Re: invisible slurs in tablature

2009-04-01 Thread Marc Hohl

Carl D. Sorensen schrieb:

If I understand correctly, you have a group of interested users who are
working on defining how Tablature should behave.

You also have a couple of tablature users who are interested in becoming
Frogs and thus joining the development team (Marc is one of them, IIRC).

When you have agreement as to what should be the default for tablature, then
it will be time to add the changes to the distribution (and Marc would be an
ideal person to do it).

Right now, as I understand it, there are some users who regularly have
TabStaffs without any other staff.  These users need stems, beams, flags,
ties, slurs, etc.

There is also a group of users who regularly use TabStaff with Staff.  These
users want only numbers, because the beams, stems, slurs, ties, etc. are all
in the regular music staff, and the TabStaff is only showing fret and string

Yes, that's right. In songbooks you normally find regular music staves 
with the additional
information about fret and string numbers, so the stems and stuff would 
simply look too

On the other hand, when I write down the intro of a song played by 
guitar in tablature and the
rest of the song is simply the lyrics with some chords above, I want to 
have the stems in the

tab to save space on the song sheet.

People who care strongly about tablature (of which I am *not* one) should be
the people who make the decision about what the default should be.  In fact,
I don't think there's anybody on the core development team who is strongly
interested in tablature.

That being said, I don't think that the decision to make notes only or full
music the default is a very important decision, as long as there is a single
command to change to the other style.

Would it be easier to define two separate staff commands? In my files, I 

noten = \relative c { c d e f }

and feed this into a Staff AND a TabStaff. So, why not create a compound 
Staff (called \MusicTabStaff, for example),

which does exactly the same as

 \Staff { \noten } \TabStaff  { \numbersOnly \noten } 

and uses only the numbers, whereas \TabStaff (as defined in lilypond) is 
used in the cases where
no regular staves are needed and thus shows up everything (stems, slurs 

When the decision is made, and it's ready for submission to LilyPond, the
defaults will be established in ly/

The commands for changing from one to the other will be established in

Marc, once you've got consensus, you can make the changes and roll me a
patch, and I'll apply it.

Ok, but I think we are just at the beginning of the topic. The more I 
think about tablature features/defaults,

the more complicated it gets ;-)




lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: invisible slurs in tablature

2009-04-01 Thread Marc Hohl

I think you should also add:

\override TabVoice.Tie #'transparent = ##t

Yes, of course. But then another problem occurs: if the tie isn't 
visible, it looks as if there are two distinct
notes. Therefore, I think strongly about a scheme function (which at the 
end should be hidden in the

TabVoice-context) which translates, e.g.

c4 d e2 ~ e4. e8


c4 d e2 s4. e8

so the spurious tablature number disappears in the output. From earlier 
postings I knew that there are
several functions about automatically calculating intervals etc., but 
I'm a scheme newbie. So I would be
glad if someone out there would give me a hint how to start writing such 
a function.
I'm in doubt about that modern TAB sign... (all though it's always 
good to have some choices)
I know most of the software / books display it like that, but should 
we follow that or fits the default tab sign better in Lilypond?


Hm, personally I don't like the standard LilyPond tab sign, but it 
should be easy to switch between the two and leave the desicion to the user.


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: download versie 2.12

2009-04-01 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/4/1 Christ van Willegen
 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Trevor Daniels 
 They vary, but Firefox has a recognised certificate
 which identifies the publisher as Mozilla Corporation.
 The certificate was issued by Thawte Code Signing CA.

 ...and those certificates are $599. Ouch.

If other GNU software is not paying this, I propose to treat LilyPond
as such and never pay to avoid a click on an alert. IMHO

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: invisible slurs in tablature

2009-04-01 Thread Grammostola Rosea

Marc Hohl wrote:

I think you should also add:

\override TabVoice.Tie #'transparent = ##t

Yes, of course. But then another problem occurs: if the tie isn't 
visible, it looks as if there are two distinct
notes. Therefore, I think strongly about a scheme function (which at 
the end should be hidden in the

TabVoice-context) which translates, e.g.

c4 d e2 ~ e4. e8


c4 d e2 s4. e8

so the spurious tablature number disappears in the output. From 
earlier postings I knew that there are
several functions about automatically calculating intervals etc., but 
I'm a scheme newbie. So I would be
glad if someone out there would give me a hint how to start writing 
such a function.

You're right, good point.

lilypond-user mailing list

Multiple scores with common layout setup

2009-04-01 Thread Helge Kruse


I have a Theme and Variations questions. I started notating a piece 
what could be handled with (3.1.2 Multiple scores in a book, see also But I need a lot of layout 
setup in the PianoStaff, that is bound to the \score. Further I would 
like to write the Upper, Lower and Dynamics of the three variations in a 
similar way as I did for the theme.

What is a convinient way to continue this notation work? I would like to 
 avoid duplicating text group by copy and paste.

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,
\version 2.10.4

upperStaff = \relative c' {
	\clef treble	\key ces \major	\time 2/4
	\set Staff.midiInstrument = harp

	\tempo 4=60
 	\repeat volta 2 {
		\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
		ces-4 es-3 ces'-14(^Andante_\markup \harp-pedal #^^^|^^^- ces es ces') |
		 { ces'4\\arpeggio( b4-2) } \\ { des, fes2\arpeggio }  |
		des fes b4( des fes b) |
		 { b'4\arpeggio( as) } \\ {
			\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
			\once \override Staff.Arpeggio #'padding = #-0.2
			ces,-4 es-32\arpeggio }   |
		 es as ces es4(  es as ces es) |
		 { es'4.\arpeggio des8 } \\ { fes, as b2\arpeggio }   |
		es as ces4 des g b |
		ces as'2\accent |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		es ges ces es8.[\arpeggio des'16(-2 ces8.)-3 es16](-2 |
		ges2) |
		ces,, es as ces8.[\arpeggio b'16-2 as8.-3 ces16-2] |
		es2 |
		fes, as des fes4\arpeggio fes as des fes\arpeggio |
		fes as des fes4\arpeggio fes as es'8.-1\arpeggio  des'16-2 |
		fes, as des4-1\arpeggio fes as ces8.-1 b16-2 |
		des, g b4-1\arpeggio es-3 |
		ces es ces'4( ces es ces') |
		 { ces'4\arpeggio( b) } \\ { des, fes2\arpeggio }  |
		des fes b4( des fes b4) |
			\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
			b'\arpeggio( as) 
			} \\ { ces,-4 es-32\arpeggio }  |
		es as ces es4( es as ces es) |
		 { ces' es4.\arpeggio b des8 } \\ { fes as2\arpeggio }  |
		es as ces4 des g b |
		ces as'2

dynamic = {
	% line 1
	s4\p\ s\! s\ s\! | 
	s4\ s\! | 
	s4\ s\! |
	s4\ s\! | 
	s2 |
	% line 2
	s4\ s | s2\! |
	s2 | s2 | s2 | s2 |
	% line 3
	s2 | s2 | s4\ s | s4 s\! |
	s4\p\ s\! | s4\ s\! |

	% line 4
	s4\ s\! | 
	s4\ s\! |
	s4\ s\! | 
	s4 s\ | s s | s2\! |

lowerStaff = \relative c {
	\clef bass	\key ces \major	\time 2/4
	\set Staff.midiInstrument = harp
	\repeat volta 2 {
		as as,4 as as' |
		g g'2 |
		g g,4 g g'4 |
		as as'2
		ces ces,4 ces ces'4 |
		des des'2 
		es4 es, |
		as'4 as, |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		ces es ges ces4\arpeggio ces' es
		ces ces,4 ces es |
		as es ces as4\arpeggio as ces |
		as as,4 as ces |
		des, as fes des4\arpeggio des fes as des\arpeggio |
		des as fes des4\arpeggio des fes as des\arpeggio |
		des des,4 des des' |
		es es,4 r |
		as, as,4 as as' |
		g g'2 |
		g g,4 g g' |
		as as'2 |
		ces ces,4 ces ces' |
		des des'2 |
		es4 es, |
		as'4 as, |
	a b c

\book {
	\header {
		title = \markup { \italic Thema  }
		subtitle =  
		composer = \markup { John Thomas }
		dedication = { }
		tagline = \markup {  }
	\score {
		\context PianoStaff 
			\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
			\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = Harfe 
			\new Staff = upper \upperStaff
			\new Dynamics = Dynamics_pf \dynamic
			\new Staff = lower \lowerStaff
		\layout {
			% define Dynamics context
			\context {
			  \type Engraver_group
			  \name Dynamics
			  \alias Voice
			  \consists Output_property_engraver
			  \consists Piano_pedal_engraver
			  \consists Script_engraver
			  \consists New_dynamic_engraver
			  \consists Dynamic_align_engraver
			  \consists Text_engraver
			  \consists Skip_event_swallow_translator
			  \consists Axis_group_engraver

			  pedalSustainStrings = #'(Ped. *Ped. *)
			  pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'(una corda  tre corde)
			  \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
			  \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
			  \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
			  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
			% modify PianoStaff context to accept Dynamics context
			\context {
\accepts Dynamics
	\score {
		\unfoldRepeats {
		\context PianoStaff 
			\context Staff = upper \upperStaff
			\context Staff = lower \lowerStaff { a b c d e f g }
		\midi { }
% The following defines a new markup command 
%  \harp-pedal #^-v|--v^ 
% for harp pedal diagrams. Possible values in the string are:
%   ^ ... pedal is up
%   - ... pedal is neutral
%   v ... pedal is down
%   | ... vertical divider line
% The function does not check if the string has the typical form of three
% pedals, then the divider and then the remaining four pedals. Instead it 
% simply prints each symbol in the order as given. This means you can place
% the divider (even multiple dividers) anywhere you want.
% There is also a \harp-pedal-verbose version, which 
% takes a list of directions and a possible |. Unfortunately, it has some
% caveats:
%   1) the | cannot be given as a string |, but as a 

Re: Multiple scores with common layout setup

2009-04-01 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message, Helge Kruse writes

I have a Theme and Variations questions. I started notating a piece
what could be handled with (3.1.2 Multiple scores in a book, see also But I need a lot of layout setup in
the PianoStaff, that is bound to the \score. Further I would like to write
the Upper, Lower and Dynamics of the three variations in a similar way as
I did for the theme.

What is a convinient way to continue this notation work? I would like to
avoid duplicating text group by copy and paste.

Any other suggestions are welcome.

If it's all the same code, just bung it in a \include!

If it's similar code, look at using tags.

I create parts as separate files and an awful lot of my stuff is in
includes. For example, all the piece information for the header is in an
include and the part file contains

\header {
instrument = ...

Anthony W. Youngman -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2009/4/1 Francisco Vila
 At the same time, you all know what's the relation between the article
 and LilyPond: although not mentioned in the text, the first opera by
 Valentin Villenave is licensed as free software, and it has been fully
 typeset using Lily. It has been a remarkable absolute première and the
 article gives a very good value to the work and the performance.

Thanks a lot for sharing this; I had met with this journalist a few
months ago, and as I told him about alternate licencing choices, about
publishing the score on my own using a Free-software tool, I noticed
that he was less than convinced.

I met him again after a performance of my opera, and he confessed he
hadn't been expecting to see something as professional (his word) as
what he'd just seen.

 I take this opportunity to say Kudos! to all the great lilyponders who
 are using, developing and promoting this great piece of software.

As I said, LilyPond's job was remarkably appreciated by the musicians
and by the orchestra's librarist. Besides, writing and editing the
score was made way easier and more pleasant than anything I could have

No matter the value of this project itself (or possibly lack thereof,
time will tell), what makes me proud is that I've been able to pursue
the path opened by people like Nicolas Sceaux, Kieren, Trevor B., Jose
Padovani and several others, and to demonstrate that LilyPond is
definitely ready for prime-time: composers, publishers everywhere CAN
use, SHOULD use, WILL use LilyPond.

And not only LilyPond, but the Freedom that come with it: alternate
licences, ability to read, copy and modify the source code, etc.
Hopefully we will have, in the future, more and more works published
this way; we musicians and citizens of the world certainly do need
such a repertoire.

So say we all :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: invisible slurs in tablature

2009-04-01 Thread David Stocker

Marc Hohl wrote:

I think you should also add:

\override TabVoice.Tie #'transparent = ##t

Yes, of course. But then another problem occurs: if the tie isn't 
visible, it looks as if there are two distinct
notes. Therefore, I think strongly about a scheme function (which at 
the end should be hidden in the

TabVoice-context) which translates, e.g.

c4 d e2 ~ e4. e8


c4 d e2 s4. e8

so the spurious tablature number disappears in the output. From 
earlier postings I knew that there are
several functions about automatically calculating intervals etc., but 
I'm a scheme newbie. So I would be
glad if someone out there would give me a hint how to start writing 
such a function.
It should be noted that a publishing standard is when there is a Note 
Staff + Tab Staff, tied notes (that is, the notes that are 'held') in 
the Tab Staff are indicated by parenthesizing the tab number(s). There 
are several conventions that are related to tied notes in a Notes+Tab 

   * Tab numbers that are 'tied to' are sometimes parenthesized,
 sometimes hidden.
   * In the case that 'tied to' notes are hidden, a parenthesized tab
 number is usually forced if the 'tied to' note is at the beginning
 of a line (i.e., the note is tied over a system break).
   * Likewise, parenthesized tab numbers are forced when a 'tied to'
 note begins a 2nd ending or Coda section.
   * A parenthesized chord in the Tab Staff are indicated with a single
 pair of parentheses surrounding all of the notes in the chord (as
 opposed to as single pair of parentheses around each individual
 note in the chord).

Additionally, parenthesized tab numbers figure in released bends. 
Incidentally, I'm about to submit to the LilyPond-Tab community the 
first few entries in the catalog of desired tab features and they deal 
with some simple bends. I was going to try to make a comprehensive list 
of all 'finger-bend' situations, but that is turning out to be more work 
than I realized. So, instead I'm doing a short set of the most common 
bend situations so that this can get rolling sooner.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: invisible slurs in tablature

2009-04-01 Thread Carl D. Sorensen

On 4/1/09 1:09 AM, Marc Hohl wrote:

 Carl D. Sorensen schrieb:
 Would it be easier to define two separate staff commands? In my files, I
 noten = \relative c { c d e f }
 and feed this into a Staff AND a TabStaff. So, why not create a compound
 Staff (called \MusicTabStaff, for example),
 which does exactly the same as
  \Staff { \noten } \TabStaff  { \numbersOnly \noten } 
 and uses only the numbers, whereas \TabStaff (as defined in lilypond) is
 used in the cases where
 no regular staves are needed and thus shows up everything (stems, slurs

There are at least two ways to go with this.

The first is to have a StaffGroup that includes a Staff and a TabStaff.  It
would be something like a PianoStaff.  I don't know the details of how that
would word, but I suspect it could be done.

The second would be to write a simple music function with one argument (call
it myMusic) that expands to

 \new Staff { myMusic} \new TabStaff {\numbersOnly \myMusic

This music function would be a simple substitution function.  You can use
those in Notation Reference 6.1.2 as examples.

 When the decision is made, and it's ready for submission to LilyPond, the
 defaults will be established in ly/
 The commands for changing from one to the other will be established in
 Marc, once you've got consensus, you can make the changes and roll me a
 patch, and I'll apply it.
 Ok, but I think we are just at the beginning of the topic. The more I
 think about tablature features/defaults,
 the more complicated it gets ;-)

Oh, absolutely.  But it's not necessary to add everything all at once.
While we're in a development cycle (2.13), we can add features a little bit
at a time, and hopefully be close to done by the time we release 2.14.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: invisible slurs in tablature

2009-04-01 Thread Grammostola Rosea

David Stocker wrote:

Marc Hohl wrote:

I think you should also add:

\override TabVoice.Tie #'transparent = ##t

Yes, of course. But then another problem occurs: if the tie isn't 
visible, it looks as if there are two distinct
notes. Therefore, I think strongly about a scheme function (which at 
the end should be hidden in the

TabVoice-context) which translates, e.g.

c4 d e2 ~ e4. e8


c4 d e2 s4. e8

so the spurious tablature number disappears in the output. From 
earlier postings I knew that there are
several functions about automatically calculating intervals etc., but 
I'm a scheme newbie. So I would be
glad if someone out there would give me a hint how to start writing 
such a function.
It should be noted that a publishing standard is when there is a Note 
Staff + Tab Staff, tied notes (that is, the notes that are 'held') in 
the Tab Staff are indicated by parenthesizing the tab number(s). There 
are several conventions that are related to tied notes in a Notes+Tab 

   * Tab numbers that are 'tied to' are sometimes parenthesized,
 sometimes hidden.
   * In the case that 'tied to' notes are hidden, a parenthesized tab
 number is usually forced if the 'tied to' note is at the beginning
 of a line (i.e., the note is tied over a system break).
   * Likewise, parenthesized tab numbers are forced when a 'tied to'
 note begins a 2nd ending or Coda section.
   * A parenthesized chord in the Tab Staff are indicated with a single
 pair of parentheses surrounding all of the notes in the chord (as
 opposed to as single pair of parentheses around each individual
 note in the chord).

Additionally, parenthesized tab numbers figure in released bends. 
Incidentally, I'm about to submit to the LilyPond-Tab community the 
first few entries in the catalog of desired tab features and they deal 
with some simple bends. I was going to try to make a comprehensive 
list of all 'finger-bend' situations, but that is turning out to be 
more work than I realized. So, instead I'm doing a short set of the 
most common bend situations so that this can get rolling sooner.

Great to have an tablature expert amongst us.  We 're looking forward to 
your list David!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Nicolas Sceaux

Le 1 avr. 09 à 13:41, Valentin Villenave a écrit :

No matter the value of this project itself (or possibly lack thereof,
time will tell), what makes me proud is that I've been able to pursue
the path opened by people like Nicolas Sceaux, Kieren, Trevor B., Jose
Padovani and several others, and to demonstrate that LilyPond is
definitely ready for prime-time: composers, publishers everywhere CAN
use, SHOULD use, WILL use LilyPond.

Sure it is!
The première of Haendel's Giulio Cesare in Romania was perfomed using
a LilyPond score, as will be the première of Lully's Armide in Houston,
or instrumental pieces from Rameau's Hippolyte et Aricie next month in
New York, and the full opera next year in England. LilyPond scores are
used for real, serious stuff.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hello, all!

LilyPond scores are used for real, serious stuff.

This gets me to thinking... the website should have a section listing  
recent productions  performances which used Lilypond scores!

What does everyone think?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2009/4/1 Kieren MacMillan
 This gets me to thinking... the website should have a section listing recent
 productions  performances which used Lilypond scores!
 What does everyone think?



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Jonathan Kulp

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hello, all!

LilyPond scores are used for real, serious stuff.

This gets me to thinking... the website should have a section listing 
recent productions  performances which used Lilypond scores!

What does everyone think?

Genius idea.  Nicolas, are they using your engraving for Armide? 
Houston is about a four-hour drive from my house.  Maybe I'll go over 
there for it. :)  Tickets will be expensive, though, if it's the Houston 
Grand Opera. :(  Who's doing the production?


Jonathan Kulp

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/4/1 Nicolas Sceaux
 The première of Haendel's Giulio Cesare in Romania was perfomed using
 a LilyPond score, as will be the première of Lully's Armide in Houston,
 or instrumental pieces from Rameau's Hippolyte et Aricie next month in
 New York, and the full opera next year in England. LilyPond scores are
 used for real, serious stuff.


Bravo. Just curious, how do you manage to get informed of this?
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Francisco Vila
2009/4/1 Kieren MacMillan
 Hello, all!

 LilyPond scores are used for real, serious stuff.

 This gets me to thinking... the website should have a section listing recent
 productions  performances which used Lilypond scores!
 What does everyone think?

Definitely, it should.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Nicolas Sceaux

Le 1 avr. 09 à 19:55, Jonathan Kulp a écrit :

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hello, all!

LilyPond scores are used for real, serious stuff.
This gets me to thinking... the website should have a section  
listing recent productions  performances which used Lilypond scores!

What does everyone think?

Genius idea.  Nicolas, are they using your engraving for Armide?

Yes they are. I had no feedback on the score (typos, layout  
nor from the Swedish ensemble that used it two years ago, so I don't  

what the score is really worth, but it seems to serve them well.

Houston is about a four-hour drive from my house.  Maybe I'll go  
over there for it. :)  Tickets will be expensive, though, if it's  
the Houston Grand Opera. :(  Who's doing the production?

It's in the Cullen Theatre of Wortham Center, the ensemble is called
Mercury Baroque:

Oh boy, I see what you meant about the price with Houston Grand Opera...
do people at least get Champagne and caviar for a 250$ seat?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Nicolas Sceaux

Le 1 avr. 09 à 20:17, Francisco Vila a écrit :

2009/4/1 Nicolas Sceaux

The première of Haendel's Giulio Cesare in Romania was perfomed using
a LilyPond score, as will be the première of Lully's Armide in  
or instrumental pieces from Rameau's Hippolyte et Aricie next month  
New York, and the full opera next year in England. LilyPond scores  

used for real, serious stuff.


Bravo. Just curious, how do you manage to get informed of this?

Because the people told me :-)
Typically, a musician asks, say, if I plan to make the performing  

for the opera which lead sheet I've typeset, because they'd like to play
it for a concert.

Oh, parasiting a thread dedicated to Valentin's opera, I'm not showing  

manners, pardon.


lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond crashing with cue notes

2009-04-01 Thread northofscotland

I have been entering a seven part piece by Schutz; 2 voice + 5 instrumental. 
To help the performers I have been making extensive use of cue notes between
all seven parts.
I have been using Lilypond 2.12.2 with the latest jedit/Lilypond tool. 
Currently it is a clean, new install since I uninstalled/reinstalled to see
if that solved the problem, - it hasn't!
All the parts seem to work perfectly as stand-alone, un-cued but as I added
the cue notes, building up with a series of \include statements at the head
of the file, \cueDuring in the notes and \addQuote before the \score
statement it all seemed to go pear shaped and hang - seemingly in some
indefinite loop.  The problem seemed to arise once I was about half way
through with some files that had worked perfectly - including the cues
throwing a wobbly, and with others which were being worked on.  The only way
to get out of it is to kill everything

Is it me, the program, bugs, lilypond tool or whatever?  More importantly,
has anyone any ideas how to fix it please?
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Review of Valentin's Opera

2009-04-01 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Hash: SHA1

On Mittwoch, 1. April 2009 19:25:02 Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
 Le 1 avr. 09 à 13:41, Valentin Villenave a écrit :
  No matter the value of this project itself (or possibly lack thereof,
  time will tell), what makes me proud is that I've been able to pursue
  the path opened by people like Nicolas Sceaux, Kieren, Trevor B., Jose
  Padovani and several others, and to demonstrate that LilyPond is
  definitely ready for prime-time: composers, publishers everywhere CAN
  use, SHOULD use, WILL use LilyPond.

 Sure it is!

I can only confirm this. A performance of Schubert's German Stabat Mater 
(D383) last year here in Vienna was also done using LilyPond orchestra 
material. The musicians really liked the good look of the score.

The only problems appear when trying to create good-looking full scores for 
the conductor (part combining is unusable and vertical stretching and page 
layout is also quit bad). But the orchestra material with only one-staff 
systems can really be done in a quality superior to most commercial scores.
The only problem I had with individual instrumental scores were cue notes to 
vocal voices, where you can't easily attach lyrics.

- -- 
- --
Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial  Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: download versie 2.12

2009-04-01 Thread Daniel Hulme
On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 07:38:30AM +0200, Christ van Willegen wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Trevor Daniels 
  They vary, but Firefox has a recognised certificate
  which identifies the publisher as Mozilla Corporation.
  The certificate was issued by Thawte Code Signing CA.
 ...and those certificates are $599. Ouch.

And, speaking from experience, the cash price of the thing is nothing
compared to the organisational faff required to get one and sign
binaries with it. You pretty much need a dedicated Windows box to store
it on and do signing with, and one or two designated people to have the
passphrase of the key. And if by some mishap you lose the key or the
passphrase they charge even more money to send you a new one.

It has no security benefit anyway. There are plenty of malwares around
there with valid signatures; you just need the dough and some headed
notepaper to convince the certificate authorities to sign your key.
Signing the downloadable binaries (for all platforms) with OpenPGP means
that users who want to can verify their integrity; if enough Vista users
care enough about having to click through the security warning then
there might be a good business model of selling signed installers
(including the source code, of course, as per GPL).

Trends on the internet are larger than they appear.  Act your age, not your disk size.

Description: Digital signature
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