[L-I] Wealth, poverty and income distribution in Germany

2000-11-15 Thread Johannes Schneider

Below are some basic data on the class structure in Germany. It has been
taken from:

BTW: The website is an excellent source for recent developments within EU
trade unions. Mainly it centers around bread-and-butter issues, but as
Brecht remarked communists struggle for both: the teawater and state-power.


Wealth, poverty and income distribution in Germany
According to the IG Metall "fair share" memorandum, the existing data on
social inequalities are in many respects inadequate. There is currently no
regular and systematic monitoring of wealth distribution in Germany. There
are, however, some indicators which give at least an overview of existing
social inequalities, such as:
- distribution of money assets and real estate;
- the number of citizens living in poverty; and
- income distribution.

Inequality in the distribution of money assets and real estate
In 1998, all German households together owned net money assets
(Geldvermögen) of more than DEM 1.9 trillion, which is a clear indicator of
the wealth in German society. An analysis of the distribution of this
wealth, however, reveals enormous inequality (see table 1 below). At the
top, 4.5% of households owned about 29.4% of the overall money assets, while
at the bottom 26.6% of households owned only 0.6% of the overall money
assets. The richest third of German households owned more than 80% of the
overall money assets, while the remaining two-thirds of households owned
only 20%.

Table 1. Distribution of net money assets in Germany, 1998 % of households
Net money assets  % of total net money assets
4.5% More than DEM 200,000 29.4%
29.5% DEM 50,000 to DEM 200,000 51.0%
39.4% DEM 10,000 to DEM 50,000 19.0%
26.6% Less than DEM 10,000 0.6%

Source: Federal Statistical Office 1999, Sample survey of income and
expenditure 1998, quoted from IG Metall, "fairteilen - Initiative für
soziale Gerechtigkeit", Frankfurt aM, 2000.

A similar inequality exists regarding the distribution of real estate, which
in total was equivalent to a total market value of DEM 6.6 trillion in 1998
(see table 2). The top 5% of households owned more than 30% of total real
estate market value, and the top 21.8% of households accounted for 71.5% of
total real estate market value, while more than half of all households had
no real estate at all.

Table 2. Distribution of real estate in Germany, 1998 % of households Real
estate market value  % of total real estate market value
5.0% More than DEM 700,000 30.6%
16.8% DEM 350,000 to DEM 700,000 40.9%
22.1% DEM 100,000 to DEM 350,000 27.6%
3.5% Less than DEM 100,000 0.9%
52.6% No real estate 0.0%

Source: Federal Statistical Office 1999, Sample survey of income and
expenditure 1998, quoted from IG Metall, "fairteilen - Initiative für
soziale Gerechtigkeit", Frankfurt aM, 2000.

Poverty in Germany
Although there is enormous wealth in Germany, a significant proportion of
German citizens live in poverty. According to a recently published report on
poverty in Germany, carried out on behalf of the German Federations of Trade
Unions (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB) and the Confederation of German
Welfare Organisations (Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband), every 11th citizen
in Germany was considered as being poor in 1998. Using the international
standard definition of poverty - which is an income of less than 50% of
national average income - the study established that 8.7% of all west
Germans and 10.7% of all east Germans live in poverty (see table 3 below).

Table 3. Poverty* in Germany, 1998 Group of people % living in poverty
Children 14.2%
Lone parents  about 30%
Unemployed about 30%
Immigrants 18.6 %
All citizens in west Germany 8.7%
All citizens in east Germany  10.7%
All citizens 9.1%

* Poverty = income below 50% of the average income per person in 1998.

Source: Walter Hanesch et al, "Armut und Ungleichheit in Deutschland", 2000,

The risk of poverty is particularly high among certain groups and
households, such as unemployed people, families with children, or
immigrants. About 30% of all unemployed people and lone parents can be
considered as being poor. Moreover, 14.2% of all children have to live in
poverty. There is also a clearly above-average proportion of poverty among
immigrants (18.6%). Finally, the percentage of people who live in poverty
but have a job at the same time is only slightly below the average, which
indicates that Germany has a significant number of so-called "working poor"
(Low wages in a high-wage economy - DE9702201F). Overall, the proportion of
citizens living in poverty has been relatively stable since the mid-1980s.
According to the study's findings, public social transfer payments (ie
welfare benefits) have been able to limit a further increase in poverty, but
have not been sufficient to eliminate the existing level.

Unequal income distribution
Significant inequalities can be found in both the functional and the

[L-I] Further on the hypocrisy of a German newspaper article

2000-11-15 Thread dhkcbureau

This is an interesting item posted by Johannes Schneider, "The Muslims the
German bourgeoisie loves to see", and we will add a few comments.
The FAZ article is indeed hypocritical. For example, it contrasts the
"relatively orderly" way the "Turkish left" marches on May Day with the way
the German left behaves. The "Turkish left" is subjected to various forms of
state surveillance and repression in Germany and the DHKP-C is a banned
organisation there. At the moment Nuri Eryuksel is on trial in Hamburg. So
FAZ is being especially two-faced in making such a remark.
The culture of emigrants from Turkey living in Germany and other European
countries is not identical with the culture of the people who still live in
Turkey. However "exotic" the culture of the immigrants may appear to the
author of the FAZ article, in practice people from Turkey living in Europe
are influenced in various ways by the surrounding culture.
Alcohol and narcotics abuse and other social ills are not unknown among
people from Turkey living in Europe (and they are not unknown in Turkey
itself), though to serve a certain kind of reactionary agenda the FAZ
article tries here to portray immigrants from Turkey as being free from such
things. Islam is held to be the underpinning to social stability among
people from Turkey, but the degree of commitment to Islam varies and in any
case Islam from Anatolia is not homogeneous - there are major differences
between the Sunni and Alevi versions.
Organised crime among immigrants from Turkey also exists, and fascist groups
like the MHP play a prominent part in it. But again, it does not suit the
author of the FAZ article's agenda to mention that.
People from Turkey tend to be gregarious and collective, and those who fall
on hard times in Europe are perhaps more likely than West Europeans to find
someone in their own community who will help them. So they are less likely
to end up on the streets. But it must also be remembered that a beggar in
Germany who originated from Turkey would undergo extra risks from German
fascists and police racists.
Many immigrant communities throughout the world have more effective, if
informal, social support networks than the surrounding society has. But the
life of immigrants from Turkey in Germany or other European countries is not
as stable as portrayed in the article. All in all, the article is highly
selective, superficial and hypocritical.

DHKC London Information Bureau
Below you will find the most hypocritical piece of so-called journalism in
Germany I have come across in recent years. Basically it comes down to
preach religion and family values to the German working class. Hypocritical
because exactly the same social forces who are praising family values are
trying to restrict family members of immigrants coming to Germany. (E.g.
Yesterday the conservative CSU demanded to reduce the age of children
allowed to come to their parents in Germany from 16 to 10 years).
But besides an hypcrosy that is almost comic the article reflects the deep
problems the ruling class has created over immigration in Germany. On the
one hand they need racism to rally some sort of mass base for their
nationalist policies, on the other hands they are afraid that the racist
propaganda is running out of their control and creating social turmoil. That
is why we are seeing here in Germany an unprecedented wave of 'anti-racism'
from above. The following article is a facet of this campaign.


From www.faz.com :

'You Cannot Settle Down in a Void'

By Konrad Schuller

BERLIN. Six subway stops, six faces. The journey to the Berlin district of
Kreuzberg on line U1 begins at Möckernbrücke station. A woman leans against
the railings of the steps, talking to the air with flailing arms. Her front
teeth are missing; her right hand holds a can of Becks beer.

At the station Hallesches Tor, a thin man in a woolen overcoat that is too
big for him crouches by an orange-tiled wall as commuters clatter past. His
begging hat lies in front of him. On his sleeve, he wears an armband with
the yellow circle and the three black dots of the blind.

At Prinzenstrasse station, there is no one to be seen. Because the security
guards just passed through, the people on the down-and-out have sought
shelter elsewhere -- for the moment.

At Kottbusser Tor station, a man is lying on the traffic island beneath the
viaduct of the elevated railway. The stream of cars along Skalizter Strasse
flows around him. Exhaust fumes, the rumbling of the trains, pigeon
droppings: This is his garden. His house is a mattress, a plastic chair and
a few plastic bags. He sleeps beneath a frayed tablecloth.

At Görlitzer Bahnhof, a diabetic and a disabled man have their places. The
diabetic to the right of the steps, the disabled man on the left. The
diabetic has a sign describing his illness, and a plate to which he has
taped a coin. The disabled man sits in his wheelchair, drunk, 

[L-I] Immigration to Germany

2000-11-15 Thread Johannes Schneider

Since immigration is one of the key issues in German politics today I post
an surview about immigration to (West) Germany since 1945. The article
(correctly) deals with all various forms of immigration to Germany. This
approach is has been used for long in scientific discussion, but in the
political discussions usually only the immigration of non-ethnic Germans is
regarded. It is at least a sign of intellectual honesty to see the most
important German bourgeois paper discuss all kinds of immigration together.


From www.faz.com :

Politics, Numbers and Fate

By Daniel Deckers

Between 1959 to 1998, nearly 30 million people came to Germany from abroad.

In this 40-year time frame, about 21 million people left Germany, resulting
in a net migration balance of almost nine million into the country during
four decades. For most of this time, Germany was also cut off by the Iron
Curtain from the centuries-old east-west migration. Immigrants came almost
exclusively from southern Europe and then increasingly from Turkey and the
countries of the developing world.

Only since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 has Germany returned to the
center of Europe. Because of its geographical position, Germany has always
been a transit route through the continent and because of its economic
prosperity also a destination for immigrants, without, of course, losing
sight of the emigration factor.

The 1990s had the highest immigration rate in the history of the Federal
Republic. In the years from 1991 to 1998, 8.8 million people moved to
Germany from abroad. Factoring emigration into the balance, net migration
totaled three million. Drawing conclusions from these figures for future
migratory movements, however, is not so easy. In the years 1997 and 1998,
for example, more foreigners left Germany than arrived. The same trend was
also visible at different times during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

A number like this says little about the extent and type of migration,
which, as of 1998, had 8.9 percent or 7.32 million people from a total
population of 82 million living in Germany without German citizenship. In
other words, one-in-eleven people are non-Germans.

On the one hand -- compared to France -- Germany's restrictive citizenship
laws for a long time hindered migrants who wanted to become German citizens.
Furthermore, the number of foreigners, as difficult as it is to keep such
statistics, also says little about the different groups of immigrants and
emigrants and their respective migration dynamics. Finally, the number of
foreigners inadequately reflects the actual extent of migration from beyond
Germany's frontiers. People of ethnic German origin, such as the Volga
Germans from Russia or Banat Swabians from Romania, who on the basis of
Article 116 of the German Constitution come to Germany after generations of
living abroad, are not considered foreigners because by law they already
possess German citizenship.

Irrespective of this, these people are still immigrants, just as those
people are who reside in Germany illegally, either because they lost their
resident status or because they never had it in the first place.

Therefore, if the number of registered foreigners is not used as the
yardstick for measuring the extent and type of migration but rather the
degree of migration across German borders instead, then the figures show
that about one-third of the people living in Germany as of 1989 have
immigrated since 1945.

The largest immigrant group by far is made up of the 15 million ethnic
Germans who came to the Federal Republic between 1945 and the end of the
Cold War as displaced persons, refugees or as re-settlers from eastern
European countries and the former Soviet Union.

The immigration of displaced persons from formerly ethnic German enclaves in
eastern Europe and East Germans -- about 3.1 million people up until the
Berlin Wall was built in 1961 -- was not enough to meet the demand for
additional manpower in the Federal Republic's expanding post-war economy. By
1955, Germany had signed its first worker recruitment agreement with Italy.
Agreements with Spain and Greece followed in 1960, with Turkey in 1961, with
Portugal in 1964 and finally with Yugoslavia in 1968. By 1973, the Turks
comprised nearly a quarter of Germany's foreign guest worker population. In
November 1973, however, recruitment was stopped because of the effects from
the world's first oil price shock and the recession that followed.

Immigration from Turkey since then has been limited primarily to guest
workers in Germany bringing spouses and family members to join them, as
prescribed by the German immigration statutes. This legal immigration has
averaged around 60,000 people annually in recent years, in addition to the
overall immigration from the two non-EU countries of Turkey and Yugoslavia.

The former European-Mediterranean recruitment countries have since become
members of the European Union. Migratory movements to and from Italy,

[L-I] Re: Hail the Hitler-Stalin pact!

2000-11-15 Thread Charles Brown

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/14/00 04:43PM 
The Hitler-Soviet Pact was not the most pleasant deal, and the invasion and
subjection of Poland was reprehensible, but the need for the deal was
obvious after the West had made its own deal at Munich - essentially
pointing Hitler in Russia's direction.  The Western powers have no standing
to criticize Stalin on that point after happily handing Central Europe over
to Hitler.

What was more reprehensible was not the deal but the contortions of the
CPUSA and other communist parties in its ideological approach to the deal.
Instead of promoting it as a pragmatic way to deal with the threat of
Hitler, the CPUSA suddenly dropped their anti-fascist position in favor of
their "The Yanks aren't Coming" propaganda line - a reversal that
discredited them intellectually among a wide range of folks who could
understand the pragmatic threat to the Soviet Union but not the ideological


CB: Things change, things change back and forth, and sometimes things change quickly, 
and sometimes things change back and forth quickly, especially in crises. That's 
dialectics.  The Soviets had a tiger by the tail and there tends to be a whipping 

What is missed by many in this is the world historic cunning, spy vs. spy, ultimate 
European epic war strategizing which involves a world historic level of what I guess I 
will call intrigue. There are layers and layers of deception and Machiavellianism to 
the tenth power.  To be pragamtic and make their strategic gambit work, the Soviets 
had to make it look good to the Nazis, hold their enemies closer to them than their 
friends sometime. 

For example, they had to make the Nazis think that the Soviet motivation was 
imperialist land grabbing. The Nazis could understand that motive as it was their's. 
Don't forget that in the old  treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Bolsheviks had ceded land 
to Germany. It would be believable to the Germans that the Soviets wanted the 
territory they had ceded. Without this posture, the German's would be looking for the 
Soviet motive for making the treaty, and might guess the real motive of delaying the 

One must look at the situation with a bit more street smarts than the average 
intellectual uses usually.  Put on your wily cap when you really want to be 
pragmatic.To be pragmatic, the Soviets could not announce to the CPUSA and parties 
around the world that they were just being pragmatic. The Nazis were listening. The 
CPUSA had to be wily and figure that out without it being announced from Moscow. There 
may have been lagtime in figuring it out in the CPUSA ( understandable because it is 
like the ultimate spy novel) and certainly imperfection in the campaign, thus the 
whiplash effect you note in CPUSA response. But to the CPUSA's credit, it essentially 
got it correct. They certainly got it more correct than all those on the left  who 
like to feel morally-politicallly superior to the Soviets ( or the CPUSA) because the 
Soviets made a pact with the Devil.

This is a bit of the naive American looking at old jaded Europe phenomenon from Henry 
James and  all that.


And the backflip when Hitler invaded just added to the cynicism towards the
Party and its maneuverings.  The contortions were essentially the beginning
of the end of the party's broader influence and assisted the anti-Communist
forces in their conservative ascendancy in unions and other broad

-- Nathan Newman

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[L-I] anti-fascist action uk news

2000-11-15 Thread MarxistMark



AFA News


November 15 2000

BNP and the fuel protests - anti-fascism discredited

An article in the Sunday People (5/11/00), written by the editors of 
Searchlight, is a perfect illustration of how 'anti-fascism' is being 
discredited. Allowing for the fact that tabloid papers like to use a 
sensational style of writing, the article fails to address any of the 
relevant political issues, assumes that by presenting the BNP as a criminal 
conspiracy the 80,000 people who voted for them in the Greater London 
Assembly elections, for example, will see the error of their ways, and 
concludes that the only way to stop them is to collaborate with the police 
who will then prevent fascism winning support (just like they have in 
Austria, France, Italy, Germany, etc,etc!). 

Some extracts from the article illustrate the point: "Our investigators 
uncovered the plot after we infiltrated the BNP's highest ranks and unearthed 
a dossier of top-secret memos and e-mails ... a Special Branch source said 
"This evidence is very disturbing indeed. What you have told us is a clear 
conspiracy to incite people to break the law. We will be clamping down hard 
on these people. We must not allow them to sow their sick message of hate." 
... Darby and his cowardly cronies try to hide behind the phoney name of the 
Anytown Fuel Protest Support Group. But we can reveal that the masterminds of 
the whole subversive campaign are BNP leader Nick Griffin - who has a 
conviction for inciting racial hatred - and deputy leader Tony Lecomber, who 
was jailed for 3 years in 1991 for attacking a Jewish teacher in East London 
... Our dossier is available to police so that they can smash this evil plot."

Anti-fascists, and in particular groups like the SWP/ANL, must publicly 
distance themselves from those who would seek to hijack the independence of 
the anti-fascist movement and re-align 'anti-fascism' as part of the police 
or the establishment. As the fascists continue to win support from those who 
have been betrayed by the establishment parties and their police, it hardly 
constitutes a winning strategy for anyone on 'the Left' to be openly linked 
with those parties who are so completely discredited in the eyes of so many.



November 14 2000

If fascists were pacifists, would their politics be acceptable?

It has been interesting to read the numerous press reports of BNP 
infiltration of the fuel protests, especially since it has been revealed that 
MI5 have devoted considerable resources to undermining the actions. Rather 
than any considered analysis of the Far Right moving into an area that has 
traditionally been receptive to the ideas of fascism, eg. small businessmen 
and the self-employed, the 'anti-fascist' argument has been that the BNP's 
presence is a problem because they are violent.

"Extremist right-wing groups and individuals have infiltrated the fuel price 
movement and plan to be 'heavily involved' when the protests start again next 
week, an Observer investigation has revealed. Senior police fear that the 
presence of neo-Nazis among the protesters will lead to violence and attacks 
on officers." (Observer, 5/11/00). 

Since 1994 AFA has been drawing attention to the fact that the BNP have 
withdrawn from street confrontations and adopted a 'peaceful' 
Euro-Nationalist approach. The continual obsession to portray the BNP as a 
violent movement when its present strategy is specifically designed to avoid 
trouble at all costs is absurd, and their growing support in elections is 
evidence that anti-fascists will have to come up with better arguments in 
order to defeat the Far Right.


November 14 2000

Far Right in Austria lose support - can the Left rise to the challenge?

Haider's Freedom Party (FPO) vote fell from 17% to 12% in the recent 
provincial elections in Styria (October 15th). This was the first electoral 
test for the FPO since they entered the Austrian government. The drop in 
support is because the FPO claimed to represent the interests of the 
disenfranchised and disillusioned working class, but on taking power 
proceeded to support major cuts in social welfare spending. In other words 
attacking the very people who had turned to the Far Right for support. This 
disillusion with the FPO isn't just confined to Styria, a recent survey 
carried out by the Format magazine showed that only 24% of Freedom Party 
supporters believed the Party had stuck to its election pledges in government.

What is important for anti-fascists to realise is that the disillusioned FPO 
voters haven't returned to the Social Democrats, who received their lowest 
vote in Styria since 1945. The betrayal of the working class by all the major 
parties allowed the Far Right to pose as the radical alternative. Their 
failure to deliver in Austria, once elected, shows that a progressive working 
class organisation, committed to dealing with working class problems rather 
than middle class liberalism, could win 

[L-I] Fwd: [slp-youth] Hungary: Pro-Nazi Officer Promoted - AP

2000-11-15 Thread MarxistMark


Hungarian Pro-Nazi Officer Promoted
BUDAPEST, Nov 9, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Hungarian authorities
defended Wednesday the promotion of a retired army officer who has praised
country's pro-Nazi authorities during World War II.

The defense ministry said Major Robert Szalay, who was promoted to a
colonel, was
elevated in rank for his role in the country's 1956 uprising against Soviet

"Robert Szalay was an active participant of the 1956 revolution and freedom
fight, he
is a genuine revolutionary who is still active today," the ministry said in
a statement.

In a book he wrote on the 1956 uprising and the events that led to it,
Szalay praised
the 1944 coup by antisemitic and pro-Nazi Hungarian governor Ferenc Szalasi,
backed by Hitler's Third Reich.

The coup was a "legal action" which "spearheaded the fight to save the
nation from
Bolshevism and defended Europe from Asian barbarism," according to excerpts
published in the Magyar Hirlap newspaper.

Szalasi was tried as a war criminal and executed in 1946.

The ministry said Szalay's promotion was made under a law that "makes
possible the
promotion of retired officers" and on the proposal of 1956 revolutionaries,
declined to react on Szalay's views on history.

According to Magyar Hirlap, Szalay is also a leading editor of the extreme
nationalist Szittyakuert newspaper published by emigree Hungarians in the

Historian Attila Szakolczay said that Szalay's participation in the 1956
uprising was
restricted to a single occasion of demanding weapons for upraises.

"After that, he disappeared and when the revolution was crushed, he signed a
statement that condemned the revolution as a counter-revolution and
enrolled in the
Communist militia that helped keep (pro-Soviet) order afterwards," said

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[L-I] international football

2000-11-15 Thread MarxistMark

Football News  

November 15th 2000

Di Canio on the right wing

"Perhaps precisely because I am right wing, I am fascinated by Benito 
Mussolini. Remember those mobile phone advertisements where they asked people 
who they most would like to have a one-to-one with? Ian Wright picked Dr. 
Martin Luther King, my choice would have been Mussolini." 

Paolo Di Canio writing in his autobiography.


October 30th 2000 

Lazio, Di Canio and Il Duce.

Racism at football grounds has hit the headlines again - but this time its 
hard to blame the inadequacies of the 'Kick It Out' campaign. The incident in 
question happened during the recent European Champions League game between 
Lazio and Arsenal - the racism was directed from one highly paid professional 
to another in a game televised live throughout Europe.

Lazio player Sinisa Mihajlovic was fingered by Arsenal's Patrick Viera for 
making comments such as "fucking black monkey" - comments that Mihajlovic 
admitted and put down to the usual 'heat of the moment'. Judging by the Lazio 
Ultras' history of overt links with fascist groups and propensity to flaunt 
banners proclaiming this, it seems that these  views aren't confined to the 
supporters but are endorsed by some of the players.

Enter the FA - professional hand-wringers that they are, proclaiming their 
Italian counterparts should introduce sanctions against not only Mihajlovic 
but also the sizeable racist section of the Lazio support (perhaps arrest 
them en masse?)

On Wednesday 25th October Mihajlovic made a public apology before a game - 
AFA sources at the ground say the reaction from the Lazio supporters was 
mixed. It would be good to see the sections of the crowd who applauded him 
take action in the same tradition that Celtic Fans Against Fascism have in 
the past - a fan based solution.

Meanwhile the FA should concentrate on trying to get their own house in order 
- for example our man in Paris said the racism expressed by the England 
followers at the recent France v England friendly was the worst he'd ever 

As for Lazio, after having read Paulo Di Canio's autobiography and his love 
of Mussolini, let's hope he isn't asked to broker between 'establishment 
anti-racism' and the Ultras.


October 9th 2000 

New issue of TAL available 

Issue 27 of the anti-fascist Celtic fanzine 'Tiocfaidh Ar La' is now out. 
With articles on the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair, 
the Easton Cowboys, sectarian attacks and of course football, it is well 
worth reading. Available from TAL Books, BM Box 266, London, WC1N 3XX. It 
only costs £1 for 28 action-packed pages; cheques should be made payable to 


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[L-I] anti fascist action international

2000-11-15 Thread MarxistMark

For the first time there is now an international network of militant 

The network is launched against the backdrop of the far right's recent 
successes across Europe and especially in France. As the fascists attempt to 
gain credibility through electoral strategies, the task for militant 
anti-fascists is to out radicalise them in the battle for the hearts and 
minds of working class communities. We stand for the physical and ideological 
confronatation of fascism, and we are not fighting to maintain the status 

We see the challenges facing us as a three cornered fight, between the 
militants, the fascists and the state. We recognise that the ultimate 
guarantee against the far right penetrating the mainstream, is a strong 
politically independent working class movement. 

Militant anti-fascism is a single issue campaign, whose function is to first 
separate out those who want to fight from those who do not, and then to 
ensure unity amongst us, to actively combat the isolation we face in our own 
countries. The groups organised in the network come from a wide range of 
political backgrounds, but all recognise that if our common enemy is to be 
defeated it is what unites us, rather than what divides us that must have 

The network will ensure active co-operation and communication, to enable us 
to develop effective stragegies for combatting the rise of fascism. As the 
fascists and state governments organise internationally, so must we. The 
network currently comprises groups from 6 countries. 

We recognise the importance of national organisation as being essential to 
effective international organisation, and will work to develop militant 
anti-fascist networks in member countries. 

Our manifesto document will be circulated as widely as possible, and we call 
on all militant anti-fascist groups who share our understanding, aims and 
objectives, to affiliate to the network. 


Antifa Forum 
PO Box 6326 
Station A Toronto 
Ontario M5W 1P7 


BM 1734, 
London WC1N 3XX, 


Antifaschister Aktion (TR), 
c/o Der Rechte Rand Postfach 1324, 

Freundlinnen Irlands, 
c/o M-99, 
Manteuffel - 99, 


AFA Ireland, 
PO Box 3355, 
Dublin 7, 




Fascist Platform Zaragoza 
Apartado de Correos 585 
50080 Zaragoza 

Liga Antifascista Burgos, 
Buzon 61-C, San Lesmes No. 10, 


ARA Minneapolis, 
PO Box 80239, 
Minneapolis MN 55408, 


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[L-I] IKM: political prisoners in Turkey to go on Death Fast

2000-11-15 Thread dhkcbureau



The fascist state started attacks aimed at putting the revolutionary
prisoners in the "F" Type cell prisons, and it is continuing the smear
campaigns and demagogy it started at the beginning of the Indefinite Hunger
Strike action. What they are saying now is not very different from what they
have been saying for months past. The fascist state openly declared that it
would not abandon the isolation cells. Everybody has spoken. Everybody has
said something. Some have come out against the isolation cells, while others
have spoken in favour of them and will continue to do so. The time has now
come for the Free Prisoners to speak a word.
They are resolute, will pay whatever price needs to be paid, but they will
not go into the cells and will break them over the heads of those who
ordered their construction. Because the prisoners are the heirs to an
honourable history. Comrades like them have given martyrs but not abandoned
their beliefs. At Ulucanlar, rather than surrender they preferred to die,
and in the 1996 Death Fast, by submitting their bodies to hunger they forced
the enemy to give in while imparting confidence to their friends with their
heroism and honesty. Today nothing will occur that will alter this picture,
and once again imperialism and its collaborationist servants will receive a
response in a language they understand.
Our friends who live in European countries also have work to do. Now as
before, if you want to be released from your bitterness, if you want to
demand a reckoning from the fascist state, if you defend an honourable life
and do not want our people to be oppressed, scorned and exploited; you who
had to come to these countries must also support the resistance of the
revolutionary prisoners to the Susurluk state. You can participate in
marches, protest demonstrations and hunger strikes. You can write protest
letters to the fascist state, make telephone calls and send fax and e-mail
messages. It is absolutely certain that there are things you can do.
We, to support the Indefinite Hunger Strike by revolutionary prisoners which
has been going on since October 20, and to be the voice and breath of the
prisoners against imperialism and fascism in Turkey, have been conducting
three-day alternating hunger strikes since November 4, and since November 14
have turned this into an Indefinite Hunger Strike. Our Indefinite Hunger
Strike resistance will take place at the Manor House entrance to Finsbury
Park (London).

* The immediate closure of the "F" Type prisons!
* The restoration of all the rights in the prisons that have been
taken away!
* The abolition of the Anti-Terror Law!
* The cancellation of the Tripartite Protocol!
* The abolition of the State Security Courts, and the cancelling of
all verdicts issued by the State Security Courts!
* Put on trial those responsible for torture and massacres!

(Committee For Struggle Against Torture Through Isolation)

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[L-I] fwd from Henry Liu] Blaut on Racism

2000-11-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

I think Henry had this in mind for L-I as well.

Jim will be missed.

 [Part I of forward from Henry Liu of a piece written by Jim Blaut,
 broken up into multiple parts and reformatted to look nice for Jim.


 You're 100% right. Nonwhites actually make up 80-85% of the world's
 population. I wrote a paper on this: Reprinted from   Antipode: A
 Journal of Geography   23(1992): 289 299.

   The Theory of Cultural Racism
J. M. Blaut
  Department of Geography
 University of Illinois at Chicago

 i. Theory and Practice

 Very few academics these days consider themselves to be racists, and
 calling someone a racist is deeply offensive. Yet racism in the
 universities is just as pervasive, just as dangerous, as it was a
 generation ago. Nowadays we seem to have a lot of racism but very
 racists. How do you explain this paradox?

 The place to begin is to notice the essential difference between
 racist theory and racist practice.  Racism most fundamentally is
 practice: the practice of discrimination, at all levels, from
 abuse to colonial oppression.  Racism is a form of practice which
 been tremendously important in European society for several hundred
 years, important in the sense that it is an essential part of the
 the European capitalist system maintains itself.

 Racist practice, like all practice, is cognized, rationalized,
 justified, by a theory, a belief-system about the nature of reality
 and the behavior which is appropriate to this cognized reality. (The
 word "theory" is better in this context than the word "ideology,"
 because we are talking about a system of empirical beliefs, not
 the cultural bindings of belief.) But theory and practice do not
 a one- to-one relationship. One form of practice can be underlain by
 various different theories. Since racism-as-practice, that is,
 discrimination, is an essential part of the system, we should not be
 surprised to discover that it has been supported by a historical
 sequence of different theories, each consistent with the
 environment of a given era. Nor should we be surprised to find that
 the sequent theories are so different from one another that the
 theory of one epoch is in part a refutation of the racist theory of
 the preceding epoch.

 Putting the matter in a somewhat over-simplified form, the dominant
 racist theory of the early nineteenth century was a biblical
 grounded in religion; the dominant racist theory of the period from
 about 1850 to 1950 was a biological argument, grounded in natural
 science; the racist theory of today is mainly a historical argument,
 grounded in the idea of culture history or simply culture.  Today's
 racism is cultural racism.

 I will try to show, in this paper, what cultural racism is all about
 and how and why it has largely supplanted biological racism (at
 among academics). To start things off, I'll explain the paradox
 today, in universities, we have racism but few racists.

 Generally, when we call a person a racist in the academic world of
 today we are accusing this person of believing in the hereditary,
 biological superiority of people of one so-called race over people
 another so-called race, with the implication that discrimination is
 justified, explained, rationalized, by the underlying biological
 theory. But hardly anybody believes in this theory anymore. Most
 academics believe that the typical members of what used to be called
 inferior races have a capacity equal to that of other so-called
 but they have not been able to realize this capacity.  They have not
 learned the things one needs to know to be treated as an equal. They
 have not learned how to think rationally, as mental adults. They
 not learned how to behave in appropriate ways, as social adults. The
 problem is culture, not biology. And, naturally, the inequality will
 disappear in the course of time. But in the meantime, discrimination
 is perfectly justified. Of course it is not called "discrimination"
 this newer theory. It is a matter of treating each person in a way
 that is appropriate to his or her abilities. The people of one
race --
 pardon me: one ethnic group -- demonstrate greater abilities than
 those of other ethnic groups, abilities in IQ, ACT, and SAT
 test-taking, in "need achievement motivation," in avoidance of
 criminality, and so on. Given that they have these higher realized
 abilities, they should be given greater rewards. They should be
 admitted to college, be granted Ph.D.s and tenure, and the rest. And
 so racist practice persists under the guidance of a theory which
 actually denies the relevance of race. The differences between
 which justify discriminatory treatment are differences in acquired
 characteristics: in culture.

 Another way of putting this is to say that cultural racism

[L-I] : [Part II] Blaut on racism

2000-11-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

 [Part II of Blaut via H. Liu.]

  iv. Cultural Racism

 All of this notwithstanding, biological racism remained somewhat
 respectable until the 1950s and 1960s, the classical era of national
 liberation and civil rights struggles. Racist practice now needed a
 new theory. At this time, mainstream scholarship was being
assigned --
 quite literally: with funds and jobs provided -- the task of
 formulating a theoretical structure which would rationalize
 dominance of communities of color in the Third World and at home.
 a theory would have to accept two anti-biological-racist
 which were axiomatic in Non-European communities: that Europeans are
 not innately superior, and that economic development can bring
 non-Europeans to the same level as Europeans. The problem was to
 that non-Europeans, though equal to Europeans in innate capacity,
 cannot develop economically to the European level unless these
 societies voluntarily accept the continued domination by European
 countries and corporations, that is, neocolonialism.

 The outcome of this truly massive theory- building effort was the
 theory of "modernization."  This theory argued, in essence, that
 non-Europeans are not racially, but rather culturally backward in
 comparison to Europeans because of their history: their lesser
 cultural evolution. And it is for this reason that they are poor. So
 they must follow, under European guidance and "tutelage," the path
 already trodden by Europeans as the only means of overcoming
 backwardness. Non-Europeans were thereby defined as inferior in
 attained level of achievement, not potential for achievement. This
 the real essence of cultural racism.

 One of the most interesting and important aspects of this
 theory-building campaign was the deification of Max Weber by various
 groups of social scientists, among them the Parsonian structural-
 functionalists (see Peet 1991) and "traditional mind" theorists like
 McClelland, most of whom were involved directly or indirectly in the
 modernization-theory construction project. Weber himself, a
 half-century before, had expressed the then-dominant European views
 concerning non-Europeans, with some small improvements. Weber's
 argument, though partially grounded in biological racism (see, e.g.,
 Weber 1958: 30; 1967: 387; 1981: 299, 379; 1951: 231-232), could
 easily be detached from that grounding because most of what he wrote
 about European superiority was axiomatic argumentation about the
 uniqueness of the European mind -- its rationality, its spiritual
 capacity -- and historical argumentation about the unique rise
 Europe, and Europe alone, of institutions and structures which were
 the source of modernity. (See in particular Weber 1951; 1958; 1981.)
 Neither rationality nor structure was (in general) connected
 to race, as effect of a prime cause. Thus the Weberian argument
 be, and was, detached from race and presented as a theory of
 modernization grounded in the uniqueness of European mentality and
 culture, permanent qualities which throughout history gave Europeans
 continuously more rapid course toward modernity than non-Europeans.2
 Those who think that Weber became popular in the 1950s and 1960s
 because of his well-known opposition to the Marxist theory of the
 of capitalism are missing the bigger picture. Weber, and
 became important at that time mainly because Weber provided
 contemporary social scientists with a theory of modernization,
 essentially an elegant and scholarly restatement of colonial-era
 about the uniqueness of European rationality and the uniqueness of
 European culture history. Weber was to neocolonialism what Marx was
 socialism. In a manner of speaking, Weber was the godfather of
 cultural racism.

 Cultural racism, as a theory, needs to prove the superiority of
 Europeans, and needs to do so without recourse to the older
 from religion and from biology. How does it do this? By recourse to
 history -- by constructing a characteristic theory of cultural (and
 intellectual) history. The claim is simply made that nearly all of
 important cultural innovations which historically generate cultural
 progress occurred first in Europe, then, later, diffused to the
 non-European peoples (Blaut forthcoming 1992). Therefore, at each
 moment in history Europeans are more advanced than non- Europeans in
 overall cultural development (though not necessarily in each
 particular culture trait), and they are more progressive than
 non-Europeans. This is asserted as a great bundle of apparently
 empirical facts about invention and innovation, not only of material
 and technological traits but of political and social traits like the
 state, the market, the family. The tellers of this tale saturate
 history with European inventions, European progressiveness, European

 This massive bundle of purportedly empirical, factual