Re: [LegacyUG] Passage Express Button Not Working

2010-03-27 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Thats just not feasible when I am supposed to leave in 20 minutes with
the project in hand. I think I am done with Legacy after this project.
It was great for the first 3-4 years, but these last two have geared me
toward finding another program. Sure, all the features are great. But I
am running into things left and right that are only taking hours of my
time. Time is money.

BTW, I am also using XP with SP3.


Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Marvin & Angelique Welch wrote:
>> I am down to the wire on a project and went to click on "Create CD"
>> with Passage Express (I have the program) and it asked whether I
>> wanted to use the entire family or a subset. I chose entire family
>> and absolutely NOTHING happens afterwards. I have tried repeatedly
>> for a different result, but get NOTHING. I have used this option
>> plenty of times, but not since updating to
>> What is going on here?
> Sorry, but I do not know, mine works fine with Windows XP SP3. If you are
> using a different o/s then perhaps someone else can try it. You may like to
> try File>File Maintenance>Check/Repair to see if that works. Otherwise I can
> only suggest that uninstalling/reinstalling may resolve the problem.
> Ron Ferguson
> _
> Create your Website with Legacy, see Tutorials at:
> Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
> For The Fergusons of N.W. England

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[LegacyUG] Passage Express Button Not Working

2010-03-27 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
I am down to the wire on a project and went to click on "Create CD" with
Passage Express (I have the program) and it asked whether I wanted to
use the entire family or a subset. I chose entire family and absolutely
NOTHING happens afterwards. I have tried repeatedly for a different
result, but get NOTHING. I have used this option plenty of times, but
not since updating to

What is going on here?

Angelique Abeare-Welch

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Re: [LegacyUG] Facebook & Images

2010-03-13 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Tom Thorpe wrote:
> Wondering what others think of using Facebook photos and information
> (e.g. birthdate, other family member names and FB links) that are
> accessible to everyone in my genealogical software (Legacy). I have
> several extended family members and their children who are on FB and
> have posted photos for all to see, friends and non-friends alike.
> I do not intend to publish the material but had hoped to include it
> all in a book of descendants to be handed out at the next family
> reunion. Thanks for your thoughts.
> Tom
> P.S.  Anyone know of a good source guide for genealogical ethics?

Hi Tim!

See my post "Genealogical Ethics" in there, I mention to Bill about two
different textbooks:

1. BCG (Board for Certification of Genealogists) Genealogical Standards
Manual (don't let the certification part fool you, these are standards
everyone should follow when doing research)
2. Evidence Explained: Citing HIstory Sources from Artifacts to
Cyberspace by Elizabeth Shown Mills (which will help after you obtain
permission from members to use their photos on Facebook and cite them in
your reports)

Now assuming you are getting permission to possible print or use the
images on Facebook from their owners, here is what will be most
important in your report:

For example, for online materials such as Facebook, your "core elements"
of your citations in your report will be: (this is right from page 57 of
EE). I am sure there is also a template for this in Legacy, but just not
sure yet which one without looking and if I do that I will have it open
all day doing stuff :)

* Author/creator/owner of the website's CONTENT (which would be your
* Title of the website, which would be Facebook
* Type of item (image?discussion post? etc.)
* Publication data
* Place (URL)
* Date (posted, updated, copyrighted, or accessed)
* Specific detail for that citation (such as "image of Joan Smith &

So an example citation in your report might look something like this:

Smith, Bob. Facebook. Digital image. :
accessed 13 March 2010. Image of Joan Smith and child, 1975.

You may even put a note afterwards stating something like:

Original privately held by Bob Smith [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY],
City, State.

This way, no matter what, any relative should be able to find whatever
image you are citing, even if you don't have it. :)

Hope this helps :)

Angelique Abeare-Welch

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[LegacyUG] Genealogical Ethics, Citations Etc.

2010-03-13 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Hi Bill,

You stated in a previous post regarding Facebook,

"I'd be interested in a guidebook on genealogical ethics."

You might be interested in the BGC Genealogical Standards Manual" which
covers a lot of stuff that we "think" would be common sense in
genealogy, but apparently is not (such as citing information we received
from someone properly so others can find and verify the information).
People think that you need to be "certified" or "professional" to
conduct quality work in genealogy, and that is just not so. Anyone doing
genealogy research should follow simple standards such as citing where
you found something.

For example, there is the Genealogical Proof Standard which is used to,
"assess the reliability of genealogical statements other people make..."

It is a five step process which basically says we are going to do our
best to conduct exhaustive research, accurately cite sources, etc.

There are also Data-Collection Standards, Evidence Evaluation Standards,
Ethical Standards and all of them are to make sure that the research we
perform is reliable. I bought my manual for about 20 bucks online and it
was well worth it!

Legacy gives us a way to cite sources using SourceWriter or the Basic
System (both also have a "surety" rating system too, which is great for
evaluating sources!), and also areas for note taking if we are unsure of
where information has come from. I really like that the newer version is
compatible with citation formats used in a book called, Evidence
Explained (ESM) which helps greatly for learning how to cite everything
from private holdings to stuff we find online. For me, citing sources is
just good practice.

Angelique Welch

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Re: [LegacyUG] sending PDF

2010-03-13 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch

There are lots of different ways to "share" information that is within
Legacy with others when they don't have the program, but it depends on
"what" you want to share.

Assuming you have all the information you spoke of below entered into
Legacy (ages, marriages, burials, occupations), it may be easier for you
to just create some type of report in Legacy (whatever type of report
you want) and save it on to a CD along with any pictures, files or other
information you want to send them. If you have all of your pictures and
documents on your computer already, this is an easiest way to share them.

To get a report to print with "sources" showing, there are various
options (depending on what type of report you want) that will allow you
to print the sources. You will have to decide which report you want to
print out in .pdf, then someone from support can lead you through the
steps for making that report show your sources.

You could also give relatives a link to the FREE version of Legacy and
send them either the full file or a GEDCOM that they can open (this way
you don't have to worry about losing information that won't print on
reports). There are lots of other free programs that will open GEDCOM
files as well.

If I were you, I would decide which report I wanted to print, get that
created, then get a blank CD/DVD and add the .pdf report to it and then
start adding any pictures, files or etc. that you want to send them on
it. Again, if you want them to be able to open a family file, export
your information to a GEDCOM and lead them to links on how to install
the freebie version, then they can see what you have put together.

Hope this helps


Michele S wrote:
> I have the paid version of legacy.My cousins do not have any version
> of legacy.   What I am trying to do, is send different cousins the
> family tree, with the notes or maybe it is called sources.I have been
> to my ancestral town and have everything. I spent three weeks in the
> records office and went to the church archives. I am going back 200
> years.   My cousin do not have legacy.  How can I email them
> everything?  I have the age our ancestors were when they got married,
> the street they lived on, what they did for a living, where they were
> buried, etc.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Where to put life stories?

2010-03-10 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Hi James,

Here are a few examples that I have, similar to yours and how I deal
with these tidbits.

One is from a history that was put together by a relative about a
great-grandmother. Here is my example for that:


"Agnes says that at one time Emily lived in Cobbleskill, New York - a
mountainous area.  Once, when Emily was sitting on her front porch with
her baby, Mary Ellen, in her arms, a flash flood washed them away.  The
baby drowned, but Emily was found later - alive, and hanging by her hair
from a tree.  The family said that Emily was never the same after that.
Agnes remembers her as a strange acting old lady who always wore a
bandage on her hand."

Say this is written by Ruth Smith.

Right now I have this added in the "Notes" section for Emily only (not
Mary Ellen), because for me, I want to verify more information first.
But it can also be added as an Event, which I might create as "Flood"
since many in history experienced floods that were quite devastating and
it might not be the first time I find that type of fact for a person.

Then I create a source in the "Master Source List" for "Personal
Knowledge" and use Ruth Smith.
I add that source to the "Source Clipboard." Then, whether you decide to
add the information to your "Notes" or to an "Event" that you create,
you can attach the source you just created to either one. When the
"Citation Detail" screen pops up, there is a spot for adding who this
person is and you can put something like, "Ruth Smith is this
relationship to so and so".

I like doing this for a few reasons:
1. If the story/tidbit from that person is about more than one
individual, it allows you to add that person as a source for other
information as well. (Say Ruth also provided me with some names and
dates in a conversation, aside from the history she provided in notes).
2. Since the template is already there in SourceWriter (Personal
Knowledge), I find it works well for lots of tidbits I get from various
relatives. You can also "rate" the source (Surety Levels) which works
well for something like personal knowledge, which can vary from person
to person in truthfulness.
3. Using "Personal Knowledge" template works for interviews, oral
histories, written histories from relatives, names and dates we get from
relatives that we want to remember where we got the information.
4. By having a field where I can comment about who the source is or
their relationship to the individual, it also clues me in on how
reliable the source might be.


For emails, there is a source template (using SourceWriter) called
"Emails". I use it for that type of correspondence since it allows for a
subject line and date entry, which helps me find the email later if I
want to refer to it. I can also enter the text of the email in the text
section and decide whether or not to have it print in reports.

For me personally, at first I did not enter any relatives as a "source"
when I received tidbits. Which in a way, now that I think about it, was
sort of silly for me, since I realize that these people ARE in fact
sources. :) Then later when I saw dates, places or other facts (not just
necessarily notes), I wondered where I received those facts and had to
go back over all my old work (still in that process). Now that I use the
"personal knowledge" and "email" templates, I can EASILY refer to
wherever I received any information on someone.

I hope this is helpful :)

Angelique Welch

James Cook wrote:
> I'm talking about the tidbits of information handed down in legends,
> sent in emails, or flow out of interviews?  Things like Grandpa Moses
> lived in a river boat on the river, or Great Aunt Sally dated Jesse
> James, or whatever.  The stuff that puts some life into all the facts
> we collect.  I've been toying with the idea of a custom event for
> this, and I was going with one I wanted to call "Fun Facts", but I've
> decided everything is not fun - like a triple killing in my tree.
> And, of course, the 'fact' part is questionable.  It may be a fact
> that this story was often told, but the story itself may not be a
> fact.  Anyway, I'm looking for some ideas for how to do this.
> In the case of an event, I was thinking I could use an entry format in
> the notes section like so
> "When I was a boy, we had rocks to play with, and we liked it!"  -
> Uncle Joe [Joe Doe 1847-1911]

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Re: [LegacyUG] Mixed up ppl after changing AKA's

2010-03-02 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch

I swear I learn something new every day :) I read "ppl" as "people" and
had no idea there were file extensions of that name too :)

Feeling Dorky,


Sherry/Support wrote:
> It's also a file extension for the Potential Problems List file =  Sample.PPL 
> is in c:\Legacy\Data along with Sample.FDB.
> Thanks for using Legacy.
> Sherry
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation

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Re: [LegacyUG] Mixed up ppl after changing AKA's

2010-02-28 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Hi Carol,

ppl is just short for people :)

Ang wrote:
> Please tell me what is “ppl” ?
> Carol

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Re: [LegacyUG] Mixed up ppl after changing AKA's

2010-02-28 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
I didn't ask anything. I was adding that I was having a similar problem
as Judy when editing any fields using the Name List. No reason for an
example when Judy has already described how/when the problem is occurring.


> I am trying to understand what you are asking. If I guess correctly you are 
> wanting to change surnames for some people. Only if you want to change ALL 
> people having that spelling should you use View; Master Lists; Surname. If 
> you want to change one person at a time you need to edit that name in the 
> Individual Information screen. The way to change a percentage of people go to 
> Search; Search and Replace; and scroll through each name separately, choosing 
> 'yes', 'stop' or 'next'. If you need something different please explain 
> specifically what you are asking for. (Give example?)
> Rich in LA CA
> --- On Sun, 2/28/10, Marvin & Angelique Welch  
> wrote:
>> From: Marvin & Angelique Welch 
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Mixed up ppl after changing AKA's
>> To:
>> Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 3:26 PM
>> Judy,
>> This happens to me whenever I try to edit ANYTHING for an
>> individual
>> using the Name List instead of just editing it from their
>> Family View.
>> After hundreds of entries were screwed up by this in my
>> file, I just
>> quit using the Name List to edit anything. It bugs me to
>> death because
>> using the Name List is the easiest way to edit large hunks
>> of people
>> with less clicking. Legacy, slowly loosing me here...
>> Angelique

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Re: [LegacyUG] Mixed up ppl after changing AKA's

2010-02-28 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch

This happens to me whenever I try to edit ANYTHING for an individual
using the Name List instead of just editing it from their Family View.
After hundreds of entries were screwed up by this in my file, I just
quit using the Name List to edit anything. It bugs me to death because
using the Name List is the easiest way to edit large hunks of people
with less clicking. Legacy, slowly loosing me here...


Judy wrote:
> I spent all day yesterday entering AKA changes in my file. I was working
> from the name list. I would find a name that needed an AKA, and then
> go over
> to the pop up window on the right and enter their AKA.
> Much to my horror, I later discovered that some ppl have the AKA's of
> other
> ppl and some indiv. got replaced in the file with someone else!  For
> example, a Debbie Smith had an AKA "Rich" -- which belonged to Dick
> Senter.
> Also, my brother was replaced by another male of the same surname, but
> totally different family!!
> Fortunately I made backups, but what gives I don't want to have it
> happen again...
> Judy

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Re: [LegacyUG] Possible Bug? .rtf Ancestor Book, Sources for AKA's Not Printing in Footnotes

2010-02-22 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Hi Ron,

My footnotes are showing up where they are supposed to be at the end of
each page :) Funny!

> Angelique,
> I can now confirm your observations for both Prob.#1 and Prob.#2. Howver
> these should be footnotes and all mine are appearing at the end of the
> report, is this what you are getting? I would think that Prob.#1 can be
> resolved without too much trouble but problem.#2 is going to be a heck of a
> problem to sort, as there seems to be no logic as to when it will arise.
> I will take a closer look before drawing a bug report for testing, but
> please confirm where your footnotes are showing.
> Ron Ferguson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Passage Express Options Gone?

2010-02-22 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Whew!!! That solved it :)

Thanks :)


Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Marvin & Angelique Welch wrote:
>> What happened to the options to make a CD/DVD using Passage Express
>> within Legacy?
>> Angelique
> Angelique,
> If your problem is that the icon isn't there, right click on the tool bar
> and drag the PE Icon.
> Ron Ferguson

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[LegacyUG] Passage Express Options Gone?

2010-02-22 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
What happened to the options to make a CD/DVD using Passage Express
within Legacy?


Books to the ceiling,/ Books to the sky,/ My pile of books is a mile high./ How 
I love them! How I need them!/ I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
  - Arnold Lobel

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Re: [LegacyUG] Possible Bug? .rtf Ancestor Book, Sources for AKA's Not Printing in Footnotes

2010-02-22 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch

This is really strange eh? Why am I not getting the error everyone else
is? It is definitely exporting the report into .rtf and it is definitely
making footnotes at the end of each page on the .rtf. They are just
goofy for AKA notations. Bugger!

Twilight zone stuff :)


Marvin & Angelique Welch wrote:
> v. 7.4.06
> Why did you test using "endnotes" and not "footnotes". Using "footnotes"
> is where I encounter the problem?
> Angelique
> Ron Ferguson wrote:
>> Hi Angelique,
>> Firstly, which version of Legacy are you using?
>> These are the results which I have from my tests using *endnotes*:
>> Prob.#1 I did not have any source reference numbers for the AKAs and no
>> source details were included in the report.
>> Prob.#2 The commas between all the reference numbers were present, *but* if
>> their omission only happens under specific circumstances then I may well
>> have not had sufficient examples to test fully.
>> Ron Ferguson
>> _
>> Create your Website with Legacy, see Tutorials at:
>> Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
>> For The Fergusons of N.W. England
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Books to the ceiling,/ Books to the sky,/ My pile of books is a mile high./ How 
I love them! How I need them!/ I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
  - Arnold Lobel

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Re: [LegacyUG] Possible Bug? .rtf Ancestor Book, Sources for AKA's Not Printing in Footnotes

2010-02-22 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
v. 7.4.06

Why did you test using "endnotes" and not "footnotes". Using "footnotes"
is where I encounter the problem?


Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Hi Angelique,
> Firstly, which version of Legacy are you using?
> These are the results which I have from my tests using *endnotes*:
> Prob.#1 I did not have any source reference numbers for the AKAs and no
> source details were included in the report.
> Prob.#2 The commas between all the reference numbers were present, *but* if
> their omission only happens under specific circumstances then I may well
> have not had sufficient examples to test fully.
> Ron Ferguson
> _
> Create your Website with Legacy, see Tutorials at:
> Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
> For The Fergusons of N.W. England

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Re: [LegacyUG] Possible Bug? .rtf Ancestor Book, Sources for AKA's Not Printing in Footnotes

2010-02-22 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
Hi Ron,

That is weird, lol, I did'nt get that error, but here are my steps exactly:

Reports > Books/Other > Ancestors

Under the Page Layout tab, I chose, "Start new page after each
generation (mandatory if including source footnotes)" option.

In the Report Options > Sources Tab I chose the option to print source
citations, "as footnotes". I definitely do not have the "endnotes"
option checked.

No other options are checked in this tab except to also print a
bibliography (which is printing fine so far [I think]).


Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Do you actually mean "footnotes" or should it be "endnotes"? I ask because
> if I have footnotes selected and try to select RTF I get the message:
> "Footnotes on each page are not available when using Unlinked RTF source
> citations. Only endnotes at the end of the book is available." . Now
> whatever this may mean, and frankly I have no idea what an "Unlinked RTF
> source citation" is (Sherry??) it would seem that footnotes cannot be
> positioned at the end of each generation. So do you mean endnotes, for which
> I do have some informaation?
> Ron Ferguson
> _
> Create your Website with Legacy, see Tutorials at:
> Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
> For The Fergusons of N.W. England

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[LegacyUG] Possible Bug? .rtf Ancestor Book, Sources for AKA's Not Printing in Footnotes

2010-02-21 Thread Marvin & Angelique Welch
I tried to do an ancestor book report today and here is what happens:

Problem #1

I chose to print my source citations as footnotes and have the option
checked to start a new page after each generation (the mandatory one for
footnotes under the page layout tab). I want the report in .rtf so chose
that also.

When the report prints and I examine the footnotes, all other source
citation output seems to show up properly (so far), except for ALL the
entries that were attached to an AKA.

For example:

John Smith. Another name for John Smith is Juan Smith. 3 (<-- footnote

Then below in the footnotes, the list looks like this:

3. 72

With only a number (that does not seem to point to anything!) that makes
no sense and is NOT a source listing or anything accidentally typed into
details for that source. I know what sources are supposed to be here,
but they are not printing for ANY sources connected to an AKA


Problem #2

Printing the same report (.rtf, etc. as above), I also notice that some
footnote references (after the facts) do not have commas between them.

For example:

Fact. 4, 5, 6 (<-- footnote reference)

Instead looks like:

Fact. 456

Some seem to be formated ok, but others are not and I end up at the end
of the page with sentences that look like this:

So and so married so and so in City, County, State. 456457458

Which should read more like:

So and so married so and so in City, County, State. 456, 457, 458

What is going on here?



Books to the ceiling,/ Books to the sky,/ My pile of books is a mile high./ How 
I love them! How I need them!/ I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
  - Arnold Lobel

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RE: [LegacyUG] Advice on Sourcing of marriage record =

2010-02-09 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
I just watched this video from rootstelevision about citing online
sources and figured I would pass it one here (it even mentions Legacy,
so I am SAFE in the "on-topic" zone! Woot!


S. Fry wrote:
> I often use and save the digital images from "Missouri Marriage Records,
> 1805-2002," at and like Connie, I find the images problematic
> for the reasons she stated. I use other sources to find the book number and
> only look at the transcriptions to see how Ancestry has  dealt with the
> sometimes difficult handwriting.
> But this isn't about; it's about how to source the material
> from I use SourceWriter template for Marriage records > Found
> in governmental records > Marriage registers > Created at the county level >
> Online images
> Here is how I fill in the fields for the master source:
> Source List Name: Marriage Records - Missouri 1805 - 2002
> Jurisdiction State:  Missouri
> Jurisdiction County: [I leave this blank because I don't want 114 Master
> Sources for Missouri's 114 counties!]
> Series: Missouri Marriage Records, 1805 - 2002
> Format:  Digital images
> Website Creator:
> Website Title:  [I leave this blank as it seems redundant to repeat
> "" or "Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002"]
> URL:
> Date:  2007
> In the Source Detail fields I put:
> Item Type:  marriage register
> Volume: Stoddard County Book 1 [I know it is book 1 from other sources]
> Page:  251
> Person 1 Surname:  Crews
> Person 2 Surname:  Saddler
> Year:  1876
> Date Accessed: 4 Jul 2008
> Under the Text/Comments tab, I transcribe the marriage record in the top
> section and enter comments about the source in the bottom section.
> Here is the end result:
> Footnote/Endnote Citation:
> Missouri, Missouri Marriage Records, 1805 - 2002, Stoddard County Book 1:
> 251, Crews-Saddler, 1876; digital images,
> ( : accessed 4 Jul 2008).
> Subsequent Citation:
> Missouri, marriage register, Stoddard County Book 1: 251, Crews-Saddler,
> 1876.
> Bibliography:
> Missouri. Missouri Marriage Records, 1805 - 2002. Digital images.
> : 2007.
> Sherry

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Re: [LegacyUG] How to enter an unnamed child

2010-02-02 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
The mix-up is in wording the definition of "ancestor." You would be
right to say that the child would not be an "ancestor" in the defined
sense of the word (such as a remote grandparent). However, there is
still a genetic relationship so many still call them ancestors. So, my
"unnamed" Aunts and Uncles that died shortly after birth, I still
consider my ancestors.

You are also right to say that the child would not have descendants, but
obviously the parent would consider the child (named or not) a descendant.

Angelique Welch

Mike Fry wrote:
> How does a stillborn child produce off-spring? It has no descendants,
> therefore it can not be the ancestor of anyone. A sibling of an
> ancestor, yes. But an ancestor? No.

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Re: [LegacyUG] How to enter an unnamed child

2010-02-02 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Mike stated, "If the child didn't live long enough to be named, then it
certainly couldn't have been an ancestor of you or anyone :-)"

That is absolutely not true Mike. Ever heard of a stillborn child? My
grandmother had three of them, and only two of them were named, "twin"
Abeare's. That was it. Obviously these ARE ancestor's who deserve just
as much attention as named ancestors. Try telling a mother who has lost
a child these are not her descendants, lol!

Angelique Welch

Mike Fry wrote:
> On 2010/02/02 21:49, wrote:
>> I found a newspaper clipping for an ancestor who didn't live long enough
>> to be named and would like to show them in the list of brothers and
>> sisters. How is this done?
> I know what you want to do, but, as John Adams says, 'Huh?'
> If the child didn't live long enough to be named, then it certainly
> couldn't have been an ancestor of you or anyone :-)

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Re: [LegacyUG] RE: Verify your subscription to LegacyUserGroup mailing list

2010-01-25 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Seriously, Legacy Help, why isn't this fixed yet?


Nina K. Johnson wrote:
> The link you sent me to verify my subscription is incorrect. I keep
> getting a 404 Error message.
> Thank you.
> *From:*
> []
> *Sent:* Friday, January 22, 2010 7:19 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Verify your subscription to LegacyUserGroup mailing list
> You have requested a subscription to the
> ** mailing list.
> *To be added to the list you must click the following link to verify
> your subscription*:
> optin.aspx?id=67ba356ae54a4aa2bfba812ee909d7b6&ml=3&

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Re: [LegacyUG] Handling census info

2010-01-20 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch

Here is an option:

Go to "View" on the toolbar and you will see an entry for: "Master
Lists" > "Source", choose "Source"

 From here you can "Add" a new source (which in your case would be a
particular census).

After creating the new source, you can choose one of two things:

1. Enter all of your relevant text from the source here with an image
etc. and follow the next steps below


2. Choose NOT to enter your text or images here, but instead enter them
into the "Details" for a source (which pops up later)

If you choose to do the first option (1), then enter all of the relevant
text here, add your image and close the master source list and then go
to "Tools" on the toolbar and choose "Source Clipboard" and proceed to
select the master source you just created from the list. Since the text
and image of the source is already entered into the "Main" source entry,
you can skip adding it in the details part when you select it from the
list here. Next I would make a handwritten list of those individuals and
facts/events I want connected to the source, and find those people to
attach them (everyone has different ways of the finding). There is a
button (square with a solid line) which you click on when you are ready
to attach whatever is on the "Source Clipboard" to an individual or

If you choose the second option(2) and want to enter text and image into
the "Details" field for a source, then after creating the source, close
the master source list and go to the "Source Clipboard" and you will
have the chance to input the text and image there. From there, you just
follow the same steps to attaching it to the individuals and
events/facts that you want.

An advantage to entering text and images into the main portion of a
source is not having to edit EACH "Detail" section if you find a mistake
later on, any text edited in the master source list will change for any
individuals attached to it.

A drawback to entering text and images into the main source list field
is when you find others on a different census image for the same city,
county etc. When this happens, only ONE image shows up as the
"preferred" image for the source. So, in these instances, using option
(2) above and entering text and image into the details section is
better, but if you need to go back and edit any text, it is more
difficult to do so because you have to locate all of the individual
citations with the detail you want to change.

I realize it is a bummer that we cannot edit text easier after entering
it into the details field of a source, but this seems to be the best way
to attach one document/source to numerous individuals.

If I have a book or some other source that I know I will only have
attached to a few people, I enter the text and add any images directly
into the main source fields when the new source is created. But if I
have a document like a census, where I might find others later on in the
same area, I usually use option (2) above and create the source, then
add the text and images to the "details" field and then attach it to
whoever I need it attached to. It takes time to attach everyone, even
using the Source Clipboard and Event Clipboard but it is better than
entering text and image for each person on the document.

Hope this is helpful :)


Peter K Robinson wrote:
> Hope someone can help.   I am currently adding census info to my Legacy
> tree by by selecting Events and then adding relevant Dates (1881, 1891
> etc) and then using the information from Findmypasst and pasting this
> into the Event Notes field.  I can also add the image to the Event.
> This all seems fine but when I have a couple of parents and 8 children
> (not unusual) I end up having to repeat this  process many times.  I can
> of course cut and paste an event from one person to another and that
> saves a considerable amount of time.  However this still means that the
> same information is in numerous forms in the database.  My question is -
> is there a facility to input a single set of info from a census for a
> household and then simply attach this to all members of the members of
> that household.  In this way if you need to make an amendment then you
> would just change a single entry and this would then be reflected in the
> records of all members of the household.
> Hope this makes sense.  Any thoughts welcome.
> Peter Robinson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Need advise writing sources

2010-01-18 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Hi Brian,

I was just telling James about a book I just purchased to help me with
my sources. It is called, "Evidence Explained" by Elizabeth Shown Mills.
It will tell you exactly how sources should look and how to cite various
kinds of sources from vitals to stuff on the internet like Ancestry. I
found a copy on Amazon for a decent price. It is a NICE CHUNKY book
chocked full of information about citing sources. Well worth the money I

Angelique Welch wrote:
> Hello,
> I am hoping to get advise about writing sources. I have been entering
> sources,not using source writer, for all my records,but for now I am
> concerned about the records I get from When I enter
> source info for say a naturalization record,I enter all the info found
> on the Ancestry page,and my source winds up looking like this :
> (Master and Details)
> "Petition for Naturalization from the U.S. District Court for the
> Southern District of New York, 1897-1944;National Archives,
> Washington, D.C.; Selected U.S. Naturalization Records -
> Original Documents, 1790-1974 (World Archives Project) [database
> on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009; (National
> Archives Microfilm Publication M1972, 1457 rolls); Records of District
> Courts of the United States, Record Group 21; National Archives,
> Washington, D.C.Archive Roll: 1304(Roll 1144); Petition
> No.311001-311330; Naturalization Record Number: 372520; Lehman
> Ida;Petition for Naturalization;April 29,1938,Cert.No.372520"
> My passenger lists and census sources are equally impressive. Trouble
> is,I have never seen
> what a good source should and shouldn't contain.
> Needless to say,I am using Legacy,could someone please advise as to
> what a source should look like,
> perhaps copy and paste one of your sources,for example?
> Thank you ,
> Brian

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Re: [LegacyUG] Adding and Using sources

2010-01-18 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch

James Cook wrote:
> Second, I'm wondering what usage preferences and suggestions you have
> for making use of sources.  For instance, most sources include an
> individual's name.  Do you attach every source to the name?  Do
> you suppress any of them for reports?  I've started to attach sources
> to every fact it relates to, but now I'm seeing 1/2 page FGS with 2 or
> more pages of source citations.  Is this desirable or no?  What
> criteria do YOU use to determine what to print, what source(s) to
> attach to what facts, etc.
Hi James,

Regarding your questions about attaching sources to facts and such. I
always think of my genealogy research as something that someone else
will come upon later. With that in mind, if I have a fact, such as a
birth date or even an event, I want reputable sources pointing directly
to where I obtained the information about that fact. (Note I used the
word "reputable". In my opinion, some sources are good to have when you
begin, but you can weed them out as you find more reputable items. For
example, a relative may claim in an email that so and so was born in
1934, so I will use them/email as a source until I find a more
"reputable" source, such as a birth record).

When I am attaching sources to facts, as I stated above, I want any
facts I have verified or pulled from the document sourced. So, when I am
dealing with a census image for example that may have various facts for
up to 20 people, I create the master source, then ANY facts that I enter
for each person from that document are pointing to that source.

In the case of each source noting a name, I see what you mean I think.
Say for example I have a birth, death and marriage record for John
Smith, you are wondering whether or not I would attach each source to
the name fact since they would all contain that fact. I usually add all
of them since even records with the same fact can be "different." For
example, say most of John Smith's documents have his name spelled the
exact same way, but one of the documents has a different spelling, say
Juan Smith. In these cases I usually add the source to the AKA field so
I have a list of various spellings of a person's name.

One of the things I recently did to help clean up my sources was
purchase the book, "Evidence Explained" by Elizabeth Shown Mills. I
can't stress how helpful this book as been to help me utilize my sources
better :) I do recommend it to anyone doing genealogy research.

When you speak of pages worth of citations, I wonder, are you
transcribing your sources into the text of the master source and having
this print when you do your reports? Sometimes that can make for lengthy
reports. Personally, I think that the more sources you have, the better
off you are. This way if you ever need to go over your own research
(which is not any fun if you can't figure out where you obtained certain
information, LOL!) it will be easier to see where you have found things.

If I were printing reports, in my opinion, I would want ANY facts that
have sources cited somewhere. To me, the sources are the "meat and
potatoes" of the research. I have an ancestor that has many books
mentioning him and the events he participated in. I usually transcribe
the relevant text from the books into a master source or a detailed
citation so that when I print my reports, my Grandmother will be able to
read the various entries in the footnotes/endnotes. If I did not do
this, she may only notice his basic facts (name, death, etc.) and miss
out on some of the exact phrases ("meat and potatoes") that were used to
describe him or an event he participated in.

Angelique Welch

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[LegacyUG] Is It Possible To Print Just The Output From Sources, Like A Bibliography?

2010-01-10 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Hello All,

I have a group of tagged sources (created using SW) with individual
citations that I would like to print *just* the footnote/endnotes for. I
do not want to print (not yet anyway) the output that would be generated
from master sources themselves. I want the output of the individual
citations from tagged sources within the master source list. Is this

Here is what I did try:

* Using the "Reports" option, choosing "Source Citations" and checking
various options in there, but none seem to generate the
footnotes/endnote citations or a bibliography

Is there a way to generate an "output" report or similar?



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[LegacyUG] Suggestions

2010-01-06 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Hello Everyone,

I recently joined because I love Legacy and have used it for a few years
now, but still have a lot to learn. However, my purpose for posting
today is to share some things about the group that make me feel
uncomfortable as a newbie, and then offer some suggestions to help our
group function more smoothly.

My first concern is regarding the tone of some of the responses, whether
they are from group members or Legacy support, there have been posts
that come off rude from the perspective of someone just joining. My
suggestion is for everyone to /please/ try to speak to each other as if
we are in the same room. In other words, be nice and respect each other,
pretty please with hot chocolate, marshmallows and whipped cream on top.

Second concern is regarding the hundreds of posts I have read regarding
errors when people try to verify their subscriptions. This seems to be
due to an error in a hyperlink if I understand correctly? The link
provided has a space between two characters right? It really does seem
to me that it is the responsibility of Legacy support to fix the error
in the hyperlink. Wouldn't that save thousands of responses instructing
the individual to remove the space themselves?

This leads to my third concern, while there are posts about people
having issues verifying their subscription, at the same time you have
individuals just joining who wish to change their group status to digest
mode because of inbox fill-up. My suggestion is similar to what others
have already offered, such as adding some type of attributes to the font
(bold, underline, etc.) on the website indicating there is no digest or
moving the text somewhere it is more likely to be seen. I opt for moving
it to somewhere it is more likely to be seen before someone clicks to join.

I feel that since the group was most likely created without the digest
format and does indicate there is no digest, it is not the
responsibility of Legacy support to incorporate this format. But I do
feel it is their responsibility (unless they want to keep responding to
questions about digests) to make it more clear that there isn't one
before people even join.

On the page, it looks like the best place in the source code to put it
where people can see it is here:

Sign up for [...] list with news about Legacy events and 
meetings in Utah.   <-After this paragraph and before the 
centered form

Please Note: No digest version of this list is available. 
<--- It would help if this were centered, in a larger font, bold, or whatever 
else may help

Thanks :)

Angelique Welch

Books to the ceiling,/ Books to the sky,/ My pile of books is a mile high./ How 
I love them! How I need them!/ I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.

  - Arnold Lobel

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[LegacyUG] Basic Sources v. SourceWriter

2009-12-29 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Hello Everyone,

I was wondering what everyone else was doing with their "older" sources
that were made with the basic source templates from older versions, are
you keeping them just the way they are? Or, are you changing them over
to the SourceWriter? If so, what is the easiest way of doing this?

I have been slowly re-adding my sources using SourceWriter one at a
time, but there has to be an easier way of associating that older source
with the newer one so I don't have to reconnect to each person again.

I tried making a "mock" source with the basic format, connecting it to
1-2 people and also creating another "mock" source using SourceWriter
and then combining them to see if that would be an easier way of
connecting the people to the source. But it would not allow me to
combine them.

When the 7.0 was created, was there any discussion about how users could
convert their older sources to the newer SourceWriter format?

Thanks for any help on this


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Re: [LegacyUG] Newbie Introduction, Sources etc.

2009-12-23 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Hi Connie :)

Great to meet you too! Let me try to answer some of your questions. (I
won't keep the original post below, just to keep things trimmed up a bit)

I do use the icon buttons in family view, events and source clipboards,
anything that will help as a shortcut :). I agree that Legacy does have
some great features, it just gets overwhelming for me to have lots of
data to input and know that it will take so long to enter it all.

I JUST received the 2009 edition of Evidence Explained last night (I
love getting the mail! YEAH!) so I am eager to check my work and fix any
problems with my sources.

Brian from support has offered a suggestion regarding the "/i"
characters that were showing up, so I will try that and see how it works. :)

I love the Pedigree tab too, I just wish I could see it along with my
family view at the same time :) I would not want it to be eliminated, no

I like the idea of an index view along the side for the ease of bringing
up an individual in the current view (whether it is pedigree or family).
For example, if your current position is on yourself in your family
tree, and you want to view a different person that is not immediately
connected, the current way is to click on the index tab or name index,
find the individual, and there they are. But if the index were along the
side (maybe with an option to close/widen too), it would be much easier
just to double click on their name from the index list and viola, they
are now in the family view.

I guess whether or not I am a "source lumper" or "source splitter"
depends on the source. I recently found a book detailing the baptisms of
various ancestors on different pages. So I made a main source entry for
the book and then used the source clipboard to make individual citations
for each individual and page. However, I made an error in the "detail"
on more than one of the citations and since the source citation "detail"
itself was attached to a person's name, birth, baptism and parents
names, not to mention the citations connected to the parents for the
entry, I had to create a new individual source citation and delete the
old ones with the error in the detail, this took a long time. It would
have been much easier to see the individual source citation, change the
detail and have it reflect on the other facts that same citation was
attached to. Much the same way the main source updates the citations
attached when you make a change to the text or source itself.

My ultimate goal is to be able to fix the citation detail (text, media,
etc.) on an individual source citation and have it reflect on all those
who are also using that same exact individual source. My media example
is perfect. Say that you make a main source entry. Next you use the
Source Clipboard to create 12 individual citations (if it is a book,
much like the one I found, each person was on a different page) from
that main entry and attach each one to 3-4 facts/events for 12 people.
Then, a few weeks later you acquire images or more facts about that
individual source that you want to add to the detail for each one. How
do you go about attaching that media to each individual source citation
and the fact/events it is connected to already? (remember this is not a
main source, but an individual source entry that is duplicated numerous
times for different individuals). How would you go about changing the
differing detail for each citation?

If I use just the main source and attach it to an individual, I don't
have any issues changing detail or seeing who it is attached to by using
the "show list of assigned sources", it is only when I use the
individual source citations with differing details that it becomes
difficult to keep track of my data.


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[LegacyUG] "/i" Codes in Gedcom's

2009-12-23 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Hello Brian,

Thanks so much for this help, I will try this the next time I try to
export and see how it goes :) It sounds like this will save me a lot of
fixing, Whew! :)



Brian/Support wrote:
> Re the /i codes in GEDCOMs.
> Those are the codes for turning on and off Italics when the title is
> displayed in the SourceWriter.
> You can turn off those format codes with a setting on the Export to
> GEDCOM screen.
> Go to File > Export to > GEDCOM
> On the main screen click to remove the check mark for Keep embedded
> formatting codes within text to have the codes removed or click to add a
> check mark to the sub option to convert those format codes to HTML codes
> (useful if you are uploading the GEDCOM to a Web site).
> If you have removed the check mark and the codes are still present then
> please report it as a bug using the Report a Bug link on the Legacy Home
> Tab. In the bug report it would be useful if you tell us which Source
> Writer template does not remove the embedded codes when requested.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation

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[LegacyUG] Newbie Introduction

2009-12-21 Thread Marvin &amp; Angelique Welch
Hello All,

My name is Angelique and I am just joining. I have used Legacy for a few
years (my first v. was 6.0 Deluxe) so I am still fairly new to all the
features. I just recently upgraded to 7.0 Deluxe.

I recently purchased FTM 2010 and have been divided about what program I
like better.

Here are my pros and cons for each:

Legacy Pros

* I have preferred Legacy to most other programs in the past
* Great features that FTM does not have
* Ability to create CD/DVD's using Passage Express
* Various tools such as the relationship calculator etc.

Legacy Cons

* Why does it have to take a separate window for EVERYTHING? I find
  myself spending hours doing one task due to all the clicking
  needed to get where I need to go. For example, just entering a
  source and attaching it to the various individuals takes much
  longer than in FTM, even using the source clipboard. (Another
  example, just changing the color scheme requires one click to the
  "options" tab, another to select the "colors" tab and then ANOTHER
  click on the huge button that says, "click here to change user
  interface colors". Now come on, is that last button really
  necessary? Then you can finally select your colors, but not
  without clicking some more for EACH component and change you want
  to make)
* The new source templates are confusing (why is there no template
  for a book without an author?). When I import my Legacy file into
  anything else, the sources made with the new templates all have a
  "/i" in front of and behind the title in the main source list. I
  am guessing this is because the source made with the new templates
  have a *bullet* in front of them in the main source list and the
  export process is not getting rid of it and instead adding all
  sorts of other fun characters to my source names.
* The user interface in Legacy could be a lot simpler. There is no
  need to have a separate tab for the pedigree view when the family
  view could be reduced to include it, along with a name index along
  the right or left side (similar to FTM view). I like the views in
  FTM much better because of this huge convenience.
* I have a hard time working with my file when I cannot see the
  individual source citations from a main source. I see we can use
  the "show list" feature to show which individuals are using a
  "main" source, the source list does not detail each /individual
  citation and the facts it is connected to/. I usually have to find
  an individual that the source is attached to, open their source
  list and see what exactly what facts the source is attached to. In
  FTM, the source tab allows a view of each source title, each
  individual source citation, AND the individual facts it is
  attached to, very simply.

FTM 2010 Pros

* I love the ease of adding sources, records and images in FTM. It
  is definitely not this easy in Legacy and I am not sure why.
* I love the views in FTM, allowing you to view the family page,
  pedigree, index and more in one window, much easier.
* FTM's media center is the easiest way to attach images to a family
  tree. In Legacy, there is no one media gallery that can be
  accessed to see what images are attached to what or to modify the
  caption for an image and have it reflect wherever else the images
  is attached. I have used the "picture center" in Legacy, but it is
  still not as efficient as the "media center" in FTM.
* I prefer FTM's layout for sources since I can view the source
  titles AND what they are attached to (specifically), text,
  citation detail, and more in ONE view instead of clicking around
  in various tabs for the text and list like Legacy.

FTM Cons

* I will never be able to open my Legacy file in FTM without losing
  data, even though FTM markets the new software as being able to
  import Legacy files, I know from my own experience that this is
  not true. I have tried importing using every format and have lost
  data every time. Vice Versa, if I create a file in FTM, I will
  never be able to get it into Legacy to create a CD. This is why I
  am stuck on what program to use. I want to use FTM for the EASE of
  working with all of this stuff (sources, images, etc.) and Legacy
  for it's features and ability to create cd's.
* Technical support has not been as helpful as I would like
  regarding some functionality issues in FTM such as some buttons
  not working at all.

I am slowly learning that I should not use the programs to write
reports, but I do want a program that is going to be easy to work with
when entering information and keeping it sorted. So far, my vote is for
FTM 2010 in that arena, but I dread the idea of trying to get
information back into Legacy to create CD's for my family membe