finds is given an estimated location
> > percentage dependent upon the location's date and how close was to the
> > census date.  Locations with low percentages can be excluded from the
> > census report by selecting a percentage value as the minimum acceptable.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:
> >
> >> Whatever does this sentence in Census List > Report Options mean?
> >> "Exclude individuals from the Report with location percentages less
> >> than (50--or whatever) %"
> >>
> >> I never ever heard of a location percentage.
> >>
> >> Pat
> >>
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Re: [LegacyUG] Census List options

2012-08-21 Thread Bruce Jones
That should be no other "places" are entered in Legacy.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> Here is how I see it.
> Say a person was born in location A, and died in location B and no other
> dates are entered in Legacy..
> At the time of the census, he could have been living in A or B or
> somewhere else.
> The program has to "guess" where he was living at the time of the census.
> If the date of the census is closer to his birth than his death, the
> program will probably "guess" he was living at A during the census.
> But since his family could have moved immediately after his birth, the
> program can't be sure that is where he was during the census so it assigns
> a percentage. The closer the census date is to his birth date the higher
> the percentage.
> Make sense?
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Ron Ferguson 
> wrote:
>> I agree that the Help Files description is very, very imprecise. I took my
>> first degree in the sciences which included pure maths, and hence
>> statistics. I still am not able to come to a definite conclusion as to the
>> meaning in Help, nor can I safely conclude what is the best way of using
>> the
>> tool because of the lack of clarity. It has been mentioned before on this
>> list, when we asked for at least an indication of the algorithm used to
>> arrive at the percentage is given.
>> Ron Ferguson
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Don Brown
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:24 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Census List options
>> Percentage of probability
>> Don Brown
>> Orangeville, Ontario, Canada
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Pat Hickin []
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 11:20 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Census List options
>> Thanks, Randy, I guess I'm obtuse but I still don't get it!  What does
>> "location percentage "
>> mean? -- I thought percentages had to do with numbers, not with places.
>> Percentage of what??
>> Thanks,
>> Pat
>> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Randy Clark 
>> wrote:
>> > Found in Legacy Help:
>> >
>> > *Exclude individuals from the Report with location percentages less
>> > than X % *- Each location Legacy finds is given an estimated location
>> > percentage dependent upon the location's date and how close was to the
>> > census date.  Locations with low percentages can be excluded from the
>> > census report by selecting a percentage value as the minimum acceptable.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Whatever does this sentence in Census List > Report Options mean?
>> >> "Exclude individuals from the Report with location percentages less
>> >> than (50--or whatever) %"
>> >>
>> >> I never ever heard of a location percentage.
>> >>
>> >> Pat
>> >>
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Re: [LegacyUG] Census List options

2012-08-21 Thread Bruce Jones
Here is how I see it.
Say a person was born in location A, and died in location B and no other
dates are entered in Legacy..
At the time of the census, he could have been living in A or B or somewhere
The program has to "guess" where he was living at the time of the census.
If the date of the census is closer to his birth than his death, the
program will probably "guess" he was living at A during the census.
But since his family could have moved immediately after his birth, the
program can't be sure that is where he was during the census so it assigns
a percentage. The closer the census date is to his birth date the higher
the percentage.
Make sense?

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

> I agree that the Help Files description is very, very imprecise. I took my
> first degree in the sciences which included pure maths, and hence
> statistics. I still am not able to come to a definite conclusion as to the
> meaning in Help, nor can I safely conclude what is the best way of using
> the
> tool because of the lack of clarity. It has been mentioned before on this
> list, when we asked for at least an indication of the algorithm used to
> arrive at the percentage is given.
> Ron Ferguson
> -Original Message-
> From: Don Brown
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Census List options
> Percentage of probability
> Don Brown
> Orangeville, Ontario, Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: Pat Hickin []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 11:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Census List options
> Thanks, Randy, I guess I'm obtuse but I still don't get it!  What does
> "location percentage "
> mean? -- I thought percentages had to do with numbers, not with places.
> Percentage of what??
> Thanks,
> Pat
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Randy Clark  wrote:
> > Found in Legacy Help:
> >
> > *Exclude individuals from the Report with location percentages less
> > than X % *- Each location Legacy finds is given an estimated location
> > percentage dependent upon the location's date and how close was to the
> > census date.  Locations with low percentages can be excluded from the
> > census report by selecting a percentage value as the minimum acceptable.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:
> >
> >> Whatever does this sentence in Census List > Report Options mean?
> >> "Exclude individuals from the Report with location percentages less
> >> than (50--or whatever) %"
> >>
> >> I never ever heard of a location percentage.
> >>
> >> Pat
> >>
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports

2012-08-18 Thread Bruce Jones
I solved the problem of only part of the Locality being printed.  For some
reason, I had very wide margins on the right and left.  When I made them
smaller, I got the full location.  I still need to enter the Location in
reverse order though.

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 9:49 AM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> Thanks for your response.
> It seems to me that I should always put the Locality in the Description,
> and only use the Locality field for sorting & not print that field.  Anyone
> have a different approach?
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 8:58 AM, SHIRLEY ANDERSON wrote:
>> I use portrait mode.  I don't worry about the locality field once it is
>> printed.  The information about the individual is usually sufficient, plus
>> the description usually has the location.
>> ~~
>> Shirley York Anderson
>> ~~
>> My web site:
>> --
>> *From:* Bruce Jones 
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Sat, August 18, 2012 1:15:58 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports
>> I have been using portrait mode.  I just tried landscape and then I get
>> the full locality field.  Strange.
>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Bruce Jones wrote:
>>> How do you get the full locality to print?  I only get the first 10 or
>>> so characters in the Locality field, which is to the right of the Category
>>> field.
>>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:54 PM, SHIRLEY ANDERSON wrote:
>>>> I enter locations in ToDo with the parts in reverse order: country,
>>>> state, county, city.  For research to be done in Salt Lake City, before the
>>>> country I sometimes show a name that relates to the floor(s) the material
>>>> will be on (e.g. British).  I also enter the film/book no. in the
>>>> repository field so that all of the records that I need from a given field
>>>> are together.
>>>> ~~
>>>> Shirley York Anderson
>>>> ~~
>>>> My web site:
>>>>  --
>>>> *From:* Bruce Jones 
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Sent:* Fri, August 17, 2012 5:10:06 PM
>>>> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports
>>>> I am trying to get the ToDo list to print out by Country.
>>>> 1. I enter the locality in the ToDo as I would in other places in
>>>> Legacy, and it uses the Location Master List.
>>>> However, when I print a ToDo list, sorting by locality, the Locality is
>>>> sorted by City instead of Country.
>>>> 2. If I create a unique locality with the Country first,then County,
>>>> then City, I can get the report to sort by country but cannot see the
>>>> county or city as the field is too short on the report.
>>>> How do I get the full Locality to print out on the ToDo report?
>>>> Am I using the Locality field in the ToDo incorrectly?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bruce Jones
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports

2012-08-18 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks for your response.
It seems to me that I should always put the Locality in the Description,
and only use the Locality field for sorting & not print that field.  Anyone
have a different approach?

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 8:58 AM, SHIRLEY ANDERSON wrote:

> I use portrait mode.  I don't worry about the locality field once it is
> printed.  The information about the individual is usually sufficient, plus
> the description usually has the location.
> ~~
> Shirley York Anderson
> ~~
> My web site:
> --
> *From:* Bruce Jones 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sat, August 18, 2012 1:15:58 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports
> I have been using portrait mode.  I just tried landscape and then I get
> the full locality field.  Strange.
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Bruce Jones wrote:
>> How do you get the full locality to print?  I only get the first 10 or so
>> characters in the Locality field, which is to the right of the Category
>> field.
>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:54 PM, SHIRLEY ANDERSON wrote:
>>> I enter locations in ToDo with the parts in reverse order: country,
>>> state, county, city.  For research to be done in Salt Lake City, before the
>>> country I sometimes show a name that relates to the floor(s) the material
>>> will be on (e.g. British).  I also enter the film/book no. in the
>>> repository field so that all of the records that I need from a given field
>>> are together.
>>> ~~
>>> Shirley York Anderson
>>> ~~
>>> My web site:
>>>  --
>>> *From:* Bruce Jones 
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Fri, August 17, 2012 5:10:06 PM
>>> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports
>>> I am trying to get the ToDo list to print out by Country.
>>> 1. I enter the locality in the ToDo as I would in other places in
>>> Legacy, and it uses the Location Master List.
>>> However, when I print a ToDo list, sorting by locality, the Locality is
>>> sorted by City instead of Country.
>>> 2. If I create a unique locality with the Country first,then County,
>>> then City, I can get the report to sort by country but cannot see the
>>> county or city as the field is too short on the report.
>>> How do I get the full Locality to print out on the ToDo report?
>>> Am I using the Locality field in the ToDo incorrectly?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bruce Jones
>>> Legacy User Group guidelines:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports

2012-08-17 Thread Bruce Jones
I have been using portrait mode.  I just tried landscape and then I get the
full locality field.  Strange.

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> How do you get the full locality to print?  I only get the first 10 or so
> characters in the Locality field, which is to the right of the Category
> field.
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:54 PM, SHIRLEY ANDERSON wrote:
>> I enter locations in ToDo with the parts in reverse order: country,
>> state, county, city.  For research to be done in Salt Lake City, before the
>> country I sometimes show a name that relates to the floor(s) the material
>> will be on (e.g. British).  I also enter the film/book no. in the
>> repository field so that all of the records that I need from a given field
>> are together.
>> ~~
>> Shirley York Anderson
>> ~~
>> My web site:
>> --
>> *From:* Bruce Jones 
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Fri, August 17, 2012 5:10:06 PM
>> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports
>> I am trying to get the ToDo list to print out by Country.
>> 1. I enter the locality in the ToDo as I would in other places in Legacy,
>> and it uses the Location Master List.
>> However, when I print a ToDo list, sorting by locality, the Locality is
>> sorted by City instead of Country.
>> 2. If I create a unique locality with the Country first,then County, then
>> City, I can get the report to sort by country but cannot see the county or
>> city as the field is too short on the report.
>> How do I get the full Locality to print out on the ToDo report?
>> Am I using the Locality field in the ToDo incorrectly?
>> Thanks,
>> Bruce Jones
>> Legacy User Group guidelines:
>> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports

2012-08-17 Thread Bruce Jones
How do you get the full locality to print?  I only get the first 10 or so
characters in the Locality field, which is to the right of the Category

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:54 PM, SHIRLEY ANDERSON wrote:

> I enter locations in ToDo with the parts in reverse order: country, state,
> county, city.  For research to be done in Salt Lake City, before the
> country I sometimes show a name that relates to the floor(s) the material
> will be on (e.g. British).  I also enter the film/book no. in the
> repository field so that all of the records that I need from a given field
> are together.
> ~~
> Shirley York Anderson
> ~~
> My web site:
> ------
> *From:* Bruce Jones 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Fri, August 17, 2012 5:10:06 PM
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports
> I am trying to get the ToDo list to print out by Country.
> 1. I enter the locality in the ToDo as I would in other places in Legacy,
> and it uses the Location Master List.
> However, when I print a ToDo list, sorting by locality, the Locality is
> sorted by City instead of Country.
> 2. If I create a unique locality with the Country first,then County, then
> City, I can get the report to sort by country but cannot see the county or
> city as the field is too short on the report.
> How do I get the full Locality to print out on the ToDo report?
> Am I using the Locality field in the ToDo incorrectly?
> Thanks,
> Bruce Jones
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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[LegacyUG] Locality in the ToDo reports

2012-08-17 Thread Bruce Jones
I am trying to get the ToDo list to print out by Country.

1. I enter the locality in the ToDo as I would in other places in Legacy,
and it uses the Location Master List.
However, when I print a ToDo list, sorting by locality, the Locality is
sorted by City instead of Country.

2. If I create a unique locality with the Country first,then County, then
City, I can get the report to sort by country but cannot see the county or
city as the field is too short on the report.
How do I get the full Locality to print out on the ToDo report?

Am I using the Locality field in the ToDo incorrectly?

Bruce Jones

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Re: [LegacyUG] Individual report - Family group sheet

2012-08-03 Thread Bruce Jones
However, you CAN link children to multiple parents, which might get you
closer to what you want.
AND you could create custom events for the other wives so they would show
on the chosen FGS.
But this is probably not what you want to do.

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 12:25 PM, RICHARD SCHULTHIES

> If you are refering to 'blended' families, not really. Each family group
> sheet uses exactly one set of parents.
> Rich in LA CA
>*From:* Pat Hickin 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 2, 2012 7:03 AM
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Individual report - Family group sheet
> Is there any way to include all spouses and children on a family group
> sheet?  Or do I have to do two (or more) separate reports (and therefore
> duplicate a lot of info and sources).  As it is, I only get whichever
> spouse is selected.
> Pat
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Re: [LegacyUG] Field name to put individual's name in title?

2012-04-25 Thread Bruce Jones
You could start the ToDo tile with the persons name (if you don't have too

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Brian/Support

> Those field names you refer to do not work for To Do reports since you
> can include general items that are not linked to anyone. In those cases
> the field names are not applicable.
> You can include only the individuals name by turning off all the other
> header box options like AKAs, Birth, Chr, Death, Burial, Marriage and
> Parent info. That way you will have a single line header with just the
> name. turn on the header and the repeat for each to do item and you will
> get the person's name for each item.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 25/04/2012 11:35 AM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
> > Yes, am using button on individual in family view.
> > However, I have multiple pages for one individual and don't want to
> > reprint all the heading info for each task.
> > At least that's how I'm using it now -- still working toward the
> > "perfect" system ha!
> >
> > I can continue to type in the individual's name in the Title box, but I
> > thought there was a special "field name" that is used to insert the
> > selected individual's name into titles on other reports...?
> > --Paula
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Re: [LegacyUG] Using Legacy on an Imac with Snow Leopard

2012-04-25 Thread Bruce Jones
I think that should be, right?

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 2:45 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

> That is a very old version of Legacy – we are now on, and they
> are very different – especially regarding sources.
> Ron Ferguson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Do you attach a census image for every single source?

2012-04-20 Thread Bruce Jones
I do both. I have all my census images together on my hard drive AND I link
them to the source for my census events (oops, resident events) :)

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:

> Ron, I will take your experience to heart, because you have many, many
> more images than I do.  I am just a beginner.
> Sometimes I just want to look at the images for a county... not
> necessarily for an individual.  I can go to the source master list and find
> the images there, rather than having to go to an individual's citations to
> find where one of the county's images are 2 clicks away.  But as I said in
> my post, I could also just look at them on my hard drive, because after
> completing my big re-naming project last year, the images are together
> there, too.
> --Paula
> --
> *From:* Ron Ferguson 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thu, April 19, 2012 4:12:16 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Do you attach a census image for every single
> source?
> Paula,
> I do not really see where you are coming from here. I am a lumper and I
> have
> census Master Sources for each census year. Currently each year covers the
> whole of England, Wales and Scotland, Ireland I treat separately. I have
> over 6,000 records in my DB, so even at an average of 4 individuals/census
> this would give me 1,500 census images.
> Most of my records come from 4 counties, so even with and even split I
> would
> have on average 475 census images/ county. This is far too many for me to
> even consider searching in order to find a specific one. I think that I
> must
> be misunderstanding you somewhere along the line, but cannot see where.
> I will keep adding them to each individual Source Details where I can find
> them in 2 clicks.
> Ron Ferguson
> From: Paula Ryburn
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Do you attach a census image for every single
> source?
> Yes, if you attach / link the images to the detail citations, then the
> images are out there with the individuals, not in the source master list.
> Just a consideration.  I mean, I also have a naming convention for the
> images themselves that keeps counties together on the hard drive, so I
> could
> just as easily look at them there, I suppose.
> --Paula
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Re: [LegacyUG] nFS treatment of Living persons

2012-03-23 Thread Bruce Jones
Another way to think about it is, others can only see what is in the RIGHT
pane because only that data is at nFS.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Michele Lewis wrote:

> NO!  That isn't possible!  No one can see what is in  that left pane but
> YOU.  The only way others can see it is if you upload the info to nFS and
> the way you do that is you click on the little arrow thing to the left of
> the fact on your side (left) of the screen.  If you don't do that, no info
> transfers and no one else can see it.  If you DO click on the little arrow
> thing, then it will appear in the right pane.
> Michele
> -Original Message-
> From: mbstx []
> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 5:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] nFS treatment of Living persons
> Yes, it's the left pane I'm talking about.  There is a possible match in
> the right pane that has no children information.  My concern is that if the
> person who entered the info in the right pane looks for a match he/she will
> see the living people in what's my left pane.  Is that possible?  M
> -Original Message-
> >From: Michele Lewis 
> >Sent: Mar 23, 2012 12:04 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] nFS treatment of Living persons
> >
> >If I am understanding you correctly, you are seeing the living people
> over in the right pane (the box that shows what is actually up on
> FamilySearch)?
> >
> >I tried this with my own file.  I always suppress living on my filter.  I
> selected my grandfather.  He still has 3 children living.  On the right
> pane I see all three of those living children.  I never added them).  So I
> went to New FamilySearch and to see.  Someone (not me) had added my three
> uncles that are still living and that is why they are showing up.  Other
> than sending an email to the person who submitted the info and ask them to
> remove it, there isn't much you can do.
> >
> >OR are you talking about the LEFT pane, which shows what is on your
> computer The living children DO show up here but you know they are living
> so don't add them to nFS.  Maybe that is what you are talking about?  No,
> it apparently does not suppress the living children of the dead ancestor.
> >
> >michele
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Marianne Szabo []
> >Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 12:52 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: [LegacyUG] nFS treatment of Living persons
> >
> >Hi - I just tried nFS linking to it via my Legacy database.  In the
> filters, I selected "Suppress living", which did eliminate living persons
> in the list.  BUT, one person in the list who comes up with a match has all
> of her children displayed, including those who are still living.  How do I
> prevent this information from displaying?
> >
> >Marianne
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] Dropbox and Legacy

2012-03-20 Thread Bruce Jones
To clarify, the problem discussed is for Legacy multimedia, but not
for the fdb file.
I have my fdb file in Documents and Settings/Bruce/My Documents/My
Dropbox/Legacy/Data with no problem.
Caveat!  Make sure Legacy is closed on computer 1 before opening it on
computer 2 & vice versa.
Otherwise you will end up with ".fdb (computer a conflicted copy

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Linda Hauley  wrote:
> Thank you, both, for your discussion on Dropbox.  I had used it previously
> for a group seminar where participants were all over North America and the
> weeks’ lesson outlines were posted there with responses from the group.  It
> worked great!
> I didn’t think of using this tool for accessing Legacy data files, etc.
> between my own computers and recently bought an external 500 GB Hard Drive
> just to do this same thing.  The only drawback is the limitation of 2 GB
> being free – above that you have to pay a monthly fee.
> Linda J. Hauley
> Recycled Memories Family History Research
> GOONS Canada East Regional Representative
> VODDEN One Name Study
> Member #4335
> From: Keith Allred []
> Sent: March 20, 2012 1:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Dropbox and Legacy
> Paul, you are exactly right.  I had not thought of the problem that
> installing dropbox into the users area on the computer would cause.  Since
> the embedded Legacy links are exact paths, as you describe, having dropbox
> in the user area will cause the links to fail at least as long as the two
> computers have different user names.  Making two computers have the same
> name on a home network may be impossible, but at a minimum would create real
> problems.  So, the your suggested resolution would do the trick.  The April
> 21 Legacy webinar Dropbox for Genealogists by Thomas MacEntee does not
> address this problem.  In fact, he suggests using the default location for
> the dropbox install.  There may be another solution, which I am exploring,
> using the dropbox addon sync software that he discusses briefly in the
> webinar.  The thing that I have to confirm is that the dropbox addon sync
> software sync's both ways.  If it does, you can leave your ftb and picture
> files whereever you want.  Again, thanks to all for your replies.  Keith
> From: Paul Gray 
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:43 AM
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Dropbox and Legacy
> Hi Keith,
> There are really two issues here.
> 1) Relinking all of your pictures to your new location in Dropbox. I have no
> experience with this, but as others have said as long as they were in one
> folder, and are now just in another folder (the Dropbox folder) there seems
> to be a way for Legacy to 'find and relink' all photos from one folder to
> another. Let us assume that you do this on your desktop.
> 2) However, the key to those links working between your desktop and laptop
> is the location of the Dropbox folder on both the desktop and laptop. It
> must be 'outside' of the user profile area (i.e. My Documents, My Pictures,
> My Music, My Video). The best place for it is right up in the C:\ directory
> e.g. C:\Dropbox. This is not the default installation of Dropbox. If you do
> not select something different, Dropbox installs in My Documents on each
> computer.
> The problem with putting Dropbox in My Documents is that the exact path to
> it is usually different on two computers. For sure, if one computer is XP
> and other Win 7, the path is different. If both are Win 7, the path will be
> different if the user names are different on the two machines.
> Why is this a problem? Because Legacy will have links to the EXACT path on
> the desktop, and if that exact path isn't on the laptop, it's "file not
> found"
> If you put Dropbox right up in the C:\ directory on both computers, the
> paths on both systems will be the same.
> If your Dropbox installation is in My Documents, you will want to correct it
> first (on both systems) before you do any relinking. I must admit I don't
> know how to do this. It may be as simple as using Windows explorer to move
> the Dropbox folder.
> I have C:\Dropbox on my two computers. On both systems within that, I have a
> Legacy Data folder (FDB and FSD files are in there) and a Genealogy Pics and
> Genealogy Docs folders.  Links work flawlessly on both.
> Hope this helps,
> Paul Gray
> From: Keith Allred []
> Sent: March-19-12 2:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Dropbox and Legacy
> I have just downloaded dropbox and installed it on my desktop and laptop
> computers.  I have been using Legacy for some time and have many pictures
> that are located in my pictures folder in legacy.  I have created numerous
> links which link pictures to various individuals in legacy.  Each link
> creates a link with a given path de

Re: [LegacyUG] Removing children listed twice

2012-02-22 Thread Bruce Jones
Maybe I am missing something,
You can link a child to more than one set of parents,
Then, can't you specify in Children's Settings "Adopted" for one set
of parents and "Biological" (or nothing) for the other?

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Jenny M Benson  wrote:
> On 22/02/2012 16:45, Elizabeth wrote:
>> My father died when I was a child and when my mother re-married, my
>> sister (but not my brothers) were adopted by our stepfather.
>> I have this link on the family tree but I cannot find any way of
>> omitting my sister and myself from reports.
>> I tried setting us to private under the second marriage but Legacy
>> made us private everywhere.
>> I think it might be easier to delete us from the second marriage
>> altogether and simply mention the fact that we were adopted (with the
>> subsequent name change) in the general notes.  However, I am reluctant
>> to delete myself from the second marriage in case I disappear
>> altogether.  Should this be an 'unlink' situation?
> As far as I know there is no way to show children as both the product of
> one marriage (or relationship) AND as the (adopted) product of another
> marriage unless you enter them into the database twice.  Step-children
> can be shown as such under the marriage of their parent and step-parent
> and will not appear as descendants of the step-parent.  An adopted child
> is generally considered to be as much part of the family as a
> blood-related child, so most people would want the to appear in Reports,
> albeit with the child status set to Adopted.  Your only choice would
> seem to be to unlink yourself and your sister from your mother &
> step-father's marriage and only show yourselves, if at all, as
> step-children.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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Re: [LegacyUG] Changing linked pictures from bmp to jpg

2011-12-16 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks everyone.
You have confirmed that I either need to do it the brute force way (one at
a time) or use Dennis's hint and learn SQL.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Dec 2011 18:59:58 +, Jenny M Benson
>  wrote:
> >The OP wants to convert multiple files from .bmp to .jpg and then needs
> >to tell Legacy to look for the files which are now, in effect, renamed.
> Then they need to learn SQL and use some tool (hint) to fix this. There
> are other alternatives however...
> --
> Dennis Kowallek (LTools/Custom Programming)
> NOTE TO LUG USERS: Use plain text if you want me to read your post.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Changing linked pictures from bmp to jpg

2011-12-16 Thread Bruce Jones
bmd files end with bmd, jpg files end with jpg
xxx.bmd when converted to a jpg file is
xxx.jpg and Legacy can't find it.
Does that help explain my problem?

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Shirley Richardson <> wrote:

> **
> Sorry didn't make sense
> How about renaming the Large files then make a copy, reduce the copy and
> save with the name of the original file.
> Shirley
> NZ
> ----- Original Message -
> *From:* Bruce Jones 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Friday, December 16, 2011 7:05 PM
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Changing linked pictures from bmp to jpg
> I have several pictures linked as source detail multimedia that are LARGE
> bmp files.  I would like to change them to much smaller jpg files.
> Creating new jpg files is easy.  However, since they are linked to quite a
> few source detail citations, is there a way to change all these source
> detail multimedia links to the new jpg files without going into each source
> detail separately?
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[LegacyUG] Changing linked pictures from bmp to jpg

2011-12-15 Thread Bruce Jones
I have several pictures linked as source detail multimedia that are LARGE
bmp files.  I would like to change them to much smaller jpg files.
Creating new jpg files is easy.  However, since they are linked to quite a
few source detail citations, is there a way to change all these source
detail multimedia links to the new jpg files without going into each source
detail separately?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Selectively Underlining Missing Information

2011-12-13 Thread Bruce Jones
Oops, I didn't read your email close enough.  I don't think my suggestion
does what you want.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> You could go to Customize, General and unclick "Display LDS information",
> run the report, and turn LDS back on.
> Or would that eliminate more than you want.
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:30 AM, Sherry/Support <
>> wrote:
>> No, but if you want to submit a suggestion using the "Suggest a new
>> feature" link in the Support section of the Legacy Home tab or the
>> "Make a Suggestion" link under Help Center on the Legacy website,
>> we'll pass it on to the programmers.
>> BTW, the form is the same either way you get it so you need to submit
>> only one.
>> Sincerely,
>> Sherry
>> Technical Support
>> Legacy Family Tree
>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:22 AM, s megraw  wrote:
>> >
>> > In the Descendant Book there is an option to insert underlines for
>> missing given & surnames, and dates & places. With the latter it will
>> insert an underline for missing births, baptisms, deaths and burials. Is it
>> possible to have underlines inserted only for births and deaths?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > Stan
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Re: [LegacyUG] Selectively Underlining Missing Information

2011-12-13 Thread Bruce Jones
You could go to Customize, General and unclick "Display LDS information",
run the report, and turn LDS back on.
Or would that eliminate more than you want.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:30 AM, Sherry/Support  wrote:

> No, but if you want to submit a suggestion using the "Suggest a new
> feature" link in the Support section of the Legacy Home tab or the
> "Make a Suggestion" link under Help Center on the Legacy website,
> we'll pass it on to the programmers.
> BTW, the form is the same either way you get it so you need to submit only
> one.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:22 AM, s megraw  wrote:
> >
> > In the Descendant Book there is an option to insert underlines for
> missing given & surnames, and dates & places. With the latter it will
> insert an underline for missing births, baptisms, deaths and burials. Is it
> possible to have underlines inserted only for births and deaths?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Stan
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Re: [LegacyUG] Picture Links - assistance required please.

2011-12-13 Thread Bruce Jones
Following Richard's suggestion, when you go to Options > Customize >
Locations > View Current List
how many paths are shown?  I'm no sure, but changing each of these paths
MAY fix your problem.
But making sure your did use a current backup would be my first suggestion.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Richard Van Wasshnova <> wrote:

> Keeping multimedia under My Documents is not recommended due to
> difficulty in transferring from one computer to another. Did you ever
> see your multimedia on the new computer?
> You should go to Options > Customize > Locations > View Current List
> of Multimedia Locations and change each one or better yet use Search
> and Replace.
> -- Richard Van Wasshnova
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 6:32 AM, 2marion wimps <> wrote:
> > Hi Dennis,
> >
> > There are paths that show
> >
> > \\Pavilion\marion\My Documents\My Pictures\Family Tree (and then the
> > folder and sub folders where the files are held)
> >
> > the problem with this is that Pavilion is the old computer that I used
> > to use about 6 months ago.
> >
> > Then there are paths that show C:\Documents and Settings\Marion\My
> > Documents (and repeat the previous folders and different sub folders
> > that I have used in the past)
> >
> > Again these have no relation to this computer. When everything was
> > brought over from this computer all of the photos and documents were
> > transferred into the E drive, since then there have been numerous
> > extra folders and sub folders added to the E drive on this computer. I
> > have not checked on these so far (tonight I have just linked all of
> > the A's so only another 25 days to go!
> >
> > Marion
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Re: [LegacyUG] Transferring data and pictures to laptop from desktop

2011-12-04 Thread Bruce Jones
Does this help?
Your Legacy program on the desktop has a link to your picture
C:\libraries\documents\ancestory\Moir\death certificate James Moir 16 Dec
When you transfer your Legacy program to the laptop, the link in Legacy on
the laptop is STILL to
C:\libraries\documents\ancestory\Moir\death certificate James Moir 16 Dec

But you have restored the pictures to the D drive, with a DIFFERENT path
than the path in Legacy (this does not change the link in Legacy)
Therefore you need to tell Legacy about EVERY new folder (each family) on
the D drive (once per folder)
you need to restore the multimedia to the C drive so that the paths are
IDENTICAL to the desktop, i.e.
C:\libraries\documents\ancestory\Moir\death certificate James Moir 16 Dec
Hope that helps.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 3:38 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

> Please see below:
>  *From:* Mike Bridgeford 
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 04, 2011 9:55 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: [LegacyUG] Transferring data and pictures to laptop from
> desktop
> Hi Ron,
> Thanks for the prompt response. I will try to be a bit more specific,
> although this is quite confusing for me!
> On my desktop computer, I store all my pictures and documents for the
> legacy program in the form of jpg files, in one folder under ‘documents’
> called ‘Ancestory’. 
> This folder has several sub-folders for each family group. I run Window 7
> on my desk top.
> A death certificate for James Moir, for example, would have a path –
> C:\libraries\documents\ancestory\Moir\death certificate James Moir 16 Dec
> 1879. 
> The picture under the death event for James Moir on the Legacy program ,
> would then be linked back to this reference.
> **As I suspected your sub-folders comprise one for each family, in which
> case you need to select one picture for each family, for Legacy to identify
> the contents of that folder.**
> When I do a legacy backup on my desk top, there are two zipped files
> produced – one for the families etc, and one for the multi-media.
> Yes, Although I do not use the Multi-Media back-up
> Transferring the families zipped file to the laptop is simple, and works
> well. I went to file\restore family file, restore and save. The families
> are all there.
> Yup, that’s the easy bit!
> Following Geoff’s explanation in his book, I have then taken the
> multi-media zipped files, extracted them from the zipped files, and saved
> them to D:\legacy\data.
> OK
> It will not pick up the new images automatically.
> Correct
> If I find a missing image for James Moir, for example, I can ask Legacy to
> find the missing image,by double clicking on the ? image,  and it will find
> it at the D:\legacy\data\.
> This is what you need to do for each image containing folder, although I
> prefer to use the ‘Find it yourself option’
> Please note that I have not transferred the original image from the desk
> top under C:\libraries\documents\ancestory\Moir\death certificate James
> Moir 16 Dec 1879. 
> It has found the image from the unzipped multi-media files!
> Yes, that’s clear
> I run Widows Vista on my laptop.
> Should not be a problem, I have Vista on my Laptop
> Geoff mentions nothing about transferring all the data files stored on the
> desktop computer under C:\libraries\documents\ancestory\ to the laptop as
> well!
> I haven’t got Geoff’s book, much as I might like it, as I will not pay $14
> shipping for a $19 book
> The next step is to transfer all the files to my ipad!!! But, I won’t to
> make sure that the transfer to the laptop works properly first.
> Haven’t got an IPad, but I don’t think Legacy runs on it, but there is a
> program that reads Legacy files which will – Families?
> I trust this may have made my problem a little clearer – but I am still
> most confused with your comment that the legacy multi-media zipped files
> only contain pathways to the actual image files?
> Sorry, I thought I had been pretty explicit with that bit! Whilst the
> Legacy multi-media back-up does contain the images, Legacy does not store
> them in its database which contains only the paths to the images. This is
> why when installing on another machine it is easiest if the path to the
> multi-media images is exactly the same as that on the initial machine – and
> in part why Legacy recommends installation etc. on the C Drive.
> **Ron Ferguson**
> ****
> Regards,
> mike
> *From:* Ron Ferguson []
> *Sent:* 04 December 2011 10:04 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Transferring data and pictures to laptop from
> desktop
> Mik

Re: [LegacyUG] Cemeteries, Hospitals in Event Fields - Was: Locations

2011-12-02 Thread Bruce Jones
Yes, thank you.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Mary Fowler Leek wrote:

> I primarily use the narrative book reports so my data is entered based on
> how it is displayed in those reports. For the family group sheets, yes,
> each event has a line that separates  the text of event notes. That appears
> to be hard coded and cannot be removed. I don’t use the FGS but I see the
> events do still follow my Events List so the text still flows as I’ve
> entered it. 
> ** **
> I’d be happy to send a PDF example by email if you’d like to see how
> identical data is printed in a narrative register report versus the FGS. *
> ***
> ** **
> *From:* Bruce Jones []
> *Sent:* Friday, December 02, 2011 4:44 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Cemeteries, Hospitals in Event Fields - Was:
> Locations
> ** **
> Very interesting approach, Mary.  Which reports do you use?  On the Family
> Group Report I have a line that separates each event.  I don't see how that
> can be removed.  Am I missing something?
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Mary Fowler Leek 
> wrote:
> Tony,
> First, I don't think the information in the vitals notes prints anywhere.
> If you put the burial notes in an Event note, you can have it placed
> exactly where you want it to read in the narrative reports. The individual
> events can be moved up and down in the 'List of Events', depending on what
> information you have for the person. A simple example below shows two
> events that follow the block of vitals in a Legacy Descendant Book report
> for Ada. If I wanted to have the burial note read below the obituary, I'd
> just highlight it and move it under the Obituary event in the 'List of
> Events'. As you can see, for the burial location, I add the Cemetery Name
> in (...) following the city. This way, I can search and create a list of
> burials in each cemetery and they also sort well in the location list. I
> don't enter anything in the 'general notes' or any of the vitals notes. I
> created an event called 'Notes' instead so I can arrange my narrative to
> read the way I want. You can't tell by this example, but I can attach a
> photo of Ada's headstone to the first note following the block of vitals
> and the photo will be included in the report. Another bonus is each Notes
> Event can be sourced. The cemetery address, phone number, directions, etc.
> I add to the location notes for each cemetery and it prints in the
> Locations Index. My goal is to try to produce interesting Narrative reports
> for my family. If you haven't gotten too far along with your data input,
> try a few different things, with an eye toward what is important to you.
> Legacy is very flexible. My suggestion would be to try and settle on your
> style of data input and then be consistent.
> 1. Ada M. Lofland, daughter of Jonathan Cruse "Uncle Jonk" Lofland and
> Mary Ann Elizabeth
> "Bettie" Crawley, was born on 5 Sep 1886 in Gravelly, Yell County,
> Arkansas, died on 4 Aug 1937 in
> Amarillo, Potter County, Texas at age 50, and was buried in Memphis
> (Fairview Cemetery), Hall
> County, Texas.   <<<<< this is the block of hard coded vitals info
> Ada is buried next to her husband and each have separate headstones. Their
> daughter, Allie, who died young, is buried nearby.  <<<< this
> information was entered with a Notes Event
> ... she was remembered in an obituary, published on 5 Aug 1937, Waldron,
> Scott County,
> Arkansas.  <<<<<< this information was entered with an Obituary
> Event
> Mrs. Chester Caviness
> Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caviness, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caviness, Mrs. Lee
> Montgomery, and Mrs.
> Fred Harris left Wednesday for Memphis, Tex., to attend the funeral of
> Mrs. Chester Caviness,
> who died at her home in Memphis Wednesday morning.
> -Original Message-
> From: Tony Rolfe []
> Sherry said:
>  > I put the name of the cemetery or hospital in the Description field,
>  > date buried or of hospitalization in the date field and city, county,
>  > state and country in the Place field.
>  >
> Doesn't that make reports a bit strange?  You would get the vital
> statistics bit (including "he was buried in " and the name of the town),
> then all the life events and finally the cemetery event.  Wouldn't it
> read more smoothly if you included the cemetery details in the burial
> location, so that it was included in the in the fron

Re: [LegacyUG] Cemeteries, Hospitals in Event Fields - Was: Locations

2011-12-02 Thread Bruce Jones
Very interesting approach, Mary.  Which reports do you use?  On the Family
Group Report I have a line that separates each event.  I don't see how that
can be removed.  Am I missing something?

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Mary Fowler Leek wrote:

> Tony,
> First, I don't think the information in the vitals notes prints anywhere.
> If you put the burial notes in an Event note, you can have it placed
> exactly where you want it to read in the narrative reports. The individual
> events can be moved up and down in the 'List of Events', depending on what
> information you have for the person. A simple example below shows two
> events that follow the block of vitals in a Legacy Descendant Book report
> for Ada. If I wanted to have the burial note read below the obituary, I'd
> just highlight it and move it under the Obituary event in the 'List of
> Events'. As you can see, for the burial location, I add the Cemetery Name
> in (...) following the city. This way, I can search and create a list of
> burials in each cemetery and they also sort well in the location list. I
> don't enter anything in the 'general notes' or any of the vitals notes. I
> created an event called 'Notes' instead so I can arrange my narrative to
> read the way I want. You can't tell by this example, but I can attach a
> photo of Ada's headstone to the first note following the block of vitals
> and the photo will be included in the report. Another bonus is each Notes
> Event can be sourced. The cemetery address, phone number, directions, etc.
> I add to the location notes for each cemetery and it prints in the
> Locations Index. My goal is to try to produce interesting Narrative reports
> for my family. If you haven't gotten too far along with your data input,
> try a few different things, with an eye toward what is important to you.
> Legacy is very flexible. My suggestion would be to try and settle on your
> style of data input and then be consistent.
> 1. Ada M. Lofland, daughter of Jonathan Cruse "Uncle Jonk" Lofland and
> Mary Ann Elizabeth
> "Bettie" Crawley, was born on 5 Sep 1886 in Gravelly, Yell County,
> Arkansas, died on 4 Aug 1937 in
> Amarillo, Potter County, Texas at age 50, and was buried in Memphis
> (Fairview Cemetery), Hall
> County, Texas.   < this is the block of hard coded vitals info
> Ada is buried next to her husband and each have separate headstones. Their
> daughter, Allie, who died young, is buried nearby.   this
> information was entered with a Notes Event
> ... she was remembered in an obituary, published on 5 Aug 1937, Waldron,
> Scott County,
> Arkansas.  << this information was entered with an Obituary
> Event
> Mrs. Chester Caviness
> Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caviness, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caviness, Mrs. Lee
> Montgomery, and Mrs.
> Fred Harris left Wednesday for Memphis, Tex., to attend the funeral of
> Mrs. Chester Caviness,
> who died at her home in Memphis Wednesday morning.
> -Original Message-
> From: Tony Rolfe []
> Sherry said:
>  > I put the name of the cemetery or hospital in the Description field,
>  > date buried or of hospitalization in the date field and city, county,
>  > state and country in the Place field.
>  >
> Doesn't that make reports a bit strange?  You would get the vital
> statistics bit (including "he was buried in " and the name of the town),
> then all the life events and finally the cemetery event.  Wouldn't it
> read more smoothly if you included the cemetery details in the burial
> location, so that it was included in the in the front of the report?
> I've always included all burial details (including plot and row numbers
> and cemetery name) in the burial location and the report has all
> relevant data together.  I'm still able to include pictures and notes,
> although I do have to cut and paste notes about the actual cemetery into
> each individual location.
> Just a thought
> Tony
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

2011-11-22 Thread Bruce Jones
But the Location/Address capability was designed BEFORE mapping was
I want to see specifically where SOME (not all) of my people lived on the
map.  The only way I can see for Legacy Mapping to show that is to put the
address in the Location field for those people.
Am I missing something?

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Sherry/Support <> wrote:

> Not a programmer but I've been using Legacy since it was first released in
> 1997, became a beta tester in v3 and working for Legacy for 9 years so I
> think I can answer this question.
> The locations were designed to enter governmental jurisdicstions only -
> not building names, street addresses, etc.
> The Address forms were designed for the building and street address
> information.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:32 AM, David C Abernathy <
>> wrote:
>> Whenever and wherever you place the “address” within the “Location” you
>> will have a large listing, because each one will be a new unresolved
>> location.
>> ** **
>> I wish the “Programmers” would jump in and tell us how “They” designed
>> the “Locations” to be used?
>> ** **
>> Thanks,
>> David C Abernathy
>> Email disclaimers
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Re: [LegacyUG] shut down Legacy

2011-11-16 Thread Bruce Jones
For those who are using Dropbox to keep two computers in sync, you
DEFINITELY need to shut down Legacy often, like every time you leave your
computer so if you go to the second computer and start Legacy, you won't
end up with CONFLICTING files (voice of experience).

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Sherry/Support  wrote:

> That's wise to have a UPS if you're in an area prone to power outages.
> I have one since we're in such an area.
> I will only leave Legacy open if I'm away from my computer for a short
> period of time.. If I leave the computer for an extended period of
> time, especially if I go out, I always close all my programs, although
> I may leave the computer on if I know I'm going to want to work some
> more when I get back, and I never leave it on overnight.
> There's a big controversy about this and it's more appropriate for a
> hardware forum than the LUG list - about whether it's better for the
> drive to stay on all the time or be turned off periodically. The last
> I heard is it doesn't really make any difference to the longevity of
> the drive.
> I know the UPS has software to assist in saving and shutting down
> programs when it kicks into battery mode, but I guess I'm a little
> paranoid since I've lost data before and just don't trust the software
> to do that correctly.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Cheryl Rothwell
>  wrote:
> > I saw Sherry say to shut down Legacy when not in use. I really prefer
> > to have it open whenever I MIGHT be working. Are unexpected system
> > shut downs the only reason? I have an uninterrupted power supply so a
> > disorderly shutdown is not likely.
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Re: [LegacyUG] How to record sources that don't have relevant information

2011-11-07 Thread Bruce Jones
I have created General ToDo items for some of my sources and indicate on
this General ToDo what I did or didn't find.
Would this work?

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Jan Wilson  wrote:

> Yes, I do that. I also put it in the Master Source List.  But either way,
> I can't readily identify that its a source that I have reviewed, but has no
> information on my ancester.  Sometimes, I put aside research on a family
> and work on someone else.  It may be months or even the next year before I
> pick it back up.  Then, as I begin planning the next steps in my research,
> I sometimes identify the same source that has already been reviewed.  I
> guess I am looking for a easy to identify method to flag a source to
> indicate it doesn't have data on that ancestor.
>  --
> *From:* Kirsten Bowman 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Mon, November 7, 2011 11:05:11 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] How to record sources that don't have relevant
> information
>  Jan:
> I believe the most common method is to list searching the particular
> resource as a To Do item, marking it as done, but not deleting it from the
> list.
> Kirsten
>  *From:* Jan Wilson 
> *Sent:* Monday, November 07, 2011 5:31 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] How to record sources that don't have relevant
> information
>  Unfortunately I've wasted a lot of time over the years going back and
> looking at the same sources that didn't contain any relevant information on
> one of my ancestors because I didn't have a good way of recording and
> tracking it.  I'd like to create a list, by individual, of all the "empty"
> sources I've reviewed so that when I go to the library to do research I can
> check to see if I've looked at that resource previously.  How do you handle
> this?
> Thanks
> Jan
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Re: [LegacyUG] How do you all use the resource notes

2011-11-06 Thread Bruce Jones
I don't think I have anything "sourceable" in any of my Research Notes
(haven't used them much yet).  Anything I find that has a source I would
usually create an Event/Fact for and source that Fact/Event.
I hope others will chime in with their thoughts/practices.

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Marli Yoder  wrote:

> Bruce- (and everyone- I need all the help I can get on this one) when you
> put things in the research notes, ( the part that has Notes general,
> research, medical) if you have numerous notes already in there, how does
> one find the notes that tell you what you have got or not gotten on that
> person? I'm still really shaky on how the whole research notes thing is
> used. When I put things into it, I end up with page after page of
> "disconnected" information.  A paragraph here and another there. I want to
> source each, but haven't figured out how to source each one separately. I
> realize that I have opened a can of worms, but without them one may not
> catch the "trophy" fish. I hope I have worded this so you see what I am
> trying to ask.
> Marli Yoder
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Re: [LegacyUG] CENSUS: Event or Source ?

2011-11-05 Thread Bruce Jones
That should have read "Residences sourced..."

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Bruce Jones  wrote:

> How would you respond if the conversation was about Residences sources
> from a Census?  Would you create an Individual Event or a Marriage Event
> (or both?)
> On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Ron Ferguson 
> wrote:
>> I don't think that it is likely to be forgotten, Jerry, as many of us
>> absolutely agree with you (myself included). Which is why I do not
>> normally
>> bother with this debate.
>> Ron Ferguson
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Jerry
>> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 10:40 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [LegacyUG] CENSUS: Event or Source ?
>> I know a lot of people do treat the census as an EVENT in someone's life
>> and I guess a lot of the professional genealogists do this, but I'm
>> still puzzled by why?  To me a census is a SOURCE of information to
>> collaborate events in a person's life - birth, marriage, etc.   But I
>> never treat a census as an event.  People did not attend any census
>> meeting about themselves or conduct a census about themselves.
>> Therefore, there is another school of thought on this and that is to use
>> the census as a SOURCE and not as an EVENT.   But, again, Legacy will
>> let you do it either way - just making sure the other school of thought
>> is not lost on this
>> Jerry in Michigan /
>> On 11/05/2011 05:33 PM, Wendy Howard wrote:
>> > Hi Bruce,
>> >
>> >> I am puzzling on where to put Census (or Residence) Events for a
>> couple.
>> >> It is clear that a single person in a Census would have the Census as
>> >> an Individual Event.  But where you others put a Census Event for a
>> >> couple? Individual? Marriage? Both?
>> > This is something that can be done in a variety of ways (as you've
>> > already noticed) and the one that is "right" is the one that you like
>> > and suits your needs.  What is right for one person may not be right for
>> > another, so consider your options, and how you'd like the entries to
>> > appear in your reports.
>> >
>> > My method is to have a census event for each person.  I put a transcript
>> > of the census entry for the entire household in the source (in the
>> > Text/Comments field of the Source Detail, and check the box to include
>> > it in reports), so when I create a report where more than one person in
>> > that household appears, that transcript appears only once.
>> >
>> > I've edited the sentence structure for census events so that when all
>> > fields are filled it reads:
>> >
>> > [HeShe] appeared on the census [onDate] [inPlace] as a [Desc].
>> > [Notes][Sources]
>> >
>> > The [Desc] field is where I put their age and occupation, such as
>> > "3-year-old", or "22-year-old Ironstone Miner" - without the quotes I've
>> > shown here to distinguish the field contents.
>> >
>> > These two examples, taken from my great-great-grandfather William
>> > Boynton IRELAND, come out reading:
>> >
>> > "He appeared on the census in 1851 in Langtoft, Yorkshire, England as a
>> > 3-year-old", and
>> > "He appeared on the census in 1871 in Rosedale West Side, Lastingham,
>> > Yorkshire, England as a 22-year-old Ironstone Miner"
>> >
>> > ... each sentence followed by a superscript number referring to the
>> > source information, where a transcript of the household can be seen.
>> > When he was three, William had no occupation ascribed to him in the
>> > census, so I don't mention any.
>> >
>> > With the [Desc] field at the end of the sentence, I can add in any other
>> > peculiarities of the census entry that I want to mention, or I can use
>> > the Notes field, as I feel the need.
>> >
>> > This suits me.  I have developed it over the years, mainly from reading
>> > of other people's examples on this list.
>> >
>> > It might sound like a lot of work, but I use the Event Clipboard, once
>> > I've set up the first person, and edit the individual details for each
>> > subsequent person after copying the clipboard to a new event for them.
>> > The source information is carried along in this clipboard, so you only
>> >

Re: [LegacyUG] CENSUS: Event or Source ?

2011-11-05 Thread Bruce Jones
How would you respond if the conversation was about Residences sources from
a Census?  Would you create an Individual Event or a Marriage Event (or

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

> I don't think that it is likely to be forgotten, Jerry, as many of us
> absolutely agree with you (myself included). Which is why I do not normally
> bother with this debate.
> Ron Ferguson
> -Original Message-
> From: Jerry
> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 10:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] CENSUS: Event or Source ?
> I know a lot of people do treat the census as an EVENT in someone's life
> and I guess a lot of the professional genealogists do this, but I'm
> still puzzled by why?  To me a census is a SOURCE of information to
> collaborate events in a person's life - birth, marriage, etc.   But I
> never treat a census as an event.  People did not attend any census
> meeting about themselves or conduct a census about themselves.
> Therefore, there is another school of thought on this and that is to use
> the census as a SOURCE and not as an EVENT.   But, again, Legacy will
> let you do it either way - just making sure the other school of thought
> is not lost on this
> Jerry in Michigan /
> On 11/05/2011 05:33 PM, Wendy Howard wrote:
> > Hi Bruce,
> >
> >> I am puzzling on where to put Census (or Residence) Events for a couple.
> >> It is clear that a single person in a Census would have the Census as
> >> an Individual Event.  But where you others put a Census Event for a
> >> couple? Individual? Marriage? Both?
> > This is something that can be done in a variety of ways (as you've
> > already noticed) and the one that is "right" is the one that you like
> > and suits your needs.  What is right for one person may not be right for
> > another, so consider your options, and how you'd like the entries to
> > appear in your reports.
> >
> > My method is to have a census event for each person.  I put a transcript
> > of the census entry for the entire household in the source (in the
> > Text/Comments field of the Source Detail, and check the box to include
> > it in reports), so when I create a report where more than one person in
> > that household appears, that transcript appears only once.
> >
> > I've edited the sentence structure for census events so that when all
> > fields are filled it reads:
> >
> > [HeShe] appeared on the census [onDate] [inPlace] as a [Desc].
> > [Notes][Sources]
> >
> > The [Desc] field is where I put their age and occupation, such as
> > "3-year-old", or "22-year-old Ironstone Miner" - without the quotes I've
> > shown here to distinguish the field contents.
> >
> > These two examples, taken from my great-great-grandfather William
> > Boynton IRELAND, come out reading:
> >
> > "He appeared on the census in 1851 in Langtoft, Yorkshire, England as a
> > 3-year-old", and
> > "He appeared on the census in 1871 in Rosedale West Side, Lastingham,
> > Yorkshire, England as a 22-year-old Ironstone Miner"
> >
> > ... each sentence followed by a superscript number referring to the
> > source information, where a transcript of the household can be seen.
> > When he was three, William had no occupation ascribed to him in the
> > census, so I don't mention any.
> >
> > With the [Desc] field at the end of the sentence, I can add in any other
> > peculiarities of the census entry that I want to mention, or I can use
> > the Notes field, as I feel the need.
> >
> > This suits me.  I have developed it over the years, mainly from reading
> > of other people's examples on this list.
> >
> > It might sound like a lot of work, but I use the Event Clipboard, once
> > I've set up the first person, and edit the individual details for each
> > subsequent person after copying the clipboard to a new event for them.
> > The source information is carried along in this clipboard, so you only
> > have to do the bulk of the work once.
> >
> > Hope this helps.  :-)
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> > Wendy
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] Individual Events vs Marriage Events

2011-11-05 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks.  That was very helpful and detailed.  I like it.
I wonder how the "God with clay feet" handles it? :)

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 2:33 PM, Wendy Howard  wrote:

> Hi Bruce,
> > I am puzzling on where to put Census (or Residence) Events for a couple.
> > It is clear that a single person in a Census would have the Census as
> > an Individual Event.  But where you others put a Census Event for a
> > couple? Individual? Marriage? Both?
> This is something that can be done in a variety of ways (as you've
> already noticed) and the one that is "right" is the one that you like
> and suits your needs.  What is right for one person may not be right for
> another, so consider your options, and how you'd like the entries to
> appear in your reports.
> My method is to have a census event for each person.  I put a transcript
> of the census entry for the entire household in the source (in the
> Text/Comments field of the Source Detail, and check the box to include
> it in reports), so when I create a report where more than one person in
> that household appears, that transcript appears only once.
> I've edited the sentence structure for census events so that when all
> fields are filled it reads:
> [HeShe] appeared on the census [onDate] [inPlace] as a [Desc].
> [Notes][Sources]
> The [Desc] field is where I put their age and occupation, such as
> "3-year-old", or "22-year-old Ironstone Miner" - without the quotes I've
> shown here to distinguish the field contents.
> These two examples, taken from my great-great-grandfather William
> Boynton IRELAND, come out reading:
> "He appeared on the census in 1851 in Langtoft, Yorkshire, England as a
> 3-year-old", and
> "He appeared on the census in 1871 in Rosedale West Side, Lastingham,
> Yorkshire, England as a 22-year-old Ironstone Miner"
> ... each sentence followed by a superscript number referring to the
> source information, where a transcript of the household can be seen.
> When he was three, William had no occupation ascribed to him in the
> census, so I don't mention any.
> With the [Desc] field at the end of the sentence, I can add in any other
> peculiarities of the census entry that I want to mention, or I can use
> the Notes field, as I feel the need.
> This suits me.  I have developed it over the years, mainly from reading
> of other people's examples on this list.
> It might sound like a lot of work, but I use the Event Clipboard, once
> I've set up the first person, and edit the individual details for each
> subsequent person after copying the clipboard to a new event for them.
> The source information is carried along in this clipboard, so you only
> have to do the bulk of the work once.
> Hope this helps.  :-)
> Kind Regards,
> Wendy
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[LegacyUG] Individual Events vs Marriage Events

2011-11-05 Thread Bruce Jones
I am puzzling on where to put Census (or Residence) Events for a couple.
It is clear that a single person in a Census would have the Census as an
Individual Event.  But where you others put a Census Event for a couple?
Individual? Marriage? Both?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Location List problem

2011-11-01 Thread Bruce Jones
It's not obvious, but if you highlight that location, click on Geo-code on
the top right, then click on "Do not auto Geo-code the current location"
that should do it.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:

> I wonder is someone could help.
> When I view the location list, some of the locations have a blank "L"
> value, which says that mapping hasn't entered a latitude and longitude
> value.  When I click on one of these locations, mapping puts in the
> latitude and longitude, sets the "L" column to "V" and puts a little red
> pin on the map.
> Sometimes these pins are in the wrong place and, usually, I can find the
> correct place and move the pin there with a right-click.
> However, on occasion, the location is wrong, but I don't know where the
> correct location might be.  Usually an old village name is no longer in
> use and mapping has pointed at something it knows about with a similar
> name.
> My question is, "How can I remove the incorrect latitude and longitude
> values?"
> If I edit the location and blank them out, they go back as soon as I
> save the location.  Overtyping the "V" with blank doesn't seem to work,
> either.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Tony
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Re: [LegacyUG] Geoff: Source List Arrangement?

2011-10-31 Thread Bruce Jones
My sources are also grouped like yours and I am wondering the same thing
about Geoff's method.  One option would be to have three categories:
Locality, Surname, and "other".  the other could be prefixed with a symbol,
like an asterisk.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Kirsten Bowman  wrote:

> Yes, that would work for some, but I have a ton of book sources like
> Savage’s _Genealogical Dictionary_ and _The Great Migration Begins_ that
> pertain to many lines as well as other miscellaneous source items.  I’m
> wondering if Geoff uses some device or prefix to keep non-location specific
> names (like his new Find A Grave source) from mixing alphabetically with
> others that are sorted by state and county.
> Currently my 600+ sources are grouped by entering “book,” “cemetery,”
> “birth,” “marriage,” etc. as the first word in the Source List Name.  This
> is OK, but it causes records from a single geographical location to sort
> into those several categories rather than being grouped by location and I’m
> wondering if Geoff’s system would work better—except I’m not sure about how
> he handles some of these details.
> Kirsten
>  *From:* my genealogy email 
> *Sent:* Monday, October 31, 2011 8:29 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Geoff: Source List Arrangement?
>   Kirsten,
> For published genealogies, family bibles, etc... I start the name of the
> master source with the Surname so that they all sort together, ie.
> “HALLADAY – Family bible of so in so Halladay by so in so”; “SMITH – GEDCOM
> of John Smith descendants supplied by James Smith, 12-20-2010”.
> Hope this helps.
> Russ
>  *From:* Kirsten Bowman 
> *Sent:* Monday, October 31, 2011 2:07 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Geoff: Source List Arrangement?
> In your last “Watch Geoff Live” you mentioned having sorted your Master
> Source List by entering the location first in the Source List Name since
> that’s the way many records are found at Family Search.  I do like the
> concept of having, for example, all New York, Dutchess Co., birth,
> marriage, death records, cemeteries, newspapers, etc. grouped together in
> the Master Source List, but how do you handle things like published
> genealogies, family bibles, or the dozens of other things that might not be
> location-specific?
> Thanks so much for doing this series.  It’s very informative to see how
> you use Legacy and there always seem to be tips to pick up in addition to
> the main topic.
> Kirsten
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Re: [LegacyUG] iPad 2 and Legacy

2011-10-27 Thread Bruce Jones
I just bought a netbook, and it DOES run Legacy.  Not sure what I am missing
that an IPad would give me.

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Kirsten Bowman  wrote:

> Mike:
> *Everyone needs* an iPad.  I have the older model with Families/Legacy
> installed and don't imagine it would be much different on the iPad2.  The
> Families app goes on your iPad and there's a free program that you download
> to your PC (Families Sync) that converts your Legacy file to a format that
> can then be synced with the iPad.  I had difficulties with it at first, but
> I'm bad at computers so not a true example.
> The greatest benefit to having Legacy on an iPad is portability.  I
> expected
> to use it for cleaning up source citations and locations but find that
> isn't
> practical for me.  Legacy looks a little different on the iPad and doesn't
> have all the features as on a PC.  As one example, you can't do a "show
> list" with locations so you don't know who you might be changing from
> "Massachusetts, United States" to "Massachusetts Bay Colony" or vice versa.
> As a result, I don't do any data entry on the iPad but if I'm surfing and
> find a reference to a family of interest it's wonderful to be able to check
> and see if I already have the data.  If not, I copy/paste the text into a
> note along with the link and enter the properly formatted citation on my PC
> when I get home.
> Families seems to work very well, it's certainly inexpensive enough, and I
> love having my Legacy database wherever I go without lugging along
> binders and paper reports.
> Kirsten
> From: Mike Bridgeford
> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] iPad 2 and Legacy
> Hi Guys,
> I am considering purchasing an iPad2, and would like to download the app.
> from Legacy, and install the software, and hopefully transfer all my data
> and files. Has anyone had any experience in using the iPad2 for the Legacy
> program, and if so, could you advise me of the shortcomings and benefits
> you
> have experienced? Can you also easily transfer files from and to your main
> computer and the iPad?
> I would be most grateful for advice and comments.
> Regards,
> Mike Bridgeford
> (M.B.A.,B.Sc. Mech. Eng.,F.S.A.I.Mech.Eng.,M.S.A.I.M.M.,Pr.Eng.)
> P.O. Box 325
> Plettenberg Bay
> 6600
> South Africa
> tel:+27445359434
> fax:  +27865151814
> alt1 email:
> alt2 email:
> mobile: +27832667634
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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Re: [LegacyUG] Printing/not printing Event Notes

2011-10-26 Thread Bruce Jones
I see I need to be more specific.
I have been following Geoff's method of entering census information by
putting all members of the family in both the source detail AND in the Event
Notes.  When I print the Family Group Sheets, I will sometimes want
everything in the Census Events printed (for all census events), but often I
will just want just one line printed, that is, no Notes.  I understand that
I could change the Event Sentence to either print or not print Notes, but I
was looking for a way to accomplish this without changing the Event Sentence
each time I wanted it printed differently.
Hope this makes sense.

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:19 AM, Mike Fry  wrote:

> On 2011/10/25 22:32, Bruce Jones wrote:
> > Yes to your first guess on what I meant.  I will always want to print the
> events
> > but sometimes I will want the notes and other times I may not want them.
> To further clarify the situation. Does the print/noprint choice work at the
> level of an individual Event for a specific person/marriage?
> If so, can't you use the Sentence Override facility? This gives you an
> alternative means of determining what gets printed for a specific
> occurrence of
> an event.
> --
> Regards,
> Mike Fry
> Johannesburg
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Re: [LegacyUG] some of my notes have disappeared

2011-10-25 Thread Bruce Jones
Yes, I think you have that right.  I have been doing this for some time.
Some do not like this approach as it causes problems IF you open the same
file on different computers at the same time (which I must confess I have
done).  That is my only problem with this approach.

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Erica Portelli wrote:

> A very big thank you to all who have helped me straighten this out,
> especially Dennis and Brian for his instructions on restoring my file (which
> I've now done) and Mike for his comment " remember that from Vista onwards,
> Windows tends to create ZIP files i.e. backups, as folders."
>  I think this was the root of the problem, I've had experience in the past
> unzipping files but going from XP to Windows 7, I think I was lulled into a
> different mindset by seeing the .fdb sitting out there in the open in the
> zip folder and thinking I could just use it.  I had accidently closed my
> working file and  opened the one in the zip folder when prompted for which
> to open.
> I also still believe Dropbox to be a good option and certainly didn't mean
> to sound like I was putting it down, I think now it was my inexperience and
> a coincidence that all this started at the same time.
> I am still not entirely clear on Dropbox but stop me if this is not the
> place to ask the next (I know we are only supposed to be discussing Legacy):
> At the moment I have everything in the C: drive Legacy folders as suggested
> by Dennis and Brian and set to open from that location.
> *if* I went back to using dropbox,  would I need to have the working .fdb
> in the dropbox folder and direct the "set Starting Family File to Always
> open this file"  to open the dropbox .fdb ?
> I can understand using dropbox as a safe off-site place to store zipped
> backups, but if you wanted to be able to access your current Legacy file
> from both PC and laptop (not both at the same time, I get that) you would
> need the working .fdb to be stored and opening from  dropbox, have I got
> that right?
> Erica
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Re: [LegacyUG] Printing/not printing Event Notes

2011-10-25 Thread Bruce Jones
Yes to your first guess on what I meant.  I will always want to print the
events but sometimes I will want the notes and other times I may not want
Yes to your last question.
Thanks for helping me clarify my question.

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:

> Bruce,
> By "sometimes... and other times"  do you mean in some reports print them
> and in some reports not print them?  (for the same events)
> Or do you mean print some events and not print others in any given report?
> And just to double-check:  are you talking about just the Event Notes
> field?  Like, you want all events to print, but on some events do not print
> the Notes?
> Thanks,
> --Paula in Texas
> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
> Roche Ryburn Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
>  --
> *From:* Bruce Jones 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tue, October 25, 2011 2:09:09 PM
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Printing/not printing Event Notes
> I have been looking for a way to sometimes print Event Notes and other
> times not print them.  I don't see any settings that allow this flexibility.
> The only way I see to do this is to enclose the Event Notes in privacy
> brackets, then choose to either print or not print privacy brackets.
> Am I missing something?
> Thanks
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[LegacyUG] Printing/not printing Event Notes

2011-10-25 Thread Bruce Jones
I have been looking for a way to sometimes print Event Notes and other times
not print them.  I don't see any settings that allow this flexibility.
The only way I see to do this is to enclose the Event Notes in privacy
brackets, then choose to either print or not print privacy brackets.
Am I missing something?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Picture Gallery

2011-10-22 Thread Bruce Jones
Makes sense...except it doesn't work (at least for me).

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Mike Fry  wrote:

> On 2011/10/22 21:34, Bruce Jones wrote:
> > It doesn't work for me either.  I tried following Sherry's suggestion
> which I
> > interpret to untag all pictures and make sure non are preferred.
> Remove the check marks from above ALL pictures. You must have one picture
> selected as the preferred picture - nothing you can do about that.
> Then, go to Options--> Customise--> View and in the panel labelled "Picture
> of
> Main Person" on the right-hand side, tick, the check box and select the
> middle
> of the 3 options "Only tagged Preferred".
> You have no tagged pictures for the individual and just the one Preferred
> picture, but it will not show because it is not tagged.
> --
> Regards,
> Mike Fry
> Johannesburg
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Re: [LegacyUG] Request for addition to Legacy

2011-10-22 Thread Bruce Jones
Would it work to create an "Alt Parents" event and put the parents names in
either the Description or the Notes of the event?
It would show up on the Individual screen and in the Chronology screen.

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 8:45 AM,  wrote:

> I am probably the only one in the world who has a problem with this, but I
> am going to request a feature for Legacy. I have any number of notes in my
> genealogy collection that say, for example: Burwinkle Hendershot's father
> was Flabius Hendershot and his mother was Sarah Jones. They are from Maine
> and died in Nevada. (or some such thing). Now this may be true, and I would
> like to include it in my data in a fairly prominent place, but do not want
> to put Flabius in as the father without further proof. There may be several
> candidates for parents, depending on which researcher's work you are looking
> at. I know I can put in the "Notes" section, and I now do, but that gets
> easily overlooked unless I print out a full report that includes notes.
> My request is this: Could there not be a category (such as unlinked under
> "Add") such as - "Parent Candidate." For those instances where the parent is
> not known, I may have several possibilities and I should like my report to
> print out" Burwinkle's father is said by researcher Smith to be Flabius
> Hendershot of Maine and his wife, Sarah Jones." Another candidate for
> Burwinkle's father is ... and so on. I should like to be able to see all
> of Burwinkle's prospective fathers on some screen, perhaps Family, perhaps
> Chronological.
> No doubt there are myriad problems with this that I haven't thought of or
> considered, and a new feature isn't going to be added because of one vote,
> but count me as voting for this one.
> Jane Sarles
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Re: [LegacyUG] Picture Gallery

2011-10-22 Thread Bruce Jones
It doesn't work for me either.  I tried following Sherry's suggestion which
I interpret to untag all pictures and make sure non are preferred.
The problem is that I can't see how to have NONE of the pictures set to
I even added a picture, made it preferred, then removed it.  The picture
just before the one I removed was changed to preferred.

On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 3:30 AM, Ray Mechler  wrote:

> I tried Sherry's approach and it did not work for me.
> I have an individual with 3 jpg images of documents in his Photo Gallery.
>  I untagged all images in the Photo Gallery and the same jpeg image is still
> displayed for the individual. I even tried to untag all images except one
> different from the original image and the image for the original document
> (now untagged) continues to be displayed.
> Ray Mechler
> -Original Message-
> From: Sherry/Support []
> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Picture Gallery
> Easier yet...
> Untag all images in the Picture Gallery for the individual who doesn't
> have any pictures you want to show on the Family View.
> Then go to Options > Customize > View and under "Picture of Main
> Person" select "Only tagged preferred".
> No images will show for that person.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
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Re: [LegacyUG] Master Source List Problem

2011-10-21 Thread Bruce Jones
Thanks for the workaround tip.  It worked great for two Source Writer
sources I wanted to combine.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Mike Fry  wrote:

> Using latest version ( on Windows/7.
> Noticed a mis-operation on the Master Source List window with the "Combine"
> button. It doesn't always work! Sometimes it behaves as advertised and
> sometimes
> it doesn't.
> By this I mean that pressing it with a Source List Name highlighted does
> not
> always result in the program offering to let you select the item that you
> want
> to combine with. A work around is to click the Show List... button, close
> the
> resultant window, and try again.
> --
> Regards,
> Mike Fry
> Johannesburg
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Re: [LegacyUG] How to record this location.

2011-10-21 Thread Bruce Jones
If you search the archives you will see this 4 field conventions discussed
many times.

I believe that most of the knowledgeable Legacy users (especially outside
the USA) do the following:
- Ignore the 4 field convention and enter as many fields as seems
appropriate for the specific location (3, 4, 5, 6, up to 9).
- Set the locations to sort from Right to Left so it displays (for example)
country, state, county, city, etc.

The only downside seems to be using the Geo locator function.
To use it, temporarily use the 4 field convention, then change to whatever
you like when you are finished.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:

> My problem, all those years ago, was that when I entered a location as
> "Morden, Surrey, England" Legacy was able to deduce that Morden was a
> town.  However, if I entered "High Street, Morden, Surrey, England",
> Legacy assumed that the town was High Street, and this confused the
> issue somewhat.
> The advice I was given then was to only put towns in the location field
> and so I spent a couple of weeks straightening it all out and here I am.
> I would love to go back to the old scheme, but the 4-field location
> means that I would have to put random commas in the middle of addresses
> which have no rational reason for being there.
> Everyone says how wonderfully flexible Legacy is and, in most cases,
> this is true.  However, in one of the most important areas of genealogy,
> getting locations correct, Legacy is about as flexible as a 6-inch I-Beam.
> The really annoying thing is that it would be so simple to fix.
> Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox and get back to the issue in question.
> The simplest way, I guess, would be to have a location of "At Sea", use
> the death address field for more info on the location as and when that
> becomes available and put the rest into Medical Notes/Death Cause.
> Thanks for the advice.
> Tony
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Re: [LegacyUG] Picture Gallery

2011-10-21 Thread Bruce Jones
I haven't tried Sherry's suggestion yet, but what I did is create an actual
photo of nothing. It could be the sky, a wall, anything of all the same
light color.  Then I attached it as the preferred photo for those
individuals with the problem you discussed.

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 7:25 AM, Sherry/Support  wrote:

> Easier yet...
> Untag all images in the Picture Gallery for the individual who doesn't
> have any pictures you want to show on the Family View.
> Then go to Options > Customize > View and under "Picture of Main
> Person" select "Only tagged preferred".
> No images will show for that person.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Margaret DeAcetis 
> wrote:
> >
> > Bruce,
> >
> > Can you walk me through how you "add a blank image to Legacy"?   Sounds
> like what I want to do. I am indeed talking about images appearing on the
> Family View that I want to lose. I do have these images already attached to
> sources.
> > Thanks, Margaret
> k
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Re: [LegacyUG] Picture Gallery

2011-10-20 Thread Bruce Jones
One other option, which I have used, is to add a "blank" image to Legacy,
which I use when I have this situation.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Rick Bowden  wrote:

> Margaret,
>  There are many picture galleries in your Legacy
> database. Each individual has one, each event for each individual ,
> each source for each event for each individual , as well as locations.
> I personally place images of birth certificates in the picture gallery
> for the source citation for the birth event of the individual. But if
> you wish to keep a copy of the birth certificate image in the
> individual picture gallery you can. If you have only one file in the
> picture gallery and you added it as a picture then Legacy will display
> the thumbnail on the individuals screen next to the name. To avoid
> that but still keep the file in the picture gallery , do as advised by
> Lavern , to remove the file. Then add the file back as a File , not as
> a Picture ( you will see there are also options for Sound and Video ).
> This way, even though the file is an image ( .jpg , .bmp or similar )
> Legacy will not attempt to use its internal viewer to display the
> image. When you look at the individuals picture gallery you will see
> just a file icon not a thumbnail of the image but if you select that
> item and press play, or alternatively double click on that item ,
> Legacy passes the task of displaying the file to Windows which will
> use your default image viewer to display the birth certificate image.
> Rick
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Re: [LegacyUG] Change fie extension

2011-10-18 Thread Bruce Jones
I would just add one suggestion to Tony's excellent article.
If you want to move a picture to a folder unknown to Legacy,
First add that folder to the list (Options, Customize, Locations, View
Current List of Multimedia Locations, Add)
Then you don't need to do the search.

You can also use (Options, Customize, Locations, View Current List of
Multimedia Locations, Rename) to rename Legacy multimedia folders.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:

> Firstly, I've managed to fix my problem, thanks to all the advice here.
>  All my JPEG's have a jpg extension and Legacy has no missing files.
> When I did the SQL run in LTools, I found a bunch of other files that I
> didn't know about, but they are all fixed now as well.
> To Paula in Texas, I have found a technique which combines two Legacy
> features to make this an easier fix.  1) If you can rename a file using
> Pic Centre, it will change all references to that file.  2) If you move
> a file from one folder to another known folder without renaming it and
> immediately run a test multimedia paths, it will fix all references to
> that file.
> So, the way I have found to move and rename a file is as follows:
> .  Go into Pic Centre and rename the file, leaving it in its old folder.
>  Maybe you can put it into another folder as well, but my typing isn't
> that hot, so I do it this way.
> .  Get out of Pic Centre and run a test all Multimedia paths.  This is
> probably not necessary, but it does settle the nerves
> .  Move the file to the new location using Windows.
> .  If the new location is not known to Legacy, edit any person using the
> file and try to access the file.  Then either let Legacy search for it
> or search yourself.  this puts the new folder into legacy's list.
> .  When the new folder is known to Legacy, run another test all
> multimedia paths.  This will fix all references to that file.
> Life would be much easier if there was a test button in the Pic Centre,
> but there isn't (hint).
> So, Thanks to everyone for the help
> Cheers
> Tony
> ===
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[LegacyUG] Entering census information

2011-10-06 Thread Bruce Jones
I have been following Geoff's instructions for entering census information
but have come across a question.
How do you deal with census information where the family is split over two
- Create two Events with two citations (one citation for each page)?
- Create one Event with two citations?
- Create one Event with one citation that has two images?
- Other?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Converting to a New File System

2011-09-13 Thread Bruce Jones
Another method is to go to
Options/Customize/Locations/View Current List of Multimedia Locations/Add
and navigate to the new folder and click on "OK"
This adds that folder to the list Legacy will search to find your pictures/files
Do this once for each new folder.
Legacy will now find all files you moved to the new folders (as long
as you don't rename any files).

You can also use this method to rename folders (after renaming the
folder outside of Legacy)

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Ron Ferguson
> Joshua,
> Move your Crump census records into the new folder, then if you go into
> Legacy and click on an image for one of the records the screen which Paula
> mentioned will pop-up, select browse for yourself and go to the image and
> select it. All the other transferred images will now be found by Legacy.
> Ron Ferguson
> -Original Message-
> From: Joshua Crump
> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Converting to a New File System
> Legacy Users,
> I currently have a file system for all of my Genealogy research setup like
> this: C:\Users\Joshua Crump\Dropbox\Family\Docs for all of my Documents. My
> questions if I organize it by surname for example C:\Users\Joshua
> Crump\Dropbox\Family\Docs\Crump\Census Records. How do I go about fixing the
> broken links in Legacy?
> Thanks,
> Joshua T. Crump
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