caesura again

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Scott

What would it cost to get a better caesura (railroad tracks)?  I will
consider sponsoring it.  Here are examples of caesuras attached.
It should be a pair of parallel lines not two distorted commas.

I sent this once but one of the attachments was rejected.


Paul Scott

attachment: Caesura.jpg

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOolilypond and openoffice 2.1

2007-03-05 Thread Johan Vromans
luis jure [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 lilypond: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/ version
 'CXXABI_1.3.1' not found (required by lilypond)

The problem is that lilypond is executed in the environment of, that has several special presets to use the OOo
version of shared libraries. In this case, the culpit is

In OOOLilypond's Config, change LilyPond Executable from 



   env LD_LIBRARY_PATH= lilypond

(Note the space between = and lilypond!).

Alternatively, you can make a small shell wrapper script and use that
instead of lilypond:

   exec /usr/bin/lilypond ${1+$@}

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: caesura again

2007-03-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Please search the mailing list archives for related discussions.
As far as I can remember, the main problem has been to find a
layout, preferably from some printed score following the same
general layout ideals that Han-Wen and Jan prefers.


Paul Scott wrote:

What would it cost to get a better caesura (railroad tracks)?  I will
consider sponsoring it.  Here are examples of caesuras attached.
It should be a pair of parallel lines not two distorted commas.

I sent this once but one of the attachments was rejected.


Paul Scott

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: piano pedal lines over staff

2007-03-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson

If you really want to use it as a piano pedal bracket, then you can do
   \override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'direction = #UP
   \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket #'edge-height = #'(-1.0 . -1.0)

Otherwise, use ordinary text spanners with
\override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #'()
   \override TextSpanner #'edge-height = #'(1.0 . 1.0)

Note that this answer refers to version 2.10 or earlier. In version 
2.11, the

edge-height property of TextSpanner has been replaced by a much more
clumsy construct. To figure out the exact details, enter the two lines above
into a text file and run convert-ly --from=2.10.0 on that file.


Scott Miller wrote:
  I've tried different text span options, but cannot seem to get 
exactly what I'm after. Is there a way to have a piano pedal sort of 
line above the staff, with the end hook pointing down?

Somewhat like this (though a solid complete line, of course):


Thanks for your help,


lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: caesura again

2007-03-05 Thread Maximilian Albert
Hi Paul,

before an official solution is found maybe something like the code
below is a bit closer to what you have in mind. It is based on the
definition of \slashSeparator in ly/, but the result is
still a bit ugly and not precisely what you want because the 'flat ends'
of the slashes are on the left and right, not top and bottom edges. I am
not sure if there is a command to reflect the slashes along some axis,
which would yield a better result.

But maybe it's of some use anyway. You can play around with the slope,
width and thickness settings of the slashes to fit your needs. Note that
if you change the slope you will have to adjust the width as well in
order to approximately preserve the length (I admit that it's not a nice
hack, and quite an ad hoc one, too ;)).


%%% BEGIN %%%

\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t

\relative c'' {
  \override BreathingSign  #'text =
\markup {
  \translate #(cons 0 -1) {
\beam #0.8 #2.0 #0.25
\translate #(cons -0.85 0)
\beam #0.8 #2.0 #0.25

  c1~ | c8 r r4 \breathe c d

%%% END %%%

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: caesura again

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Scott

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Please search the mailing list archives for related discussions.
I probably started most of those discussions and now we have something 
which is certainly uglier than any of Han-Wen or Jan's standards.

As far as I can remember, the main problem has been to find a
layout, preferably from some printed score following the same
general layout ideals that Han-Wen and Jan prefers.
That's why I'm offering to sponsor it.  I'm not sure where to find an 
example that would satisfy Han-Wen and Jan.  Many of the examples I see 
are either in manuscript or modern computer rendered rental versions.  
They are just two slanted parallel lines.  The examples I attached, 
which are from the web (I don't where they came from originally), are 
far better than the two distorted commas.  I have never seen anything 
like that in printed music ever!



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tidy piano glissandi

2007-03-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you just want the line to indicate that a voice passes between the 
look in section Staff switch lines in the manual. If you want a 
just make sure to let keep the musical voice in one and the same Voice 

and let it switch stave:
g4 \glissando \change Staff = up c
See Manual staff switches.


emily atkins wrote:
I'm looking for the ability to span treble and bass clefs 
with a glissando, similar to what can be done 
with arpeggiated notes. 
Right now I can't get the two clefs 
(glissando start and stop voices) to interact for this specific case.  
The bass clef gets shoved down to make way for 
multiple ledger lines dropped from the treble.  
I've searched previous threads without finding ideas on 
how to simply inform the bass clef voice of its 
interaction with the treble clef voice.

What to do next?

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Markup extand

2007-03-05 Thread yota moteuchi

In order to add a tempo mark, I use a tweak found on the lilypond
documentation website :

tempoMark = #(define-music-function (parser location markp) (string?)
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 .
   \mark \markup { \smaller \italic \bold $markp }

I work perfectly but I don't understand why in the viola part (see example),
starting with 12 whole rests, the tempoMark push the first bar away. While
it doesn't behave like this elsewhere.


mouvement modéré de valse.png
Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tricks and overrides for vocal music

2007-03-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Arvid Grøtting wrote:

Also, do you happen to know how to bring dynamic
marks a bit closer to the staff by default? 

I'm not quite sure, but read the fine manual; it's probably in there.


The default is already fairly close, in my opinion. However, you can reduce
it somewhat more by reducing the padding:
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #0.1
(the default is 0.6).

Finally, are there any
other overrides you suggest for vocal pieces?

Oh, lots.

If you have on-and-off lyrics, you may want this:

\override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t  


This has been the default for lyrics for a long time now. No need to
specify it explicitly!

This of course depends on proper use of this:

\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

Here's a few more tricks:

  \new Staff = tenors \with {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t
\clef treble_8
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{
   vcenter Tenor 
   \column {
 \hcenter I
 \hcenter II}}

You'll want #'keep-fixed-while-stretching to be ##t on any staff that has lyrics
attached above it, and #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##f on lyrics that are
above a staff, not below another.

This one only applies to the latest 2.11.x releases, not to 2.10!

Also, vocal voices tend to do things, ehm, differently, so I have these instead
of \oneVoice, \voiceOne and \voiceTwo:

songVoice = {
  \override TextScript #'direction = #1

songVoiceOne = {
  \override RepeatTie #'direction = #1

This seems to set the same properties twice! As far as I can see, you can
just as well say

songVoiceOne = {
 \override RepeatTie #'direction = #1

and get the same result.

songVoiceTwo = {
  \override TextScript #'direction = #-1
  \override RepeatTie #'direction = #-1

Again, you can remove some redundancy, since \voiceTwo already sets
the direction of phrasing slurs and text scripts.


lilypond-user mailing list

2.10.10 works on one machine, but not on another (St9exception)

2007-03-05 Thread Ed Stauff
I'm developing a web app using LilyPond, and version 2.10.10 is behaving 
differently on my production server than it does on my development 
server.  It seems to work fine on my development server, but on my 
production server I get errors like this:

LilyPond --png C:\WebSites\HymnScores\Temp\
GNU LilyPond 2.10.20
Processing `C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/'
Interpreting music... [8][16][17]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
*** ERROR: LilyPond return code = 128

or this:

LilyPond --png C:\WebSites\HymnScores\Temp\
GNU LilyPond 2.10.20
Processing `C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/'
Interpreting music...
C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/ warning: 
barcheck failed at: -5/8

e'4 f'4~ f'8 f'8 f'4 e'4 f'2.~
C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/ warning: 
barcheck failed at: -5/8

bes4 a4~ a8 d'8 c'4 bes4 a2.~
C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/ warning: 
barcheck failed at: -5/8

c4 d4~ d8 bes,8 c4 c4 f2.~
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Layout output to `'...
error: exception caught: St9exception

*** ERROR: LilyPond return code = 1

or this:

lilypond --png
GNU LilyPond 2.10.20
Processing `'
Interpreting music... [8][16][17]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
error: exception caught: St9exception

In the last example, when I when I tried it again without the --png, 
it ran without errors.

My development server (where it works) is running Windows 2000.
My production server (where it doesn't work) is running Windows Server 
2003.  (And please don't tell me to change my OS.)

Anybody have any idea what's going on?  I double-checked that both 
servers are running LilyPond 2.10.20.  I didn't have this problem with 
the previous version I was using, 2.8.8.

Are there prerequisites or dependencies I should check?

What does a LilyPond return code of 128 mean?  Shouldn't the return 
codes be documented somewhere?  I couldn't find them.

Does anyone know what an St9exception is?  I've searched the web in vain.


-- Ed

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: -b eps option (was RE: OOolilypond and openoffice 2.1)

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Harouff

Thanks, Graham.

I failed to mention that the -dbackend=eps option works outside of OOo. I
verified that before making the changes to Subs.xba.

I think this is some other script error inside OOoLilypond passing a bad
value to Lilypond, but I don't have a clue from the LilyPond error message
where to look.

Even thinking about using LaTeX and LilyPondBook gives me chills. And while
LilyPond is great at handling musical notation, it is horrible at handling
text outside of a score (which is completely understandable - because that's
not what it's designed for). OOoLilypond looks like it could be a real
production tool for laying out hymnbooks and worship services, etc., by
combining the strengths of LilyPond and OOoWriter. I'm really excited to see
if I can get it working and try it out.


On 3/4/07, Paul Harouff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Okay, I edited Subs.xba and replaced -b eps with -dbackend=eps in all four

Then I deleted the macro in OOo and reinstalled it, so it would load the

Now, I get the following error:

GNU LilyPond 2.11.20
ERROR: In procedure symbol-string
ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting symbol): #t

The template file has the following:

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)
  ragged-right = ##t
  line-width = 7.5\in

\layout {
  indent = #0

% ly snippet contents follows:
c' d' e'
% end ly snippet


-Original Message-
From: Graham Percival [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 6:05 PM
To: Paul Harouff
Cc: 'Johan Vromans';
Subject: Re: -b eps option (was RE: OOolilypond and openoffice 2.1)

Paul Harouff wrote:
 My problem is Lilypond 2.11.20 is not recognizing either
 -b eps or --backend=eps so the code fragment won't compile.

Please see the NEWS for 2.11.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

multiple repeats

2007-03-05 Thread Matthew Simpson

I have a 4 bar passage that repeats 5 times (i.e., ||: 4 bars :|| x
5) with no alternate endings.  I'm engraving this with the repeat
volta syntax, specifying that it's played 5 times, yet the output
only has the standard double bars (meaning play twice).  Can lilypond
somehow automatically list the number of repeat times, or do I have to
manually include that text above the repeat bar?

Or, Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks a lot!  (Oh, I should probably add that I've just started using

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multiple repeats

2007-03-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Unfortunately, you have to do it yourself (one reason is that there is 
no real typesetting standard on how to do it). See the section on 
Manual repeat commands.


Quoting Matthew Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I have a 4 bar passage that repeats 5 times (i.e., ||: 4 bars :|| x
5) with no alternate endings.  I'm engraving this with the repeat
volta syntax, specifying that it's played 5 times, yet the output
only has the standard double bars (meaning play twice).  Can lilypond
somehow automatically list the number of repeat times, or do I have to
manually include that text above the repeat bar?

Or, Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks a lot!  (Oh, I should probably add that I've just started using

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.10.10 works on one machine, but not on another (St9exception)

2007-03-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson

First of all, I hope you are aware of the big security risks
of running LilyPond on a server in this way. There are flags
to run in safe mode, check the documentation and the mailing
list archives.

Regarding your problems, the first thing I would try would be
to add the flag --verbose to get more information on what fails.


Quoting Ed Stauff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'm developing a web app using LilyPond, and version 2.10.10 is 
behaving differently on my production server than it does on my 
development server.  It seems to work fine on my development server, 
but on my production server I get errors like this:

LilyPond --png C:\WebSites\HymnScores\Temp\
GNU LilyPond 2.10.20
Processing `C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/'
Interpreting music... [8][16][17]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
*** ERROR: LilyPond return code = 128

or this:

LilyPond --png C:\WebSites\HymnScores\Temp\
GNU LilyPond 2.10.20
Processing `C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/'
Interpreting music...
C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/ warning: 
barcheck failed at: -5/8

e'4 f'4~ f'8 f'8 f'4 e'4 f'2.~
C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/ warning: 
barcheck failed at: -5/8

bes4 a4~ a8 d'8 c'4 bes4 a2.~
C:/WebSites/HymnScores/Temp/ warning: 
barcheck failed at: -5/8

c4 d4~ d8 bes,8 c4 c4 f2.~
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Layout output to `'...
error: exception caught: St9exception

*** ERROR: LilyPond return code = 1

or this:

lilypond --png
GNU LilyPond 2.10.20
Processing `'
Interpreting music... [8][16][17]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
error: exception caught: St9exception

In the last example, when I when I tried it again without the 
--png, it ran without errors.

My development server (where it works) is running Windows 2000.
My production server (where it doesn't work) is running Windows 
Server 2003.  (And please don't tell me to change my OS.)

Anybody have any idea what's going on?  I double-checked that both 
servers are running LilyPond 2.10.20.  I didn't have this problem 
with the previous version I was using, 2.8.8.

Are there prerequisites or dependencies I should check?

What does a LilyPond return code of 128 mean?  Shouldn't the return 
codes be documented somewhere?  I couldn't find them.

Does anyone know what an St9exception is?  I've searched the web in vain.


-- Ed

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-05 Thread Fred Leason
I commented my \version line and the \include (inserted the code  
directly.)  I tried changing line endings from Mac to Unix.  I even  
tried accessing the LSR site via the X11 version of Firefox instead  
of the Mac version.  Result is still the same.  Here is what I get:

Error running Lilypond:Processing  
`' error: syntax error,  
unexpected '''

'%\\version 2.11.19\t\t\t%commented out for LSR\t\t\t\t\t%%%\n% 
FIRST, create  This only needs to be done once  
each time you upgrade LilyPond.\n%The code was borrowed from\n%For purposes of the LSR, the  
code is inserted snip
Time_signature_engraver\n\t\t\t\t\\override Stem #\'transparent =  
##t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\\context {\n\t\t\t\\Voice\n\t\t\t\t\\override  
Stem #\'length = #0\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n}\n' 0: warning:  
no \version statement found, please add\version 2.10.12for future  
compatibilityerror: failed files:

Note, it is an unexpected single quote within two single quotes.  The  
first character of the upload seems to be a single quote.  Where does  
this come from?

Here are reference files:

Outline of instructions rtfd
or if you are not mac,
LilyPond init file to be included ly
LilyPond ly -The Actual code with the imbedded.
TeX tex
Copy of original chant from Hymnal 1985 png
Copy of sample pointed text from Hymnal 1985 png
Final output pdf

On Mar 4, 2007, at 3:11 AM, Cameron Horsburgh wrote:

On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 02:11:21AM -0600, Fred Leason wrote:

   At Stan Sanderson's suggestion, I put together an LSR entry for  

   an Anglican Chant template.  Here are all the piece parts.  I just
   need help figuring out how to add it.
   The problem, on OSX using Firefox, I try to paste in the  
   but it does not compile.  I cannot tell if it is a line ending  
   but it seems to find unnecessary double quote characters.  Can  
   at least look at the [8]LilyPond and tell me why this will not  

   on the server?  Thanks.

I've noticed two problems, and I'm working on a third.

First, the LSR doesn't (AFAIU) like /include statements --- I think
this is because it runs in safe mode and won't do it for security
reasons. So you'll have to combine it all into one file. Second, the
LSR is running a stable Lilypond, so you'll need to modify your file
to use 2.10 syntax. This may not seem to be so hard -- if I comment
the version number it compiles cleanly.

I've had a very quick look at the file, and I'm having trouble getting
it to convert the ps into pdf. But it produces png without any hassle,
so I imagine this isn't the problem at the LSR's end.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-05 Thread Fred Leason
Your were right.  I used en-dash which works fine locally but not on  
the server.  I substituted a regular hyphen and everything is up to  
date in LSR under the title SATB Anglican Chant.

On Mar 5, 2007, at 7:11 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

Fred Leason wrote:
I commented my \version line and the \include (inserted the code  
directly.)  I tried changing line endings from Mac to Unix.  I  
even tried accessing the LSR site via the X11 version of Firefox  
instead of the Mac version.  Result is still the same.  Here is  
what I get:
Error running Lilypond:Processing  
`' error: syntax error,  
unexpected '''

Your file probably includes a utf-8 character, but I can't tell  
without seeing the code.  Try it again without special characters.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-05 Thread Cameron Horsburgh
On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 10:21:19PM -0600, Fred Leason wrote:
 Your were right.  I used en-dash which works fine locally but not on  
 the server.  I substituted a regular hyphen and everything is up to  
 date in LSR under the title SATB Anglican Chant.

Good to see!

There is one problem --- the explanatory note is extremely large, and
dwarfs the picture of the snippet itself. There also seems to be a
problem with the line wrapping. I've tried to htmlise the explanation,
but without any success, and I'll spend a bit of time this evening
trying to get it working. However, it might be better to put the
explanation in a comment in the lily code, and a note to that effect
in the explanation. This way the explanation will stay with the
snippet, and will be a little easier to read.


Cameron Horsburgh


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need Help Posting to LSR

2007-03-05 Thread Graham Percival

Cameron Horsburgh wrote:

There is one problem --- the explanatory note is extremely large, and
dwarfs the picture of the snippet itself. There also seems to be a
problem with the line wrapping.

I can't see any problem with wrapping... what do you see?

However, it might be better to put the
explanation in a comment in the lily code, and a note to that effect
in the explanation. This way the explanation will stay with the
snippet, and will be a little easier to read.

To clarify this, you're talking about the technical stuff later on, 
right?  The initial text about chants is beautiful and should definitely 
remain in the description.

I have some other issues with the using the template section:

1.  Don't stick stuff inside the LilyPond app.  You can use directories 
inside your \include, as in

\include ~/lilyincludes/

2.  I'm not certain that the info about lilypond-book is appropriate 
here.  The anglican template is quite usable on its own, and your 
texinfo tweaks (headers) are quite usable on _their_ own.  Maybe the 
lilypond-book stuff (with the headers and footers) could go in a 
separate snippet?   (I'm not really certain about this; LSR is optimized 
for pure lilypond snippets, but it would be nice to have _somewhere_ to 
stick neat tricks like this)

3.  I think the shell script and directory listing are going a bit 

The lilypond template itself looks awesome, though.  Thanks!

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list