Re: Sharing rest mark when sharing it in ChoirStaff

2006-01-03 Thread Caio Tiago Oliveira

Caio Tiago Oliveira, 04-01-2006 01:31:

Well, my subject may be too specific, but my doubt is just it:
I'm using the template from the 2.6.6 documentation for a ChoirStaff.
I can use it to put the rests without problem.
But I want only one rest mark when both voices (e.g.: altos and 
sopranos) share it, instead of putting the soprano's rest one octave above.

The same for dynamic marks...

Is there any simple option about that or do I have to edit it manually?

I've found a workaround, I use spaces instead of rests and specify the 
rests before. But this way I've to do a lot of calculus.

I would prefer an easier way, if possible.

Yahoo! doce lar. Faça do Yahoo! sua homepage. 

lilypond-user mailing list

Sharing rest mark when sharing it in ChoirStaff

2006-01-03 Thread Caio Tiago Oliveira

Well, my subject may be too specific, but my doubt is just it:
I'm using the template from the 2.6.6 documentation for a ChoirStaff.
I can use it to put the rests without problem.
But I want only one rest mark when both voices (e.g.: altos and 
sopranos) share it, instead of putting the soprano's rest one octave above.

The same for dynamic marks...

Is there any simple option about that or do I have to edit it manually?

Yahoo! doce lar. Faça do Yahoo! sua homepage. 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inputting special symbols

2006-01-03 Thread liang seng
Hi, do you mean that on Windows XP, the word editors (like Notepad) are able 
to save text files in utf-8 code? (Since I don't have WinXP, I don't know if 
that is possible) I may have to borrow a colleague's computer with Win XP to 
continue my work.

lilypond-user mailing list

What is the header "texttranslator" for

2006-01-03 Thread Bernard Hurley
Hi all,

The header field "texttranslator" is mentioned in the Lilypond
documentation for version 2.7.27 but doesn't seem to do anything!
Bernard Hurley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

lilypond-user mailing list

Fonts - 2.7.26 / Windows

2006-01-03 Thread Martial

Youpi !
is good with Lilypond 2.7.26-2

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \new StaffGroup ---- difficulties...

2006-01-03 Thread Trent Johnston
That did the trick...



- Original Message - 
From: "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: \new StaffGroup  difficulties...

> I considered the previous behaviour a bug and "corrected" it, see
> If you want the bracket also for a single stave, just do
> \layout {
>   ...  
>   \context{
> \StaffGroup
>   \override SystemStartBracket #'collapse-height = #1
>   }
> }
> Trent Johnston wrote:
> > Hi Again,
> >  
> > Am I right in assuming now that when I use the \new StaffGroup that 
> > this will only work when there are multiple staves within it.
> >  
> > So in the example below I get the bracket around the two violin 
> > staves. But the \new StaffGroup just around the the bass instrument 
> > part the command seems to be ignored.
> >  
> > This used to work in earlier versions of the 2.7 branch but doesn't 
> > seem to work any more. Is there a new command? I can't seem so find it 
> > in the manual if there is.
> >  
> > \score {
> >   
> >  <<
> >   \new StaffGroup <<
> >   \ViolinIg
> >   \ViolinIIg
> >  >>
> >   \Sopranog
> >   \context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop" 
> > \verseg }
> >   
> > \new StaffGroup <<
> >   \Bassig \basfig >>
> >  >>
> >  
> > }}
> >  
> >  
> > Thanks again for your help
> >  
> > Trent
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> =
> Mats Bengtsson
> Signal Processing
> Signals, Sensors and Systems
> Royal Institute of Technology
> SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
> Sweden
> Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
> Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
> WWW:
> =

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts - 2.7.26 / Windows and Fedora

2006-01-03 Thread Trent Johnston
No problem...

Just hadn't seen anyone mention it..



- Original Message - 
From: "Han-Wen Nienhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: Fonts - 2.7.26 / Windows and Fedora

> Trent Johnston wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I've recently installed 2.7.26 in both Windows and Fedora formats. Both
> > versions seem to use the Feta font for lyrics and titles so I end up
> > with music symbols rather than words.
> >
> > Anyone else have similar problems? It seems the the problem affects both
> > versions.
> Yes - this is a problem. We're very busy fixing up the binary releases,
> please be patient for another few days.
> -- 
>   Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Problems with gregorian neumes ligatures

2006-01-03 Thread Am�lie Aubut


I am a beginner at Lilypond (this is my second transcription) and I am 
encountering some (3 majors) difficulties with gregorian chant notation 
(neumes ligatures).  Let's try to be clear:

1-   PORRECTUS:  The last note of every porrectus that end with an ascending 
second (for exemple: g f g) is too close from the "line" of the porrectus, 
making the last note head unclear.  Maybe I could make the staves bigger 
without changing the size of the neumes? Would that be a solution? (and how 
do I do that?)

2-   DOTS:   Dots inside a ligature are too close to the next note heads.  I 
tried to add skips after the dotted notes, but it had no effect.

3-   ICTUS:   At two places (over the words "(manum) tuam" and "(scientia 
tua) alleluia", the ictus does not appear under the note it is assigned to.

Besides that, I am quite happy with the results.  I hope someone can help me 
to make it perfect!  Thank you and happy new year to everyone!

Here is the input:

\version "2.6.3"

\include ""

 \header {
   title = "AD MISSAM IN DIE"
   subtitle = "Antiphona ad introitum IV"
   opus = \markup { \italic "Ps. 138, 18. 5. 6 et 1-2" }

\score {
\context VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
\override Score.BarNumber #'transparent = ##t
\override Script #'padding = #-0.1
\relative c{
\clef "vaticana-do3"

% Ressurexi
\[ d4\melisma \pes f4 \flexa d\melismaEnd \]
\[ f4\melisma f4 f \]
\[ d4 \pes e4 \flexa d4.\melismaEnd \]

% et adhuc tecum sum:
\[ f4\melisma \flexa e\melismaEnd \]
\[ f\melisma \pes g\melismaEnd \]
\[e\melisma \pes f g \flexa f \pes g4.\melismaEnd \]%% First 
problem (end of porrectus is unclear)


% alleluia:
\[ \virga g4.\melisma f4 f  f\melismaEnd\]   %% Second 
problem (dot unclear)

\[ d\melisma \pes f \flexa e\melismaEnd \]
\[ e\melisma \pes g \flexa f f\melismaEnd \]
\[ f4.\melisma \flexa e4.\melismaEnd \]

% posuisti super me:
\[ f4\melisma \pes g \flexa f\melismaEnd \]
\[ f\melisma f\melismaEnd \]
\[ f\melisma g \pes a\melismaEnd \]
\[ g\melisma \pes a \flexa g\melismaEnd \]
\[ \virga g4.\melisma f4 f f\melismaEnd \]%% Second 
problem (dot unclear)

\[ d\melisma e \pes f g \flexa f\melismaEnd \]

% manum tuam
\[ f4\melisma f f\melismaEnd \]
\[d\melisma e \pes f\melismaEnd \]
\[f\melisma \pes g\inclinatum f\ictus \inclinatum e\melismaEnd \] %% 
Third problem (ictus doesn't appear under the "f")


% alleluia:
\[f4\melisma f f\melismaEnd \]
\[d\melisma \pes f \flexa e\melismaEnd \]
\[f\melisma \pes g \flexa f f\melismaEnd \]
\[d\melisma f f \flexa d \pes f4.\melismaEnd \]

% mirabilis facta est:
\[ c\melisma \pes d f \flexa e \pes f\melismaEnd \]  First 
problem (end of porrectus is unclear)

\[ f\melisma f f \pes g\melismaEnd \]
\[ d\melisma \pes e \inclinatum d \inclinatum c\ictus d\melismaEnd \]
\[ d4.\melisma \flexa c4.\melismaEnd \]

% scientia tua:
\[ e4\melisma f \pes g\melismaEnd \]
\[ g\melisma \flexa a \pes g\melismaEnd \]
\[ f\melisma f f\melismaEnd \]
\[g\melisma \flexa f \pes a \flexa g\melismaEnd \]

% alleluia:
\[ g4\melisma \flexa \deminutum f\melismaEnd \]
\[ e\melisma f\ictus \pes g\melismaEnd \]    Third problem 
(ictus appears at the wrong place)

\[ g\melisma \flexa \deminutum f\melismaEnd \]
\[e\melisma f g \flexa f \pes g4.\melismaEnd \]  %%  First 
problem (end of porrectus is unclear)


% alleluia:
\[ \virga g4.\melisma f4 f f\melismaEnd \]   %% Second problem (dot 

\[d\melisma \flexa f \pes e\melismaEnd \]
\[e\melisma \flexa g \pes f f\melismaEnd \]
\[ f4.\melisma \flexa e\melismaEnd\]

% Ps. Domine probasti me et cognovisti me:
s1 \[a4\melisma \flexa g\melismaEnd \]
\[g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd\]
\[a\melisma \flexa g\melismaEnd \]
\[g\melisma \pes b\melismaEnd \]
\[a\melisma \pes b\melismaEnd \]

% tu cognovisti sessionem meam:
\[a4\melisma \flexa g\melismaEnd\]
\[g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd\]

% et resurrectionem meam:
\[g\melisma \flexa f\melismaEnd\]
\[g\melisma \pes a\melismaEnd\]
\[e\melisma \flexa g \pes f f\melismaEnd\]

\lyricsto "cantus" \new Lyrics {
  RE- SUR- RE- XI, et ad- huc te- cum sum, al- le- lú- ia: po- su- 
í- sti su- per me ma- num tu- am, al- le- lú- ia:

mi- rá- bi- lis fa- cta est sci- én- ti- a tu- a, al- le- lú- ia, al- le- 
lú- \markup { ia. \hspace #0.6 \italic Ps. }Dó- mi-

ne pro- bá- sti me, et co- gno- ví- sti me: tu co- gno- ví- sti ses- si- ó- 
nem me- am, et re- sur- re- cti- ó- nem me- am. }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts - 2.7.26 / Windows and Fedora

2006-01-03 Thread Herman Grootaers
On Tuesday 03 January 2006 15:38, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Trent Johnston wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I've recently installed 2.7.26 in both Windows and Fedora formats.
> > Both versions seem to use the Feta font for lyrics and titles so I
> > end up with music symbols rather than words.
> >
> > Anyone else have similar problems? It seems the the problem affects
> > both versions.
> Yes - this is a problem. We're very busy fixing up the binary
> releases, please be patient for another few days.

Does that also solve the problem that I cannot compile Lilypond because 
there is a segmentation-fault during the compilation on my machine 
running mandriva 2006 standard install of Lilypond-2.7.25 and -2.7.26.

There are a lot of messages beginning with Too many bits found, which 
comes from an edited tail of the error-log of make in 2.7.25.

Too many bits found when loading character XXX warning: /usr/bin/gf2pbm: 
command exited with value 512 (ignored)
Assembling raw font to `parmesan26.pfa.raw'...
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 by George Williams.
 Executable based on sources from 21:00 9-Aug-2005-ML.
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 by George Williams.
 Executable based on sources from 21:00 9-Aug-2005-ML.
/bin/sh: line 1: 28478 Segmentatie fout /usr/bin/fontforge -script

Strange, my previous expierience was that the compilation was smooth 
under mandriva.

Herman Grootaers

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changing papersize between multiple scores in a single file

2006-01-03 Thread Graham Percival

On 3-Jan-06, at 10:38 AM, vanDongen/Gilcher wrote:

On Tuesday 03 January 2006 17:46, vanDongen/Gilcher wrote:

 \score {
\header {
  title = "ah"
  composer = "Gerard van Dongen"

ok so this doesn't work it gives an unexpected /header error whne 

to ps.

You now need to have music in the score happening first.
  { c'4 }
  \header { ... }

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

font shape

2006-01-03 Thread lilypond
I installed lilypond 2.6.4 on Cygwin,
but the font-shape "italic" does not
work. I do not know why. Help me please.


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ed mp3.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changing papersize between multiple scores in a single file

2006-01-03 Thread vanDongen/Gilcher
On Tuesday 03 January 2006 17:46, vanDongen/Gilcher wrote:

>  \score {
> \header {
>   title = "ah"
>   composer = "Gerard van Dongen"
> }

ok so this doesn't work it gives an unexpected /header error whne converting 
to ps.
Maybe a guru can help out?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changing papersize between multiple scores in a single file

2006-01-03 Thread Paul Scott

vanDongen/Gilcher wrote:

Hi everybody,

I am new to the list and to lilypond. It is a great program from what little I 
have done and seen so far.

I just started a composition that I decided to notate it entirely in lily, and 
I am very happy with the results I am getting. 
But I have a question, 
Is it possible to change the papersize between diffent score blocks?

I tried inserting a \paper block inside a \score block but that doesn't work.

The idea is that I write all the parts as macro-variables. And then at the 
bottom you get:

\score {
   \header {
 title = "ah"
 composer = "Gerard van Dongen"
   \layout {

 \context {

   \midi {
 \tempo 4=160

 \context Staff = viool \viool
 \context StaffGroup = blazers 
\context Staff = altsax 


\context Staff = trompet 


\context Staff = trombone 


and then another score for the next movement of the suite, and then at the 
very end make "scores" for the indiviual parts.

But I want the scores to be landscape and the parts to be portait.
And possible the scores should be a bigger size.

I hope this is possible, but how?

I usually make each part a separate file. at least the portrait parts 
and the landscape parts could be separate files.  I have one or more 
files that contain the music and \include those in the files that do the 

Paul Scott

lilypond-user mailing list

changing papersize between multiple scores in a single file

2006-01-03 Thread vanDongen/Gilcher
Hi everybody,

I am new to the list and to lilypond. It is a great program from what little I 
have done and seen so far.

I just started a composition that I decided to notate it entirely in lily, and 
I am very happy with the results I am getting. 
But I have a question, 
Is it possible to change the papersize between diffent score blocks?
I tried inserting a \paper block inside a \score block but that doesn't work.

The idea is that I write all the parts as macro-variables. And then at the 
bottom you get:

 \score {
\header {
  title = "ah"
  composer = "Gerard van Dongen"

\layout {
  \context {

\midi {
  \tempo 4=160

  \context Staff = viool \viool

  \context StaffGroup = blazers 
 \context Staff = altsax 
 \context Staff = trompet 
 \context Staff = trombone 
 and then another score for the next movement of the suite, and then at the 
very end make "scores" for the indiviual parts.
But I want the scores to be landscape and the parts to be portait.
And possible the scores should be a bigger size.

I hope this is possible, but how?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Textfonts on the native windows lily 2.7.26

2006-01-03 Thread Riccardo Cohen

I had the same on version for cygwin, but on 2.6.4 for windows it works 
all right.

anders stenberg wrote:


Just did download & install the Windows native lilypond 2.7.26. Some of 
the new features seem great & just for my use ( the ligatures in lyrics 
and the accidentals abow staff!!!). Problem is I do not get any texts 
neighter in headings nor in lyrics. Or more precisely: what I get is  
just some of the caracters in boldfont, more or less the ones that are 
among the few needed in articulations and dynamics etc.

Did try uninstalling and reinstalling a few times but whith no differens 
what so ever. Looking into the manual didnt give me a clue of solwing 
this.  Neighter did  browsing in the  lilypond- user archive (though I 
didn't put a lot of time on it) . The trouble shouldn't be  in the 
encoding as the  files are UTF-8 encoded  (made on jEdit but not run 
throug its comandconsole as I luckilly  retain my "old" native 2.6.5 
lily so I can get a "correct" printout sans the new frills) .

Anders Stenberg

lilypond-user mailing list

Riccardo Cohen

Les Roches
37230 Fondettes
web =
tel: +33 02 47 49 90 49
fax: +33 02 47 49 91 49

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-01-03 Thread Nicholas Bailey

On 3 Jan 2006, at 10:42 am, Maarten Storm wrote:

You could do

\override Rest #'staff-position = #x

where x is a number indicating the position on the staff. Positive 
above the middle line, negative under it.

You can find a good example in the regression tests.

Ah, I see, you put it in the polyphonic voice and it really does only 
change the rest for that voice. I was using loads of << ... \\ ... >> 
constructs, rather than
typing four separate parts like you would with a string quartet or four 
voices. Then I'd put the override at the top of the score where of 
course it didn't work, so I went off on the tangent of trying to get 
something like \override VoiceOne.Rest ... to work (which of course I 
couldn't). Thanks for your help with this.

Actually, I think the explicit positioning with eg b'2\rest might be 
the thing. The reason is that after typesetting, I'm running the whole 
lot through a lex program to convert it to 19-divisions of the octave 
(cis != des) which will then be played on a retuned MIDI keyboard so 
that each octave covers an octave and a fifth of keys. So if I use the 
explicit placement for all the rests, there won't be any nasty 
surprises when the version with scordatura tuning version for keyboard 
(?!) is typeset.

All this is very unlikely to make any sense at the moment, but I urge 
people to come along to the gig if they are interested and around at 
the time...

If anyone is interested in the 19-divisions-of-the-octave microtonality 
stuff, maybe they can email me off list and I'll send them some 

One final tiny little point of interest. I've noticed that the rest 
placement is actually much worse in 2.6 (specifically 2.6.3 debian 
unstable) than 2.4 on my powerbook, so that there are collisions with 
rests in addition the eccentric placement.

The attached snippet shows what I mean. In the first bar, the b 
semibreve collides with the minim rest in (the implicit) voiceTwo.

Also, just a very very minor thing, but the braces at the left hand 
side of the staff have increased in size since 2.4. This looks fine, 
but they collide with the bar numbers now, so you have to increase 
their offset to generate really nice output. (I think I know how yo do 

I notice I'm a few minor revisions behind the stable release, I'm just 
using what's in the debian unstable branch. Here're the first three 
bars anyway, with the collision in bar 1 and the very high rest 
placement in bar 3.

When I've got the whole thing sorted, I'll put it on Mutopia or 
something... I wonder how many people have ill-tempered keyboards so 
they can play it though? :)

\version "2.6.3"

\header {
title= "Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la."
composer = "John Bull"

\score {

\new GrandStaff <<
 \new Staff {
  #(set-accidental-style 'voice)

  %% Bar 1
  \time 3/1
  g1 a  << b \\ {r2 g} >>

  %% Bar 2
  \time 4/1
  << {c'1 d'} \\ {a2 c'~ c' b2:16} >>
  << {e'1 e'} \\ {c'4 g c'2~ c'4 b g a } >>

  %% Bar 3
  << b1 d' >>
  << a c' >>
  << {r2 d'~ d' c'~} \\ {b1 a} >>


 \new Staff {
  #(set-accidental-style 'voice)
  \clef bass

  %% Bar 1
  r2 g~ g f << r1 \\ {e2. d4}  >>

  %% Bar 2
  << r2 \\ c2 >>
  << {g1 f2 e2. d4 c d e c} \\ {e2 d1 c2 a,~ a,4 b, c2} >>

  %% Bar 3
  << {g4 d} \\ b,2 >>
  << {g2~ g4 e fis2} \\ {a,4 g, a,1} >>
  << g2 \\ {g,4 a,} >>
  << {g2~ g4 f f2} \\ {b,4 c d2 a,} >>

\layout {
\context {
\remove Time_signature_engraver

} % end of score

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-01-03 Thread Nicholas Bailey

On 3 Jan 2006, at 10:42 am, Maarten Storm wrote:

You could do

\override Rest #'staff-position = #x

where x is a number indicating the position on the staff. Positive 
above the middle line, negative under it.

You can find a good example in the regression tests.

Ah, I see, you put it in the polyphonic voice and it really does only 
change the rest for that voice. I was using loads of << ... \\ ... >> 
constructs, rather than
typing four separate parts like you would with a string quartet or four 
voices. Then I'd put the override at the top of the score where of 
course it didn't work, so I went off on the tangent of trying to get 
something like \override VoiceOne.Rest ... to work (which of course I 
couldn't). Thanks for your help with this.

Actually, I think the explicit positioning with eg b'2\rest might be 
the thing. The reason is that after typesetting, I'm running the whole 
lot through a lex program to convert it to 19-divisions of the octave 
(cis != des) which will then be played on a retuned MIDI keyboard so 
that each octave covers an octave and a fifth of keys. So if I use the 
explicit placement for all the rests, there won't be any nasty 
surprises when the version with scordatura tuning version for keyboard 
(?!) is typeset.

All this is very unlikely to make any sense at the moment, but I urge 
people to come along to the gig if they are interested and around at 
the time...

If anyone is interested in the 19-divisions-of-the-octave microtonality 
stuff, maybe they can email me off list and I'll send them some 

One final tiny little point of interest. I've noticed that the rest 
placement is actually much worse in 2.6 (specifically 2.6.3 debian 
unstable) than 2.4 on my powerbook, so that there are collisions with 
rests in addition the eccentric placement.

The attached snippet shows what I mean. In the first bar, the b 
semibreve collides with the minim rest in (the implicit) voiceTwo.

Also, just a very very minor thing, but the braces at the left hand 
side of the staff have increased in size since 2.4. This looks fine, 
but they collide with the bar numbers now, so you have to increase 
their offset to generate really nice output. (I think I know how yo do 

I notice I'm a few minor revisions behind the stable release, I'm just 
using what's in the debian unstable branch. Here're the first three 
bars anyway, with the collision in bar 1 and the very high rest 
placement in bar 3.

When I've got the whole thing sorted, I'll put it on Mutopia or 
something... I wonder how many people have ill-tempered keyboards so 
they can play it though? :)

\version "2.6.3"

\header {
title= "Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la."
composer = "John Bull"

\score {

\new GrandStaff <<
 \new Staff {
  #(set-accidental-style 'voice)

  %% Bar 1
  \time 3/1
  g1 a  << b \\ {r2 g} >>

  %% Bar 2
  \time 4/1
  << {c'1 d'} \\ {a2 c'~ c' b2:16} >>
  << {e'1 e'} \\ {c'4 g c'2~ c'4 b g a } >>

  %% Bar 3
  << b1 d' >>
  << a c' >>
  << {r2 d'~ d' c'~} \\ {b1 a} >>


 \new Staff {
  #(set-accidental-style 'voice)
  \clef bass

  %% Bar 1
  r2 g~ g f << r1 \\ {e2. d4}  >>

  %% Bar 2
  << r2 \\ c2 >>
  << {g1 f2 e2. d4 c d e c} \\ {e2 d1 c2 a,~ a,4 b, c2} >>

  %% Bar 3
  << {g4 d} \\ b,2 >>
  << {g2~ g4 e fis2} \\ {a,4 g, a,1} >>
  << g2 \\ {g,4 a,} >>
  << {g2~ g4 f f2} \\ {b,4 c d2 a,} >>

\layout {
\context {
\remove Time_signature_engraver

} % end of score

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \new StaffGroup ---- difficulties...

2006-01-03 Thread Mats Bengtsson

I considered the previous behaviour a bug and "corrected" it, see

If you want the bracket also for a single stave, just do

\layout {

 \override SystemStartBracket #'collapse-height = #1


Trent Johnston wrote:

Hi Again,
Am I right in assuming now that when I use the \new StaffGroup that 
this will only work when there are multiple staves within it.
So in the example below I get the bracket around the two violin 
staves. But the \new StaffGroup just around the the bass instrument 
part the command seems to be ignored.
This used to work in earlier versions of the 2.7 branch but doesn't 
seem to work any more. Is there a new command? I can't seem so find it 
in the manual if there is.
\score {

  \new StaffGroup <<
  \context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop" 
\verseg }
\new StaffGroup <<

  \Bassig \basfig >>
Thanks again for your help

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts - 2.7.26 / Windows and Fedora

2006-01-03 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Trent Johnston wrote:

Hi All,
I've recently installed 2.7.26 in both Windows and Fedora formats. Both 
versions seem to use the Feta font for lyrics and titles so I end up 
with music symbols rather than words.
Anyone else have similar problems? It seems the the problem affects both 

Yes - this is a problem. We're very busy fixing up the binary releases, 
please be patient for another few days.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Textfonts on the native windows lily 2.7.26

2006-01-03 Thread anders stenberg


Just did download & install the Windows native lilypond 2.7.26. Some of 
the new features seem great & just for my use ( the ligatures in lyrics 
and the accidentals abow staff!!!). Problem is I do not get any texts 
neighter in headings nor in lyrics. Or more precisely: what I get is  
just some of the caracters in boldfont, more or less the ones that are 
among the few needed in articulations and dynamics etc.

Did try uninstalling and reinstalling a few times but whith no differens 
what so ever. Looking into the manual didnt give me a clue of solwing 
this.  Neighter did  browsing in the  lilypond- user archive (though I 
didn't put a lot of time on it) . 
The trouble shouldn't be  in the encoding as the  files are UTF-8 
encoded  (made on jEdit but not run throug its comandconsole as I 
luckilly  retain my "old" native 2.6.5 lily so I can get a "correct" 
printout sans the new frills) .

Anders Stenberg

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: font shape

2006-01-03 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Several people have reported on the mailing list that text fonts
don't work at all in the Cygwin version of LilyPond 2.6.4, so if
it works for you when you don't have italics, then that's very good

It is much easier for people on the mailing list to answer your question
if you send a small but complete example of what you tried.



I installed lilypond 2.6.4 on Cygwin.
The font shape "italic" does not work
and I do not know why. Could you help me, please?


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14,95 Euro/mese. Attivala subito!
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ed mp3.

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inputting special symbols

2006-01-03 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Did you read the section called "Editor support" in the manual?
Especially, jEdit seems like a good alternative on all platforms.


liang seng wrote:

Hi, does this mean that I cannot input these special characters using 
Windows 98 platform and using Notepad? Are there other alternatives?

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-01-03 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Maarten Storm wrote:

In the list of layout objects in the program reference I only found the 
staff-position property desribed for MultiMeasureRest. Shouldn't it be 
listed for Rest as well?


it is, if you go to "staff-symbol-referencer-interface". Perhaps we 
should add the user settable properties on the grob page as well, though.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-01-03 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Maarten Storm wrote:


In the list of layout objects in the program reference I only found 
the staff-position property desribed for MultiMeasureRest. Shouldn't 
it be listed for Rest as well?

The program reference for each layout object only lists the properties
that are set by default. To get the full list of all available 
properties that

can be set, you have to browse through all the interfaces listed at the
bottom of the page. For example, if you click on 

you will find the documentation of staff-position.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ice-9/boot-9.scm issue in LilyPond 2.7.26

2006-01-03 Thread fiëé visuëlle

Am 2006-01-03 um 02:55 schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys:

if "lilypond" is the script that was supplied with earlier  
versions, then scrap it. You have to call the lilypond binary  

It's in

hraban$ /Applications/Sound/
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../powerpc-apple-darwin7/ 
  Referenced from: /Applications/Sound/ 

  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap

hraban$ locate libstdc++.6.dylib

I created the path .../ 

and symlinked .../powerpc-apple-darwin7/lib to /usr/lib

Then it starts at least:

hraban$ /Applications/Sound/ 
lilypond --verbose

GNU LilyPond 2.7.26
warning: Relocation: compile prefix=/usr/share/lilypond/2.7.26, new  

warning: Relocation: framework_prefix=/Applications/Sound/
warning: no such directory: /Applications/Sound/ 
Resources/bin/../share/ghostscript/8.15/fonts for GS_FONTPATH
warning: no such directory: /Applications/Sound/ 
Resources/bin/../share/ghostscript/8.15/Resource for GS_LIB
warning: no such directory: /Applications/Sound/ 
Resources/bin/../share/gs/fonts for GS_FONTPATH
warning: no such directory: /Applications/Sound/ 
Resources/bin/../share/gs/Resource for GS_LIB
warning: no such directory: /Applications/Sound/ 
Resources/bin/../share/gs/lib for GS_LIB

Effective prefix: "/Applications/Sound/ 

Initializing FontConfig...

And there it stands and doesn't do any more.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: font shape

2006-01-03 Thread Frédéric Bron
Some messages have already been posted on that subject (cygwin font 
problem). Unfortunately, it seems there is no more cygwin expert. The 
current version on cygwin does not work properly (default font is not 
roman but sans serif).
The solution I adopted is to install the windows version and use it from 
cygwin with an alias. It works fine but I keep the cygwin version 
because there is no documention package on Windows and I like to browse 
the web doc off line. Would it be possible to make one?



I installed lilypond 2.6.4 on Cygwin.
The font shape "italic" does not work
and I do not know why. Could you help me, please?


Solo con Tiscali Adsl navighi e telefoni senza canone Telecom a partire da
14,95 Euro/mese. Attivala subito!
Per te 500 MB inclusi per navigare, inviare e ricevere messaggi e-mail, foto
ed mp3.

lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

\new StaffGroup ---- difficulties...

2006-01-03 Thread Trent Johnston

Hi Again,
Am I right in assuming now that when I use the \new 
StaffGroup that this will only work when there are multiple staves within 
So in the example below I get the bracket around 
the two violin staves. But the \new StaffGroup just around the the bass 
instrument part the command seems to be ignored.
This used to work in earlier versions of the 2.7 
branch but doesn't seem to work any more. Is there a new command? I can't seem 
so find it in the manual if there is.
{   <<  \new StaffGroup 
<<  \ViolinIg  \ViolinIIg 
>>  \Sopranog  \context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" 
\lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop" \verseg }  
\new StaffGroup <<  \Bassig 
\basfig >> >>
Thanks again for your help
lilypond-user mailing list

Fonts - 2.7.26 / Windows and Fedora

2006-01-03 Thread Trent Johnston

Hi All,
I've recently installed 2.7.26 in both Windows and 
Fedora formats. Both versions seem to use the Feta font for lyrics and titles so 
I end up with music symbols rather than words.
Anyone else have similar problems? It seems the the 
problem affects both versions.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Changing polyphonic per-voice rest position

2006-01-03 Thread Maarten Storm

Nicholas Bailey wrote:


I'm trying to typeset a piece of polyphonic keyboard music by the 
English composer John Bull with version 2.4 and 2.6 (two different 
platforms), and I've noticed the positioning of the rests doesn't look 
too good. I understand that you can place a rest using a note followed 
by \rest, but for much of the score the register of the "sooprano" 
part is rather low, and the default rest position for that voice seems 
to be at the very top or even above the clef.

Would it be possible to say "Please use the following default vertical 
positions for rests for the moment" in the score, to save having to 
place rests explicity the whole time? I've read the manual and as far 
as I can understand it, it might be possible to set staff-position of 
Rest somehow, but as to how to achieve this per-voice, I'm very much 
out of my depth I'm afraid.

Any help very much appreciated.


lilypond-user mailing list

You could do

\override Rest #'staff-position = #x

where x is a number indicating the position on the staff. Positive above 
the middle line, negative under it.

You can find a good example in the regression tests.

In the list of layout objects in the program reference I only found the 
staff-position property desribed for MultiMeasureRest. Shouldn't it be 
listed for Rest as well?


lilypond-user mailing list

font shape

2006-01-03 Thread lilypond
I installed lilypond 2.6.4 on Cygwin.
The font shape "italic" does not work
and I do not know why. Could you help me, please?


Solo con Tiscali Adsl navighi e telefoni senza canone Telecom a partire da
14,95 Euro/mese. Attivala subito!
Per te 500 MB inclusi per navigare, inviare e ricevere messaggi e-mail, foto
ed mp3.

lilypond-user mailing list