Problems after upgrading (lilypond-book)

2005-08-06 Thread Wolfgang Mechsner

after upgrading to 2.6.3. (2.6.0 worked fine) I have a problem with


lilypond-book -o out test.lytex

I get this:
Layout nach »lily-244139305-1.eps« ausgeben...
Layout nach »lily-244139305.eps« ausgeben...

test.tex kompilieren...
Schreibe `test.tex'...
lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: option --psfonts not used
lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: Verarbeitung mit dvips wird keine
Schriftarten haben

dvips -h out/test.psfonts out/test.dvi

If I write

lilypond-book --psfonts test.lytex

I get a long report, what options are possible. 

Please help!


Wolfgang Mechsner
Goebenstr. 3
49076 Osnabrück
Tel. 0541-2052090
Mobil 0179-9096684

lilypond-user mailing list

using \break doesn't work or at least not as I expect

2005-08-06 Thread Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence

I looked it up and think that as long as the
\break is at a barline it will produce a line break
however ...
I realize that this score is 'odd' but the \break (s) are at common 
barlines for the two staves however that doesn't seem to work so the pdf 
output doesn't really work either.

\version 2.6.0
\header {
 title = Jat 6
 composer = Jay Hamilton
 subtitle = suite for two alternating instruments
 copyright = CC some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2005

one =  \relative c'
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 5/4
#(set-global-staff-size 19)
\tempo 4=90

 e4 b' gis ais e b' ais b c e c2 b4 ais b c gis gis e2 c8 e f e gis e c 
f e4
 r1 r4 e8 b' c b ais16 b c8 b e,4. ais4 ais gis ais b e, ais8 ais gis f 
e2 r1 r4

 %page 1
 c'8 f, b c b e, c' b ais4 ais gis gis ais2 b4 e, f ais2 c8 e c e b e b 
 f8 c' f, c' b4 e, c f8 c' f, c' b e, f c'4. f,8 c'4 e8 b gis e b' ais4 
f8 f e f

 c8 b ais f'4. e8 e c e c4 ais gis' c,8 b b'4 c b ais gis2. r2 c4 b f2.
 %page 2
 e8 gis4. ~ gis2. f8 gis4 b8 c4 e8 c e4 f2. r2 gis8 f16 e c2 gis'8 f16 
e c b c8

 b16 ais gis e f gis f8 e16 f e8 f2
 f'16 e c b ~ b8 ais16 b ~ b8 f'16 e c b gis gis ais f8.
 f'16 e c b ~ b8 ais16 b ~ b8 f'16 e c b gis gis ais f8.
 e16 f8 e16 gis4 e16 f8 e16 f4 ais f'16 e c b ~ b8 ais16 b ~ b8 f'16 e c b
 gis 16 gis ais f8. e16 f e c ~ c b c8 ~ c4 b16 c f ais gis e f c
 %page 3
 ais4 b16 c f e gis ais f e c' b e b gis4 f16 gis f ais f gis f e c f
ais16 gis c e b c ais4 gis16 f ais f b4 c16 b e c f e c b e,4 c2 f16 e 
f8 ~ f2

r1 r4 c' c c c r f, f f e2 r1 r4 b' b b e2
%page 4
r1 r4 f2 c ais8 gis ~ gis1 r4 c,8 e f4 r gis8 ais b4 r c2 f,8 ais4.
gis8. e16 f4 b, c2 r1 r4 \times 2/3 {f8 (e f)} \times 2/3 {ais8 (gis ais)}
\times 2/3 {c,8 (b c)} \times 2/3 {b'8 (ais b ~ )} \times 2/3 {b8 (ais b)}
\times 2/3 {c8 (b c)} \times 2/3 {ais8 (gis ais)} \times 2/3 {gis8 (f gis)}
\times 2/3 {f8 (e f)} \times 2/3 {e8 (c e)}
%page 5
\times 2/3 {e8 (c e)} \times 2/3 {f8 (b, f')} \times 2/3 {gis8 (c, 
ais')} b4 \fermata
f' \fermata c1 ~ c4 f b c,2 f4 f b c e,2 e'4. c4. gis f8 ~ f2 \times 2/3 
{e8 c e}
c2 \times 2/3 {b8 (c b)} e,2 \times 2/3 {f8 (ais f)} gis8 [c f,] e8. f 
gis4 c,2

r1 r4 gis' f ais e b' c, b c'2. ais'4 \ppp gis f2.
\bar ||
two = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 3/4
c4 r2 ais4 r2 ais4 r2 e'4 r2 b4 r2 c4 r2 e4 c2  f4 r2 e4 c f e f c' b f e f
ais4 b c c, f e f c' ais gis c f e c b c2  b,4 r2 ais4 r2 gis4 r2 b4 r2 
ais4 r2

c4 r2 e4 r2 b4 r2 f4 r2 c'4. r4. c4 r2 ais4 r2 c4 r2
e2 c4 ais2 c4 b2 b4 ais gis c b ais e' c b f'2 ~ f4 gis8 ais gis [f] e c 
ais4 ~ ais
b8 [c] e [f] gis [ais] e [f] c b ~ b2. c8 [e] c [b] c e f2 r4 r gis8 
[ais] b ais

gis8 [ais] c [ais] gis e
f8 c f2 c16 e f gis ais gis ais b
c,16 b ais c b ais8 c16 ~ c8 ais16 f' e c e c
\time 1/4
b16 c e f16
\time 3/4
c16 b ais c b ais8 c16 ~ c8 ais16 f' e c e c b16 c e f16
f c16 e f ~ f [\times 2/3 {gis f e} f16] ~ f8 [e16 c] b ais8 ais16 ~ 
ais8. b32 e

%page 7 line 4
\times 2/3 {e8 gis b} e4 c16 b ais b c gis8 c16
f,4 \times 2/3 {e8 c g'} b4
%page 7 line 5
ais16 gis f gis ais c8. gis16 c e8 gis,16 b e8 \times 2/3 {ais, [c f]}
\times 2/3 {gis16 [f c} e8] ~ e
%page 8
\times 2/3 {ais16 gis f} b2 b,4 e e, \times 2/3 {c' (f, ais)} b gis e2 
r2. c2 gis'4

\times 2/3 {f8 e c} e2 b gis'4
%page 8 line 3
\times 2/3 {b8 [ais gis]} \times 2/3 {c [b ais]} \times 2/3 {e' c b} gis 
e f4

\times 2/3 {ais8 [e gis]} \times 2/3 {b [e, gis]} \times 2/3 {b [e, gis]}
\times 2/3 {b16 [e, g} \times 2/3 {b16 gis e[} c8 f4. c8 b'
ais4 gis16 f gis8 f16 e8.
r2. \times 2/3 {ais16 [ais ais} c8] ais [\times 2/3 {gis16 gis gis]} f4
%page 9
\times 2/3 {e'16 [e e} c8] b [\times 2/3 {ais16 gis ais]} gis4 \times 
2/3 {f16 [gis ais} c8]
b [\times 2/3 {f'16 e c]} ais4 \times 2/3 {f16 ais c} \times 2/3 {e,16 
ais c} b2

r2. \times 2/3 {ais16 ais ais} c ais e'4 ais, gis2. \times 2/3 {f16 f f }
b16 f ais8 [c] e4 ~ e2 r4 \times 2/3 {f16 [e c} e8] b [\times 2/3 {c16 
ais gis] } f4
\times 2/3 {e16 [f e} \times 2/3 {c b c]} \times 2/3 {e8 [f e] } c4 b16 
c e8

\times 2/3 {c8 [e f]} \times 2/3 {gis [f e]} c4 b16 f'8 b,16 f' gis8.
\time 5/4
b,16 f'8 b,16 f' gis8. r2. \fermata
%page 10
ais32 ais ais gis gis8 ais32 ais b gis gis8 ais32 gis gis f f8 e16 f8 
e16 c c8.
ais'32 ais ais gis gis8 ais32 ais b gis gis8 ais32 gis gis f f8 e16 f8 
e16 c c8.

\time 3/4
f'8 e16 c e e f e f8 e16 c b c b ais ais ais b ais c b ais gis ais ais b 

e'16 c b ais gis f gis f e e c e b c e ais g4 r2. r4 e' r c r b r ais r gis
r4 c8 e r4 b8 ais4.
%page 11
r4 gis8 [ais] b c r4 \times 2/3 {f,8 e f} e4 ~ e r e' r c r ais8 b c4 r 
gis8 f4.
r4 e' r c r ais16 b f gis e4 e'16 e f e gis f e c r4 b8 c4. ais16 b c e 
c4 r a
gis16 ais gis f e2 r4 gis16 ais gis f e c e f c8 b4. c16 e f gis ~ gis f 
e f gis

ais8. r4 b2 r4 f8. ais16 c8 [ais] \times 2/3 {b8 c e} c2.
%page 12
gis8. b16 c8 [b] \times 2/3 {ais8 f gis} e8 f4. r4 e'8. c16 b4 e c8. ais16
\times 2/3 {gis8 ais f} c4 r e8 f gis4 r e'8 c4. gis8 ais4. r4 f8 e4. ~ 

Re: Problems after upgrading (lilypond-book)

2005-08-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson

It seems to be some problems with the translations to local languages
in lilypond-book. The bug has already been reported to the lilypond-bug
mailing list and waiting for that, you can get rid of the problem by
unset LANG
export LANG=en_US
which gives the default English warning and error messages but should
solve your problem.


Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:


after upgrading to 2.6.3. (2.6.0 worked fine) I have a problem with


lilypond-book -o out test.lytex

I get this:
Layout nach »lily-244139305-1.eps« ausgeben...
Layout nach »lily-244139305.eps« ausgeben...

test.tex kompilieren...
Schreibe `test.tex'...
lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: option --psfonts not used
lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: Verarbeitung mit dvips wird keine
Schriftarten haben

dvips -h out/test.psfonts out/test.dvi

If I write

lilypond-book --psfonts test.lytex

I get a long report, what options are possible. 

Please help!


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: using \break doesn't work or at least not as I expect

2005-08-06 Thread Graham Percival

On 6-Aug-05, at 7:41 AM, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

I looked it up and think that as long as the
\break is at a barline it will produce a line break
however ...
I realize that this score is 'odd' but the \break (s) are at common 
barlines for the two staves however that doesn't seem to work so the 
pdf output doesn't really work either.

Please try adding a few barline checks |  to make sure that you're 
inserting the \break at a bar line.  In addition, the \break only needs 
to be in

one part.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems after upgrading (lilypond-book)

2005-08-06 Thread Wolfgang Mechsner
It's to bad, but does not seem to be the solution. :-(, But thank you
for the fast answer!


Am Samstag, den 06.08.2005, 17:05 +0200 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
 It seems to be some problems with the translations to local languages
 in lilypond-book. The bug has already been reported to the lilypond-bug
 mailing list and waiting for that, you can get rid of the problem by
 unset LANG
 export LANG=en_US
 which gives the default English warning and error messages but should
 solve your problem.
 Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
  after upgrading to 2.6.3. (2.6.0 worked fine) I have a problem with
  lilypond-book -o out test.lytex
  I get this:
  Layout nach »lily-244139305-1.eps« ausgeben...
  Layout nach »lily-244139305.eps« ausgeben...
  test.tex kompilieren...
  Schreibe `test.tex'...
  lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: option --psfonts not used
  lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: Verarbeitung mit dvips wird keine
  Schriftarten haben
  dvips -h out/test.psfonts out/test.dvi
  If I write
  lilypond-book --psfonts test.lytex
  I get a long report, what options are possible. 
  Please help!
Wolfgang Mechsner
Goebenstr. 3
49076 Osnabrück
Tel. 0541-2052090
Mobil 0179-9096684

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems after upgrading (lilypond-book)

2005-08-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Are you sure that you clear the $LANG environment variable in the same
shell as you call the lilypond-book program? It certainly solves the
problem over here.


Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:

It's to bad, but does not seem to be the solution. :-(, But thank you
for the fast answer!


Am Samstag, den 06.08.2005, 17:05 +0200 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

It seems to be some problems with the translations to local languages
in lilypond-book. The bug has already been reported to the lilypond-bug
mailing list and waiting for that, you can get rid of the problem by
unset LANG
export LANG=en_US
which gives the default English warning and error messages but should
solve your problem.


Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:


after upgrading to 2.6.3. (2.6.0 worked fine) I have a problem with


lilypond-book -o out test.lytex

I get this:
Layout nach »lily-244139305-1.eps« ausgeben...
Layout nach »lily-244139305.eps« ausgeben...

test.tex kompilieren...
Schreibe `test.tex'...
lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: option --psfonts not used
lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: Verarbeitung mit dvips wird keine
Schriftarten haben

   dvips -h out/test.psfonts out/test.dvi

If I write

lilypond-book --psfonts test.lytex

I get a long report, what options are possible. 

Please help!


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems after upgrading (lilypond-book)

2005-08-06 Thread Wolfgang Mechsner
I wrote 

export LANG=en_US
export LANG

in my \etc\profile.

Now I get the same messages in English. I am not realy a Linux
expert ...


On Sat, 2005-08-06 at 20:49 +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 Are you sure that you clear the $LANG environment variable in the same
 shell as you call the lilypond-book program? It certainly solves the
 problem over here.
 Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
  It's to bad, but does not seem to be the solution. :-(, But thank you
  for the fast answer!
  Am Samstag, den 06.08.2005, 17:05 +0200 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
 It seems to be some problems with the translations to local languages
 in lilypond-book. The bug has already been reported to the lilypond-bug
 mailing list and waiting for that, you can get rid of the problem by
 unset LANG
 export LANG=en_US
 which gives the default English warning and error messages but should
 solve your problem.
 Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
 after upgrading to 2.6.3. (2.6.0 worked fine) I have a problem with
 lilypond-book -o out test.lytex
 I get this:
 Layout nach »lily-244139305-1.eps« ausgeben...
 Layout nach »lily-244139305.eps« ausgeben...
 test.tex kompilieren...
 Schreibe `test.tex'...
 lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: option --psfonts not used
 lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: Verarbeitung mit dvips wird keine
 Schriftarten haben
 dvips -h out/test.psfonts out/test.dvi
 If I write
 lilypond-book --psfonts test.lytex
 I get a long report, what options are possible. 
 Please help!
Wolfgang Mechsner
Goebenstr. 3
49076 Osnabrück
Tel. 0541-2052090
Mobil 0179-9096684

lilypond-user mailing list

How To Shift String Numbers?

2005-08-06 Thread Randy Keeling
I just started to use Lilypond today and I have run into a problem (surprise). To start learning, I started to enter some scales. I have been able to solve most of my problems except how to shift a string number (Guitar notation). Below is what I have done:
\score {{\set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)\set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)\set Staff.instrument = "C Major"\clef treble\time 2/4 c'\58-2 d'16-4 e'16-1 f'16-2 g'16-4 a'16-1 b'16-3 |c''\38-1 d''16-3 e''16-1 f''16-2 g''16-4 a''16-1 b''16-3 |c'''8-4 b''16-3 a''16-1 g''16-3 f''16 e''16 d''16 | c''8 b'16 a'16 g'16 f'16 e'16 d'16 |c'4 r4 \bar "|."}}

You will notice that the string number for the C above middle C has run in withthe note stem. How can I fix this? I have read some of the message archive and noticed that the most common solution seems tobe to use Tex/LaTex to create a custom solution. I am a not un-familiar with LaTex so this wouldn't be a problem, but I hope that there is a more elegant solution (so I don't have to download the Cygwin package).
On a side note, is there a good solution for notating positions on the guitar besides the text spans (which, when compared to what Lilypond outputs, is not as attractive as it could be). I looked at the octave notation as a possible subsitute but that would upset any MIDI output. :-(
lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond 2.7.3 is creating an empty midi file

2005-08-06 Thread Pedro Kröger


I think some users have asked about that. Lilypond 2.7.* is
creating an empty midi file. I'm sending a simple ly file and the
generated midi.

Description: Binary data

Description: MIDI audio
lilypond-user mailing list

Parenthesis around a note

2005-08-06 Thread Ilaria e Massimo

I have to add parenthesis around a note head. Is 
there a simple method to do this? I read the reply to the same question (from 
Jan Nieuwenhuizen, date 12 nov 2002), but the links are missing. Can anyone help 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Compilation of Lilypond on FreeBSD

2005-08-06 Thread Zbyněk Burget

Jan Nieuwenhuizen napsal(a):

 Please, use the mailing list for non-personal email.

I'm sorry, if I send mail to wrong recipient :-(

some time ago I was communicate directly with you - I thought that my 
mail is off-topic for mailing list - my question was I intended as 
platform dependent and technical info...

May I have one supplementary question after all?

I've installed FontForge, bud during compilation prosecc of lilypond was 
be produced no *.svg files (*.otf I cannot tell - I not about my home 
desktop now) - where I may find problem?

...I try compile version 2.6.3...


Zbyněk Burget writes:

I don't install mftrace, do this command and during installation
process i get error message about non-existing files *.svg

Mftrace produces the .pfa's, which takes a lot of time.
The .otf and .svg files are compiled from the .pfa files by fontforge,
that is rather quick.

lilypond-user mailing list

Auto-beaming in asymmetrical time signatures

2005-08-06 Thread Hans Aberg
How do I auto-beam in asymmetrical times signatures? For example,  
7/16 may decompose as (2+2+3)/16, (4+3)/16, (3+2+2)/16.

  Hans Aberg

lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond error

2005-08-06 Thread Steve Leyland
Sorry to be a nuisance guys, but I wonder if you can help?  I've recently set 
up a new desktop machine running Fedora Core 4 and loaded Lilypond version 
2.6.1.  When I try to run the...

lilypond test

...command to test the system I get the following error...

GNU LilyPond 2.6.1 /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-13.scm:159:1: In procedure 
dynamic-link in expression (load-extension libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1 
/usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-13.scm:159:1: file: 
libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1, message: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

There is a /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi directory and I've tried adding this to 
my PATH variable, but it doesn't make a difference.  I've taken a look 
through what I can find on the internet, but I'm struggling now.  Can you 
guys point me in the right direction?



lilypond-user mailing list

keep finger down

2005-08-06 Thread Christopher Ellis
I am looking for the best way to notate a fingering
instruction that tells a violinist to keep a finger
down.  This involves a finger number followed by a
line that continues until the finger no longer needs
to be held down.  I know several ways to do this and I
have included them in an example below.  They can all
work, but each have their drawbacks.  Does anyone know
of something better.  I want a centered fingering
followed by a line.  Thanks.  Chris

\version 2.6.0

test = \relative c'' {

  \override TextSpanner #'shorten-pair = #'(1 . 0)
  \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #'()
  b-1\startTextSpan c c b\stopTextSpan | 

% this gives a good result,
% but the line is not locked
% with the fingering, so at times
% you would have to move the line,
% so this is not ideal
\revert TextSpanner #'shorten-pair
  b^\markup { \finger 1 - } c c b |

% this way you have to guess
% the number of dashes.  it doesn't
% center the fingering in the sme way
% as a regular fingering instruction does. 
% also, I want a solid line.  i could use
% the underscore, but I would have to move
% that to get it positioned right with the number
  \override TextSpanner #'font-encoding = #'fetaNumber
  \override TextSpanner #'font-size = #-5
  \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'(1  .  )
  \override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #'()
  %\override TextSpanner #'shorten-pair = #'(0 . 0)
  b\startTextSpan c c b\stopTextSpan | 

% this works as in should in the way that I want,
% however the fingering is not nicely centered like
% a regular fingering instruction. also the line is
% close too the fingering.  i am sure that I can get
% close to what I want with the 
% commented out shorten-pair
% line but it would be nice if I could 
% do this spanner with
% the left edge-text centered like a 
% fingering and not have
% the line so close to the fingering.

\score {

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Auto-beaming in asymmetrical time signatures

2005-08-06 Thread Graham Percival

On 5-Aug-05, at 7:31 AM, Hans Aberg wrote:

How do I auto-beam in asymmetrical times signatures? For example, 7/16 
may decompose as (2+2+3)/16, (4+3)/16, (3+2+2)/16.

You look at doc section 6.4.4 Automatic beams
You follow the link to 8.6.2 Setting automatic beam behavior
You read that page.

You could also look at the tips and tricks documents 
(beam-auto-*.ly), or

search examples in LSR.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond error / Installing on FC4

2005-08-06 Thread Graham Percival

On 5-Aug-05, at 10:46 AM, Steve Leyland wrote:
GNU LilyPond 2.6.1 /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-13.scm:159:1: In 
dynamic-link in expression (load-extension 


Gee, FC4 is popular.  :)

Try 2.6.3.  I think the link is up now, but if not, look in the 

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list