Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Template manager issues pending

2013-05-30 Thread Michel Renon

Hi all,

Le 29/05/2013 23:35, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Rafael Dominguez wrote (20-05-13 04:05)

I did the rest of them already, ill push it tomorrow and ill send you a
msg after, so you can test it.

Hi Rafael,

Just to make sure that I didn't miss anything: did you already have a
change to push the work?

As a reminder, the implementation started by Raphael seems :
- complicated to code (OS specific)
- difficult to maintain (because of OS specific)
- not the best UX

If it's still not implemented, why not switch to another solution:
-- after the OpenFile picker, just add a dialog to ask user what he 
wants to do (open template or create a new doc from template).

This solution is :
- much easier to implement (I suppose it should be few lines of code)
- easy to maintain (std VCL code)
- a good UX (confirmed by Cedric and Mirek)



Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Template manager issues pending

2013-05-20 Thread Michel Renon

Hi all,

Le 20/05/2013 02:28, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Cor Nouws wrote (20-05-13 01:39)

only managed to add the checkbox option to the gtk+, kde4
and native dialogs, still pending the windows one and mac, but i dont
have access to a mac, so its hard to work on that one.

Joren - also in cc here - does have and does some useful patches now and
then. No idea if he would be able and willing... just posting the
hint  ;)

Another idea - by far the simplest, but less elegant -
When a user opens a template, give a popup  ( :D )

   You choose a template
   Do you want a new file from that
   template or edit the template ?
   [[ New document ]]  [  Edit template  ]

New document = default


Well, that was already proposed 2 times in this thread !

First by Raphael on 09/04/2013, then myself on 11/05/2013.

Mirek and Cedric acknowledged that it should be the right way to do.

The remaining point seems to be how to ask user :
- a modal dialog ?
- an infobar ?

is 'infobar' something like that : ?

so, IMHO, I think that an infobar is too late in the opening process :
- the infobar is shown above the newly created window (the opened 
template or the newly created file)
- if a click in a button of infobar closes the current window and open 
another, it may disturb the user
- is it technically ok to close the current window and open another from 
an infobar ?

It seems to me that a simple dialog before opening template/creating new 
file is technically much simpler and more obvious for users.

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Template manager issues pending

2013-05-10 Thread Michel Renon

Hi all,

Le 10/05/2013 17:06, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Hi all,

Worked myself through the list with template related issues and - apart
from all great progress - found a few that are still open. And with 4.1
approaching rapidly...
60589 - [Template manager]: Can not copy styles between different files
and templates

I would say that the only one being able to work on that is Mirek : as 
he strongly designed the new Template Manager, he must know how to do that.

*why is Mirek silent for such a long time on this subject ?*

As I really don't understand how the new Template Manager was designed, 
I absolutely have no idea how to correct that bug in the new Template 

My only proposal is based on something existing :
(I just saw it has already been proposed by Raphael on 09/04/2013)
in the Styles  Formatting window, there are buttons on top. In 
Writer, there is even a popup with an action Load Styles... :

It opens a dialog that has nearly what you need :
- the list of categories of templates, then the list of templates
- it can copy some styles from the selected template to the current 

My idea is to simply extend it by integrating code from old template 
manager (v3.6). As those dialogs seems similar, I suppose it should not 
require a complete rewrite.

Then, maybe add this action (Load Styles...) in Styles  Formatting 
for Calc, Impress and Draw.

If you think it might be a solution, then I can make a more precise 

61396 - FILEOPEN: [Template Manager]Possibility to edit a template that
is not in the repository, is lacking

I saw a comment with the proposal :
when a user does Open from the File menu and selects a template, 
then LO should open the template ; instead of creating a new file from 
the template.
It seems to be a coherent behavior : the user selects the command open 
so LO must open. When the user selects new from template, then LO must 
create a new file from a template.

If you really want to prevent modification of bad file, maybe add an 
dialog asking confirmation : Do you really want to open the template 
'' ? or create a new file from this template ?

and related
59427 -  [Template Manager] low discoverability of new template manager
- we could use File → Organize templates menu

I agree

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Impress : general feed back

2013-05-09 Thread Michel RENON


While working on entrance animations, I also ran an simple test of 
Impress and found bizarre behaviors :

What do you think of my Proposal for urgent bugs ?
Can it be implemented easily ?

(others proposal short-term and mid-term are still in brainstorm state)

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Mass changes to Impress animations - related to fdo#41572

2013-05-03 Thread Michel Renon


Le 01/05/2013 18:33, Mirek M. a écrit :

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Michel Renon wrote:

Is it ok to create a new panel (in the tasks panel) ?

Aren't entrance animations just a subset of custom animations? What
about other kinds of animations, like exit animations? Don't they
deserve equal treatment?

I don't think so.

Entrance animation are at the core of slideshows :
- if you show all lines at once, your audience will spend a lot of time 
reading instead of listening to you
- if you show line by line, you keep control on the slideshow, you can 
let them imagine the next line will be a surprise...

- it's quite boring when a slide content doesn't change for a long time

So, yes, entrance animation are very important, while other are nearly 

And I'm not the only one : look at Powerpoint 2003 : it behaves just 
like that :
- with one or two click (in the ribbon, top-left : very important 
button), you can define the default entrance animation

- for all other animations, you use the standard Animation panel

It's the shower faucet principle :

Except for fewer clicks, what would the new panel bring?

it brings :
- a clear, obvious and consistent UX
- very easy to discover : the title of the panel is explicit
- very easy to use : only 3 popups with immediate change
- a shortcut to the most used functionality

Aren't all of
the options it contains already available via Effect Options?

Yes, but hidden in an terrible UI and behind a lot of clicks, icons and 

My proposal tries to optimize the definition of entrance animation of 
the main textfield.

If the user wants to make something special, he just has to use the 
Custom Animation as today.

I would rather opt for redesigning the current custom animation panel
than adding a new panel, especially as the task pane is overpopulated as is.

the Custom Animation panel really needs enhancements. But this is 
different from my proposal : whatever redesign you do for the Custom 
Animation, it will never be as useful as my proposal.
And, as said before, entrance animation are at the core : optimizing 
them will change life of 100% of Impress users. While other animation 
are not at the core : today, it's not worth working on other animations, 
let's focus on more important UI/UX tasks (ex :

On a more general point of view, I'm a simple user of Impress. Handling 
entrance animation is so complex, buggy that I avoided using it for 
years. And some friends refuse to use it because they find it unusable : 
simple tasks are complex to perform (ex entrance animations), and buggy, 

Given that bad UI feedback, I find it much more important to work/focus 
on basic/most used functionalities than working on adding unnecessary 
functionalities (ex : adding 3D Ultra advanced OpenGL transitions or 
simplifying entrance animation ?)
My idea is First let's make LibreOffice be really easy to use for basic 
work. Then, we'll take care of more advanced functionalities.

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Mass changes to Impress animations - related to fdo#41572

2013-05-03 Thread Michel Renon

Hi Janit,

Le 01/05/2013 18:16, Janit Anjaria a écrit :

Hey Michel!
It is great that you have added something to the wiki page.I will have a
look at it,and it would be great if you can provide me with guidance on
the UI part so i can give the best possible result to the community
under Thorsten's help and your help as well on the UI Part.

As the UX is not defined/validated, it may be difficult for me to give 
precise clues.

But here are some general suggestions :
- you can look at how LibreOffice handles the Tasks Panel :
- how to add a panel
- how to hide/disable a panel
- how to handle widgets in a panel (create, handle events...)

- for the Custom Animation panel
- how does it behaves internally ? ie write documentation about it.
I wrote nothing about it in my basic feedback [1], but it seems to 
me that there are some bugs (ex : some bizarre feedback when you change 
order of elements).
You  may learn *a lot* and it'll be essential for every future 
change. Years ago, I had to start a project with a framework (MacApp2). 
I spent severals days reading code from the framework to understand the 
general architecture. It was an incredible way of learning : when I 
started coding, most of basic ideas where already integrated.



Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Mass changes to Impress animations - related to fdo#41572

2013-05-03 Thread Michel Renon

Le 03/05/2013 12:51, Michel Renon a écrit :

Hi Janit,


But here are some general suggestions :

I forgot :
- you can look at how LibreOffice handles smartTags :
  - how to create them
  - how to handle events
  - can we add some widgets ? (ie a popup in a smarttag ?)


Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Articles about LibreOffice design process

2013-04-10 Thread Michel Renon


I inform you that I wrote a list of 9 articles about LibreOffice, 
specially about the design process. The first starts here :

If you have very few time, you can just go directly to last, the 
conclusion. There is a very-condensed version of my feedback and 
proposals :

As there is also some informations for TDF, and as they participate to 
design mailing-list, I send a copy to Charles and Italo. I hope they'll 
find my feedback interesting.

Thanks for reading,

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Mass changes to Impress animations - related to fdo#41572

2013-03-28 Thread Michel Renon

Hi Thorsten, Janit,

Le 22/03/2013 09:13, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :


- Is it possible to implement some visual changes on objects in slides ?
ex : add some small widget beside (or inside?) an object to indicate
a status or to show a popup to activate some changes. Or have a
special border.
These widgets/borders would be shown via a menu command, or via a
mouse hover, only while designing the slide.

Yes, that is possible - there's a concept called SmartTag in Impress,
that is e.g. used to implement this four-way icon at the presentation
placeholder objects ('insert table/chart/picture/movie'), or for
editing motion path animations. So the base technology for that is

very good news !

- Is it possible to implement some visual changes on every single
line/ some lines of a textfield ? It's a detailed version  of the
previous point : can a line in a textfield have some widget ? or be
drawn with some special border ?

In general yes, though slightly more involved.

great !

- today, the 'animation objects' are linked to object in slides, but
is the reverse also true ?
ie if user modify a slide object, can the animation object be
updated automatically ?

Not sure I get the idea - are you referring to changes e.g. to master
pages, that then translate to all slides using it (that is one aspect
of the original question / task Janit was looking into)?

No, I was referring to the edition of a slide, when an animation is 
already defined on the lines of text : if you change the content of the 
text, the animation is not updated.

From a user pov, it's really annoying.
From a technical pov, is it possible to implement it ?
(I suppose it has nothing to do with UX, only code, and just define 
rules to handle different use cases)


With all your first answers, I started to brainstorm some ideas.
I'll begin to mockup them in few days. I'll create a new page on the wiki.

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Mass changes to Impress animations - related to fdo#41572

2013-03-21 Thread Michel Renon

Hi Thorsten, Janit,

In order to work on that problem, I would like to have some technical 
advise about what can be implemented or not.

(just to avoid wasting time by designing things that can't be implemented)
Well this mail is mostly for Thorsten as you're the official mentor of 

- Is it possible to implement some visual changes on objects in slides ?
ex : add some small widget beside (or inside?) an object to indicate a 
status or to show a popup to activate some changes. Or have a special 
These widgets/borders would be shown via a menu command, or via a mouse 
hover, only while designing the slide.

Here is an example of such widgets in a RAD tool to build forms. On the 
left, the standard view, on the right, the widgets indicate the tab 
order of 3 textfields in form :

- Is it possible to implement some visual changes on every single line/ 
some lines of a textfield ? It's a detailed version  of the previous 
point : can a line in a textfield have some widget ? or be drawn with 
some special border ?

- today, the 'animation objects' are linked to object in slides, but is 
the reverse also true ?
ie if user modify a slide object, can the animation object be updated 
automatically ?

The answers may have 4 values :
-1- it can be implemented immediately, no changes required in VCL
-2- it can be implemented after some work in VCL (and other) ; the 
average delay is few weeks ( 2 months) of devs
-3- it can be implemented after a long work in VCL (and other) ; the 
average delay is  2 months

-4- it can't be implemented, can't be done in VCL

well, if you find a fifth answer, tell me !

And two open questions :

- In this whole subject, what objects are linked to ODF format ?
(ie : what can be changed without changing the file format)

- what are the technical limitations related to animations in Impress ?


Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Deleting multiple styles at once

2013-02-13 Thread Michel Renon


I hope it's not too late to answer !

Le 08/02/2013 18:06, Jean-Francois Nifenecker a écrit :



So, as you might have guessed ;) my proposal is to get rid of any
message box for that matter.

While I agree in the general principle (if it's undoable, don't ask 
confirmation), there is something different here :
when you undo the deletion of a style, the style is not associated 
anymore to the text. So it's a partial undo (just tested in LO 3.5  
3.6) [1].
In this case, the user must be informed that the text will definitely 
loose his style (and can't be undone).

Or if devs can re-associate style to the text, then no need for 
confirmation. But it should be much much more complicated !


- create text
- add some attributes (font, color)
- create new style test1 from selected text
- save document
- delete style test1
-- the text become standard
- undo
-- the style test1 is back in the style list
-- the text is still standard
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Template manager - the menu entries

2013-01-14 Thread Michel Renon

Hi all,

Le 13/01/2013 22:58, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Hi all,

My sincere apologies if I missed a discussion about this (but in any
case my mail box does not show it).

We had the menu:
  File  Templates  Organise
 Address Book Source

Now we have:
  File  Save As Template
  File  New  Template

What is wrong with the old menu?
It is easier to find.
It is consistent with what people know.
And File  New  Template for editing / organising is not so logic with
the rest of the menu File  New

That was also my first impression while testing LO 4 beta2

Maybe the new menu could be:
  File  Templates  Organise / Edit
 Address Book Source


Seems ok for me :
similar and simpler than current version ; no changes for users, easy 
for dev.

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Template Manager: UI to reset the default template

2013-01-09 Thread Michel Renon

Le 09/01/2013 16:49, Cedric Bosdonnat a écrit :

On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 14:10 +0100, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:

On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 11:51 +0100, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:

Hi guys,

There is one thing really missing in the new template manager: we have
no way to reset the default template after having set it.

Any idea where / how to integrate that?

I just saw the Blank template item idea for each category in the bugs
page... that will do the trick I think.

Hum, yet another reply to myself... the Gear popup menu has the action
to reset the default template.

what is the current implementation (lo  4.0) :
- is there a default .ott, .otc, otd, otp ?
- or is it harcoded ?

I realize there is no feed-back to inform user which template is default.
Can we add some visual feed-back ?
for ex a special background or border, an icon, or bold text ?

And if the default template is hardcoded, can we add some information 
text to say The default Writer/Calc/Impress/Draw template is defined by 
If you can create a blank template (eg corresponding to LO default), 
the action in gear menu seems useless.

Just a reflexion : wouldn't it be interesting to show all default 
template to user ? A list with 4 templates : 1 for Writer, 1 for Calc, 1 
for Impress, 1 for Draw

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] LATE FEATURE: Personas in LibreOffice

2013-01-09 Thread Michel Renon

Hi all,

Le 08/01/2013 11:07, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :

Hi Cor,

Cor Nouws píše v Po 07. 01. 2013 v 22:56 +0100:

Idea looks great to me and is an invitement for futher enhancements in
the future :-)

I gues the code in a daily from 2012-12-28 (1) is not yet complet?
I see the option page, but choosing an own background image does not
work (file picker handling is broken) and a choosen persona is not shown...

That's too old, you need a build post 2012-01-04.  The 'own background'
is not working even there, and will be removed from 4.0 if the Persona
part is approved (otherwise both will go).

I tested on build 2013-01-08 on Ubuntu 12.04 and nothing works :-(

Btw, it's a nice feature !
As it's a user's choice, we have not to worry about readability of toobars.

May i make some suggestions on the pref panel ?
- why not keep the own image to select an image in local hd ?
- if i understand ok (images and personas are exclusive), we can have 
the choices :

 *Toolbar background*
   O Default
   O Image  Select Image...
   O Firefox PersonaSelect Persona...

(I renamed own image to Image)

- would it be possible to add a preview of image/persona ?
and a status text if there is an error (error loading image, error 
loading persona, timeout...).

From a user pov, it's an expected feed-back before validating.

- to be complete, LO should keep the path of image/url of persona, and 
show it below the preview ; and the url should be entered automatically 
in the persona dialog.

So my complete suggestion in ascii :

 *Toolbar background*
   O Default
   O Image  Select Image...
   O Firefox PersonaSelect Persona...

 [Status text, only if error]
   |   |
   | preview   |
   |   |
   |   |
   path/url : xx

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Advice required on auto text resize (Impress)

2012-10-15 Thread Michel Renon


Le 13/10/2012 23:58, Jean-Baptiste Faure a écrit :


Le 08/10/2012 15:23, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

Hi there,


Thank you very much for these explanations about autofit feature.

Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:

I think this autofit feature is very disturbing if you are not aware of

Granted - so how to best display that? PowerPoint has a little icon
next to the textboxes that have this enabled.

I think it is a good idea. Perhaps this icon should have two states, one
which indicates that this property is enabled and another when autofit
is in action (text size is actually reduced) with a tooltip saying that
autofit is enabled and what is the actual font size.

As the problem seems to be feedback for user, why not indicate the 
real size in the font size list ?

For example, if the official size is 48 and the real size is 32, the 
font size list would show :

48 (32)

From a technical point of view, it might be simpler to implement than 
adding an icon near the textbox.

Here is the proposal :


Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Killed the ButtonBar in slide sorter

2012-10-02 Thread Michel Renon

Hi Jon,

Le 26/09/2012 16:34, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :

Hi Michel,

Michel Renon píše v St 26. 09. 2012 v 13:45 +0200:

UI decisions should be taken based on facts, analysis, polls, statistics.

So this is the statistics I have at hand: Several people angry about a
feature, and nobody praising it.  Now, you are the first one, so please
tell me how much do you actually use Impress.  If you do, it is really
hard to believe that you haven't got bitten by this yet.  Also, I would
be most interested to hear how many times have you actually used the

I use Impress very few, but this buttonBar has never disturbed me.
I essentially use the 'duplicate' button of this toolbar.
I can list other parts of Impress that are design nightmare ! (I have 
a list of bugs of LO and I will create bug reports asap).
I asked other people (from my LUG) and they had no problem with the 
buttonbar, or even with the concept of popup objects. They even find the 
context menu (with right-click) so '90s (while still very useful) and 
tend to prefer the popup objects, because they become used to that with 
current web UI.

We cannot measure everything, otherwise we wouldn't get much far because
all that time spent talking, and considering, and writing
specifications.  Much better approach is to try what seems good, and if
it does not work, ie. we get complaints constantly, not only a few
during a transition period, change it.

This way of doing is possible with a small user base (I did it twelve 
years ago while writing big and important software for Airbus : we used 
a kind of agile process (idea, code, feed-back and loop).
Early users (1-4 people) were also testers and we created a wonderful 
software, still used and appreciated! (10-50 current users)
However, with LO's user base, it's impossible : most users want 
something that just work out-of-the-box, they are not testers and don't 
want to be considered like that : they have to produce documents, mostly 
in professional context, that's all. LO must be stable, efficient and 
not change UI (that disturb users) every release.
You can imagine an equivalence with car industry : drivers won't accept 
a new car that has defaults or that is not complete or that has 
something for testing.

And look at the huge problem that Apple has to face with his incomplete 
Maps app. Tim Cook had to apologize and explicitly said to use others 
software (from concurrents!).
It's not a design problem, but it shows that a large user base can't be 
considered as testers ; they accept only a finished product (already 

  Please note that Renaissance is 3-4 years old project.

A good idea will never be obsolete ;-)

Renaissance was a project, not an idea ;-)

Who cares where ideas come from ?
Henri Poincaré (a french mathematician) solve a problem while jumping in 
a bus, Archimedes is famous for taking a bath, Isaac Newton and an apple.

(ok, Newton's apple is a legend...)


As a general point of view on this subject, I would say that it shows
several problems in the design team (that's why I'm CCing to design list) :

- there is a lack of long-term vision for LO's UI/UX : a vision, a
roadmap, with tenets. Some big users (administrations, companies...)
need that kind of information so that they can plan training, migration [1].
For example :
 - should we use or avoid appearing / disappearing UI elements ?
 - should we use floating and/or docked panels ?
 When a decision is made, it should not change for several years (3-5)

Alex / Astron / Mirek / others [in alphabetical order :-)] all have
common vision, and it shows with 3.6 - it is the most beautiful open
source office suite around.  How comes you have not noticed that? ;-)

I was talking about something precise : roadmap with practical guidelines :
- a roadmap defines where are we going to ?
- a roadmap defines what is the schedule ?
- practical guideline defines what should you do/don't do ? how to 
react in every kind of situation ?

In the context of design, it would mean :
- how will the LO's UI be in the future ?
- what is the schedule of the incremental/big changes ?
(in X months, the panel Y will be changed, etc)
- guideline are for devs / ui people (like Human Interface Guideline, 
for iOS or Android or MS or Gnome or KDE)

Today, the design principles are too abstract to be considered as 

And I repeat that such a schedule is important for companies and 
administration, so that they can plan one or two years ahead (training 

- a developer may decide to make big UI changes, just because he talked
with few users : it's a complete by-pass of the existing UI process
(whiteboards, proposals, discussions, vote) ; it may also bring some big
inconsistencies [2]

Imagine a new volunteer who contributed code to improve something, do
you want to say him/her that OK, but you haven't followed the PROCESS,
return to the drawing board.?

yes !
because :
- we all make

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Killed the ButtonBar in slide sorter

2012-09-26 Thread Michel Renon

Hi Cor, Jan,

Le 25/09/12 16:00, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :


Therefore the good developers and people conducted a
large project some years ago, Renaissance.
Of course the toolbar is one of the changes the was a result from that.
I guess all the work was done, because many obvious actions are not easy
enough accessible for Joe-average. And that these were only the first
steps in a route to make Impress (more) more contemporary.
The little pop-ups fit more in modern UI (-expectations) I guess then
context menu's - let alone short-cuts and pull down menus...

I don't think I agree with you here.  The touch-based devices need to
have everything shown, nothing appearing based on a presence of a mouse

It's a technical fact : touch interfaces have no 'hover' event.
But look at what's happening with Nautilus : devs are making big changes 
to prepare for touch interface. The mistake is that they change 
*current* desktop version so that *future* versions may work on tablets.
Since last year, users just can see Nautilus has less and less 
behaviors. Devs just say we know what's good for you : we'll bring them 
back later for touch.
The result is that the Nautilus project is forked and will be replaced 
very soon.
We have to realize what for next 2 years (and more...), most LO users 
will still use a computer (desktop or laptop) to edit.

Your modification will be useful for the tablet version of LO, but maybe 
not for the desktop version.

and it seems to me as a good trend in general.

This is a personal and subjective opinion.
UI decisions should be taken based on facts, analysis, polls, statistics.
I also made that mistake : few months ago, I made a proposal for another 
Insert menu, based on most used items, well most items I used and 
supposed others also used. In the design list, I had some immediate and 
strict feed-back : don't suppose, provide real and pertinent usage 
values otherwise propose something different. They were right.

 Please note
that Renaissance is 3-4 years old project.

A good idea will never be obsolete ;-)

I have heard complaints about this Button bar from several people, and
no 'oh, I love these appearing buttons' - so I believe we are fine.  The
same with the appearing / disappearing header / footer controls - lots
of complaints that it is too much disruptive, so I believe that not
using any controls that appear after a timeout only supports that the
above mentioned trend is Good :-)

I may be the first, but let me tell you that I find the new 
header/footer control *very useful* !

The complaints I heard about OOo/LO were all about the old 
look/design. The header/footer control, while not perfect, brings 
something new that's really welcomed.

And I wish we can use that idea for table edition and much more.

Why not allow users to enable/disable such appearing-controls by 
preferences ?

Everybody should be happy :
- beginners and average users won't see changes between versions
- power users may choose what they prefer

As a general point of view on this subject, I would say that it shows 
several problems in the design team (that's why I'm CCing to design list) :

- there is a lack of long-term vision for LO's UI/UX : a vision, a 
roadmap, with tenets. Some big users (administrations, companies...) 
need that kind of information so that they can plan training, migration [1].

For example :
   - should we use or avoid appearing / disappearing UI elements ?
   - should we use floating and/or docked panels ?
   When a decision is made, it should not change for several years (3-5)

- a developer may decide to make big UI changes, just because he talked 
with few users : it's a complete by-pass of the existing UI process 
(whiteboards, proposals, discussions, vote) ; it may also bring some big 
inconsistencies [2]

- most important, it may changes/revert recent modifications -- users 
will be disturbed by those UI flip/flop (for example see previous 
changes between Rythmbox and Banshee in Ubuntu)

(please see absolutely no offense to you Jan, I'm just trying to analyze 
the situation ; and the context of my feedback is that I have not enough 
time to work, propose on the UI/UX team, so it's just a little 
reflexion/suggestion ; but as a simple user, I would be very disturbed 
by such changes)


[1] And in France, last week we had an important announce about OSS and 
the administration : they'll study different projects and choose some of 
them. Nothing is decided between LO/OOo : Each project's team has to 
prove his project is stable, well organized, well structured and has a 
clear roadmap.

[2] I just tried Thunderbird 18 (aurora channel) and the main window has 
no more menu bar ! Menus are now in a popup button on the right.
But the problem is that the compose window still has the standard menu 
bar : inconsistency, users will be disturbed.
