Re: [liberationtech] Announcing a privacy preserving authentication protocol

2013-03-13 Thread Petter Ericson
Well, given that protocol uses essentially now new tech (apart from the
message bit, which to me looks a bit superfluous), it should require
relatively little time to implement properly.

Furthermore, there are various parts of the protocol that are Good
Ideas, independently of the other parts - having a per-site CA, with
trust anchored in the DNSSEC hierarchy is _significantly_ better than
the current CA system, imo.[1]


  A. This doesn't eliminate phishing because users will still enter
  their credentials at a site that doesn't actually match the one where
  the cert was previously signed. Otherwise, existing HTTPS controls
  would already protect them.

Not speaking for the protocol author, but afaict, the client cert is
tied to the specific domain, meaning if you enter the wrong domain, you
won't get a similar page where you enter your credentials - you'll get
a page where you're not authenticated (the client cert is never sent to
a different domain from where it was signed).

  B. What zone would contain user keys for DNSSEC?

I am not entirely sure what you are referring to here, but the server
provides the (signed) user public keys to any who asks, no DNSSEC
necessary. I am guessing a common API should be used for this
( or somesuch). This does let the
server MITM messages unless you have sidechannel pubkey verification,
which is another reason why I find the message storage bit to be
somewhat badly integrated.

I agree that the most cumbersome thing would seem to be supporting
multiple user devices, or, indepentently, multiple users on the same
browser session (log out me, log in my SO without killing the rest of
the browser session). These are significant hurdles to overcome in order
to gain adoption, but not insurmountable, I think.

Once FPCAs are served via the DNSSEC hierarchy instead of having
predefined CAs (if this ever happens), I think moving to client certs
might very well be adopted as a user convenience thing.

We'll see what happens though, but I'm at least somewhat hopeful.

[1] though of course, a distributed/decentralised WoT-like construction
for the complete DNS hierarchy may be preferrable overall

On 12 March, 2013 - Steve Weis wrote:

 At its core of this proposal, sites run their own CAs and users install
 site-specific client-side certificates. Many organizations have been doing
 this for years. For example, MIT: .
 I like client certificates as an additional factor in general, but user
 enrollment across multiple devices, browser and platform compatibility, and
 revocation of lost devices are a pain. I think the biggest adoption of
 client certificates has been in large organizations with managed devices
 and support staff.
 Incidentally, there have been attacks to use client certificates as
 persistent supercookies to track users, but I don't know the current
 state of how browsers handle this. Here's an old PoC: . Firefox 4 at least prompts you before
 dumping your cert to .
 The author also makes claims this could prevent cross-site scripting with a
 cryptographic same origin policy. I don't buy that, since XSS attacks
 could still be served from sites with valid certificates. If someone has a
 vulnerable web app, it's still going to be vulnerable.
 Finally, this proposal requires changes on server-side authentication and
 potentially in browsers themselves. Sites don't typically change their
 authentication system unless it drives user adoption (e.g. OpenID or
 Facebook Connect) or is needed for security (e.g. 2-factor auth). I don't
 see any incentives for adoption here.
 On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Kyle Maxwell wrote:
  I appreciate the intention, but I see a lot of problems here. Without
  doing an exhaustive analysis:
  A. This doesn't eliminate phishing because users will still enter
  their credentials at a site that doesn't actually match the one where
  the cert was previously signed. Otherwise, existing HTTPS controls
  would already protect them.
  B. What zone would contain user keys for DNSSEC?
  C. Your message transport protocol seems a little unclear - could you
  walk through it?
  There are more issues here, but at a minimum I feel like it doesn't
  adequately address a broad enough threat model.
  On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Guido Witmond wrote:
   Ladies and Gentlemen,
   I've long disliked the direction the internet headed with regards to
   privacy. Or it's total disregard of it.
   I've come up with a novel architecture of existing old and recent
   cryptographic tools that offers a substantial improvement in security and
   privacy. I call it Eccentric Authentication.
   Unlike the current CA-system that requires people to trust them to gain
   security, my protocol turns that upside down. Security is what the

Re: [liberationtech] Announcing a privacy preserving authentication protocol

2013-03-13 Thread Guido Witmond

Thank you for your concerns,

I think I have the issues you mention covered in the 'protocol'

On 03/13/2013 12:31 AM, Kyle Maxwell wrote:

I appreciate the intention, but I see a lot of problems here. Without
doing an exhaustive analysis:

A. This doesn't eliminate phishing because users will still enter
their credentials at a site that doesn't actually match the one where
the cert was previously signed. Otherwise, existing HTTPS controls
would already protect them.

Perhaps a bit unclear from my description is the fact that the User 
Agent handles all credentials.

When the user browses to a site, the agent looks up the client 
certificates that are signed by the *same CA* as the one that signed the 
server certificate. Only the matching certificates will be offered to 
user to log in.

A phisher may scare a person into browsing to the phisher's 
bank-look-alike, but the phisher cannot impersonate the certificates. 
The user agent sees it as a different site -- which it is -- and won't 
offer the certificates that the user has from his bank.

This protocol is not meant be be used stand-alone to secure access to 
bank sites.

When the user falls for the phishers, enters his username and password 
(at US-banks) or his token from his token generator (at EU-banks), the 
bank sees a correct log in coming from a different client certficate and 
*knows* something's fishy. The bank blocks the account.

The user agent must not allow the user to pick a certificate that does 
not match. Doing so would lead to the current yes-clicking, because the 
user is really scared that the there is CUR 1500.- being deducted from 
his account.

There is a small window of vulnerability here, when the user signs up 
for an Eccentric certificate at the first time. This must be solved at 
bank-account signup time.

B. What zone would contain user keys for DNSSEC?

I'm not sure what the question is. There are no user keys in DNSSEC, 
only the First Party Root certificates. That is stored according to the 
DANE/TLSA specification. ( )
The way to retrieve client certificates by user name is unspecified. DNS 
could be a way. Or a well known url at the site.

C. Your message transport protocol seems a little unclear - could you
walk through it?

In short, the site where a user has an account allows incoming 'blobs' 
from other people. These blobs would be messages, signed with the 
senders' private key and encrypted with the recipients' public key. The 
blobs include the certificate to prove ownership of the private key.

The recipient (she) can decrypt the message and it gives her the public 
key of the sender (him). She validates senders' certificate against the 
Root certificate.

She checks the global memory to check if there are not two or more 
certificates with the same common name. (that indicates a MitM from the 
senders' CA, or just an incompetent senders' CA).

Notice, the recipient doesn't know the identity of the sender. To reply, 
she signs with her private key, encrypt with his public key and delivers 
it at the site specified by the Root certifcate of his certificate.

Each site name is unique because it is specified in DNSSEC. Each client 
certificate has a unique name (protocol requirement) to make names 
unique for a site.

Here two people can send encrypted messages without ever having to 
exchange keys beforehand.

There are more issues here, but at a minimum I feel like it doesn't
adequately address a broad enough threat model.

I've designed it with these things in mind:
- eliminate passwords;
- eliminate email address requirements at account setup;
- create anonymous accounts that are easier to set up than passwords, 
yet more secure against abuse.

- use TLS everywhere
- certificates are not forever. If a site requires an account to view 
it, create an account, view the site and delete the private key. Repeat 
for each visit.

There are weak spots:
- browsers handle certificates badly, very badly or not at all;
- browsers make it difficult to use crypto-card, share keys over devices;
- there is no protection against traffic analysis. Tor to the rescue.

It's a bit longer than I expected but I hope it answers your questions. 
Please let me know if it raises more questions.

with regards, Guido Witmond.

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Re: [liberationtech] Announcing a privacy preserving authentication protocol

2013-03-13 Thread Guido Witmond

On 03/13/2013 08:33 AM, Petter Ericson wrote:


A. This doesn't eliminate phishing because users will still enter
their credentials at a site that doesn't actually match the one where
the cert was previously signed. Otherwise, existing HTTPS controls
would already protect them.

Not speaking for the protocol author, but afaict, the client cert is
tied to the specific domain, meaning if you enter the wrong domain, you
won't get a similar page where you enter your credentials - you'll get
a page where you're not authenticated (the client cert is never sent to
a different domain from where it was signed).

Indeed, correct. The local CA root certificate is the *identity* of the 
site. The browser restricts accounts to the site.

B. What zone would contain user keys for DNSSEC?

I am not entirely sure what you are referring to here, but the server
provides the (signed) user public keys to any who asks, no DNSSEC
necessary. I am guessing a common API should be used for this
(  or somesuch).

That's how I foresee it now. It could be a DNS(SEC)-based directory. I'm 
not sure which way to go with that. Perhaps your WoT could help here.

This does let the
server MITM messages unless you have sidechannel pubkey verification,
which is another reason why I find the message storage bit to be
somewhat badly integrated.

It does fit in badly. I foresee the messaging part to be used both for 
person-to-person messages like email but also to bootstrap other secure 
connections. For example, a dating site that lets people connect over 
ZRTP. The message could just contains the endpoints and keys for that 
session. See: [2].

XMPP might be a better fit.

We'll see what happens though, but I'm at least somewhat hopeful.

[1] though of course, a distributed/decentralised WoT-like construction
for the complete DNS hierarchy may be preferrable overall

It would reduce the risk of pressure on the registrars to block a site.

The requirement for a replacement of DNSSEC/DANE needs a secure 1:1 
mapping of human-readable name to FPCA-Root-certificate.

With Regards, Guido Witmond.

 (warning: old text)

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[liberationtech] You Only Click Twice

2013-03-13 Thread Ronald Deibert
Dear LibTech

I am pleased to announce the Citizen Lab's latest publication, You Only Click 
Twice: FinFisher's Global Proliferation, authored by Marquis-Boire, Bill 
Marczak, Claudio Guarnieri, and John Scott-Railton.


Huff Post

Summary Below

You Only Click Twice: FinFisher’s Global Proliferation
March 13, 2013

Authors: Morgan Marquis-Boire, Bill Marczak, Claudio Guarnieri, and John 

This post describes the results of a comprehensive global Internet scan for the 
command and control servers of FinFisher’s surveillance software. It also 
details the discovery of a campaign using FinFisher in Ethiopia used to target 
individuals linked to an opposition group. Additionally, it provides 
examination of a FinSpy Mobile sample found in the wild, which appears to have 
been used in Vietnam.

Summary of Key Findings

We have found command and control servers for FinSpy backdoors, part of Gamma 
International’s FinFisher “remote monitoring solution,” in a total of 25 
countries: Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei, Canada, Czech Republic, 
Estonia, Ethiopia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, 
Mongolia, Netherlands, Qatar, Serbia, Singapore, Turkmenistan, United Arab 
Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.
A FinSpy campaign in Ethiopia uses pictures of Ginbot 7, an Ethiopian 
opposition group, as bait to infect users. This continues the theme of FinSpy 
deployments with strong indications of politically-motivated targeting.
There is strong evidence of a Vietnamese FinSpy Mobile Campaign. We found an 
Android FinSpy Mobile sample in the wild with a command  control server in 
Vietnam that also exfiltrates text messages to a local phone number.
These findings call into question claims by Gamma International that previously 
reported servers were not part of their product line, and that previously 
discovered copies of their software were either stolen or demo copies.
Ronald Deibert
Director, the Citizen Lab 
and the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
(416) 946-8916

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Re: [liberationtech] CfP: USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (DC!)

2013-03-13 Thread Nadim Kobeissi
I've been waiting for this CFP with great excitement and will be submitting
for sure! Thanks, Collin. :-)


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Collin Anderson


 Libtech receives a fair number of call for papers on conferences and
 journals every month, however, I wanted to direct special attention to
 the Free and Open Communications on the Internet Workshop at USENIX, being
 held in Washington, D.C. on August 13 this year. Participating in the first
 FOCI was a pretty great opportunity personally and I am hopeful that the
 location this time will help better connect researchers and the policy
 process that takes place locally. Please, submit, participate and attend!



 The 3rd USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet
 (FOCI '13) seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from
 technology, law, and policy who are working on means to study, detect, or
 circumvent practices that inhibit free and open communications on the

 Internet communications drive political and social change around the
 world. Governments and other actors seek to control, monitor, and block
 Internet communications for a variety of reasons, ranging from extending
 copyright law to suppressing free speech and assembly. Methods for
 controlling what content people post and view online are also multifarious.
 Whether it's traffic throttling by ISPs or man-in-the-middle attacks by
 countries seeking to identify those who are organizing protests, threats to
 free and open communications on the Internet must be addressed by the
 research community in an interdisciplinary way that includes both policy
 and technology.

 We encourage submission of new, interesting work on a wide variety of
 topics of interest, including but in no way limited to the following areas:

 Evaluation or analysis of existing anti-censorship systems
 Comparisons of existing tools that might be used to detect tampering,
 blocking, or violations of net neutrality
 Studies and findings on real-world censorship or tampering from field
 deployments or other methods, such as the topics or content censored by
 states or the extent to which ISPs are degrading certain types of content
 or service
 Metrics and benchmarks for content tampering or performance degradation
 Detection, measuring, and analysis of the censorship of search results
 Design of network protocols and topologies that resist tampering or
 Techniques to counter mass surveillance or its effects
 The role of private corporations in spreading or enabling surveillance and
 Capabilities of deep packet inspection (DPI) and robust mechanisms to
 circumvent DPI
 Capabilities and constraints of censorship technologies
 Legality of censorship-resistant systems or bypassing censorship
 Economic considerations in the design and deployment of censorship or
 censorship-resistant tools
 Analysis of the economic impact of censorship
 Usability in censorship-resistant systems
 Effects of censorship on individuals, society, business, or political
 We emphasize that this workshop seeks to draw submissions from a range of
 disciplines. As such, non-technical work that examines the wider
 implications of censorship and its effects will be considered favorably.

 What to Submit
 We invite two distinct tracks for papers: a technical track for
 technically-focused position papers or works-in-progress; and a social
 science track for papers focused on policy, law, regulation, economics or
 related fields of study.

 FOCI will favor interesting and new ideas and early results that lead to
 well-founded position papers. We envision that work presented at FOCI will
 ultimately be published at relevant, high-quality conferences. Papers will
 be selected primarily based on originality, with additional consideration
 given to their potential to generate discussion at the workshop. Papers in
 the technical track will also be evaluated based on technical merit.

 Submission Guidelines
 Technical Track: Submitted papers must be no longer than six 8.5 x 11
 pages, based on the standard USENIX format. References will not count
 towards the six-page limit.

 Social Science Track: Submitted papers must be no longer than nine 8.5 x
 11 pages, based on the standard USENIX format, but shorter papers are
 encouraged. References will not count towards the nine-page limit.

 The social science track aims to encourage submissions from fields such as
 law and political science, where longer articles are traditional. Authors
 should not submit technically-focused papers to the social science track in
 order to avoid page limits—such papers may be rejected out of hand.

 All papers should be in the standard USENIX format. Specifically,
 regarding page limits, your paper should be typeset in two-column format in

[liberationtech] Update on Humanity United USAID Tech Challenge for Atrocity Prevention

2013-03-13 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Mia Newman

 I wanted to follow up on my email from last month about the Tech Challenge
for Atrocity Prevention, as we are excited to announce that our second
round formally launched last week. Hopefully you received our email blast
announcement below, but I also wanted to give you an update personally. The
three challenges that are now open are:

 *The MODEL!model Challenge*: to model
conflict situations to determine community-level risk of violence
(TopCoder) - Geared toward technical coders and data modelers interested in
applying their skills to conflict datasets. The challenge is composed of
two stages: first to discover data and then to model it.

The COMMUNICATE!communicate Challenge:
to facilitate on-the-ground communication among communities affected by
conflict (Innocentive) - Ideal for a wide audience with varying backgrounds
to apply their experience and creativity to overcome the challenge of
secure two-way communication.

The ALERT!alert Challenge: to develop
improved methods of gathering and verifying information from hard-to-access
conflict areas (OpenIDEO) - This platform was specifically selected to
channel empathy, ideation, and analysis to help communities in conflict
inform the wider world about their situation. With its multi-stage process,
a new part of the challenge is opening every few weeks, and we encourage
you to continue to revisit the site.

 We believe the Liberation Tech community is a prime candidate for this
kind of collaboration and innovation. Feel free to contact me or find our
with more information.

 Thanks so much!

 Mia Newman
John Gardner Fellow | Humanity United
1700 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 520| Washington, DC 20006 | 202.503.3212

 Final three challenges now live at
Learn more during a Google+
Friday, March 8th.
  Is this email not displaying correctly?
View it in your
*NOTE: Our program team wanted to make sure you were the first to hear
about our next round of challenges. Here's the joint announcement from
USAID and Humanity United.*

Dear friends and partners,

*We are excited to announce today that Humanity United and USAID are
launching the next round of our **Tech Challenge for Atrocity
*. *

As many of you know, the Tech Challenge opened last October in search of
the most innovative applications of new and existing technologies to help
prevent mass atrocities. We announced the seven winning innovations
our first round a few weeks ago.

The second round tackles the vital issues of (1) modeling conflict
situations to determine community-level risk of violence; (2) facilitating
on-the-ground communication among communities affected by conflict; and (3)
developing improved methods of gathering and verifying information from
hard-to-access conflict areas. To access these challenges, please go to the
Tech Challenge 

We are also diversifying our approach in this next round to use as many
creative processes as possible.  Based on the success of the first two
challenges, we will continue to use an “ideation” contest via InnoCentive;
a more collaborative, crowd-sourced process via OpenIDEO; as well as a
multi-phased call for data and algorithm contest via TopCoder.

*Participate in our Google+ Hangout on Friday, March 8 @ 2:00 pm EST. *The
Hangout features first round winners speaking with leading technologists
and human rights experts about the future of technology in the field of
human rights. We will be taking questions via the hashtag #genprevtech on
Twitter and you can watch the live Hangout here:

*Spread the word! *Please encourage your networks to submit their
innovations for the second round for a chance to win up to $10,000 and,
potentially, the opportunity to develop and scale their ideas with Humanity
United and USAID. Forward this e-mail, forward our

[liberationtech] Bay area opensource mesh wireless meetups

2013-03-13 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Rich Bodo

If any of you are in the San Francisco bay area, I'm interested in starting 
an open-source mesh wireless meetup group.

I am a member of hacker dojo ( so we could meet there.

Ping me if you are interested.  If there is enough interest we'll get a 
google group going.


-- http://linkedin/in/complete
C: 650-283-6037--
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Re: [liberationtech] Can HAM radio be used for communication between health workers in rural areas with no cell connectivity?

2013-03-13 Thread Karl Fogel writes:
Thanks to Ali-Reza for reposting Dr. Dey's reply.

If you are looking for lowest-cost short to medium range
communications using ham radio, Android phones are not the answer. You
still need VHF or UHF radio hardware.

There are at least 20 radio manufacturers in China that make small
variations on a common design of VHF transceiver, that can be bought
for less than USD 50 each (often much less). Radio repeaters can be
built using these same transceivers. There is also a huge surplus of
transceivers in the US that have been made obsolete by the FCC's
narrow band mandate, that you can buy for a few dollars, particularly
interesting for higher power mobile radios. Shipping will be your
major expense there unless you are able to do a freight container full
at once.

The biggest problem in most countries is almost always getting legal
permission to use amateur radio for other public purposes. Solve that
problem for your group, and find out what frequencies and power levels
are permissible, and the technical issues are much easier.

Because it's related to the same problem domain, I'll point out:

The OpenBTS project is an open-source software-based GSM access point,
that allows people to use standard consumer GSM cell phones to
communicate in a network that anyone (with the right hardware) can set

(I'm not sure whether the burden of having the right hardware for
OpenBTS is lower or higher than the burden of having ham radio

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[liberationtech] CodeX Fellowship 2013/14

2013-03-13 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Roland Vogl

CodeX – The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics ( 
is accepting applications for a Resident Fellowship for the 2013-14 academic 
year.  CodeX is a cross-disciplinary research center jointly operated by 
Stanford Law School and the Stanford School of Engineering. The center's 
mission is to explore the application of technology toward improving the 
quality, efficiency, and accessibility of the legal system.  Codex research 
fellows will have the opportunity to spend one to two years at Stanford Law 
School collaborating with scholars in computer science and other relevant 
disciplines. Fellows will work on the center's existing projects, and will have 
the opportunity to explore related research on their own and commence new 
projects. Fellows will work with cutting-edge technologies emerging from 
Stanford's engineering departments, and will be expected to bring a legally 
oriented perspective toward integrating these technologies into the law. 
Fellows will also be involved in bringing in leading thinkers in the field to 
speak at the law school on these topic areas and will work with law and 
computer science students to engage them in the center's activities.


Because the primary focus of the center is employing technology within the law, 
applicants should also have experience in the legal, computer science or 
engineering related fields. We welcome applicants with practical/professional 
technical experience in these fields as well as those with formal legal, 
computer science or engineering undergraduate or graduate training. Applicants 
should be capable of learning and be comfortable with the technological aspects 
of the center's projects.

How to Apply:

All qualified and interested applicants must apply via the Stanford jobs 
website: search for this specific posting by entering 
job number: 51463 in the keyword search field. Applicants should submit:

a resume
a brief letter (no more than 2 pages) describing the applicant's interest in 
issues applying technology to the law, the applicant's background, and the 
research that they propose to conduct
a list of references

Review of applications will begin immediately, and all applications must be 
received by March 31, 2013.  For more information about the Stanford Codex 
Center please visit the website at, or contact CodeX 
Executive Director Roland Vogl at

Dr. Roland Vogl, Esq.
Executive Director and Lecturer in Law
Stanford Program in Law, Science  Technology
CodeX - The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics
Transatlantic Technology Law Forum
Stanford Law School
Crown Quadrangle
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610
Tel: (650) 723-8532
Fax: (650) 725-2190--
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[liberationtech] Free university student government election app to increase voter turnout

2013-03-13 Thread Mitch Downey
Hi LibTech,

The EveryVote Facebook app is a free (open source) technology to increase
voter turnout in university student government elections by helping
students learn about, share their opinion on, and interact with all of
their candidates on one convenient page.

The app is still a prototype but it is available for testing at Our goal over these next 4 months is to
pursue additional volunteers and grant funding so that we can release an
improved Facebook app, a stand-alone (non-Facebook) platform, a mobile, and
tablet version for Fall 2013 university student government and campus
activities board elections.

*To watch a video intro to the app, please visit** ***

Furthermore, is dedicated to accomplishing 2 long-range goals
we believe are essential to a healthy democracy, yet too few people are
talking about. They are: 1) Advocate for the creation of a
publicly-accessible comprehensive candidate database, so that any developer
can make a tool that provides you with factual information about every
candidate in every election you can vote for on a single page, and 2)
participate in a federated civic data sharing network, which allows users
to transfer their civic data to any site they want in the network, so no
one website can monopolize our public election data.

You can watch a 2:30 cartoon summary of these 2 aforementioned goals here:

If any LibTech members would like to learn more, or can offer feedback on
the EveryVote project, we'd be excited to hear from you.

Thanks so much for your consideration,

Mitch Downey

EV Project Manager

Twitter: @EveryVoteU  -
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[liberationtech] Era of the Digital Mercenaries

2013-03-13 Thread G.W. Schulz

 Today, 12 March, World Day Against Cyber-Censorship, we are publishing
 two lists. One is a list of five “State Enemies of the Internet,” five
 countries whose governments are involved in active, intrusive surveillance
 of news providers, resulting in grave violations of freedom of information
 and human rights. The five state enemies are Syria, China, Iran, Bahrain
 and Vietnam. The other is a list of five “Corporate Enemies of the
 Internet,” five private-sector companies that are “digital era
 mercenaries.” The five companies chosen are Gamma, Trovicor, Hacking Team,
 Amesys and Blue Coat, but the list is not exhaustive and will be expanded
 in the coming months. They all sell products that are liable to be used by
 governments to violate human rights and freedom of information.

Reporters Without Borders --

G.W. Schulz
Center for Investigative Reporting
Desk: 512-382-5969
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[liberationtech] New book: Digital Disconnect

2013-03-13 Thread Yosem Companys
“A major new work by one of the nation's leading analysts of media.… A hard to 
put down, meticulously researched must-read.”

—Juliet Schor, author of True Wealth
Purchase Digital Disconnect

“Over the past 20 years, the world has experienced a profound communications 
revolution delivered by the internet as well as an equally profound rise in 
economic inequality and instability delivered by neoliberal capitalism. Digital 
Disconnect explores the connections between these epoch-defining trends with 
clarity, depth, originality and verve.

—Robert Pollin, Professor of Economics and Co-Director, Political Economy 
Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts-Amherst


I am writing you to tell you about my new book on the Internet that may 
interest you. It is titled Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the 
Internet Away from Democracy. The book is a political economic examination of 
the digital revolution based upon 15 years of research. The book provides 
considerable detail but also an overarching analysis and argument, so it is 
intended for anyone concerned with the Internet. It is the capstone of my 

Michael Delli Carpini, Dean of the Annenberg School for Communication at the 
University of Pennsylvania, said: “Digital Disconnect makes a convincing case 
that one can only understand the Internet and related communication 
technologies through the lens of political economy, and that the capitalist 
political economy in which they are currently embedded in the United States is 
anathema to a truly democratic information environment.”

The book includes the following:

* how the standard dichotomy of views on the Internet as “celebratory” or 
skeptical” have important and necessary insights, but they almost all fail to 
factor in or appreciate the importance of capitalism as the driving force, as 
well as the problems capitalism can create for democratic values and practices
* a fresh look at  the noncommercial origins of the Internet, and the 
shadowy process whereby it was converted into an engine for commercialism
* how the dinosaur industries of telecommunication and entertainment media 
have managed to survive and even prosper in the Internet era by their 
domination of the corrupt policymaking process
* how the Internet, once seen as an engine of economic competition, has 
become arguably the greatest generator of economic monopoly in history, with 
troubling implications for both the economy and political democracy; the 
dominant Internet firms now comprise nearly one-half of the 30 largest publicly 
traded corporations  in the United States, based on market value
* how advertising has been radically transformed online such that 
traditional notions of privacy have been eliminated, and the traditional 
support for media content advertising once provided is disappearing
* how the national security state has surveillance powers over private 
citizens that were unimaginable a generation ago and are inimical to the 
foundations of a free society
* how the Internet has assisted in destroying journalism as it has been 
practiced for the past century, and offers no hope on its own of rejuvenating 
journalism as a credible broad-based democratic institution; this chapter 
updates the research I did with John Nichols in 2010’s multiple-award-winning 
Death and Life of American Journalism (Nation Books)
* how a series of crucial policy debates in the next decade will go a long 
way toward determining the course of the Internet and the course of society.

This book is written with the aim of helping scholars and citizens be informed 
participants, and to see that the revolutionary democratic potential of the 
digital revolution be realized.

After reading the book, Eric Alterman of The Nation and Brooklyn College wrote: 
“Once again, McChesney stands at the crossroads of media dysfunction and the 
denial of democracy, illuminating the complex issues involved and identifying a 
path forward to try to repair the damage. Here's hoping the rest of us have the 
good sense to listen this time.”

Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive, wrote: “With a panoramic sweep 
and profound insights, McChesney rings the alarm bells, showing clearly how 
capitalism is swallowing up the promise of the Internet. No one knows this 
field better than McChesney, and with this book, he has reached the pinnacle.”

Thank you for your consideration,

Bob McChesney--
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[liberationtech] Soft launch of VOA Radiogram this weekend

2013-03-13 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Dewayne Hendricks

VOA Radiogram will soft launch this weekend. VOA Radiogram is a
Voice of America program experimenting with digital text and images
via shortwave broadcasting.

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