Re: Newbie chord alignment question

2008-08-18 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
2008/8/19 Naveen Santhanam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I am new user to this wonderful program. I have quick question about chord 
> alignment. I would like to align the chord names to the left (i.e, near the 
> bar). The .ly file I wrote (see below) prints the chord names at the center 
> of each measure along the X.

You should replace this:
>\chordmode {
with this:
   \chordmode {

Because you're starting with partial measure.

Dmytro O. Redchuk

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Importing one page from multipage LilyPond (eps, pdf, ps) into Illustrator?

2008-08-18 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
2008/8/19 Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Adobe Illustrator fails to find LilyPond-specific fonts (like New Century
> Schoolbook and the cheese fonts) on import of LilyPond-generated pdf, eps
> and ps.
Sorry, I'm not in thread, may be, but one suggestion anyway:
have you tried to produce ps or pdf from .tex with lilypond-book
and import it to Illustrator?

It seems dvips -h file.psfonts file.dvi may do the job.

:-) Please don't mind if i'm too wrong.

> --
> Trevor Bača

Dmytro O. Redchuk
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ubuntu package

2008-08-18 Thread David Stocker
I think I'll give this a try. What I'm most concerned about is this: 
Someone has prepared a flavor of Ubuntu (Ubuntu Studio) with all kinds 
of audio/video/graphics applications pre-installed and integrated with 
the OS, thus sparing me the need to download and learn to configure most 
of the programs I foresee using in the near future. Amongst the programs 
this individual or group of individuals has thought to include is 
LilyPond 2.10.33. Thus, I have been allowed to become lazy about 
learning how to install programs on the GNU/Linux platform (keep in 
mind, I'm a recovering Windows user).

What I want to do is install the latest version of LilyPond, but I'm 
unsure how or if I should remove LilyPond 2.10.33. Since I like LilyPond 
so much (despite my lack of knowledge concerning markup languages and 
programming), I'd prefer to avoid fouling up the installation of the new 

How do I go about removing 2.10.33 (if that's even necessary) before 
installing the latest development version. Path$ and Directorie$ are new 
to me because ever since I have  used a computer, I have never had to 
deal with such weighty decisions (BTW, if anyone knows of an online 
"self-help" or "twelve-step prgram"-type resource to help recovering 
Windows users learn how to install programs in GNU/Linux, please pass 
them along--I'm not really 'lazy,' I just want to avoid messing things up).

Suffice it to say that I proceed with caution in areas like this. 
Because of my limited knowledge, I want to make sure that I'm making no 

Thanks in advance for any insight imparted here,


Paul Scott wrote:

notesetter wrote:

Is there an Ubuntu package for LilyPond? Suppose I'm using LilyPond 2.10.33
and want to upgrade to the latest (development) branch. Is there a "software
source" I can type in and then have the latest version downloaded and
installed via synaptic?

The GUB's on this page are trivial to install on any LInux system:

I run them on Debian which as you know is the base for Ubuntu.

Paul Scott


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:23:35 -0700
"Patrick McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Oops. Drat. I hate mailing lists which default to reply to sender,
> > rather than reply to list.
> Well, I think you would have to direct that concern to the someone at
> GNU, since I believe all GNU mailing lists use the same system.

We just do "reply to all" (or maybe "reply to group").  The
mailist software doesn't send multiple copies to recipients, so
having a specific email address in the header doesn't matter.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Patrick McCarty
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oops. Drat. I hate mailing lists which default to reply to sender, rather
> than reply to list. I've been caught by this problem at least twice on this
> List - but this time it had to be pointed out to me. Seems plain stupid,
> most of the time - such a default. Is there any point raising this issue to
> the list? Or is it discussed to death there?

Well, I think you would have to direct that concern to the someone at
GNU, since I believe all GNU mailing lists use the same system.

>> Very nice
>> piece, I might add.
> Oh, thanks. Very kind. Do you play guitar, or did you run through a midi
> (about which I know very little)?

No, I am a pianist, but I can usually hear the music when I see it.

> Thanks for your thoughts and comments.

You're welcome.


lilypond-user mailing list

Importing one page from multipage LilyPond (eps, pdf, ps) into Illustrator?

2008-08-18 Thread Trevor Bača

Adobe Illustrator fails to find LilyPond-specific fonts (like New Century
Schoolbook and the cheese fonts) on import of LilyPond-generated pdf, eps
and ps.

Threads like this one between Kieren and Matt and others back in 2006 ...

... give ps2ps as the best answer to "clean" or, perhaps, "groom" Lily's
output for import into Illustrator.

Is ps2ps still the best option for prepping Lily output for import into
Illustrator? Or has a better strategy surfaced in the last couple of months?

(I thought that the bit here ...

  lilypond -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts

... might've produced clean eps output for import into Illustrator; but,
alas, Illustrator grumbles about even this type of output.)

Best suggestion on getting the middle page of a multipage Lily score into
Illustrator cleanly? 2.11.50 under OS X, btw.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 20:30:38 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was stopped from installing the latest version because I have to 
> compile it and I need to find my notes on how to do this. (This block
> to immediate installation, in the Linux world, needs to be removed
> NOW, if Linux lovers like me want this OS to rise above being a 
> nerd/hobby/boutique OS. Jeez.)

Then rejoice, because "this block" was removed at least two years ago:

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Tom Cloyd

Patrick McCarty wrote:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:59 AM, David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tom Cloyd wrote:

I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me. I've
spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and I simply don't
any more hours.

I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a string
number indicator.

The code snippets...

  \tempo 8 = 120
  \relative c''{
   b\2 c

The collision is nearly perfect - they obliterate each other!

IS there an easy solution?

What version are you using?  I just ran the following:

\score {
  \relative c''{
  \tempo 8 = 120
   b\2 c

..on 2.11.55 and did not see any collision.

I can't reproduce this problem either on 2.11.56.  Tom, your example
didn't compile for me because the \tempo indication needed to be
inside the \relative block (like David's example).

I removed this warning from the docs a couple of days ago.  If you
provide a complete example where is collision occurs, I will happily
add the warning back.


lilypond-user mailing list

I hope this problem is not simply an artifact of my running ly ver. 
2.10.33 - the ver. in the Adept package manager for Kubuntu Linux 8.04.1 
Ly won't be updated there until the next ver. of Ubuntu (October?).

I was stopped from installing the latest version because I have to 
compile it and I need to find my notes on how to do this. (This block to 
immediate installation, in the Linux world, needs to be removed NOW, if 
Linux lovers like me want this OS to rise above being a 
nerd/hobby/boutique OS. Jeez.)

So... here's my ly file which is causing the problem - it produces a 
lovely collision!

=== begin file ===

% Created on Sat Aug 16 18:03:21 PDT 2008
\version "2.10.0"

%#(set-global-staff-size 28)  % has to be HERE to count

\paper {
   #(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait)   
   #(set-global-staff-size 26)

   ragged-last-bottom = ##t % turns off verticle justify
   left-margin = 0.6\in
   line-width = 7\in % works better than specifying R-margin
   bottom-margin = 0.7\in
   top-margin = 0.15\in   

\layout {
   indent = 0.0\cm % remove indent on first staff

\header {
   title = "Prelude #2"
   subtitle = "A legato etude for classical guitar"
   composer = "Tom Cloyd (2008.08.13)"
   tagline = \markup { \small "score set by Tom Cloyd"} % this is the 
copyright line   

\score {
   \new Staff{
   \tempo 8 = 120 % <= cannot get this spaced right vertically
   \key g \major 
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() % this prints numerical 
time signatures

   \time 8/8
   {\relative c'''{8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] 
a->-2 [_(g) e-1] } | } \\ % illustrates adding accents, fingerings, bar 
grouping, slurs, and  slur direction shorthand - wow!
   % also illustrates sharping a note to force it to be naturally 
sharped due to key signature.

   { e1 ~ | } % illustrates a tie to next note (tie != slur)
   {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] 
a->-2 [_(g) e-1] } | } \\

   { e1 | }
   {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] 
a->-1 [_(g) e-1] } | } \\

   { c'1-2 ~ | }
   \break % forces line break, to keep score readable
   % m. 4 

   {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] 
a->-1 [_(g) e-1] } | } \\

   { c'1 ~ | }
   {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] 
a->-2 [_(g) e-1] } | } \\

   { e1 | }
   {\relative c'''{g8->-3 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] 
g-> [e-3] } | } \\

   { d'4. c'4-2 r8 b8-2 r8 | }
   % m. 7 

   {\relative c'{ fis8->-4 [g _(a-1)] b-> [c _(d-4)] e-> 
[_(fis-1)] } | } \\

   { a4. b4.-2 c'4-3 | }
   {\relative c'''{g8->-2 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-2] 
g-> [e-1] } | } \\

   { e4. b4-1 r8 c'8-3 r8 | }
   {\relative c'''{g8->-3 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] 
g-> [e-3] } | } \\

   { d'4. c'4-2 r8 b8-2 r8 | }
   % m 10 ===
   \time 6/8

   {\relative c'{ fis8->-3 [_(g-4) a-1] g-> [_(a-1) b-3] } | } \\
   { a4. c'-2 | }

   {\relative c''{ a8->-1 [_(b-3) c-4] b->-3 [_(c-4) d-2] } | } \\
   { d'4. b4.-1 | }

   {\relative c''{ c8->-2 [_(d-4) e] d->-2 [_(e-4) fis] } | }

Newbie chord alignment question

2008-08-18 Thread Naveen Santhanam

I am new user to this wonderful program. I have quick question about chord 
alignment. I would like to align the chord names to the left (i.e, near the 
bar). The .ly file I wrote (see below) prints the chord names at the center of 
each measure along the X. 

Thanks in advance

\version "2.10.33"

\header {
  title = "Work"
  composer = "Me"
  opus = "Op. 1"

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)
  indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 160\mm
  force-assignment = #""
  line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.00))
melody = {
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #10
\tempo 4=120
\clef treble
\key e \major
\time 4/4
\relative c' {
\partial 8*2 e8  e8 | 
e4. e4 e4 eis8 |  
eis2  r8 r16 e,8. e8 |

harmonies ={ 
\key e \major
\chordmode { 

text = \lyricmode {
 Eee8  ee8 ee4. -- ee4 ee4 ee4 -- ee4 
% Score - layout
\score {

\new ChordNames { 

\new Voice = "flute" {

\new Lyrics \lyricsto flute \text

\layout {


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to add double barlines to a gregorian chant?

2008-08-18 Thread Kurt Kroon
On 2008/08/18 2:52 PM, "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ... unfortunately, it's not clear from the regression
tests for ancient music
> since they are so small and the change in
spacing is barely visible unless you
> have a fair sized example.

I happen to have a fair-sized example at hand -- the Salve Regina antiphon
(from 1st Vespers of the Feast of the Blessed Trinity to None on Saturday
before the 1st Sunday of Advent) that I transcribed for use as a headword to
the ancient music section of the GDP manual.

I'd be happy to send it and a copy of my source document and the more
ornamented version from the LU, if you think it would help in regression

>From what I've seen, the longer the melisma, the worse it's affected.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Tom Cloyd


What a kind, instructive, helpful response! Thanks. Eager to try it - 
including following the path-to-the-answer you describe (so I can learn 
to help myself better).

Thanks for taking the time to spell it all out.


Carl D. Sorensen wrote:

Tom Cloyd wrote:

OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]


\relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4]  [c-2 d-4]  [fis-3 g-4] |

console output:
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `'
warning: Not in toplevel scope
Interpreting music... warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
\relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4]  [c-2 d-4]  [fis-3 g-4] | }


The clue is in the warning message:   avoid-slur not set.

The short answer -- add an override:

\relative c'{
\override StringNumber #'avoid-slur = #'around
8 [( ) a-4]   [c-2 d-4]  
[fis-3 g-4] | }

The longer question:

How do we find the override to add?  (The LilyPond Index doesn't have an
entry for avoid-slur).

The longer answer:

A. Go to the docs (GDP preferably, since they're the most up-to-date) and
find the section on String Numbers.

B. Follow the Internals Reference link to StringNumber at the bottom of the

C. Click on interfaces (at the bottom of the page) until I find one that has
avoid-slur as a property.  It happens to be grob-interface.

D.  Choose the best value for avoid-slur in this application.  In my
opinion, for this usage, around is the proper value.

E.  Go to the Learning Manual (part of the GDP docs, or 2.11 docs) to see
the syntax, because I can never remember how to do it right.  Section 4.1.4
is what I need to remind me.

F.  Add the tweak to the input.  Try it, and -- it works!





Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> (email)
<< >> (website) 
<< >> (mental health weblog)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 00:27:50 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I agree, but the instructions were explicit: if the output looks
> > good, don't add any bugs about warning messages.
> That's OK so long as there's someone with a trained eye available to
> check that the output's good.

I used to reject reports that didn't explain what was wrong if I
couldn't figure it out -- happened often with lyrics or ancient music
(since I have a completely untrained eye in those subjects). That's one
reason I was such a stickler for minimal reports.

> > Now that you're here, maybe we can get those instructions changed.
> > :)
> Well, I suppose the most important thing is to check before adding
> anything to the bug tracker; hopefully that way we can sort the wheat
> from the chaff by intercepting invalid bugs.

Oh, of course -- and that's why we don't let random people submit
items directly to the tracker.  Other than half a dozen people,
reports should go to the bug mailist, and Valentin makes sure that
the report contains a minimal example that demonstrates the bug.

It's just that the current policy is to reject bug reports about a
false warning message.  If somebody is willing to investigate
these false warning messages and fix stuff, then maybe it's worth
changing this policy.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I agree, but the instructions were explicit: if the output looks
> good, don't add any bugs about warning messages.

That's OK so long as there's someone with a trained eye available to
check that the output's good.

> Now that you're here, maybe we can get those instructions changed.
> :)

Well, I suppose the most important thing is to check before adding
anything to the bug tracker; hopefully that way we can sort the wheat
from the chaff by intercepting invalid bugs.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Patrick McCarty
Hi Tom,

Could you also CC: the lilypond-user list in your replies?  The
mailing list is archived, so this will benefit future users.  Thanks.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hope this problem is not simply an artifact of my running ly ver. 2.10.33
> - the ver. in the Adept package manager for Kubuntu Linux 8.04.1 Ly won't be
> updated there until the next ver. of Ubuntu (October?).

I compiled your file in 2.11.56, and there is no collision.  Very nice
piece, I might add.

I have a feeling Ubuntu won't consider updated their LilyPond package
(like a lot of other distros) until a new stable version is released.
Since the 2.12 release will likely happen before October, there's a
chance 2.12 might make it in the 8.10 Ibex repo.


> So... here's my ly file which is causing the problem - it produces a lovely
> collision!
> === begin file ===
> % Created on Sat Aug 16 18:03:21 PDT 2008
> \version "2.10.0"
> %#(set-global-staff-size 28)  % has to be HERE to count
> \paper {
> #(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait)
> #(set-global-staff-size 26)
> ragged-last-bottom = ##t % turns off verticle justify
> left-margin = 0.6\in
> line-width = 7\in % works better than specifying R-margin
> bottom-margin = 0.7\in
> top-margin = 0.15\in
> }
> \layout {
> indent = 0.0\cm % remove indent on first staff
> }
> \header {
> title = "Prelude #2"
> subtitle = "A legato etude for classical guitar"
> composer = "Tom Cloyd (2008.08.13)"
> tagline = \markup { \small "score set by Tom Cloyd"} % this is the
> copyright line
> }
> \score {
> \new Staff{
> \tempo 8 = 120 % <= cannot get this spaced right vertically
> \key g \major
> \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() % this prints numerical
> time signatures
> \time 8/8
> <<
> {\relative c'''{8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)]
> a->-2 [_(g) e-1] } | } \\ % illustrates adding accents, fingerings, bar
> grouping, slurs, and  slur direction shorthand - wow!
> % also illustrates sharping a note to force it to be naturally
> sharped due to key signature.
> { e1 ~ | } % illustrates a tie to next note (tie != slur)
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-2
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
> { e1 | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-1
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
> { c'1-2 ~ | }
> >>
> \break % forces line break, to keep score readable
> % m. 4 
> <<
> {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-1
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
> { c'1 ~ | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c'''{g8->-4 [_(fis-2) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b)] a->-2
> [_(g) e-1] } | } \\
> { e1 | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c'''{g8->-3 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] g->
> [e-3] } | } \\
> { d'4. c'4-2 r8 b8-2 r8 | }
> >>
> \break
> % m. 7 
> <<
> {\relative c'{ fis8->-4 [g _(a-1)] b-> [c _(d-4)] e-> [_(fis-1)]
> } | } \\
> { a4. b4.-2 c'4-3 | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c'''{g8->-2 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-2] g->
> [e-1] } | } \\
> { e4. b4-1 r8 c'8-3 r8 | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c'''{g8->-3 [_(fis-1) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] g->
> [e-3] } | } \\
> { d'4. c'4-2 r8 b8-2 r8 | }
> >>
> \break
> % m 10 ===
> \time 6/8
> <<
> {\relative c'{ fis8->-3 [_(g-4) a-1] g-> [_(a-1) b-3] } | } \\
> { a4. c'-2 | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c''{ a8->-1 [_(b-3) c-4] b->-3 [_(c-4) d-2] } | } \\
> { d'4. b4.-1 | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c''{ c8->-2 [_(d-4) e] d->-2 [_(e-4) fis] } | } \\
> { e'4.-3 g'4.-0 | }
> >>\break
> % m 13 ===
> \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() % this prints numerical
> time signatures
> \time 8/8
> <<
> \bar "|:"
> {\relative c'''{
> g8->-2 [_(fis) e] d->-2 [_(b) a-1] g->-4 [_(e-1)] } | } \\
> { b'4.-0 g'4.-4 e4 | }
> >>
> <<
> {\relative c'''{ g8->-3 [_(fis) _(e)] d->-3 [_(b) a-1] g->-4
> [_(e-1)] } | } \\
> { c'4.-2 fis'4.-4 c'8-2 r8 \bar ":|" |}
> >>
> \break
> % m 15 ===
> \time 9/8
> %\relative c'{ 8 [_(g-2) a-4]   [_(c-2) d-4]
>  [_(fis-3) g-4] | }
> \relative c'{
> ^"IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " [_(g-2)

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 23:56:11 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Are there any other items reporting warnings with avoid-slur in
> > the bug tracker?  Unfortunately we have a policy of
> > **not including** bugs about warnings, because there are so many
> > of them.  Hopefully we can get enough people working on bugs
> > (without harming the doc team) that it makes sense to start
> > recording such reports as well...
> It is slightly unfortunate that bugs about warnings aren't included;
> very occasionally, they turn out to be serious errors which might have
> been missed.

I agree, but the instructions were explicit: if the output looks
good, don't add any bugs about warning messages.

Now that you're here, maybe we can get those instructions changed.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:52:02 +0100
> "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I've just fixed it in git.
> Great... what about AccidentalSuggestion, BendAfter, etc?  Do they
> never need avoid-slur?

AccidentalSuggestion needs it.

I'll do a check to see on the others.

> Are there any other items reporting warnings with avoid-slur in
> the bug tracker?  Unfortunately we have a policy of
> **not including** bugs about warnings, because there are so many
> of them.  Hopefully we can get enough people working on bugs
> (without harming the doc team) that it makes sense to start
> recording such reports as well...

I don't think so.

It is slightly unfortunate that bugs about warnings aren't included;
very occasionally, they turn out to be serious errors which might have
been missed.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 19:24:58 -0300
Hugo Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Graham Percival skrev:
> >> I haven't been a doc writer for a year; I'm a doc manager.  And
> >> today I'm doing nothing but giving my thesis presentation every
> >> hour in preparation for tomorrow's defense, which gives me 30-40
> Tell us a litlle about your thesis...

Full version:
(bottom of the page)


Learning to play a musical instrument is a daunting task.
Musicians must execute unusual physical movements within very
tight tolerances, and must continually adjust their bodies in
response to auditory feedback.  However, most beginners lack the
ability to accurately evaluate their own sound.  We therefore turn
to computers to analyze the student's performance.  By extracting
certain information from the audio, computers can provide accurate
and objective feedback to students.

This thesis lays out some general principles for such projects,
and introduces tools to help practicing rhythms and violin
intonation.  There are three distinct portions to this research:
automatic exercise creation, audio analysis, and visualization of
errors.  Exercises were created with Constraint Satisfaction
Programming, audio analysis was performed with amplitude and pitch
detection, and errors were displayed with a novel graphical
interface.  This led to the creation of MEAWS, an open-source
program for music students.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:52:02 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/8/18 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Graham,
> >
> >> Nobody offered to do this trivial task.

Update: actually, I forgot that somebody *did* do this for

but evidently we need it for some (more) items in
scm/define-grobs.scm, in addition to scm/script.scm.

> > Rather than waste several *more* hours grousing about it amongst
> > ourselves in an email thread, what say I just do it?  ;-)
> > Tell me how, and I'll get it done immediately.
> I've just fixed it in git.

Great... what about AccidentalSuggestion, BendAfter, etc?  Do they
never need avoid-slur?

Are there any other items reporting warnings with avoid-slur in
the bug tracker?  Unfortunately we have a policy of
**not including** bugs about warnings, because there are so many
of them.  Hopefully we can get enough people working on bugs
(without harming the doc team) that it makes sense to start
recording such reports as well...

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using one identifier or another

2008-08-18 Thread Dan Eble
Johan Vromans> writes:

> Dan Eble> writes:
> > These two functions should help.
> Thanks! I can use this.
> > You will either need to define your optional music to be empty when
> > it is not required, as in this example, or provide a function to
> > create empty music if it is not already defined.
> I would be very interested in the latter.


I have a framework for creating collections of many short pieces.
The music for each piece is in its own file, along with metadata
pertaining to the music.  For example,

composer = "William H. Monk"
compositionDate = "1861"
tune = "Eventide"
meter = ""

Four voices are supported: sNotes, aNotes, tNotes, and bNotes.
(If I were to start over, I would use aNotes, bNotes, cNotes, etc.)
Shared notation (e.g. rehearsal marks) is defined in staffItems.

The variable names are the same in every piece, and would normally
conflict when included in the top-level file.  I use some functions
 to work around that problem:

\include "notes/tune/"
title = "Abide with Me"
secRefBook = "Gospel Hymns"
secRefPage = "317"
\headerStore "AWM"
\fourpartStore "AWM"

\include "notes/tune/"
title = "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"
secRefBook = "Apostolic Christian Hymnal"
secRefPage = "320"
\headerStore "AHTPOJN"
\fourpartStore "AHTPOJN"

Conceptually, headerStore and fourpartStore move the metadata
variables and music variables into a named scope.  Actually,
they just rename the variables. In the example above, sNotes
defined in becomes AWMsNotes. (Notice that some
header variables are defined outside the notes file.  This is
because they relate to the lyrics rather than the music, so
they could differ in other contexts.)

This does half the job.  The variables for every song can live
together in peace and harmony, waiting to be used in the \score
blocks.  But the staff definition files included from each \score
block refer to the original names (e.g. sNotes), so two more
functions are required.

  \fourpartLoad "AWM"
  \include "staff/"

  #(header-load "AWM")

\layout { }

\midi { }

fourpartLoad and header-load remove the prefixes from the
necessary variable names, so that can simply use
sNotes etc.  (I tried defining a \headerLoad function for
symmetry; as I recall, it would not parse.)

How does all this connect to your situation?  The functions make
sure that all the variables which could be used are defined
(possibly empty) in the top-level file, even if they had not been
defined in the included files.  So, without further ado, here are
the functions.  I store them in a file called
I hope this will serve you well.

% For the given symbols that are defined in the module, rename each by
% prepending the prefix.
#(define (module-add-symbol-prefix module symbols prefix)
(lambda (genSym)
  (if (module-defined? module genSym)
  (let* ((var (module-variable module genSym))
 (val (variable-ref var))
 (specSym (string->symbol
   (string-append prefix (symbol->string genSym)
(module-define! module specSym val)
(module-remove! module genSym

% For the given symbols with the prefix that are defined in the module,
% rename each by removing the prefix.  For those that are not defined,
% define them with the default value.
#(define (module-remove-symbol-prefix module symbols prefix defval)
(lambda (genSym)
  (let* ((specSym
  (string->symbol (string-append prefix (symbol->string genSym)
(if (module-defined? module specSym)
(let* ((val (variable-ref (module-variable module specSym
  (module-define! module genSym val)
  (module-remove! module specSym))
(module-define! module genSym defval

#(define fourpart-vars '(sNotes aNotes tNotes bNotes staffItems))

fourpartLoad =
#(define-music-function (parser location prefix) (string?)
  (module-remove-symbol-prefix (current-module) fourpart-vars prefix
  (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)

fourpartStore =
#(define-music-function (parser location prefix) (string?)
  (module-add-symbol-prefix (current-module) fourpart-vars prefix)
  (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)

#(define header-vars
   '(title subtitle subsubtitle
 poet poemDate
 translator translationDate
 musicPub musicPubDate
 composer compositionDate
 arranger arrangementDate
 opus tune meter secRefBook secRefPage))

headerStore =
#(define-music-function (parser location prefix) (string?)
  (module-add-symbol-prefix (current-module) header-vars prefix)
  (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)

Re: it's all up to you users

2008-08-18 Thread Hugo Ribeiro

Graham Percival skrev:

I haven't been a doc writer for a year; I'm a doc manager.  And
today I'm doing nothing but giving my thesis presentation every
hour in preparation for tomorrow's defense, which gives me 30-40

Tell us a litlle about your thesis...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-18 Thread Ralph Palmer
I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude for your advice, patience, and
persistence in demanding a better product from me.

I'll talk more with Valentin and Neil about the Snippet Repository.

Break a leg tomorrow,


On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:54:44 -0300
> "Han-Wen Nienhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Ralph Palmer
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Greetings, all -
> > >
> > > I'm getting confused and slightly distressed. I'm now spending
> > > close to an hour a day just reading the discussion list! I'm signed
> > > up to do th
> Ralph: I was hoping that you could start editing LSR.  There's a
> lot of categories that barely have any contributions...

Ralph Palmer
Greenfield, MA
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to add double barlines to a gregorian chant?

2008-08-18 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/8/12 Kurt Kroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2008/08/11 11:13 AM, "Dominic Neumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks Kurt! I already solved some problems, for example by using
>> \finalis, \divisioMinima and so on.
>> The main remaining problem is the bad positioning of notes and lyrics
>> when two or more noteheads are nearly in one place. After these places
>> is too much space until the next notehead is printed.
>> Now I updated from 2.11.44 to 2.11.55 hoping that it helps. But the output of
>> ml
>> looks other than online. Online there are not those ugly spaces, but
>> on my system there are. [It´s Windows XP Pro, LilyPond version
>> 2.11.55]
>> (see attachment for this).
>> Any ideas?
> It appears to have happened sometime between versions 2.11.51 (when the
> online output was generated) and 2.11.55 (the most current development
> version).  I'm getting similar results on Mac OS X (10.4), using the same
> dev version.

Hi Joe, your fix for #600 "packed-spacing definition may put notes
outside the staff", seems to be preventing the spacing from being
properly packed; unfortunately, it's not clear from the regression
tests for ancient music since they are so small and the change in
spacing is barely visible unless you have a fair sized example.

Is it possible to have the fix and keep the correct spacing?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \shiftOn doesen't behave as expected

2008-08-18 Thread Francisco Vila
2008/8/18 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>(...)So yes, it works, but \oneVoice has
> nothing to do with it working.

Got it. I'll try to use it to improve the section. Thanks,
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-18 Thread John Mandereau
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 18:42:38 +0200
> "John Mandereau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Why not doing both?
> Because it's impossible to do both at the same time.  It takes
> time and energy to answer emails or write docs.
> That seems trivial -- surely everybody knows this already -- so
> let's discuss a specific example.

Don't spend too much time beating a dead horse... be it me or
Valentin.  In this case, I don't mean writing long and polite emails
when handling related doc additions, but writing concise replies to
let users know we're doing something to address some problem or lack
in the docs, and if necessary having some discussion to make details

> There's also some trickle down effects to consider.  I've told
> some doc helpers *not* to get involved with programming (or at
> least to restrict their efforts in this direction) so that we
> retain an actual "doc team".  If we have 6 people working on the
> docs, they can share the load, comment on each other's work, and
> generally bolster each other's morale.  If we only had 2 or 3
> people working on the docs, the strain on each person becomes much
> larger.

You have a very good point here.  Maybe I'm going to dissappoint you
(or maybe did I so a while ago? :-P), but I'm not going to spend a lot
of time writing docs, although I'm interested a lot in proofreading.
I'm starting a Master in IT, acoustics and signal processing applied
to music, so it's vital I start hacking Lily in the coming months; I
may want to start with new features easy to add like useful music
functions, fingering diagrams for woodwinds...

> I'm not saying this because I don't care about new users -- after
> all, the whole *point* of documentation is to help users -- but
> rather because I know that Valentin's concerned about the general
> well-being of the project.  And I'm concerned about Valentin
> spending so much effort.

I'm concerned about your effort in so long emails, although I'm going
to miss their "inimitable" style :-).  If you can't convince me in 5
to 15 lines, then a longer email won't do it better.  Mathematicians,
and math students like me concise and clear proofs -- you're clear but
not always concise.

> I'm infamous within my research group for being a "no-man".  In
> English slang, a "yes-man" is somebody who always agrees with his
> boss.

FWIW the French term for this is "béni oui-oui" :-)

> Is this lilypond-user-fr?  It looks like a very low-traffic list.

It usually is, but it sometimes balloons up to ten emails a day, for 3
or 4 days.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Neil,

I've just fixed it in git.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Neil Puttock
2008/8/18 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Graham,
>> Nobody offered to do this trivial task.
> Rather than waste several *more* hours grousing about it amongst ourselves
> in an email thread, what say I just do it?  ;-)
> Tell me how, and I'll get it done immediately.

I've just fixed it in git.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \shiftOn doesen't behave as expected

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 18.08.2008 um 19:53 schrieb Francisco Vila:

2008/8/18 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I realise it isn't at draft stage yet, but I thought I'd say that  
there's a
slight inaccuracy in 1.5.3, \oneVoice doesn't put a voice into the  

voice context before and after a temporary polyphonic passage, not
explicitly creating two new voices does that. \oneVoice just sets  
the beams
and stems so that they go the direction they're supposed to. It's  
the the
equivalent of setting \stemNeutral \beamNeutral \tieNeutral  
\phrasingSlurNeutral and anything else that \voiceOne ...  
\voiceFour sets to

#UP or #DOWN.

Then, please, could you clarify why the "this is my song" example
works as expected? I am more and more confused for moments.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
it's not that it doesn't work, like I said, it's a slight inaccuracy.  
The voice that exists before and after a short polyphonic section is  
going to be the same regardless of whether you use \oneVoice or not.  
you could use \voiceThree after the polyphonic section, it's still the  
same voice. The point to make clear (and I think a thorough reading of  
the appropriate section in the learning manual actually does that), is  
that if, in a short polyphonic section you only explicitly create one  
voice (the second voice usually), then the voice that existed  
previously is the first voice in the polyphonic section, so you can  
carry a slur from a one-voice situation into a multi-voice situation,  
or out again. So yes, it works, but \oneVoice has nothing to do with  
it working.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan


Nobody offered to do this trivial task.

Rather than waste several *more* hours grousing about it amongst  
ourselves in an email thread, what say I just do it?  ;-)

Tell me how, and I'll get it done immediately.

Toi toi tomorrow!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users

2008-08-18 Thread Eva & Morten Borchorst

Graham Percival skrev:

I haven't been a doc writer for a year; I'm a doc manager.  And
today I'm doing nothing but giving my thesis presentation every
hour in preparation for tomorrow's defense, which gives me 30-40
minutes to write emails.  If a one-hour email now saves the doc
team 15 minutes per week for the rest of 2008, that's a bargain.

- Graham


The best wishes for tomorrow

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 06:26:58 -0500
Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's weird about this "avoid-slur" warning is that in this example, 
> the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. The slur
> is on one side, the fingering/string indications on the other.  And
> when I added something that would possibly interfere with the slur
> (an accent), it doesn't complain about that, but about something
> else.  Why would Lilypond complain about needing to avoid anything?

Because the relevant Script in some file like scm/scripts.scm
doesn't have an avoid-slur setting.

We discussed this... oh, maybe 18 months ago.  Han-Wen told me
exactly how to fix it.  It would have taken me about an hour of
relatively boring work, so I asked for a volunteer -- all that you
need to do is copy a line that looks something like this:
(avoid-slur . outside)
into ever portion of the file that doesn't already have an
(avoid-slur...) definition.

Nobody offered to do this trivial task, so now a new user has
spent a few hours of frustration with the docs+mailst, and you and
I have spent at least half an hour looking into it and writing

This is the kind of thing that drives me absolutely crazy.
There's so much duplication of effort, and answering emails is
almost guaranteed *not* to fix the initial problem.  (whether the
problem is in the code or the docs)

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:54:44 -0300
"Han-Wen Nienhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Ralph Palmer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Greetings, all -
> >
> > I'm getting confused and slightly distressed. I'm now spending
> > close to an hour a day just reading the discussion list! I'm signed
> > up to do th

Ralph: I was hoping that you could start editing LSR.  There's a
lot of categories that barely have any contributions...

... although when I started looking at a few random sections to
point out an example, I'm pleasantly surprised to *not* find any
examples.  I guess Valentin/Neil were busier in LSR than I

Since they're more familiar with LSR than me, they might be able
to identify some other area that needs work in LSR.

> It seems that the documentation team is worried about spending
> resources efficiently, but at the same have enough time to construct
> long e-mail discussions ;-)

I haven't been a doc writer for a year; I'm a doc manager.  And
today I'm doing nothing but giving my thesis presentation every
hour in preparation for tomorrow's defense, which gives me 30-40
minutes to write emails.  If a one-hour email now saves the doc
team 15 minutes per week for the rest of 2008, that's a bargain.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Ian Hulin

Hi all,
I just noticed that Tom's original report of the problem used V2.10.33.  
Jon answered this with a test saying it's working using V2.11.55.   
Maybe this been fixed as a side-effect of other changes in V2.11 


Ian Hulin

Jonathan Kulp wrote:


Many thanks for the kind words about the documentation.  It's very 
gratifying to hear, and it also bears out what Graham says repeatedly, 
which is that time spent on the docs is doubly (or more!) well spent.

I'm not sure why the barring position wouldn't work for you.  It must 
be that you misplaced the code somehow?  I tried changing the example 
in the documentation from XII to V and it worked perfectly.  What you 
have as a workaround might be o.k., but my guess is that it would only 
work well if your spacing does not change.  If, say, you add another 
bar on that line or take away a bar, then the "--" could end in 
the wrong place.  The textSpanner is anchored to specific pitches, so 
it always starts and ends in the right place.

Here's the example from the docs with my change from XII to V:

\version "2.11.55"

\relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"XII "
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

\relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"V "
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

Hope it helps!


Tom Cloyd wrote:


Thanks for your response.

First - about an hour ago I came very close to posting a note of 
appreciation about the documentation for 2.11 - it's magnificent - at 
least the part for fretted instruments (the only part I've really 
buried myself in). It appears that all my needs are met. I was amazed.

One aside: I couldn't get the example for hand position (e.g. "IV- - 
- - - -" to indicate playing in 4th position) to work at all. Copied 
it into my score code, and no go. So I went back to this, which is 
simple and works fine, with a lot fewer keystrokes and Scheme mysteries:

\relative c'{  fis-1^"IV - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - " [_(g-2) a-4]  b-1 [^(c-2) d-4]  
e-1^"V - - - - - - - - - - -" [^(fis-3) g-4] | }

Looks good, too. Sometimes simple is better than conceptually 
elegant. This simple text insertion business looks to me like it 
could handle a multitude of sins. A useful kluge for for time 
impoverished folks like me.

About the slurring problem:

You make a very important point - the problem I reported was a 
warning message, not an error. My ver. 2.10 DOES produce perfect 
output - I hadn't thought to look. I think this is acceptable, even 
though I cannot make sense of the warning (nothing unusual about that 
- warnings seem often to be useless to mere users).

So, I don't really have a problem. What I DO have now is a passage 
with position indicators, string numbers, legato indicators, 
fingering, accents, articulation marks, etc. It looks, and is, simply 
wonderful. I'm so pleased.

I'm sure others have commented about this, but possibly it's worth 
repeating: What I've been working on is a composition of my own for 
classical guitar. Having it printed in a way that looks really good, 
and is also very readable, in incredibly rewarding. This wonderful 
tool turns out to be a motivation amplifier.

I'm considering quitting my day job, getting a night job waiting 
tables, and turning to composition full time. Ah...the thought 
passed. Nice thought, though.

Thanks to all...


Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Oy.  In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it 
never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with 

So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, 
it was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing 
perfect output (except that I haven't set the proper time signature, 
anyway--see attached image).  I'm running the development version 
2.11.55 on Ubuntu 8.04.  Maybe it would fix this problem for you to 
install the latest version?  Be forewarned that 2.11.55 has another 
issue, discussed in a different thread, where the dots for dotted 
notes are placed on lines instead of between them.  I trust this 
will be fixed in a forthcoming release as the developers are quite 
vigilant for such things :)

What's weird about this "avoid-slur" warning is that in this 
example, the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. 
The slur is on one side, the fingering/string indications on the 
other.  And when I added something that would possibly interfere 
with the slur (an accent), it doesn't complain about that, but about 
something else.  Why would Lilypond complain about needing to avoid 


Tom Cloyd wrote:

OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]


   \relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 d-

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Patrick McCarty
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:59 AM, David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tom Cloyd wrote:
>> I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me. I've
>> spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and I simply don't
>> any more hours.
>> I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a string
>> number indicator.
>> The code snippets...
>> [,,,]
>>   \tempo 8 = 120
>> [...]
>>   \relative c''{
>>b\2 c
>>   }
>> The collision is nearly perfect - they obliterate each other!
>> IS there an easy solution?
> What version are you using?  I just ran the following:
> \score {
>   \relative c''{
>   \tempo 8 = 120
>b\2 c
>   }
> }
> ..on 2.11.55 and did not see any collision.

I can't reproduce this problem either on 2.11.56.  Tom, your example
didn't compile for me because the \tempo indication needed to be
inside the \relative block (like David's example).

I removed this warning from the docs a couple of days ago.  If you
provide a complete example where is collision occurs, I will happily
add the warning back.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: combine chords, lyrics and melody - resending now that I've subscribed...

2008-08-18 Thread ayryq

This is basically what I was doing before. The problem is when I want to
change the form I have to change it in three places. Not a major problem for
this example, but it would be nice to have a score block like the following,
which is not so pleasant when defined in three different places.

%this code won't work...
\score {{
   \intro \break
   \repeat volta 2 {\verse \chorus \postchorus}
   \repeat volta 3 {\chorus}
   \bar "|."

Following is what I've come up with so far. I am having two problems. First,
I had to remove lyrics before this worked at all. Second, I cannot figure
out where to put my global stuff (key and time signature) to avoid moving
chords to below the staff instead of on top. The key so far has turned out
to be first using the same context for everything, and second making sure
all simultaneous elements are exactly the same length. Does anyone think
this is going to be possible, or should I stick with defining everything
separately? Thanks!

\version "2.11.55"
\include ""

global = \context Staff = "mycontext" { \clef "treble" \key e \major \time
4/4 }

%stuff for chorus
chorusmelody = \relative c' {
\mark "Chorus" c8 d e fs gs( as) c4 |
chorusharmonies = \chordmode { c4 es:11 gs:min7 c | }
%put together the chorus
chorus = <<
\context ChordNames = "mycontext" {  \chorusharmonies }
\context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << 
\chorusmelody >>

%stuff for verse
versemelody = \relative c' {
\mark "Verse" c'2 d | e1 |
verseharmonies = \chordmode { c2 g:7 c1 }
%put together the verse
verse = <<
\context ChordNames = "mycontext" { \verseharmonies }
\context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \versemelody 

\score {
% I can't seem to use standard repeat or break commands,
% but if I enter the correct context,
% I can change bar lines between sections..
\context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \bar 
"|:" >> }
\context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \bar 
":|" >> }
\context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << 
\break >> }
\context Staff = mycontext { \context Voice="mycontext" << \bar 
"|." >> }
View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond & Ubuntu Help

2008-08-18 Thread Jonathan Kulp

Hi Patrick,

Thanks so much for this detailed explanation.  I use bash so everything 
should work fine.  I have so much to learn.  Thanks :)


Patrick Horgan wrote:

See the info manual for bash under 3.5.3 Shell Parameter Expansion.

You could also do:

srcfile=${1##*/}# subtract the longest prefix of $1 ending with 
FILENOEXTENSION=${srcfile%.*}   # subtract shortest suffix starting with .
OUTDIR=${1%/*}  # subtract shortest suffix starting with /   

## means match the longest possible pattern on the end, and delete it from the 
beginning of the variable ($1 in this case).  The pattern is */ and means delete 
anything ending with a /.

If I'd used one # it would delete the shortest match to the pattern.
so if the $1 held /usr/local/lilypond/
would yield local/lilypond/, not very good, but with ## we get the whole 
path off.
% means the same thing, only delete the matched part off of the end.  There's 
also a %% that means delete the longest match off the end.
There's also stuff for substring matches and string lengths, and offset to a 
found match and more!  Should work with bash, sh, and any shell compatible.  
Probably not zsh, they're in a different universe.


Jonathan Kulp

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond & Ubuntu Help

2008-08-18 Thread Patrick Horgan

Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Thanks for this, Patrick!  It works just right.  Now I have to look at
it to figure out *why* it works the way it does ;-)  I haven't used
that sort of construct before...
Patrick Horgan wrote:
  Instead of basename you could use the built
in string manipulation stuff this:

# determines the source filename

srcfile=`basename $1`

# removes the extension from source filename



See the info manual for bash under 3.5.3 Shell Parameter Expansion.

You could also do:

srcfile=${1##*/}            # subtract the longest prefix
of $1 ending with /        
FILENOEXTENSION=${srcfile%.*}   # subtract shortest suffix starting
with .
OUTDIR=${1%/*}                  # subtract shortest suffix starting
with /                 

## means match the longest possible pattern on the end, and delete it
from the beginning of the variable ($1 in this case).  The pattern is
*/ and means delete anything ending with a /.
If I'd used one # it would delete the shortest match to the pattern.
so if the $1 held /usr/local/lilypond/
would yield local/lilypond/, not very good, but with ## we get
the whole path off.
% means the same thing, only delete the matched part off of the end. 
There's also a %% that means delete the longest match off the end.
There's also stuff for substring matches and string lengths, and offset
to a found match and more!  Should work with bash, sh, and any shell
compatible.  Probably not zsh, they're in a different universe.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Patrick,

I really like the idea and hope you use it.

Since the \midi block will be in the templates anyway, I see no  
reason not to include the midiInstrument setting.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond & Ubuntu Help

2008-08-18 Thread George_

Thanks for the help guys. The script works perfectly, really nice idea.


Patrick Horgan wrote:
> Jonathan Kulp wrote:
>> Ah.  It never occurred to me to try to allow for anything but the 
>> standard "lilypond" command.  That's a good idea.  I don't 
>> use anything but the standard command very often, though, so I won't 
>> lose any sleep over it.  I *was* prepared to lose sleep over the fact 
>> that the output files weren't ending up in the right directory ;-) 
>> Glad to have figured that one out.
> Instead of basename you could use the built in string manipulation stuff 
> this:
> # determines the source filename
> srcfile=`basename $1`
> # removes the extension from source filename
> FILENOEXTENSION=${srcfile%.*}
> # determines directory
> OUTDIR="`dirname $1`"
> It does the same thing as basename, but more generally.  In particular 
> is says to strip off of the end of a string a pattern.  In this case our 
> pattern is simple, just a period followed by anything.
> Patrick
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Reading the maillists, mutopia and the docs

2008-08-18 Thread Patrick Horgan

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
I think Mutopia is a rather unfortunate "resource": with a few notable 
exceptions, the examples there actually detract from the good image 
Lilypond has cultured in other places.
I agree.  They're begging for people to pull stuff down, fix it, and 
recontribute.  If there's anything there anyone needs, and you have the 
time, fix their version and give it back.  But---so little time:(


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 1.5.2 Multiple voices=> Single-staff polyphony

2008-08-18 Thread David Stocker


Just let me know when you're finished with a section or part of a 
section and I'll have a look (just remember to state where the revisions 
begin and end, so as to avoid duplicate work).



Valentin Villenave wrote:

2008/8/18 David Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Good job. I'm copying this to the list simply to let folks know I'm happy to
look over English documentation for correct grammar. If anyone feels that he
needs another pair of eyes to look over revisions to the documentation, then
please feel free to run it by me. I am a relentless pursuer of clarity and
correct grammar in my own writing. Since I am not a programmer, and only a
beginner with LilyPond, then perhaps I can contribute to the project in this
way (at least for now).

Well, in this case you might be interested in having a look at
Notation Ref 1.8 "Text", which I am currently working on... You can
wait until I'm done with it to review it, but then it might take quite
a few months :-)



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread Patrick Horgan

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Patrick,

Unfortunate that the midi is by default commented out or else you 
could also do:

 \new Staff \with { instrumentName= "Violin I" midiInstrument="violin" }
 and get the midi to sound right.

Why can't this be done with the MIDI commented out?
Works fine for me (i.e., doesn't throw any errors when compiling)…
You're completely right.  It was just strange to me conceptually to put 
in a specification of a midiIntrument when midi wasn't on.  I really 
like the idea and hope you use it. 

Theres no point of showing them how to do \midi without showing them 
how to set the instruments.

I disagree with this statement — the templates are NOT tutorials!
No, you're right, but they will often be used for that!  It's a pet 
peeve of mine that when you turn on midi for strings, if you don't 
specify the instrument the midi output sounds terrible--it's not 
legato.  For the same reason, when using the midi output to learn a 
voice part, I set the instrument to some string so it will sound more 
like a voice.  It seems most midi output programs, when no instrument is 
specified defaults to piano.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 1.5.2 Multiple voices=> Single-staff polyphony

2008-08-18 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/8/18 David Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Good job. I'm copying this to the list simply to let folks know I'm happy to
> look over English documentation for correct grammar. If anyone feels that he
> needs another pair of eyes to look over revisions to the documentation, then
> please feel free to run it by me. I am a relentless pursuer of clarity and
> correct grammar in my own writing. Since I am not a programmer, and only a
> beginner with LilyPond, then perhaps I can contribute to the project in this
> way (at least for now).

Well, in this case you might be interested in having a look at
Notation Ref 1.8 "Text", which I am currently working on... You can
wait until I'm done with it to review it, but then it might take quite
a few months :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \shiftOn doesen't behave as expected

2008-08-18 Thread Francisco Vila
2008/8/18 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I realise it isn't at draft stage yet, but I thought I'd say that there's a
> slight inaccuracy in 1.5.3, \oneVoice doesn't put a voice into the same
> voice context before and after a temporary polyphonic passage, not
> explicitly creating two new voices does that. \oneVoice just sets the beams
> and stems so that they go the direction they're supposed to. It's the the
> equivalent of setting \stemNeutral \beamNeutral \tieNeutral \slurNeutral
> \phrasingSlurNeutral and anything else that \voiceOne ... \voiceFour sets to
> #UP or #DOWN.

Then, please, could you clarify why the "this is my song" example
works as expected? I am more and more confused for moments.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond & Ubuntu Help

2008-08-18 Thread Jonathan Kulp
Nice!  Thanks for this, Patrick!  It works just right.  Now I have to 
look at it to figure out *why* it works the way it does ;-)  I haven't 
used that sort of construct before...


Patrick Horgan wrote:

Instead of basename you could use the built in string manipulation stuff 

# determines the source filename
srcfile=`basename $1`

# removes the extension from source filename

# determines directory
OUTDIR="`dirname $1`"

It does the same thing as basename, but more generally.  In particular 
is says to strip off of the end of a string a pattern.  In this case our 
pattern is simple, just a period followed by anything.


Jonathan Kulp

lilypond-user mailing list

1.5.2 Multiple voices=> Single-staff polyphony

2008-08-18 Thread David Stocker


It looks good (your English is better than my Spanish!). I have only a 
few suggestions:

  1. In the last sentence of the paragraph following the first music
 example, change "voices move to avoid collisions." to "voices are
 automatically moved to avoid collisions."
  2. In the paragraph that begins "This syntax is simpler...", change
 "where it does not care" to "where it does not matter"
  3. In the paragraph that begins "In the special case...", change "it
 is advised" to "it is advisable"

Good job. I'm copying this to the list simply to let folks know I'm 
happy to look over English documentation for correct grammar. If anyone 
feels that he needs another pair of eyes to look over revisions to the 
documentation, then please feel free to run it by me. I am a relentless 
pursuer of clarity and correct grammar in my own writing. Since I am not 
a programmer, and only a beginner with LilyPond, then perhaps I can 
contribute to the project in this way (at least for now).


David Stocker

Francisco Vila wrote:

2008/8/18 Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Another option is to read the new discussion on polypohony from the
GDP docs:

Go to the Notation Reference, and look up section 1.5.2.

Speaking of, given that I rewrote this section last week, and that I
have not launched it as public draft yet, and that I have not received
any feedback on the first subsection Single-staff polyphony, could you
take it a quick look and tell me if you think this is written in a
grammatically correct-enough English? After that, I'll announce the
draft with more bells and whistles.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision with TimeSig

2008-08-18 Thread Gilles Sadowski

> I have a collision between the note and the text of the TimeSig in the below
> quoted example.

Compiling the provided code with version 2.10.33, I don't see that there is
any collision (see the attached pdf).


Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: another emacs osx question

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 18.08.2008 um 17:29 schrieb Peter Johnson:

James E. Bailey-2 wrote:

Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I
can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces
in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Don't know anything about emacs, but are you enclosing your full  
file path

in inverted commas? -
"/Users/yourName/Documents/This folder/file name"

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

I don't get a chance to, the lilypond command is called within emacs,  
and it doesn't enclose the path in quotes.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: another emacs osx question

2008-08-18 Thread Peter Johnson

James E. Bailey-2 wrote:
> Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I  
> can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces  
> in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this?
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

Don't know anything about emacs, but are you enclosing your full file path
in inverted commas? -
"/Users/yourName/Documents/This folder/file name"

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties & Tuplet Full Length

2008-08-18 Thread Peter Johnson

Ole Schmidt wrote:
> Is there a way to apply the shift-command to all 3 context Staff in  
> one step or do I have to tweak every stave (context Staff) individually?

You can put the NoteColumn command in a global variable and apply it to each
part on the same principle as setting up global dynamics.  More in the
snippets list.

Example attached.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-18 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Ralph Palmer
> Greetings, all -
> I'm getting confused and slightly distressed. I'm now spending close to an
> hour a day just reading the discussion list! I'm signed up to do th

It seems that the documentation team is worried about spending
resources efficiently, but at the same have enough time to construct
long e-mail discussions ;-)

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Reading the maillists, mutopia and the docs

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Frederick,

Graham keeps saying
Lots of users don't read the mailists

Maybe he's projecting…  ;-)
I, for one, use the mailing list at least as often as the rest of the  
docs put together.

Often, the answer is in the docs but not in any obvious place.

Agreed — although it's getting *WAY* better, as a direct result of  
the GDP.

The problem with mutopia seems to be that the code is usually
out of date and rarely seems to contain the solution I am seeking.

I think Mutopia is a rather unfortunate "resource": with a few  
notable exceptions, the examples there actually detract from the good  
image Lilypond has cultured in other places.

Best wishes,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Graham,

I'm not saying that doing a 2-hour feature is bad, but I  
*definitely* disagree
that losing somebody from the doc team isn't cause for serious  

A feature-freeze and/or bug-extension is more concerning to me…
But that's (another reason) why I'm not the Documentation Editor, I  

Repeat this process a few more times, and in a year or two the doc  
team will be gone.

Leave enough bugs in the software, add no new features, and in a year  
or two the WHOLE COMMUNITY will be gone.  ;-)

I also wish that advanced users would contribute more to LSR

I tried just yesterday, but LSR was down again.  =(


lilypond-user mailing list

Reading the maillists, mutopia and the docs

2008-08-18 Thread Frederick Dennis
Dear All,
Graham keeps saying

Lots of users don't read the mailists

As a new user, I ransack the docs, the maillists and mutopia
for answers to questions before asking for help, anywhere Google takes me.
Often, the answer is in the docs
but not in any obvious place. I check out the listserv and archive any
snippets that seem potentially useful.
The problem with mutopia seems to be that the code is usually out of date
and rarely seems to contain
the solution I am seeking. The maillists often throw up an example where
someone has the same problem
as me, maybe several years ago.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Jonathan Kulp


Many thanks for the kind words about the documentation.  It's very 
gratifying to hear, and it also bears out what Graham says repeatedly, 
which is that time spent on the docs is doubly (or more!) well spent.

I'm not sure why the barring position wouldn't work for you.  It must be 
that you misplaced the code somehow?  I tried changing the example in 
the documentation from XII to V and it worked perfectly.  What you have 
as a workaround might be o.k., but my guess is that it would only work 
well if your spacing does not change.  If, say, you add another bar on 
that line or take away a bar, then the "--" could end in the wrong 
place.  The textSpanner is anchored to specific pitches, so it always 
starts and ends in the right place.

Here's the example from the docs with my change from XII to V:

\version "2.11.55"

\relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"XII "
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

\relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
b16 d g b e
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #"V "
  b16 e g e b g\stopTextSpan
e16 b g d

Hope it helps!


Tom Cloyd wrote:


Thanks for your response.

First - about an hour ago I came very close to posting a note of 
appreciation about the documentation for 2.11 - it's magnificent - at 
least the part for fretted instruments (the only part I've really buried 
myself in). It appears that all my needs are met. I was amazed.

One aside: I couldn't get the example for hand position (e.g. "IV- - - - 
- -" to indicate playing in 4th position) to work at all. Copied it into 
my score code, and no go. So I went back to this, which is simple and 
works fine, with a lot fewer keystrokes and Scheme mysteries:

\relative c'{  fis-1^"IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - " [_(g-2) a-4]  b-1 [^(c-2) d-4]  e-1^"V - - 
- - - - - - - - -" [^(fis-3) g-4] | }

Looks good, too. Sometimes simple is better than conceptually elegant. 
This simple text insertion business looks to me like it could handle a 
multitude of sins. A useful kluge for for time impoverished folks like me.

About the slurring problem:

You make a very important point - the problem I reported was a warning 
message, not an error. My ver. 2.10 DOES produce perfect output - I 
hadn't thought to look. I think this is acceptable, even though I cannot 
make sense of the warning (nothing unusual about that - warnings seem 
often to be useless to mere users).

So, I don't really have a problem. What I DO have now is a passage with 
position indicators, string numbers, legato indicators, fingering, 
accents, articulation marks, etc. It looks, and is, simply wonderful. 
I'm so pleased.

I'm sure others have commented about this, but possibly it's worth 
repeating: What I've been working on is a composition of my own for 
classical guitar. Having it printed in a way that looks really good, and 
is also very readable, in incredibly rewarding. This wonderful tool 
turns out to be a motivation amplifier.

I'm considering quitting my day job, getting a night job waiting tables, 
and turning to composition full time. Ah...the thought passed. Nice 
thought, though.

Thanks to all...


Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Oy.  In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it 
never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with slurs.

So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, it 
was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing perfect 
output (except that I haven't set the proper time signature, 
anyway--see attached image).  I'm running the development version 
2.11.55 on Ubuntu 8.04.  Maybe it would fix this problem for you to 
install the latest version?  Be forewarned that 2.11.55 has another 
issue, discussed in a different thread, where the dots for dotted 
notes are placed on lines instead of between them.  I trust this will 
be fixed in a forthcoming release as the developers are quite vigilant 
for such things :)

What's weird about this "avoid-slur" warning is that in this example, 
the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. The slur 
is on one side, the fingering/string indications on the other.  And 
when I added something that would possibly interfere with the slur (an 
accent), it doesn't complain about that, but about something else.  
Why would Lilypond complain about needing to avoid anything?


Tom Cloyd wrote:

OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]


   \relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 d-4]  
 [fis-3 g-4] | }

console output:
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `'
warning: Not in toplevel scope
Interpreting music... warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
   \relative c'{

Re: lyrics

2008-08-18 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
-- Forwarded message --
From: Dmytro O. Redchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/8/18
Subject: Re: lyrics

2008/8/18 Lara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have a song that has three parts, first with one line of text, then with two
> lines (and a repeat)and then again with one line.
So, you'd like to type three parts in sequence,
and add a lyrics to every part (second one should have two lines)?

Am i right?

If so, you can type two voices (of melody), first one for the first
and third part,
and second for the second part. And two lines of lyrics for the second part.

Like this, should work:

melody = \relative c'' {
   g a b c
   \new Voice = "second" {
   b a g f
   e d c c

mainfirst = \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "1. "
   c d e f
mainsecond = \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "4. "
   g a b c
upperwords = \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "2. "
   u u u u
lowerwords = \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "3. "
   l l l l

\score {
   \new Staff = "tenor" <<
   \new Voice = "tenvoice" {
   \new Lyrics = tenlyr \lyricsto tenvoice
   { \mainfirst \mainsecond }
   % \context Lyrics = tenlyr \lyricsto tenvoice \mainsecond
   \new Lyrics = tenlyrup \with {
alignAboveContext = tenlyr
   } \lyricsto second \upperwords
   \new Lyrics = tenlyrlo \with {
alignBelowContext = tenlyr
   } \lyricsto second \lowerwords

> Lara

Dmytro O. Redchuk

Dmytro O. Redchuk

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyrics

2008-08-18 Thread Dominic Neumann
Hi Lara,

the quick'n'dirty solution (I still use) is the following:

\version "2.11.55"

refrain = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "Refr. "
bla blu blubb blubb

verseOne = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
one two three four five

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2. "
six se -- ven eight nine

refrainTwo = \lyricmode {
blubb bla dub.

refrSkip = \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 1 }

\score {
\relative c' {
c4 d e f g a c d e f g a
\addlyrics { \refrain \verseOne \refrainTwo }
\addlyrics { \refrSkip \verseTwo }

The better solution would be to use different context names for the
different parts and address them with \lyricsto.


2008/8/18 Lara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have a song that has three parts, first with one line of text, then with two
> lines (and a repeat)and then again with one line.
> I tried to use \set stanza but that didn't work. I also found an old
> conversation in the documentaion where master Mats talks about:
> input/, but can't find it anywhere.
> Anyone knows a solution?
> Thanks!
> Lara
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-18 Thread Ralph Palmer
Greetings, all -

I'm getting confused and slightly distressed. I'm now spending close to an
hour a day just reading the discussion list! I'm signed up to do the
indexing, but as far as I know there's nothing ready to be indexed. I'd be
willing to try to write some snippets, but I don't know what's needed; if I
know where to start looking, I'll try my hand at it. If someone wants me to
start working on another doc, I'm willing to try that, as well.


Ralph Palmer
Greenfield, MA
lilypond-user mailing list


2008-08-18 Thread Lara
I have a song that has three parts, first with one line of text, then with two
lines (and a repeat)and then again with one line.
I tried to use \set stanza but that didn't work. I also found an old
conversation in the documentaion where master Mats talks about:
input/, but can't find it anywhere.
Anyone knows a solution?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi all,

it just makes for easier input to define the clef with the staff.

For me, the reason to put the clef in the music variable (as opposed  
to the Staff context) is that the clef may change within the passage  
— for example, some of my cello music changes clefs a dozen times or  
more within the same piece. Further to James's "open/closed score"  
comment, there are examples when transposing instruments (e.g., bass  
clarinet) need to be in one clef (e.g., treble) in the part but  
another clef (e.g., bass) in the c-score.

This is where \tag comes to the rescue.

Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Patrick,

Unfortunate that the midi is by default commented out or else you  
could also do:
 \new Staff \with { instrumentName= "Violin I"  
midiInstrument="violin" }

 and get the midi to sound right.

Why can't this be done with the MIDI commented out?
Works fine for me (i.e., doesn't throw any errors when compiling)…

Theres no point of showing them how to do \midi without showing  
them how to set the instruments.

I disagree with this statement — the templates are NOT tutorials!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

2008-08-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Carl,

It seems to me that to do this there needs to be an equivalent of
\textLengthOn for TextSpanners.  What you're after is the objective of
having a musical interval have a length at least as long as your  


musical intervals (as opposed to musical moments) are the domain of  
[...] Based on looking at the Internals Reference, I'm sure it can  
be done

with TextSpanners, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.

Aha! Thanks for the hint — I'll see what I can figure out from there.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \shiftOn doesen't behave as expected

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 18.08.2008 um 13:41 schrieb Francisco Vila:

2008/8/18 Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Another option is to read the new discussion on polypohony from the
GDP docs:

Go to the Notation Reference, and look up section 1.5.2.

Speaking of, given that I rewrote this section last week, and that I
have not launched it as public draft yet, and that I have not received
any feedback on the first subsection Single-staff polyphony, could you
take it a quick look and tell me if you think this is written in a
grammatically correct-enough English? After that, I'll announce the
draft with more bells and whistles.

I realise it isn't at draft stage yet, but I thought I'd say that  
there's a slight inaccuracy in 1.5.3, \oneVoice doesn't put a voice  
into the same voice context before and after a temporary polyphonic  
passage, not explicitly creating two new voices does that. \oneVoice  
just sets the beams and stems so that they go the direction they're  
supposed to. It's the the equivalent of setting \stemNeutral  
\beamNeutral \tieNeutral \slurNeutral \phrasingSlurNeutral and  
anything else that \voiceOne ... \voiceFour sets to #UP or #DOWN.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Tom Cloyd


Thanks for your response.

First - about an hour ago I came very close to posting a note of 
appreciation about the documentation for 2.11 - it's magnificent - at 
least the part for fretted instruments (the only part I've really buried 
myself in). It appears that all my needs are met. I was amazed.

One aside: I couldn't get the example for hand position (e.g. "IV- - - - 
- -" to indicate playing in 4th position) to work at all. Copied it into 
my score code, and no go. So I went back to this, which is simple and 
works fine, with a lot fewer keystrokes and Scheme mysteries:

\relative c'{   
   fis-1^"IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " [_(g-2) 
a-4]  b-1 [^(c-2) d-4]   
   e-1^"V - - - - - - - - - - -" [^(fis-3) g-4] | }

Looks good, too. Sometimes simple is better than conceptually elegant. 
This simple text insertion business looks to me like it could handle a 
multitude of sins. A useful kluge for for time impoverished folks like me.

About the slurring problem:

You make a very important point - the problem I reported was a warning 
message, not an error. My ver. 2.10 DOES produce perfect output - I 
hadn't thought to look. I think this is acceptable, even though I cannot 
make sense of the warning (nothing unusual about that - warnings seem 
often to be useless to mere users).

So, I don't really have a problem. What I DO have now is a passage with 
position indicators, string numbers, legato indicators, fingering, 
accents, articulation marks, etc. It looks, and is, simply wonderful. 
I'm so pleased.

I'm sure others have commented about this, but possibly it's worth 
repeating: What I've been working on is a composition of my own for 
classical guitar. Having it printed in a way that looks really good, and 
is also very readable, in incredibly rewarding. This wonderful tool 
turns out to be a motivation amplifier.

I'm considering quitting my day job, getting a night job waiting tables, 
and turning to composition full time. Ah...the thought passed. Nice 
thought, though.

Thanks to all...


Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Oy.  In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it 
never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with slurs.

So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, it 
was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing perfect 
output (except that I haven't set the proper time signature, 
anyway--see attached image).  I'm running the development version 
2.11.55 on Ubuntu 8.04.  Maybe it would fix this problem for you to 
install the latest version?  Be forewarned that 2.11.55 has another 
issue, discussed in a different thread, where the dots for dotted 
notes are placed on lines instead of between them.  I trust this will 
be fixed in a forthcoming release as the developers are quite vigilant 
for such things :)

What's weird about this "avoid-slur" warning is that in this example, 
the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. The slur 
is on one side, the fingering/string indications on the other.  And 
when I added something that would possibly interfere with the slur (an 
accent), it doesn't complain about that, but about something else.  
Why would Lilypond complain about needing to avoid anything?


Tom Cloyd wrote:

OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]


   \relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 d-4]  
 [fis-3 g-4] | }

console output:
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `'
warning: Not in toplevel scope
Interpreting music... warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
   \relative c'{\4>8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 
d-4]   [fis-3 g-4] | }


The problem is the slurring. Remove the slurs and it runs. 
to I slur the f and g, etc., when using string number notations? THAT 
I cannot get to work, and I cannot find any example showing someone 
else getting it to work.



Graham Percival wrote:

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:47:56 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks very much for your quick response. However, it puzzles me. I 
plainly  said I'm using ver. ly ver. 2.10.33. I would never expect

docs for 2.11 to apply better than docs for the version I use -
unless 2.11 is correcting a documentation error. Is that the case?

We've spent about 1000 hours working on the docs since 2.10.33.
Perhaps as much as 50 of those hours were spent on new .11
features.  The rest was spent fixing and improving the docs.

I just tested  in simple score case. It worked exactly as I 
desired. Somy ver. 2.10.x IS behaving as the ver. 2.11 docs 

According to the 2.11 docs, that shouldn't work.
Note: There must be a hyphen after the note and a space before the
closing >.
... oh wait, that's for right-hand fingering.  Sorry, never mind.

In that case, I only recommend creati

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 18.08.2008 um 13:26 schrieb Jonathan Kulp:

Oy.  In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it  
never occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with  

So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you,  
it was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing  
perfect output (except that I haven't set the proper time signature,  
anyway--see attached image).  I'm running the development version  
2.11.55 on Ubuntu 8.04.  Maybe it would fix this problem for you to  
install the latest version?  Be forewarned that 2.11.55 has another  
issue, discussed in a different thread, where the dots for dotted  
notes are placed on lines instead of between them.  I trust this  
will be fixed in a forthcoming release as the developers are quite  
vigilant for such things :)

version 2.11.56 is out and it does fix the dots problem.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \shiftOn doesen't behave as expected

2008-08-18 Thread Francisco Vila
2008/8/18 Carl Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Another option is to read the new discussion on polypohony from the
> GDP docs:
> Go to the Notation Reference, and look up section 1.5.2.

Speaking of, given that I rewrote this section last week, and that I
have not launched it as public draft yet, and that I have not received
any feedback on the first subsection Single-staff polyphony, could you
take it a quick look and tell me if you think this is written in a
grammatically correct-enough English? After that, I'll announce the
draft with more bells and whistles.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

another emacs osx question

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Now that emacs can actually run lilypond, I have another problem, I  
can't run a command on the master file: it doesn't escape the spaces  
in filenames or folder names. Is there any way I can change this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Jonathan Kulp
Oy.  In all the time I spent working on that part of the docs, it never 
occurred to me to try the fingerings and string numbers with slurs.

So, I ran this code and while I got the same error message as you, it 
was not a fatal error and the file continued to run, producing perfect 
output (except that I haven't set the proper time signature, anyway--see 
attached image).  I'm running the development version 2.11.55 on Ubuntu 
8.04.  Maybe it would fix this problem for you to install the latest 
version?  Be forewarned that 2.11.55 has another issue, discussed in a 
different thread, where the dots for dotted notes are placed on lines 
instead of between them.  I trust this will be fixed in a forthcoming 
release as the developers are quite vigilant for such things :)

What's weird about this "avoid-slur" warning is that in this example, 
the slur is nowhere near anything that needs to be avoided. The slur is 
on one side, the fingering/string indications on the other.  And when I 
added something that would possibly interfere with the slur (an accent), 
it doesn't complain about that, but about something else.  Why would 
Lilypond complain about needing to avoid anything?


Tom Cloyd wrote:

OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]


   \relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 d-4]   
[fis-3 g-4] | }

console output:
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `'
warning: Not in toplevel scope
Interpreting music... warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
   \relative c'{\4>8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 d-4]  
 [fis-3 g-4] | }


The problem is the slurring. Remove the slurs and it runs. to I 
slur the f and g, etc., when using string number notations? THAT I 
cannot get to work, and I cannot find any example showing someone else 
getting it to work.



Graham Percival wrote:

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:47:56 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks very much for your quick response. However, it puzzles me. I 
plainly  said I'm using ver. ly ver. 2.10.33. I would never expect

docs for 2.11 to apply better than docs for the version I use -
unless 2.11 is correcting a documentation error. Is that the case?

We've spent about 1000 hours working on the docs since 2.10.33.
Perhaps as much as 50 of those hours were spent on new .11
features.  The rest was spent fixing and improving the docs.

I just tested  in simple score case. It worked exactly as I 
desired. Somy ver. 2.10.x IS behaving as the ver. 2.11 docs says. 

According to the 2.11 docs, that shouldn't work.
Note: There must be a hyphen after the note and a space before the
closing >.
... oh wait, that's for right-hand fingering.  Sorry, never mind.

In that case, I only recommend creating a minimal example that
demonstrates the problem, and go from there.  Somebody else might be
able to figure it out.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list


Jonathan Kulp
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-18 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/8/18 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> That seems trivial -- surely everybody knows this already -- so
> let's discuss a specific example.  I'll pick on Valentin since he
> won't mind... and also since he's almost a complete opposite of
> me.

Please do not think of me as a yes-man :-)

(If anything, I'm the kind of guy who can't even say "yes" to the
"no-man", if you follow me...)

> He offered to do NR 1.8 Text last Jan or Feb.  It's still not
> finished.  text.itely would be a 5-hour job for me, so I figured
> 10 hours for GDP helpers.  Granted, he's working on a foreign
> language.  If I had to write text.itely in French, it would
> probably take me double the time -- *only* double, despite my very
> poor French, since most of the docs are in examples anyway.

Well, although I didn't think it would be so hard, let's face it: I
just suck at writing documentation. (see below)

> GDP is ending with a half-finished NR 1.8.  It's also ending with
> a half-finished NR 1.6; Text isn't the only unfinished "main
> notation" section.  Lots of users don't read the mailists; they'll
> just see these unfinished doc sections.  For the sake of argument,
> suppose that Valentin could have finished NR 1.8 if he had only
> answered half the emails that he did.  Wouldn't that be a good
> trade-off?

I don't think everybody is as reasonable and pragmatic as you are. I'm
the complete opposite of you, remember?

As you mentioned, I'm concerned about the "general well-being of the
project"; in Free Software projects, there are people like you, who
try to spend their time the most efficient way, and there are people
like me, who are mainly here for selfish reasons: to have fun, to make
silly little things, to launch some ideas no matter how crazy they
are... We have to take this kind of contributors into account *too*,
no matter how unefficient and unreliable they can be on a short or
long-term perspective.

For the past couple of weeks, I may have been spending a couple hours
a *day* working on NR1.8, in addition to my daily opera work and
LilyPond maintaining. And yet, I am not nearly finished, as you
pointed out. So, I kinda *need* to answer silly mails on -user or work
on harp pedal diagrams every now and then.

> If we had more people in the doc team, then I wouldn't have
> discouraged Carl from doing programming -- we could have people
> moving from advanced docs to bugfixing without putting the doc
> team in danger.

You are absolutely right -- as far as you're dealing with "serious"
people in a "serious" world. If some geeks are here "for fun", all you
can do is to make it cool: if they have fun at fixing bugs or
implementing features (or doing webdesign or drawing comics or
whatever they like), then you have to use that as a carrot.

> I was really hoping that this "it's all up to you users" would
> reduce the 1 in 20 figure as well, but given the complete lack of
> users saying "you've made some good points.  Sign me up to be on
> the Fuzziness Force.  I can't answer a lot of questions, but if I
> see any question that I *can* answer, I'll do it", I'm not
> optimistic.

That is actually what led me to start the LilyReport in the first
place. We have to show that working on LilyPond is *fun*, that our
community is *nice*, etc. Your "it's all up to you" would (will) gain
much visibility, featured in a Report issue.

Oh, and just in case anyone wonders, I do not have given up with the
LilyReport either; I'm actually preparing something new and better for


lilypond-user mailing list

collision with TimeSig

2008-08-18 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear lilypond-users,
I have a collision between the note and the text of the TimeSig in the below
quoted example.
Is there any possibility to avoid this?
Thanks for help,

noten = { c''1 }
tempotakt = { s 1 ^\markup { \column { \upright "subito piu mosso"   \line {
"(" \note # "4" #0.75 "= 120)" } \upright "molto rit." } } }

  \context {
\type "Engraver_group"

\consists "Text_spanner_engraver"
\consists "Text_engraver"
\consists "Dynamic_engraver"
\consists "Axis_group_engraver"
\name "TimeSig"
  \context {
\Score \accepts TimeSig}

 \new Score
{ <<

\new TimeSig  { \override Score.TimeSignature #'style = #'( )
\tempotakt  }
\new Staff { \noten }
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Tom Cloyd

OK - here's a minimal version of my problem -

[running ver. 2.10.33]


   \relative c'{ 8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 d-4]   
[fis-3 g-4] | }

console output:
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `'
warning: Not in toplevel scope
Interpreting music... warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
   \relative c'{\4>8 [(g-2) a-4]   [c-2 d-4]  
 [fis-3 g-4] | }


The problem is the slurring. Remove the slurs and it runs. to I 
slur the f and g, etc., when using string number notations? THAT I 
cannot get to work, and I cannot find any example showing someone else 
getting it to work.



Graham Percival wrote:

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:47:56 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks very much for your quick response. However, it puzzles me. I 
plainly  said I'm using ver. ly ver. 2.10.33. I would never expect

docs for 2.11 to apply better than docs for the version I use -
unless 2.11 is correcting a documentation error. Is that the case?

We've spent about 1000 hours working on the docs since 2.10.33.
Perhaps as much as 50 of those hours were spent on new .11
features.  The rest was spent fixing and improving the docs.

I just tested  in simple score case. It worked exactly as I 
desired. Somy ver. 2.10.x IS behaving as the ver. 2.11 docs says. 

According to the 2.11 docs, that shouldn't work.
Note: There must be a hyphen after the note and a space before the
closing >.
... oh wait, that's for right-hand fingering.  Sorry, never mind.

In that case, I only recommend creating a minimal example that
demonstrates the problem, and go from there.  Somebody else might be
able to figure it out.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> (email)
<< >> (website) 
<< >> (mental health weblog)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey

This is a known issue.
Known issues and warnings

Collisions are not checked. If you have notes above the top line of  
the staff (or notes with articulations, slurs, text, etc), then the  
metronome marking may be printed on top of musical symbols. If this  
occurs, increase the padding of the metronome mark to place it further  
away from the staff.

\override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #2.5
Am 18.08.2008 um 10:51 schrieb Tom Cloyd:

I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell  
me. I've spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and  
I simply don't any more hours.

I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a  
string number indicator.

The code snippets...

  \tempo 8 = 120
  \relative c''{
   b\2 c

The collision is nearly perfect - they obliterate each other!

IS there an easy solution?



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> (email)
<< >> (website) << >> (mental  
health weblog)


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread David Bobroff

What version are you using?  I just ran the following:

\score {
   \relative c''{
   \tempo 8 = 120
b\2 c

..on 2.11.55 and did not see any collision.


Tom Cloyd wrote:
I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me. 
I've spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and I simply 
don't any more hours.

I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a 
string number indicator.

The code snippets...

   \tempo 8 = 120
   \relative c''{
b\2 c

The collision is nearly perfect - they obliterate each other!

IS there an easy solution?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:51:46 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a 
> string number indicator.

If this bug isn't on file, it might be worth submitting it as a

> IS there an easy solution?

See LM 4.5 Collisions of objects, in the 2.11 docs.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string number problem

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:47:56 -0700
Tom Cloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks very much for your quick response. However, it puzzles me. I 
> plainly  said I'm using ver. ly ver. 2.10.33. I would never expect
> docs for 2.11 to apply better than docs for the version I use -
> unless 2.11 is correcting a documentation error. Is that the case?

We've spent about 1000 hours working on the docs since 2.10.33.
Perhaps as much as 50 of those hours were spent on new .11
features.  The rest was spent fixing and improving the docs.

> I just tested  in simple score case. It worked exactly as I 
> desired. Somy ver. 2.10.x IS behaving as the ver. 2.11 docs says. 

According to the 2.11 docs, that shouldn't work.
Note: There must be a hyphen after the note and a space before the
closing >.
... oh wait, that's for right-hand fingering.  Sorry, never mind.

In that case, I only recommend creating a minimal example that
demonstrates the problem, and go from there.  Somebody else might be
able to figure it out.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

collision problem

2008-08-18 Thread Tom Cloyd
I'm hoping there's a quick solution to this someone can just tell me. 
I've spent hour this weekend pouring over ly documentation, and I simply 
don't any more hours.

I'm having a collision problem - between my metronome marking and a 
string number indicator.

The code snippets...

   \tempo 8 = 120
   \relative c''{
b\2 c

The collision is nearly perfect - they obliterate each other!

IS there an easy solution?



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> (email)
<< >> (website) 
<< >> (mental health weblog)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using one identifier or another

2008-08-18 Thread Johan Vromans
Dan Eble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> These two functions should help.

Thanks! I can use this.

> You will either need to define your optional music to be empty when
> it is not required, as in this example, or provide a function to
> create empty music if it is not already defined.

I would be very interested in the latter.

> (It's hard to tell from your example what your needs are.)

Sometimes, it could be as easy as:

  \aNotes = { ... }

  %%From template:
  \score {
 #(if (not (defined? bNotes))
  (define bNotes aNotes))

except that I cannot get this to work...

I'm afraid my lisp skills get in the way of lilyscheme :)

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread Trevor Daniels

Graham Percival wrote Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:49 PM

On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 21:47:28 +0100
"Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2008/8/17 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Why manually number the bars?  It's true that users can delete
> them easily, but they should be very familiar with
> one-bar-per-line by now.  I definitely like the explicit bar
> checks, though.  :)

Does that mean I should put back all the bar checks I removed from the
snippets? ;)

No; the goal of a snippet is to show a single new feature; having
bar checks in there can confuse newbies.  That's also why I
discourage having slurs / accents / accidentals if they're not
relevant to the snippet in question.

The templates serve a different purpose, so the bar checks provide
a good reminder to newbies to add them in their own music.

I wholeheartedly endorse this.  Examples in manuals
and snippets should be minimal to make their point as
clearly as possible.  Templates and (if possible)
inspirational headlines should demonstrate good
practice.  "Good practice" may be different for the
different types of music, of course.  But hints like
numbering bars, bar checks, variables, are all good.

- Graham


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: emacs questions

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey

Aquamacs Emacs and the cli emacs can both compile lilypond files. doesn't seem to load my $PATH correctly, because I get / 
bin/bash: lilypond: command not found
I've solved this by having an ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist, which  
contains global settings for your user-id. 



Logout and login to see the changes.

I found (from someone else) a solution. To my ~/.emacs, I added:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "elisp" (getenv "HOME")))
(setq exec-path (split-string "/Users/jamesebailey/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/ 
bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin" path-separator))

(setenv "PATH" (mapconcat 'identity exec-path ":"))

And now even works as expected.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread James E. Bailey

Am 18.08.2008 um 09:14 schrieb Dmytro O. Redchuk:

And, the question -- why global ?

You set \clef in "melody" (although it is "Staff's property"), so  
why not set

\key and \time in "melody" (*Notes { ... })?

If you do an open score and closed score version of a choral piece,  
the tenor part changes clef between the two versions. And granted,  
lilypond uses the \clef that comes last in the file, it just makes for  
easier input to define the clef with the staff.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:14:35 +0300
"Dmytro O. Redchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And, the question -- why global ?
> You set \clef in "melody" (although it is "Staff's property"), so why
> not set \key and \time in "melody" (*Notes { ... })?

\clef varies on instrument -- \clef treble, \clef alto, \clef
bass.  In most music, \key and \time are the same for all

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Template: String Quartet (score-only), first draft

2008-08-18 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
2008/8/17 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It's even simpler with my convention.  ;-)
Oh, please, let's use already used convention :-)

ps. I like python :o)

And, the question -- why global ?

You set \clef in "melody" (although it is "Staff's property"), so why not set
\key and \time in "melody" (*Notes { ... })?

> =)
> Kieren.

Dmytro O. Redchuk

lilypond-user mailing list