[LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-29 Thread Tony Rolfe
OK, then

Given the underwhelming support for this idea I'll drop it.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-27 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 27/10/2012 15:15, Tessa Keough wrote:
> Thanks Stan - for some reason I did not think we could attach links to
> the mailing list..

Links are not attachments.  Attachments are not allowed.

Jenny M Benson

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-27 Thread Tessa Keough
Thanks Stan - for some reason I did not think we could attach links to
the mailing list..

Tessa Keough
Guild of One-Name Studies, No. 5089
Legacy Virtual Users' Group
One Place Studies - Plate Cove, Newfoundland

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 5:22 AM, s megraw  wrote:
> The Legacy Virtual Users' Group has a video about using events at the 
> following:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATnNWzPFwNY&feature=relmfu
> Stan

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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RE: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-27 Thread s megraw

The Legacy Virtual Users' Group has a video about using events at the following:



Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 15:46:01 +1100
From: holl...@melbpc.org.au
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

  When I follow this link i get

Nothing about event sentences. Could you give me a direct linkplease.


Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread JLB
What you're looking for is Legacy Virtual Users' Group. Tessa didn't put
a link for it so Google it. I don't have it and would have to look it up
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 10/26/2012 9:46 PM, Anne Hollingshead wrote:
> When I follow this link i get
> Surname Filing, MRIN’s & Photo Collections: MRIN Folders, Part 3
> (April, 2012)
> Genealogy Filing: MRIN Folders, Part 2
> (April, 2012)
> MRIN Filing: MRIN Folders, Part 1
>  (April, 2012)
> MRIN Filing System Update
> (February, 2012)
> MRIN Filing System Backup | Legacy Family Tree
>  (August, 2011)
> Yo! MRIN Filers | Another MRIN Filing System Tip
>  (February, 2011)
> MRIN Filing System: Renumbering MRIN’s
>  (May, 2010)
> Source Detail Text | Legacy Family Tree
>  (October, 2007)
> MRIN Filing System Tip: File ID Assistant
>  (June, 2007)
> MRIN Filing Revisited: Digital Source Files
>  (June, 2007)
> MRIN Filing System+ for Genealogy
>  (October, 2006)
> Nothing about event sentences. Could you give me a direct link please.
> Anne

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread Anne Hollingshead
When I follow this link i get

Surname Filing, MRIN’s & Photo Collections: MRIN Folders, Part 3

(April, 2012)
Genealogy Filing: MRIN Folders, Part 2

(April, 2012)
MRIN Filing: MRIN Folders, Part 1
 (April, 2012)
MRIN Filing System Update

(February, 2012)
MRIN Filing System Backup | Legacy Family Tree
 (August, 2011)
Yo! MRIN Filers | Another MRIN Filing System Tip
 (February, 2011)
MRIN Filing System: Renumbering MRIN’s
 (May, 2010)
Source Detail Text | Legacy Family Tree
 (October, 2007)
MRIN Filing System Tip: File ID Assistant
 (June, 2007)
MRIN Filing Revisited: Digital Source Files
 (June, 2007)
MRIN Filing System+ for Genealogy
 (October, 2006)

Nothing about event sentences. Could you give me a direct link please.


On 27/10/2012 6:12 AM, JLB wrote:
> Thanks, Tessa. Here's the link:
> http://www.jgen.ws/jlog/presentations/mrin-filing-system-ppsx/
> ---
> JL Beeken
> JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists
> http://www.jgen.ws/jlog/
> On 10/26/2012 9:09 AM, Tessa Keough wrote:
>> Last month's Legacy Virtual Users' Group recorded hangout was all
>> about how one Legacy user (Linda McCauley) sets up and uses her
>> Events/Facts in the program. She showed how she created her own
>> events, how she updated sentences, and how she included notes and
>> photos in the events section. Although I play around (update my
>> sentences for events/facts) I had not considered having notes there.
>> The layout and ability to "read" better in a report was really nice
>> (and a bit of a surprise). Additionally she puts her photos in the
>> events/facts section and they print out (in that date order) in her
>> reports - very nice. There are so many ways that people use Legacy and
>> it is always helpful to discuss and learn how others use the program.
>> If you want to lean how other Legacy users do things in Legacy - check
>> out the recordings. They can be found at YouTube (search LVUG
>> Hangouts) or at the Legacy Virtual Users' Group Google+ Page (at the
>> file cabinet). There are (so far) a half dozen additional recorded
>> hangouts covering an overview of Legacy, customizing Legacy, sources,
>> tagging, Legacy in the cloud,  data entry for locations, and most
>> recently events/facts. In addition to the recordings - the slides used
>> for the presentation are available to review (also at the file
>> cabinet).
>> Also JL Beeken has a great slide presentation on her website about her
>> MRIN filing system that I found really helpful. I am sure there are
>> lots of other Legacy users out there who have written about Legacy on
>> their websites or blogs. Why not direct the rest of us to your posts?
>> Tessa Keough
>> Guild of One-Name Studies, No. 5089
>> Legacy Virtual Users' Group
>> One Place Studies - Plate Cove, Newfoundland
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Etiquette.asp
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com/
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyfamilytree.com/
> Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
> Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on 
> our blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
> To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread Paula Ryburn
Pat, You made me chuckle! ;)  I don't use the GEDCOM, and most likely will not
allow myself to get in a position where I need to start using it, at least until
the new standard is developed & then incorporated into Legacy.  I spend too much
time on my source citations, usually using the templates, to toss it all away in
an export.  Then again, I would be grateful if all of a sudden I needed to
figure out how best to transport data because one or more of my relatives became
interested in receiving data!  I am a lone wolf right now.

From: Pat Hickin 
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Fri, October 26, 2012 7:49:25 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

There's also .the relatively inflexible .gedcom to consider.


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Jenny M Benson  wrote:

On 26/10/2012 04:31, Paula Ryburn wrote:
>> Might be nice, but these sorts of one-off things I would handle by just
>> typing in what I want in either Notes or Over-ride.
>> There are other things I would rather have the programmers working on.
>I think I am with you on this one, Paula.
>I never use the standard Event Sentences but have created my own for
>every Event I use.  I don't think I ever have to use the Override, but
>add any additional information (above what is required for Description,
>Date and Place) in the Notes field.  I don't find it necessary to make
>numerous entries for the same Event.
>Jenny M Benson

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread Paula Ryburn
I haven't yet had the need to have two locations for an event that I would later
want to search on.

From: Tony Rolfe 
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Fri, October 26, 2012 2:08:06 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

Jenny asked:

"Could it also be used where a person, for example, is appointed to a
position and later resigns so we want to record those different dates?"

Yes.  There's no reason why that shouldn't work.  If you want to put two
dates into a single Legacy event, then there's no reason why you
couldn't.  Both dates would be processed by Legacy as dates, so they
would be in standard format.  The only issue would be choosing the one
to be the sort key for ordering events.  I.e.  the one which actually
appears in the Date column of the Event List.

Paula commented:

"Might be nice, but these sorts of one-off things I would handle by just
typing in what I want in either Notes or Over-ride."

The problem with that is where you want multiple locations to appear in
the location list.  At the moment the only way to achieve that is to
have one Legacy event for each location.  Also, with multiple dates,
only one is recognised by Legacy for each Legacy event.

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread JLB
Thanks, Tessa. Here's the link:
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 10/26/2012 9:09 AM, Tessa Keough wrote:
> Last month's Legacy Virtual Users' Group recorded hangout was all
> about how one Legacy user (Linda McCauley) sets up and uses her
> Events/Facts in the program. She showed how she created her own
> events, how she updated sentences, and how she included notes and
> photos in the events section. Although I play around (update my
> sentences for events/facts) I had not considered having notes there.
> The layout and ability to "read" better in a report was really nice
> (and a bit of a surprise). Additionally she puts her photos in the
> events/facts section and they print out (in that date order) in her
> reports - very nice. There are so many ways that people use Legacy and
> it is always helpful to discuss and learn how others use the program.
> If you want to lean how other Legacy users do things in Legacy - check
> out the recordings. They can be found at YouTube (search LVUG
> Hangouts) or at the Legacy Virtual Users' Group Google+ Page (at the
> file cabinet). There are (so far) a half dozen additional recorded
> hangouts covering an overview of Legacy, customizing Legacy, sources,
> tagging, Legacy in the cloud,  data entry for locations, and most
> recently events/facts. In addition to the recordings - the slides used
> for the presentation are available to review (also at the file
> cabinet).
> Also JL Beeken has a great slide presentation on her website about her
> MRIN filing system that I found really helpful. I am sure there are
> lots of other Legacy users out there who have written about Legacy on
> their websites or blogs. Why not direct the rest of us to your posts?
> Tessa Keough
> Guild of One-Name Studies, No. 5089
> Legacy Virtual Users' Group
> One Place Studies - Plate Cove, Newfoundland


Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread Pat Hickin
There's also .the relatively inflexible .gedcom to consider.


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Jenny M Benson wrote:

> On 26/10/2012 04:31, Paula Ryburn wrote:
> > Might be nice, but these sorts of one-off things I would handle by just
> > typing in what I want in either Notes or Over-ride.
> > There are other things I would rather have the programmers working on.
> I think I am with you on this one, Paula.
> I never use the standard Event Sentences but have created my own for
> every Event I use.  I don't think I ever have to use the Override, but
> add any additional information (above what is required for Description,
> Date and Place) in the Notes field.  I don't find it necessary to make
> numerous entries for the same Event.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Etiquette.asp
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com/
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/legacyusergroup@legacyfamilytree.com/
> Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
> Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and
> on our blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
> To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 26/10/2012 04:31, Paula Ryburn wrote:
> Might be nice, but these sorts of one-off things I would handle by just
> typing in what I want in either Notes or Over-ride.
> There are other things I would rather have the programmers working on.

I think I am with you on this one, Paula.

I never use the standard Event Sentences but have created my own for
every Event I use.  I don't think I ever have to use the Override, but
add any additional information (above what is required for Description,
Date and Place) in the Notes field.  I don't find it necessary to make
numerous entries for the same Event.

Jenny M Benson

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

[LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-26 Thread Tony Rolfe
Jenny asked:

"Could it also be used where a person, for example, is appointed to a
position and later resigns so we want to record those different dates?"

Yes.  There's no reason why that shouldn't work.  If you want to put two
dates into a single Legacy event, then there's no reason why you
couldn't.  Both dates would be processed by Legacy as dates, so they
would be in standard format.  The only issue would be choosing the one
to be the sort key for ordering events.  I.e.  the one which actually
appears in the Date column of the Event List.

Paula commented:

"Might be nice, but these sorts of one-off things I would handle by just
typing in what I want in either Notes or Over-ride."

The problem with that is where you want multiple locations to appear in
the location list.  At the moment the only way to achieve that is to
have one Legacy event for each location.  Also, with multiple dates,
only one is recognised by Legacy for each Legacy event.

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-25 Thread Paula Ryburn
Might be nice, but these sorts of one-off things I would handle by just typing
in what I want in either Notes or Over-ride.
There are other things I would rather have the programmers working on.

From: Jenny C 
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Thu, October 25, 2012 8:47:20 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

Hi Tony and Greetings from Melbourne, Australia.

I can think of quite a few other applications for your idea.
For instance some census records give the place of employment (e.g. "banksman at
Whitworth Colliery") so it would be useful in this way.
Could it also be used where a person, for example, is appointed to a position
and later resigns so we want to record those different dates?

Or a person may have different positions (e.g. secretary, president etc) at
different times in one organization.
In addition some business people have two entries in directories - one for the
business and one for the residence.
At the moment I have all these examples recorded as multiple (messy) events so I
like the idea.

Best wishes,
Jenny Coates

On 26 October 2012 11:32, Tony Rolfe  wrote:

I have just found a school admission register for one of my cousins.
>This gives the school to which she was admitted and her home address.
>Now I'm a lumper as far as event sentences are concerned and I don't
>like having multiple Legacy events describing one physical event.  With
>the current event sentence structure, we can only have one location in a
>sentence, so I can either use the home address or the school address,
>but not both.
>Also, with the current scheme, we have to build 8 sentences, depending
>on which fields are filled.  Adding one extra possibility into the
>current scheme would mean 16 sentences and two more would mean 32, which
>would be silly.
>I have designed a completely new approach to building event sentences,
>which means you can have as many variables as you want in just one
>sentence.  If you need 2 dates, 3 addresses and 4 narrative fields,
>that's fine.  You can even do simple logic, such as describing a child
>as "baby" up to 3 months, "infant" from 3-12 months and "child" above 12
>Now this is a complete rewrite of the event sentence area of Legacy and
>they won't touch it unless there is a perceived demand.  If I'm the only
>one who would like this, so be it.  However, if there is sufficient
>support from this list, I'll go to the next stage and send it in as a
>So, what does everyone think?

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

RE: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-25 Thread Bobby Johnson
Lots of luck Tony.  Many months ago I suggested the addition of additional 
variables for the customized internet search.  Specifically, the addition of 
City, County and State along with some spouse information.  Currently only 
variations of the current person's name, birth date and death date are 
available.  I haven't heard one peep from anyone since I made the suggestion.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Rolfe [mailto:geneal...@gillandtony.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:33 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

I have just found a school admission register for one of my cousins.
This gives the school to which she was admitted and her home address.
Now I'm a lumper as far as event sentences are concerned and I don't like 
having multiple Legacy events describing one physical event.  With the current 
event sentence structure, we can only have one location in a sentence, so I can 
either use the home address or the school address, but not both.

Also, with the current scheme, we have to build 8 sentences, depending on which 
fields are filled.  Adding one extra possibility into the current scheme would 
mean 16 sentences and two more would mean 32, which would be silly.

I have designed a completely new approach to building event sentences, which 
means you can have as many variables as you want in just one sentence.  If you 
need 2 dates, 3 addresses and 4 narrative fields, that's fine.  You can even do 
simple logic, such as describing a child as "baby" up to 3 months, "infant" 
from 3-12 months and "child" above 12 months.

Now this is a complete rewrite of the event sentence area of Legacy and they 
won't touch it unless there is a perceived demand.  If I'm the only one who 
would like this, so be it.  However, if there is sufficient support from this 
list, I'll go to the next stage and send it in as a request.

So, what does everyone think?


Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

Re: [LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-25 Thread Jenny C
Hi Tony and Greetings from Melbourne, Australia.

I can think of quite a few other applications for your idea.
For instance some census records give the place of employment (e.g.
"banksman at Whitworth Colliery") so it would be useful in this way.
Could it also be used where a person, for example, is appointed to a
position and later resigns so we want to record those different dates?
Or a person may have different positions (e.g. secretary, president etc) at
different times in one organization.
In addition some business people have two entries in directories - one for
the business and one for the residence.
At the moment I have all these examples recorded as multiple (messy) events
so I like the idea.

Best wishes,
Jenny Coates

On 26 October 2012 11:32, Tony Rolfe  wrote:

> I have just found a school admission register for one of my cousins.
> This gives the school to which she was admitted and her home address.
> Now I'm a lumper as far as event sentences are concerned and I don't
> like having multiple Legacy events describing one physical event.  With
> the current event sentence structure, we can only have one location in a
> sentence, so I can either use the home address or the school address,
> but not both.
> Also, with the current scheme, we have to build 8 sentences, depending
> on which fields are filled.  Adding one extra possibility into the
> current scheme would mean 16 sentences and two more would mean 32, which
> would be silly.
> I have designed a completely new approach to building event sentences,
> which means you can have as many variables as you want in just one
> sentence.  If you need 2 dates, 3 addresses and 4 narrative fields,
> that's fine.  You can even do simple logic, such as describing a child
> as "baby" up to 3 months, "infant" from 3-12 months and "child" above 12
> months.
> Now this is a complete rewrite of the event sentence area of Legacy and
> they won't touch it unless there is a perceived demand.  If I'm the only
> one who would like this, so be it.  However, if there is sufficient
> support from this list, I'll go to the next stage and send it in as a
> request.
> So, what does everyone think?
> Tony

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

[LegacyUG] Event sentence redesign

2012-10-25 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have just found a school admission register for one of my cousins.
This gives the school to which she was admitted and her home address.
Now I'm a lumper as far as event sentences are concerned and I don't
like having multiple Legacy events describing one physical event.  With
the current event sentence structure, we can only have one location in a
sentence, so I can either use the home address or the school address,
but not both.

Also, with the current scheme, we have to build 8 sentences, depending
on which fields are filled.  Adding one extra possibility into the
current scheme would mean 16 sentences and two more would mean 32, which
would be silly.

I have designed a completely new approach to building event sentences,
which means you can have as many variables as you want in just one
sentence.  If you need 2 dates, 3 addresses and 4 narrative fields,
that's fine.  You can even do simple logic, such as describing a child
as "baby" up to 3 months, "infant" from 3-12 months and "child" above 12

Now this is a complete rewrite of the event sentence area of Legacy and
they won't touch it unless there is a perceived demand.  If I'm the only
one who would like this, so be it.  However, if there is sufficient
support from this list, I'll go to the next stage and send it in as a

So, what does everyone think?


Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
Online technical support: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Help.asp
Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
blog (http://news.LegacyFamilyTree.com).
To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp