Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-09-01 Thread bruce

From: Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Please do not assume that Eric's description of me is accurate and
 truthful.  His statements are typically somewhat exaggerated.

Having met you personaly several times, I find no substance whatsoever
in Eric's description. Hey, you could work on your table manners, but we
all have our faults :-)


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-31 Thread Richard Stallman

They would, if he didn't insist on saying things that puzzle and alienate
and frighten people so often.

I don't do this a tenth so much as you would encourage people to
think.  As the leader of the GNU Project, most of what I do nowadays
is dealing with people--mostly hackers, but some in business, the bar,
and government.  I am getting pretty good at it.

Since this isn't something I was born good at, I've put some careful
study into how to do it.  I succeed fairly often at challenging tasks
that demand great delicacy, such as asking a stranger to consider
changing a license; I succeed more often than not in asking other
projects to affiliate with the GNU Project.  And when I tell people
that "everything they know about Linux is wrong", which is a hard
thing to say to someone, the great majority receive the point with no

I've even received compliments for how I am handling this discussion.

Only a tiny fraction of the community has ever dealt with me.  So if
you actively spread the idea that I am incompetent at my main
responsibility, you can surely hamper my activities somewhat.  You can
also predispose people to feel alienated and frightened by me, since
people have a certain tendency to perceive what they have been told to

I think that would be unfortunate for the community.  You're entitled
to your own opinion about that, but I hope that you will agree.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-30 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 Maybe his actions speak louder than his words. 

They would, if he didn't insist on saying things that puzzle and alienate
and frighten people so often.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

"A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny
gun ownership to the bourgeoisie."
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-30 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 02:18:26AM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
 Richard, you don't understand "human behavior" worth a damn. If you
 did, you would have done the job of persuading the non-hacker world
 competently fifteen years ago.

Richard couldn't have convinced the non-hacker world to adopt free 
software fifteen years ago because the Internet was not there to fuel 
such a revolution. Elimination of the costs of fabrication and 
distribution has been a key component in the recent success of free
software. This seems to be a well understood concept.

 Unlike most people, I don't consider the above observation to be an insult.
 If you were less monomaniacal, we might not have Emacs and a large number
 of other good things.  Arguably you made the correct choice -- and in fact
 I have so argued to people who complain (for example) about your personal
 hygiene.  Can't stand RMS?  Fine.  Don't deal with him.  Trying to change
 him in any fundamental way is a waste of time, and probably not a good idea
 if you could manage it.

We might as well start talking about your inability to walk correctly
if you are going to work something like "Richard's personal hygine"
into your discussions. Don't be crass.

Ean Schuessler As above
Novare International Inc.  so below
--- Some or all of the above signature may be a joke

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-30 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Ean R . Schuessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 We might as well start talking about your inability to walk correctly
 if you are going to work something like "Richard's personal hygine"
 into your discussions. Don't be crass.

Richard can bathe.  I can't rewire my central nervous system.  *Duh*!

But that's not the point.  *I* don't mind that Richard doesn't wash, and
didn't bring it up to be insulting.  He made his choice, and on the whole
I think the world is probably better off for it.  But neither you nor 
he should maintain any illusions about what he traded away.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-30 Thread Signal 11

Ean R . Schuessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 We might as well start talking about your inability to walk correctly
 if you are going to work something like "Richard's personal hygine"
 into your discussions. Don't be crass.

Okay.. I think we ought to draw this to a close. I think everybody's
made their points (and then some), now let's move on...

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
"Bother!" said Pooh as Cthulhu rose up and ate him.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-30 Thread Kyle Rose

Hash: SHA1

 Richard can bathe.  I can't rewire my central nervous system.

Okay, can we please avoid the ad hominem attacks?  The discussion was
very interesting up to this point.


- -- 
Kyle R. RoseMIT LCS NE43-309, Cambridge, MA
18 Leland Street Apt. 1 617-253-5883
Somerville, MA 02143[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know you can fight.  But it's our wits that make us men.
  - Braveheart
Version: GnuPG v0.9.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-30 Thread Derek Balling

At 11:48 AM 8/30/1999 -0500, Signal 11 wrote:

Maybe his actions speak louder than his words.  Maybe he doesn't have to
try to
convince the other 99% of the population - it ought to be immediately obvious
of the superiority of free software /based only on the result/.  No

Maybe the Amiga should have won the "war" because it was a technically
superior platform, which was immediately obvious to anyone who looked at
the facts.

That theory that "The best product always wins" doesn't hold up in the real
world. You need to be the best /and convince people of that fact/...

You can have the best mousetrap in the world... if the guys who make
decisions think it sucks, it doesn't get deployed.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-29 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

Ok, I'm trying to stop, really.

On Sun, Aug 29, 1999 at 01:37:31AM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
 I have never said the free software movement was a failure.

 I have said that it reliably fails to persuade people outside the
 hacker community and the 5%-7% ?NT? cohort of the merits of its case.

Ah, but that is where you are wrong. The concept of free software
motivated a great number of people to write free code. That free code
has been put into use by millions of people. Those millions of people
are a force of incredible influence that no one can ignore.

Rational and unselfish individuals will always be a minority of the
population. That doesn't mean that they can't have a powerful influence
on the rest of society. It also doesn't mean that they must reduce
their belief system to selfish and irrational terms for others to be
able to consume it.

It is an odd assertion that concepts such as "freedom" are not effective
for influencing the average person. The world's governments have used
that term with ruthless effect for generations. Most of the time nations
are marching citizens off to war for selfish reasons, all the while
crying "for freedom!" In the case of free software we actually
have the oppurtunity to use the term term honestly.

ps. I'm not ?NT?, I'm a Leo.

Ean SchuesslerDirector of Strategic Weapons Systems
Novare International Inc.A Devices that Kill People company
*** WARNING: This signature may contain jokes.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-29 Thread Richard Stallman

You said some very insulting--and unjustifie--things to Ean.

Wake up, man.  The percentage of people who can be reached by
arguments that aren't founded in selfishness is *tiny*.

There you go again, exaggerating.

I never lie.

Exaggeration is a half-truth, and a half-truth is often
worse than a lie.

Disagree all you like; that won't move reality by an angstrom.

Reality is more complex than you give it credit for.
You're making simplistic statements about human behavior,
which cannot possibly be true.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Richard Stallman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 However, Eric and the Open Source movement deliberately avoid the
 issues that I focus on most: issues of principle.  They do not say
 that we deserve freedom to share and change software, or urge people
 to refuse to give up their freedom by accepting non-free software.

That's right.  If we did that, we would confuse and/or alienate
everybody but the 5% of the population wired just like hackers.  Which
is exactly what you did for fifteen years.

When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is *stop digging*.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as
the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral
check against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally,
even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist
and triumph over them."
-- Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story of the John Marshall Court

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Signal 11

"Eric S. Raymond" wrote:
  That's right.  If we did that, we would confuse and/or alienate
 everybody but the 5% of the population wired just like hackers.  Which

Is this necessarily a bad thing?

Realistically, the major contributors of open source have mostly been hackers.
Would there be a significant reduction in the proliferation and quality of
free software if linux had not gone corporate?

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
"Different Earths, identical mayhem." -- Professor Arturo

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Realistically, the major contributors of open source have mostly been hackers.
Would there be a significant reduction in the proliferation and quality of
free software if linux had not gone corporate?

Maybe not.  But I think I'm not the only person tired of living in a ghetto
and watching from the sidelines while Microsoft locked down the Internet.

It was time to grow up and get real.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme
Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the
fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1823

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 03:12:37AM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
 That's right.  If we did that, we would confuse and/or alienate
 everybody but the 5% of the population wired just like hackers.  Which
 is exactly what you did for fifteen years.
 When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is *stop digging*.

You know, I think that this is where I must totally disagree with you.
Your contention that corporations have no notion of civic duty is both
a simple minded stereotype and fundamentally untrue. The notion of shared
public infrastructures is neither new nor unappetizing to large

Freedom, in the sense that Richard is discussing, is central and
inseparable from the functional success of the "Open Source" phenomena.
The grey thinking that you are encouraging leads directly to problematic
licenses like the SCSL. You might as well stop trying to make simple
issues complex and deal with the matter of freedom head on.

Organizations have been aware of the issues of "freedom" in free
software almost since day one. They just call it "intellectual
property management policy" and Richard's "freedom" is the optimal
policy for Open Source software. I can recall having conversations with
executives in the _accounting_ arm of EDS about Linux as a shared business
infrastructure in the Fall of 1995. The popularity of free software, open
source, or whatever you choose to call it is due to the fact that there
was a gap in the marketplace waiting to be filled. Necessity is the mother
of invention, despite the fact that you would like to stand in her place.


Ean Schuessler   An oderless programmer work-a-like
Novare International Inc. Silent and motionless
*** WARNING: This signature may contain jokes.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Ean R . Schuessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 You know, I think that this is where I must totally disagree with you.
 Your contention that corporations have no notion of civic duty is both
 a simple minded stereotype and fundamentally untrue. The notion of shared
 public infrastructures is neither new nor unappetizing to large

If you're so smart, why aren't *you* the person the Wall Street Journal calls?

I know that sounds pretty snotty.  I'm almost past caring that it does, because
I'm fed up with the inability of supposedly intelligent people to see past
their idealism and their prejudices.

Your alternative fails the reality test.  The shared-public-infrastructure
argument has been tried; hell, I used to try it myself when I was as naive as
you are.  It doesn't work.  Never mind whether it's "right" or not.  That's not
the issue here, and this consistent confusion between good ethics and good
tactics is exactly your problem (and RMS's).

Wake up, man.  The percentage of people who can be reached by
arguments that aren't founded in selfishness is *tiny*.  You and I
both happen to be among them -- but I know I'm in a minority, and you
apparently don't.  

Among corporate CEOs the percentage drops further because it's their
*job* to be selfish;  it's their *job* to maximize shareholder value
at the expense of anything else.

I never lie.  But sometimes a partial truth is more effective than the
whole deal -- and that's exactly how it is with "free software".
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound
to enforce it.  
-- 16 Am. Jur. Sec. 177 late 2d, Sec 256

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Derek Balling

Realistically, the major contributors of open source have mostly been hackers.
Would there be a significant reduction in the proliferation and quality of
free software if linux had not gone corporate?

Quality : No, other than that which is created by the talent and resources
brought to the table by "corporate" types.

Proliferation: Absolutely there would be a dramatic difference. Two years
ago, to bring a Linux server into an organization that was primarily, say,
Windows, was a nightmarish ordeal. Been there, done that. Now, with
corporate america "aware" at least of Linux, and its benefits, and it
having some associated clout, it is far easier for Joe Hacker to convince
his boss that "Hey you should replace that NT server with a Linux box..."

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Signal 11

"Eric S. Raymond" wrote:
 If you're so smart, why aren't *you* the person the Wall Street Journal calls?

Everybody, back up.  There is no need to get personal here.

 I'm fed up with the inability of supposedly intelligent people to see past
 their idealism and their prejudices.

Eric, that idealism which you are so quick to dismiss is what fired this whole 
movement up and is what continues to sustain it. Idealism is what makes life 
interesting!  It can also touch off bitter wars of attrition (aka flaming).  People 
live by their beliefs, and only very stubbornly give them up.  It is also a hallmark 
of human reasoning to hold beliefs which are not logically self-consistent. 

 Wake up, man.  The percentage of people who can be reached by
 arguments that aren't founded in selfishness is *tiny*.  You and I
 both happen to be among them -- but I know I'm in a minority, and you
 apparently don't.

I have to disagree - that's a myth perpetuated by the mindset of american
society.  The idea of enlightened self-interest as the driving force behind
all progress holds true for capitalism - not life in general. 

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
"Our vision is to speed up time, eventually eliminating it."-- Alex Schure

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 Eric, that idealism which you are so quick to dismiss

Sigh.  You seem to have joined the idiot chorus with this line.

I'm not "dismissing" idealism at all; like you, I *live* idealism.
I'm just pointing out that it makes ineffective communications tactics
for reaching people who aren't like us -- that is XNTX on the
Myers-Briggs grid.

 is what fired this whole
 movement up and is what continues to sustain it.

Well, *duh*!  Of course it is.  But that doesn't tell us a damn thing
about whether it's good tactics to blab about our idealism in front of
people who are neuropsychologically predisposed to treat it as nothing
more than evidence of insanity.  Brain wiring matters.

I have to disagree - that's a myth perpetuated by the mindset of american
society.  The idea of enlightened self-interest as the driving force behind
all progress holds true for capitalism - not life in general.

Disagree all you like; that won't move reality by an angstrom.  I'll know
that you understand human psychology better than I do when you demonstrate
that you're better at I am at persuading people other than hackers.  Go for
it.  Take my job, please.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

The abortion rights and gun control debates are twin aspects of a deeper
question --- does an individual ever have the right to make decisions
that are literally life-or-death?  And if not the individual, who does?

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Signal 11

"Eric S. Raymond" wrote:
 I'm just pointing out that it makes ineffective communications tactics
 for reaching people who aren't like us -- that is XNTX on the
 Myers-Briggs grid.

Well, about 25% of people are NT on the myers-briggs, if I recall correctly.
That's not a small minority.  And just because talking about ideals with people
who are of the sensing / feeling type doesn't mean ideals are lost on them.
To reach those people, you just need to be enthusiastic, energetic,
charismatic(sp?), oh yeah.. and being witty helps too.

I've spoken with many "normal" people on the idea of free software, linux,
and that whole ball of wax.  They DO understand, and it isn't hard to reach
them.  I mean.. it isn't hard to lay the facts out for them and connect the
dots.  I haven't failed yet to convince somebody that free software has more
benefits to them, the end user, than it's commercial equivalents.  

But it is necessary to maintain some level of purity with the licensing styles
of the open source / free software movement.  I mean, the line has GOT to be
drawn somewhere.  Otherwise wierd problems crop up like the QPL's patching
fiasco, or Apple's botched license.  All these derivatives of the GPL, as well
as licenses that almost-but-not-quite make the OSD only confuse the issue.  We
really do need to be united, as a community, on this issue.  Unfortunately, it
seems to be the one thing nobody can agree on.

 it.  Take my job, please.

I'm working on it.  Unfortunately I still have 3 papers, a book, and several slashdot 
postings to go before I'm qualified.  Oh yeah, and being only 19
I still need to finish college.[1]  ;) 

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
"Got any more good ideas, Jim?" McCoy
[1] This is also my official excuse incase I say something really stupid.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Kyle Rose

Hash: SHA1

 Disagree all you like; that won't move reality by an angstrom.  I'll
 know that you understand human psychology better than I do when you
 demonstrate that you're better at I am at persuading people other
 than hackers.  Go for it.  Take my job, please.

One can always appeal to the basest desires of most people and be more
successful than those that rely on principle to guide their actions.
The real challenge is in getting them to see profit in working with
the community while discouraging parasitism on their part.  I don't
see you doing this.

Although the magnitude is different, what you are doing is analagous
to making deals with a serial killer where you get something in return
for providing him with victims.  I don't see this as a very honorable
way of doing business, even if what you get back ultimately benefits
society as a whole.  The ends do not justify the means.

I agree with Richard: I would rather live in a community of ideals,
even if it were a lot smaller and less functional (in a compatibility-
with-the-outside-world sense).  Encroaching decadence will never be a
trait of _my_ community, no matter how enticing the price/performance
ratio looks.  I neither need nor want to deal with "reality" if it
means I have to engage in this sort of behavior.


- -- 
Kyle R. RoseMIT LCS NE43-309, Cambridge, MA
18 Leland Street Apt. 1 617-253-5883
Somerville, MA 02143[EMAIL PROTECTED]

They can try to bind our arms,
But they cannot chain our minds or hearts...
- Stratovarius
Version: GnuPG v0.9.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 Well, about 25% of people are NT on the myers-briggs, if I recall correctly.

Would that it were so.  All the figures I've seen are 3-5%.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give
orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem,
pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently,
die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-- Robert A. Heinlein Time Enough for Love

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Bojay Iversen

"Eric S. Raymond" wrote:
  Well, about 25% of people are NT on the myers-briggs, if I recall correctly.
 Would that it were so.  All the figures I've seen are 3-5%.

That's just for the ?NT? types.  If you'd like, I could look up the
exact figures for you.  This spring I had to give a speech on career planning,
which included some information on myers-briggs.

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
"I just got a cold shiver down my back." -- Klinger

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 I suspect that the NF people would also have some affinity for the ideals
 of free software.  Unfortunately, there aren't many of them in either
 business management or technical fields.

I agree on both counts.  NFs tend to be artists and mystics.  They're 
a rare type, too.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Matt Armstrong

Bojay Iversen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 "Eric S. Raymond" wrote:
  Hackers *are* ?NT?.  That's my point.  I don't know what else you
 thought I meant by XNTX.
 No no, there are 4 possible ?NT? types, which when combined together
 have a total mindshare of about 25%.  If each of them had 3-5%, then
 the totals would be from 12-20%.  Like i said - I'd be willing to
 look it up for you if you want the exact figures..

Basic arithmetic aside, this page at least has some numbers:


INTJ(1%), INTP(1%), ENTP(5%), and ENTJ(5%)

Authoritative?  I don't know.  But it looks to be put up by an INTJ,
and they don't lie.  ;-)

intj, so I guess I'm a hacker,

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Brian DeSpain

Kyle Rose wrote:
The real challenge is in getting them to see profit
in working with
the community while discouraging parasitism on their part. I
see you doing this.
This is precisely what Eric does. Companies want "protect" intellectual
property they have invested a significant amount of time and money into
developing. Hence the sudden wide variety of licenses. As we all know the
licenses that are not truly free will get ignored by the community and
nothing will happen. Eric has assidiously tried to convince companies that
open is better by trying to get them to adapt one of the recognized open
licenses. Their legal counsel sometimes disagrees and takes their own stab
at a license.

Although the magnitude is different, what you are doing is analagous
to making deals with a serial killer where you get something in return
for providing him with victims. I don't see this as a very honorable
way of doing business, even if what you get back ultimately benefits
society as a whole. The ends do not justify the means.
This is a "straw man" argument. Working with a business is not akin
to working with a serial killer. If a company wants to release something
under the Bobzilla Public License they are certainly free to do so. Whether
or not that is the wisest decision for the software is another thing entirely.

I agree with Richard: I would rather live in a community of ideals,
even if it were a lot smaller and less functional (in a compatibility-
with-the-outside-world sense). Encroaching decadence will never
be a
trait of _my_ community, no matter how enticing the price/performance
ratio looks. I neither need nor want to deal with "reality" if
means I have to engage in this sort of behavior.
You can live in the small community of free software and never leave it.
Certainly no one has forced Richard to compromise his ideals or the ideals
of many of the people involved with the FSF. Freeing software takes
time and businesses have to make certain changes culturally in order for
this to happen. They can't simply can't release their "crown jewels" without
some assurance that it won't put them out of business. Businesses have
mundane concerns such as payroll, healthcare, facilities and equipment
to maintain. They cannot by nature move as quickly a single developer or
a development team since a misstep means that you don't meet payroll with
all the effects that has (mortgages are missed, people don't eat etc).
I have watched this debate on this list for some time and really the
problem is that Eric and Richard will never agree because their world views
are different. Richards is a deontological world view. He believes
that software should be free and not freeing is a bad thing. Deontological
views believe in a absolute systems of morals and ideals. Eric has a consequentialist
world view, which mean actions (such as software licensing) are only evil
in their effects (ie a Windows monopoly on the desktop.)
This deontological/consequentialist split runs through a number of issues
(abortion, capitol punishment, war name an issue and its split this way.)
Richard recognizes their split over "issues of principals." The problem
is that to successfully run a revolution you need both types of people
- those with unyieldng ideals and those who try to carry the ideals to
world and make them work as broadly as possible. It also seems inevitable
that there is conflict between these two. Dealing with businesses
building systems for them using free software I tend to be a consequentialist.
That said I would rather live in a world where all software was free, so
I fight for it every day by changing the minds of merchants and businesses
I deal with.


Brian DeSpain
Technical Consultants
Business Development
Electronic Commerce
Toll-Free: 800.631.2527
Fax Number: 626.584.9364

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 04:57:01PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
  You know, I think that this is where I must totally disagree with you.
  Your contention that corporations have no notion of civic duty is both
  a simple minded stereotype and fundamentally untrue. The notion of shared
  public infrastructures is neither new nor unappetizing to large
 If you're so smart, why aren't *you* the person the Wall Street Journal calls?

Ah ha, I see. So you are saying that corporations have no notion of civic duty
because you are quoted in the Wall Street Journal? I guess I should
have spent less time building free software based systems for Fortune 500 
businesses and more time on the phone to the press.

 Wake up, man.  The percentage of people who can be reached by
 arguments that aren't founded in selfishness is *tiny*.  You and I
 both happen to be among them -- but I know I'm in a minority, and you
 apparently don't.  

So we should recast our movement in their selfish minded terms? I think 
perhaps you are the one who is asleep, and dreaming to boot. You
delude yourself as to the true forces at work here. The press is the
distorted reflection of reality, not the other way around. You were a 
convenient interpreter for these events, not a messiah.

In 1993 you could already buy production Linux CDs off the shelf of
retail stores, complete with X, gcc, emacs and all sorts of other
gadgets. Thousands of programmers and millions of users rapidly swept
into the movement because of sheer interest in Linux as a way to solve
problems and have fun.  Several years later, you came and wrote a fairly 
interesting paper detailing this process and subsequently took credit 
for it having occured.

Free software is a shared infrastructure, just like spoken and written
languages. It propogates because it is a convenient tool for
manipulating and passing information and because its replication is
less resource intensive than its benefits. It is a weather pattern, it
is a storm that was waiting for the right set of initial conditions.

You are like a weather man trying to take credit for the hurricane.

If you want to blame anyone, you can blame Stallman for doing the rain
dance on faith for years before the shit hit the ground. Or, if you
feel pragmatic you could blame Andreesen for trying to take Netscape
back to its roots after it became Wall Street's golden child. Of
course, you'll take credit for persuading Netscape as well. Never mind
the fact that it started out free.

I would stop arguing with you, but its so much fun!

Ean Schuessler A guy running Linux
Novare International Inc.  A company running Linux
*** WARNING: This signature may contain jokes.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Kyle Rose

Hash: SHA1

 Why is our freedom to hack important to corporations? The answer is
 it isn't and they couldn't care less.

Then I don't want them around.  They should only get to play with us
on mutually agreeable terms.  Others are free to consort with the
devil; I will retain my principles.

 By making the arguments the way Eric does is that it becomes
 palatable to corporations and the other freedomsĀ  we get are sorta
 slid in under the radar.

That's exactly what I don't want.  When the other freedoms aren't made
clear, we end up with Qt, SCSL, and Al Gore's pages associated with
"our" movement (which really isn't "our" movement, but I digress...)

 The free marketplace of ideas in the free software community assures
 that really pig-headed ideas don't fly very far.

The Qt semi-free license got pretty far before it was shot down; and
the new QPL _still_ sucks!  That is a _perfect_ example of how the
principles of the community which are not spelled out in legalese are
taken advantage of.  This is precisely why the principles of freedom
should be stressed.


- -- 
Kyle R. RoseMIT LCS NE43-309, Cambridge, MA
18 Leland Street Apt. 1 617-253-5883
Somerville, MA 02143[EMAIL PROTECTED]

In order to dial out, it is necessary to broaden one's dimension.
Version: GnuPG v0.9.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread John Cowan

Eric S. Raymond scripsit:

 Hackers *are* ?NT?.  That's my point.  I don't know what else you thought
 I meant by XNTX.

The Keirsey Temperament site ( says that ?NT? are about
5% of the general population, but about 15% of those who have take
the Keirsey test *online*.

   I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread John Cowan

Ean R . Schuessler scripsit:

 Several years later, you came and wrote a fairly 
 interesting paper detailing this process

So he did.

 and subsequently took credit 
 for it having occured.

Where?  Sources, please.

 If you want to blame anyone, you can blame Stallman for doing the rain
 dance on faith for years before the shit hit the ground.

Eric openly praised Stallman for this.

 Or, if you
 feel pragmatic you could blame Andreesen for trying to take Netscape
 back to its roots after it became Wall Street's golden child. Of
 course, you'll take credit for persuading Netscape as well. Never mind
 the fact that it started out free.

What started out free?  Mosaic was freely available but not Open Source.
Netscape doesn't contain any Mosaic code; it's Internet Exploder
that contains (licensed) Mosaic code.

 I would stop arguing with you, but its so much fun!

Instead, use the energy to convince a CEO or two.  See
the linux-advocacy HOWTO.

   I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Kristopher Magnusson

OK, everybody out of the pool!  This ain't about
licenses, and it ain't a discussion!

Can you all just drop the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
off the CC line and go share your acronyms elsewhere.

I concur, although I have found this to be an exceptionally interesting
discussion that has led me to greater self-awareness. =)

.. kris

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Ean R . Schuessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 So we should recast our movement in their selfish minded terms?

Now you're getting it, maybe.  Yes, we should.

Not because we necessarily think in those terms ourselves, but because
that's how you get the job of persuasion most effectively.

   Several years later, you came and wrote a fairly
interesting paper detailing this process and subsequently took credit
for it having occured.

Ean, you have the option of ceasing to sound like an idiot at any time.  
But you still will as long as you keep making claims like this that are
(a) ad hominem, and (b) easily refuted by anybody who actually who has
actually read what I wrote, then and since.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government
of himself.  Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others?
-- Thomas Jefferson, in his 1801 inaugural address

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Bojay Iversen

Ian Grigg wrote:
 OK, everybody out of the pool!  This ain't about
 licenses, and it ain't a discussion!

No, but it's the most activity I've seen on this list in a long time.
Besides, I rather enjoy reading the comments between ESR and the world...
even if he did call me a "member of the idiot chorus".  :)

So... FOO!

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
"The power to tax is the power to destroy" - Chief Justice T. Marshall

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Bojay Iversen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 And the papers he has published are an attempt to define what makes the whole
 thing tick so that an average person (suit?) can understand it. 

Actually they didn't start out with even *that* much ambition.  When I was
writing CatB I had in mind an internal audience only -- I was just as
astonished as everybody else at the Netscape thing.  More, maybe.

Somebody else could have written CatB.  Somebody else could have done
my selling job to the suits.  And, in fact, I think similar
developments were pretty much inevitable within a few years after the
Great Internet Explosion of 1993-1994.  Or, at least, that's what I
tell myself to try to keep my head from swelling ;-).

Historians have been arguing for three centuries over whether the
times make the man or the man makes the times.  Having been there for
at least one critical pivot point, I can report that the answer is
"yes" :-).  I've felt all along like the author of CatB was in some
sense an invention of the hacker tribe -- that taking "credit" for
it would be nearly as silly as a fish taking credit for discovering
the existence of water.  On the other hand, *I* made "open source"
happen.  These things are never simple.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character,
give him power.
-- Abraham Lincoln

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-27 Thread Bojay Iversen

"Eric S. Raymond" wrote:
 happen.  These things are never simple.

No, they aren't.  I don't care who gets the credit - you, richard, bruce -
it doesn't matter to me.  What I do care about is the community that has 
sprung up around the ideals of freedom of software and freedom of 
information.  As a member of this community, I want to see it succeed.
As a member of society, I want people everywhere to reap the fruits of
our labor.  We all helped open the door to a brave new world.  A world
where you have all the blueprints to build it, tinker with it, and most
importantly - improve on it.

I want to live in that world - desperately.  I like tinkering with things.
I'm the kind of person that takes things apart, just to see how they work.
I can't tell you how many VCRs I took apart to figure out how the tape winds
around all those cylinders, or how many late nights I spent wondering around
campus tracing down wires just to see where they went.

Not everybody has that kind of curiosity.  Infact, I've found very few people
have it.  Eric, you're the bridge between us and them.  Don't go and burn that
bridge down because a few people disagree with how you built it.

I hope I didn't come off as being too terribly utopian.  ;)  I'm young and
inexperienced.  As such, I welcome any thoughts anybody here might have.

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
"Once I take over the world, remind me to snub you."  Brain

Re: Essay RFC delayed

1999-08-25 Thread johnston

John Cowan said:

 The right to fork is like the right to strike: a last resort that
 must be preserved, so that most of the time more civil behavior is possible.

The right to fork is like the right to replicate scientific results
and then carry on with an independent investigation.  The right to
fork is like the right to create your own local culture different than
the majority.  The right to fork is absolute in the free software
world.  The right to merge your changes back into the dominant source
tree is not.  Don't let anyone talk you out of your freedom.

Scott Johnston

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-24 Thread Alejandro Forero Cuervo

   However, Eric and the Open Source movement deliberately avoid the
   issues that I focus on most: issues of principle.  They do not say
   that we deserve freedom to share and change software, 
  That would be incorrect, at least from my vantage point.  A core principle
  of the Open Source Definition is the right to fork - which is, the right
  to share and change software beyond the control of the original party.  
  Whether this mandate should be viral upon derivatives is, of course, where
  we differ.

I don't think that, whether `this mandate should be viral upon
derivatives' (as in the GPL) is where we (the free software and the
open source movements) differ. I believe Richard was refering more to
the methods used by the Open Source movement: to hide the freedom.

As far as I know, the FSF considers programs distributed under many
licenses other than the GPL free software. The FSF would rather use the
GPL but they still take software under many licenses with no `viral'
mandates as free software.

According to the open source FAQ, by Raymond, "Open Source is a marketing
program for free software".  In the end, Open Source *is* free foftware.
However, in some people's minds, they are different terms.  They think a
program can be open source yet still be propietary software.  They fail
to remember that the point is *not* just opening the source code for
everyone to see it; they seem to forget the important thing is the
freedom of everyone to use the code in whatever ways they want (except,
as perhaps you'd like me to point out, to restrict others' freedom).

As the web site says (or at least used to):

"The real reason for the re-labeling [of Free Software] is a marketing one.
We're trying to pitch our concept to the corporate world now. We have a
winning product, but our positioning, in the past, has been awful. The term
``free software'' has a load of fatal baggage; to a businessperson, it's too
redolent of fanaticism and flakiness and strident anti-commercialism. [...]
In marketing appearance is reality. The appearance that we're willing to climb
down off the barricades and work with the corporate world counts for as much
as the reality of our behavior, our convictions, and our software."

So the Open Source movement may have got a lot of attention and Raymond
has certainly done an important job.  The problem is that it hides the
freedom, and that is not good.  I believe this is why GNU is asking
mantainers and developers of free software to "use the term 'free
software' rather than 'open source'".  Why would we want to hide the
term free?  If someone is willing to accept the term open source but
not free software, if they have a problem with developing free software,
I wonder why should we care to draw their attention.


The mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution.
  -- Albert Einstein.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-24 Thread John Cowan

Brian Behlendorf scripsit:

 That would be incorrect, at least from my vantage point.  A core principle
 of the Open Source Definition is the right to fork - which is, the right
 to share and change software beyond the control of the original party.  

The right to fork is like the right to strike: a last resort that
must be preserved, so that most of the time more civil behavior is possible.

   I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-24 Thread Paul Crowley

"Derek J. Balling" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm not a contributor myself to GNOME, but I suspect that many of
 the contributors are from the "wanting software which doesn't suck"
 category more than they are the "It's freedom baby!  Yeah!" camp.

Please try and characterise the beliefs you're discussing fairly and
evenly, even where you disagree: I'm sure you'd find irksome an
article that constrasted the "wanting software that doesn't take away
freedom" category with the "it works better, so who cares?" camp.
\/ o\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] Got a Linux strategy? \ /
/\__/ Paul Crowley /~\

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-23 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

From:  Alejandro Forero Cuervo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ESR   In your zeal to distance your doctrinal purity from the OSI's
ESR   filthy but effective pragmatism, you are mainly succeeding in
ESR   marginalizing both the FSF and yourself.  If you keep this up,
ESR   you're going to end up ranting to an audience of one, in the mirror.
 I believe more hackers would rather listen to Richard than to you, Eric.
 Perhaps your audience is bigger when you count them with your finger,
 but Richard is *far* from seeing himself in the situation you describe.
 There is a *huge* ammount of applications being actively developed that
 make part of the GNU movement. It's hard for me to understand how can
 you talk about the FSF marginalization.

There are two totally different world-views and definitions of 
success here, obviously.  

Richard's success is being able to create and participate in
a community developing and using free software, where noone
is forced to use proprietary software.  (There is always a
free alternative to any needed proprietary software which works
just as well.)

It appears that this goal is nearly accomplished: Richard is
able to avoid proprietary software entirely.  The recent success
of GNU/Linux makes it easy to forget how recently the goal seemed
very far away, and Richard's views were very much "on the fringe."

The work of the FSF continues as "community building" -- growing the
membership and enlarging the pool of "free alternatives." Having
all software be free would be nice, but a community can have rules
and exist independently and separate from other communities with
other rules.  A sufficiently developed small community can be viable
regardless of the size and number of surrounding communities.

Eric's success is that no hacker must suffer using software that
is not open source, and therefore cannot be modified or improved
to serve the hacker better.  This is quite a different goal, because
it requires that NO community of proprietary software continue to exist. 

When Eric "wins", the FSF and community WILL BE "marginalized", because
the free software movement will be a very small part of
the universe of open software.  As long as the goals and development
of the free software community continue, "marginalized" is not
a derogatory term, as I see it.

Where the sparks fly between these two groups is when you consider
that individuals who are working towards "open source" don't necessarily
have the goals of Richard's movement in mind.  They may not consider
themselves (and may not act as) "good neighbors" in the sense of
free software.

Growing the free software community helps Eric's tribe.  Growing the
open source tribe doesn't always help Richard's free software
community. When idealogies are concerned, sometimes getting distracted by
the "good enough" idea (open source) will prevent the ideal (free
software) from being considered and taking root.

Richard has every right to insist that projects which are GNU projects
be publicized as part of the free software movement.  (Which is
what started this thread)

In all of this, I think it is obvious Richard would still
prefer to see people outside the open source bubble move inside
it, even if they don't make it all the way to the ideal.  In
that sense, Richard is not at war with Eric, but he would prefer
that people not get distracted on their way to enlightenment.

Eric recognized that not everyone was going to move into
Richard's bubble, but that slighly relaxed requirements and
improved marketing of "open source" would "win the suits."

Convincing people outside to move inside Richard's bubble
was (is?) difficult.  That work needed the perseverance of
an idealist like Richard who can work towards a goal without
seeing much success for years.  It can be lonely work.

Convincing people outside to move inside Eric's bubble is
a bit easier.  Expanding the bubble to include the universe
requires the work of a pragmatist like Eric who sees success
and thirsts for more, who thrives and is encouraged by the
numbers of people joining the party.  The pragmatist who feels
lonely, or sees others "shirking" a responsibility will at least
be frustrated, or even give up in the end.

In this thread, Eric expressed frustration that Richard doesn't
(and didn't) settle for increasing the big bubble instead of clinging
to the ideal.  

Happily, for us hackers, we first have Richard and then Eric.
They are both brilliant.  Help them out when you can.

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 
The Reuse RKT: Efficient awareness for software reuse: Free WWW site
lists over 6000 of the most popular open source libraries, functions,
and applications.  

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-23 Thread Sujal Shah

Hear hear.  Can we just drop this now, please?  I think most of us, if
not all, have heard this and had it beaten to death.  There are
fundamental disagreements involved (in case you missed that part) and we
*all* have differing takes on them... 

We're supposed to be discussing licenses, not philosophy, yeah?



Richard Stallman wrote:
 I've always been careful to describe the Open Source movement as a
 different philosophical camp, not an enemy.  I think it fails to
 address the most important and deepest issues, but I don't argue
 against what it explicitly says.
 I hope that Eric will treat the Free Software movement in an equally
 civil fashion.  While we disagree on the fundamental reasons for what
 we advocate, we are advocating very similar things, and we should be
 able to keep working together.

-- Sujal Shah  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-23 Thread Richard Stallman

 I believe more hackers would rather listen to Richard than to you, Eric.

I disagree.  I think both of them are worth listening to.

I think there is no need to compare, because Eric and I mostly talk
about different things.

I think Eric has had some worthwhile and insightful things to say.
I've been impressed and persuaded by some of them.  Convincing
business with practical arguments can help our community.

However, Eric and the Open Source movement deliberately avoid the
issues that I focus on most: issues of principle.  They do not say
that we deserve freedom to share and change software, or urge people
to refuse to give up their freedom by accepting non-free software.

Convincing business with practical arguments can help our community,
but it won't inevitably help our community.  To keep corporate
involvement on the right track, developing free software and
documentation rather than selling proprietary material to us, we the
individuals in the community need to take a firm and principled stand.

Practical arguments are not enough.  We need to talk about freedom
also, and we need to do it more than just a little.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-23 Thread Brian Behlendorf

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Richard Stallman wrote:
  I believe more hackers would rather listen to Richard than to you, Eric.
 I disagree.  I think both of them are worth listening to.
 I think there is no need to compare, because Eric and I mostly talk
 about different things.
 I think Eric has had some worthwhile and insightful things to say.
 I've been impressed and persuaded by some of them.  Convincing
 business with practical arguments can help our community.
 However, Eric and the Open Source movement deliberately avoid the
 issues that I focus on most: issues of principle.  They do not say
 that we deserve freedom to share and change software, 

That would be incorrect, at least from my vantage point.  A core principle
of the Open Source Definition is the right to fork - which is, the right
to share and change software beyond the control of the original party.  
Whether this mandate should be viral upon derivatives is, of course, where
we differ.  However I think it is as important as the right to examine
code and be able to modify it for personal use, as it is the main device
for securing the long-term availability of the code - code that can not
be forked can wither and die against the wishes of others, either by
design or accidentally. 

Also, I want to clarify a statement I made earlier regarding GNOME - I did
not mean to imply it wasn't part of the GNU Project.  I still don't think,
though, that everyone who works on GNOME does so for primarily political
reasons, and for that reasons I question those who claim it's part of a
"movement".  Clearly Richard, and Miguel, have a different opinion.
That's fine.


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-23 Thread Derek J. Balling

On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Brian Behlendorf wrote:
 Also, I want to clarify a statement I made earlier regarding GNOME - I did
 not mean to imply it wasn't part of the GNU Project.  I still don't think,
 though, that everyone who works on GNOME does so for primarily political
 reasons, and for that reasons I question those who claim it's part of a
 "movement".  Clearly Richard, and Miguel, have a different opinion.
 That's fine.

I want to agree with Brian here. I'm not a contributor myself to GNOME,
but I suspect that many of the contributors are from the "wanting software
which doesn't suck" category more than they are the "It's freedom baby!
Yeah!" camp.

That's not to say that they are opposed to the political concept, and its
also not to say that GNOME was created with the political concept in mind.
It is simply to say that a chunk of the contributors may not necessarily
care so much about the political aspect.

Derek J. Balling  | "Bill Gates is a monocle and a white 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  fluffy cat from being a villain in the  |  next Bond film."  - Dennis Miller

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-22 Thread Richard Stallman

I've always been careful to describe the Open Source movement as a
different philosophical camp, not an enemy.  I think it fails to
address the most important and deepest issues, but I don't argue
against what it explicitly says.

I hope that Eric will treat the Free Software movement in an equally
civil fashion.  While we disagree on the fundamental reasons for what
we advocate, we are advocating very similar things, and we should be
able to keep working together.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-22 Thread Richard Stallman

RMS is going to live to see a world of almost entirely ``free''
software.  And he's going to get it because Linus Torvalds is better
at managing developers than he is and because *I* figured out exactly
how to sweet-talk the suits into buying the freedom.  We two are the
best allies RMS has ever had

You have certainly contributed a great deal to the development of free
software.  You are doing a lot for a part of the job, but there are
other parts you are not interested in.  Neither you nor Linus is
determined to have and use a completely free system, so we can't rely
on you to campaign for one.

You make arguments of that free software has practical advantages.
They may be valid, in many cases--but there are cases where
proprietary software has practical advantages.  When that happens, you
and Linus are willing to accept non-free software as parts of what you

Those of us who believe free software is a matter of principle
will have to work towards our goal on our own.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-22 Thread Richard Stallman

The true strength of free/openware will not come from
its selling point. It will come from the freedom. Even
after every ideology has come and gone, the code is
protected and will remain.

Ironically, the ideology of the Free Software movement
is very close to the point you have just made.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-22 Thread Richard Stallman

If anything, GNOME is part of the "GNOME movement" - any other group
trying to take credit for it or call it their own, should reconsider
their position. 

GNOME is the GNU desktop, a part of the GNU Project.  Its development
was based directly on the idealism of the Free Software movement,
which called for a response to the danger posed by the non-free Qt
library.  We are not some "other group" where GNOME is concerned.

Please be better informed about our activities before making
statements about how they are organized and related.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-22 Thread Alejandro Forero Cuervo

  In your zeal to distance your doctrinal purity from the OSI's
  filthy but effective pragmatism, you are mainly succeeding in
  marginalizing both the FSF and yourself.  If you keep this up,
  you're going to end up ranting to an audience of one, in the mirror.

I believe more hackers would rather listen to Richard than to you, Eric.
Perhaps your audience is bigger when you count them with your finger,
but Richard is *far* from seeing himself in the situation you describe.
There is a *huge* ammount of applications being actively developed that
make part of the GNU movement. It's hard for me to understand how can
you talk about the FSF marginalization.


The mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution.
  -- Albert Einstein.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-22 Thread Kyle Rose

Hash: SHA1

Alejandro, fix your Reply-To header. 
 I believe more hackers would rather listen to Richard than to you, 
 Eric.  Perhaps your audience is bigger when you count them with your 
 finger, but Richard is far from seeing himself in the situation 
 you describe.  There is a huge ammount of applications being 
 actively developed that make part of the GNU movement. It's hard for 
 me to understand how can you talk about the FSF marginalization. 
I have to chime in here with agreement, but also with a more specific
distinction between Richard and Eric: Richard's message appeals to the
hackers who contribute code to the movement; Eric's message appeals to
the suits who might be hiring or directing these hackers.  For the
future of free software, Richard's message is obviously the more
indispensible of the two, because all the suits in the world can't
make software without the hackers to do it.
I look on the increasing commercialization of GNU, Linux, and related
projects with amusement; but I started using them long before
commercial interests got involved, and would continue to use them were
it all to suddenly disappear.  Commercial interests might help get us
there (where "there" is a completely free computing environment) more
quickly, but either way, we will get there.
- --  
Kyle R. RoseMIT LCS NE43-309, Cambridge, MA 
18 Leland Street Apt. 1 617-253-5883 
Somerville, MA 02143[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I stand alone in the darkness, the winter of my life came so fast 
Memories go back to my childhood, to days I still recall. 
Oh how happy I was then; there was no sorrow, there was no pain 
Walking through the green fields, sunshine in my eyes... 
 - Stratovarius 
Version: GnuPG v0.9.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-22 Thread Signal 11

Alejandro Forero Cuervo wrote:
 I believe more hackers would rather listen to Richard than to you, Eric.

I disagree.  I think both of them are worth listening to.  One of them is trying to
be practical, the other is trying to be ideological.  There's nothing wrong with 
either approach, and some people will listen better to one than the other.  But 
neither is "better" than the other.  I don't believe it is possible to create a system 
that is 100% free of proprietary software (and be useable by a large number of people) 
- nonetheless it shouldn't stop people from striving to make that possible.  We didn't 
believe we could land a man on the moon, nonetheless somebody tried - and we landed a 
man on the moon!  Progress depends on unreasonable people.

If Richard hadn't been so unreasonable in demanding free software and forming a 
grassroots movement to make that possible the more practical open source movement 
would never have left the launch pad.  Whether open source will become the de facto 
standard, or act as a stepping stone to free software, I don't know.  But I can tell 
you that this won't turn out the way anybody thought it would.  That's the way social 
revolutions work - and don't kid yourself, this is a social revolution.

Signal 11, BOFH to the UF list and
Runs with scissors |

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Ean R . Schuessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Frankly Richard, I agree. You should be more of a sport. Think of the
 benefits you would recieve. Look at all your other colleagues that
 grew rich while you were splitting these philosophical hairs. Its not
 too late! If you "play ball" the establishment can probably still
 arrange for a retainer of some type, or maybe even an equity position
 in some hot "Open Source" IPO!
 Stop torturing yourself with these troublesome ideological positions!
 What if a few companies get rich at the expense of the people? It's
 inevitable anyway. Capitalize on your "brand name recognition" before
 its hopelessly marginalized. Maybe Eric could be your agent! He has
 certainly proven himself an adept promoter. Just look at what he has
 done for his own reputation. Why, he invented "Open Source"!

Right.  I take it you would have preferred to live in a ghetto for another
twenty years, watching the likes of Microsoft gradually smother the net
until there was no space left for people like RMS at all?

I've been watching our tribe lose, and lose, and lose again since around 
the time you were learning not to drool milk on your bib.  I got lucky
enough to be in a position to do something about it, and I did.  

RMS is going to live to see a world of almost entirely ``free''
software.  And he's going to get it because Linus Torvalds is better
at managing developers than he is and because *I* figured out exactly
how to sweet-talk the suits into buying the freedom.  We two are the
best allies RMS has ever had -- and even if *you* never grow up enough
to realize it, I suspect RMS has got that figured out by now.

And yes, I have stock in Red Hat and options in VA.  It pleases me
that I'm going to be wealthy; only idiots think wearing a hair-shirt
is a form of virtue.  But only a bigger idiot could observe my
behavior and ever dream it was motivated by money.  I doubt you're
that stupid, though I admit you seem to be working hard at it above.

The bottom line is that *I want to win*.  I want to win for our tribe
and for all the users out there who get shafted by crappy closed
software every single goddamn day and for every programmer who has
ever woken up in the middle of the night hating his job because all
his tools and platforms suck so bad.  I want to win more than you do
and more than RMS ever did.

Neither of you, precious idealists that you are, ever wanted victory
enough.  Neither of you ever had enough desire to get down in the mud
and do what was *necessary*, even if it meant becoming a travelling
media whore and learning suit-speak and giving up your life and your
privacy and your hacking time.  *I* did.  And I'm glad I did.

And I'll stay glad I did no matter how many jerks sneer at me for it.
The price is high, but the prize is worth it.  *Despite* you.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

All governments are more or less combinations against the
people. . .and as rulers have no more virtue than the ruled. . .
the power of government can only be kept within its constituted
bounds by the display of a power equal to itself, the collected
sentiment of the people.
-- Benjamin Franklin Bache, in a Phildelphia Aurora editorial 1794

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-20 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

Come on Eric, laugh at yourself a little. I'm just yanking your chain
because you make yourself such an easy target.


ps. Thats quite a check you are writing when you say you want *win* more than
RMS _ever_ has.

pps. I'll give you $20 if you'll stop saying "tribe".

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 03:37:14AM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
 Right.  I take it you would have preferred to live in a ghetto for another
 twenty years, watching the likes of Microsoft gradually smother the net
 until there was no space left for people like RMS at all?

[ assorted self-rightous swaggerings ]

 And I'll stay glad I did no matter how many jerks sneer at me for it.
 The price is high, but the prize is worth it.  *Despite* you.

Ean Schuessler   An oderless programmer work-a-like
Novare International Inc. Silent and motionless
*** WARNING: This signature may contain jokes.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-20 Thread Mitch Blevins

Ean R . Schuessler wrote:
 Come on Eric, laugh at yourself a little. I'm just yanking your chain
 because you make yourself such an easy target.

I agree.  That last tirade against Richard was just a little bit much.
I think Eric deserves praise for all his work, and also believe that
it helpful to all of us (in sum).  But for someone who is tolerant
enough of others viewpoints to become a "media-whore", I find it quite
confusing that he would criticize Richard for simply not wanting to
be associated with a group whose ideals are not his own (yet portrayed
in the media as being the same, which can cause confusion).

 pps. I'll give you $20 if you'll stop saying "tribe".

I would like to add another $20 to the anti-tribe fund.  :)

 On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 03:37:14AM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
  Right.  I take it you would have preferred to live in a ghetto for another
  twenty years, watching the likes of Microsoft gradually smother the net
  until there was no space left for people like RMS at all?
 [ assorted self-rightous swaggerings ]
  And I'll stay glad I did no matter how many jerks sneer at me for it.
  The price is high, but the prize is worth it.  *Despite* you.

The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people
worry than work.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Ean R . Schuessler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Come on Eric, laugh at yourself a little. I'm just yanking your chain
because you make yourself such an easy target.  

Yeah.  Well, when you pull my chain, don't complain because I bite.

 ps. Thats quite a check you are writing when you say you want *win* more than
 RMS _ever_ has.

I've known Richard since 1977.  He's very smart.  If he had ever wanted to
win badly enough to face up to what was required and *do* it, I could
have stayed a semi-obscure hacker happily coding away at home.

I would have preferred that outcome.  Turns out I'm *very* good at
this bullshit; good enough that high-powered professional PR types
call me a "natural" and I've seen at least one serious semiotic study
of my propaganda technique (in Feed magazine late last year).  I've
got the right cortical wiring, I guess -- but I don't *want* it.

Truly, I would have been a hell of a lot happier *not* discovering
that I really am the kind of guy who can smile, and smile, and smile,
and hand out soundbites carefully tuned for journalists with the
attention span and IQ of toe fungus, and shake hands with fat-assed
corporate predators who never had an original idea in their lives.

Dammit, all that shit should have been RMS's job.  I shouldn't have had
to do it at all. So when anybody sounds like they're accusing me of
selling out, I do tend to get a little testy.  Cope with it.
a href=""Eric S. Raymond/a

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to
take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic
purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and
sacrifice for that freedom."
-- John F. Kennedy

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-20 Thread Jacques Chester

RMS wrote:
How do Open Source projects differ from the above?
In two very important ways.  Firstly, OSPs have no
time-bound.  That is, there is no deadline whereby
the next version of GNOME has to be delivered, "or

I agree entirely with your argument, but the words raise a background
issue so important I have to make a correction.

GNOME is part of the GNU Project, and we are part of the Free Software
movement, not the Open Source movement.  We and they do similar
things, and we can work together in practice, but our philosophical
reasons are as different as could be.

While some may criticise Richard his ideological
bent, I do feel that the ideological *and* pragmatic
aspects of this kind of open/freedomware have
advanced it. I tend not to think that either is the
*real* reason.

To snipe at ideology is, in my view, as irrational
as the worst excesses of ideologies themselves.
Reference rabid McCarthyism for this kind of madness.
I agree that democracy is a rationally better system;
but the dogged, fanatical pursuit of communism and
communists was just that - fanatical. Irrational.

Could you kindly cite GNOME as an example of the Free Software
movement, not one of the Open Source movement?  Please don't
spread the idea that the latter one includes all of us.

My first personal formulation of Open Source was
that it formed a useful relabelling of the thing
at hand. I felt that neatly dealt with the ambiguity
of 'free'. However, as the FSF and the OSI have
continued to follow their own lines of canon, I
come to believe that they are different.

Out of the fact that GNOME is a part of the GNU
project, and out of respect for the wishes of 
Richard, GNOME will be a Free Software project.
Indeed, in most of my drafting I prefer to stick to
the moniker "Free Software", simply to avoid
inflaming this kind of nastiness. I will *not*
however, be choosing to label it "Free Software"
to stop spreading "wrong thought". That, Richard,
is your fight - you can fight it for yourself,

I do admire the core principle of Stallmanism:
freedom is paramount. I have, however, aired
various criticisms of the philosophy from within
the license-discuss forum; the "Freedom without
Choice" issue being a principle one. Perhaps in
a fashion that was a little too strawmanesque,
I likened the GPL's forcible freedom to liberation
at the hands of the Red Army: yes, you are now
Freed, but forced to be Free under *our* terms.

To be honest, I do not think it matters to the code.
All these factions are grandstanding over something
that will be the same in a hundred years time. The
audience, less and less, is the hackers: the audience
is more and more a more mainstream press rabidly
wanting to know of dissension and bickering.

The true strength of free/openware will not come from
its selling point. It will come from the freedom. Even
after every ideology has come and gone, the code is
protected and will remain. And *that*, gentlemen, is
what *I* see as the greatest strength.

Apologies for what has been a wide divergence off the
topic at hand.


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-19 Thread Brian Behlendorf

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, NotZed wrote:
 It just happens to be a little difficult to talk about another project
 in this case, because Gnome is the project under study.
 I would have to agree with Richard, it is part of the free software
 movement, not the "open source" one.  Although the means are often
 identical, the goals are not the same at all.

If anything, GNOME is part of the "GNOME movement" - any other group
trying to take credit for it or call it their own, should reconsider
their position. 

Not that this has anything to do with license-discuss.


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-19 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 03:50:54PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
 Richard, you should be careful what you wish for; you might get it.
 In your zeal to distance your doctrinal purity from the OSI's filthy
 but effective pragmatism, you are mainly succeeding in marginalizing
 both the FSF and yourself.  If you keep this up, you're going to end
 up ranting to an audience of one, in the mirror.
 I would not view this as a happy outcome; you have given far too much
 to our community, and have far too much more to give in the future.
 Can't you learn to accept your victory and your allies more gracefully?

Frankly Richard, I agree. You should be more of a sport. Think of the
benefits you would recieve. Look at all your other colleagues that
grew rich while you were splitting these philosophical hairs. Its not
too late! If you "play ball" the establishment can probably still
arrange for a retainer of some type, or maybe even an equity position
in some hot "Open Source" IPO!

Stop torturing yourself with these troublesome ideological positions!
What if a few companies get rich at the expense of the people? It's
inevitable anyway. Capitalize on your "brand name recognition" before
its hopelessly marginalized. Maybe Eric could be your agent! He has
certainly proven himself an adept promoter. Just look at what he has
done for his own reputation. Why, he invented "Open Source"!

 In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to
 liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses
 in return for protection to his own.
   -- Thomas Jefferson, 1814


Ean SchuesslerNovare International Inc.

"He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do
it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells 
lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing 
him.  This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in 
time depraves all its good dispositions." 
--  Thomas Jefferson

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-18 Thread Jacques Chester

Hello all, again.

Jacques Chester wrote:

 [...] Brook's Law [...]

BTW, it's Brooks's law (not Brook's law or Brooks' law); the
current draft consistently gets this wrong.

Bugger. I spotted this myself at one point, whereupon it
was promptly forgotten. It's rude for me to do so, as the
same rule of grammar applies to my name (Jacques/Jacques').

 So what are projects, and what are their factors?  Brooks
 example can be characterised as a project with two factors,
 being programmers and managers.  If we hold managers constant,
 and increase programmers, LODR tells us that productivity
 will increase less each time another programmer is added.

Actually, Brooks's law says that productivity will *decrease*
after a certain point, not just increase less.  With the n**2
communications costs, eventually you reach a point where
adding resources is bad not just relatively but absolutely.

I no longer have Mythical Man-Month on me, so what follows
may be wrong.

But what you have described is the same as the LODR. After
certain point, not only does the marginal output become
negative, but the average total output noses over and
begins to fall. Indeed, a better (and rarely-used) name for
the LODR is "the Law of Increasing Costs".


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-18 Thread Richard Stallman

How do Open Source projects differ from the above?
In two very important ways.  Firstly, OSPs have no
time-bound.  That is, there is no deadline whereby
the next version of GNOME has to be delivered, "or

I agree entirely with your argument, but the words raise a background
issue so important I have to make a correction.

GNOME is part of the GNU Project, and we are part of the Free Software
movement, not the Open Source movement.  We and they do similar
things, and we can work together in practice, but our philosophical
reasons are as different as could be.

Could you kindly cite GNOME as an example of the Free Software
movement, not one of the Open Source movement?  Please don't
spread the idea that the latter one includes all of us.

for more explanation of the difference between the two movements.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-18 Thread Derek J. Balling

Or alternatively, simply list another project so as not to confuse the 
issue midstream. As Richard points out, the FSF doesn't want the terms 
"Open Source" and "Free Software" lumped together. Rather than switching to 
a different terminology mid-stream, it would make more sense to simply 
select a non-FSF project there to avoid confusion to the reader.

At 01:04 PM 8/18/99 -0600, Richard Stallman wrote:
 How do Open Source projects differ from the above?
 In two very important ways.  Firstly, OSPs have no
 time-bound.  That is, there is no deadline whereby
 the next version of GNOME has to be delivered, "or

I agree entirely with your argument, but the words raise a background
issue so important I have to make a correction.

GNOME is part of the GNU Project, and we are part of the Free Software
movement, not the Open Source movement.  We and they do similar
things, and we can work together in practice, but our philosophical
reasons are as different as could be.

Could you kindly cite GNOME as an example of the Free Software
movement, not one of the Open Source movement?  Please don't
spread the idea that the latter one includes all of us.

for more explanation of the difference between the two movements.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-17 Thread Jacques Chester

Oh, and btw:

As wild as this sounds, I am starting to get ground
into the dirt by the programming involved in getting
this project to Just Work, dammit. If anyone can help
me, email me, quick! :)


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-17 Thread John Cowan

Jacques Chester wrote:

 [...] Brook's Law [...]

BTW, it's Brooks's law (not Brook's law or Brooks' law); the
current draft consistently gets this wrong.

 So what are projects, and what are their factors?  Brooks
 example can be characterised as a project with two factors,
 being programmers and managers.  If we hold managers constant,
 and increase programmers, LODR tells us that productivity
 will increase less each time another programmer is added.

Actually, Brooks's law says that productivity will *decrease*
after a certain point, not just increase less.  With the n**2
communications costs, eventually you reach a point where
adding resources is bad not just relatively but absolutely.

Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! / Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau / Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.
-- Coleridge / Politzer

Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-15 Thread Jacques Chester

Hello again;

As it happens, I have been unable to meet my goal of
delivering the completed essay this weekend. This was
a result of classic scheduling errors - the time-vacuum
and the job underestimation.

Instead of the complete essay, I have instead included
those sections which *are* ready for critique and
review. Please note that these are not the *meat* of
the essay. They are merely the qualititative framework
from which the quantitative will hang.

I will strive to deliver the rest of the essay this
week. As my programming skills are poor to minimal,
I cannot predict when I will work out the means by
which the needed data will be coaxed into a usable
form. I am currently punting on the "sleep on the
problem" approach to some currently intractable
problems. Of course, they are of the "one step
forward, two steps back" variety.

In any case, enjoy and review.

Thankyou all again;

Title: Does Free Software Production in a Bazaar Obey the Law of Diminishing Returns?


Free Software is defined. Brook's Law is introduced as a limiting factor in
software production. A parallel is drawn between Brook's Law and the Law of
Diminishing Returns. Eric S. Raymond's "Bazaar" model is introduced as a possible
exception to the rule. Statistics gathered from an existing Free Software project are
used to demonstrate the nonadherence of "Bazaars" to the law of diminishing
returns. A possible flaw in Raymond's hypothesis is identified, and an economic
alternative is offered. 

Those items with an asterisk next to them are included in this copy
of the essay.

  Abstract *
  Contents *
  Introduction *
Free Software Defined *
  Brook's Law and The Law of Diminishing Returns *
  The "Bazaar" Introduced *
  The GNOME Project *
  Examination and Discussion of GNOME Data
  Endnotes *
Acknowledgements and Thanks
The Opensource Definition
Economic Principles in Free Software



This essay seeks to examine the rapidly emerging production method
of "Free Software" or "Opensource Software". It outlines analogues
between Economic theory and Software Engineering in order to bring
economic analysis to bear on the area.

Specifically, it aims to provide a quantitative analysis of what has
until now been primarily examined in a qualititative way. Free
Software has existed in one form or another since the very early days
of computing, but very little attention has been paid to it until
recently. Many Free Software projects have achieved significant or
even dominant positions in their marketplace, and more firms are starting
to utilise or release Free Software.

Free Software Defined

Definitions of Free Software (also know as "OSS", for Open Source
Software) are typically framed in two perspectives: Ideological and 

The two major ideological principles underlying Free Software are
the protection of user/programmer choice, and the belief that 
the best solutions must be shared.

The first principle arose from
Richard M. Stallman's dismay at the rise of proprietary software
as the dominant format. Stallman believes that proprietary (also
known as closed-source) software is a violation of the individual's
right to choose other packages. He argues that access to the
sourcecode grants freedoms to modify and augment without being
"locked in" to one company's whims. Further, he argues that sourcecode
access gives users a choice to go their own way, in defiance
of the company's wishes should they be detrimental.

The second principle, that good solutions should be shared, arises
from the so-called "Hacker Culture". Within this culture, brainpower
is seen as a limited resource, which should not be wasted on
unnecessarily reinventing the wheel. It is reasonable, therefore,
that all solutions (embodied in sourcecode) should be available
for anyone to use. The corrollary is that withholding solutions (or
source) is effectively evil, inasmuch as it is wasteful
of resources.

The legal foundations of Free Software stem from a careful blend of
Contract and Copyright laws. Free Software Licenses use the principles
of Contract law to create their terms. Typically, these ensure that
an author's version of the source is always available and that any
modification made by anyone is likewise available under the same terms.
Some licenses go so far as to impose these terms onto software where
opensource code has been added as an external source.

If the user doesn't agree to the License, the law of Contract renders
the terms of the License effectively powerless without punitive terms.
However, at this point, standard Copyright laws take effect, and the
user is granted no rights whatsoever. There is significant coercion,
then, to accept the terms of the License on a contractual basis.

To place Free Software in an economic framework is considerably more
difficult, but quite