
2004-11-14 Thread
 [ ‘—MŽ–‹ÆŽÒ ]@
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(Blilypond-user mailing list

Do you crave to feel splendid future mo =?utf-8?q?rning ??=

2004-11-14 Thread Sibyl Lkn

The late view displays that it needs usual of just 1.3
drunkenness to induce a hang-over. But my tablets
assistances you escape katzenjammers and wake feeling great from head
to belly and everyplace additional.
Click to buy

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
On Nov 14, 2004, at 8:27 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
Any ideas what's going on, and how I can set a custom paper size?  
(Are there
other variables that need to be set in \paper?)
I think you will have to set all relevant variables:  linewidth, 
textheight, and
maybe margins.  I think these are set when you set papersize or 
paper-size "a4").  Also set Paper Scaling in Acrobat Reader to "None".
OK, I tried
\paper {
topmargin = 0.5\in
bottommargin = 0.5\in
leftmargin = 0.5\in
linewidth = 3.4\in
headsep = 0\in
footsep = 0\in
hsize = 4.4\in
vsize = 4.4\in
and the formatting seems to be OK (except for the tagline)âi.e., 
everything is, as
far as I can tell, within a 4.4x4.4-inch squareâbut the paper size 
remains the same.
I tried to open the PDF in Acrobat Reader, Preview, and 
GraphicConverter, and the
PS file in Preview, but the paper size was the same (letter-ish) in all 
of them.

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {  http://bdesham.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - wikipedia.org

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Paul Scott
Benjamin Esham wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Nov 14, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
Benjamin Esham wrote:
How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/
outputting to?  I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but 
seemed to change.

What version?  In 2.4 those go in the \paper block.

You're right... I thought that \paper was simply renamed to \layout, 
but I
guess it's more complicated than that.  Anyway, I tried this:

\paper {
  hsize = 4.4\in
  vsize = 4.4\in
and the paper size (as displayed by Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 on Mac OS
X) is still 8.26 x 11.69 in, but the formatting is messed up.  The 
staves are
shifted to the left about 2 (maybe 2.2?) inchesâthere's a big gap at 
the right
side, and the lines are cut off at the left.  Also, only 2â3 staves 
are printed
on each page, compared to 4â6 previously.

Any ideas what's going on, and how I can set a custom paper size?  
(Are there
other variables that need to be set in \paper?)
I think you will have to set all relevant variables:  linewidth, 
textheight, and maybe margins.  I think these are set when you set 
papersize or #(set-default-paper-size "a4").  Also set Paper Scaling in 
Acrobat Reader to "None".


lilypond-user mailing list

partcombine - how to use it?

2004-11-14 Thread James Moore
I'd like to use partcombine to eliminate the two rests on each staff (vocal
music), but I'm not getting it.  This .ly file behaves the same with and
without the \partcombine lines.  Suggestions?

Lilypond 2.4.2 under cygwin.

 - James

\layout  {
linewidth = 455.244096\pt

\version "2.4.0"
\header {
title = "Fum Fum Fum"
arranger = "arr. Richmond"
tagline = "OK Chorale / Version 1.2"
pagenumber = no
poet = "Spanish"

lyricsI = \lyricmode {
On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty
fum fum fum
On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty
fum fum fum
In a _man- ger low- ly there was born this _night a lit- tle child.
Of Ma- ry  born, a- live this cold De- cem- ber five and twen- ty
fum fum fum

lyricsII = \lyricmode {
All the stars up in the sk- y
fum fum fum
All the stars up in the sk- y
fum fum fum
How they twin- kle light- ly, glit- ter bright- ly, danc- ing in the
"Fill the" night - - with won- der
lit- tle stars that shine so bright- ly
fum fum fum

lyricsIII = \lyricmode {
Lit- tle birds out in the for- est 
fum fum fum
Lit- tle birds out in the for- est 
fum fum fum
Leave your ber- ries tas- ty bright and red and come and sing your song
"Fill the" night - - with your singing
lit- tle birds out in the for- est 
fum fum fum

sopMusic =   \relative c'' {
\repeat volta 3 {
a8. gis16 a8 c
b a gis e
a4 gis a s
a8. gis16 a8 c
b a gis e
a4 gis a r8 g16 g

% manger lowly there was born
c8 c b b c c b b c c b b c4 r8 b16 c

\time 3/4
d8. c16 b8. a16 gis8 e
a gis a c b a gis e a4 gis a r

altoMusic =   \relative c' {
\repeat volta 3 {
e8. e16 e8 a
gis e e b
c4 b c s
e8. e16 e8 a
gis e e b c4 b c r8 g'16 g

% manger lowly there was born
e8 e f f e e f f e e f f e4 r8 e

\time 3/4
f8. f16 f8. f16 e8 e
\time 4/4
e e e e d d e b c4 b c r

trebRests =   \relative c'' {
\repeat volta 3 {
s8. s16 s8 s
s s s s
s4 s s r

bassRests =   \relative c'' {
\repeat volta 3 {
s1 s2 s4 r4

tenorMusic =  \relative c' {
\repeat volta 3 {
c8. b16 c8 e d c b gis
a4 b c s
c8. b16 c8 e d c b gis a4 b c r8 g16 g 

% manger lowly there was born
g8 g g g g g g g g g g g g4 r8 b8

\time 3/4
b8. b16 b8. b16 b8 b
\time 4/4
c b c c b c d b a4 b c r

bassMusic =  \relative c {
\repeat volta 3 {
a8. a16 a8 a a a e e
a'4 e a, s
a8. a16 a8 a a a e' e a4 e a, r8 g'16 g

% manger lowly there was born
c,8 c g' g c, c g' g c, c g' g c,4 r8 c8

\time 3/4
d8. e16 f8. f16 e8 e
\time 4/4
a e a, b16 c d8 d d e a4 e a, r

hiNotes =  \relative c' {
\partcombine \sopMusic \altoMusic
lowNotes =  \relative c' {
\partcombine \tenorMusic \bassMusic

#(set-global-staff-size 17.82)
% #(set-global-staff-size 22.45)
% #(set-global-staff-size 25.2)

\score { 
 \context ChoirStaff <<
 \context Staff = "women" <<
 \context Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne \transpose c c
\sopMusic }
 \context Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo \transpose c c
\altoMusic }
 \context Lyrics = "sopranos" { s1 }
 \context Lyrics = "altos" { s1 }
 \context Lyrics = "tenors" { s1 }

 \context Lyrics = "lyrI" \lyricsto sopranos \lyricsI
 \context Lyrics = "lyrII" \lyricsto sopranos \lyricsII
 \context Lyrics = "lyrIII" \lyricsto sopranos \lyricsIII

 \context Staff = "men" <<
 \clef bass
 \context Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne \transpose c c
\tenorMusic }
 \context Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo \transpose c c
\bassMusic }
 \context Lyrics = "basses" { s1 }

 \layout {
 \context {

% a little smaller so lyrics can be closer
to the staff. 
 % minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 8) 
 \midi {
 \tempo 4 = 100


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
On Nov 14, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
Benjamin Esham wrote:
How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/
outputting to?  I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but 
seemed to change.
What version?  In 2.4 those go in the \paper block.
You're right... I thought that \paper was simply renamed to \layout, 
but I
guess it's more complicated than that.  Anyway, I tried this:

\paper {
  hsize = 4.4\in
  vsize = 4.4\in
and the paper size (as displayed by Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 on Mac OS
X) is still 8.26 x 11.69 in, but the formatting is messed up.  The 
staves are
shifted to the left about 2 (maybe 2.2?) inchesâthere's a big gap at 
the right
side, and the lines are cut off at the left.  Also, only 2â3 staves are 
on each page, compared to 4â6 previously.

Any ideas what's going on, and how I can set a custom paper size?  (Are 
other variables that need to be set in \paper?)

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {  http://bdesham.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - wikipedia.org

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Meta-topic: Spam filtering and bounced messages

2004-11-14 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Patrick Hubers 
Except, to the best of my knowledge, "bounce" means that *I* send a 
DSN  back to the original sender, and "reject" means that the relay is 
honour-bound to send a DSN back to the original sender.
 The only practical difference is who sends the DSN. And as I said, 
in my  case (because "download and drop" is not a practical option) 
there is no  way I can suppress the sending of the DSN.

This is getting *very* off topic, but:
As David R. Linn said, bounce and reject are *not* the same. Rejecting 
means that the receiving SMTP-server refuses to accept the message at 
all (return a 550 response), meaning the sending SMTP-server can't 
deliver the message at all. Bouncing means that the receiving server 
*does* accept the message, but then sends a message back to the *email 
address* in the message envelope, which may have nothing to do with the 
actual sender.
In which case, I *A*M* rejecting, and yet I still get this message 
saying I've been suspended.

When I configure my reject rules, my mail "client" sends a 550 back to 
the relay. I presume that my ISP's mail server is doing the same. The 
problem is, if it's come from the sender's ISP's relay servers, I bet 
the effect is the same as what you call a bounce.

But - to put it simply - I *know* I'd doing what you call rejecting, I 
send a 550, and it still gets me dropped from the list.

Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a
good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.
The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Meta-topic: Spam filtering and bounced messages

2004-11-14 Thread Patrick Hubers
Anthony W. Youngman schreef:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
David R. Linn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

To rephrase your advice - "Don't bounce. Either bounce or accept and
"reject" and "bounce" are the same thing!

I'm sorry but "bounce" and "reject" are not the same thing.  One
implies sending a message back to the putative sender; one merely
implies telling the incoming SMTP relay that the message has not
been (or in some cases, will not be) accepted and makes dealing
with the message the problem of the incoming relay.
Except, to the best of my knowledge, "bounce" means that *I* send a DSN 
back to the original sender, and "reject" means that the relay is 
honour-bound to send a DSN back to the original sender.

The only practical difference is who sends the DSN. And as I said, in my 
case (because "download and drop" is not a practical option) there is no 
way I can suppress the sending of the DSN.

This is getting *very* off topic, but:
As David R. Linn said, bounce and reject are *not* the same. Rejecting 
means that the receiving SMTP-server refuses to accept the message at 
all (return a 550 response), meaning the sending SMTP-server can't 
deliver the message at all. Bouncing means that the receiving server 
*does* accept the message, but then sends a message back to the *email 
address* in the message envelope, which may have nothing to do with the 
actual sender.

That is simply not a proper way to respond to spam. It used to be, when 
the internet was in a more innocent era, but those days are no more...

Patrick Hubers
lilypond-user mailing list

Problem with lilypond 2.2.6

2004-11-14 Thread Rolf Rolfs
Hello all,
I'm using lilypond v. 2.2.6 and have the following problem:
In the following snippet
\repeat volta 2
d'''4 c'''8 b'' a'' g'' |
g''4 f''8 es'' d'' c'' |
c''4 b'8 a' g' fis' |
fis'4( g'8) g'' b'' d''' |
d'''4 c'''8 b'' a'' g'' |
g''4 f''8 es'' d'' c'' |
c''4 b'8 a' g' fis' |
fis'4( g'8) g''8 b'' d''' |
<< { fis'!2( g'8) } \\ { \hideNotes d'''2 d'''8 \unHideNotes }  >> 
r8 |
\bar "|."
the fis in the first alternative is correct, the fis in the second 
alternative is shown without the #.

What is wrong here?
The hidden notes are there to have the alternative bars in the correct 

Many thanks in advance!
   Rolf Rolfs
   Hölderlinweg 8/2  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   71729 Erdmannhausen   Tel.:  +49 7144 331415
lilypond-user mailing list

Capoed guitar chords

2004-11-14 Thread David A. Rogers
It is common in our church music to have both normal chords and the capoed
versions (when necessary) in the music.  The capoed chords are in
parenthesis.  I have figured out how to have both sets of chords over the
staff, but I haven't figured out how to put parenthesis around the capoed
chords.  Is there any way to do this in lily?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Meta-topic: Spam filtering and bounced messages

2004-11-14 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
David R. Linn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
To rephrase your advice - "Don't bounce. Either bounce or accept and
"reject" and "bounce" are the same thing!
I'm sorry but "bounce" and "reject" are not the same thing.  One
implies sending a message back to the putative sender; one merely
implies telling the incoming SMTP relay that the message has not
been (or in some cases, will not be) accepted and makes dealing
with the message the problem of the incoming relay.
Except, to the best of my knowledge, "bounce" means that *I* send a DSN 
back to the original sender, and "reject" means that the relay is 
honour-bound to send a DSN back to the original sender.

The only practical difference is who sends the DSN. And as I said, in my 
case (because "download and drop" is not a practical option) there is no 
way I can suppress the sending of the DSN.

Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a
good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.
The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Meta-topic: Spam filtering and bounced messages

2004-11-14 Thread David R. Linn
>> To rephrase your advice - "Don't bounce. Either bounce or accept and 
>> discard".
>> "reject" and "bounce" are the same thing!

I'm sorry but "bounce" and "reject" are not the same thing.  One
implies sending a message back to the putative sender; one merely
implies telling the incoming SMTP relay that the message has not
been (or in some cases, will not be) accepted and makes dealing
with the message the problem of the incoming relay.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Meta-topic: Spam filtering and bounced messages

2004-11-14 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Patrick Hubers 
 It is important to me that spam messages *continue* to be bounced by 
my  mail server, because I have a bad enough time coping with all the 
spam  that *does* get through.  But I do not want my subscription 
jeopardized  by this.
 Are there any options left for me, short of sucking it up and 
leaving  the list?
Don't bounce. Either reject the message or accept and then silently
discard it. Bouncing spam messages is the wrong thing to do: the sender
is either a mailing list (as in this case), a non-existent email 
or an innocent bystander whose email address has been spoofed.
To rephrase your advice - "Don't bounce. Either bounce or accept and 

"reject" and "bounce" are the same thing! And seeing as I'm on a 
dial-up, "accept then discard" is not really an option - I don't see why 
I should waste a HUGE percentage of my connect time on spam I'm going to 

The only way I can stop these bounces is to disable my ISP's spam-filter 
and then cope with all the crap myself. No thanks, sorry ...

Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
HEX wondered how much he should tell the Wizards. He felt it would not be a
good idea to burden them with too much input. Hex always thought of his reports
as Lies-to-People.
The Science of Discworld : (c) Terry Pratchett 1999
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Paul Scott
Benjamin Esham wrote:
Hash: SHA1
How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/
outputting to?  I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but nothing
seemed to change.
What version?  In 2.4 those go in the \paper block.
Paul Scott

lilypond-user mailing list

Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/
outputting to?  I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but 
seemed to change.  I also tried to manually edit paper.scm by adding
another line like

  ("handheld" . (cons (* 4.4 in) (* 4.4 in)))
[I'm trying to output to a size suitable for viewing on a PDA screen.]  
then used #(set-default-paper-size "handheld"), but the paper size 
recognized.  How can I manually set the paper size?  (I think it must be
obvious, but I've missed it anyway.)  Thanks!

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {  http://bdesham.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - wikipedia.org
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Backend

2004-11-14 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

> There already is code for dumping SVG ; I think it still works in 2.2
> if you try
>   lilypond-bin -f svg

Mainly because of font incompatibility hacks, SVG output was called -f
sketch and -f sodipodi.

Because there has never been much interest in SVG output, it has
gotten some bitrot in 2.4.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien   | http://www.lilypond.org

lilypond-user mailing list

bable package including to lilypond file

2004-11-14 Thread Albert Einstein
How and were write command attaching babel package to ly file?
I've found that it is something like:
latexpackages = "[T1]{fontenc}, [swedish]{babel}"
but in manual is -s=latexpackages.
This latexpackages = "[T1]{fontenc}, [swedish]{babel}" in header 
produces errors.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Align composer name tag

2004-11-14 Thread Jefferson dos Santos Felix
Thanks, Nicolas, for the code, but I think this is very complicated
for me... I solve the problem using other tag, like arranger, or opus,
to place the year


On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 12:09:53 +0100, Nicolas Sceaux
> Jefferson dos Santos Felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I try to put the composer's year of birth and death below his name,
> > right-aligned, but I can't do it.
> > See the attempt below:
> >
> > \version "2.4.1"
> > \header
> > {
> >   title = "A Title Song"
> >   composer = \markup \column <{"Composer Name"}  {\right-align 
> > "(1900-1950)"}>
> >   poet = "J.S.F."
> > }
> > \score {c'}
> >
> > Is anything wrong?
> >
> > Thaks,
> I don't know if this is a good advice as it is a bit extreme, but,
> supposing that you can write Scheme code:
> You can define your own titling style if you want.
> Just write a `my-book-title' function (see `default-book-title' in
> scm/titling.scm for inspiration) and register it in the \layout
> block. You can do the same for score titling (see
> `default-score-title').
> \layout {
>   ...
>   #(define-public book-title my-book-title)
>   #(define-public score-title my-score-title)
>   ...
> }
> For instance, the following functions define the titles of an
> opera. Note that it uses custom keywords in \header blocks, such as
> act, scene, etc. (sorry for the very long lines.)
> #(defmacro with-keyword-accessor (scopes . body)
>"Locally define two functions, `get' and `has', for
> accessing keyword in `scopes'."
>(let ((gscopes (gensym "scopes")))
>  `(let ((,gscopes scopes))
> (define (get sym)
>   (let ((x (ly:modules-lookup ,gscopes sym)))
> (if (markup? x) x "")))
> (define (has sym)
>   (markup? (ly:modules-lookup ,gscopes sym)))
> ,@body)))
> #(defmacro when-keyword (keyword . body)
>(let ((gmarkup (gensym "markup")))
>  `(if (has ,keyword)
>   (let ((,gmarkup (let ((it (get ,keyword)))
> ,@body)))
> (list ,gmarkup))
>   '(
> #(define-public (opera-book-title layout scopes)
>"Generate book title from header strings.
> Keywords are title, subtitle, composer, librettist, edition, opus, date"
> scopes
> (let ((props (page-properties layout)))
>   (interpret-markup
>layout props
>(markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 4)
>(make-column-markup (append (when-keyword 'composer
>  (markup #:fill-line 
> (#:large #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger
> #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:italic it)
>  #:column ("" 
> "" "")))
>(when-keyword 'title
>  (markup #:fill-line 
> (#:huge #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger
>#:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bold it)
>  #:column ("" 
> "")))
>(when-keyword 'subtitle
>  (markup #:fill-line 
> (#:large #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bold it)
>  #:column ("" 
> "" "")))
>(when-keyword 'edition
>  (markup #:fill-line 
> (#:large #:bigger #:bigger #:left-align it)
>  #:column ("" 
> "" "" "")))
>;; TODO: other keywords.
> #(define-public (opera-score-title layout scopes)
>"Generate score title from header strings.
> Keywords are act, scene, scenedescr, piece."
> scopes
> (let ((props (page-properties layout)))
>   (interpret-markup
>layout props
>(markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 4)
>(make-column-markup (append (when-keyword 'act
>  (markup #:fill-line 
> (#:huge #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bold it)
>  #:column ("" 
> "" "")))
>(when-keyword 'scene
>  (markup #:fill-line 
> (#:large #:bigger it)))
>(when-keyword 'scenedescr
>  (markup #:fill-line 
> (#:left-

Re: natural sign before g'' in combination gis' g''

2004-11-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Graham,

You wrote:

> Use gis' g!'' if you want to be certain.
Perhaps a bit too fast? ;-)

Correct syntax:
Use gis' g''! if you want to be certain.

Just trying to keep low any confusion ... ;-)

Best Regards   Roland

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problem with cygwin

2004-11-14 Thread Bertalan Fodor
If it is open in Acrobat, it won't overwrite it. That's what I know.
I got a problem with cygwin 2.2.5 on windows XP and 2000 (the same
problem occurs on the two machines):
lily doesnt overwrite the old .pdf file, so I have actually to remove it
before invoquing lilypond.
Who knows about that?
Thanks in advance from
lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list


2004-11-14 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> Are there also plan for a backend for qt? Perhaps this could bring

No, since there are no QT bindings for GUILE.

> support for svg with next qt-version 4? Having support for svg (and
> perhaps other vector formats) could be interesting, and thist way it
> could work without extra effort...

There already is code for dumping SVG ; I think it still works in 2.2
if you try

  lilypond-bin -f svg


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties to nothing

2004-11-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Tim,

You wrote:

> Thanks all, but I can't get it to work.
> I'm doing
> \begin[20pt]{lilypond}
>   \score
>   {
> \notes
> {
>   \time 4/4
>   \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'()
>   \clef bass
>   \stemUp
>  b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2 b1:32~b4~<< \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 >> r2 
> \bar "|."
> }
>   }
> \end{lilypond}
> which is exactly what I want, except that the note between \hideNotes and 
> \unHideNotes is not hidden!  I'm using 2.0.3 is that feature not available in 
> my version?

I did just try Your version, with 2.2.6, changing "\property" with
"\override" and dropping "\set". The result:

The note is not hidden, but a warning is given:
Warning: Can't have rests and note heads together on a stem.:

So, for the warning I changed the line with the notes
b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2 b1:32~b4~<< \hideNotes b4 \unHideNotes r4 >> r2 
b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2
<< { b1:32~b4~ \hideNotes b4 }
   { \unHideNotes s1 s4 r4 }
>> r2

and both worked correctly. (Only the rest should be shifted, perhaps ;-)
The "\\" seems to be nessecary. :)

Now to Your version-question: I did change
"\once\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t \once\override Stem 
#'transparent = ##t"
and drop the

and it did work also.

%%% my propose (begin)  %%%
 b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2
 << { b1:32~b4~
  \once\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
  \once\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  b4 }
{ s1 s4 r4 }
 >> r2
%%% my propose (end)%%%

So possibly, if You change the syntax for 2.0.3, my propose could work for You,
assuming, that "\hideNotes" doesn't exist in 2.0.3?

I hope this will help. :)

Best Regards   Roland

lilypond-user mailing list

problem with cygwin

2004-11-14 Thread francois.planiol


I got a problem with cygwin 2.2.5 on windows XP and 2000 (the same
problem occurs on the two machines):
lily doesnt overwrite the old .pdf file, so I have actually to remove it
before invoquing lilypond.

Who knows about that?

Thanks in advance from


lilypond-user mailing list


2004-11-14 Thread hasdjkf hskjfd

Are there also plan for a backend for qt? Perhaps this could bring support for 
svg with next qt-version 4? Having support for svg (and perhaps other vector 
formats) could be interesting, and thist way it could work without extra 

Verschicken Sie romantische, coole und witzige Bilder per SMS!
Jetzt neu bei WEB.DE FreeMail: http://freemail.web.de/?mc=021193

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Align composer name tag

2004-11-14 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
Jefferson dos Santos Felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I try to put the composer's year of birth and death below his name,
> right-aligned, but I can't do it.
> See the attempt below:
> \version "2.4.1"
> \header
> {
>   title = "A Title Song"
>   composer = \markup \column <{"Composer Name"}  {\right-align 
> "(1900-1950)"}>
>   poet = "J.S.F."
> }
> \score {c'}
> Is anything wrong?
> Thaks,

I don't know if this is a good advice as it is a bit extreme, but,
supposing that you can write Scheme code:

You can define your own titling style if you want.
Just write a `my-book-title' function (see `default-book-title' in
scm/titling.scm for inspiration) and register it in the \layout
block. You can do the same for score titling (see

\layout {
  #(define-public book-title my-book-title)
  #(define-public score-title my-score-title)

For instance, the following functions define the titles of an
opera. Note that it uses custom keywords in \header blocks, such as
act, scene, etc. (sorry for the very long lines.)

#(defmacro with-keyword-accessor (scopes . body)
   "Locally define two functions, `get' and `has', for
accessing keyword in `scopes'."
   (let ((gscopes (gensym "scopes")))
 `(let ((,gscopes scopes))
(define (get sym)
  (let ((x (ly:modules-lookup ,gscopes sym)))
(if (markup? x) x "")))
(define (has sym)
  (markup? (ly:modules-lookup ,gscopes sym)))
#(defmacro when-keyword (keyword . body)
   (let ((gmarkup (gensym "markup")))
 `(if (has ,keyword)
  (let ((,gmarkup (let ((it (get ,keyword)))
(list ,gmarkup))

#(define-public (opera-book-title layout scopes)
   "Generate book title from header strings.
Keywords are title, subtitle, composer, librettist, edition, opus, date"
(let ((props (page-properties layout)))
   layout props
   (markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 4) 
   (make-column-markup (append (when-keyword 'composer
 (markup #:fill-line 
(#:large #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger 

  #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:italic it)
 #:column ("" 
"" "")))
   (when-keyword 'title
 (markup #:fill-line 
(#:huge #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger 

 #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bold it)
 #:column ("" 
   (when-keyword 'subtitle
 (markup #:fill-line 
(#:large #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bold it)
 #:column ("" 
"" "")))
   (when-keyword 'edition
 (markup #:fill-line 
(#:large #:bigger #:bigger #:left-align it)
 #:column ("" 
"" "" "")))
   ;; TODO: other keywords.

#(define-public (opera-score-title layout scopes)
   "Generate score title from header strings.
Keywords are act, scene, scenedescr, piece."
(let ((props (page-properties layout)))
   layout props
   (markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 4) 
   (make-column-markup (append (when-keyword 'act
 (markup #:fill-line 
(#:huge #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bigger #:bold it)
 #:column ("" 
"" "")))
   (when-keyword 'scene
 (markup #:fill-line 
(#:large #:bigger it)))
   (when-keyword 'scenedescr
 (markup #:fill-line 
(#:left-align it)))
   (when-keyword 'piece
 (markup #:column ("" 
#:fill-line (#:large #:bigger it) ""))

Then it can be used like that:

\layout {
  #(define-public book-title opera-book-title)
  #(define-public score-title opera-score-title)

\header {
subtitle = "in Egitto"
composer = "George Frideric Haendel"
edition = \markup \center-align