El 22/05/12 19:36, Rainer Bielefeld escribió:
Hi all,
I now want to start to collect ideas how we can make a big step
improving our (Bugzilla) Bug tracking system. The goal is that after we

Hi all,

A few comments about.

a) From user POV, the first time in bugzilla is not easy because you need select LibreOffice to introduce the bug, and LibreOffice is not in the beginning of a long applications list. Difficult to know where you are, specially for people without level of English. Like a wall for many people I think.

· Best an own bugzilla.

b) Break the perception that sometimes have reporters, who think that nobody is care about his reported bug. I guess when devs gain same confidence in some users it's easier for those gain the devs attention. Maybe some community volunteers can make a first approximation to the bugs, i.e. get more information from the users, verify the bug, do a first classification, regression, bug, improvement, blocker, critical, etc.

· If it was possible, have in bugzilla community volunteers, a figure like volunteers in the forums, I think could be a very good one of the first step for people begun into community support. And maybe would help so much in QA.

c) We always think our bugs are the more important in the world, and tend to fix the importance too high in consequence. This introduce too noise in the bugzilla.

· Don't let the reporters set the importance at least without a second confirmation, for example from a volunteer.

d) The header bug with the comment box is so hight. You can`t see in the first view the first post. And as the comment box is on top, while writing a comment you can't see the last comments.

· Design the header with a more compressed presentation, moving the comment box to the bottom.

Could be a volunteers group in the TDF?.
IMHO a good step to make easy for the people introducing in the project, feel as part, participating in some decisions, create bridges for people who don't know the English. And probably get a wider base of the community.

Miguel Ángel.

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