Re: [liberationtech] IPv6 good for anonymity

2012-06-19 Thread Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb
Hash: SHA1

Hi David,

On 18 Jun 2012, at 21:23, David Conrad wrote:

 On Jun 18, 2012, at 1:05 PM, wrote:
 I'm not an IPv6 expert, but any technical courses I have done on IPv6 have 
 promoted the complete trackability and full audit-trail possible with IPv6 - 
 each unique IPv6 host makes a direct connection to the other host, which 
 simplifies security, and routing.
 This assumes statically assigned, non-varying, and non-NAT'd addresses.  None 
 of these are a requirement with IPv6 (and, in fact, significant  effort has 
 been expended to not require the first two).

Interesting, I did not know about this. However, whenever a data connection is 
made to a mobile network, a PDP context is created (the logical association 
between mobile device and the public data network). This has a record of your 
IMSI (subscriber ID), you MSIDSN (your telephone number), your allocated IP 
address, and other location related information.

If you're IP address is dynamic or static, it doesn't really matter as the 
operator has your MSISDN + IP address. From this they know the identity of the 
device used for that particular connection. This will be made easier 
particularly in LTE networks where IPv6 is native and DPI is built into the 
technology from the beginning.

A lot of the operators I work with are sounding positive about using 
statically assigned IPv6 addresses for devices like dongles (which are used to 
make more permanent data connections rather than mobile devices like phone 
handsets). It makes their lives easier as they now don't have to worry about a 
PDP context (plus valuable IP address) being active for days, weeks on end. 
There are already live trials of LTE networks being rolled out in the UK where 
I am currently living using static addressing for some devices.

 There is no need to carry out NAT (Network Address Translation), or IP 
 Masquerading, which is great news for ISPs or mobile operators.
 While it is true there is no need to perform NAT, it remains to be seen 
 whether this model is acceptable to Internet users.  The problem is that, as 
 with IPv4, if you don't do NAT, you must either take your addresses with you 
 if you change providers (aka, 'address portability') or renumber your network 
 from your old provider's address space to your new provider's address space.  
 Address portability has risks to the routing system (specifically, it 
 requires the 'core' routers to know/understand each of the portable blocks of 
 addresses and this will be a problem if too many sites try to do this) and 
 also requires organizations to get address space from the regional registries 
 which requires a yearly fee to be paid.  Renumbering also has its obvious 
 costs. NAT for IPv6 removes both of these concerns, but does impact the 
 end-to-end architecture of the Internet the exact same way IPv4 does.

Interesting, I hadn't even thought of that. This sounds similar to the idea of 
telephone number portability. Of course IP and circuit switched portability 
operate completely differently, this feature has (I think) been successful, 
once its finished. A pointer is entered into the original mobile network home 
location register database (a large database of all subscribers) pointing 
towards the new home network HLR of the ported number. Obviously timing is 
not as critical in voice call connections as in IP, so I guess those concerns 
aren't as visible.

 It isn't clear to me how this is 'great news' to ISPs or Mobile operators.

Firstly, I'm using the words ISP and mobile operators synonymously as to me 
they are becoming the same entity - IP based data pipe providers, no different 
from electricity, or water providers.

It's great news for mobile operators for a few reasons. One being IP address 
allocation (either dynamic or static)  is currently translated into cost for 
licenses. You purchase a piece of equipment for X (with a theoretical maximum 
capacity of 1, 000, 000 active subscribers), then you have to purchase the 
licensing files to enable capacity on that box - 10k/100k/1, 000, 000 active 
subs or possibly 1, 000, 000 active PDP contexts. This model will have to 
change when IPv6 is adopted as it won't make sense anymore.

Also, it will (might?) do away with the carrier grade NATing equipment/features 
used to translate all of the private IP space of mobile devices. This will make 
network planning much easier. The time it takes to expand user IP ranges on 
mobile networks when it outgrows whats configured takes a lot of time, and 
hence money.

There will be less equipment, which will manage more. It will be more 
complicated in software, but simpler in hardware - essentially becoming a box 
with lots of switching resources and inputs/outputs. All IP no circuit 
switching interface, so again essentially cheaper hardware. The equipment I 
work with has to currently do a lot of management of PDP contexts, also 

Re: [liberationtech] IPv6 good for anonymity

2012-06-19 Thread Tom Ritter
Something I'm not seeing discussed much is that the fundamental shift
of Who has this IP doesn't change.  Right now my ISP gives me a
single IPv4 address and I NAT behind it.  If someone asks them Who
has IP X at this time? they can answer.  That doesn't change with
IPv6.  They assign me a /64.  And while it's true that I have
18,446,744,073,709,551,616 I can choose from to assign to myself in
crazy ways (one per new connection? one per minute?) - when someone
asks them, Who had IP X at this time? they just look up who was
assigned that /64 IPv6 block.

Networking tools have to adapt to handle reputation on a /64 (I'm
presenting about this at Black Hat in Vegas next month), and it will
be a slow shift to upgrade everything that
filters/whitelists/blacklists/searches/etc to do so on a subnet scale,
but it will happen.  And we're not any better off.

On 17 June 2012 15:31, Walid AL-SAQAF alkasir admin wrote:

This says they're worried that RIRs, LIRs, and ISPs may not keep
records of who is assigned what addresses.  This doesn't strike me as
a boon for privacy.  It might be an incidental benefit - but it's not
something anyone should rely on, advertise, or be joyous about.

On 17 June 2012 15:58, Seth David Schoen wrote:
 - The original addressing scheme for IPv6 suggested using individual
  devices' MAC addresses as (the basis for) the lower-order 64 bits of
  the public IP address.  This is catastrophic for privacy because
  then you can recognize and track individual devices all around the
  world, like an indelible cross-site cookie for each device.  (What's
  more, if you seize the device, you can confirm that it was the actual
  device that was used to send some particular communications at some
  point in the past.)  However, we don't have to use this scheme for
  assigning IP addresses.  It depends on how our individual operating
  systems are configured, and it's unlikely that ISPs or anyone could
  somehow force us to use the privacy-invasive style.

Absolutely, this is a huge deal, and it's not solved.  Look up
draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses and for some
pointers into this.  I can't understate this: this is an open research
project, and we need solutions.  We don't want to wind up in a
scenario where the lower 64 bits of my address stay with me across
networks.  Very, very bad.

 - Having plentiful IP addresses means that we don't have to use network
  address translation (NAT) anymore, at least not for IP address
  scarcity reasons.  This could actually be bad for privacy because
  there is less ambiguity about which user of a network was responsible
  for particular communications; NAT can create ambiguity from the
  outside world's point of view about who at a particular institution
  actually sent some network traffic, and if we get rid of NAT, we
  reduce that uncertainty.

While true, I view this in the same category as the first link.  We
may get incidental benefits from NAT, but it shouldn't be relied on
for strong anonymity.  University or ISP level NAT is out of your
control and they're usually happy to turn over information to whoever

 - Having plentiful IP addresses means that ISPs could choose to give
  end-users more dynamic IP addresses, without re-use.  It's easier
  to imagine using highly ephemeral IP addresses, like using a new
  source address for each and every connection (!) or having one's
  home network address change every day or every hour.  In that case,
  it would be harder to make associations between users or to track
  users based on their IP addresses.

Disagree, for the points I put in the beginning.  As long as I'm
changing my IP inside the /64 I'm assigned, I'm easily to correlate.
And AFAIK there's been no plans for ISPs to do anything other than the
recommendation of giving each user a /64 to play with.

 - With more plentiful public IP addresses, it would be easier and
  for more people to start to run publicly-useful proxy services
  like Tor entry nodes.  It will also be somewhat harder for
  censors to enumerate and block secret bridge-style proxy nodes
  ahead of time because it will be far more difficult to port-scan
  the larger address space.  (It was traditionally thought to be
  impossible, but there is a paper showing it may not be impossible
  in practice.)

Yes.  Right now, portscanning in IPv6 is still possible in a number of
ways: reverse mapping .arpa, invalid multicast pings, and others.
(See the source in for a lot of IPv6 attacks)
 However I believe/hope that we will solve most of these in the next 5
years so port scanning will not be feasible in IPv6.  However, I don't
know if anyone is actively pushing to fix these things, so if anyone
has a grad student free...

 - With reduced use of NAT, we 

[liberationtech] IPv6 good for anonymity

2012-06-17 Thread Walid AL-SAQAF alkasir admin
Hi all,

You may have read about the recent outcry by FBI and DEA warning that IPv6
could shield criminals from police as i makes tracing electronic addresses
'more difficult'.


 If this is true, isn't this what we want (i.e., more privacy)? On the
other hand, I read somewhere that China was among the first nations to
fully deployed IPv6 due to its ability to track traffic as IP addresses
would be assigned to people just like national ID numbers are assigned to
every individual.

Are we supposed to be more concerned or glad that we are slowly moving to
IPv6 ?




Walid Al-Saqaf
Founder  Administrator
alkasir for mapping and circumventing cyber censorship
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Re: [liberationtech] IPv6 good for anonymity

2012-06-17 Thread Walid AL-SAQAF alkasir admin
Dear Seth,

Thank you for this tremendously helpful summary of the the situation 
potentials associated with IPv6. Your 'blog post' is enlightening,
worrying, but also giving hope at the same time.

One could conclude is that -like any technology- it is the service
providers and users who would decide whether to use it for the good or bad
of netizens. In the case of China, static assignment of IP pools to users
could indeed be deployed to track users' online actions. But I assume that
usage of privacy tools such as Tor could be helpful in limiting
surveillance in such situations.

It appears that one cannot predict how things will evolve. Let's wait and
see but be ready for how ISPs and governments would deal with the ongoing
migration to IPv6.

All the best.




Walid Al-Saqaf
Founder  Administrator
alkasir for mapping and circumventing cyber censorship

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Seth David Schoen wrote:

 Walid AL-SAQAF alkasir admin writes:

  Are we supposed to be more concerned or glad that we are slowly moving to
  IPv6 ?

 I think the effect of IPv6 on privacy is complicated; it depends on how
 addresses are allocated.  It depends on what ISPs do and on what users do.

 There's one debate about whether people will bother to keep such detailed
 records of which ISPs are using which IP addresses once IP addresses are
 more plentiful.  With IP addresses less scarce, there may be a reduced
 incentive to keep careful records about delegations of address space, and
 more willingness to grant delegations casually and easily.  In that case,
 it may be more difficult bureaucratically to figure out who or where some
 Internet users are.  You can see some discussion of this in this current
 thread on NANOG:

 See also

 Apart from that, there are at least seven potential effects on privacy:

 - The original addressing scheme for IPv6 suggested using individual
  devices' MAC addresses as (the basis for) the lower-order 64 bits of
  the public IP address.  This is catastrophic for privacy because
  then you can recognize and track individual devices all around the
  world, like an indelible cross-site cookie for each device.  (What's
  more, if you seize the device, you can confirm that it was the actual
  device that was used to send some particular communications at some
  point in the past.)  However, we don't have to use this scheme for
  assigning IP addresses.  It depends on how our individual operating
  systems are configured, and it's unlikely that ISPs or anyone could
  somehow force us to use the privacy-invasive style.

 - Having plentiful IP addresses means that we don't have to use network
  address translation (NAT) anymore, at least not for IP address
  scarcity reasons.  This could actually be bad for privacy because
  there is less ambiguity about which user of a network was responsible
  for particular communications; NAT can create ambiguity from the
  outside world's point of view about who at a particular institution
  actually sent some network traffic, and if we get rid of NAT, we
  reduce that uncertainty.

 - Having plentiful IP addresses means that ISPs could choose to give
  end-users more dynamic IP addresses, without re-use.  It's easier
  to imagine using highly ephemeral IP addresses, like using a new
  source address for each and every connection (!) or having one's
  home network address change every day or every hour.  In that case,
  it would be harder to make associations between users or to track
  users based on their IP addresses.

 - On the other hand, ISPs could also choose to give end-users more
  static IP addresses, making it relatively easier to profile or
  recognize users over time.

 - With more plentiful public IP addresses, it would be easier and
  for more people to start to run publicly-useful proxy services
  like Tor entry nodes.  It will also be somewhat harder for
  censors to enumerate and block secret bridge-style proxy nodes
  ahead of time because it will be far more difficult to port-scan
  the larger address space.  (It was traditionally thought to be
  impossible, but there is a paper showing it may not be impossible
  in practice.)

 - With reduced use of NAT, we could more easily implement more
  things as pure peer-to-peer services, with less intermediation.
  This is good for users' privacy against service providers and
  potentially bad for users' privacy against each other.  For
  example, if you make an intermediated VoIP call, the service
  provider learns your approximate location from your IP address,
  but the other party to the call doesn't.  If you make a more
  disintermediated VoIP call, no service provider learns this
  information, but the other party can learn it.

 - Many network monitoring and logging systems aren't yet correctly