Re: testing kit conformance as a condition of distribution

2004-06-30 Thread Chris F Clark
Hmmm, curious responses to something I would have seen as an attempt
at a field of endeavor control.  While it does not explicitly
restrict the use of the software in such instances, it still could
have that effect, since most workers in such fields are required to
get bonds that guarantee the quality of their work, and such bonds
require reasonable professional standards to be met, and using
something that is explicitly not designed to be used in that context
would seem to violate those professional standards.  

Isn't that the whole problem with million-$ hammers and the likes,
that they have been certified to be useful under the exact conditions
where one cares about the outcome (e.g. working on a space ship or a
nuclear power plant or a bio-weapons lab), where if the tool isn't
designed to precise specs and the tool fails as a result the results
are catastrophic.

Isn't the requirement of such an acknowledgement in the license to use
the tool, thus an ipso facto restriction against the tools use in such
circumstances.  If I lived in the area affected by a nuclear power
plant and found that one of its contractors was using a tool that they
freely acknowledged as inappropriate to the task, I would be certainly
interested in joining the class-action suit against said contractor.

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Re: OSD #6 (fields of endeavor) and research vs commercial rights

2004-06-15 Thread Chris F Clark
Bob Scheifler asked:
 So the word restrict in OSD#6 (and the word prevent in the rationale)
 should be interpreted narrowly to mean completely preclude? Meaning,
 there's no obligation for all fields of endeavor to be on equal footing;

I think completely preclude would be *too* narrow.  My sense is that
you can impose restrictions that require end users to make available
(e.g. publish or return copies to the author) and to attribute or not
attribute authorship (e.g. you must keep copyright notices marking
some work as having come from some source, but you may not use the
name of that source otherwise), but not much more.  Those restrictions
don't have to be levelled equally.  

However, other types of restrictions are going to be more problematic,
e.g. fees to any one group (or even equally levelled) will definitely
not fly.  Other restrictions that I don't think could be made to fly
are restrictions that the software must be (or may not be) used in
conjunction with other software.

My rule of thumb is that restrictions that preserve authorship are
likely to pass, but restrictions that preserve ownership are not.
That is, you can place restrictions that protect your rights as an
author of the software, but not restrictions that protect your rights
as an owner.  However, that is just a personal rule of thumb, based
upon my model of what rights are related to authorship and what ones
come from ownership--a strict legal interpretation of those words
would invalidate the rule of thumb entirely, as copyright law reserves
some rights to an author that would not likely be acceptible in an
open source license.

One area where I think things are gray is in whether restrictions on
how derivative works can be made are acceptible.  For example,
licenses have passed that require special handling of changes to the
code (e.g. segregation into patches and keeping the original work
intact).  However, licesnes that prohibit making derivative works have
not (and will not).

 Not knowing how this list works, are there people who speak
 authoritatively on interpretations of the OSD?

There are definitely those who speak more authoritatively than others
as they are members of the OSI board, me *not* being among them. No
one speaks with absolute authority though, as it is a committee that
does the approval and this list is simply advisory, trying to raise
issues in specific licenses so that the board can make a more informed
decision.  There is certainly no requirement that the board listen to
the discussion on the list or abide by any of the results of the


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Re: Dual licensing

2004-06-13 Thread Chris F Clark
I'm sorry, Marius, I'm confused.  How can be it open source, and yet
if used commercially, the authors get a cut?

The thing is, we don't see how that hurts the basic tenets of the free
software philosophy. 
I know this, and this is the single 'wrong' thing about free software in 
the view on many people (SDC, UUU, Alladin...) Putting the authors out 
of the loop is silly and unfair.

It may be wrong (silly, unjfair, etc.) but it *is* the definition of
both free software and open source.  The *intent* is to take the
author out of the loop.  Once your software is free or open
source, you don't own it any more.  It belongs to its users.

You are not the first to propose some form of limited sharing, with
some amount of ability to return profits to the author when users
themselves are making profits.  However, each and every time, such
ideas have floundered on this basic principle--the principle that the
author cannot restrict(*) the end users rights to use and redistribute
the software for any purpose once they have obtained a copy.  (*Some
forms of restriction are allowed if they facilitate the principle of
non-restriction, e.g. the GPL requiring that if you distribute a
non-human readable form, you must also desribute a human readable

The ability to enforce a limited sharing is considered a monopoly
rent.  You as the author are inherently a monopoly, as you (perhaps a
collective you if the software was written by a group) are the
author and conceptually no one else can be that.  Thus, any ability
you have to control the software puts you in the position of a
controlling monopoly.  If that control prohibits others from using the
software without returning something to you, then what those users
must return to you is a monopoly rent.  And if that cotrol (either
through a monopoly rent) or through some other mechanism prevents some
group of users from using (or redistributing to whoever they want) the
software after they have obtained it, then it makes the software
non-open source. (And the key point is that the users must be able to
redistibute the software to anyone, including users who the original
author would not give the software to and that those redistributed to
users must have equal rights even if the original author would not
have given them such rights and also cannot be restricted in their use
or redistribution.)

If you want to make a profit from selling open source software, you
are free to attempt to do so, and there appear to be mechanisms to do
so.  However, you can't do it through a monopoly rent system and
call it open source.  The closest one can come to collecting a
monopoly rent is finding some way to make oneself the preferred
provider of the software and collecting such rents on the first
sale--that is sometimes called selling the brand.

My company has developed a strategy for doing just that, and we'll see
over time whether it is successful.  However, we recognize that in
doing so, our ability to extract income form the software is only
proportional to the extra value we continue to add (or at least that
our customers perceive we add).  The fact that some form of our
software is open source means that there will always be the threat
that users who don't perceive the value we add can find a way to get
the software for a lower cost than what we charge, so there will
always be a downward force on our prices that we will have to
compensate for by adding the perceived value.

However, we can't add that value through a license clause that
requires payment under some conditions.  That simply makes the
software not open source.  Violating a key part of open source as I
tried to explain above.  Other forms of limited sharing may be good,
right, correct, laudable, etc.  However, the definition of open source
is that the author is out of the loop once the software is obtained
by the users and it is the users that have control.

No amount of arguing will ever change that. There are very smart
people involved in the open source movement and they understand that
principle and what it entails and have chosen to accept it.

And while you may not think that some other form of limited sharing
does not hurt the free software philosophy, they will never agree,
because they consider the end user's rights (even if the end user is
the evil empire) to be paramount.  It is a matter of principle, and
at some level it defines the free software philosophy--which isn't as
much about sharing as some people think, as it is about *not being
able to restrict* sharing, which is a slightly different thing.

Excuse my long-windedness,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread Chris F Clark
The problem is that corporations like to define their coproprate
self, including all those that they hire or sub-contract from as a
single entity, just like the end user you (which may by the same
extension be a family all sharing one computer).

Now, traditionally, companies have not tracked down individual users
of copyrighted materials and tried to enforce non-infringement clauses
upon them.  However, traditionally, the mechanism for making quality
duplication of originals was by itself prohibitively expensive.  So,
if I took out my cassette deck and recorded a song that was playing on
the radio, it wasn't much harm to their profits--I would probably
eventually buy the same material (on an LP record or a 45) to get a
durable copy of decent quality.  Equally importantly, if some money
making concern, say a dentists office wanted to play the music,
companies *would* charge them for individual use--e.g. Muzak.

Now, in constrast, things have changed.  Everyone can make high
qualtiy copies with an effectively infinite life-span.  The music and
movie industries have started suing individual users.  It isn't a far
stretch to see the same things applying to software.

As a result, I think at some point someone will sue someone over the
fact that the party being sued internally distributed software
violating the suing party's license which had requirements on
distribution that the party being sued did not meet.


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)
license-discuss archive is at

Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-06-10 Thread Chris F Clark
Sorry to follow-up to myself, but
 As a result, I think at some point someone will sue someone over the
 fact that the party being sued internally distributed software
 violating the suing party's license which had requirements on
 distribution that the party being sued did not meet.

I think that someone will also sue over making a private derivative
version too.  However, I don't know if such a suit is possible under
an open source license as I believe all current open source licenses
reserve the right to make derivatives to the recipient, and I believe
further that to be OSI-compatible they must do so.

I have often contemplated writing an open source license that requires
derivatives to be made publicly available (either by publishing or
by sending back to the author who can then publish).  However, working
with a lawyer to get such a license drafted is an expensive
proposition and would only result in yet-one-more-incompatible open
source license, which is not a good thing in my eyes.


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Dual licensing

2004-06-07 Thread Chris F Clark
While it is not done in practise yet, (we are still arranging to make
it possible) Compiler Resources, Inc. does intend to sell open
source software (and at some level the FSF does so today or at least
did in the past).

We have a currently closed source product, Yacc++, that we intend to
release an open source version of.  Truly open source, under the GPL,
and other developers may fork, resell, or do whatever the GPL allows
them to do with it.  We will also sell that exact same version (at a
reduced price from other closed source versions).  We hope that some
distributions of open source software may in fact begin incorporating
the open source version into their distributions and that copies of
the open source software gets given away for free.

Now, as noted, we will also be selling closed source versions (and
support for the open source version).  This is where we intend to
continue making the majority of our profits.  However, there will be
some clients who wish to buy the open source version from us, perhaps
because they will then get it in combination with a proprietary
version or to get support or just to get the latest open source copy
we have released in a timely fashion.  Thus, we will be *selling* the
open source version.

As I mentioned, (at least at one time) the FSF did the same.  One
could buy a distribution tape of Emacs from them (for about $150).
As I recall, we, in fact, did so.  Not because, we were particularly
enamoured with giving the FSF money, but because we wanted a reliable
copy, and we were no more enamoured with giving someone else the
money.  There was at least the hope that the money we gave to the FSF
would be plowed back into supporting further development of Emacs.

As to the pricing model, we intend to sell the open source version for
about a quarter what we sell our flagship closed source version for,
which is also the price we sell upgrades to our best customers
for.  Matching the upgrade price is the key reason we picked that
price point--the open source version will help support customers who
do not want more current versions, but want more freedom in modifying
the software and supporting themselves.  We have a fairly extensive
client base who would like to self-support and are using older
versions that they do not wish to upgrade, but do need sources for to
handle incompatibilities in the underlying OS that have crept in over
the years (e.g. we have Windows 3.x users that need an XP version, of
the same old copy of our software, and we want to make their life
easier).  Note, the price point we have selected is about half the
price of comparable competing closed source products.

As to the development model, we intend to accept contributions
(provide that the authors are willing to assign copyright owernship
for us, so we can dual license and incorporate into our closed source
versions) and will offer such enahncement authors some form of
compensation for their contibutions (advance copies of the next free
release are one likely candidate and attribution credit if desired).
Is it possible that some authors will fork a competing version and
sell or give that away, yes?  However, we expect to mitigate that
threat by providing only a subset of the flagship products
functionality--a substantial subset, so that the open source version
is not a toy or demo version, but in fact a valuable product in
itself (just not quite as good as our flagship product)--with the
further promise that other features from our flagship product will get
incorporated into the open source version over time.  That means any
fork will either have to track our open source releases or will become
less functional.

Note, no where in our plans are attempts to keep others from selling
the same open source software (nor from giving it away).  In fact, we
hope that some distributions do in fact give the open source version
away, as loss leaders for our closed source version.  At the same
time, we do expect to sell the open source version, just not as the
primary revenue stream.  As far as I can tell, precluding others from
selling or giving away your open source software, violates what most
people mean by open source.  At time same time, just because we
allow others to give it away, does not mean that we have to give it
away--that's a separate decision.  It is possible to segment the
market and still sell open source software.

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA fax:  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)

license-discuss archive is at

free Re: Dual licensing

2004-06-07 Thread Chris F Clark
What part of OSD#6 prevents someone for charging to license the
software to one group and give the software away for free to another
as long as the same open source license is made available to both?

Actually, as long as the license is OSI compatible--meaning
effectively that some recipient could give the software to the party
to which one does not wish to sell, is there any reason that a
developer could not sell open source software only to a select group
of people?

For example, consider the following possible strawmen:

Strawman 1:
1) Developer A creates software.  

2a) Developer A creates a web site and offers the software for
gratis distribution to non-commercial users via a web site.

2b) Said developer offers for sale (but not gratis) direct
distribution to commercial users.

3) Developer A ships the software to said users under the GPL.

4) Non-commercial user B gets a copy of said software and gives (or
   sells) it to commercial enity B (under the terms of the GPL)

5a) Can developer A, say that they have complied with the OSI

5b) What if they indicate that such circumvention is legal--but
discouraged at the web site?

Strawman 2, same as one, but substitute for 2a/b

2a) Developer A creates a web site and offers the software for
sale to non-commercial users via a web site.

2b) Said developer refuses to sell (directly, i.e. themselves) to
commercial users.


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Re: Question regarding modules/pluggins license?

2004-03-01 Thread Chris F Clark
Larry Masters asked:

 I currently work on an open source project that uses the GPL for a 
 license. The project is written in PHP and uses modules/pluggins. The 
 project has an API  that other developers can use to create these 
 modules/pluggins so they work within the framework of the project. 

If you (the author of such a project) clearly intend for the
modules/pluggins to be not constrained by your license, then you
should use a license that specifically allows it (or otherwise
indicate that the intent is to specifically allow that case).  (Of
course, if you are one of several authors, as a group you will have to
come to a consensus on this topic).

The Lesser GPL is a license that attempts to make such things clear
(and still be as closes as possible to the GPL).  It may also be
possible to express your intentions in additional clauses in either
the source code or documentation.  The standard C++ libraries
shipped with g++ appear to do this in comments in their header files.
Somewhere it is expressed that simply using the Linux API does not
cause programs running on Linux to be GPL even though many parts of
Linux are GPL (and I presume the whole thing is).

In any case, being explicit is a good thing.  So, is being careful.

The worst case I can imagine (for me as a potential end user) is that
someone develops some code licenses it under the GPL (and intends for
that to be viral to all software which links to it), that code gets
integrated (by a third party) into some package that I wish to use
which purportedly allows linking (of modules/pluggins) without viral
license attachment (thus potentially contravening the original authors
copyright) and I as a user link the software with code (a module or
pluggin) I cannot ship under the GPL and ship the resulting package
(making the contravention real).  The original author now sues someone
(probably me) for doing something I thought I was permitted to do.  No
one is happy!

Best regards,
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Question regarding modules/pluggins license?

2004-03-01 Thread Chris F Clark
Ian wrote:
 In other words, even if we assume that such a suit could succeed, the
 only people who have the standing to file it have stated publically
 that they will not do so.

I would be similarly curious if a suit against Linus Torvalds (sp?)
could succeed.  Parts of Linux are clearly GPL and I suspect some is
contributed by authors who wish the GPL to be applied virally making
Linux in its entirety GPL, by necessity.  Thus, in theory, one of
those authors would seem to have rights to sue someone (either an end
user or Linus) for linking against Linux and distributing the
result--thus transitively against such an authors code and violating
that authors copyright.  Linus is certainly guilty of contributing
to such an infringement.

However, Ian's basic point is worth emphasizing.  

 The GPL is only as constraining as the software's authors
 desire to enforce it.

The only question the small point above brought up is in a collective
work, is it not likely that some of the authors' desires are getting
trampled on?

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Licenses and subterfuge

2004-02-25 Thread Chris F Clark
I know this question is a little off-topic for this list, but this
list seems like the best place to get an answer to this question.  I
hope this question is at least tangentially relevant to this list as
it concerns when open-source license come into play and certain forms
of possible subterfuge one might use to avoid them.  I also want to
point out that I'm looking for opinions on this matter and not
specific legal advice--informed legal opinion is, of course, welcome.

Background: certain companies require that their suppliers ship them
non-virally(*) licensed code--e.g. BSD and MIT licenses are ok, GPL
and Sun licenses are not.  A group I work with is attempting to comply
with both the letter and spirit of the above rule and the licenses in
question.  That is we want to ship code that does not infringe on any
open source license.  We also want to ship our client a version which
runs on a typical open source platform (e.g. Linux), but again without
causing our client to open source their code.  In particular, the
client might wish to take sections of our code and include them in a
non-open source project, and we don't want our actions to make that
impossible (even when we are shipping our code under an open source
license).  More importantly, we want to keep the spirit also, and not
take actions which although technically legal violate the intent or
give the appearance of doing so.

(* I don't mean viral in any pejorative sense.  I would use some
synonym such as accretive (a license which grows the open source
software base), except that it is longer to type and viral is the most
commonly used term for such licenses.)

In most of the examples, I will refer to the open source license as
the GPL (as that is the specific license in question in most cases).
However, the same question would apply to any license (and I would
presume that any prospective license writer should consider these
questions reletive to their own license).

Example 1: readline

This is a typical subroutine that is distributed under the GPL (and is
apparently used by the FSF as an example of things that one might
incorporate that would cause ones software to become GPL).

I will take as a starting point that if one writes an application that
uses readline, using the GPL licensed header file, and links the GPL
licensed readline library into ones application, then ones application
is subject to the GPL.

I will also posit that if one writes ones own function called readline
that happens to implement the same interface, but which may or may not
be (completely) functionally equivalent, and one does it in an
appropriate clean-room fashion, so that no GPL code is referenced,
that function can be incoporated into ones code without making the
code GPL.

Gray area that needs clarification: 

Since readline on Linux is shipped as a dynamic library, what if the
application links to the implementation of readline dynamically. In
particular, what if the application goes out of its way and uses its
own prototype for readline (e.g. matching the version the application
author has written and which ships with the application) and invokes
the dynamic linker explicitly (e.g. using dlopen).


If one has provided a version of readline that is not GPL, can one
argue that the intent of the linkage is to access ones own verion of
readline, and thus argue that the application should not be subject to
the GPL?  Is that subterfuge (an attempt to evade the license)?  

What if someone shipped with the application instructions on how to
cause the dynamic linking to link the GPL version of readline?  Does
that make it subterfuge?  Particularly, consider the case where the
GPL version provides more functionality than the authors version and
is arguably preferable.

What if the application failed if no version of readline were
supplied?  That is that some version of readline was necessary to
application or some portion of the application.

What if someone neglected to ship the non-GPL version of readline?
What if that deficiency were later corrected?

Consider these question in terms of our intent to ship a non-viral
version of our software that provides some basic functionality, but
where the functionality can be improved by the user linking our
software with GPL libraries.  

The last questions cover cases where we weren't entirely scrupulous in
the process.  If omitting certain steps is going to be problematic, I
want to inform them so that they don't take shortcuts.

Example 2: C++ functions in string

Recent versions of the C++ standard header files (and presumably the
underlying implementations) have also come under the GPL.  However,
the header files have an specific exemption listed in their source
that allows the header to be included without making the application

Would one have to verify the the implementation is distributed under
the LGPL (or some other not-as-viral license)?  What about the fact
that non-GPL versions of the same header 

Re: Silly question: are usage restrictions covered by the OSD?

2003-10-18 Thread Chris F Clark
Quoting Chris F Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

me Perhaps a clause of the OSD should read that the license should not
me discriminate against (or prohibit) any form of usage which is not
me already proscribed by copyright law.  That would be a very strong
me bound on what open source licenses can regulate.

Rick Moen replied:

 A possibly silly question of my own:  If a particular form of usage is
 already proscribed by copyright law, then wouldn't it be pretty much
 pointless for a licence to discriminate against or prohibit it?  

1) By usage I ment something more general.  In particular, I was
   thinking of the 5, 6, or so specific rights reserved to a copyright
   holder in US law.  I was not aware that EU law also reserved the
   right of executing a progam to the copyright owner also, which is
   certainly a relevant and important consideration.  My intent by
   proposing the clause was to make certain that a license acted only
   as a grant type license.

2) I think because a license might be used in locations other than the
   author's own, some authors might want to specifically restrict that
   right in their license, despite the fact that such a clause would
   be unnecessary in their home jurisdiction.  For example, the GPL
   specifically restricts ones right of redistribution, in the US that
   restriction acts more as a grant, because in the US one cannot
   normally redistribute works that are not ones own.  However, if we
   went to some other location, we might find a jurisdiction that did
   not make redistribution a priviledged right reserved to the author
   and the GPL would then act solely as a restriction, not a grant.

I'm not sure I can clarify what I meant without making my idea
US-law-centric.  In particular, I think a license ought to grant the
recipients right to use the work in the manner that such works are
normally used.  That is programs should grant the right to be run,
documents should grant the right to be read, pictures whould grant the
right to be viewed, recorded songs the right to be heard, printed
songs the right to be sung, etc.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Silly question: are usage restrictions covered by the OSD?

2003-10-17 Thread Chris F Clark
I'm sorry, but I feel slightly mis-quoted here, where Chuck Swiger

 In contrast to the type of usage restriction that Chris was
 proposing, the GPL makes no attempt to prevent a user of Emacs from
 using that editor to produce proprietary software, and I think that
 is as it should be, at least in general.

I believe I did not propose a usage restriction, except as clarifying
what another person (Arnoud Engelfriet) wrote.  I don't believe usage
restrictions except for those inherent in copyright law, are
compatible with the OSD (at least not compatible with the spirit of
the OSD).

On the other hand, I did mention a license concept based upon the
restriction of creating derived works.  I hope that such a license
could be OSD compatible, because it does not descriminate on use (at
least as programmers think of use, that is running the program), but
it does prevent certain forms of derived works--in the case I
mentioned, trying to prohibit the creation of secret non-open-source

Perhaps a clause of the OSD should read that the license should not
discriminate against (or prohibit) any form of usage which is not
already proscribed by copyright law.  That would be a very strong
bound on what open source licenses can regulate.

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
19 Bronte Way #33M voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Marlboro, MA  01752  USA   fax:  (508) 251-2347  (24 hours)
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Silly question: are usage restrictions covered by the OSD?

2003-10-16 Thread Chris F Clark
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Arnoud Engelfriet wrote:
 This may be a silly question as I'm probably overlooking something,
 but as far as I can tell the Open Source Definition does not
 forbid any general restrictions on usage of software. The closest
 thing is No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor, but
 that only forbids exclusion of _some types_ of usage, not exclusions
 on usage by everyone.

 Would something like You may only use this editor if you release
 all works you create with it as open source software fail under
 OSD #6, and if not, why would it fail the OSD?

I would argue that your clause (you may only use this editor if ...)
fails OSD #6, because it prohibits the field of endeavor creating
non-open source software.

The question that this does not address is how your restriction
differs from the restriction in the GPL, (you may only create a
derived work from this software if ...).  That would also seem to
prohibit the same field of endevour. However, the chief distinction is
that concept of derived work.  There is no field of endeavor of
creating derived works from software that you are not the author of
unless the author grants you that right.  (This is one of the authors
reserved rights under most theories of IP.)  That is, without
permission to create a derived work, one cannot create derived works
at all, and thus it cannot be a field of endeavor.

However, in distinction, one can create non-open source software using
ones own IP.  Thus, that can be a field of endeavor.  Moreover, one
can use a different editor to create such software.  Thus, a usage
restriction on a particular editor, would prohibit its use in that
field of endeavor (which would otherwise be legal and thus a valid
field of endeavor).  And to my mind that contrvenes OSD #6.

However, IANAL.  Moreover, there is no court that has ever ruled on
this particular point to say whether the argument is valid or not.

Still, I am interested in other peoples impressions of this argument.
The reason being, I am considering drafting a license which makes
approximately that distinction.  It is a license that is viral like
the GPL except that it defines its point of requiring open sourcing
of the resulting works the point of derivation rather than the point
of redistribution. That is, one must release an open source copy of the
derived work when one creates such a derived work, not only when one
distributes such a derived work.  (There are many details to work out,
which is why I have not submitted it for review.)

I am hoping that such a restriction will not be considered
contravening the OSD, and that the license will become approved.


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
19 Bronte Way #33M voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Marlboro, MA  01752  USA   fax:  (508) 251-2347  (24 hours)
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Silly question: are usage restrictions covered by the OSD?

2003-10-16 Thread Chris F Clark
I have gotten a series of questions/replies similar to the following,
which I selected for no other reason than it was the most recent one
and it was addressed to the entire group.  (By the way, I do thank
those who have responded, many of the replies have had points that
were worthy of consideration.)

 So when someone's editing a file each time they write out the file
 they have to send the result to other people?

No, that's not the intent.  Such a requirement would be onerous and
pointless.  That is one of details, that is still being resolved, and
there are lots of little subtleties that need to be straightened out.

We don't want to require every trivial change to cause a requirement
for publishing.  In fact, we don't want to force preemptive publishing
at all, just a requirement that if a derivative version exists, that
other people who wish to have access to that version have a way of
getting the source code.  The idea we are trying to prevent is secret
versions, versions where someone modifies the software in a
proprietary way and uses that software for unfair advantage.

The following example should be illustrative.  Cadence Design took a
copy of Emacs and modified it to have hooks into their propietary
design tool, Verilog-XL.  That is a derivative work of Emacs.
However, they chose not to distribute the modified verion to avoid
having to release trade secrets.  Because some of the GPL
restictions apply only at the redistribution level, Cadence was able
to leverage Emacs into an internal tool that gave them a competitive
advantage.  The goal of the license I was proposing was to disallow
that as a vaild use of the copylefted sources. That is, once they
created such a derivative work, other users would have the right to it
also.  In particular, the folks at Synopsys, one of Cadence's
competitors, should have the right to view the modified source code in
case it helps them come up with a better version of their own tools.

In contrast, many users of emacs create a startup file that turns on
various modes, the intent of the license is not to require each of
them to put their version of emacs up on a publicly addressable web
page and post notice that such a version exists by taking out a full
page advertisement in the NY Times.  However, if you customize your
version of Emacs, and someone asks you, How did you do that?, you,
as a derivative author, should be required to point them at a copy of
the code for your customization which they can learn from.

Hopefully, the above two examples also explain how we intend to
enforce this particular feature of the license--by competitor
pressure.  If one makes a derivative version of the software under the
license, and a competitor finds out, the competitor will have the
right to require that a copy of the software be made available to them
as open source (i.e. under the terms of the license), and if the
derivative author refuses, the derivative author will not have rights
to the derivative copy as they will be violating the terms of the
license which allowed them to make that derivative copy.

And here is one of the subtle points, perhaps we can only enforce
that restriction as an author.  That is to conform to the requirements
of copyright law, we might have to state that the author has the right
to request a copy of any derivative work be provided back under the
terms of the original license.  Then, if the competitor wanted to
enforce the clause, they would have to request the support of the
original author, and to have the author make the request to the
infringing derivative author.

However, since there is no such license submitted for approval that
attempts to implement such a restriction, if y'all want to ignore the
subtleties of how one might write such a license, that is fine by me.
I'm sure most of you have more important things to do.  Again, my
thanks for your time.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Updated license - please comment

2003-06-19 Thread Chris F Clark
 Only if their fork is still a software library.  Nobody can fork it to 
 become an application.

I'm not sure how your problem is actually a restriction.  Suppose, I
as a developer wish to distriibute at application the uses the library
in question.  To distribute my application, I simply distribute my
code and the code for the library--thus, the library is still a
library.  Now, any user can take the two parts (of the binary nerve
gas, which themselves are perfectly harmless, excuse me but the
metaphor seems just too apt), merge them together and viola (sp?) a
useful application (totally toxic).

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
19 Bronte Way #33M voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Marlboro, MA  01752  USA   fax:  (508) 251-2347  (24 hours)

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Must publish vs. must supply

2003-03-16 Thread Chris F Clark
 Obviously, item 2 must be under some restrictions, or there isn't any
 must in your 3.

-- I do not agree. The main restriction is that you keep your
  modifications private. The base line is: either keep them private
  *or* distribute to the public. Nothing in between.

I'm sorry I misunderstood you also, and I apologize if I hijacked your
ideas and took them in a direction you didn't intend for them to go.
Avoiding selective secrecy (keeping modifiers (creators of derived
works) from publishing only to their customers, but not to the world)
is a reasonable goal for one to attempt to achieve in a license.  I
hope that the OSI board finds your license conformant.  It is still a
step in the correct direction in my book.

-Chris Clark
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Open Source Business Found Parasitic, and the ADCL

2003-03-15 Thread Chris F Clark
 Yes. I want to sell to commercial users and give away to others. That
 is  incompatible with clause 6 of the OSD.
Mark Murphy:
 For example, if what you are looking to release is a mature
 technology with an identifiable user base, you may be in fine shape
 with a not-quite-open-source license, if that user base will value
 your new licensing terms over what they have today.

Which is a wonderful idea.  However, to my knowledge no generally
accepted license exists for that today.  Especially, if one wants:
 the *exact* same code base to be commercially licensed and
 simultaneously available in source form for the public.

The closest approximation I'm aware of is sell the present, free the
past.  It's not a bad model.  However, some of us would like to truly
give our current code away in a truly open source form and still sell
it.  I myself am dealing with exactly that conundrum.  

section which is a side-detal that belongs here extracted to below

Some of the options we have considered are giving away older versions
(the is a nice version of my software ca. 1996 that represents a nice
complete thought and which could be easily open sourced, except for
the fact that there are bugs in that version that are fixed in the
current version, and the bugs are mixed in with enhancements, and how
much effort do we want to go to for something we are giving away and
intend to make no profit on???) or giving away stripped down
versions (if we take the effort to port the current fixes to the 96
version but leave out the features, it is a version that is
essentially a stripped down copy of our current code).

Many companies do something similar to this by publishing gratis
versions for non-commercial use, but, then those versions aren't
really open source.  And one can't incorporate parts of those releases
in open source software.

None of these options are as satisfying as finding a way to give away
our current version and still retaining our rights.  It is probably
not possible.  However, from all the efforts of commercial/proprietary
software businesses to do so, you can see that it is an ideal to
strive for.

And despite the apprehensions of some members of this list, assuming
that the only reason to want to do so, is to hijack the open source
concept for commercial gain, there are propretary software vendors out
there who wish to make their software more open source, one small step
at a time, not for any self-serving reason, but simply because it has
the right feel.  However, some of us truly believe in intellectual
property (that software is the fruit of our own hard work) and that
our right to receive just compensation is another ideal which cannot
be sacrificed in the process.

from above:

In particular, I have clients to whom I have sold proprietary copies
to.  I would be perfectly happy if those clients could use that
software to create open source works that they distribute (with no
forther royalties--our current software requires no royalties for
distributing derived works).  However, I don't want some non-client
coming along and benefiting from the technology we have created and
creating a propietary work without compensating us--once we are
compensated we don't care.  It is just the point of creating the
derived work where we want and expect compensation.

And, to tie this to the previous thread, that is why I was interested
in the license that Abe Kornalis (I hope I spelled it correctly this
time, I delete past postings so I can't be certain).  Our mental model
of where software has value is at the ability to create dervied works.
Distribution does not interest us.  You want to make billions of
copies and give them to every person on the earth, go ahead.  However,
if they use our mental effort to save them mental effort, we would
like an appropriate fee.

Once we have been paid our fee, we don't care whether you as client
charge further downstream fees or not, nor whether you give away
source or not.  That's our point of view.  

However, in the real world our license doesn't work that way, and
unfortunately we haven't found a way to make it work the way we would
like.  Our default license does not allow our clients to distribute
our sources as the part of their application, because if we did then
we would loose our legal protection.  We have to make point-by-point
exceptions for the redistribution to keep things tidy legally.  That's
a real nuisance.

Better for us would be a license that was closer to open source (or
better yet truly open source) that recognized that derived works were
still a right that as the original copyright owners we retained.  Such
a license would allow us to allow our customers to bundle our sources
with their products and give them away, because they would not have
given away our rights in our sources.  The recipients of those copies
would then be free to use the software as they saw fit (except for
making new derived works using our parts, as that is still our 

Re: Must publish vs. must supply

2003-03-13 Thread Chris F Clark
On Wednesday 12 March 2003 01:34 pm, Abe Kornelis wrote (editted
silight by me in []:

I'll stress my point one last time (you're bored stiff
 already, I don't doubt) I would offer the recipients of my software
 three choices:
1) make no modifications.
2) make mods and keep them private [under what conditions?]
3) make mods and publish to the public, either by 
 [3a.] publishing yourself 
   or by 
 [3b.] passing a copy of the modifications to me.

Obviously, item 2 must be under some restrictions, or there isn't any
must in your 3.  My feeling is that a license that allows only 1,
3a, and 3b is still open source (since the choice of 3a/3b) keeps the
must restriction on musy-supply/must-public from being too onerous
(well, that actually depends on how 3a and 3b can be acceptably
accomplished under the license).

I know that some/many people might object to a license that allows
only 1  3, and it would not be a free license.  Still, I do think it
matches a model of sharing. It simply puts the point of where you have
violated the author's copyrights at a different point (and that point
matches my mental model).  

Moreover, I have no qualms that it prevents Chinese dissidents (or Al
Queda memebers or whomever) from making private derived works.  That
is the intent.  (Not specifically to penalize them, but to prevent
others who can currently legally make private derived works of open
source software form doing so with my software.)  If doing something
is illegal (or otherwise problematic) for someone, I have no desire to
enable them to do it, by using a license that allows them to do it in
private (since that right of privacy can be abused by others who I do
not wish to have it).  I would be saddened to find out, that I was
required to give them that right of privacy to consider the license
open source (as I might not then be able to distribute my software as
open source).

-Chris Clark

One personal aside:  I have been greatly pleased that the participants
in this debate have chosen to try to consider the merits of each point
soberly and with a minimum of inflammatory rhetoric.  I understand
that many of these points are volatile and could easily produce more
heat than light  Thank you.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Must publish vs. must supply

2003-03-11 Thread Chris F Clark
David Johnson wrote:
 Since the FSF rejects the APSL as being non-free, for the reasons that 
 it regulates how the software may be used internally via a 
 must-publish clause, then I'm pretty sure that you've got your terms 

I stand corrected.  I did not consider the additional license terms to
be pragmatic, but instead philosophical (thou shall not horde your
software) and thus seemingly more inline with free software, but as I
said, I was obviously mistaken.  

Clearly the FSF has decided that hording of software by corporations
(as long as they don't distribute it) should be one of their freedoms.
I find that a curious point, since as I understand it, the original
impetus for the movement was some code that one corporation provided
to Richard Stallman in source could not be used with another
corporation's machine.

To me hording is hording and if one creates a derived work of open
software (thus becoming an author), then one should be willing to
share the results with others.  If software wants to be free (as
someone once said), then it seems philosophically wrong to me to allow
software to be imprisoned by a select group of people, just because we
have decided they are end users.  However, I do not speak officially
for anyone in this regard, just myself.

 p.s. As to where the official differences between the FSF/Debian and 
 OSI are in regards to must-publish, I would say it depends heavily on 
 the individual queried. I can find any number of pairs of opposite 
 vocal viewpoints in both communities.

Perhaps this is how I became mis-informed.

In the future I will try to refrain from categorizing this point of
view as more in line with the free softare or open source movement as
I cannot speak for either.

-Chris Clark
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Must publish vs. must supply

2003-03-11 Thread Chris F Clark
In reply to:
 Clearly the FSF has decided that hording of software by corporations
 (as long as they don't distribute it) should be one of their freedoms.

John Cowan wrote:

 The same applies to individuals.  Do you want to be required to publish
 every little dink you make to GPLed software?  How often?  With what
 granularity?  After every change?  After every CVS commit?

The answer is yes.  I think that if I am using a modified version of
an open source program, then I should be compelled to make that
version should available if someone else wants it too, even if it is a
little dink.

 I continue to think the GPL's attitude sensible: if you distribute the
 program, you must distribute the source.

Yes, it is a sensible attitude.  However, it is not the only sensible
one and it is not necessarily appropriate for all software (or all
authors).  That is why there are different licenses.  In particular,
as an author, I am more concerned with derived works than distribution
and I want a license that makes that (creating a derived work) the
point of triggering the enforcement clauses.  And since that is one of
a copyright authors reserved rights, it is within my rights to chose
that as the point of enforcement--I'm just waiting for an open source
(or free software) license which does so.  I don't expect other
authors necessarily to share that view.  I'm not trying to convince
anyone that it is a superiour point of view.  It's just my view.

And to my mind there is imprisonment, software has been created and it
has not been made available to others (that software is imprisoned,
and when that software is based upon software I have written, my
software is imprisoned within it).  That is my point of view and that
is what I would like the license my software is released under to
reflect.  You do not have to share that point of view.  You can
release (or use) software that is licensed in ways more conformant to
your own point of view.

-Chris Clark

Off topic personal request: please don't cc me on replies to my posts
unless you have reason to believe that I have not gotten the copy
posted to the list (as it seems everyone on this list is in the habit
of doing).  It simply clutters my mailbox.  Of course, that's just my
view of netiquette, which again may be on the fringe.
license-discuss archive is at

Printer Drivers

2003-03-11 Thread Chris F Clark
I stand corrected on the point about the origin of free software.  I
had distinctly remembered reading that Stallman had a correct version
on one machine (say a Lisp Machines computer) and wanted it for
another machine (say Symbolics) but couldn't get or use the correct
version due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement.  However, maybe that is
just an urban myth or an error in my recall.

Apologies to all for my misremembering,
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Must publish vs. must supply

2003-03-11 Thread Chris F Clark
David Johnson writes:
 The FSF makes a (wise) distinction between privacy and secrecy. The 
 boundaries between the two are the boundaries between the private and 
 public spheres.

A reasonable distinction.  This brings up the question of where the
private and public spheres end.  

Personally, the boundaries of a corporation (or any group) do not
create a privacy boundary.  By acting as a group, the individuals have
made their actions public.  Individuals may have the right to
assemble, but they do not have blanket rights as a group (and in
particular, when acting in concert their rights are specifically

Looking at this another way, the laws do not allow corporations to
take certain actions that they do allow individuals to take.  That's
because a corporation necessarily operates in the public shpere and
the actions of a corporation affect many individuals.  The rights of
one individual however are generally private, because the actions and
rights of one individula must be carefully balanced against the rights
of another.

Note that we don't even allow certain forms of association, where the
purpose of those associations is in violations of the rights of other
individuals.  Thus, the rights of groups is truly severly limited,
because by actiong in groups invidiauls make their actions public,
even if they would otherwise be private.

So, we do not allow corporations to discriminate based on race,
gender, ethnic background, etc. while an individual within limits can.
I just wish to apply the same limits to corporate use of software.  It
is not privacy as the corporation is operating in the public sphere.
It is secrecy.

 What is the difference between imprisoning software by end users, and 
 imprisoning software by the dictates of authors? Why is controlling the 
 software in someone's private possession wrong if done by the user but 
 right if done by the author?

First, there is no absolute distinction between who imprisons the
software.  There are only the distinctions we apply by deciding what
is right and wrong.  Someone has the right to say the software will or
will not be redistributed.  That person has specific rights to
imprison that software.  The only question is on what basis do we
assign that right to which individuals.

In this case, there is legal precedent for the author's right to
imprison the software.  The right to make derived works is a right
that is reserved to the author.  Thus, some people have decided that
that is where the right of imprisonment for software lies (in terms of
making derived works).  Other rights of imprisonment do not belong to
the software author, but instead belong to the person who owns the
copy of the software.  Again, these rights have been established
through precedent (and laws) over the years.  You and I may not agree
with each other nor with the legal precedents, but the precedents do
stand as a body of decisions over who has which rights to imprison
software in which ways.  You may wish to argue that we set aside that
precedent for this case.  I feel that we should uphold it.

My only point in entering this debate was to point out that the
license restrictions suggested by Abe Kornalis do reflect that legal
precedent and also reflect the desires of other software authors.
Restricting the rights of others to make secret (and perhaps even
private) derived works is a right that copyright law has established
is within the authors domain.  Unless one can find specific reason why
it violates the open source (or free software) definition, I think
such a license should be considered open source (and/or free
software).  Now, perhaps the privacy concern is sufficient to make the
license not free software.  However, I don't think it violates the
open source definition--just my opinion again.

-Chris Clark

Again, a personal request: Please do not send me personal copies of
mail that are also sent to the list.  Extra copies serve no purpose as
I can read the response sent to the list server just fine.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Must publish vs. must supply

2003-03-10 Thread Chris F Clark
In replying to:
   Is a must-supply (to copyright holder, that is) clause
   preferable over a must-publish (to the public, that is)
   clause, or vice versa.

Mark Rafn wrote:

 Neither qualify as acceptible in my book.  I'd be interested to hear 
 from OSI board members whether this is an area where free as commonly 
 used by the FSF and Debian differs from open source as used by OSI.

Actually, as I understand it a must-xxx clause is closer to the
definition of free-software than to open source.  It is the GPL
which established the viral nature, if you include free software in
your program, you must provide it to your customers.  The point of
must-xxx clauses is to close a loophole where downstream authors can
use the software in such a way that the effect is that it becomes
closed source (un-free).

If I write a piece of software and give it away under an open source
or free software license, it is disturbing and offensive to discover
that the software is used internally by a corporation to proprietary
advantage, while the clients of that corporation (who are not be
recipients of the software, since the use was internal to the
corporation) are deprived of access to that derived work.

A previous discussion on this topic posited the case where the
software was incorporated into a web-server.  Now, the actual server
is not shipped to clients, only the pages it serves.  This means that
web servers can be used to close/make un-free previously open source
software.  The developer of the web server does not need to share his
enhancements of the software with anyone.  

A must-xxx clause levels the playing field by eliminating this
loophole.  The web server author must publish his enhancements just
the same as a person delivering the software on cd.

-Chris Clark
license-discuss archive is at

[ Re: We are looking for an open source license that...]

2002-11-10 Thread Chris F Clark
Thank you, Karsten for your thoughtful reply.

 on Sat, Nov 09, 2002, Chris F Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  1) requires users to return to us modifications made to the code for
 incoporation into a future version (whether they otherwise
 distribute those changes or not).

 Why?   [much snipped]

The reason for 1 (quoted below) is not so much as to receive the
modifications although that would be a side benefit, especially in
terms of making our software more portable (it currently runs on a
variety of *nix platforms and the Windows family).  

It is more to discourage commercial users from using the open source
version.  We make a certain profit by being the sole provider of this
software and we cannot afford to have that revenue stream dry up

However, we do not wish to deprive open source developers the bounty
of our labor and have no qualms their using our tool to build open
source programs that they give away.  We just don't want some
corporation using the open source version for proprietary software and
avoiding paying us our rightful license fees.

Note, in particular, our product is a tool that is used to build
other programs and as such, one does not generally incorporate our
product into the resulting open source software, except for the
run-time library, which we have always provided in source code.

This is the strongest argument for us distributing a gratis version.
We can then restrict distribution to individuals (and not
corporations) and allow them free use of the library under any open
source license.  However, we can not then label the product as open
source.  Moreover, we have to control the distribution (to make
certain that the distribution restrictions were met), which as you
have noted would limit mind share.  

And yes, I agree that the GPL would be the license of choice, IF only
it would consider distribution within a company as redistibution and
had a stronger requirement for compelling releasing sources.  Many of
our customers use our product because it gives the a technical edge
over similar products.  They use the product for in-house tools that
never see the light of external users eyes.  We are very frightened of
losing that revenue stream if these users can get a free version that
offers the same advantages.

The closest analogy I can think of to our situation is Rational
Rose.  It is a great tool and one that I would expect my employer to
provide if I could show true need for it.  However, one can often get
by with hand-drawn pictures on whiteboards, word documents, and
scattered comments in the source code to achieve a fraction of the
same effect and do so with little expenditure.  Therefore, it is
difficult to justify, although I am certain that those companies that
use the tool receive competitive benefits from doing so.  If Rational
gave away Rose as open source, how many $2k per seat licenses would
they sell?  Would the world be a better place if they did?  (I think
my life as a developer would improve.)  The question is, is there a
way to give away ones product and still sell it at a premium?

BTW, our current model is done on a pre-signed license basis (i.e. we
publish the license up front and require acceptance before we ship and
bill for the product) and our software does come with a limited
warantee, in particular that it is free of third party IP
infringements, with the relief that if such an infringement is claimed
we will provide a non-infringing version or refund the purchase price,
as well as a standard 30 day no questions asked return policy.
(We've had about a 1% return rate since 1990.)

license-discuss archive is at

We are looking for an open source license that...

2002-11-09 Thread Chris F Clark
1) requires users to return to us modifications made to the code for
   incoporation into a future version (whether they otherwise
   distribute those changes or not).

2) allows us to distribute code under other non-open source/non-free
   licenses (including the user contributions we have folded in).

3) prevents users from distributing our code in a non-open source
   manner (so we can compel those who wish to do so to buy the
   non-open source version).  We would prefer a license that also
   prohibits for-profit (or commercial) use in a non-open source
   manner, but that looks like a non-achievable goal while still using
   an open source license, since such a license would discriminate.
   (Most of our customers use our software to develop in-house, not
   for resale software, so we will certainly leave some money on the
   table with this strategy, but that's okay.  A license that
   considered redistribution within a company as distribution would
   also be a plus for the obvious reason.)

Does such a license exist?  I get the impression from reading this
group that several license writers are close to having developed such
a license.  We are not interested in developing such a license
ourselves and want to use someone elses.

Our situation--we have a non-open source piece of software that we
have been selling since 1990.  Over that time, we have repeatedly
considered releasing either an open source version of the software or
a non-commercial gratis version or both.  We will release an open
source version at the beginning of the year, if we can find an
acceptable license by then.

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
3 Proctor Street   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Hopkinton, MA  01748  USA  fax:  (508) 435-4847  (24 hours)
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Approval Requested for AFL 1.2 and OSL 1.1

2002-11-06 Thread Chris F Clark
Perhaps it makes sense (say in a preamble) to mention that certain
sections (and obviously which sections) use wording copied from the
US copyright code, so that eveyone knows that the reasons the words
sound strange is that they are legal jargon with precise meanings

license-discuss archive is at

Re: warranties

2001-02-02 Thread Chris F Clark

 However, I may be confused by the term "merchantibility". I take that term to 
 mean that a commercial product is fit to be sold for the purpose under which 
 it is advertised. I can see no possible reason for a commercial concern to 
 sell products it deems unfit for use, so I can't understand why software 
 companies routinely disclaim this.

While I can't speak for all vendors of all software, I can tell you
what our lawyer told us when we were drafting our license (as best I
can recall it).

If the company doesn't explicitly disclaim all (implicit)
warantees including merchantability, one leaves oneself open to a
particular class of otherwise frivolous lawsuits.

If one disclaims the implicit warantees, one must provide some
explicit warantee for the contract to be valid.  (Thus, the common
warantee that "the media will be readable for a period of ninety

Certain problems are better to cover in a warantee (and to provide
specific (controlled) remedies for, because disclaiming them
actually opens a larger hole for lawsuits.  (Patent issues are one
of these areas.)

All of these are simply "legal" concerns and do not have any
bearing on whether the company will accept returns or not.  The
disclaimers are simply to help protect against certain legal
tactics.  Anyone can sue, but with the right defenses, one
minimizes the chances that those suits will result in an adverse

The company I develop software for does accept customer returns (no
questions asked).  It's just a matter of good business sense.  An
unhappy customer is a constant problem.  A less unhappy non-customer
is someone who may later become a happy customer.

However, our license includes the above protections--so if one just
reads the license it would seem that we have no faith that our
software will do anything.  That is obviously not the case.  Still we
need to protect ourselves from unscrupulous people who might be
willing to try suing us if it looked liked we were vulnerable.  It's a
basic problem with the legal system.  Any well meaning agreement can
be distorted and used to extract unintended concessions or as they say,
"what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

The legal system is not about what is right and wrong, but about what
precedents can be brought to bear to win the argument even if the
argument is falacious.

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
3 Proctor Street   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Hopkinton, MA  01748  USA  fax:  (508) 435-4847  (24 hours)

A question about distributing software under GPL

2001-01-15 Thread Chris F Clark

I'm sorry to interrupt the ongoing discussion of IPL and AFPL, but I
have a simple question that I have been wanting to ask for a while and
I had lost the mailing lists address, so I had to wait for a
discussion to come along before I could ask.

If we have some software (a library) that we wish to distibute under
the GPL, but that software supports an application (specifically an
application generator) that is not distributed under the GPL and is
not open source,

can we distribute the library under the GPL, and more importantly
can we distribute it (and permits others to do so) with the
non-open source program, since their interoperability is more than
mere aggregation?

Relevant facts (as I percieve them):

The software to be released under the GPL is not currently open source
(and has not been derived from any open (or closed) source
materials)--i.e. the group wishing to distribute the software is the
author of the software in all senses of the word and it is theirs to
distribute under any licenses they see fit.

The library may (or may not) have much value without the application
generator (and the authors do intend to allow the software to be
redestributed with or without the application generator--although the
generator is not being released as open source).  In addition, we
intend to allow the applications generated (they are generated in
source code) to be distributed as open source.  Thus, in that sense in
the context of a generated application, the library sources do have
value for being redistributed without the application generator (and
we specifically intend to allow that by placing the library under the

Still, the real question is can the author of software release it
under the GPL and yet distribute it with non-GPL software when the
(interoperability) bonding appears to be tighter than aggregation?

Note that we cannot be compelled to release the application under the
GPL (or any other license) as it does not currently contain any GPL
(or otherwised licensed) components.  Of course, after we have
released the library, the question becomes more interesting as the
library was used in creating the application generator (as the
generator itself is an example of the type of application that it can
generate).  However, it seems that we should, as the authors, be able
to have a non-GPL license to our own library (again since it has no
previously GPL parts in it) and thus distribute it under any terms we

Further, I presume that if we can release our library under the GPL
with the related application generator (not under the GPL), this will
not produce a hole in the GPL, since the only reason we want to claim
that we can do so is that we have a non-GPL copy of the library code
we used in the generator.  If we had used any GPL (or otherwise
licensed) code in our program, then we would have had to abide by that
license (and in the case of the GPL release a source copy of our
generator under the GPL (or not release it at all)).

On a related point, if we cannot distribute our non-open source
application with a GPL copy of our library, how could anyone release a
CD with a non-open source Linux application and a copy of Linux (since
the application is not useful without Linux, of which some parts must
be GPL)?

Does this argument make any sense?  Is there any reason to believe
that we can (or cannot) distribute our library and generator together
in this fashion?  Is there some other (related) way that we could
achieve the same goals--for example distributing the package under
some license that is itself not open source but which allows the
libraries to be "extracted" from the package, where such an extraction
causes the libraries to be under the GPL?


For those of you are interested why we might do this, we are
attempting to follow the lead of L. Peter Deutsch and release old
copies of our software under more liberal (and more open source)
licenses.  We expect no return for this release--we are doing it
simply so we can easily give our software away (for example to
universities)--in the hopes that by giving it away someone might do
something useful with it that they couldn't (or wouldn't) have done
without it.

Note, at the same time we will be releasing a copy of the application
generator (of the same version as the library) for non-commercial use
(and not in source form).  In fact, the whole point of releasing the
library as open source is to support the non-commercial use of the
generator (and we recognize that by doing so, we may be opening the
library up to uses we had never intended, but hey that's a fact of
life when releasing something as open source).

Now, while this may not be of much interest to the open source
community, because we haven't released the whole system as open
source.  It does enable the possiblity that more open source software
will be created, for anyone that uses the 

Re: Compulsory checkin clauses.

2000-08-05 Thread Chris F Clark

Clever thought, but you can't capture this private development unless
you use a license like Ross's which captures changes to the source

Suppose company A creates some proprietary software the implements
some API, call this "prop" (malloc would be a good example of this).

Now, company B creates free software the uses the prop interface (say

Later, company C creates a free version of prop (say glibc).

Later, company D makes a free software product the merges B  C's
work (say emacs-20).

Now, company E creates an improved proprietary version of prop (say
purify_malloc)--presume company E is not aware of the free (glibc)
version and only of the original code (and does a clean room
implementation of that).

Finally, can company F distribute both emacs-20 and purify_malloc on
the same disk?  Can user G install and build emacs-20 with
purify_malloc for their own private work?  Which, if either of these
situations do you wish to prohibit?  Note, you can't prohibit E from
their development as they are not using either of the free pieces of
code (emacs or glibc) and thus are not bound by the licenses on them.

You might be able to prohibit company G from determining the API of
prop by reading glibc and hiring company E to build a proprietary
version, but not company E from doing it based upon the original
proprietary version (or from a public doman spec).  Moreover, in that
case who would you sue over E's sales of the proprietary version.

These are very similar to the restrictions put on Trade Secret
information.  Non-disclosure agreements have all sort of wording to
deal with the case, where someone else has leaked the secret
information and the person unser non-disclosure acquires it from the
leak.  A non-proprietary agreement is in many ways analogous to a
non-disclosure agreement.

Hope this helps,

Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   Web Site   :  
3 Proctor Street   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Hopkinton, MA  01748  USA  fax:  (508) 435-4847  (24 hours)

Re: Simple Public License, draft

1999-09-02 Thread Chris F Clark

I don't know if this will help, but the licenses I have seen with
non-compete clauses say exactly what the user's aren't allowed to
build.  If your tool is an "interpreter that runs servlets", then say
the users aren't allowed to build "interpreters that run servlets"
using your sources.  That should make it quite clear what competing
software is.  If you have several things you want to list, how about
using an appendix, and say the sources cannot be used to build the
items listed in the appendix.

Of course, the one thing I find complicating about this, is that you
allow modifications in a previous paragraph.  It is not clear that the
two paragraphs do not conflict.  Whie I understand that legally there
may be a way of resolving that, as a naive user who wanted to make
modifications, I would not know how to resolve that conflict, unless
the license was more explicit as to which paragraph had precedence.


Re: [ Re: support requirement]

1999-08-31 Thread Chris F Clark

 I don't see any gotcha.

 I would probably not need Vendor X's documentation and/or output
 to reimplement the program.

You might if they were sufficiently clever.  I can think of several
pieces of software where the vendor has managed to implement something
in a non-obvious way that has significantly improved performance over
the naive implementation and that there are no competitive free
software clones of for that reason (at least none that I know of and
I've looked in some cases).  If you can't think of any non-free
software for which there are no free alternatives, you are missing a
lot of software (and perhaps you are lucky enough not to need it).

The best example I can think of comes from the EDA industry.  There
are a handful of commmercial simulator vendors that dominate the
market and charge big-bucks for their tools, and have done so for some
time.  As far as I can tell, there is no effective free software in
that market--and that's despite the fact that there are standard
documents describing the simulation languages, which should mean that
someone could just "implement the spec" and come up with a free tool.

I think part of the reason is that the obvious implementation performs
too poorly (hours of simulation time versus minutes) and the vendors
have carefully tied their customers hands with NDA's so that the
customers can't go to a free software developer and say "we would like
you to make a free version with the following optimization" since the
knowledge of the optimization is covered by the NDA.


[ Re: support requirement]

1999-08-30 Thread Chris F Clark

 In a perfect world I would get to work with all free software.  I
 don't want to work with code unless it's free. If I need code and
 the only code out there is available under Vendor X's license and I
 have the time and ability to reimplement that code and place it
 under the GPL, I will do it.

There is one gotcha in that.  The current Vendor X license may
prohibit you from using it (including its documentation and/or output)
to implement a competing version.  They could put such a stipulation
in a closed-source license.  It is a simple variation on an NDA.  If
Vendor X has something they consider unique enough, they may attempt
to protect their "ip" that way.  This does not appear to be this
vendor's motivation, since it sounds like they are actively
considering distributing their software in an open source form (and
hoping that their software will become the default in its niche).


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   CompuServe :  74252,1375
3 Proctor Street   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Hopkinton, MA  01748  USA  fax:  (508) 435-4847  (24 hours)
Web Site in Progress:  Web Site   :  