Re: problems with learning lilypond

2008-11-22 Thread Johan Vromans
I must admit...

That I do share some feelings with John. I've been using LilyPond
infrequently for many years, and frequently for a year now. I often
get surprised by its behaviour, and I often have to puzzle how to
achieve certain results.


The documentation has improved enormously. The current 2.11 version
can hardly be compared to the older versions. It is *great* and
getting even better.


Support from lilypond-users is also *great*.


Every piece of music is different. Very often I am surprised that
LilyPond *can* actually achieve something wierd that I had in mind.
I'm pretty sure many of the 'user friendly' point-n-click tools are
quire limited, I have yet to find one of LP's limits[1].


It takes some time and effort to learn LilyPond. It is worth it.

-- Johan

[1] Maybe how to add lyrics to a partcombined section?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2008-11-22 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Hash: SHA1

Am Samstag, 22. November 2008 schrieb Johan Vromans:
 Every piece of music is different. Very often I am surprised that
 LilyPond *can* actually achieve something wierd that I had in mind.
 I'm pretty sure many of the 'user friendly' point-n-click tools are
 quire limited, I have yet to find one of LP's limits[1].
 [1] Maybe how to add lyrics to a partcombined section?

I agree.
However, I've run into some of LilyPond's limits while trying to typeset 
full-orchestra scores with choir/soloists. Here's my list of showstoppers for 
full orchestral scores, sorted in decending order of importance to me:

- -) You can't attach lyrics to cue notes!!!

- -) The vertical page layout:
o) The page is not filled (even with stretching) if there is only 1 system
o) Each page is layed out separately, so that the staff for one instrument
continues at a completely different position on the next page. This 
makes reading full scores (and trying to follow one instrument) while
conducting almost impossible

- -) partcombine in general: It's very aggressive and as such noch suitable for 
full scores: it combines even single notes so that at worst each note in a 
measure will get a2, Solo, a2, Solo, for example if you do 
{ \partcombine \relative c'{ d4 r d r } \relative c'{d4 g d g } }
partcombine will also never create a note with two stems, but rather always 
combine it to one note. Also, in printed scores, part-combination is mostly 
done on a measure-base rather than per note.

- -) You can't have different stretching for the different groups (in 
particular, the staves inside the group will be spaced equally to the spacing 
between the groups).

- -) Moving dynamics inside the staff can only be done via some nasty hacks

- -) Two-column layout for text (preface, notes, etc.) and automatic hyphenation

- -) partcombine does not work with lyrics

- -) Cross-staff chorded notes (important for the piano reduction and organ 
scores like Vierne's Messe Solenelle!)

If these are solved/implemented, then I think LilyPond is also perfect for 
typesetting full orchestral scores in print quality. Of course I might miss 
something, but so far I haven't been able to fix any of those (without some 
large coding in LilyPond's source code.

- -- 
- --
Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Newly defined Voice context and RemoveEmptyStaffContext

2008-11-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
See the Known issues and warnings of section 5.1.4 Changing default 
context settings in the Notation Reference.

If you really want to understand what happens, it may also help
to look at the definition of \RemoveEmptyStaffContext in the
file ly/


Roman Stawski wrote:

Hi everyone

It seems that if I create a new context based on the Voice context, it
won't play with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext at all. Try the snippet below
as is, and then uncomment the commented block. A warning is generated
and lyrics are no longer rendered. Any ideas on how to get this to

- - - - - [START]
\version 2.11.60
\layout { ragged-tight = ##t }

\layout {
  \context {
\name MainVoice
\type Engraver_group
\alias Voice
\consists Grob_pq_engraver
\consists Note_heads_engraver
\consists Stem_engraver
  \context {
\accepts MainVoice

% If the block below is uncommented, then we get the error warning: cannot
% find Voice `t' and lyrics are not rendered.
  \context {

\score {
\new Staff { \new MainVoice = t \relative c' { c4 d e f }}
\new Lyrics {\lyricsto t \lyricmode { Can you see me? }}

- - - - - [END]

A secondary question is how to create a context that 'inherits' all
the engravers/performers in the context it aliases. In the above
example for instance, I'd like to add the \consists of the forty odd
components used by Voice without have to type them by hand, and
without needing to recheck them for every new version of Lilypond I

Thanks for any help forthcoming


lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Midi to lilypond conversion.

2008-11-22 Thread David Picón Álvarez


I have been trying to convert some midi files which I previously quantized 
on the sequencer. This sequencer uses 192 ticks per part, which tends to 
give results like this:

 d''4*95/192 s4*1/192 a'4*95/192 s4*1/192 a4*95/192 s4*1/192 g4*95/192
 s4*1/192 f4*95/192 s4*1/192 e4*95/192 s4*1/192 d4*95/192 s4*1/192 

 s4*1/192 |

The issue is, as I see it, that the sequencer is introducing a minimum 
silence (1/192) in between the notes when it quantizes. At least if we're to 
believe the midi converter.

I was looking at the source of the converter, and although I'm not sure if I 
understand it very well, would reducing the clocks_per_1 value make it more 
likely that the converter would ignore these useless silences?


lilypond-user mailing list

Centered Textspan for Piano music

2008-11-22 Thread stefankaegi
Good afternoon

I'd like to have a centered accelerando Textspan for a piano piece.
Something like this: acc. -   -   -   -

I'm using the last template from here:

So I tried to do this Textspan in the dynamics section. It now looks
something like this:

 \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'(acc  . )
 s2. s4\startTextSpan

Unfortunately this does not work. I hope you have an idea.

Thanks a lot for your effort

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Midi to lilypond conversion.

2008-11-22 Thread Johan Vromans
David Picón Álvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   d''4*95/192 s4*1/192 a'4*95/192 s4*1/192 a4*95/192 s4*1/192 g4*95/192
   s4*1/192 f4*95/192 s4*1/192 e4*95/192 s4*1/192 d4*95/192 s4*1/192
   e4*95/192 s4*1/192 |
 I was looking at the source of the converter, and although I'm not
 sure if I understand it very well, would reducing the clocks_per_1
 value make it more likely that the converter would ignore these
 useless silences?

From looking at the example, I'd use a small script to remove all
1/192 rests and /192 clutter, so the result would become:

   d''4 a'4 a4 g4 f4 e4 d4 e4 |

A slightly more complex perl script could produce

   d''4*1/2 a'4*1/2 a4*1/2 g4*1/2 f4*1/2 e4*1/2 d4*1/2 e4*1/2 |

if that's desirable.

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

Chant on percent/slash-repeat sign

2008-11-22 Thread Jan van Dijk

I use chant a lot in the music.
Until this day I have always put chant on a brevis (see the example below).
But the use of the brevis is sometimes very confusing for the singers.
So I have tried to put the chant on a percent-repeat.
But it seems that percent-repeats and lyrics do not combine.

Does anyone has a suggestion how to put the words 
LORD hath said unto me: Thou on one single percent/slash repeat?

Jan van Dijk.

\version 2.11.62
\layout {
  indent = 0\mm
  \context {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
  \context {
\override BarNumber #'transparent = ##t
\override MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t
\relative c' {
  \set Score.timing = ##f
  f4 f\breve f4 g4 a2 \bar :
  a4 a a g bes4 a1( g4 a) g f1 \bar |
\addlyrics { The LORD hath said unto me: Thou art my Son; this day have I 

be -- got -- ten thee. }
attachment: Percent.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Parser error when including file

2008-11-22 Thread Arjan Bos

On 22 nov 2008, at 00:28, Johan Vromans wrote:

Yes it may seem weird, but it is logical.

It certainly seems weird and I can understand why it is. And I know it  
is very hard to write good parsing error messages, but if I now jump  
to the error, it jumps away from my typo into a perfectly correct  
file. And I can't help but wondering that it might be very useful if  
the error was pointing at the file with the actual error in it instead  
of pointing at a perfectly correct file.

Sigh, it seems I just have to live with it.

Thanks anyway for your reply,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Parser error when including file

2008-11-22 Thread Johan Vromans
Arjan Bos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It certainly seems weird and I can understand why it is. And I know it
 is very hard to write good parsing error messages, but if I now jump
 to the error, it jumps away from my typo into a perfectly correct
 file. And I can't help but wondering that it might be very useful if
 the error was pointing at the file with the actual error in it instead
 of pointing at a perfectly correct file.

No, your typo in includeError causes an error in includedError.
There's nothing wrong with your y in includeError. The error really
*is* in includedError.

E.g., if includedError did contain

  \version 2.11.57
  = \relative c' { a b c }

then everything would be okay and there would be no error.

As I said, weird, but logical.
And no too hard to live with ;).

-- Johan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chant on percent/slash-repeat sign

2008-11-22 Thread Neil Puttock
Hi Jan,

2008/11/22 Jan van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I use chant a lot in the music.
 Until this day I have always put chant on a brevis (see the example below).
 But the use of the brevis is sometimes very confusing for the singers.
 So I have tried to put the chant on a percent-repeat.
 But it seems that percent-repeats and lyrics do not combine.

 Does anyone has a suggestion how to put the words
 LORD hath said unto me: Thou on one single percent/slash repeat?

The selected snippet Isolated percent repeats at the bottom of this
page should give you an idea:
 This uses a multi-measure rest with the percent-repeat print

To get the lyrics aligned, you'll have to use a hidden note in
parallel with the percent-repeat rest.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Centered Textspan for Piano music

2008-11-22 Thread Mark Polesky
November 22, 2008, stefankaegi wrote:

 I'd like to have a centered accelerando Textspan for a piano piece.
 Something like this: acc. -   -   -   -

Did you mean...
1) center the text-spanner between the 2 staves
2) center the dashes in the text-spanner vertically
  ( acc. - - - as opposed to acc. _ _ _ )
3) both? 

I don't know if this works for version 2.10, but here's how to do it in 2.11: 

First, you need the updated template:

Then add this line to the list of \consists in the Dynamics context definition:
\consists Text_spanner_engraver

If you want the dash centered vertically, 
then add this line to the list of \overrides:
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER

Then enter your spanner-text like so:

dynamics = {
  \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #acc. 
  s2. s4\startTextSpan

As I understand it, currently there's a bug that sets the first dash right 
next to the text without allowing you to move it. The workaround is just to 
add a space after the text: #acc. 

Also, as of 2.11.64, this is the correct way to do it. However (just in case 
you're interested), developers are currently working on a patch that will 
eventually allow an abbreviated form:
  \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = #acc. 
but this has not yet been implemented as of 2.11.64.

I've attached an example .ly file and the .png it generates.

One last word: 2.11 is so much more advanced than 2.10, with fantastically
better documentation. Consider making the switch.

Hope this helps.
- Mark

  \version 2.11.64-1

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

upper = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  a4 b c d

lower = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  a2 c

dynamics = {
  \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = #acc. 
  s2.\startTextSpan s4\stopTextSpan

pedal = {
  s2\sustainOn s\sustainOff

\score {
  \new PianoStaff = PianoStaff_pf 
\new Staff = Staff_pfUpper \upper
\new Dynamics = Dynamics_pf \dynamics
\new Staff = Staff_pfLower  \lower 
\new Dynamics = pedal \pedal

  \layout {
% define Dynamics context
\context {
  \type Engraver_group
  \name Dynamics
  \alias Voice
  \consists Output_property_engraver
  \consists Piano_pedal_engraver
  \consists Script_engraver
  \consists New_dynamic_engraver
  \consists Dynamic_align_engraver
  \consists Text_engraver
  \consists Skip_event_swallow_translator
  \consists Axis_group_engraver
  \consists Text_spanner_engraver

  pedalSustainStrings = #'(Ped. *Ped. *)
  pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'(una corda  tre corde)
  \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
  \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
  \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
  \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER
% modify PianoStaff context to accept Dynamics context
\context {
  \accepts Dynamics

\score {
  \new PianoStaff = PianoStaff_pf 
\new Staff = Staff_pfUpper  \global \upper \dynamics \pedal 
\new Staff = Staff_pfLower  \global \lower \dynamics \pedal 
  \midi { }
attachment: centered-spanner.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: passage à lilypond depuis pmx

2008-11-22 Thread John Mandereau
This is an English-speaking only list, please send your messages in
French to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as mentioned on

Here's a quick and partial translation of your message in case somebody
has an answer to your question on this list.


I'd like to convert my scores in PMX or MusixTeX format to LilyPond; do
you know about some converter which could at least convert individual
voices of the score?

I've already looked for this with a web search engine, but all
references I found were empty, the mentioned pieces of sofware are no
longer available.

Le jeudi 20 novembre 2008 à 19:13 +, Richard Fournier a écrit :
 Je programme actuellement en pmx (ou en musixtex) et je suis tenté par le
 passage à lilypond. Mais j'aimerais pouvoir convertir mes fichiers pmx dans le
 format lilypond. Si tout n'est pas parfait ce n'est pas grave, mais j'ai au
 moins besoin de récupérer chacune des voix.
 Existe-t'il une solution ?
 J'ai exploré le net avant de vous contacter, mais rien de ce que j'ai trouvé
 n'était encore disponible. Il y a manifestement eu une période pendant 
 la conversion était possible, mais je ne trouve pas les anciens outils
 Si vous avez quelques éléments de solution, je vous serez très reconnaissant.
 Merci d'avance.
 Richard Fournier

John Mandereau [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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