Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source license chooser

2013-09-11 Thread Lawrence Rosen
John Cowan wrote:
> But in any case my point is that there is no bright line between
> a derivative and a collective work.

If you are looking for a bright line in copyright law, I'll agree that that
isn't it. 

Here again is what you hypothesized: "Bob interweaves his code into Alice's
code (as in this hypo), Bob adds code to the end of Alice's procedure, Bob
adds new procedures to the end of Alice's module, Bob adds a new module to
Alice's module."

Consider that all the Bob v. Alice examples you described would be
undertaken either for expressive or functional reasons. If for functional
reasons, then copyright has nothing to do with it. Bob and Alice can *use*
software that they lawfully acquire, and *interoperate* it for functional
purposes with other software that they lawfully acquire, to their heart's
content. It is my impression that the law in the US and Europe strongly
favors such freedom to use and interoperate legally acquired computer
software without copyright restraints.

But if there is an expressive component to what Bob and Alice have done,
that expressive aspect alone is protectable by copyright, and they can
prevent the making of copies, derivative works, collective works, or
compilations of their own expressions -- again to their heart's content. And
they can choose to license those things.

That is true regardless of whether what Bob and Alice create is a derivative
or a collective work. Copyright law is the same for both. What is different
is that some FOSS licenses (such as GPLv2) actually obfuscate even further
by their sloppy language that fuzzy-line between derivative and collective
works, and leave people confused about what they can and can't do with their
legally-acquired software. 

There isn't a bright line between expressive and functional components
either, as my lawyer friends will remind us. They will refer you to the
confusing "abstraction-filtration-comparison" tests that are used in the
U.S. courts to distinguish functional from expressive content. But at least,
when talking about the principles of copyright law, your hypothesized
examples ought to focus on the things that Bob and Alice do for *expressive*
purposes rather than the things they do merely to allow their software to
function together through some technical (or bizarre) form of linking.

I'll apply copyright law only when Bob or Alice make their software


-Original Message-
From: John Cowan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source
license chooser

Lawrence Rosen scripsit:

> I would guess that Bob's adding "a bunch of calls to syslog()" into 
> Alice's work might create a derivative work of Alice's work, but that 
> wouldn't convert "syslog()" itself a derivative work owned by either 
> Alice or Bob, even if Bob statically linked it with Alice's program.

The GPL provides an exception for things like syslog() anyway; you can link
to it without triggering even disputable obligations.

> Why are you putting the burden on an over-clever source code compiler 
> to detect derivative works?

Not what I meant.  If Alice's code contains the string "foobar" and so does
Bob's, a compiler might coalesce the two strings into one, in such a way
that the 0x62 in the object file's initialized-data segment could not be
unilaterally attributed to either Alice or Bob.

But in any case my point is that there is no bright line between a
derivative and a collective work.  If Bob's work is a derivative of Alice's,
then we can construct a sequence of alternate hypos by Bob that lead right
up to two separate modules of code, such as this:  Bob interweaves his code
into Alice's code (as in this hypo), Bob adds code to the end of Alice's
procedure, Bob adds new procedures to the end of Alice's module, Bob adds a
new module to Alice's module.

In all cases, Bob's contributions can be separated from Alice's
mechanically, even at the object level (absent coalescence as described
above).  Yet that fact is not determinative of collective work vs.
derivative work.

I Hope, Sir, that we are notJohn Cowan
mutually Un-friended by
Difference which hath happened
betwixt us. --Thomas Fuller, Appeal of Injured Innocence (1659)

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source license chooser

2013-09-11 Thread John Cowan
Lawrence Rosen scripsit:

> I would guess that Bob's adding "a bunch of calls to syslog()" into
> Alice's work might create a derivative work of Alice's work, but that
> wouldn't convert "syslog()" itself a derivative work owned by either
> Alice or Bob, even if Bob statically linked it with Alice's program.

The GPL provides an exception for things like syslog() anyway; you can
link to it without triggering even disputable obligations.

> Why are you putting the burden on an over-clever source code compiler
> to detect derivative works?

Not what I meant.  If Alice's code contains the string "foobar" and so
does Bob's, a compiler might coalesce the two strings into one, in such
a way that the 0x62 in the object file's initialized-data segment could
not be unilaterally attributed to either Alice or Bob.

But in any case my point is that there is no bright line between a
derivative and a collective work.  If Bob's work is a derivative of
Alice's, then we can construct a sequence of alternate hypos by Bob
that lead right up to two separate modules of code, such as this:  Bob
interweaves his code into Alice's code (as in this hypo), Bob adds code
to the end of Alice's procedure, Bob adds new procedures to the end of
Alice's module, Bob adds a new module to Alice's module.

In all cases, Bob's contributions can be separated from Alice's
mechanically, even at the object level (absent coalescence as described
above).  Yet that fact is not determinative of collective work
vs. derivative work.

I Hope, Sir, that we are notJohn Cowan
mutually Un-friended by
Difference which hath happened
betwixt us. --Thomas Fuller, Appeal of Injured Innocence (1659)
License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source license chooser

2013-09-11 Thread Lawrence Rosen
John Cowan asked:
> But suppose Bob takes Alice's program under the GPL and and 
> adds a bunch of calls to syslog() so that it logs what it is doing
> (and suppose further that this is not a de minimis or merely
> mechanical change).  

Hypotheticals are so easy to answer without committing malpractice. :-)  And
so useless as authority for real cases!

I would guess that Bob's adding "a bunch of calls to syslog()" into Alice's
work might create a derivative work of Alice's work, but that wouldn't
convert "syslog()" itself a derivative work owned by either Alice or Bob,
even if Bob statically linked it with Alice's program.

Why are you putting the burden on an over-clever source code compiler to
detect derivative works? Alice better be able to prove that Bob created a
derivative work by some reasonable legal standard relating to the expressive
content of her work or she may be sanctioned by the court for filing a
frivolous lawsuit.


-Original Message-
From: John Cowan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source
license chooser

Lawrence Rosen scripsit:

> Does the distribution of a GPL-licensed work along with those 
> "separate works" convert them into something "not separate" in the 
> copyright sense? Does a staple or a paper clip or a book binding 
> convert separate works to something not separate in the copyright sense?

Plainly not.  But suppose Bob takes Alice's program under the GPL and and
adds a bunch of calls to syslog() so that it logs what it is doing (and
suppose further that this is not a de minimis or merely mechanical change).
Do you then hold that this is not a derivative work either, and therefore
need not be licensed by Bob under the GPL?  After all, it is not as if you
can't trace every single bit in the source code or resulting object code to
Alice or Bob respectively, at least assuming the compiler is not

"Well, I'm back."  --SamJohn Cowan 

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Red Hat compilation copyright & RHEL contract

2013-09-11 Thread John Cowan
Lawrence Rosen scripsit:

> I do so because my clients expect to profit (either financially or
> in reputation credits) for delivering comprehensive solutions that
> include FOSS components.

It's kind of hard to see how this could be the case for releasing a
compilation under the GPL.  There's no money in it, and people don't
get a good reputation when they do things others find incomprehensible:
quite the reverse.  That is not to say it is not a Good Thing in itself.

Normally I can handle panic attacks on my own;   John Cowan 
but panic is, at the moment, a way of life.
--Joseph Zitt
License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source license chooser

2013-09-11 Thread John Cowan
Lawrence Rosen scripsit:

> Does the distribution of a GPL-licensed work along with those "separate
> works" convert them into something "not separate" in the copyright
> sense? Does a staple or a paper clip or a book binding convert separate
> works to something not separate in the copyright sense?

Plainly not.  But suppose Bob takes Alice's program under the GPL and
and adds a bunch of calls to syslog() so that it logs what it is doing
(and suppose further that this is not a de minimis or merely mechanical
change).  Do you then hold that this is not a derivative work either,
and therefore need not be licensed by Bob under the GPL?  After all,
it is not as if you can't trace every single bit in the source code or
resulting object code to Alice or Bob respectively, at least assuming
the compiler is not over-clever.

"Well, I'm back."  --SamJohn Cowan 
License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source license chooser

2013-09-11 Thread Luis Villa
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Bradley M. Kuhn  wrote:
> As I mentioned in a private thread, I didn't really see the need to
> burn Till's time posting here, since the discussion was a side-issue
> on the main thread about license compatibility, and an OSI director
> had already said "oh no, not again" on the derivative works subthread.

To be clear, I'm very glad for the high quality of response since
then! As you speculated, Bradley, we have seen much of the same, tired
analysis before, which is why I was unhappy; but since then, the
thread has seen much new, useful writing that I think will be valuable
for anyone thinking about this issue in the future, so I'm glad people
have thoughtfully responded and continued the discussion.

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Red Hat compilation copyright & RHEL contract

2013-09-11 Thread Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz
This is indeed depending on the case: people (developers) always declare (often 
after the work has been done, and not before as it should be) that they "used" 
products X,Y, Z. But what do they mean by "use"? Aggregating? Linking? Copying 
only some APIs or data formats in order to ensure that software is 
interoperable? Or really merging their code with the existing one? Depending on 
the case, solution will differ, but the need for simplifying (or just making 
legally possible) distribution is there. Cases are indeed multiple, and these 
developers want to license under FOSS conditions (not proprietary). 
Incompatibilities between copyleft FOSS licences (including between GPLv2 only 
and GPLv3 only) produce a lot of FUD in such cases...

Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz

On 11 sept. 2013, at 16:00, "Bradley M. Kuhn"  wrote:

> Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz wrote at 04:31 (EDT):
>> Frequent cases are submitted when developers (in particular European
>> administrations and Member states) have build applications from
>> multiple components, plus adding their own code, and want to use a
>> single license for distributing the whole compilation.
> While the description you give there is a bit too vague to analyze
> against the USA copyright statue (i.e., the example lacks any real world
> facts), I'd suspect that the default case of that situation, at least in
> the USA, is the creation of a new single work that derives from those
> components, plus their own code.
> The compilation copyright situation, at least in the USA, comes up more
> with putting a bunch of unrelated works on the same medium, like a CD
> ISO image.  Making a single work of software that includes many
> components is very different from mere compilation.
> -- 
>   -- bkuhn
> ___
> License-discuss mailing list
License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Red Hat compilation copyright & RHEL contract

2013-09-11 Thread Lawrence Rosen
Nick Yeates asked:
> Larry did not state *why* he advises use of this licensing strategy 
> from a business, social or other standpoint.

I do so because my clients expect to profit (either financially or in
reputation credits) for delivering comprehensive solutions that include FOSS
components. That's a business and social good. They are entitled to choose
their own license for their collective works or compilations.

I don't care a fig for the claims of GPL licensors that everything that
touches their code must be under the GPL, although please don't accuse me of
trying to infringe their works. I insist that my clients honor the demands
of GPL licensors that THEIR components be under an enforceable GPL. That is
why I want to see software companies fully disclose the FOSS components (and
licenses) in their software, even as they distribute the overall programs
(including perhaps its proprietary parts) under licenses of their choice.


Lawrence Rosen
Rosenlaw & Einschlag, a technology law firm (
3001 King Ranch Rd., Ukiah, CA 95482
Office: 707-485-1242
Linkedin profile: 

-Original Message-
From: Nick Yeates [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Red Hat compilation copyright & RHEL contract

> At the same time, the combined body of work that constitutes Red HatR 
> Enterprise LinuxR is a collective work which has been organized by Red 
> Hat, and Red Hat holds the copyright in that collective work.

Bradley Kuhn wrote at 15:46 on Monday:
> . It's admittedly a strange behavior,
> and I've been asking Red Hat Legal for many years now to explain 
> better why they're doing this and what they believe it's accomplishing.

Larry Rosen wrote at 23:28 on Thursday:
> I often recommend that licensing method to those of my clients who 
> combine various FOSS works into a single software package. It isn't 
> odd at all. Even if GPL applies to one or more of those internal 
> components, there is no need to license the entire collective work 
> under the GPL. We've even distributed GPL software as part of collective
works under the OSL.

I too am curious what this "compilation license"ing is and what its benefits
are. Mr Kuhn asked, and Larry responded saying basically 'its not so odd - I
use it often' and Larry did not state *why* he advises use of this licensing
strategy from a business, social or other standpoint.

1) Why larry?
2) What is the "standard" way of doing this? How do most other org's license
many works together?

Full disclosure: I work for Red Hat, though am writing this from my personal
account and perspective. I am a beginner on my knowledge into OSS license
details, so please realize that I am attempting to learn. I could go and ask
around in my company about this, yet I would rather engage with the
community on this for now.

-Nick Yeates
License-discuss mailing list

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source license chooser

2013-09-11 Thread Lawrence Rosen
Thanks Till, this was a very useful summary of the situation in Europe!  

I believe you've begged the question, however, by saying this:

> Apparently, a computer program which is _not_ derived from
> GPL code has nonetheless to be licensed under the GPLv2 when
> the original GPL code and the program are not distributed 
> "as separate works".

I'll take as your premise that we're talking about distributing "a computer 
program which is _not_ derived from GPL code." That simplifies our analysis.

Certainly in most of the collective works or compilations distributed by 
software companies under a variety of copyleft and non-copyleft licenses, the 
most interesting and useful parts of those applications software are NOT 
derived from GPL code. Those larger applications, comprised of many FOSS and 
non-FOSS components, evidence a great deal of independent creativity and 
development effort. Although we know that creativity and effort alone does not 
determine the copyright status of those applications, we can say that the 
reward system in software development is tied to such independent creative 
development efforts. 

It will take more than wishful thinking and static linking to subject those 
independent creative works to the GPL and thereby to reduce the rewards 
available to their authors.

Does the distribution of a GPL-licensed work along with those "separate works" 
convert them into something "not separate" in the copyright sense? Does a 
staple or a paper clip or a book binding convert separate works to something 
not separate in the copyright sense?

You refer to a "binary blob." That is an interesting phrase which has no 
analogue in copyright law. How would a European lawyer define such a thing in a 
FOSS license so that, as long as even one blob-ette within it is GPL, binary 
blobs as a whole subject are to the GPL?

You concluded that "the situation is far from being clear." Maybe I'm being 
naive, but it is clear to me that the law in the US and Europe favors the free 
interoperability of legitimately acquired software and disfavors claims of 
infringement by mere linking.

Best regards, and thanks again for stepping into this minefield. I'd much 
rather hear your thoughtful views and those of our colleagues than ambiguous 
threats of infringement from GPL enforcers without any legal analysis behind 


-Original Message-
From: Till Jaeger [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 10:25 AM
Cc: Bradley M. Kuhn; Lawrence Rosen
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source 
license chooser

Dear list,

Bradley and Larry have asked me to share my view as a European lawyer on the 
question if linking of software components (necessarily) results in a 
"derivative work" as understood by the GPL. In a nutshell, my thoughts are the 
following (a more comprehensive overview can be found at, unfortunately in German

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Red Hat compilation copyright & RHEL contract

2013-09-11 Thread Bradley M. Kuhn
Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz wrote at 04:31 (EDT):
> Frequent cases are submitted when developers (in particular European
> administrations and Member states) have build applications from
> multiple components, plus adding their own code, and want to use a
> single license for distributing the whole compilation.

While the description you give there is a bit too vague to analyze
against the USA copyright statue (i.e., the example lacks any real world
facts), I'd suspect that the default case of that situation, at least in
the USA, is the creation of a new single work that derives from those
components, plus their own code.

The compilation copyright situation, at least in the USA, comes up more
with putting a bunch of unrelated works on the same medium, like a CD
ISO image.  Making a single work of software that includes many
components is very different from mere compilation.
   -- bkuhn
License-discuss mailing list

[License-discuss] Disclaimers

2013-09-11 Thread Tim Armstrong
I find it particularly objectionable that by providing my software free I
open myself to the possibility of financial attack.

I use something similar to the open source disclaimer for software I have
published but have added the following to it "IF THIS DISCLAIMER
PROHIBITED." in an additional attempt to protect myself from litigation
lunacy. Not sure if you may want to add something like it to your own

Anyway keep up the good fight.

Tim A
License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] License incompatibility (was Re: Open source license chooser

2013-09-11 Thread Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz
Dear Till
Thank you for this - excellent - analysis.
You wrote:

The only hint you may find is Article 6 which says that decompilation is
allowed under certain circumstances to "achieve the interoperability of an
independently created computer program with other programs".

Written in 1991, the Directive considered decompilation only, based on the
assumption that source code was not communicated to the licensee. The case
of free/open source software looks different because the licensee has
legitimately an access to the source code (no decompilation is needed).
However, this is indeed without importance in my understanding: the idea is
that the legitimate licensee of a software program (received as object code
only or as object + source in the case of FOSS) has the right to inspect
and reuse this code with the purpose “to achieve interoperability”

There is a definition of interoperability in recital 10: 'The parts of the
which provide for such interconnection and interaction between elements of
software and hardware are generally known as "interfaces". This functional
interconnection and interaction is generally known as "interoperability";
such interoperability can be defined as the ability to exchange information
and mutually to use the information which has been exchanged. '

Therefore, my understanding of the directive is that software, that is
independently created and exchanges information with other software through
an interface, is independent software and not a derivative work.

This is also my own understanding. But it means that linking software for
interoperability (= for exchanging information) makes no derivatives and
that the way of linking (statically producing a single binary or dynamic at
runtime) is just a technical modality without substantial importance
regarding copyright.

There is another hint in section 3 of Article 6: “the provisions of this
Article may not be interpreted in such a way as to allow its application to
be used in a manner which unreasonably prejudices the rightholder's
legitimate interests”.

If some litigation comes (hypothetically) to the Court (note: the right
name is now “Court of Justice of the European Union”) and if I was - by
impossible chance - involved as a lawyer, I guess that I would argue that
protecting free software is a legitimate interest and that statically
linking with proprietary software unreasonably prejudices this interest. At
the contrary, linking with FOSS software covered by another “similar”
copyleft licence would not prejudice this interest.   Just my own
understanding of course...

Interesting debate...


2013/9/10 Till Jaeger 

> Dear list,
> Bradley and Larry have asked me to share my view as a European lawyer on
> the
> question if linking of software components (necessarily) results in a
> "derivative work" as understood by the GPL. In a nutshell, my thoughts are
> the following (a more comprehensive overview can be found at
>, unfortunately in German
> only):
> 1.
> As far as I know there is no relevant case law on the question of what may
> be considered a "derivative work" under European copyright law for
> software.
> European software copyright law has been harmonized
> (
> )
> since 1991.
> In my opinion "derivative work" in software law should have a different
> meaning than in other fields of copyright law.
> Software is typically interacting with other software, and dependencies
> (e.g. an application running on an operating system) do not necessarily
> mean
> that two components form a derivative work.
> 2.
> GPLv3 refers to copyright law ('To “modify” a work means to copy from or
> adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission,
> other than the making of an exact copy') whereas GPLv2 might be interpreted
> in a way that the understanding of "derivative work" is broader. In this
> regard the GPLv2 seems to be a bit contradictory to me. On the one hand it
> defines 'a "work based on the Program"'as  “either the Program or any
> derivative work under copyright law", on the other hand sec. 2 contains a
> more detailed explanation of what the term "derivative work" is supposed to
> mean within the scope of the GPLv2 ("If identifiable sections of that work
> are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered
> independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its
> terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate
> works."). Apparently, a computer program which is _not_ derived from GPL
> code has nonetheless to be licensed under the GPLv2 when the original GPL
> code and the program are not distributed "as separate works".
> If you do not want to ignore that language you have to find a meaningful
> interpretation for this sentence in sec. 2 of the GPLv2. To me, it ma

Re: [License-discuss] Red Hat compilation copyright & RHEL contract

2013-09-11 Thread Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz
Nick Yeates wrote:>I too am curious what this "compilation license"ing is
and what its benefits are. Mr Kuhn >asked, and Larry responded saying
basically 'its not so odd - I use it often' and Larry did >not state *why*
he advises use of this licensing strategy from a business, social or other
>1) Why?
>2) What is the "standard" way of doing this?

Frequent cases are submitted when developers (in particular European
administrations and Member states) have build applications from multiple
components, plus adding their own code, and want to use a single license
for distributing the whole compilation. In many cases their policy is to
use the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) for administrative or
linguistic reasons (using a license with working value in multiple
languages). Therefore I published a matrix on Joinup (
(the matrix should be updated due to new license versions, i.e. the recent
OSI-approved CeCILL 2.1 which is now fully EUPL and GPL compatible)

2013/9/10 Nick Yeates 

> From
> > At the same time, the combined body of work that constitutes Red Hat®
> > Enterprise Linux® is a collective work which has been organized by Red
> > Hat, and Red Hat holds the copyright in that collective work.
> Bradley Kuhn wrote at 15:46 on Monday:
> > … It's admittedly a strange behavior,
> > and I've been asking Red Hat Legal for many years now to explain better
> > why they're doing this and what they believe it's accomplishing.
> Larry Rosen wrote at 23:28 on Thursday:
> > I often recommend that licensing method to those of my clients who
> combine
> > various FOSS works into a single software package. It isn't odd at all.
> Even
> > if GPL applies to one or more of those internal components, there is no
> need
> > to license the entire collective work under the GPL. We've even
> distributed
> > GPL software as part of collective works under the OSL.
> I too am curious what this "compilation license"ing is and what its
> benefits are. Mr Kuhn asked, and Larry responded saying basically 'its not
> so odd - I use it often' and Larry did not state *why* he advises use of
> this licensing strategy from a business, social or other standpoint.
> 1) Why larry?
> 2) What is the "standard" way of doing this? How do most other org's
> license many works together?
> Full disclosure: I work for Red Hat, though am writing this from my
> personal account and perspective. I am a beginner on my knowledge into OSS
> license details, so please realize that I am attempting to learn. I could
> go and ask around in my company about this, yet I would rather engage with
> the community on this for now.
> -Nick Yeates
> ___
> License-discuss mailing list

Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz
tel. + 32 478 50 40 65
License-discuss mailing list