Re: [License-discuss] linking exception in OpenJDK

2015-11-27 Thread Thufir
Whoops, I listened again, and Bradley does later mention that Google
could use the classpath exception, at the very end.
License-discuss mailing list

[License-discuss] linking exception in OpenJDK

2015-11-27 Thread Thufir
Bradley said that all android applications would now have to be GPL were 
Google to put Android under the GPL in the last few minutes of this podcast:

0x44: Oracle v. Google Federal Appeals Court Decision
05/13/2014 07:33 AM

When I read the wikipedia articles about OpenJDK and IcedTea, they don't 
mention this notion.

A GPL linking exception modifies the GNU General Public License (GPL) in 
a way that enables software projects which provide library code to be 
"linked to" the programs that use them, without applying the full terms 
of the GPL to the using program. Linking is the technical process of 
connecting code in a library to the using code, to produce a single 
executable file. It is performed either at compile time or run-time in 
order to produce functional machine-readable code. There is a public 
perception, unsupported by any legal precedent or citation, that without 
applying the linking exception, code linked with GPL code may only be 
done[clarification needed] using a GPL-compatible license.[1] The 
license of the GNU Classpath project explicitly includes a statement to 
that effect.


Wikipedia says that On 13 November 2006, the HotSpot JVM and the JDK 
were licensed[12] under the GPL version 2. This is the code that became 
part of Java 7 (codename Dolphin[13]).  I believe that IcedTea 
ultimately uses the HotSpot JVM, which comes from OpenJDK. In any event, 
they all have this linking exception in their license.

Two questions:

1.)  There seems no technical problem in running proprietary binaries on 
IcedTea and HotSpot in Ubuntu, which is what I use.  Is there a legal 
prohibition or problem in doing so?  I think not, because of the linking 

2.)  Were, or had, Google forked OpenJDK and IcedTea, and kept the GPL, 
would Bradley be correct in stating that all Android apps would then 
have to be licensed under the GPL?  I think not, there's a linking 
exception in the license...


License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-10 Thread thufir

On 2015-03-08 01:33 PM, John Cowan wrote:

Frankly, I have zero sympathy for Baystate's behavior.  Bowers offered to
license his technology on commercial terms, and they told him they thought
they could do it themselves.  They then licensed a copy of his work,
accepting in the process the license's prohibition on reverse engineering,
which they then proceeded to reverse engineer.  When Bowers sued, they
tried to claim that this part of the contract didn't apply to them.
Legally, they could have been right; ethically, their position is
bargain-basement.  Hard cases, as the saying is, make bad law, and now
we're stuck with it.

In terms of right/wrong, reverse engineering shrink-wrapped software, or 
firmware for something you buy off the shelf, *seems*, to me, distinct 
from what's described above, approaching someone, not negotiating, etc.  
I suppose it comes down to whether or not the binary has been legally 

The problem is that when you get into EULA, then the precedent this sets 
allows a prohibition against reverse engineering most any proprietary 
software -- all that's needed is clause!  That surely wasn't the 
intention of the legislature in the US when they wrote laws about this.

Does the same logic apply to widgets?  If so, that would, potentially, 
kill after-market car parts, which, if I'm not mistaken, are reverse 
engineered from the original.

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-08 Thread thufir

On 2015-03-07 08:03 AM, John Cowan wrote:

thufir scripsit:

Please consider carefully your usage of requires versus allows.  I
think the language barrier isn't helping, but I see now where you're
coming from, or at least what your concern is.  Again, what is the
mechanism by which *properietary* software *prevents* reverse

The terms of the license, to be sure.  Many proprietary licenses require
you to give up the right to reverse engineer the software in order to
obtain the right to use the software at all.  The statement "Reverse
engineering is legal" is not equivalent to "A license requirement not
to reverse engineer is void", any more than the freedom of speech means
that non-disclosure agreements are void.  We can contract out of our
rights to do all sorts of things, and do so daily.

Well, I stand corrected.  The book of knowledge (wikipedia) says:

Reverse engineering of computer software 
<> in the US often falls 
under both contract law <> as a 
breach of contract <> as 
well as any other relevant laws. This is because most EULA 
<>'s (end user license agreement) 
specifically prohibit it, and U.S. courts have ruled that if such terms 
are present, they override the copyright law which expressly permits it 
(see /Bowers v. Baystate Technologies 
<> ^[30] 
<> ).

It was my understanding that contract law couldn't prohibit this. Ok, 
well now I understand the concern :)

I don't think it's necessary to write a PDF about it, but, still, 
interesting.  IMHO this is bad policy, a bad law, but there you are.  
Did this change at one point?  I thought that reverse engineering was 
found to be legal, at least in the US?  And this Bowers v Baystate set a 
precedent where it could be prohibited!?

Not good.

I'd hoped, and believed, that reverse engineering would always be legal, 
provided you jump through the requisite hoops.


License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-07 Thread thufir

On 2015-03-04 07:16 AM, Reincke, Karsten wrote:
Now, I am indeed sure that all important open source licenses 
including the LGPL-v2 allow reverse engineering only in case of 
distributing statically linked programs. Moreover: I am definitely 
sure, that none of these open source licenses requires to allow 
reverse engineering in case of distributing dynamically linkable 
programs and that particularly even the LGPL-v2 does not require 
reverse engineering in case of distributing dynamically linkable programs.

I don't understand where you're coming from.  For the sake of argument, 
let's say that the above holds, and LGPL v2 allows reverse engineering.  
Cui bono?  Who benefits?

"...companies are not able to protect these ‘private’ programs against 
revealing the embedded business relevant secrets..."

So, if the company doesn't link to LGPL'ed software, then they're 
protected from having their binary reverse engineered?

I suppose the competitors of the original company would benefit from 
such a scenario, provided they wanted to reverse engineer the first 
companies software.  For the sake of argument, this is being accepted as 

How does *not* linking against LGPL'ed libraries *protect* the company 
from having their product reverse engineered?  Surely some software, 
sometimes, gets reverse engineered -- legally.  By what mechanism would 
*avoiding* LGPL'ed libraries prevent reverse engineering?

Please consider carefully your usage of requires versus allows.  I think 
the language barrier isn't helping, but I see now where you're coming 
from, or at least what your concern is.  Again, what is the mechanism by 
which *properietary* software *prevents* reverse engineering?

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-07 Thread thufir

On 2015-03-06 07:14 PM, thufir wrote:

i assume also, thufir, that you have read, understood, and agree that
if 77 highly intelligent and prominent computer scientists - many of
them having NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GPL - go to the extraordinary
lengths of submitting an amicus brief against the copyrighting of

If you'd like to delve into the specifics of that amicus brief, I'd be 
glad to, and would point you to alternate briefs disagreeing 
fundamentally on, in particular, the implications of a decision in favor 
of Oracle, in respect on the copyrightability of API's.  While it's seen 
as doom and gloom, I'd say "not so," and, if you like, will quote 
someone else on that.  But it's moot, the FSF has already filed its briefs.

It's not a poll; or, rather, it's only a poll of the SCOTUS.  That being 
said, of course I take your point that, I'm sure, quite a few prominent 
computer scientists disagree.  They can still be wrong, can't they?

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-07 Thread thufir

On 2015-03-06 05:30 PM, lkcl . wrote:

>So, that's the point.  You might write what you like about the GPL and
>reverse engineering, but the foundation behind the GPL has opened the door
>on this.

  no it has not.  from previous experience, you have a habit of being
unable to discern between correlation and causation, and have shown a
tendency to not be able to follow logical chains of reasoning.

While I appreciate that you continue the insults, that wasn't my full 
point above, as you should know, since we exchanged x number of e-mails 
on the subject.  Allow me to elaborate:

Generally, reverse engineering is expensive in dollars and time. Should 
Google win this battle, the result will be to weaken the GPL.  Had 
Google been forced to resort to reverse engineering then Dalvik would've 
either been under the GPL or under some license from Oracle.  I would've 
rather seen Dalvik GPL'ed.

The upshot being that, for any sufficiently large company, the GPL is 
just a bump in the road and not a real impediment.  In my opinion the 
FSF is only slitting its own throat by siding with Google on this topic.

However, the die is cast: the FSF submitted it's amicus brief, so any 
further discussion is moot; but if you like, sure.

(I would point out that if you've inferred that I'm in favor of 
copyrights on software, or something along those lines, you'd be 
mistaken.  Or copyrights on GUI interfaces, or copyrights on...or 
patents on rounded corners...or maybe patents at all.  The point is 
that, in an imperfect world, a stronger GPL is better than a weaker 
GPL.  It's strictly a question of lesser evils.  Anyhow.)

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-07 Thread thufir

On 2015-03-06 05:30 PM, lkcl . wrote:

  i assume also, thufir, that you have read, understood, and agree that
if 77 highly intelligent and prominent computer scientists - many of
them having NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GPL - go to the extraordinary
lengths of submitting an amicus brief against the copyrighting of
APIs, that the issue of why copyrighting of APIs is extremely bad for
the entire software industry and is a GENERAL PROBLEM NOT SPECIFIC TO

No, I do not agree with your assertion on the value of polling. Polls, 
even amongst distinguished scientists, have nothing to do with what's 
right, wrong, moral, legal, or even a good idea.  Well, I'll have to 
backtrack and say that a poll of the Supreme Court would show what's 
legal ;)

There are other amicus briefs; I'm more than willing to delve into 
details if you like.

I only cc'ed you because  I quoted you, so figured you should at least 
be aware of that, and, you (I think) cc'ed on another discussion from 
someone asking for archives on another list (very strange question).


License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-07 Thread thufir

On 2015-03-06 03:30 PM, thufir wrote:

"For example, my capable colleague Helene Tamer constantly insisted, that
Deutsche Telekom AG could not give up her restrictions to use LGPL 
libraries until
I had offered a reliable proof that the LGPL does not require reverse 

Admittedly, I have no idea how to parse that sentence and lost interest 
at that point.  First off, it doesn't matter what LGPL has to say about, 
because, at least in the U.S.A., reverse engineering is legal:

'Sec. 103(f) of the DMCA 
<> (17 
U.S.C. § 1201 (f) 
says that a person who is in legal possession of a program, is permitted 
to reverse-engineer and circumvent its protection if this is necessary 
in order to achieve "interoperability"'  -wikipedia

So, even if the LGPL prevents, or allows, reverse engineering, it 
doesn't matter, because reverse engineering is legal.  No license can 
make reverse engineering illegal.  So why this person cares what the 
license says is confusing.  It doesn't matter what the license says 
about reverse engineering (not that I think it says anything on the topic).

Secondly, the sentence itself makes no sense, at least to me.  How can 
the LGPL "require" reverse engineering?  Meaning that anyone using the 
library is then required to reverse engineer it?  Or cannot?  The 
sentence makes no sense itself to me.

"This license requires that anyone using the software reverse engineer 
it."  Nope, makes no sense; although I suppose you could require that 
anyone using the library stand on their head(?).  The negation of that 
sentence, that reverse engineering of the license is prohibited, at 
least makes sense, but just doesn't matter -- because reverse 
engineering software is legal.  So the person making the statement is 
either raising non-issues or is unaware of the legality of reverse 
engineering (to be charitable).

Maybe they mean "anyone forking this library is required to first 
reverse engineer this library" is just absurd, but, maybe that's what 
the concern is...?  What is their actual concern?

License-discuss mailing list

Re: [License-discuss] Reverse Engineering and Open Source Licenses

2015-03-07 Thread thufir
I don't get it, the pdf is at odds with Dr. Stallman and the FSF, if not 
in specifics, at least in results and effects.  The FSF, to the extent I 
was able to get an official position from it, is all in favor of taking 
GPL'ed API's, copying the declaring code, re-writing the implementation, 
and slapping any old licence on the result. (Might be the ASL, or might 

To emphasize:  they don't just say it's ok, but actually encourage this.

I read a bit of the pdf:

"For example, my capable colleague Helene Tamer constantly insisted, that
Deutsche Telekom AG could not give up her restrictions to use LGPL 
libraries until
I had offered a reliable proof that the LGPL does not require reverse 

The FSF itself, in form of a quote from Dr. Stallman, endorses this:

"We oppose interface copyright and have always opposed it. I founded an 
organization in 1990, the League for Programming Freedom, to fight 
against user interface copyright, but we oppose API copyright just the 

-Dr. Stallman

So, that's the point.  You might write what you like about the GPL and 
reverse engineering, but the foundation behind the GPL has opened the 
door on this.  If necessary, I'm sure they'll put something about this 
in GPL v4.

The point is that there's no need to reverse engineer, there's a much 
simpler approach, which is less expensive: Java is just one example of 
which has been copied without the need for reverse engineering at all.  
Reverse engineering GPL'ed software is beside the point.

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