Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [Tester Request] Android Impress Remote + Windows machine?

2015-12-14 Thread MiguelAngel

Hi Pedro,

Android phone plus Win10x64

Miguel ángel.

El 14/12/15 a las 12:08, Robinson Tryon escribió:

Hi all,
We've made some important changes to the Android Impress Remote (AIR)
recently, and want to make sure that the updated remote is working
smoothly when connecting to a Windows machine.

Do you have an Android phone/tablet and are running Windows? Ping me back!


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Re: Firebird

2013-05-29 Thread MiguelAngel

El 28/05/13 20:48, Andrzej J. R. Hunt escribió:

Hi Miguel, Javier, Andres

I've just seen that you are working on a Firebird DB connector for
LibreOffice -- I've just been selected to work on this as part of the
Google Summer of Code -- it would be cool if I could also work with you
on implementing this! (I'm currently still studying for exams but will
be working full time on this from roughly the 10th June.)

The major issue I can see at the moment is selecting which version of
Firebird to use, which I see is also being discussed on the
Firebird-devel list [1]. All the details are in that thread -- but
basically it looks like FB3 won't be out until next year and there isn't
much documentation of the new API, on the other hand it looks like FB3
will be easier/cleaner to use. Personally I'd favour implementing 3.0
for those reasons, but that would mean that it couldn't be shipped as
the default DB in LibreOffice until FB3 is stable, which I can see as
being a convincing argument for using 2.5 instead. As far as I can tell
the API should be stable from the first alpha release of FB3 [2], i.e.
API changes shouldn't be an issue if using 3.0.

I'd be interested to know what your views are on this / which version
you've been using so far? I guess the LO developers in general might
also have some input on which is preferable?

Also have any of you looked at integrating Firebird into the LO build
system yet, as this was one of the first things I was planning on doing
(although that is dependent on the choice of FB 2.5 vs 3). I think
Andres mentioned he was concentrating on developing on Linux at first --
I could look into the Windows specifics for Firebird to ensure things
are as cross-platform as possible from the start (although I should
probably mention I don't have too much Windows experience yet, and my
system isn't the fastest for building stuff there).

I've create a wiki page where I'm putting down some notes on whats
happening here -- I've also extracted the technical discussion and the
estimated timeplan from my GSOC application in case that's useful to
anyone else: . Feel
free to add to/edit that if you wish.

All the Best,



Thanks Andrzej for start the thread, avoiding me to do it as Michael 
have been suggested in bugzilla, and of course by create the Wiki page.

In relation with the version, and thinking that time in an application 
like Firebird is not the same than in one as LibreOffice, wait for the 
first stable FB3, does it seem more time than we want?
Maybe some communication and feedback with Firebird devs can achieve a 
better acknowledgement to take a decision, specially about can be 
technical difficulties with embedded 2.5.

Firebird 2.5 server works nice for me in Windows 7 with ODBC and 
JDBC-jaybird to retrieve data.

I can only help with test. But I'm glad to see this integration going 

Thanks in advance to all.
Miguel Ángel.

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[Libreoffice-qa] Looking for a new approach in QA workflow.

2013-04-26 Thread MiguelAngel

Hi all,

Reading comments out there, like Ask, Bugzilla and other sites, seems 
some people have the impression that LibreOffice is released with bugs, 
what leaves secondly the great improvements, what do not make me feel 
too well.

Well IMHO, we need to look for a new approach to change this 
appreciation, and if was possible at the same time improve the project.

IMHO we have not enough verification for Patch and Enhancements (PE) 
previously to their incorporation in the RC and final releases. E.g. we 
have not a place where to find how a PE must work and when is in a build?.

Invest the time before release, to reduce multiplied the spent time 
after release, I think could be the most effective way to get results.

How many hours spent on repair can save every hour invest in a previous 
QA to avoid a bug?, this is a true saving for users and their companies, 
and up to footprint on the environment. We are green :).

My proposal:

1) Have a place where the patch and enhancements (PE) are published  at 
the same time of the build where they are pushed, is made available, 
with the detailed information needed to make possible their 
verification, with the link to the build. Some indication about 
priority, specially the urgent patches also would be of interest.

2) The quality team, maybe developers, and who can help, then can make a 
systematic and orderly checking thereof.

3) After test, report the positive result, and the negative with the 
number of the report in bugzilla with cc to the author for found bugs.

4) Restrict to only patch and enhancements with positives test, without 
any negative, can reach RCs or final releases.

5) Special cases can be discussed ESC call.

 IMO, the point, is review as soon as possible, making easier solve the 
issues while the PE are fresh in mind, reducing the options for new 
cross issues, decreasing at the same time, I think significantly, the 
need for future bibisect.

 The public explanation, I am sure will make developers think in a 
wider perspective, getting a good feedback quickly and making more 
visible the quality of their work.

 In this way, one can know what are the new PE for test in the build, 
and know much better what kind of test to do. Now, it is hard to know 
what is new in every build and what is there for review.

 I think it would be an invaluable reference place for everybody. To 
know about what can be expected from the PE and how it must work.
 I am thinking specially in documentation people and who could help 
devs on the help update.
 A place where to see quickly what is going on. Where to find when the 
PE have been pushed.

I know carry on the place is not easy, but maybe all things are there in 
different places, in any case, I think the benefits could be beyond on 
what we can think now.

I am sorry for mistakes and if find the proposal has no interest or 
maybe a bit revolutionary, but I hope at least help to point in the 
right direction.

Miguel Ángel.

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[Libreoffice-qa] Ask for help, on discrepancy about a enhancement request in bugzilla.

2012-09-21 Thread MiguelAngel


I had reported the following bug about conditional formatting:
The developer wrote that he did not consider it a bug and he marked it 

I disagree, but okay, if is by design, I can not considered it as bug.

But as I can not understand the design, I reported an enhancement request:
But the developer insist and he marked it as RESOLVED WONTFIX.

I reopen the request because is an enhancement request, and if the 
developer does not want to take it into consideration, nothing to said, 
but perhaps others can understand my point of view and may consider it 
in the future. What is near to impossible with a RESOLVED status.

Again the developer have marked it as RESOLVED WONTFIX.

I do not agree that someone can mark a enhancement request as RESOLVED 
WONTFIX, without the agreement of who reported it.

I ask for the reopening of the enhancement request #54940.

If I am in an error, please excuse me.
Miguel Ángel.
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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] New Bugzilla Version Picker items – 2

2012-06-18 Thread MiguelAngel

El 15/06/12 13:27, Petr Mladek escribió:

Hi Florian,

On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 10:07 +0200, Florian Reisinger wrote:


I am not sure anyone has seen my  suggestion:

Alpha 1: 3.6.0a1
Beta 1: 3.6.0b1
RC 1: 3.6.0r0
RC 2: 3.6.0r1

Ah, this does not work because we could not mention r (same as rc)
in the about dialog. We do not want to rebuild/upload new build just to
remove this string for the final release.

Best Regards,

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But I think many users are confused with the use of RC2 as final version.

Miguel Ángel.
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[Libreoffice-qa] [EDITING] LibreO version 3.6.0alpha1 (Build ID: 66f01b5) Crash when copying a range with contional format.

2012-06-04 Thread MiguelAngel

version 3.6.0alpha1 (Build ID: 66f01b5)
Wintx64 Ultimate
Clean profile.


Can someone verify this regression before report the bug?.

Open a new spreadsheet.

1. Enter a conditional formatting in range B2, value: 1, select style: 

2. Enter any value in B2
2. Ctrl-c
3. Select any cell, B2 included.
4. Ctrl-v
5. Crash.

Not reproducible in LibreO 3.5.4rc2

Maybe in relation with the work in progress over several bugs about 
conditional formatting.

Miguel ángel.
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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [EDITING] LibreO version 3.6.0alpha1 (Build ID: 66f01b5) Insert sheet from file doesn't work for CSV files.

2012-06-04 Thread MiguelAngel

Can someone also verify, before report bug?

Menu/Insert/Insert sheet from file

doesn't work for CSV files, do nothing, but works for ods or hmtl.

Miguel Ángel.

version 3.6.0alpha1 (Build ID: 66f01b5)
Wintx64 Ultimate
Clean profile.
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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] How to improve our Bug tracking system

2012-05-30 Thread MiguelAngel

El 22/05/12 19:36, Rainer Bielefeld escribió:

Hi all,

I now want to start to collect ideas how we can make a big step
improving our (Bugzilla) Bug tracking system. The goal is that after we


Hi all,

A few comments about.

a) From user POV, the first time in bugzilla is not easy because you 
need select LibreOffice to introduce the bug, and LibreOffice is not in 
the beginning of a long applications list. Difficult to know where you 
are, specially for people without level of English. Like a wall for many 
people I think.

· Best an own bugzilla.

b) Break the perception that sometimes have reporters, who think that 
nobody is care about his reported bug.
I guess when devs gain same confidence in some users it's easier for 
those gain the devs attention.
 Maybe some community volunteers can make a first approximation to the 
bugs, i.e. get more information from the users, verify the bug, do a 
first classification, regression, bug, improvement, blocker, critical, etc.

· If it was possible, have in bugzilla community volunteers, a figure 
like volunteers in the forums, I think could be a very good one of the 
first step for people begun into community support. And maybe would help 
so much in QA.

c) We always think our bugs are the more important in the world, and 
tend to fix the importance too high in consequence. This introduce too 
noise in the bugzilla.

· Don't let the reporters set the importance at least without a second 
confirmation, for example from a volunteer.

d) The header bug with the comment box is so hight. You can`t see in the 
first view the first post. And as the comment box is on top, while 
writing a comment you can't see the last comments.

· Design the header with a more compressed presentation, moving the 
comment box to the bottom.

Could be a volunteers group in the TDF?.
IMHO a good step to make easy for the people introducing in the project, 
feel as part, participating in some decisions, create bridges for people 
who don't know the English. And probably get a wider base of the community.

Miguel Ángel.

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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Help dealing with this

2012-04-25 Thread MiguelAngel

On Tue, 2012-04-24 at 23:24 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

I think we could use some help dealing with an ugly personal attack
disguised as a bug report.

It's a bug reporter like this that makes me lose hope in a FOSS
project such as this one.

Please better feel the support from others who appreciate the well done 
job by the devs.

Always see the positives, and forgive the negatives.

Miguel Ángel.
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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.3 RC1 test builds available

2012-04-20 Thread MiguelAngel

El 20/04/12 15:35, Pedro escribió:

Fridrich Strba-3 wrote

(following words copyrighted by Thorsten)

In the spirit of LibreOffice shouldn't these words be licensed under CC by
SA? :)

Just updated successfully to LibreOffice under Windows XP Pro x86
Sp3 ;)

A quick note of recognition to the Devs for fixing the mismatched version
number between the About box and the properties of the exe files under
Windows. It was a small step for development but a (well, not a huge leap :)
) great improvement for update checking (and for security minded Windows


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Seems the file:
doesn't download, also en-GB and other, they open as text file,

Some download well, for example: Spanish, Italian.

Miguel Ángel.
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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 3.5.3 RC1 test builds available

2012-04-20 Thread MiguelAngel

El 20/04/12 17:32, Thorsten Behrens escribió:

MiguelAngel wrote:

Seems the file:
doesn't download, also en-GB and other, they open as text file,

Can you try again, added explicit mimetype to httpd conf for
msi/msp/msm ?


-- Thorsten.

Now download properly.

Thanks Thorsten.

Miguel Ángel.
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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] do not update MAB without a comment - was: Re: [Bug 37361] LibreOffice 3.5 most annoying bugs

2012-04-18 Thread MiguelAngel

El 18/04/12 20:19, Pedro escribió:

Michael Stahl-2 wrote

imho to
prevent this abuse the priorities should be settable only by experienced
QA or developers, not by everybody.

Having done such mistakes in the past (still doing?) I couldn't agree more.

Michael Stahl-2 wrote

but what really gets my attention these days is a regression keyword.

Excellent :) Regressions are indeed the worst form of getting people
unhappy. Getting stuck on something that used to work and doesn't any more
is more frustrating that something that never worked :)

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I have remarked sometimes about this.

Regression are the worst, specially those what change the results 
without notice, more critic in calc. And those what leads a crash.

I believe the regressions must be have the high priority, and IMHO solve 
the regressions make easy the development, because avoid crossing bugs 
with new improvements.

Miguel Ángel.
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