[LIB]retto prices

2002-04-13 Thread fubarlibretto

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 18:11:50 +0700
Subject: [LIB]retto prices

I'm being asked by someone who's just seen my Libretto how much they are.
I don't have a clue as I bought mine new over two years ago while passing
through Hong Kong and I've never had to think about used prices.

Now I could go research this from scratch, and I will if necessary, but can
I first ask the question here - I'm just looking for ballpark estimates in
order to give a very rough guide for a basic Libretto in full working
order - standard spec HDD, with the FDD, replicator, power supply, and one
functioning battery - nothing missing and with no extras - how much is
ballpark? E-bay kinda USD price, I guess...

So, if you're au fait with this, having recently bought a used Libretto or
researched a potential purchase, would you be so kind as to point me in the
right direction - how much did you pay or how much would you pay - if you
bought something non-standard (say without the FDD or with extras), just
have a guess and add/deduct the relevant amount. I'm perfectly happy to get
replies with just numbers and no text!  :-)

50  = ~
70  = ~
100 = ~
110 = ~

TVM indeed!

If anyone cares to comment (numerically) on 1150/1100/1100v, TVM for that

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[LIB] 50 ct for sale australia... best offer

2002-04-13 Thread Dan Baker

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 21:43:49 +1000
Subject: 50 ct for sale australia... best offer

I am selling my 50 ct with all the manuals, floppy, external cdrom, 
network card and 56k modem card... 2 hicaps and a normal batt, 12v 
tricker for powering while hiking,in the car, etc... off 12 volt 
battery, 16 meg upgrade fitted also 4.3 gig hd proffesionally fitted by 
our local toshiba retailer...
   Open to offers, ill send it anywhere in the world... Otherwise I will 
e-bay it in the next few months...
   I used it for moving map gps and as a photo storage unit for my 
digital camera.. 256 CF cards are under $200 now so i dont need it..sad 
to see the beasty go but id rather it went to someone who will use it!

   Dan Baker.  (Geelong, Australia.)

any questions off list, dont want to upset Pres! (offtopic-wise)

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Re: [LIB]retto prices

2002-04-13 Thread Raymond

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 20:16:19 +0800
Subject: Re: [LIB]retto prices

50  = ~

I sold my L50 a couple of months ago to a relative for $600AUD ($300USD) 
with the following, * items are what I consider to come with a 'stock L50 
with standard accessories':
- 2gb hard drive
- 2 new battery packs (1 still sealed) plus
* 1 older pack (good for 1:30 careful but continuous use)
* Docking bar
- Advanced port replicator
* AC adapter
- Overclocked to 100MHz
- Fully installed with Win95 and Linux
* All manuals
* No missing pixels, no bad sectors on hard drive, no flatspots or cracks 
in the case, no scratches.
But missing:

I'd say the larger hard drive, APR and 2 new packs would have pushed the 
price about $150AUD based on eBay prices (deflated to take into account the 
fact that its bundled) but that the missing FDD would have dragged the 
price about $50AUD bringing my estimated 'stock L50 with standard 
accessories' price to about $500AUD ($250USD). I might have been able to 
get a better price if I eBay'ed it but remember to deflate the price 
appropriately to account for shipping, handling and general bother. I 
didn't sell the FDD because I needed it for my new L100 (but it keeps 
getting borrowed!).

 100 = ~

I purchased my current L100 again a couple of months ago through the local 
community paper for a total of $875AUD (about $440USD) with the following, 
again the * indicates what I consider to be standard accessories or attributes:
* 2gb hard drive
- upgraded to 64MB RAM
* AC adapter
- (partially fried) APR
* High capacity battery pack (almost 2 hours careful but continuous use, 
I'm told this came standard with L100's sold in the US though)
* No missing pixels, no bad sectors on hard drive, no flatspots or cracks 
in case, no scratches.
But missing:
* Docking bar
* Some manuals

I'd say the cost of the missing docking bar would be more than compensated 
by the APR ... apart from the left hand PCMCIA slot it seems fine (right 
hand PCMCIA slots and USB ports work) so the price would have dropped 
perhaps $25AUD if it were with the standard docking bar instead of the APR. 
Again the missing FDD would have pushed the price about $50AUD so that 
brings my estimated 'stock L100 with standard accessories' price to $900AUD 
($450USD). Again, perhaps it would have been a little more expensive if 
purchased through an international auction again due to SH and general bother.

Of course, these prices are what I would consider reasonable in Australia 
as of about 2 months ago ... looking at current prices for libbys in eBay, 
these would seem quite reasonable (although I wouldn't say they were the 
very best you could do if you were able to take advantage of the 'US only' 
sales) ...

Hope this helps!

- Raymond


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Re: [LIB] downgrade your L100 / L110 for $$$$$

2002-04-13 Thread Chester Prudhomme

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 16:43:00 -0700
From: Chester Prudhomme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] downgrade your L100 / L110 for $

·TechnoDragon· wrote:

  So, here's what I'm proposing. You give me your 100ct/110ct (as that's
 what I'm looking for, I like the idea of a wide screen) and you get my 70ct
 package plus $80.

  All of the stickers on the back of my libretto will be thrown in for
 free. ;)

I can't imagine anybody trading down to a 70CT for $80 but good luck! My reading
of eBay is that L70's/100's and 110's are selling for about 20% to 30% more in the
US than the prices I'm seeing quoted here on the Libby list...in fact, clean
L110's with any accessories at all are going for $600 to $700 - crapped out ones
aren't of course! Hell, a 110CT with a bad screen recently sold for almost $400 on
eBay and all it had was the original FDD and I/O port - it didn't even have a hard
copy manual!

My real question though is.what's with all the stickers I see all over
Puget Sound area Libretto's? Were they once owned by Skate-heads?  #8~}


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RE: [LIB] downgrade your L100 / L110 for $$$$$

2002-04-13 Thread ·TechnoDragon·

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 19:27:38 -0400
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=B7TechnoDragon=B7?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [LIB] downgrade your L100 / L110 for $

  So, here's what I'm proposing. You give me your 100ct/110ct (as that's
 what I'm looking for, I like the idea of a wide screen) and you get my 70ct
 package plus $80.

  All of the stickers on the back of my libretto will be thrown in for
 free. ;)

I can't imagine anybody trading down to a 70CT for $80 but good luck! My 
of eBay is that L70's/100's and 110's are selling for about 20% to 30% more 
in the
US than the prices I'm seeing quoted here on the Libby list...in fact, 
L110's with any accessories at all are going for $600 to $700 - crapped out 
aren't of course! Hell, a 110CT with a bad screen recently sold for almost 
$400 on
eBay and all it had was the original FDD and I/O port - it didn't even have a 
copy manual!

My real question though is.what's with all the stickers I see all 
Puget Sound area Libretto's? Were they once owned by Skate-heads?  #8~}

 My problem is that I just simply don't have any extra money to spare, 
except for this little bit. Mine has a moderate amount of accessories (mini 
port replicator, full port replicator, ac adapter, floppy drive, PCMCIA 56k 
v.90 modem (got the cable for it today, works just fine, I'm using an external 
USR 56k now, I think I'll keep that ;) ), and I'll throw in it's leather 
carrying case. I was hoping to keep that, it's a targus, but someone might 
like it.) and I don't mind one having little to no accessories. I have a 
separate battery charger for a 100/110 that I picked up years ago thinking 
it'd work with mine (store hand't a clue) but it didn't. I don't even need a 
floppy with the the 100ct or even a workign battery, just the ac adapter and 
some port replicator, and I'll be happy.
 And, might I remind again, fo rthose who are not quite getting it, why 
I'm not offering full proce, YOU GET TO KEEP YOUR BIG 100CT HARD DRIVE, I put 
it into the 70ct so you don't loose any HD space, don't have to re-install 
programs, nothing, just a wham-bam-thank you man job. In and out in 5 minutes 
and you get $100 cash (if you're in the seattle area) and a slightly lower 
model of libretto with some cool accessories, probably more than you have now.
 If another deal of mine goes through, you'll even get a brand new battery 
pack. Unguaranteed. I emailed a guy in Seattle who bought a PA2452U battery 
pack and wanted to force it to work on his 110ct. He said it wouldn't work, so 
I'm getting it super cheap. I just have to touch base with him to get it. But 
he hasn't returned emails lately. I may just call him and stop by Monday. Oh 

 If I could offer full price of $150, or whatever, for the trade, you best 
believe I get your 2gb, or bigger, drive in your 100ct.

 I'm just too broke to offer any more money, and I figure someone has a 
100ct somewhere and is hurting for money far more than I and can't bare to 
part with the cool factor of a libretto.
 I've decided to extend the offer to Sunday night, then I give up. This 
just sucks, I kinda had my hopes up for it, but oh well. Screw it. I think 
I'll just sell this horrid thing off first chance I get on ebay or something.

_ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ ___
  THE /_  _// ___// ___// // // |/ // _  //__/
   / / / _/_ / /__ / _  //// // /___
  /_/ /////_//_//_/\_////__/
   ___ ___   ___   ___   _ _ __ __
  /__// _ \ / _ \ /   \ / ___// _  // |/ /
 ___ / // // //_// /\ // /_ // // ///

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AW: [LIB]retto prices

2002-04-13 Thread bernhard.schmitz

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 23:15 +
Subject: AW: [LIB]retto prices

I recommend ebay.com's advanced search for completed items. This gives an overview 
about real traded devices.


|Betreff:   [LIB]retto prices
|Antwort an:Libretto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Datum: Samstag, 13. April 2002 13:18
|Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 18:11:50 +0700
|Subject: [LIB]retto prices
|I'm being asked by someone who's just seen my Libretto how much they are.
|I don't have a clue as I bought mine new over two years ago while passing
|through Hong Kong and I've never had to think about used prices.
|Now I could go research this from scratch, and I will if necessary, but can
|I first ask the question here - I'm just looking for ballpark estimates in
|order to give a very rough guide for a basic Libretto in full working
|order - standard spec HDD, with the FDD, replicator, power supply, and one
|functioning battery - nothing missing and with no extras - how much is
|ballpark? E-bay kinda USD price, I guess...
|So, if you're au fait with this, having recently bought a used Libretto or
|researched a potential purchase, would you be so kind as to point me in the
|right direction - how much did you pay or how much would you pay - if you
|bought something non-standard (say without the FDD or with extras), just
|have a guess and add/deduct the relevant amount. I'm perfectly happy to get
|replies with just numbers and no text!  :-)
|50  = ~
|70  = ~
|100 = ~
|110 = ~
|TVM indeed!
|If anyone cares to comment (numerically) on 1150/1100/1100v, TVM for that
|http://libretto.basiclink.com - Libretto mailing list
|http://www.silverace.com/libretto/ - Archives
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|addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then replace any text
|on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
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