[OSM-legal-talk] FW: Questions about a produced work with OSM data

2020-10-12 Thread Marcus Love
 Map Maker, Ltd. Disponível em:

Estradas, rios, lagos e florestas: © OpenStreetMap contribuidores ODbL

Llugares: Inclui geodados do worldgeodatasets.com (2020).


3.   I’m planning on having the OSM shapefiles available upon request.
Since the publication will be in printed form as an atlas, I’m thinking of
including my personal e-mail or perhaps and/or the e-mail of the Angolan
government representative or department in the front matter of the atlas as
the way to contact me and/or them and request the OSM shapefiles. Is that
OK? If I have the time to update open street map itself with my edits, or at
least the edits I feel add value and are more detailed or more accurate and
then refer people to updated OSM shapefiles for the country would that
suffice for providing the data without having to also send the shapefiles
I’m using for the map as they are? I’m not sure replacing all of my edits
would be the best idea as in some places I edited for simplicity and
included long stretches of road based on satellite imagery which were
continuous lines vs the often more detailed OSM short segments. I also
didn’t add or edit any metadata to any new or edited lines. So metadata
would need to be added/updated when putting directly into the OSM database.
I’m more than happy to send anyone the shapefiles, I’m just thinking long
term 20-30 years down the road e-mails may change and it might get difficult
get new contact information out or ensure people have access to the


I can send a pdf of a sample map I intend to use if anyone would like to see
it. But the file is 2MB so I can’t include it here. 



Marcus Love

Mapping specialist – Africa area

Analytics and Information Management (AIM)

SIL International



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Series of maps for Angola

2017-01-24 Thread Marcus Love
Hi Simon,

  Thanks for your reflection. I do see your point that we would retain the 
'master copy' of the data and not be required to use other data that has been 
improved on. Personally, I think it could work. However, I'm thinking that the 
people above me who would be the ones to approve doing that, probably wouldn't 
want to, even if I took the time to discuss ODbL with them. I know someone else 
in my organization who tried to have a discussion to move towards ODbL in the 
past, and wasn't successful. Also, we are still hoping that the government 
provides something official for us with permissions to use at least for the 
series of maps we would like to produce since we did the work in conjunction 
with the government. We will see if they come through or not. :)


-Original Message-
From: Simon Poole [mailto:si...@poole.ch] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 11:53 AM
To: legal-talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Series of maps for Angola


I'm not quite sure if there is a real issue. If you derive the boundaries you 
use from OSM, yes it is unlikely that it is non-substantial if you are using 
them for a whole country and the result is likely subject to share alike.

However that only requires you to make the your modified data available on ODbL 
terms,it does not require that you have to use whatever changes somebody else 
makes to that dataset. Any third party sources you use for improving the 
boundaries would however have to be compatible with the ODbL 1.0.

So it is quite possible for you to retain a "master copy" of whatever you think 
the language boundaries are. Naturally if you have improvements to the admin 
boundaries and your source is ODbL compatible (which it should be, see above) 
it might make sense to include such improvements directly into OSM.

As has been already been suggested the alternative is to not use OSM boundaries 
at all and a third party source (which I doubt exists as open data globally).


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Series of maps for Angola

2017-01-20 Thread Marcus Love
Hi Christoph,

  Thanks for the response. I reviewed the substantial guidelines, and I feel 
that it would be substantial as if I used it for one admin line, I'd want to 
use it for the entire country. 

   And as you say below, that if I use my own source of admin boundaries to 
form language polygons overlaid on the OSM boundaries, they will have 
mismatches. I compared what we currently have with Angola, and there are many 
places where our boundaries and OSM boundaries already coincide, but there are 
quite a few places where they differ. I'll keep looking into how I might be 
able to turn off/only download background without OSM admin boundaries to see 
if it is possible.


-Original Message-
From: Christoph Hormann [mailto:chris_horm...@gmx.de] 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 10:13 AM
To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Series of maps for Angola

On Friday 20 January 2017, Marcus Love wrote:
> I was
> thinking, that if I use OSM as a background, that I could edit the 
> language polygons that we have to follow along OSM admin boundaries 
> where they coincide. However, if I do that, would it then make those 
> polygons that I've edited a 'derivative database'?

Probably yes, this depends on the extent to which you make use of OSM data in 
your proprietary data set.  See also:


If you'd just adjust your polygons at a handful of places to fix major 
mismatches that would normally be considered insubstantial.

>   If that isn't possible to adapt our language polygons to OSM admin 
> boundaries without it becoming a derivative database, then we would 
> use another source for the admin boundaries. Is it possible to use an 
> OSM background and turn off/toggle the admin boundaries for the 
> basemap? Otherwise, we will have language boundaries which will be 
> slightly off the OSM admin boundaries, and wouldn't look that great 
> and might be confusing on the map.

If you render an OSM based map without OSM based admin boundaries and add admin 
boundaries from a different source you have no derivative database, see:


Note however in such a map you would then simply have other mismatches, i.e. 
between the admin boundaries and OSM based basemap features instead of between 
the admin boundaries and your special thematic layer.

Christoph Hormann

legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Series of maps for Angola

2017-01-20 Thread Marcus Love
To whom it may concern,


  I work with SIL International keeping language maps for the Ethnologue
up-to-date for countries in Africa. We are in the process of making a series
of language maps by province in Angola in coordination with the government
of Angola. We are considering using OSM as a background for our maps. In a
way this is a test for us to see how using OSM could work as a basemap for a
future dynamic online map with all of our language polygons around the
world. As far as I'm aware, it shouldn't be a problem to use OSM as a
background with our own surveyed language data overlaying it. As long as we
give proper credit to OSM. In that case, it would be a 'collective


   The issue that we do have though, is portraying accurate administrative
boundaries. For the most part, and currently in Angola, we use boundaries
derived from old DCW data, which isn't the most accurate. Often language
boundaries coincide with administrative boundaries, so having accurate
boundaries is important. I was thinking, that if I use OSM as a background,
that I could edit the language polygons that we have to follow along OSM
admin boundaries where they coincide. However, if I do that, would it then
make those polygons that I've edited a 'derivative database'? If so, then I
think we can't do that, as we would need to retain the copyright, so that
others wouldn't be free to change the polygons themselves.


  If that isn't possible to adapt our language polygons to OSM admin
boundaries without it becoming a derivative database, then we would use
another source for the admin boundaries. Is it possible to use an OSM
background and turn off/toggle the admin boundaries for the basemap?
Otherwise, we will have language boundaries which will be slightly off the
OSM admin boundaries, and wouldn't look that great and might be confusing on
the map.



Marcus Love

Mapping Specialist - Africa area

AIM Mapping Information Services
SIL International


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