[LegacyUG] Error 70 Permission denied

2016-10-08 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
What would be the cause of Error 70 Permission denied after the Check repair 
completes,  202 of 203.It also Has Error 0 as the title.   
Then it says "Would you like to try it again?,  "    I Hit the yes and the 
check repair complete comes up.
Very confusing.
 Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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Re: [LegacyUG] New user trying to upload files

2016-09-09 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
What would happen if Jairmie in Tech support uploaded the Legacy formatted file 
( as in saved to) to a drop box or other cloud, and you collected it from there.
That would (If it failed) eliminate the Software as a problem.
Just a thought
Ian Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: Leonard J. McCown 
 To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 10:50 AM
 Subject: [LegacyUG] New user trying to upload files
I am a new user, 
and I am trying to load files from Ancestral Quest, version 14. I have some 
large note files, a few media, and a large database of 109,190 individuals. I 
have uploaded the deluxe software, at least 12 times or so, tried to import a 
GEDCOM, and all seems well, until I happen to click on one grandfather. When I 
do I get this message: Run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of range. When I click 
ok, the program closes.  He was married twice, and had 11 children by each 
wife. Some of them have red flags because using the dates of official records, 
some of the births are too close to the birth of the previous child. Some of 
these might be the cause of so many of the infants deaths immediately. Of the 
second 11, only 4 lived any length of time.  I have deleted the software 
several times, deleted the files, deleted the GEDCOM’s and started over, but 
still get the same error message.  The only thing I have not done is try to 
load a file direct from Ancestral Quest, and I could not seem to locate the 
file on my computer although I know where it is.  Any suggestions would be 
appreciated. Thanks so much. I am really frustrated. Jairmie in Technical 
Support has been very nice and made several suggestions with I tried. I even 
loaded the file and sent it to him, and he had no problem getting into the 
record of my grandfather.  Leonard  leon...@mccown.org­  

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Re: [LegacyUG] Persons who never married

2016-09-03 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
Sarchasm,   Its a climb.
 Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: Brian Lightfoot 
 To: 'Legacy User Group'  
 Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2016 8:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Persons who never married

-Original Message-
From: LegacyUserGroup [mailto:legacyusergroup-boun...@legacyusers.com] On
Behalf Of Sherry
Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2016 1:43 PM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Persons who never married

So you can't have have children without a "relationship" of some sort being


Incest, rape, and in vitro fertilizations that result in a pregnancy are
hereby defined as relationships. Thus sayeth the Legacy gods.

(I'm only pointing out some of the limitations and consequences of using the
mandatory term of "relationships".)

Brian in CA


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Re: [LegacyUG] Cannot open Legacy

2016-06-27 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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without conversion to attachments should use a different email address
for their subscription.

Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
Capacitors take time to drain.    Its not so Urban as Old.   

Ian Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: MikeFry 
 To: Legacy User Group  
 Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 5:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Cannot open Legacy
On 27 Jun 2016 22:42, Gene Young wrote:

> If there was an improper shutdown of Legacy there may be a left over lock 
> file.
> Shut down your computer completely wait a minute or two then restart and see 
> if
> that helps.

Why this 'urban myth' of waiting a minute or two. The power's off, there's 
nothing left active in the machine. No need to wait.

Mike Fry (Jhb)


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Re: [LegacyUG] unwanted emails

2016-06-24 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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without conversion to attachments should use a different email address
for their subscription.

Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
I think that the email addresses were mined by just watching the list.  For 
example when I post on the list my email address is posted with it.  I can 
scoup up these email adresses by watching the list.  The folks that don't get 
the spam did not post within the period that it was being mined.   This may be 
just someone that got angry with the list for whatever reason.
I have not received any, and hopefully don't.   

Youse still the best!!

Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: Sherry/Support 
 To: Legacy User Group  
 Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 12:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] unwanted emails
Again - these emails are *NOT* coming through the LUG list. Someone
has stolen our email address, most likely from an infected computer
where the malware steals email addresses and send an email out from
one of the email addresses in the person's address book. Not everyone
on the LUG list is getting these emails, another confirmation that
it's not going through the list.

Also, if the email had come from the LUG list, then it would show
[LegacyUG] in the subject line. None of the reported spam is showing

You all need to make sure you have good spam blockers in your email
programs and good security software on your computers to prevent this
kind of things

Please read the numerous emails about this that Brian and I have sent!

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Jodi  wrote:
> Really?  well than Legacy should have a spam blocker or something.  NO One
> should have to have this be a problem.  I do not care if Legacy is at fault
> or not and that this e-mail is keeping it going, the fact that a spammer
> could use this site to send these things is what is the issue.  You should
> have a way to block this sort of stuff. If that is not the solution, then
> you should not be telling others that they are the cause of the spam coming
> through, tell them how to get rid of it.  I feel it is rude to blame others
> for spamming your e-mail with this.  I checked the header details.  Finally
> after all these days you thought enough to block the spammer.  That should
> have been done immediately.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Strange bug in Legacy 9

2016-06-16 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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without conversion to attachments should use a different email address
for their subscription.

Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
Legacy 9 ??  Did I miss something.
 Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: Cathy Pinner 
 To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 4:52 AM
 Subject: [LegacyUG] Strange bug in Legacy 9
I was about to close Legacy 9 when I decided to change the Ribbon Style.
It changed but I got a series of Individual # was not found errors.

I tried again by going to Design Font and changing the Font size.
Again the series of errors.
Clicking OK on each one and I've ended with Error 0 as in the attached 

This was in the Sample File after I'd been playing with Hashtags.
A Check/Repair doesn't report any error.



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Re: [LegacyUG] Ancestry Merge

2016-04-27 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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without conversion to attachments should use a different email address
for their subscription.

Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
And,  you can use the "find duplicates" in chunks by using the filters.  
It also helps you find errors, review is good.

Ian Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: Evelyn .. 
 To: Legacy User Group  
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 2:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Ancestry Merge
How would you be able to 'tell' Legacy which person of the potential duplicates 
you want to keep/merge?
The best way I know (and use often) to resolve duplicates is the "merge 
duplicates" function in Legacy. It shows me potential duplicates in sets of 2 
individualss and I can research them, then indicate that they ARE duplicates, 
so they're merged, or NOT duplicates and I can mark them so it doesn't ask 
again about that set of 2.
And you're correct, 2500+ potential duplicates is a daunting task!

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Ginger  wrote:

I've been working quite a bit in Ancestry and wanted to merge the information 
I've added and corrected into my Legacy file.  I made a copy of my family file 
in case something went haywire and then I downloaded a GedCom file from Legacy.
I assumed (ugh) that it would merge the duplicates automatically as I'd gone 
through them before and just add the new information or have conflicts with the 
corrected information only, however, it is starting over with 2,500 ish 
Is there any easier way to do this besides manually plucking the information 
from Ancestry and entering it in by hand?

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Evelyn Wilhelmsonej1357@gmail.com509-998-6743

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Re: [LegacyUG] Arbitrary changes to placenames?

2016-04-01 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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without conversion to attachments should use a different email address
for their subscription.

Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
Legacy has the sad habit of jumping lines when doing the combine in locations.  
You have to be cautious when you select the given location.
Ian I live in my own little world, but it's OK. Everyone knows me here.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: JV Leavitt 
 To: Legacy User Group  
 Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 9:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Arbitrary changes to placenames?

 From my own sad experience, I know that the place names in the Master 
Location List are vulnerable to mistakes you make when you combine 
locations there.  You should/must always make a backup of your data 
before making any changes to location names while in the Master List.  
The Legacy program does not change location names on it's own.  If you 
have a recent backup, my advice is that you speedily restore it.  You 
can give the restored file a different name, and compare the Master 
Location List of the two files.  This might help you feel assured 
concerning the integrity of the program.  If the backup is not a recent 
one, you can nevertheless use the restored file to see which records had 
Colchester and which had St. Luke's, and make changes as needed.

Joseph Leavitt

On 4/1/2016 1:27 AM, Steve Hayes wrote:
> This morning I discovered that Legacy had changed one place name to another,
> without my knowledge.
> I was checking a marriage, and found that my place for the marriage was St
> Luke's, Middlesex, England, while the source I was checking said Colchester,
> Essex, England.
> I changed the place name to Colchester, but kept getting another place, and
> then discovered that Colchester had disappeared from the Master Location
> List, and that in every instance Colchester, Essex, England had been changed
> to St Luke's, Middlesex, England.
> I had about 1000 people who use Colchester, but very few who used St Luke's,
> so I simply edited the place name to change it to St Lukes, but my concern is
> -- how many other place names in the Master Location List is Legacy changing
> without my knowledge?

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Re: [LegacyUG] New Email Process

2016-03-19 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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without conversion to attachments should use a different email address
for their subscription.

Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
Something weird has happened..  More than half of the forum mail went to spam 
and that  was not the case two days ago,  
Ian I live in my own little world, but it's OK. Everyone knows me here.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: Cathy Pinner 
 To: Legacy User Group  
 Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 11:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Email Process

Somewhere in your email program or your ISP there will be a place to say that 
emails from a particular address are not SPAM. You probably just need to enter 
LegacyUserGroup@legacyusers.com in the right place and the emails will land in 
your Inbox. Sometimes for mailing lists there is an extra step as the emails 
come from one person and are distributed by another (the list). 
Contact your ISP if you can't work out how to do that.


Jennie Matheson wrote:

HI Steve,

Have you ever considered adjusting spam filters? Just because emails 
are identified as Spam does not necessarily mean they are Spam. No 
Spam filter is 100% accurate - they all require some user input to 
improve their accuracy.I use Gmail and am able to mark emails that 
arrive in my Spam folder as not spam when I know that they are 
definitely not Spam. This process helps "educate" my Gmail Spam 
filters. There was an issue recently with AOL (I think) and Gmail was 
marking all emails from AOL users as Spam. I received numerous 
legitimate emails from AOL users and just marked them as "not spam". 
Some still report as "Spam" but if I persist Goggle spam filters will 
eventually learn!


On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:13 AM, STEPHEN mailto:stephen.gra...@comcast.net>> wrote:

    I have been on this list for approximately 9 years and have
    received immense benefit from it but I am now afraid that this may
    be coming to an end.

    Recently I have been receiving a few emails in my inbox as they
    should, some emails with attachments which has been explained e.g.
    yahoo and which I will not open but will instead delete
    immediately, and the majority have been received in my spam folder
    which again I will not open. At this moment, I have received 10
    emails in my inbox and 46 emails in my spam folder for the period
    of 03/16/16 - 03/19/16. I also know that some emails are never
    received at all.

    As an example of my frustration, I received Pat Hickin's email in
    my inbox inquiring about creating a Comprehensive PDF which
    immediately attracted my interest. This was followed by two emails
    responding to this which seemed to imply that Michele had
    furnished the answer. However I had not received that. I then
    found Michele's response in my spam folder which again I will not

    I next decided to check the archives believing that the entire
    thread would be readable there. However, I there discovered that
    the archive hadn't been updated since 03/15/16 so there was no
    Comprehensive PDF thread. I finally found it updated today,
    03/19/16, with the thread including Michele's solution which was

    I understand Ken McGinnis' explanation of MailServers altering
    headers, etc., leading to spam issues. However, I do not
    understand why I can receive Pat Hickin in my inbox and have
    received Michele there also on other occasions, yet Michele
    responding to Pat goes into spam. It seems that there should be
    some degree of consistency in the handling.

    So my question is whether there is any hope for improvement? If
    there is, I will try to stick it out because I have always liked
    this list. If, however, this is the way it is going to be, I will
    be submitting an unsubscribe request. If I can't receive
    information in my inbox and I can't rely on the archives, then
    there is no benefit.

    And please don't tell me to change email providers as it is a
    little late for that. I have been using Xfinity/Comcast webmail
    for over 10 years and I have it configured the way that I want it
    with some 170 folders for storage.

    Hoping for an optimistic response.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Media storage

2016-03-05 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
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imposed by some email providers. Users who want to send messages
without conversion to attachments should use a different email address
for their subscription.

Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
this conversion include gmail.com and hotmail.com.  Many other email
providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
To say nothing about what happens if the Inet drops while the file is actively 
Ian I live in my own little world, but it's OK. Everyone knows me here.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
Open at 10:AM   Close at 5:00 PM
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  From: CE WOOD 
 To: LegacyUserGroup  
 Sent: Saturday, March 5, 2016 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Media storage
#yiv7278421671 #yiv7278421671 --.yiv7278421671hmmessage 
Which works fine if you always have access to the internet. There are many 
places I visit that do not, and many that have such slow speeds that access 
would take longer than the trip.


From: martha...@gmail.com
To: legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2016 17:00:06 +
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Media storage

#yiv7278421671 .yiv7278421671ExternalClass blockquote.yiv7278421671ecxcite 
{padding-left:10px;padding-right:0px;border-left:1px solid 
#cc;}#yiv7278421671 .yiv7278421671ExternalClass 
{padding-left:10px;padding-right:0px;border-left:1px solid 
#cc;padding-top:0px;}#yiv7278421671 .yiv7278421671ExternalClass 
.yiv7278421671ecxplain pre, #yiv7278421671 .yiv7278421671ExternalClass 
.yiv7278421671ecxplain tt 
 .yiv7278421671ExternalClass a img {border:0px;}#yiv7278421671 
.yiv7278421671ExternalClass body {font-family:Comic Sans 
MS;font-size:12pt;}#yiv7278421671 .yiv7278421671ExternalClass 
.yiv7278421671ecxplain pre, #yiv7278421671 .yiv7278421671ExternalClass 
.yiv7278421671ecxplain tt {font-family:Comic Sans MS;font-size:12pt;}Good 
Morning,One work-around for media storage would be to put them in folder in 
your drop box and change the location in Legacy.That way, they are always 
accessible. And the db could be synced to the external hard drive. Martha
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Re: [LegacyUG] Entering a sibling without parents

2016-02-25 Thread I Macaulay via LegacyUserGroup
The original message to the list is in the attachment.

This action is required because of the DMARC Reject/Quarantine Policy
imposed by your email provider. If you want to receive messages
without conversion to attachments please use a different email address
for your subscription.--- Begin Message ---
Ok, You guys know I am a little slow on the uptake,  but, I have been watching 
all this and wondering why the surname does not just get placed in the male 
parents position and then add the child?
Is there some problem that this sets up further down the line that I am not 
visualizing?  Is it that the father may not be the surname carrier?  Without a 
first name and without a source the data should be suspect and there fore 
equivalent to "unknown"  or other place fillers.

Ian I live in my own little world, but it's OK. Everyone knows me here.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
Open at 10:AM   Close at 5:00 PM
45.2397 N long: 76.0991 W Elv 137 M UTM
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  From: MikeFry 
 To: legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com 
 Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 3:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Entering a sibling without parents
On 25 Feb 2016 3:13 AM, Ed Ladendorf via LegacyUserGroup wrote:

> For a long time, because of several strong indications, I was reasonably sure
> that Susanna Schommer was a sister to my g-grandmother, Maria Schommer. Now I
> finally have proof of that. When I went to enter a sibling for Maria, I
> recieved a message saying that siblings cannot be entered without first
> having a parent.

> I have no information whatsoever as to what their parents' names were, so in
> my mind, not entering a sibling would be a sin. She needs to be there so
> someone other than myself could have a shot of finding something I couldn't
> yet find. So I entered a mother with the given name of "Not", and the surname
> of "Known". The sibling was then added successfully. Has anyone else had this
> problem, and if so, how did you handle it?

In a past existence (Legacy 7.5) it was possible, with a parent-less person on 
show in the Family tab, to double-click on the empty parents and have the 
program 'create' blank parents. You could then add a sibling to the original, 
parent-less person. No parents were actually created. This no longer seems to 
work under version 8.0

Mike Fry (Jhb)

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Re: [LegacyUG] New Mailing List Software and Servers

2016-02-22 Thread I Macaulay via Legacyusergroup
--- Begin Message ---
Very confusing.  I deleted everything,  If there was a password required, I 
have blown it away.
Ian I live in my own little world, but it's OK. Everyone knows me here.

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
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  From: Brian/Support via Legacyusergroup 
 To: Legacy Test ; Legacy User Group 
Cc: Brian/Support 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 1969 7:00 PM
 Subject: [LegacyUG] New Mailing List Software and Servers
We have had to migrate our old mailing lists to a new server and 
software. As part of that migration all users had to be resubscribed to 
the "New" List. Everyone on the List will receive a welcome message.

The new list server and software requires a password for you to manage 
your list subscription. A default password is included in your welcome 
message along with the link to your new list account management page 
where you can select list options.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

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