RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 06:52:28 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website


From: David Chien [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   A lens with a big minimum aperture rating (eg. f/5.6) is a slow lens 
vs. a lens with a small minimum aperture rating (eg. f/1.8), a fast lens.

OK through all this, something is losing me. When you talk about 'big 
minimum aperture', I realize you're talking about a big f-number (ie. in 
fact a SMALL aperture opening). When you say minimum however does that mean 
the f-number can get bigger (ie. in fact its a maximum aperture opening) or 
does that mean the aperture opening can get bigger (ie. in fact its a 
minimum f-number)? Because in that case it doesn't seem to make sense ... 
for the same situation, I thought a fast lens lets in more light than a 
slow lens so you'd expect a fast lens with a small aperture opening (ie. 
larger f-number) would let in the same amount of light as a slow lens with 
a large aperture opening (ie. smaller f-number) ...

Heh... 29 or so posts ahead of me, so I'm sure this must have been 
addressed.  It's been years since I knew all of this stuff, and am still 
getting the cobwebs out of my attic.

But I don't think that what's being defined here as 'speed', 'fast lens' and 
'slow lens', has anything to do with the quality of one lens that would make 
it 'faster' or 'slower' than another lens at the same f/stop.  Or “let in 
the same amount of light” at different f/stops.  I always thought that the 
relationship between f/stop, exposure speed, and speed of film, was a fixed 
proportionality that is independent of what kind of lens that’s being used. 
I’d think that’d drive people crazy calculating settings for a bunch of 
different lenses.

I'll be interested to see if David or Neil also explain things as I 
understand them.  That a 'fast' lens, is one that has a bigger, well ground 
set of glass optical components that allow the lens to open up to the 
smaller f/stops, creating a larger aperture, and letting in more light.

At the lowest f/stop in a 'fast' lens, you'd have to increase the speed OF 
THE EXPOSURE.  Where using any of the larger f/stops would result in smaller 
apertures, and necessitate a slower exposure time.  And I wonder if it is 
from this measure of high exposure speed at the very low f/stops that these 
lenses are capable of, that gave birth tow the term 'fast lens'.



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Re: AW: [LIB] recording audio? (danger technical)

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 07:11:40 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: AW: [LIB] recording audio? (danger technical)

From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Of course, it shouldn't make any difference *how* fast the disk is
provided it can take 10MB/minute or so ...

Do ya realy mean that 10MB/minute, or would you like one of these

Margaritas are always good, but I did mean that: 16 bits * 44.1k samples 
per second * 2 channels = 176.4kBps = 10MBpminute. It's not as if there's 
*huge* quantities of data flanging around.

Okay, I see.  This really shows how relatively slow the whole data transfer 
can be.  I should think that I'd be able to squeeze 10MB/Min / 60sec/min = 
1.3...MB/seconds out of any of these HDDs, at least before Windows get's 
its sticky fingers in there.

So I'm venturing a guess here that the reason I may be getting
incrementally better recording results on one HDD w/W98 vs another HDD 
w/W98, may be more do to the way each W98 installation is working than it 
does with the HDDs... and that both these HDDs should be able to be set up 
to recording properly.

Could well be. Of course, I assume the disks are defragged? Seek times are 
*long* compared to access times.

Funnny thing is that the 20GB drive is practically new and not fragmented 
much at all at this point.  The 6.4GB drive, however, has been through the 
mill for a couple years (though I have defragged back when at some point a 
couple times).

And I'm getting the impression that I might want to try to track down some 
DOS recording software and give this WavJammer a try on it.

Yes, if you can find some that understands pcmcia cards. Everything appears 
as memory according to the pcmcia readme, and I don't think a straight 
forward dos driver will understand it. I could be wrong.

Well... I'm still perplexed about just why people have reported recording 
audio on their Libs with Windows OSs (I assume) with no problems.  And I'm 
having problems with my setup when I've got things so leaned out that I can 
multitask MusicMatch 4.0 with a number of apps on the L70, and can at least 
run it on the L50 and type in WordPad (heh... slowly).


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Re: [LIB] then two come along at once!

2002-04-08 Thread T i m

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 08:23:12 +0100
Subject: Re: [LIB] then two come along at once!

Hi Ray,

Yes! (50/70CT).

T i m

(Dabs are doing both 50 or 100 for £39 +)

Raymond wrote:

 Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 16:55:42 +0800
 From: Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [LIB] then two come along at once!

 I say an auction on eBay and a (new) Hi-Cap went for £45. (On DABS the
 same battery is £39 + Vat ?) I e-mailed the seller asking if they had
 another of the same and if so I'd pay £35 inc carriage. They replied,
 said OK .. the battery arrived yesterday and seems to be working ok.;-)

 Are we talking L50/70 packs here or are we talking L100/110 packs? If
 they're going for that sorta price I might start looking out for them again
 before my one and only pack for my L100 dies ...

 Speaking of packs, I've given up looking elsewhere and can't figure out why
 I haven't asked here so I might as well ask now ... does anyone have any
 dead/dying L100/110 battery packs (preferrably high capacity) that they're
 willing to sell?

 - Raymond


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Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

2002-04-08 Thread neil barnes

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 07:47:31
From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 21:06:31 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SPAM  ugh...

Again, this time... am I the only one on the list getting daily, or 2/day
pieces of SPAM into my mailbox every day now with a slew of similar email
addresses CCed:



Or is it just specific Hotmail users who clicked on something on the web
that generated this?  Each day these arrive from yet another bogus email

Nope, I get occasional bursts cc'd to nailed*.*@hotmail...

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Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length exposition :)

2002-04-08 Thread neil barnes

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 07:44:27
From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length exposition :)

Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 08:24:31 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length 
exposition :)

Aw shoot... Just when I thought I had David's explanation down, now I have
to get the broom and clean up these shattered pieces of comprehension I was
so confident with a few minutes ago.

It made sense when David said:

  Slow lens is a lens with a large aperture value when set
   wide open (when the lens lets in as much light as it can),
   eg. f/5.6.A fast lens is a lens with a small aperture value,
   eg. f/1.8.

Yup. But note the difference between 'aperture value' and 'aperture'. 
Aperture value is focal distance of lens divided by width of hole through 
middle (with fudge factors for modern zoom type optics) so the smaller the 
hole, the bigger the aperture value = f-stop.
[for the curious, I still have a lens somewhere around where the f-stop is 
an actual strip of brass with a series of different sized holes in it]

If the definition of a slow lens is as David describes, then I can see
where such a lens would be limited to slower shutter speeds when the lens 
wide open, compared to the higher shutter speed capability of a wide open
lens with a f/1.8 aperture value.

Yup. Bigger hole = more light = faster.

And it made sense that if a lens is only capable of the highest aperture
value of 5.8 or greater, then I'd think that it WOULD in fact be limited to
the larger f/stops with higher depth of field.  No?

Not sure what you mean - if the largest aperture value is f5.6, then all 
other aperture values will have smaller holes, thus higher f-stop numbers, 
longer exposures, and greater depth of field. So yes.

However, you must have good control of the focus to achieve this. Not what
you want for point and click, and not what you want when you can't see a
viewfinder image with the same resolutiuon as the final image.

Of course, one point I didn't mention - the depth of field is also
proportional to the resolution of the image sensor - if that is low, then
the depth of field is effectively increased, in that the image is equally
soft either side of the focus point.

Let's see... if the image sensor resolution is low, then depth of field is
high.  You getting this Raymond?

Yes, because depth of field is to do with the number of lines of resolution 
in the final image, and how far either side of the focus point they can be 
resolved. If your image sensor resolution is low, then you can't actually 
see the higher resolution in the centre of the focus range - you might 
consider it an enhanced depth of constant fuzziness. I don't know if 
domestic electronic cameras do this, but all professional CCD tv cameras use 
an optical low pass filter (i.e a carefully etched bit of frosted glass) to 
prevent aliasing of un-resolvable image information.


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RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

2002-04-08 Thread neil barnes

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 07:58:27
From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 06:52:28 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

And I wonder if it is
from this measure of high exposure speed at the very low f/stops that these
lenses are capable of, that gave birth tow the term 'fast lens'.

The f-number system was designed to give a common reference point for 
evaluating lenses. One f-stop changes the light by a factor of 2 - which is 
why modern cameras have shutter speeds that also change by a factor of two.

Yes. The phrase dates from the 1860s or so. The difference in exposure 
between an f8 and an f11 might be five minutes with your head in a metal 
frame to keep you from moving.

[desperately searches for libretto link]

Ah yes. It turns out that the 50/70 screen is exactly the right size to use 
as a lightbox for 4*5 negatives.

[phew - couldn't find a miniskirt!]


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Re: [LIB] Question on PA2499U charger operation

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 08:14:51 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] Question on PA2499U charger operation

From: Pres Waterman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I just got one of those $9.95 deals that Toshiba was offering on the 
PA2499U battery charger.  Man... they got it here in 2 days.  Well, 
probably ONE day, as I ordered it very late in the day Wednesday toards 
6pm, and it must have been shipped Thursday to arrive Friday FedEx mid-day 
Friday.  Way to go Toshiba!

Congratulations! Now please figure out a way this post relates to lenses or 
it may be considered non-topic...:( BAH!

Oops  posted a few thoughts on that before I saw that wrinkled brow 
Pres.  Maybe we can start a Librettoratti Yackers list!

  1. Is it okay to leave the battery in the charger all the time with the 
charger's output powering my L50?  I notice that the whole unit with 
battery gets a lot hotter than the L50 with the battery inserted and 
charging.  I also see where the charger's instructions say to remove the 
battery when its charged. 


I have to admit that I caught the charger just when it had fully charged the 
battery.  And I haven't used it again since then.  I wonder if I had left 
the battery in the charger for a few more hours, if the charger would have 
cooled down.

I never noticed the batteries and Libretto getting that warm after a charge. 
  But I don't know if I've really checked this.  I usually just plug the lib 
into AC when I've used the battery a lot, and left it to charge.  Has 
anyoone noticed the libbys getting as warm charging batteries as the charger 

  2. Will the charger charge the battery while the battery is in the L50, 
no battery in the charger, and the charger's output plugged into a powered 
down L50?



 I've have been switching my one AC adapter between the two. powering one 
down while I use the other, or running one on batteries and the other with 
the AC adapter.
  It'd be really nice if I could use the charger as an AC power supply for 
the L50 with its battery inserted, and have the charger be able to do the 
job my 2nd AC adapter would otherwise be doing. 

That's exaclty the use of this device. It allows use as a power supply 
while also charging simultaneously.

I'm not talking about having a battery plugged into the charger while it's 
simultaneously powering a lib with a battery in the lib.  I’m wondering if 
it’s okay NOT to have a battery in the charger, and leave the L50 plugged 
into the charger to keep it’s battery charging that way.

I’ve always thought that it’s best to keep the lib plugged into power when 
not in use.  Having only one AC adaptor for the past 8 months or so, and not 
keeping the L50 plugged in has made me wonder if I’m killing its battery.


Now if someone doesn't mention lenses, preferably focused on miniskirts, 
right away, I will try to send the cmd:unscribble 214 times!

Oops  didn’t post a few thoughts on that before I saw that glint in your 
eyes Pres.  Maybe we can start a Librettoratti Miniskirt Yackers list! ;-P

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[LIB] cmd: unsubscribe

2002-04-08 Thread Don Yates

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 05:23:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: cmd: unsubscribe

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Re: [LIB] DOS Card socket services?

2002-04-08 Thread Raymond

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 20:42:29 +0800
Subject: Re: [LIB] DOS Card socket services?

I've tried Ghosting the 110 drive to the 100 drive,

Word of warning ... in my experience, Ghost 6.x seems to do weird things to 
certain drives with overlays. I've had more success with Powerquest 
DriveImage because it doesn't try to second-guess the file system (but then 
again its a LOT LOT easier to stuff things up accidentally with DriveImage 
than it is with Ghost due to the stuff it DOESN'T tell you about ... its a 
risk balance I guess).

And before people tell me to just format the HD in the Lib, move it to a
desktop, and copy the CAB files over, remember the IBM overlay - it
seems to be screwing with the ability of the Lib100 with Win98 to read
the drive, so I'm not holding my breath about plugging it into my Win98
desktop and reading it either.

Actually I get around that problem by booting off the libby's hard drive on 
my desktop. Sure it does screw some things up and I can't boot the desktop 
OS but at least it lets me use a standard IDE CD-ROM drive and the other 
hard drives in my desktop. Its also probably a lot faster to partition and 
ghost the hard drive in the desktop (especially because you could ghost 
onto another local drive). Certainly EZ-Bios knows to keep its feet away 
from drives that it can see don't have EZ-Bios installed. I'm sure if you 
*REALLY* wanted to you could put NTLDR on the libby's hard drive, boot off 
it then jump into the WinNT/2k/XP install on the desktop (because NT/2k/XP 
don't mind being booted from different places) but I haven't been bothered 
doing that ...

I actually wrote a big splurge on how I managed to get Windows 98 and Red 
Hat dual booting on my libby with a 20 gig Fujitsu hard drive and EZ-Bios 
installed (I actually did it on my L50 ... I moved the lot over to my L100 
by doing a hellavalot of stuff you shouldn't do with file systems but thats 
in another email ;-) ... it might keep you from getting into the same dead 
ends I did.

- Raymond


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Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

2002-04-08 Thread Raymond

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 20:47:09 +0800
Subject: Re: [LIB] SPAM  ugh...

I'm still wondering if my suspicions are correct, and that every time 
someone fills in web form and submits it to the website, that his ISP 
email address is passed along with the info he's entered into the 
form.  Does anyone know if one's dial-up account's email address is what 
is used to send web forms?

Heh well it can't possibly happen on my computer ... I've never even 
ENTERED my ISP email address into it except in a Telnet window ;-)

- Raymond


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Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

2002-04-08 Thread Raymond

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 20:45:28 +0800
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length
  exposition :)

Of course, one point I didn't mention - the depth of field is also 
proportional to the resolution of the image sensor - if that is low, then 
the depth of field is effectively increased, in that the image is equally 
soft either side of the focus point.

Let's see... if the image sensor resolution is low, then depth of field is 
high.  You getting this Raymond?

Ya .. that was actually one of the only things I got ;-)

Of course, thats not entirely accurate ... its more a matter of instead of 
going from really sharp (due to good CCD and good focus) to sorta fuzzy in 
front and behind in the case of a decent CCD, to going from sorta fuzzy 
(due to sheer lack of pixels) to sorta fuzzy (due to it being out of focus) 
with a low res CCD ... its still sorta fuzzy but then again the sharpest 
bit was also sorta fuzzy.

- Raymond


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RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

2002-04-08 Thread Raymond

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 20:54:12 +0800
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

I'll be interested to see if David or Neil also explain things as I 
understand them.  That a 'fast' lens, is one that has a bigger, well 
ground set of glass optical components that allow the lens to open up to 
the smaller f/stops, creating a larger aperture, and letting in more light.

Nah the 'speed' of the lens (if I'm not mistaken) is related to the raw 
light gathering power (the more light, the faster you can set the shutter 
for the same exposure) ... really simplistically speaking, for similar 
lenses a larger front lens (assuming the stuff behind it can gather light 
coming through it) will result in a faster lens than a smaller one ... 
thats why sports photographers have those insanely large lenses that are 5 
times larger than the camera itself. I was more bumbling about the apeture 
thingys but I think I've got that sorted in my head.

- Raymond


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RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

2002-04-08 Thread Raymond

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 20:57:49 +0800
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

Yes. The phrase dates from the 1860s or so. The difference in exposure 
between an f8 and an f11 might be five minutes with your head in a metal 
frame to keep you from moving.


- Raymond


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Re: [LIB] Cells ..

2002-04-08 Thread Raymond

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 20:50:53 +0800
Subject: Re: [LIB] Cells ..

At 06:08 PM 7/04/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 21:02:04 -0400
From: Pres Waterman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] Cells ..

  My new Hi-Cap gave at least 1.5 hours of use yesterday (my daughter was
  using it down the caravan for creating poems in Wordpad) and was still
  not out.

You will find darn close to 3 hours on a L50 with hi-cap. Just under 1 hour
on regular.

Dunno where you have been ... IIRC my old standard and new standard in my 
L50 gave me about 1:20 and almost 2 hours respectively ... pitty the high 
cap in my L100 only gives me about 1:30 ... anyone wanna sell me a dead 
L100 high cap battery? ;-)

- Raymond


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Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

2002-04-08 Thread Raymond

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 21:03:21 +0800
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length
  exposition :)

Grr ... I should read my emails backwards so I don't end up posting similar 
responses to what others have already posted ...

Yup. But note the difference between 'aperture value' and 'aperture'. 
Aperture value is focal distance of lens divided by width of hole through 
middle (with fudge factors for modern zoom type optics) so the smaller the 
hole, the bigger the aperture value = f-stop.
[for the curious, I still have a lens somewhere around where the f-stop is 
an actual strip of brass with a series of different sized holes in it]

Actually, I swear my digital camera doesn't even HAVE an 
expanding/contracting 'iris' and instead has a thin piece of metal with a 
few different sized holes in it and a solenoid that switches the holes in 
and out  I guess for something that doesn't need to be continuously 
variable (because in between stops the CCD sensitivity can be adjusted to 
compensate) its probably cheaper and more reliable than an iris system ...

Yes, because depth of field is to do with the number of lines of 
resolution in the final image, and how far either side of the focus point 
they can be resolved. If your image sensor resolution is low, then you 
can't actually see the higher resolution in the centre of the focus range 
- you might consider it an enhanced depth of constant fuzziness. I don't 
know if domestic electronic cameras do this, but all professional CCD tv 
cameras use an optical low pass filter (i.e a carefully etched bit of 
frosted glass) to prevent aliasing of un-resolvable image information.

Are you *sure* its being used as an optical low pass filter? It does seem a 
little pointless given that you're not performing perfect sampling with a 
CCD anyway (plus you'd think you would get enough charge leakage to perform 
your pre-sampling low-pass filtering anyway). All the CCD cameras I've seen 
DO have a filter in front of the lens but its more an IR filter with a 
substantial anti-reflective coating on it ...

- Raymond


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Re: [LIB] cmd: unsubscribe

2002-04-08 Thread Pres Waterman

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 09:22:12 -0400
From: Pres Waterman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] cmd: unsubscribe

no spaces


Pres Waterman, W2PW
c/o 112 Motors, LLC
Long Island Ford, Kia and Used Dealer


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 5:32 AM
Subject: [LIB] cmd: unsubscribe

 Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 05:23:55 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Don Yates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: cmd: unsubscribe
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Re: [LIB] List problem?

2002-04-08 Thread Keith

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 09:36:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [LIB] List problem?

I think the only list problem is that there has been extensive discussion of
focal length of lenses. Unless you figure the fact that you were reading the
messages on a Libretto enough to keep it relevant to Librettos.


Surely the reason people are using these lenses is to make all PCs look as small
as the Libretto? Does it work on your skirts as well Pres? :-)

I agree with Pres though, can we move away from cameras and back to Librettos?
My head hurts trying to understand the focal length of a pinhole and my Libretto
can't handle all these OT messages and I don't want to have to unscribble.

TIA - Keith

Location: Dartford Kent UK

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Re: [LIB] List problem?

2002-04-08 Thread Pres Waterman

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 11:39:48 -0400
From: Pres Waterman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] List problem?

 My head hurts trying to understand the focal length of a pinhole and my

PinHOLE? All along I thought we were talking about pinHEADs. No wonder it
seemed somehow relevant


Pres Waterman W2PW
c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
Long Island Ford and Kia dealer


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Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

2002-04-08 Thread Pres Waterman

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 11:52:06 -0400
From: Pres Waterman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

 I have found all the F stops (if that's what you call them) .. on the 50
 least, they go from F1 to F10 (though I'm not sure which is the fastest?).

OK, now THAT's extremely funny.

God, I wish I had said that.

Say, perhaps I will!


Pres Waterman W2PW
c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
Long Island Ford and Kia dealer


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Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

2002-04-08 Thread fubarlibretto

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 23:39:03 +0700
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

 I have found all the F stops (if that's what you call them) ..
 on the 50 at least, they go from F1 to F10 (though I'm not sure
 which is the fastest?).

 OK, now THAT's extremely funny.

 God, I wish I had said that.

 Say, perhaps I will!

Kinda surprised you didn't point out that F10 must be fastest (as 100/110's
are quicker than 50's, obviously because they have F11 and F12 built in)...

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Re: [LIB] test ignore this

2002-04-08 Thread fubarlibretto

Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 01:32:01 +0700
Subject: Re: [LIB] test ignore this

 Digital Photo Chat -

Small world, innit?

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[LIB] Tom's PCMCIA HDD and CSS problems

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 18:47:52 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Tom's PCMCIA HDD and CSS problems

I wrote Tom off list, but am posting his reply to the list, as it may 
explain his problems better.  I only had one thought to add (below):

From: Tom Stangl, VFAQman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Matthew Hanson wrote:
From: Tom Stangl, VFAQman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help me before I go insane!

I'm trying to get a 20Gig HD installed in my Lib100, and for the life of 
me, I can't remember how I got the one installed in my 110 (I remember 
fighting with a ton of floppies).

Are we looking at an IBM HDD here?  Is the problem getting the HDD set up? 
Specifially is the problem just with the overlay software?

Yes, because as soon as I have the overlay on and the disk formatted, I 
can't access it as a slave drive in the PCMCIA drive enclosure.

I've tried Ghosting the 110 drive to the 100 drive, but I can't get
the 3Com 3C589D card working with the Ghost boot floppy. It USED to, but the errors out now, and I'm not sure what I'm missing - I've been all 
over 3Com's site, and tried the driver install downloads multiple times.  
The card works, as I can use it in Win98 on the 110.

From what you're saying, it seems you do have access to the HDD in the 
L100.  Have you been able to boot the L100 with at boot FD, fdisk the HDD, 
and format it?

Yep.  But at that point, I'm stuck.  I can't load Win98 from CD because the 
drivers for the generic PCMCIA CD drive say Card Socket services need to be 
loaded first.

Since I have to use IBM's Disk Manager, it seems the Ontrack overlay 
screws my chances of simply dropping the new 20Gig HD into a PCMCIA 

Whoa... dropping the new 20Gig HD into a PCMCIA case ??  Is there some 
kind of PCMCIA adaptor you can plug a HDD into, and then plug the other 
end of the adaptor into on of the L110's PCMCIA slots?

Yes, I bought it a couple of years ago for the L50 810Meg HD, so that I 
could transfer it to the new 4.3Gig for the L50.

and jacking it in, copying files to it - when I jack it into the 110 (or 
the 100 with the original 2.1G HD), it loads the drivers, but doesn't see 
the single 2Gig partition I have on there so far.

I'm really confused... You say, - when I jack it into the 110 (or the 100 
with the original 2.1G HD)...   Are you plugging the 20GB HDDinto a 
PCMCIA port on the L110?

Yes, after I realized that I couldn't get the CD copied onto the HD the 
normal way, installing the HD into the Libretto and booting it.

At this point, I don't necessarily want to Ghost over the old drive, 
since each system might be used for different things, and I think I want 
to start completely fresh.  But if I can get the 3Com3C589D card working, 
I guess I might Ghost it over - does anyone use this card, and if so, 
what files do you use for a DOS boot floppy to get it to work?

So, on to the actual Subject of the email.  It seems the PCMCIA CD drive 
I have has the drivers for DOS (and I KNOW they've worked, I used to have 
a boot floppy with card socket services on it SOMEWHERE), but no card 
socket services.

If I can get some DOS card socket services that work with the Lib110, I 
can create a boot floppy that will allow CD access, and install nice 

And before people tell me to just format the HD in the Lib, move it to a 
desktop, and copy the CAB files over, remember the IBM overlay - it seems 
to be screwing with the ability of the Lib100 with Win98 to read the 
drive, so I'm not holding my breath about plugging it into my Win98 
desktop and reading it either.

Sounds like the overlay isn't installed right.  Am I correct in concluding 
that somehow you have indeed managed to install SOMETHING on the 20GB HDD 
that you don't want to loose?  If not, I'd start over.  Can you uninstall 
the overlay?  You may not need to.  I'm not certain, but wonder if it'd be 
possible to delete your partitions, repartition, fdisk /mbr to create a 
fresh MBR, and then try installing the overlay with a different method if 
that's possible.

The overlay works, I can boot the L100 with the drive inside.  But if I put 
the original 2.1Gig back in, boot to Win98, and try to access the 20Gig 
using the external PCMCIA case, Win98 loads the PCMCIA HD drivers, but then 
refuses to show any extra drives in Explorer.  It's either because of the 
overlay (more likely), or the fact that the 20G also has an active 

Here's where I'm guessing your problem may be Tom.  From what I understand, 
the overlay only writes part of its info in the MBR.  It puts a pointer in 
there to the first cluster of your HDD where the rest of its data is 
located.  Thus in order to get the overlay to work properly, I'd think the 
HDD would have to be booted, and not used as a slave.


Again, I'm assuming this is an IBM HDD since you mentioned, Since I have 
to use IBM's Disk Manager.  Is this Ontrack overlay part of that, or 
something not from IBM?  Would it be possible to 

[LIB] cmd: unsubscribe

2002-04-08 Thread Don Yates

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 17:56:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: cmd: unsubscribe

cmd: unsubscribe

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Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

2002-04-08 Thread T i m

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 23:04:26 +0100
Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length


Did I mention I used to work for Kodak (true).

T i m


 Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 23:39:03 +0700
 Subject: Re: [LIB] [OT] RE: Digital cameras (danger Matt/Ray length

  I have found all the F stops (if that's what you call them) ..
  on the 50 at least, they go from F1 to F10 (though I'm not sure
  which is the fastest?).
  OK, now THAT's extremely funny.
  God, I wish I had said that.
  Say, perhaps I will!

 Kinda surprised you didn't point out that F10 must be fastest (as 100/110's
 are quicker than 50's, obviously because they have F11 and F12 built in)...

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Re: AW: [LIB] recording audio? (danger technical)

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 03:34:34 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: AW: [LIB] recording audio? (danger technical)

From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I did mean that: 16 bits * 44.1k samples per second * 2 channels = 
176.4kBps = 10MBpminute. It's not as if there's *huge* quantities of data 
flanging around.

From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Okay, I see.  This really shows how relatively slow the whole data transfer 
can be.  I should think that I'd be able to squeeze 10MB/Min / 60sec/min = 
1.3...MB/seconds out of any of these HDDs, at least before Windows 
get's its sticky fingers in there.

Sorry... that should divide out to .13MB/second.  Is that right?  
Relatively, that's REALLY slow if it is!

It's hard to thing that the L70 would have any problems recording audio, 
even under Windows.


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Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 03:41:09 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Again, this time... am I the only one on the list getting daily, or 2/day 
pieces of SPAM into my mailbox every day now with a slew of
similar email addresses CCed:



Or is it just specific Hotmail users who clicked on something on the web 
that generated this?  Each day these arrive from yet another bogus email 

Nope, I get occasional bursts cc'd to nailed*.*@hotmail...

So I guess it's a pie the guys at Hotmail working with the folks up in 
Redlands have their fingers in, and not something happening as a result of 
the lib list.  At least if it's only a problem for people subscribing to the 
list via Hotmail.


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RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 03:43:20 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 07:58:27
From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[desperately searches for libretto link]

Ah yes. It turns out that the 50/70 screen is exactly the right size to use 
as a lightbox for 4*5 negatives.

Working on that scanner concept yet, are we?

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

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Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 03:59:42 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] SPAM ugh...

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 20:47:09 +0800

I'm still wondering if my suspicions are correct, and that every time 
someone fills in web form and submits it to the website, that his ISP 
email address is passed along with the info he's entered into the form.  
Does anyone know if one's dial-up account's email address is what is used 
to send web forms?

Heh well it can't possibly happen on my computer ... I've never even
ENTERED my ISP email address into it except in a Telnet window ;-)

- Raymond

I don't quite understand how MY email address gets from my Lib's W98 
installation to the website I'm filling in a form for.  I've only entered my 
email address into Eudora.  But I'm wondering if Windows, or MSIE which is 
part of the OS, is able to grab my email address from Eudora.

I know that a few years back, I used to post forms from my own website.  The 
forms used the HTML mailto tags to send the forms to my ISP email address.  
The forms I submitted to myself came through with my email address listed 
clearly as the address the form was posted from.

I also found that when people filled in a form on my website, they would 
frequently fill in the box for their email address.  Sometimes that data 
matched the address the form was posted from, and sometimes it didn’t.  The 
latter I would later find out was because they had been using a friend’s, 
library, business, or school computer to submit the form.

There must be enough people on the list writing HTML and server scripts who 
know whether or not email addresses can be harvested like this.  Could it be 
how I have W98 set up on my L70?


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RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

2002-04-08 Thread neil barnes

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 05:53:56
From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 03:43:20 +
From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Digital cameras (was [LIB] New Website

Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 07:58:27
From: neil barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[desperately searches for libretto link]

Ah yes. It turns out that the 50/70 screen is exactly the right size to 
as a lightbox for 4*5 negatives.

Working on that scanner concept yet, are we?

We're still thinking about it, but it looks like there's so much light still 
gets through the screen when the other pixels are off that it outshines the 
pixel that's doing the scanning.

At the moment, we're more concerned about where our leather lib case has got 
to, with a spare battery in it...

Neil (we used to be schizophrenic, but we're all right now)

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

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