Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread GeoSci
Though an interesting discussion - this has always been possible with
any WIN product.  Just resize the windows and drag to where you want.
I often run with 2 or even 3 windows at once!  I understand the new
WIN7 does the snap to 1/2 thing - but it has never been that tough.
Love the 22" Samsung LDC - give plenty of space! :-)

Find-A-Grave "County Keeper" for Schuylkill County, PA

Keith A. McKain
McCain-McKane-O'Kane DNA Group 1 - # Mc17936


On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Jim Walton  wrote:
> Windows 7 users.
> There is a feature in Windows 7 that makes it even simpler. Just open
> the two windows you want side by side, say Firefox (Or IE) and Legacy.
> Then take the top bar of one of the windows and drag it to the left,
> off the screen. When you release the mouse, the window will pop to
> fill the left half of the screen. Do the same with the other window
> dragging it to the right side and viola, split screens with two
> different programs.
> If helps if you put your cursor as far left as possible before
> dragging left and as far right as possible before dragging right. Just
> makes it happen quicker without having to drag so far.
> Unfortunately it won't work with overlayed windows within Legacy. For
> example, if you drag a source window to the left, it will fill half
> the screen, but you can't drag the underlying family screen to the
> right. This is a Windows issue, not a Legacy issue.
> But, there is a work around.
> If you start with the family window and drag it right, then open, say,
> the event window and drag it left, you can see both windows at the
> same time. You can only edit in the event window, however. You can
> open additional windows from the left window (in our example), say the
> source window, and keep dragging them left and work on the topmost
> window while still seeing the family window on the right. You still
> have to close all the windows individually just as you normally do.
> (A close and save all would sure be nice...)
> How do you get back from this split screen view? Click on the Maximize
> button in the upper right (looks like a square) to make the window
> full screen, then click on the Restore Down button (same button, but
> this time it looks like two pieces of paper on top of each other). You
> are now back to where you started.
> Sounds a little complicated, but once you've done it a time or two
> it's pretty easy.
> --
> Jim Walton
> "...probe the past carefully and report it as it was,
> not as I wish it were" From Evidence Explained
> by Elizabeth Shown Mills
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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Jim Walton
Windows 7 users.

There is a feature in Windows 7 that makes it even simpler. Just open
the two windows you want side by side, say Firefox (Or IE) and Legacy.
Then take the top bar of one of the windows and drag it to the left,
off the screen. When you release the mouse, the window will pop to
fill the left half of the screen. Do the same with the other window
dragging it to the right side and viola, split screens with two
different programs.

If helps if you put your cursor as far left as possible before
dragging left and as far right as possible before dragging right. Just
makes it happen quicker without having to drag so far.

Unfortunately it won't work with overlayed windows within Legacy. For
example, if you drag a source window to the left, it will fill half
the screen, but you can't drag the underlying family screen to the
right. This is a Windows issue, not a Legacy issue.

But, there is a work around.

If you start with the family window and drag it right, then open, say,
the event window and drag it left, you can see both windows at the
same time. You can only edit in the event window, however. You can
open additional windows from the left window (in our example), say the
source window, and keep dragging them left and work on the topmost
window while still seeing the family window on the right. You still
have to close all the windows individually just as you normally do.

(A close and save all would sure be nice...)

How do you get back from this split screen view? Click on the Maximize
button in the upper right (looks like a square) to make the window
full screen, then click on the Restore Down button (same button, but
this time it looks like two pieces of paper on top of each other). You
are now back to where you started.

Sounds a little complicated, but once you've done it a time or two
it's pretty easy.
Jim Walton
"...probe the past carefully and report it as it was,
not as I wish it were" From Evidence Explained
by Elizabeth Shown Mills

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Elsie Saar
Ditto!! That's really neat. Usually when I minimize Legacy I get a
little box, this is much nicer.

>Mary, that is simply brilliant! Best tip I've learned while reading

Mary Trogg wrote:
> Legacy tips Sept 26, 2008
> Question from a Legacy user,
> /Can I do a Split Screen View with the Internet as one of the
> screens?/
> Great question! Yes, you can do this with Legacy. It sure makes it
> nice
> to be able to see both your Legacy data /and/ the Internet at the
> same
> time. Follow these step-by-step instructions.
>   With Legacy 6/7 open, click on the *View* menu, then click on
>   *Split Screen View*.
>   Click *No*. Two copies of your family file are now visible,
>   side-by-side.
>   On one of the sides, click on the *Legacy Home* tab.
>   In the *Address* field, type in the website you want to view
> and
>   click *Go*. (Of course, you need to be connected to the
> Internet
>   first.)
> You can now browse the Internet on the right side. When you locate
> information, you can copy and paste it into your Legacy file on the
> left
> side.
> Jane Sarles wrote:
>> The split screen is a very neat feature.  I wonder if one might use
>> it
>> in a manner other than with 2 screens of Legacy?  For example, if I
>> am
>> copying information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can
>> I
>> get the census screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I try to
>> close one-half of the split screen, it just reverts to full screen
>> again.  I know I can reduce the size of the legacy screen and also
>> the
>> Family Search screen, but I just wondered if there was a more
>> elegant
>> method of putting the two screens side-by-side?
>> I
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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Deborah Trounstine
Mary, that is simply brilliant! Best tip I've learned while reading LUG.

Mary Trogg wrote:
> Legacy tips Sept 26, 2008
> Question from a Legacy user,
> /Can I do a Split Screen View with the Internet as one of the screens?/
> Great question! Yes, you can do this with Legacy. It sure makes it nice
> to be able to see both your Legacy data /and/ the Internet at the same
> time. Follow these step-by-step instructions.
>   With Legacy 6/7 open, click on the *View* menu, then click on
>   *Split Screen View*.
>   Click *No*. Two copies of your family file are now visible,
>   side-by-side.
>   On one of the sides, click on the *Legacy Home* tab.
>   In the *Address* field, type in the website you want to view and
>   click *Go*. (Of course, you need to be connected to the Internet
>   first.)
> You can now browse the Internet on the right side. When you locate
> information, you can copy and paste it into your Legacy file on the left
> side.
> Jane Sarles wrote:
>> The split screen is a very neat feature.  I wonder if one might use it
>> in a manner other than with 2 screens of Legacy?  For example, if I am
>> copying information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can I
>> get the census screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I try to
>> close one-half of the split screen, it just reverts to full screen
>> again.  I know I can reduce the size of the legacy screen and also the
>> Family Search screen, but I just wondered if there was a more elegant
>> method of putting the two screens side-by-side?
>> I
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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Marilyn Clark
Jane, I am using Vista, not sure what you have. If you right-click in the 
bottom taskbar of your screen, one of the options I have is "Show Windows Side 
by Side."  I have a 21" monitor and routinely keep my source doc'n on one side 
and Legacy on the other side. I love it. If you have several windows open it 
will put them all up - in thirds, fourths, whatever.

Another option is "Show Windows Stacked" which is one above the other. I don't 
like that one as much.


--- On Wed, 12/30/09, Jane Sarles  wrote:

> From: Jane Sarles 
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 7:16 AM
> The split screen is a very neat feature. 
> I wonder if one might use it in a manner other than with 2
> screens of Legacy?  For example, if I am copying
> information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can I
> get the census screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I
> try to close one-half of the split screen, it just reverts
> to full screen again.  I know I can reduce the size of the
> legacy screen and also the Family Search screen, but I just
> wondered if there was a more elegant method of putting the
> two screens side-by-side?
> I guess the Family Search would have to have a comparable
> feature in order to do that.
> Jane
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 3:58 PM,
> Ron Ferguson 
> wrote:
> Jane,
> Yes, with any external GEDCOM, Jane. You would need to
> import the Gedcom and
> then use the drag and drop for the bits which you require.
> I use this
> technique when I only wish to import bits and pieces from a
> download,
> otherwise I use the Merge process.
> Ron Ferguson
> _________
> - Original Message -
> From: Jane Sarles
> To:
> Sent: 29 December 2009 20:18
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people
> Wow, that sounds neat.  I will check into the Split Screen
> Option and take
> it from there.
> You were correct about the point of my question.  Can it
> also be done from a
> gedcom that we import from - say - Rootsweb?
> Jane
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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Gene Young
Mike Fry wrote:
> Gene Young said the following on 2009/12/30 16:33:

> Minimizing the unwanted windows before tiling the desktop won't work. The
> minimized windows will also be tiled along with the two you want.

No, they won't.  I do it every day.  The only windows that tile are the
ones that are NOT minimized.  It works that way on all three of my
computers at home, and the ones at work, and have always done so.  If
yours doesn't work that way I have no idea why.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Mary Trogg
Legacy tips Sept 26, 2008

Question from a Legacy user,

/Can I do a Split Screen View with the Internet as one of the screens?/

Great question! Yes, you can do this with Legacy. It sure makes it nice
to be able to see both your Legacy data /and/ the Internet at the same
time. Follow these step-by-step instructions.

  With Legacy 6/7 open, click on the *View* menu, then click on
  *Split Screen View*.
  Click *No*. Two copies of your family file are now visible,
  On one of the sides, click on the *Legacy Home* tab.
  In the *Address* field, type in the website you want to view and
  click *Go*. (Of course, you need to be connected to the Internet

You can now browse the Internet on the right side. When you locate
information, you can copy and paste it into your Legacy file on the left

Jane Sarles wrote:
> The split screen is a very neat feature.  I wonder if one might use it
> in a manner other than with 2 screens of Legacy?  For example, if I am
> copying information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can I
> get the census screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I try to
> close one-half of the split screen, it just reverts to full screen
> again.  I know I can reduce the size of the legacy screen and also the
> Family Search screen, but I just wondered if there was a more elegant
> method of putting the two screens side-by-side?
> I

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Mike Fry
Gene Young said the following on 2009/12/30 16:33:

> If you are using Windows, right click on the task bar at the bottom
> of the screen.  In the pop-up menu there will be an option to tile
> windows either vertically or horizontally.  It is a windows function and
> should work with any program.  A note of caution;  if you have five
> programs running it will tilee all of them.  Unless you have a very
> large monitor you may wish to close or MINIMIZE any program you don't
> want tiled, before you tile them.

Minimizing the unwanted windows before tiling the desktop won't work. The
minimized windows will also be tiled along with the two you want.

Regards & a Prosperous New Year to All,
Mike Fry

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Mike Fry
Dave Christmas said the following on 2009/12/30 16:26:

> You can also purchase a separate monitor and then have two 'full
> screens' running off the same computer. For this I use Internet Explorer
> with my account up and running, then on the same computer I
> start up Mozilla Firefox and use that for other searches on a separate
> screen. If you go to your Desktop, right click you get a menu; select
> Graphics Options/Output To/Extended Desktop and you can decide how to
> get the two screens to behave.
> I am fortunate to have an even more elegant way. I have a second laptop
> that I use purely for Legacy, and so effectively have three screens on
> my desk at once, a little crowded but really easy to jump between
> sources and Legacy.

Alternatively, a wide-screen monitor would achieve much the same effect.

Regards & a Prosperous New Year to All,
Mike Fry

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Gene Young
Jane Sarles wrote:
> The split screen is a very neat feature.  I wonder if one might use it
> in a manner other than with 2 screens of Legacy?  For example, if I am
> copying information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can I get
> the census screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I try to close
> one-half of the split screen, it just reverts to full screen again.  I
> know I can reduce the size of the legacy screen and also the Family
> Search screen, but I just wondered if there was a more elegant method of
> putting the two screens side-by-side?
> I guess the Family Search would have to have a comparable feature in
> order to do that.
> Jane

   If you are using Windows, right click on the task bar at the bottom
of the screen.  In the pop-up menu there will be an option to tile
windows either vertically or horizontally.  It is a windows function and
should work with any program.  A note of caution;  if you have five
programs running it will tilee all of them.  Unless you have a very
large monitor you may wish to close or MINIMIZE any program you don't
want tiled, before you tile them.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Mike Fry
Jane Sarles said the following on 2009/12/30 16:16:
> The split screen is a very neat feature.  I wonder if one might use it
> in a manner other than with 2 screens of Legacy?  For example, if I am
> copying information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can I get
> the census screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I try to close
> one-half of the split screen, it just reverts to full screen again.  I
> know I can reduce the size of the legacy screen and also the Family
> Search screen, but I just wondered if there was a more elegant method of
> putting the two screens side-by-side?

No, the split screen won't work in this situation :-)

The Family Search screen is in your browser. The Legacy family data is in the
Legacy program. But, you could cut and paste from the Browser into the Notes
field of an Individual. All you need do is size the two windows so that you
can see both (or the majority of both) at the same time.

Regards & a Prosperous New Year to All,
Mike Fry

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Dave Christmas

You can also purchase a separate monitor and then have two 'full screens' 
running off the same computer.  For this I use Internet Explorer with my account up and running, then on the same computer I start up 
Mozilla Firefox and use that for other searches on a separate screen.   If you 
go to your Desktop, right click you get a menu; select Graphics Options/Output 
To/Extended Desktop and you can decide how to get the two screens to behave.

I am fortunate to have an even more elegant way.  I have a second laptop that I 
use purely for Legacy, and so effectively have three screens on my desk at 
once, a little crowded but really easy to jump between sources and Legacy.

Dave C
  - Original Message -
  From: Jane Sarles
  Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 5:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

  The split screen is a very neat feature.  I wonder if one might use it in a 
manner other than with 2 screens of Legacy?  For example, if I am copying 
information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can I get the census 
screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I try to close one-half of the split 
screen, it just reverts to full screen again.  I know I can reduce the size of 
the legacy screen and also the Family Search screen, but I just wondered if 
there was a more elegant method of putting the two screens side-by-side?

  I guess the Family Search would have to have a comparable feature in order to 
do that.


  On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 3:58 PM, Ron Ferguson  


Yes, with any external GEDCOM, Jane. You would need to import the Gedcom and
then use the drag and drop for the bits which you require. I use this
technique when I only wish to import bits and pieces from a download,
otherwise I use the Merge process.

Ron Ferguson

- Original Message -
From: Jane Sarles

Sent: 29 December 2009 20:18
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

Wow, that sounds neat.  I will check into the Split Screen Option and take
it from there.

You were correct about the point of my question.  Can it also be done from a
gedcom that we import from - say - Rootsweb?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-30 Thread Jane Sarles
The split screen is a very neat feature.  I wonder if one might use it in a
manner other than with 2 screens of Legacy?  For example, if I am copying
information from a site of Family Search 1800 census - can I get the census
screen up as one-half of the screen?  When I try to close one-half of the
split screen, it just reverts to full screen again.  I know I can reduce the
size of the legacy screen and also the Family Search screen, but I just
wondered if there was a more elegant method of putting the two screens

I guess the Family Search would have to have a comparable feature in order
to do that.


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 3:58 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

> Jane,
> Yes, with any external GEDCOM, Jane. You would need to import the Gedcom
> and
> then use the drag and drop for the bits which you require. I use this
> technique when I only wish to import bits and pieces from a download,
> otherwise I use the Merge process.
> Ron Ferguson
> _
> - Original Message -
> From: Jane Sarles
> To:
> Sent: 29 December 2009 20:18
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people
> Wow, that sounds neat.  I will check into the Split Screen Option and take
> it from there.
> You were correct about the point of my question.  Can it also be done from
> a
> gedcom that we import from - say - Rootsweb?
> Jane

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-29 Thread Ron Ferguson

Yes, with any external GEDCOM, Jane. You would need to import the Gedcom and
then use the drag and drop for the bits which you require. I use this
technique when I only wish to import bits and pieces from a download,
otherwise I use the Merge process.

Ron Ferguson

New Tutorial: Embed Blogger RSS feed into your Website
Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
For The Fergusons of N.W. England

- Original Message -
From: Jane Sarles
Sent: 29 December 2009 20:18
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

Wow, that sounds neat.  I will check into the Split Screen Option and take
it from there.

You were correct about the point of my question.  Can it also be done from a
gedcom that we import from - say - Rootsweb?


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Ron Ferguson 


I am not certain that I understand you question correctly. I take it that
you have two Legacy databases on your PC and want to know if you can
transfer families from one to the other. If that is so, then you need to use
the Split Screen Option and then drag and drop.

Ron Ferguson

New Tutorial: Embed Blogger RSS feed into your Website
Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
For The Fergusons of N.W. England

- Original Message -
From: Jane Sarles
Sent: 27 December 2009 15:16
Subject: [LegacyUG] Copying people

This is sort of a follow=up question to a previous one.  Can I copy persons
between family files/data bases?  For example, can one copy (or import, if
that is different) from a focus group that would consist of a person and
their descendants?

Jane S.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-29 Thread Jane Sarles
Wow, that sounds neat.  I will check into the Split Screen Option and take
it from there.

You were correct about the point of my question.  Can it also be done from a
gedcom that we import from - say - Rootsweb?


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:

>  Jane,
> I am not certain that I understand you question correctly. I take it that
> you have two Legacy databases on your PC and want to know if you can
> transfer families from one to the other. If that is so, then you need to use
> the Split Screen Option and then drag and drop.
> Ron Ferguson
> _
> New Tutorial: Embed Blogger RSS feed into your Website
> Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
> For The Fergusons of N.W. England
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Jane Sarles 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* 27 December 2009 15:16
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Copying people
> This is sort of a follow=up question to a previous one.  Can I copy persons
> between family files/data bases?  For example, can one copy (or import, if
> that is different) from a focus group that would consist of a person and
> their descendants?
> Jane S.
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
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> <>
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Re: [LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-29 Thread Ron Ferguson

I am not certain that I understand you question correctly. I take it that you 
have two Legacy databases on your PC and want to know if you can transfer 
families from one to the other. If that is so, then you need to use the Split 
Screen Option and then drag and drop.

Ron Ferguson

New Tutorial: Embed Blogger RSS feed into your Website
Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
For The Fergusons of N.W. England

  - Original Message -
  From: Jane Sarles
  Sent: 27 December 2009 15:16
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Copying people

  This is sort of a follow=up question to a previous one.  Can I copy persons 
between family files/data bases?  For example, can one copy (or import, if that 
is different) from a focus group that would consist of a person and their 

  Jane S.

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[LegacyUG] Copying people

2009-12-27 Thread Jane Sarles
This is sort of a follow=up question to a previous one.  Can I copy persons
between family files/data bases?  For example, can one copy (or import, if
that is different) from a focus group that would consist of a person and
their descendants?

Jane S.

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