Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

2017-08-06 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
When you sign into v9 MH reads your file and compares with theirs to offer 
hunts.  The feature is automatic unless you turn it off.

Get Outlook for Android<>

From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Carrie Pillow 
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 10:25:16 AM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

How can they ?

Your data is on your computer, it is only seen if you share it!


From: LegacyUserGroup [] On 
Sent: 06 August 2017 15:44
To: Legacy User Group 
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

MH can see your file now in LFT 9.


From: LegacyUserGroup>>
 on behalf of Chris Hill>>
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 3:02:56 AM
To: 'Legacy User Group'
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

One of the concerns that I am seeing in this set of messages is a fear that
MyHeritage will be able to extract a copy of your tree from your local PC
through Legacy.

To do that, they will need to get Millennia to make changes to the Legacy
program, which I doubt that they will do so long as they are operating
totally separately.

If they did manage to make that change they would also need your explicit
permission to do it.

Doing it without permission, which could be done, is the theft of your
private information, including information on living people.

That would be illegal in the EU, GB and, I assume, USA, and I am sure that
your USA based users are quite capable of raising a class issue against them
if they did it.

If, as it has been suggested, MyHeritage have ignored a user setting that a
tree is Private and converted it to Public tree with no permission, they are
again breaking our laws.

 So, there should not be an issue here, but we do need to keep an eye on
what they are planning and doing.



-Original Message-
From: LegacyUserGroup [] On
Behalf Of Cathy Pinner
Sent: 06 August 2017 03:31
To: Legacy User Group>>
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

It still applies.

Besides it's not so easy to sync a desktop database with an online tree
system. Note the delay in the release of FTM and RootsMagic sync ability
with the Ancestry tree.
Any syncing between a Legacy family file and a My Heritage tree requires the
development of the mechanism to do it.
It won't come before Legacy 10 and is expected to be entirely optional.
On top of that you then have the Privacy settings on a MyHeritage tree
apparently. I don't have one.


> Anne Wiltshire <> Sunday, 6 August 2017
> 10:21 AM Hello all Does My Heritage Privacy Policy for Legacy Family
> Tree (in the Help
> file) still apply or will My Heritage be able to take all my tree onto
> their website.
> With thanks
> Anne Wiltshire
> Runaway Bay QLD Australia
> *From:* CE WOOD
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 6, 2017 10:55 AM
> *To:* Legacy User Group
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Concerns about MyHeritage
> Their TreeBuilder syncs with their website. I do not use it, so know
> only that.
> Complete privacy on the website occurs *_ONLY_* if you set those
> options on your website tree. If you have more than one tree loaded on
> your website, you must set the privacy settings for each. Some people
> don't mind having people find and/or view some of their trees.
> You can even set your tree so that it *_cannot be found _*if someone
> searches. You can do the same for any pictures or files you upload. If
> someone can't find your info by searching, they cannot view it.
> You can limit those who can find your site to only your list of
> "members", and you can prevent "members" from changing anything on
> your site.
> On far too many internet sites you find on the internet, people think
> a source is someone else's website! With very, very few exceptions,
> you can never trust anyone else's sources; you must go to their source
> yourself to check.
> My research is mainly medieval. My sources are original documents
> (primary sources) or reliable secondary sources such as _Complete
> Peerage_, _Domesday Descendants_, _Domesday People_, Settipani's
> tomes, etc.., but, with new documents being discovered almost daily,
> especially in England, errors have been found in many of those. There
> are several scholarly websites devoted solely to the corrections in those.
> MyHeritage is very far from perfect, but they have access to only your
> information that you allow them.

Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

2017-08-06 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
MH can see your file now in LFT 9.


From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Chris Hill 
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 3:02:56 AM
To: 'Legacy User Group'
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

One of the concerns that I am seeing in this set of messages is a fear that
MyHeritage will be able to extract a copy of your tree from your local PC
through Legacy.

To do that, they will need to get Millennia to make changes to the Legacy
program, which I doubt that they will do so long as they are operating
totally separately.

If they did manage to make that change they would also need your explicit
permission to do it.

Doing it without permission, which could be done, is the theft of your
private information, including information on living people.

That would be illegal in the EU, GB and, I assume, USA, and I am sure that
your USA based users are quite capable of raising a class issue against them
if they did it.

If, as it has been suggested, MyHeritage have ignored a user setting that a
tree is Private and converted it to Public tree with no permission, they are
again breaking our laws.

 So, there should not be an issue here, but we do need to keep an eye on
what they are planning and doing.



-Original Message-
From: LegacyUserGroup [] On
Behalf Of Cathy Pinner
Sent: 06 August 2017 03:31
To: Legacy User Group 
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Concerns about MyHeritage

It still applies.

Besides it's not so easy to sync a desktop database with an online tree
system. Note the delay in the release of FTM and RootsMagic sync ability
with the Ancestry tree.
Any syncing between a Legacy family file and a My Heritage tree requires the
development of the mechanism to do it.
It won't come before Legacy 10 and is expected to be entirely optional.
On top of that you then have the Privacy settings on a MyHeritage tree
apparently. I don't have one.


> Anne Wiltshire  Sunday, 6 August 2017
> 10:21 AM Hello all Does My Heritage Privacy Policy for Legacy Family
> Tree (in the Help
> file) still apply or will My Heritage be able to take all my tree onto
> their website.
> With thanks
> Anne Wiltshire
> Runaway Bay QLD Australia
> *From:* CE WOOD
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 6, 2017 10:55 AM
> *To:* Legacy User Group
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Concerns about MyHeritage
> Their TreeBuilder syncs with their website. I do not use it, so know
> only that.
> Complete privacy on the website occurs *_ONLY_* if you set those
> options on your website tree. If you have more than one tree loaded on
> your website, you must set the privacy settings for each. Some people
> don't mind having people find and/or view some of their trees.
> You can even set your tree so that it *_cannot be found _*if someone
> searches. You can do the same for any pictures or files you upload. If
> someone can't find your info by searching, they cannot view it.
> You can limit those who can find your site to only your list of
> "members", and you can prevent "members" from changing anything on
> your site.
> On far too many internet sites you find on the internet, people think
> a source is someone else's website! With very, very few exceptions,
> you can never trust anyone else's sources; you must go to their source
> yourself to check.
> My research is mainly medieval. My sources are original documents
> (primary sources) or reliable secondary sources such as _Complete
> Peerage_, _Domesday Descendants_, _Domesday People_, Settipani's
> tomes, etc.., but, with new documents being discovered almost daily,
> especially in England, errors have been found in many of those. There
> are several scholarly websites devoted solely to the corrections in those.
> MyHeritage is very far from perfect, but they have access to only your
> information that you allow them.
> CE
> --
> --
> *From:* LegacyUserGroup  on
> behalf of 
> *Sent:* Saturday, August 5, 2017 5:15 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Concerns about MyHeritage
> I tried MyHeritage with the basic subscription and don't trust it for
> various reasons. It defaulted to automatic renewals every year and I
> don't remember any other options. It was extremely difficult to find
> out how to enter an end date for the subscription because it was
> buried so deeply. From memory, I had to get out of their website and
> search on Google to find out how to do it.
> I entered some relatives on their Family Tree Builder. Even though I
> thought I kept everything private, it ended up fully displayed on
> their website.
> You can never relax while using MyHeritage and have to constantly be
> on guard. Their technology/program seems to have "trip wires"
> everywhere to reset everything to defaults that suit them.

Re: [LegacyUG] Share vs event

2017-07-25 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
Great use of the shared function.

From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Dennis Birke 
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 3:03:25 PM
To: 'Legacy User Group'
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Share vs event

I use the shared event function primarily when recording census listings.  I 
track census listings primarily to identify who was then in the household.  The 
shared event function allows you to mark all household members at one time, 
rather than creating an individual event for each household member.

I’m curious to see how other people use that functionality.

From: LegacyUserGroup [] On 
Behalf Of Marli Yoder
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 3:44 PM
To: Legacy Users Group 
Subject: [LegacyUG] Share vs event

What are the pros and cons of using the share function for events vs using a 
separate event of each thing for each person.

I remember that there were thoughts about each method.

Marli Yoder
A & M Farms 2172 LLC
Eureka & Sturgeon Missouri

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Re: [LegacyUG] New Find-a-Grave feature

2017-05-03 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
Yes but he is still around

Get Outlook for Android

From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 10:23:54 PM
To: Scott Hall;
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Find-a-Grave feature

I just remembered that a few years back a user named Dennis (Kowalski, I think) 
from Zipper Software created a program named “LTools” that allowed slightly 
more advanced users to do some pretty neat stuff to their legacy data file. 
However, I just checked, and his website states that LTools has been retired.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 11:16 PM
To: Scott Hall;
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Find-a-Grave feature

I, too, had approximately 2,400 FAG#’s in the User ID field and just finished 
cutting & pasting them all into the FAG ID field. Wasn’t very fun. Sure 
would’ve been nice if I’d had some kind of script or something to do the job 
for me. Oh, well.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Scott Hall
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 4:22 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] New Find-a-Grave feature

Hello ...
I am happy that v9 has a FAG data field and direct link to this well accepted 
and important genealogical tool.  For years I have been capturing FAG memorials 
in my Legacy file by copying the FAG memorial number into the UserID field.  
Now that there is a dedicated FAG memorial ID field, is there an easy way to 
mass copy the data from one field to the other?  I'd like to avoid retyping (or 
linking) every record connected to FAG in my file as there are over 4,500 
records with this data.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Do not download the latest version 9 update

2017-04-27 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
a tester friend of mind suggested two months.

From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Gary Schenck 
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 12:06:15 PM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Do not download the latest version 9 update




On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 9:15 AM, Michele/Support>> wrote:
I am three time zones east of the programmers so I saw this first.  I wanted to 
warn people since I don’t have the ability to remove updates from the servers.  
This has already been fixed and an new update is in place.

Michele Simmons Lewis, CG
Legacy Family Tree

Certified Genealogist is a registered trademark and the designation CG is a 
service mark of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®, used under 
license by Board certificants who meet competency standards.

From: LegacyUserGroup 
 On Behalf Of Brian Lightfoot
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 11:37 AM
To: 'Legacy User Group'>>
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Do not download the latest version 9 update

Wouldn’t it be easier to simply remove the .166 build from the server so that 
it could not be downloaded rather that plead with users to not downloaded it? 
Just asking.

Brian in Ca

From: LegacyUserGroup [] On 
Behalf Of Michele/Support
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 4:22 AM
To: 'Legacy User Group'
Subject: [LegacyUG] Do not download the latest version 9 update

Please do not download the Legacy 9 update that was just posted. This is build 
.166 There is an error in it that we will get fixed later today.

Michele Simmons Lewis, CG
Legacy Family Tree

Certified Genealogist is a registered trademark and the designation CG is a 
service mark of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®, used under 
license by Board certificants who meet competency standards.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Media Relinking

2017-04-22 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
Use LegacyStories. Org to record your stories and connect pictures and stories 
together then use the internet link to attach them to LFT.   Legacy stories is 
free for 500 pix. and the stories can also be linked to FamilySearch.  There is 
a mobile app.  It take 7 minutes to learn all you need to use it.  You will 
love it and is solves the probem.

Gordon Talor

From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2017 6:51:27 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Media Relinking

Does anyone not use Legacy Family Tree for media?  The media backup and Media 
Relinker are unreliable and I’m considering not using the software for 
recording media any more.  Yesterday I found out that the backups that I 
religiously did were not including masses of documents and media.  In the mail 
archives I found a comment by Richard Wasshnova that Legacy adds a considerable 
number of characters to the path of a given medium.  Although I have used a 
little utility called TLPD to search out any paths that are too long, it seems 
my effort has been for naught.

In addition to asking whether anyone uses Legacy Family Tree only for data and 
not media, I’m very curious now to learn how other people are naming their 
documents to avoid the path too long problem.

Many thanks,
Priscilla Glasow

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: [LegacyUG] How to source a ,docx document

2016-11-13 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
Use Weblinks to attach the Doc to an event or group of event.  Weblinks are 
part of the Media  Gallery.

Open the Weblink add the URL and describe the file.

From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Arnold Sprague 
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 5:39:18 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] How to source a ,docx document

I need to source a .docx document. It is available from the Murphree
Genealogical Association's website .
The document can *not* be used on-line due to its size of 5.4 MB and
length of 3,818 pages.
On the website, the document is referred to as the Murphree
Genealogical Association Database, (July 2015 Edition). As to the
author, we are shown this: "This official MGA database is available
for download, thanks to the work of the MGA Genealogist & Historian,
Bruce Jordan, and the Murphree Newsletter Editor, Linda Jordan."
Further, we are told, "Because of the massive size of the database,
it will be updated only annually, so additions will not be made immediately."
So, I know it is a word document, it is updated annually, and
the people putting it together may change.

I would like to have some help on how to source this document. It is
an invaluable resource for my wife's family.
Thank you.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Strange bug in Legacy 9

2016-06-21 Thread GORDON M TAYLOR
Yes, I have friends testing it.

> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 09:44:22 +1000
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Strange bug in Legacy 9
> Is Legacy 9 coming? If so, will include Unicode or at least the same special 
> character map used in MS Word?
> John
> -Original Message- 
> From: Cathy Pinner
> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 6:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Strange bug in Legacy 9
> I was about to close Legacy 9 when I decided to change the Ribbon Style.
> It changed but I got a series of Individual # was not found errors.
> I tried again by going to Design Font and changing the Font size.
> Again the series of errors.
> Clicking OK on each one and I've ended with Error 0 as in the attached
> image.
> This was in the Sample File after I'd been playing with Hashtags.
> A Check/Repair doesn't report any error.
> Cathy
> -- 
> LegacyUserGroup mailing list
> To manage your subscription and unsubscribe 
> Archives at:
> -- 
> LegacyUserGroup mailing list
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