Re: The (Not So) Wonderful World of Notabug

2024-06-20 Thread alimiracle

move to codeberg
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

The (Not So) Wonderful World of Notabug

2024-06-10 Thread alimiracle via libreplanet-discuss

hi All,
I've been a dedicated user of Notabug since 2015. Ah, the memories! Back 
in the day, it felt like a cozy, undiscovered gem. But lately, it’s been 
feeling more like a haunted mansion.
First off, the dreaded Error 500. It's become my new best friend. It 
pops up so often, I’ve started setting a place for it at dinner. "Oh 
look, it's Error 500 again. Right on time!"
Secondly, let's talk about the Gogs fork ( Last 
update? 2018. That’s right, it's been gathering digital dust for almost 
as long as my New Year's resolution to go to the gym.
And then there's the outage page, last updated in 2016. I’m starting to 
wonder if it’s been repurposed as a digital time capsule. "Oh look, 
kids, this is what the internet looked like in 2016!"
As for the issue page, well, it's a classic case of 'out of sight, out 
of mind'—literally, because it’s a 404. I guess if you don’t acknowledge 
the problem, it doesn’t exist, right?
I've reached out to them multiple times, but my inbox remains empty, 
echoing the silence from their side. Is anyone there? Or did they all go 
on a permanent coffee break?
So, I’m thinking of jumping ship to GitLab. Any suggestions, or should I 
just light a candle and hope for the best?

have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list


2024-05-21 Thread alimiracle

Hi Jorge,
well-articulated. Here are my recommendations

WordPress: A widely-used content management system that supports 
numerous themes and plugins, including open-source options.
 Given your current website uses WordPress, migrating to a more 
standard theme and plugin setup might be the easiest path.

have fun and be free
ali miracle

على 5/21/2024 ‫3:38 PM، كتب Jorge P. de Morais Neto:

Hi!  We need to rewrite our clinic's website in Brazil.  The clinic has
two doctors.  For now there is no need to schedule appointments via the
website.  We just need to advertise the clinic's services, show contact
information and blog posts.  The blog posts should be easy to write by a
doctor that is unskilled and uninterested in markup languages, even
lightweight markup languages like Org Mode or Markdown.

We have a current website which layout we can copy.  It is unfortunately
written in a proprietary WordPress plugin.

Do you recommend specific technology for the new website?


libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Licensing of Personal Images for Conference Participation

2024-02-27 Thread alimiracle


As we often find ourselves participating in conferences and dialogues, 
it is essential to address the legal aspects surrounding the images 
captured during these events. Our presence at such gatherings may lead 
to our images being photographed, potentially for publication purposes.
To manage this aspect responsibly and safeguard our rights, I kindly 
request your assistance in determining the most suitable licenses for 
our personal images. Given the likelihood of our photos being taken and 
shared, it is crucial to adopt an appropriate licensing model that 
protects our interests while ensuring transparency and compliance with 
legal requirements.

have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Request for Review of my new free book

2023-09-05 Thread alimiracle

I hope this message finds you well. I am excited to share with you my 
forthcoming book, titled "The Ultimate Programming Cheat Sheet 
Collection." As someone with a deep understanding of programming and its 
nuances, I believe your expertise would be instrumental in ensuring the 
quality and accuracy of this work before it is published for a wider 

Book Details:
Title: The Ultimate Programming Cheat Sheet Collection
Genre: Programming Reference
The aim of this book is to provide programmers and developers with a 
comprehensive resource that condenses essential programming concepts, 
languages, and techniques into easily accessible cheat sheets. Each 
cheat sheet is designed to assist programmers in quickly finding and 
applying the information they need in their daily work.

Your review would primarily focus on the following aspects:
Content Accuracy: Ensuring that the information contained in each cheat 
sheet is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the programming languages 
and topics covered.

Clarity and Organization: Evaluating the clarity of the cheat sheets and 
the overall organization of content to make sure it is easy to navigate 
and understand.

Grammar and Style: Identifying any grammatical errors, typos, or 
inconsistencies in writing style.

Usefulness: Providing feedback on the practicality and usefulness of the 
cheat sheets for programmers.

Overall Impression: Sharing your general thoughts and impressions, 
including any suggestions for improvement.
Your feedback is highly valued, and I appreciate your willingness to 
assist in this endeavor. If you have any questions or need further 
information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or reply in 
this list
Thank you in advance for considering my request. I am eager to hear from 
you and look forward to benefiting from your expertise.

book repo:
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

uruk gnu/linux v3.0

2022-11-28 Thread alimiracle

Everything starts from dreams
And each person evaluates these dreams in his own way
Perhaps childish, grandiose, trivial, or impossible
Lives begin with the first childhood dream, which is the dream of 
walking on two legs

And then our dreams get bigger as we get older
And when we achieve a dream
The march is not over
the Difficulties begin

i'm ali miracle . One of the directors of the Uruk project and one 
of the authors of this unfinished story

we Starting the project from a simple dream
A 100% free simple distro that fulfills our desires
We made the first release in 2016
It was a successful attempt
But behind the scenes
Problems and difficulties haunted us everywhere because of the small 
team and limited resources

Then with great difficulty we launched the second version
It was a masterpiece

but The great problems started 3 years ago
We lost rosa
Then came the pandemic
take Christina from us
We lost our family,  We lost a part of ourselves
The world has changed. None of us can go back. All we can do is our 
best. And sometimes the best that we can do... is to start over.

Part of every journey is the end
But this is not the end
we starting over again in earlear of this year 2022 with new 
infrastructure, new plans and new base system
And today in the name of freedom, in the name of our dreams and in the 
name of our friends who have left this strange solar system, in the name 
of all what we beleve in, we are happy to announce the release of a new 
version of Uruk GNU/Linux 3.0 with alot of changes :

- new infrastructure
- Using PureOS core as base system
- Rebuilding all Uruk packages
- Using new Installer "Live Installer"
- Using Uruk Update Manager as update notifer and GUI update manager
- Adding Many Apps to system like : kodi, sayonara, uget, timeshift  and 

You can Download Uruk GNU/Linux 3.0 "Mate Edition" from Here:
have fun and be free

ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: website

2022-10-05 Thread alimiracle

>I tried to visit your website, but I couldn't get to it.
Sorry about that
>Clownflare wouldn't let me in, demanding me to allow them to run
>arbitrary proprietary software and to install their tracking cookies in
>my browser, for some security theater reason.
Clownflare is so bad . Massively bad
But I can't get rid of it

>It was nice to see Freedo connected to your web site, but it was weird
>to have Freedo appear even on that web page, seemingly connected with
>such abusive demands.
I love that Penguin  It's part of my life and culture
I put it everywhere in the House
>>I wonder what led you to choose Clownflare
I have a small server
 its cant stand high pressure and and its have limited internet
The web site is not static pages
The back (API) is written using golang
We in third world countries do not have enough resources to host a website
If you have a way to get rid of this curse, please tell me and help me
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

uruk gnu/linux 3.0 beta-21

2022-05-21 Thread alimiracle

Today in the name of freedom and the joy of victory,
Uruk GNU/Linux 3.0 - Beta-1 is here with many changes:
- replacing clamares with live-installer
- uruk updater to manage your system updates (beta version)
- Adding some packages like:
  - AIA (rebuild)
  - upms (rebuild)
  - urukwelcome (rebuild)
  - uruk source builder (rebuild)
  - And some other staff you will find it

now, it's your turn to testing

were waiting for your replies
have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Domain Registrar to Recommend

2022-05-20 Thread alimiracle

> which sadly include me, have restrictive ISPs that do not allow hosting
>that is hard to switch from (especially where I live, China). Thus a
you can use pagekite
and I can host it for you for free
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Is GitHub Copilot violates free software licenses?

2021-07-08 Thread alimiracle

> I would not tell that too early. You know the libraries that exist in
> every programming language? They are often used and re-used, for
> example Python libraries, Node.js libraries, Haskell libraries, Go
> libraries, there are so many. One could say that libraries make
> programmers not creative as they are ready available.
With libraries, you'll write code, discover errors, and enjoy.

in this bad app your Don't write code, just a little comment.
and its will gave you code
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Is GitHub Copilot violates free software licenses?

2021-07-07 Thread alimiracle

its doesn't give you the same code.
its rearrangement codes and integrate them, and then gives you the result
This thing make a lot of problems.
- Makes programmers not creative
Produces a generation of lazy programmers
- Produces a generation of lazy programmers
- Since the app collects codes and rearrange it ..
It means the app repeating other people's code mistakes.
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Is GitHub Copilot violates free software licenses?

2021-07-07 Thread alimiracle

There's a second problem.
This kind of software Produces non-professional programmers
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: make bridge between irc servers.

2021-07-06 Thread alimiracle

xmpp is Great protocol.
Bigger than the irc.
A lot of free infrastructures depends on it in the background
 You can do everything . Your limits are scky
But it's a conversation.
His community is desolate.
There are no large groups
its use for live chat person to person
have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: make bridge between irc servers.

2021-06-30 Thread alimiracle

If you're a project manager
You will need-making community to your project
make Channels in multiple servers is not a good idea
Because of the fragmentation of your community.

Making one channel in one server
is bad idea.
You'll force them to use one server.
I Think the good solution make multiple channels in multiple servers and 
bridge between them

What do you think

have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

make bridge between irc servers.

2021-06-29 Thread alimiracle

Why don't we communify
Build a bridge, we have to try
To talk and to unify
""" *** Communify: Lara Fabian
In the beginning there was IRC. Only IRC. One network, that's it. This 
was more or less anarchy, and probably it worked very much like the 
smaller networks now. IRC-operators had a lot of powers, and things were 
small enough that one could semi-know things about channel ownership.

But then everything changed.
The link between the servers of the territories has crashed

IRC communities are being torn apart.
and now freenode problems.

After deep thought and discussion in the mailing list
I figured it was impossible to bring users together in a single server.
At the same time there are new solutions such as Matrix
Society is divided between those solutions
Great Society turned into small communities
I remember as a child, someone said to me,
"It's impossible to convince all people to eat one type of cookie"
I think the solution is to make a bridge between the servers.
But how, who allows this thing?
have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: move from freenode

2021-06-28 Thread alimiracle

> I don't base my opinions on rumours. I am wrong person to convince

It's not rumors. it happened to us.

>I gave you enough references to see that it was not just an
>invitation, it was abusive mass kick of users with attempt to move
>them to -- that is abuse of network.
I don't care for these sources
Some of what they say is right and the other wrong
I want to bring the community together in one place.

>It was the opposite, it was exactly the forceful mass kick of users
>with attempt to move them somewhere else. I gave references.
> Again, I don't care for those sources
I'm different. my goals are different.
have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: move from freenode

2021-06-28 Thread alimiracle

>Have fun with the censorship.
censorship  In a place that calls for freedom
What is this hypocrisy And duality.

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: rocording a CD with Emacs or command line

2021-06-28 Thread alimiracle

I use cdvdmacs.el
This lets you quickly burn files and directories to CD or DVD.

have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: move from freenode

2021-06-28 Thread alimiracle

> And now the miracle brings drama over here.
I don't want to bring the drama in this place.

It's an invitation to my new home.

> I see it as YOUR drama, not as any kind of general issue.
The freenode owners started that drama.
It's unfair that they take away your projectChannels from you and give 
it to someone else unknown.

> Please, who are you to tell people to which server to connect? Like do
> you know that guy, is it your friend, sister, brother, that you feel
> free to give an advise or you just find it proper to go around
> anonymous and incite the digital social protests? Imagine if you would
> come to my house with my friends in a party and start telling them to
>go to other house, to other party, oh my!

It's just an invitation. we're not forcing anyone to move.

And invitations are part of freedom.

If you want to stay, stay and if you want to come with us is welcome
I didn't hold your hand and take you by force

>There are 15999 users and 8350 invisible on 21 servers
>* 23 :operator(s) online
>* 17 :unknown connections
>* 22666 :channels formed
>* I have 1682 clients and 1 servers
>* Current local users: 1682  Max: 2094
>* Current global users: 24349  Max: 27825
>There are 15999 users and 8350 invisible on 21 servers
>* 23 :operator(s) online
>* 17 :unknown connections
>* 22666 :channels formed
>* I have 1682 clients and 1 servers
>* Current local users: 1682  Max: 2094
>* Current global users: 24349  Max: 27825
These are fantasy and unrealistic numbers.
All the big projects left freenode
When I was a kid, I used to run irc servers
It's so easy to Simulates the presence of clients

My nickname is ali miracle

you can name me "alimiracle " or " ali miracle"
I like alimiracle
have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

move from freenode

2021-06-26 Thread alimiracle

For the last month or so, the IRC world has been embroiled in drama over 
the new ownership of Freenode. For me, it culminated when I was banned 
from Freenode.
after a heated debate in the Freenode channel where I was accused of 
splitting the community, I got k-lined (banned entirely from Freenode).
The reason given was “spamming”, because of my recurring message about 
the move to Libera.
With the old staffs gone, we cannot return life to free node. But fate 
has yielded its reward: a new world to call We live among 
its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, 
waiting...protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and 
though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the 
eye. I am alimiracle, and I send this message to any surviving People 
taking refuge among the irc servers: We are in We are waiting.

have fun and be free

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Blind user complaining on Adobe web site

2021-05-04 Thread alimiracle

I'm a blind person
When I want to read the pdf file
I converting it to a text file
have fun and be free
ali miracle

على 4/27/2021 ‫11:34 AM، كتب Greg Knittl:

fyi. pdf accessibility issues may be bigger than just XFA... 

I see enormous convergence of interest between Linux and the disabled 
as we are both 2 small and often overlooked minorities. The disabled 
may have more formal legal rights than regular Linux users that we can 
piggyback on...


libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: RMS is back on board

2021-03-24 Thread alimiracle
   I'm a big fan of his. His contributions cannot be questioned.
   And gnu/Linux would not exist in it's current form without him.

   على 3/22/2021 ‫10:50 PM، كتب Danny Spitzberg:

   RMS announced he is back on the FSF board
   [1][1] but his name
   is not (yet?) on the FSF website
   [2][2] ?


   1. [3]
   2. [4]

libreplanet-discuss mailing list


libreplanet-discuss mailing list

The Free Software Force is calling for support

2019-09-30 Thread alimiracle

The first Free Software Force announcement is online, both in
English and Spanish:
Free Software Force
have fun and be free
ali miracle

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Is Stallman nuts?

2019-09-16 Thread alimiracle

I have a weird opinion.
I don't exactly follow people.
I'm just following their ideas that I'm convinced of.
So if someone put up two ideas,
 one good idea
and  one bad idea

I'll follow the good idea.
and send the bad to /dev/null
so Take from RMS the ideas you're convinced of and leave the ones you're 
not convinced of.

have fun and be free
ali miracle

على 9/16/2019 ‫10:49 AM، كتب Deb Nicholson:

I don't think a situation where many people associate the free software
movement with misogyny and pedophilia is doing the movement any favors. And
that's where we are. I do feel emotionally about this because it is a huge
waste of my time to try and bring new people to this movement and then
later have to apologize for the ton of unchecked sexism that happens in
many of our spaces and mailing lists.

I'm done with allowing one person's pedantic compulsions and gaping blind
spots around how tech treats women continue to hamper the work of
empowering users. It's time to separate the sexism and -- the erasure of
victims of pedophilia -- from the free software movement. I won't be
encouraging people to participate in free software communities that won't
commit to doing better at that extremely low bar.


On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 11:38 AM Caleb Herbert  wrote:

On 09/16/2019 06:54 AM, Patrick 'P. J.' McDermott wrote:

Reportedly though, Stallman's views "changed significantly"
by 2016 [6], and he confirmed on Saturday that "personal conversations
in recent years" have convinced him that sex between an adult and a
child is wrong [7].

Yes, but Stallman makes a distinction between children and young adults.
  He says it's wrong to think of young adults as children, because it
creates a society where people don't grow up and don't take on
responsibilities and start contributing to society.

Caleb Herbert
libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

[libreplanet-discuss] Donate to uruk project and uruk gnu/linux

2019-03-14 Thread alimiracle
uruk project Open the donations
Suggested contribution:
If you are broke, live in the global South, or live somewhere with a
devalued currency, we don’t expect you to give.
This means that those with money in the global North should contribute
extra as an act of solidarity.
If you are unsure how much to contribute, might we suggest $5-$15 a
month? If you can do more, please do!
if you like the project
you can Donate

uruk project web site:

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

[libreplanet-discuss] open letter to the Community:

2019-02-13 Thread alimiracle
open letter to the Community:

I don't know where you are now.
Maybe close to me.
Or in a distant country or outside the solar system
But I'm sure you can read this letter
Do you remember me
i'm ali, a useless person as you call me
Do you remember when you were telling me "you can't do anything"
Do you remember when you were telling me "you can't Walk in this way".
Do you remember when you were telling me "you cant become a programmer".
Do you remember when you were telling me "you're useless".
Maybe you forgot everything
But I still remember
I still have memories from when I was child: no one wanted to play with
me, they would tell me things like "you're blind— we can't play with
you. Go and look for [another] blind person to play with you. You're
different from me, go away."
You stand in my face.
Whenever you make fun of me
I Become even more powerful
Because I don't want to become like another entry in the life database .
Been a long time for this events,
i grew up, and My dreams grew up with me.
People lived. People died. Programs booted. Programs -9'd. The world
I sat. How could I? How could I? I put 10 and 10 together, and soon I
knew my mission: to code, to collaborate, to contribute.

At this time I learned a lot, and made great changes in my life
I Still walking in that way.
I walked a long distance
I fell a lot
but I Stand again.
I Fought a lot To become a programmer
and I will keep standing
I will be rising from the ground
I will be rising to the cloud,
like the plane...
now I'd like to thank you.
Without the wounds you've caused me.
I didn't have that immunity to resist.
Without underestimating my abilities.
I didn't have that kind of strength to stand up and fight

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Products you want to see in the 2016 Giving Guide?

2016-11-02 Thread alimiracle

I suggest add  Arduino

have fun and be free
ali miracle