Re: [Lensfun-users] FT Lens on mFT Camera via MMF-Adapter

2018-04-27 Thread junkyardsparkle
Yes, the lens correction profile for a given lens can be used for any sensor 
size which is the same (as in this case) or smaller (by adjusting for crop 
factor) compared to the one used to generate the profile. You may need to add 
an "adapter" within lensfun to tell it to allow lenses with one mount to be 
mapped to cameras with another. See here:

If that isn't working for you for some reason, see here:


On Fri, Apr 27, 2018, at 04:24, UweB wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I use my older FT lenses also on my new mFT camera and I wonder if lens
> correction data taken from shots of the FT camera with the FT lens will
> also apply to images made with the mFT camera and the FT lens via MMF
> adapter or if this combo would need different correction data.
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Uwe Becher
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Re: [Lensfun-users] new lens Laowa 7.5mm

2018-01-09 Thread junkyardsparkle
Hi, thanks for the profile. I checked it against a batch of images from a 
review taken at different distances, and it seemed to slightly over-correct at 
the furthest end of the range, so I made a slight adjustment. The attached copy 
is what I plan to add to the database, unless you find that seems to not 
correct enough near infinity focus. It will, of course, not produce full 
correction at closer ranges, but I feel that it's more important for the 
profiles in the database to avoid over-correcting for reasonable cases.


On Mon, Dec 18, 2017, at 13:10, Matthias Vaupel wrote:
> Hello,
> I have prepared a new entry of the new Laowa ultra wide lens for the 
> lens database by means of manual distortion correction in Hugin and TCA 
> correction in Darktable.
> Best regards, Matthias

		Venus Optics
		Laowa 7.5mmF2.0
		Micro 4/3 System

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Re: [Lensfun-users] Is lensfun still ongoing?

2018-01-08 Thread junkyardsparkle

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018, at 07:00, wrote:

> For me it looks like both files are in sync and from the same date 
> (November 4th, 2017), so it seems that the files are properly updated 
> with a git hook from Torstens computer as soon as new profiles are 
> committed.

I suppose the updating may be triggered by issues being closed, rather than 
just the commits themselves. I've been leaving the issues open for reviewing, 
I'll start closing them now as long as I'm confident enough about the results, 
unless I hear otherwise. My assumption is that closing the issue is also what 
triggers the new profile being sent to the uploader, which would be another 
reason for not leaving them open for months. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...


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Re: [Lensfun-users] Latest Database Files For Windows Users

2018-01-01 Thread junkyardsparkle

On Sun, Dec 31, 2017, at 16:14, John J Bloomfield wrote:
> I'll shoot them all on FF (as I basic geometry makes me believe a FF
> calibration should be able to be applied to APSC - but the opposite isn't
> true) even though some are technically APSC lenses many do cover the whole
> frame so are being commonly used.

Yes, that's how it works.

> Might not be the 100% accurate name as displayed in exif but I have;
>- Pentax FA 77mm Ltd f1.8
>- Pentax DFA 100mm f2.8 WR
>- Pentax DA 50mm f1.8
>- Pentax DA 35mm f2.4
>- Pentax FA 28-70mm f4
>- Pentax DAL 18-50mm RE WR
>- Pentax DAL 50-200mm WR
>- Sigma 17-50 f2.8

I think there may be a Pentax lens or two in the backlog for calibration, 
unfortunately when I went to take a look today the server holding the files 
(including your recent upload) wasn't responding; I contacted Torsten Bronger, 
the owner, and hopefully it will be up and running soon.

> I have spotted a couple of other buildings that should do for the job too.
> 1. - Is this Asda Store
> 2. - University building

The second one, assuming you can reasonably loiter there without attracting 
negative attention, looks ideal... a grid like that is always nice, even if not 
strictly needed.

Otherwise, the important thing is at least one good, reliably straight line of 
sufficient length to allow you to stay at a reasonable distance even at wide 
angles. This line should be placed as close as possible to the edge of the 
frame, and fully span it. Many uploaded pictures don't get the line as close to 
the edge as they should, possibly due to differences between the viewfinder and 
what the RAW actually captures, so this is one issue to keep in mind.

The importance of having a second line at 1/3 of the frame depends on the 
complexity of the distortion; if it displays any divergence towards "mustache" 
from simple barrel distortion, then this line is used for additional 
correction. Since this can make finding and using a suitable target more 
difficult, I've been thinking about the possibility of using two images with 
the camera simply tilted to position the line differently in each. I think this 
could be made to work, if need be. Also note that it's ok to change distance 
for different focal lengths on a zoom to get the best lines; the shots don't 
need to be taken from the same position.

An additional consideration with crop lenses on full-frame bodies is to ensure 
that the frame-edge line is visible at both ends despite any corner shading the 
lens may produce. For TCA correction images, it would be good if the corners 
are fairly sharp and retain as much contrast as possible, even at the expense 
of the center of the frame being slightly less sharp and/or overexposed.

Hopefully that clarifies some of the criteria for good calibration shots. It's 
also convenient if the uploader has a github account and can communicate 
directly within the numbered "issues" that each upload generates there, in the 
event that communication is needed.

Oh, and for zooms, the ideal focal lengths (besides both ends of the range) are 
the point where distortion changes from barrel to pincushion (where 
applicable), and a few on either side of this, weighted towards the wider end. 
Often, once the distortion changes to pincushion, it doesn't change drastically 
over the rest of the range.

I hope to have some time for working on profiles this week, knock on wood!


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Re: [Lensfun-users] Latest Database Files For Windows Users

2017-12-29 Thread junkyardsparkle
The files in that tarball seem to have been last updated almost two months ago; 
I don't know what determines the schedule for that. The bleeding edge database 
is available at the git repository:

but there are a couple of caveats. The files are in "version 2" format, which 
needs to be backported for versions of lensfun < 0.3 due to restructuring. You 
would need to determine what version of lensfun your software is using. The 
repository is also subject to possible errors and subsequent corrections, so 
any use of it should probably include watching the repository for commits.


On Thu, Dec 28, 2017, at 06:22, John J Bloomfield wrote:
> Hi
> I use several windows programs that use the lensfun database and it is a
> simple job to manually update them.
> I did it a couple of months ago using the folder located at
> as mentioned in one
> of the project mailing list archives
> But I am now wondering is that folder/file being updated or was it just an
> idea that isn't being maintained? If it is being maintained perhaps it
> would be a good idea to make the link more obviously available? If it is
> not being maintained then how does one obtain the most up to date database
> files for the purposes of updateing a windows program?
> Many Thanks for all your hard work.
> John
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Re: [Lensfun-users] database updates

2017-12-13 Thread junkyardsparkle
AFAIK, using the current git db should be fine for 0.3.2, but probably not 
earlier versions without some modification.

On Mon, Dec 11, 2017, at 11:02, Mike Rambo wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a packager for the Mageia distribution. We are packaging lensfun 
> version 0.3.2 but our lens database is quite outdated. I would like to 
> know if it is workable to just copy the /data/db directory from a new 
> snapshot into our package or is something more needed to make lensfun 
> work correctly?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Mike Rambo
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Re: [Lensfun-users] Own file for lensfun-correction

2017-12-10 Thread junkyardsparkle

On Sat, Dec 9, 2017, at 02:31, Аl Воgnеr wrote:
> Am Fri, 08 Dec 2017 17:25:31 -0800
> schrieb
> > One other thing you might want to check is that at least one of the
> > slr-pentax.xml files somewhere in one of the database paths has all
> > the mappings ( tags) between the many Pentax K-something
> > mounts, as found at the top of the current git version:
> > 
> >
> See below, what is in /usr/share/lensfun/slr-pentax.xml

That looks like it's up-to-date, so probably not the problem.

> > If you've updated with the lensfun-update-data
> > script,
> Not sure, but there are reports, that it doesn't work with Ubuntu
> 16.04. I cannot find this script in my system. Where should it be? What
> is the exact name with 0.2.8?

Ubuntu packages this separately for some reason:

and apparently not at all for xenial, I don't know why. 
> Your profile can now be selected manually (only). I have put it
> ~/.local/share/lensfun But it is not recognized automatically.

I can't explain that. If there's any visible difference in the name used in the 
file and the name displayed by darktable, you could try adjusting it, otherwise 
I don't know...


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Re: [Lensfun-users] Vignetting correction for wide-angle lenses.

2016-12-08 Thread junkyardsparkle
On Thu, Dec 8, 2016, at 10:47, Torsten Bronger wrote:
> Hallöchen!
> Do you have a pointer for that?  It would be really harmful for the
> calibration work.

I'm sorry, I think I was just aware of Hugin no longer including Lensfun 
support, and just incorrectly assumed it was due to correction model 
incompatibility. If that's not the case, I'm sure you would know better than 
me. By the way, uploads of calibration images to the owncloud server don't seem 
to be generating github issues lately, I just noticed.

As far as getting vignetting data from hugin via panorama creation, what's the 
best way to process the raw files? I'm guessing that 16-bit TIFF with linear 
color profile and no base curve or white balance in darktable would work?


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Re: [Lensfun-users] Panasonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 supported?

2016-11-18 Thread junkyardsparkle

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016, at 06:14, Chris Chiappa wrote:

> > I have the Oly, and it's a great little lens, but does need a fair
> > amount of correction, which is well provided for in lensfun currently
> > (I spent some time getting the vignetting right, which varies quite a
> > bit with focus distance, in such a way that always applying the
> > correction for infinity does some not-so-nice over-correcting at close
> > range). 

> Hi, I believe that I was the one who submitted the original data for
> this lens.  I only calibrated at infinity because my camera at least
> (Panasonic GX-7) does not seem to record the focal distance anywhere I
> can see in the EXIF.  Do other cameras do better here, or do you just
> do a lot of manual fiddling with the correction?

The Olympus E-PL6 gives reliable values for focus distance in exif tag 0x0305, 
which at least exiftool knows about:

I don't know about previous Olympus m43 models, but I do know that while the 
field existed in my XZ-1 and XZ-2 compacts, it was pretty much garbage. It's 
useful information for vignetting correction on at least *some* lenses, so 
hopefully it will become common. There's no similar FocusDistance tage listed 
for Panasonic, though, as far as I can tell:

although I suppose it's possible that it exists but hasn't been "discovered" 

Incidentally, I've been using the following correction line in my personal 
lensfun database for the 25/1.8, it uses the simpler, less computationally 
expensive poly3 model, which seems well suited to the distortion of this lens:


If you agree that it performs well, it could be swapped into the official 


Lensfun-users mailing list

Re: [Lensfun-users] Lens calibration looking for help

2016-07-20 Thread junkyardsparkle
On Tue, Jul 19, 2016, at 21:56, Torsten Bronger wrote:

> Matthias Andree writes:
> > I also looked through the older materials on calibration and have
> > been scratching my head over the illumination of vignetting test
> > images, how do you get good ones.
> It is less critical than it seems.  A diffuser in front of the lens
> is always necessary, but in contrast to earlier texts of mine, I now
> think it can even be paper (if absolutely level of course).  The
> actual ilumination should not cast a visible gradiant of the
> diffuser but unless somebody points a laser pointer to it, I think
> this will work in all practical cases.

I found another interesting possibility for this recently, in the form of OLED 
mobile device screens. As mentioned in the existing tutorial, backlit displays 
don't make good sources of even lighting, but the OLED display on my current 
phone does a great job of this, as it turns out, when set to display an 
all-white screen[1]. Of course, it helps that my micro four-thirds lenses have 
fairly small front elements... and you would want to make sure your device 
screen is actually flat...

Anyway, I'll try to get to some of the calibration chores too, pending updated 
hugin instructions.

[1] handy android app for full-white screen:


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Re: [Lensfun-users] Improved(?) OLYMPUS M.25mm F1.8 vignetting data.

2016-06-15 Thread junkyardsparkle
On Wed, Jun 15, 2016, at 02:59, Torsten Bronger wrote:
> Hallöchen!
> writes:
> > [...] The attached version seems to behave better throughout the
> > focus range.
> Thank you for your contribution!  Which camera did you use?  (Just
> for the record.)

Olympus E-PL6, for the record.

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Lensfun-users mailing list

Re: [Lensfun-users] Improved(?) OLYMPUS M.25mm F1.8 vignetting data.

2016-04-22 Thread junkyardsparkle
Sorry, it became apparent at some point that the first version of this profile 
I mailed was overcorrecting under some circumstances (I may have had the focus 
set past infinity for the "infinity" shots). The attached version seems to 
behave better throughout the focus range. The vignetting on this lens changes 
substantially between its close focus point and infinity, so a single-distance 
profile such as in the current database is only going to be right about as 
often as the proverbial stopped clock. ;)

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016, at 19:39, wrote:
> I wasn't getting good results with the existing lensfun profile for this lens 
> at anything other than close focus distances. I generated a profile using 
> shots at infinity and minumum, and it works much better for me. These are the 
> numbers for anyone who wants to try them out (and maybe confirm that it's not 
> just my lens that's wonky)...
> [...]
> Also attached as the full profile I'm using in case the formatting gets 
> mangled.
> Cheers,
> junkyardsparkle
> Email had 1 attachment:
> + Oly_25mm.xml
>   2k (text/xml)

OLYMPUS M.25mm F1.8
Micro 4/3 System

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Lensfun-users mailing list

[Lensfun-users] Improved(?) OLYMPUS M.25mm F1.8 vignetting data.

2016-03-31 Thread junkyardsparkle
I wasn't getting good results with the existing lensfun profile for this lens 
at anything other than close focus distances. I generated a profile using shots 
at infinity and minumum, and it works much better for me. These are the numbers 
for anyone who wants to try them out (and maybe confirm that it's not just my 
lens that's wonky)...

Also attached as the full profile I'm using in case the formatting gets mangled.


OLYMPUS M.25mm F1.8
Micro 4/3 System

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Lensfun-users mailing list

Re: [Lensfun-users] TCA overdone for Sony SAL-16105?

2015-07-16 Thread junkyardsparkle
I'm not suggesting Lensfun be expanded to take focus distance into account, my 
impression is that this aspect of EXIF data isn't very reliable (yet) anyway... 
I was only suggesting that this could explain why a trustworthy TCA dataset 
could still produce the (non)correction the original poster was complaining 
about. It's also the reason why I never submitted my TCA calibrations for the 
Olympus XZ-2 to Lensfun; They seem to be wrong almost as often as they're 
right, and I suspect that optically complex zoom lenses with internal focus 
(such as the Sony lens in question) may exhibit this more than other cases.

In any case, my solution is to use the manual TCA adjustment in the darktable 
lens correction module whenever it seems needed. In my case it's mostly with 
close focus images.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015, at 23:02, Torsten Bronger wrote:
 Hallöchen! writes:
  I don't have a good understanding of optics, but I've found the
  calibration data that I made myself for a zoom lens can give
  perfect results for some images and wrong for others. The most
  obvious cases are when focus distance is very small. I wonder if
  the complexity of the various elements in some lenses means that
  proper correction would have to take focus distance into account?
 Of course the focus distance is important: Lensfun's corrections
 only work for focus at infinity, which is why I urge people to take
 test pictures at a minimal distance.
 Theoretically, Lensfun coud be expanded to take focus distance into
 account, but this makes calibration much more complex, and I
 personally don't think that people will do that.  But it could be
 done, so if there is demand, just open a feature request.
 Torsten BrongerJabber ID:

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Re: [Lensfun-users] TCA overdone for Sony SAL-16105?

2015-07-15 Thread junkyardsparkle
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015, at 15:42, Torsten Bronger wrote:
 Jan Kasprzak writes:
  Is it possible that the lens profile of this lens in the
  lensfun database is wrong?
 This may well be, although the data seems to have been contributed
 by a trustful person.

I don't have a good understanding of optics, but I've found the calibration 
data that I made myself for a zoom lens can give perfect results for some 
images and wrong for others. The most obvious cases are when focus distance is 
very small. I wonder if the complexity of the various elements in some lenses 
means that proper correction would have to take focus distance into account?


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