Re: [ Re: support requirement]

1999-08-31 Thread Chris F Clark

 I don't see any gotcha.

 I would probably not need Vendor X's documentation and/or output
 to reimplement the program.

You might if they were sufficiently clever.  I can think of several
pieces of software where the vendor has managed to implement something
in a non-obvious way that has significantly improved performance over
the naive implementation and that there are no competitive free
software clones of for that reason (at least none that I know of and
I've looked in some cases).  If you can't think of any non-free
software for which there are no free alternatives, you are missing a
lot of software (and perhaps you are lucky enough not to need it).

The best example I can think of comes from the EDA industry.  There
are a handful of commmercial simulator vendors that dominate the
market and charge big-bucks for their tools, and have done so for some
time.  As far as I can tell, there is no effective free software in
that market--and that's despite the fact that there are standard
documents describing the simulation languages, which should mean that
someone could just "implement the spec" and come up with a free tool.

I think part of the reason is that the obvious implementation performs
too poorly (hours of simulation time versus minutes) and the vendors
have carefully tied their customers hands with NDA's so that the
customers can't go to a free software developer and say "we would like
you to make a free version with the following optimization" since the
knowledge of the optimization is covered by the NDA.


Re: support requirement

1999-08-31 Thread Seth David Schoen

VAB writes:

 [...] I've been 
 wondering about dual licensing for some time now.  The example that
 brought it to my attention was the PHP licensing.  PHP consists of
 an interpreted programming languages (much like perl), and a run time
 for that interpreter.  When you download PHP from you are
 allowed to choose between the GPL and a less restrictive license
 written by the PHP programmers which allows commercial forking.  What
 position does this put the PHP programmers in?  Are they allowed
 to pick up code from the community (GPL'd code) and include it in
 PHP from which it can then propagate to commercial forks of PHP?


The idea is that the copyright law ordinarily prohibits people to do
certain things, but licenses allow them to do these things.

If the copyright owner grants you a particular license, you may then do
the things which the license allows.  This is true regardless of what other
licenses have been granted to you or to other people.

Nobody is allowed to grant licenses to other people's code.  (The GPL alludes
to this when it says "Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim
rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the
intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.")  Issuing a program under one license
never precludes you from issuing it under other licenses in the future, but
this doesn't mean that you may ever issue other people's code under arbitrary

 I've seen many other people do dual licensing with supposedly "GPL"
 compatible licenses such as the artistic license as well.

They are allowed to do that, if they are the authors.  If they want to do
that with other people's contributions, and those contributions were not
also explicitly dual-licensed, they need to check with the contributors
before dual-licensing the contributions.

 Am I mistaken and this type of dual licensing is only possible 
 with an original work which contains no previously GPL'd code?

It is only possible if all of the authors of the work have consented to it.
Whether or not the authors have issued their work under the GPL in the past
has nothing at all to do with whether it may be re-issued under other

 I had thought that this would be the case based on my reading 
 of the GPL, but I have a hard time believing that all of the
 code dual licensed out there is original code.  Will it satisfy
 the GPL's viral clause (Paragraph 2b) to have the code licensed
 by multiple licenses and at least one of those licenses be the

Yes, certainly.  (Remember that "it is not the intent of this section to
claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you".)
But it will not satisfy _copyright_ to have the code licensed by multiple
licenses without the consent of the copyright holders.

 Is there a way I can prevent this from happening to my software?
 Is it legally possible for me to write a license that restricts
 any one at any time in the future from dual licensing any of the
 code that I write and taking it away from the community?

The GPL will do that.

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread bruce

Vendor X plans on releasing software as Open Source. X makes a number
of very interesting and useful research-derived programs, and also runs
an ISO-9000-certified software development shop. Their ISO certification
requires that they run only supported programs, and thus the development
shop is prohibited from running the output of their own research
department. Thus, one of X's _main_goals_ in making the software Open
Source is that commercial vendors pick it up and _provide_support_ for it.

Thus, their license requires that if you distribute a derived work of their
program _and_ you provide support on reasonably comparable programs,
that you provide support for their program too. The provision has no effect
on organizations like Debian that don't provide support.

This is currently the stumbling block for X's license being Open Source.
Any ideas, folks?



Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread Seth David Schoen


 Vendor X plans on releasing software as Open Source. X makes a number
 of very interesting and useful research-derived programs, and also runs
 an ISO-9000-certified software development shop. Their ISO certification
 requires that they run only supported programs, and thus the development
 shop is prohibited from running the output of their own research
 department. Thus, one of X's _main_goals_ in making the software Open
 Source is that commercial vendors pick it up and _provide_support_ for it.
 Thus, their license requires that if you distribute a derived work of their
 program _and_ you provide support on reasonably comparable programs,
 that you provide support for their program too. The provision has no effect
 on organizations like Debian that don't provide support.
 This is currently the stumbling block for X's license being Open Source.
 Any ideas, folks?

They could approach individual companies that might be interested in doing
supported derived works and try to work something out in advance.  For
instance, they could tell their favorite ISV or consulting house that they
will provide source code for something, and _promise_ to purchase a support
contract on certain terms if that firm will offer one.

Assuming that the contract is big enough, I imagine many companies could be
interested in a proposition like that.

It's still a really desirable goal to keep as much complexity as possible
out of free software licenses.  If a company has a particular business goal
in releasing free software, it's much nicer if it can get the assurances
it wants through side contracts rather than license provisions.

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 department. Thus, one of X's _main_goals_ in making the software Open
 Source is that commercial vendors pick it up and _provide_support_ for it.
 Thus, their license requires that if you distribute a derived work of their
 program _and_ you provide support on reasonably comparable programs,
 that you provide support for their program too. The provision has no effect
 on organizations like Debian that don't provide support.

Fix your ISO procedures to say that open source
software doesn't need external vendor support.

The whole point of open source is that you can write
items into your ISO manuals that say "we can self support
and audit this software, since we have the source

I have a very hard time imagining any corporation large enough to
sustain a research department that has not a single line of
internally developed software as part of a critical ISO-9000
product path (not even a shell script!?).  Their ISO manual must
include some way that internally-written software that is
internally-supported is considered "approved."

It smells like personality politics to me.  OpenSource can't solve
every problem.  They can require whatever they want in their license,
but I doubt that condition will have the intended effect:
Any "extra" requirements are going to reduce the likelihood
of adoption of their software in general, and therefore reduce
the market for companies considering providing support.

If they really want to play the letter of the law, instead
of the spirit of ISO (which is to ensure there are no shaky
bridges), they could release it as open source without the
extra clause, AND they should pay a retainer fee to a willing
software developer, able and willing to offer a year's support
at some pre-agreed hourly rate.  Definition met.  Letter of
law obeyed.  (Shaky bridge still in place, but hey,
even MicroSoft is a shaky bridge for some products
And Y2K is going to see a lot of other shaky support bridges
exposed as well)

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 
The Reuse RKT: Efficient awareness for software reuse: Free WWW site
lists over 6000 of the most popular open source libraries, functions,
and applications.  

Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread Dj

VAB wrote:

 A fact rarely mentioned on the list is that release under a
 license other than the GPL brings with it the danger that
 the software product will be reimplemented under the GPL.
 This is likely if Vendor X releases under a license which
 is unattractive due to say, required support terms.

That reads more like carefully couched GPL blackmail.

"Release under GPL or we'll copy your product make it GPL ourselves".

That's real scary... especially after the previous discussion of
selling the idea of open source code to corporate types. The threat
of duplication here is emphasised for not opening up enough, and
that's not going to encourage them to open up at all.

What are the ethics of duplicating the functionality of an application?

Oh, and there's an assumption that Vendor X's application will be
sufficently compelling as to take up a position of standardness in
it's niche yet there's no assurance of that.

I suspect to sell the open sourcing idea within Vendor X, someone's
going to need a bit more than a faith that the product will be picked up
by the community.


Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread Dj

"Forrest J. Cavalier III" wrote:

  department. Thus, one of X's _main_goals_ in making the software Open
  Source is that commercial vendors pick it up and _provide_support_ for it.
  Thus, their license requires that if you distribute a derived work of their
  program _and_ you provide support on reasonably comparable programs,
  that you provide support for their program too. The provision has no effect
  on organizations like Debian that don't provide support.

 Fix your ISO procedures to say that open source
 software doesn't need external vendor support.

 The whole point of open source is that you can write
 items into your ISO manuals that say "we can self support
 and audit this software, since we have the source

Except that the software customer may be ISO certified with no software
development capability and no software development cycle. That I suggest is
the problem. They can't say "we can self support this code"they have no
developers within the ISO certified section of the company.


Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread bruce

It's true, though - not just a threat. If you don't go Open Source, someone
else will do it for you, and there are lots of examples. While I'd not explain
this to someone in terms of a threat, it is a _fact_ they must confront.



 That reads more like carefully couched GPL blackmail.
 "Release under GPL or we'll copy your product make it GPL ourselves".
 That's real scary... especially after the previous discussion of
 selling the idea of open source code to corporate types. The threat
 of duplication here is emphasised for not opening up enough, and
 that's not going to encourage them to open up at all.
 What are the ethics of duplicating the functionality of an application?
 Oh, and there's an assumption that Vendor X's application will be
 sufficently compelling as to take up a position of standardness in
 it's niche yet there's no assurance of that.
 I suspect to sell the open sourcing idea within Vendor X, someone's
 going to need a bit more than a faith that the product will be picked up
 by the community.

Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread Seth David Schoen

Dj writes:

 VAB wrote:
  A fact rarely mentioned on the list is that release under a
  license other than the GPL brings with it the danger that
  the software product will be reimplemented under the GPL.
  This is likely if Vendor X releases under a license which
  is unattractive due to say, required support terms.
 That reads more like carefully couched GPL blackmail.
 "Release under GPL or we'll copy your product make it GPL ourselves".
 What are the ethics of duplicating the functionality of an application?

It's somewhat traditional.  For instance, the GNU project duplicated the
functionality of essentially _all_ of the standard Unix utilities.  I can
hardly count how many re-implementations of vi have been done.

Most people in the free software world are willing to accept the idea of
duplicating a proprietary program based on observing it (and reading its
documentation) without access to its source code.  In _many_ cases,
proprietary libraries, kernels, or APIs have been re-implemented; this
sort of happened in BSD because of the ATT lawsuit, and the WINE project is
very consciously doing it with the Win32 API at the moment.

Some people are willing to accept duplicating a program through disassembly,
decompilation, and other reverse engineering techniques (assuming that no
actual code is copied).  That's much more controversial, ethically and

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread Seth David Schoen

Dj writes:

 So, I'm Vendor Q. I have a working product and I make money from it.
 "Hey, GPL your product" says a section of the community
 (not necessarily my customers). "Why?" ask I. "Well, if you don't do it
 then we'll do it for you" comes the response. "So why should I make it
 easier for you?"... "But we won't duplicate it  by looking at your code,
 but by external reverse engineering". "So you don't need my code"?
 "Er, no, but it'd be nice if you went GPL". "Why?"...

This can be put a little less harshly.

(1) Free software developers are always trying to produce software that
they need or want.  Sometimes they write things from scratch, sometimes
they join on an existing project, sometimes they try to imitate someone
else's program.

(2) If a company is persuaded that free software or Open Source is a good
idea, they have to consider how to go about it.  This includes the choice
of a license.

(3) If a company chooses a good license that developers are willing to
accept, more developers will release improvements.  If it chooses an
unfriendly license, or an extremely complex or unusual license, fewer
developers will be willing to contribute under that license, and many
will be more interested in reimplementing the software in order to get
equivalents under licenses that they are willing to deal with.

The canonical comment that I think of on this subject is Jamie Zawinski's
phrase "magic pixie dust".

Just because something is released under an Open Source license does not
guarantee its the unconditional embrace by the community.  Choosing a
standard free license is one thing that could help on that score.

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread Dj

Seth David Schoen wrote:

 This can be put a little less harshly.

I did have my DEVILSADVOCATE tags on B)

 The canonical comment that I think of on this subject is Jamie Zawinski's
 phrase "magic pixie dust".

 Just because something is released under an Open Source license does not
 guarantee its the unconditional embrace by the community.  Choosing a
 standard free license is one thing that could help on that score.

But then, if the license is open source or a standard open source license, we
still have the possibility that it will *still* get reimplemented. Remember that
we started here with the suggestion that the GPL was "magic pixie dust" in
terms of community acceptance.


[ Re: support requirement]

1999-08-30 Thread Chris F Clark

 In a perfect world I would get to work with all free software.  I
 don't want to work with code unless it's free. If I need code and
 the only code out there is available under Vendor X's license and I
 have the time and ability to reimplement that code and place it
 under the GPL, I will do it.

There is one gotcha in that.  The current Vendor X license may
prohibit you from using it (including its documentation and/or output)
to implement a competing version.  They could put such a stipulation
in a closed-source license.  It is a simple variation on an NDA.  If
Vendor X has something they consider unique enough, they may attempt
to protect their "ip" that way.  This does not appear to be this
vendor's motivation, since it sounds like they are actively
considering distributing their software in an open source form (and
hoping that their software will become the default in its niche).


Chris ClarkInternet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.   CompuServe :  74252,1375
3 Proctor Street   voice  :  (508) 435-5016
Hopkinton, MA  01748  USA  fax:  (508) 435-4847  (24 hours)
Web Site in Progress:  Web Site   :  

Re: [ Re: support requirement]

1999-08-30 Thread VAB

Chris F Clark wrote:
  In a perfect world I would get to work with all free software.  I
  don't want to work with code unless it's free. If I need code and
  the only code out there is available under Vendor X's license and I
  have the time and ability to reimplement that code and place it
  under the GPL, I will do it.
 There is one gotcha in that.  The current Vendor X license may
 prohibit you from using it (including its documentation and/or output)
 to implement a competing version.  They could put such a stipulation
 in a closed-source license.  It is a simple variation on an NDA.  If
 Vendor X has something they consider unique enough, they may attempt
 to protect their "ip" that way.  This does not appear to be this
 vendor's motivation, since it sounds like they are actively
 considering distributing their software in an open source form (and
 hoping that their software will become the default in its niche).

I don't see any gotcha.

I would probably not need Vendor X's documentation and/or output
to reimplement the program.  The possible exception to that 
statement is that I would be seeking compatibility with Vendor X's
protocol or file format.  If the license prohibited me from
achieving that compatibility with a GPL'd work, I would write my
own competing file format or protocol.  In the past such open
protocols and open file formats have either succeeded in replacing
the closed format or in pressuring the owner of the closed format
to open it.  Even if Vendor X tied itself to proprietary hardware,
people would just reimplement the hardware.  A good example to 
site here is the GNU/Linux user boycott on the Logitech QuickCams
and that community's migration to the Panasonic Egg Cam and other
alternative open hardware.

The GPL is a very unique animal in that it has grown beyond just
a license into the embodiment of a community (a small subset of
what most people consider the free software community - but a
very significant subset none the less).  The GPL has in fact
become "magic pixie dust" as it was termed.

V. Alex Brennen[[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Systems Administrator/Sys. Prgr
Pediatric Oncology Group
Statistical Office
University Of Florida
352.392.5198 x303
352.392.8162 Fax

Re: support requirement

1999-08-30 Thread bruce

For the vendor it's really a choice of "go Open Source or lose _everything_".
If you GPL your product, you can probably still make money from it using
commercial licenses. If someone else clones your product, it's GPL-ed
anyway, plus you have a new competitor who wouldn't have been there



 So, I'm Vendor Q. I have a working product and I make money from it.
 "Hey, GPL your product" says a section of the community
 (not necessarily my customers). "Why?" ask I. "Well, if you don't do it
 then we'll do it for you" comes the response. "So why should I make it
 easier for you?"... "But we won't duplicate it  by looking at your code,
 but by external reverse engineering". "So you don't need my code"?
 "Er, no, but it'd be nice if you went GPL". "Why?"...
 Substitute GPL with "Open Source" and you're still spinning in this
 problem zone, one which will keep Q from considering opening up.
 What's the purpose of "Open Source"? (The GPL purpose is transparently
 obvious) To bring software within "firing range" of the GPL/Clone route?
 (It's a lot easier to clone something if you have access to a full copy of
 what you are cloning)... Or to provide tangible benefits to software
 developers either alone or as a working group within an organisation?