Need help with voices and staves

2010-12-01 Thread George_

I'm transcribing Bach's Fugue No. 20 in A minor from the Well-Tempered
Clavier Bk. 1, and I've run into a bit of a problem:

% Created on Tue Nov 30 08:26:15 NZDT 2010
\version 2.13.40

\header {
title = Fugue XX 
 subtitle = A Minor, BWV 865 
composer = J. S. Bach


staffPiano = \new PianoStaff {
\set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #acoustic grand
\time 4/4
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'stencil 
= ##f
\tempo 4 = 80 

\new Staff = RH {  % Right hand 
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\relative c' {

%This is Voice One
\change Staff = LH
r8 a16 gis a8 b 
\change Staff = RH
c c16 b c8 d |
e16 d c d e8 f
\change Staff = LH
gis, e r a |
b16 c a b
\change Staff = RH
c d b c d8 c b e |
b' \rest e,16 dis e8 fis g g16 fis g8 a 
b16 a g a b8 c dis, b b' \rest e, |
\stemUp fis16 g e fis g a fis g a8 g 
fis b |
e, fis16 gis a b c d e8 a, gis4 |
a8 a g f e c' b a |
gis e' d c b16 c d b c b a c |
d e f d e4 ~ e8 a, b16 c d8 ~ |
} \\ 
%This is Voice Two
s1 s1 s1
\change Staff = LH
a,4 g8 fis e c' b a |
g16 fis e fis g8 a b16 a g a b8 c ~ |
c b16 a b8 \change Staff = RH e ~ e 
d16 cis d4 ~ |
d8 c16 b c4 ~ c16 a' g f e d c b |
c16 b c4 d8 e16 d e4 f8 ~ |
f16 fis e fis gis8 a b4 e,8 \rest a |
g4 ~ g16 f e g fis4 gis |







\new Staff = LH {  % Left hand
\clef bass
\key a \minor
\relative c {

%This is Voice Three
\stemDown s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1
\change Staff = LH
f8 \rest a,16 gis a8 b c c16 b c8 d |
e16 d c d e8 f gis, e d' \rest a |
b16 c a b cis d b cis d8 c b e |




Re: Shrinking beams along with noteheads

2010-12-01 Thread -Eluze

nachkan wrote:
 I am simply trying to explicitly write out a glissando in small notes (of
 a specified size), while keeping the rhythmic notation accurate. They
 happen to be 64th notes, so they have four beams connecting the stems. It
 is easy enough to make the noteheads the desired size with e.g. \override
 NoteHead #'font-size = #-2. However, I cannot figure out how to make the
 beams smaller as well - which is a fairly big deal when you have four
 beams. I see that I can make the beam lines themselves thinner by writing
 e.g. \override Beam #'thickness = #0.35, but they are still spaced the
 same distance apart as they normally would be. I cannot find any reference
 to any variable or property which modifies the distance (or gap) between
 the beams (the Beam object's gap property, while sounding promising,
 seems to do nothing) - if I could, this problem would be solved.
 What I am looking for is essentially the same as what \grace does, but the
 notation it creates is too small for me, and I want to be able to set the
 size to somewhere in between grace note size and normal note size.
 I thought this would be a common enough problem but after hours of
 searching the internet, the lilypond docs, and these forums, I haven't
 been able to find a solution. Is there some way to modify the beam
 spacings in this way? Is there some way to alter the \grace command to
 produce the desired effect? Or any other way of approaching this problem?
 I don't mind doing some Scheme or other technical/geeky stuff, but I am
 currently at a loss as to how to proceed with this.
 Any help is really appreciated, thank you.

maybe  \new CueVoice { … } is what you're looking for!?
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Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Try ragged-last = ##f

as for the verse numbers, you probably could add \set stanza commands in the 
right places.

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:
Nederlands LilyPond forum:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: My Lilypond Chart Template

2010-12-01 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm

Am 2010-11-29 um 22:15 schrieb hsweet:

This is a template I've been slowly evolving to use for charts for  
my band.

As a bit of inspiration, these are my templates:;a=tree is the one I actually use, most settings are in was the previous version.
These are commented only in German. is nearly the same as, but with  
comments in English.

In contrary/addition to yours...
- separate scores for print and MIDI, to be able to influence them  
independently (e.g. unfoldRepeats and dynamics)

- lyrics of all verses in two columns
- different structure

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt

Hello Athanasius,

this is an interesting problem! I first thought, you just had to change 
ragged-last to ##f . This is what Lilypond says to *not* compress or rag 
the last line - so it stretches to the end.

This does not help. And you probably tried this already.
I found a workaround-solution (using Lily 2.12.3, should also work in 

1. in the paper block

2. add a hidden note after the last \break in the music part:
... e) \finalis \break
\stopStaff \hideNotes e

This causes the last line to stretch in my setup.

The stanza numbers all appear with Lily 2.12. I will look, if this works 
in 2.13.


On 01.12.2010 02:51, Br. Athanasius Pelletier wrote:
Hello all!  I am having trouble making the last line stretch to the 
end.  Also, I would like to have numbers for all the verses not just 
for the first part.

Here is my file:

\version 2.13.35


\header {
  subtitle = Veni Creator Spiritus
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f

  ragged-last=##t %I don't know how to fix this

sopranoVoice = \relative c' {
  \key a \major
  e4 fis e ( d) e fis (e) a b a2 \break \divisioMaior
  a4 e fis a b ( a) b cis b \break \divisioMaior
  a4 b ( cis) a ( gis) fis ( e) a ( b) e, fis a2 \break \divisioMaior
  gis4 ( a) fis e (d) fis fis ( gis fis) e d e2 \divisioMaxima
  e4 ( fis e) d2 ( e) \finalis \break

verseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 1.
  Ve -- ni Cre -- á -- tor __ Spí -- ri -- tus,
  men -- tes tu -- ó -- rum vi -- sí -- ta,
  im -- ple __ su -- pér -- na __ grá -- ti -- a
  quae tu cre -- á -- sti __  pé -- cto -- ra.

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 2.
  Qui dí -- ce -- ris Pa -- rá -- cli -- tus,
  al -- tís -- si -- mi do -- num De -- i,
  fons vi -- vus, i -- gnis, ca -- ri -- tas,
  et __ spi -- ri -- tá -- lis __ ún -- cti -- o.

verseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 3.
  Tu se -- pti -- fór -- mis __ mú -- ne -- re,
  Dex -- trae De -- i tu __ dí -- gi -- tus,
  Tu ri -- te pro -- mís -- sum Pa -- tris,
  Ser -- mó -- ne __ di -- tans __ gút -- tu -- ra.

verseFour = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 4.
  Ac -- cén -- de lu -- men sén -- si -- bus,
  In -- fúnde a -- mó -- rem __ cór -- di -- bus,
  In -- fír -- ma __ no -- stri __ cór -- po -- ris
  Vir -- tú -- te __ fir -- mans __ pér -- pe -- ti.

verseFive = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 5.
  Hos -- tem re -- pél -- las __ lón -- gi -- us,
  pa -- cém -- que do -- nes __ pró -- ti -- nus;
  Du -- ctó -- re sic __ te __ praé -- vi -- o,
  Vi -- té -- mus __ o -- mne __ nó -- xi -- um.

verseSix = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 6.
  Per te sci -- á -- mus __ da Pa -- trem,
  No -- scá -- mus at -- que __ Fí -- li -- um,
  Te u -- tri -- ús -- que __ Spí -- ri -- tum
  Cre -- dá -- mus o -- mni __ tém -- po -- re.

verseSeven = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 7.
  De -- o Pa -- tri sit __ gló -- ri -- a,
  Et Fí -- li -- o qui~a mór -- tu -- is,
  Sur -- ré -- xit, __ ac __ Pa -- rá -- cli -- to,
  In __ sae -- cu -- ló -- rum __ saé -- cu -- la. A -- men. __

\score {
  \new Staff { \sopranoVoice }
  \addlyrics { \verseOne }
  \addlyrics { \verseTwo }
  \addlyrics { \verseThree }
  \addlyrics { \verseFour }
  \addlyrics { \verseFive }
  \addlyrics { \verseSix }
  \addlyrics { \verseSeven }
  \layout {
\context {
  \remove Time_signature_engraver
  \remove Bar_engraver
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt

Hello once again,

I forgot to mention to add an empty \markup in the last verse. Otherwise 
the amen-extender will not look nice and complain while compile.
And I misunderstood your stanza question first. I saw Wilbert answered 
that this minute. I copied \set stanza in every line, so every 
verse-line starts with a number.


% I use stable version, compiled this once in 2.13.40
\version 2.12.3


\header {
  subtitle = Veni Creator Spiritus
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f

  %commented out for my A4-world

sopranoVoice = \relative c' {
  \key a \major
  e4 fis e ( d) e fis (e) a b a2 \break \divisioMaior
  a4 e fis a b ( a) b cis b \break \divisioMaior
  a4 b ( cis) a ( gis) fis ( e) a ( b) e, fis a2 \break \divisioMaior
  gis4 ( a) fis e (d) fis fis ( gis fis) e d e2 \divisioMaxima
  e4 ( fis e) d2 ( e) \finalis \break
\stopStaff \hideNotes e

verseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 1.
  Ve -- ni Cre -- á -- tor __ Spí -- ri -- tus,
\set stanza = 1.
  men -- tes tu -- ó -- rum vi -- sí -- ta,
  \set stanza = 1.
  im -- ple __ su -- pér -- na __ grá -- ti -- a
  \set stanza = 1.
  quae tu cre -- á -- sti __  pé -- cto -- ra.

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 2.
  Qui dí -- ce -- ris Pa -- rá -- cli -- tus,
  \set stanza = 2.
  al -- tís -- si -- mi do -- num De -- i,
  \set stanza = 2.
  fons vi -- vus, i -- gnis, ca -- ri -- tas,
  \set stanza = 2.
  et __ spi -- ri -- tá -- lis __ ún -- cti -- o.

verseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 3.
  Tu se -- pti -- fór -- mis __ mú -- ne -- re,
  \set stanza = 3.
  Dex -- trae De -- i tu __ dí -- gi -- tus,
  \set stanza = 3.
  Tu ri -- te pro -- mís -- sum Pa -- tris,
  \set stanza = 3.
  Ser -- mó -- ne __ di -- tans __ gút -- tu -- ra.

verseFour = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 4.
  Ac -- cén -- de lu -- men sén -- si -- bus,
  \set stanza = 4.
  In -- fúnde a -- mó -- rem __ cór -- di -- bus,
  \set stanza = 4.
  In -- fír -- ma __ no -- stri __ cór -- po -- ris
  \set stanza = 4.
  Vir -- tú -- te __ fir -- mans __ pér -- pe -- ti.

verseFive = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 5.
  Hos -- tem re -- pél -- las __ lón -- gi -- us,
  \set stanza = 5.
  pa -- cém -- que do -- nes __ pró -- ti -- nus;
  \set stanza = 5.
  Du -- ctó -- re sic __ te __ praé -- vi -- o,
  \set stanza = 5.
  Vi -- té -- mus __ o -- mne __ nó -- xi -- um.

verseSix = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 6.
  Per te sci -- á -- mus __ da Pa -- trem,
  \set stanza = 6.
  No -- scá -- mus at -- que __ Fí -- li -- um,
  \set stanza = 6.
  Te u -- tri -- ús -- que __ Spí -- ri -- tum
  \set stanza = 6.
  Cre -- dá -- mus o -- mni __ tém -- po -- re.

verseSeven = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 7.
  De -- o Pa -- tri sit __ gló -- ri -- a,
  \set stanza = 7.
  Et Fí -- li -- o qui~a mór -- tu -- is,
  \set stanza = 7.
  Sur -- ré -- xit, __ ac __ Pa -- rá -- cli -- to,
  \set stanza = 7.
  In __ sae -- cu -- ló -- rum __ saé -- cu -- la. A -- men. __ \markup { }

\score {
  \new Staff { \sopranoVoice }
  \addlyrics { \verseOne }
  \addlyrics { \verseTwo }
  \addlyrics { \verseThree }
  \addlyrics { \verseFour }
  \addlyrics { \verseFive }
  \addlyrics { \verseSix }
  \addlyrics { \verseSeven }
  \layout {
\context {
  \remove Time_signature_engraver
  \remove Bar_engraver
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
lilypond-user mailing list

cross-staff beams

2010-12-01 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


Please try the following example, which is rendered less than optimal 
using 2.13.40. Do you agree Lilypond should be able to 
do better than this ? Is it worth a bug report ?


\version 2.13.40

upper = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \time 2/4
  \set Staff.beatStructure = #'(2)
  e4 e | e e |

lower = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \time 2/4
  R2 |
  \change Staff = up e'8
  \change Staff = down a,,
  \change Staff = up e''
  \change Staff = down a,, |

\score {
  \new PianoStaff 
\new Staff=up \upper
\new Staff=down \lower
  \layout {}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread -Eluze

Athanasius Pelletier wrote:
 Hello all!  I am having trouble making the last line stretch to the end.
it seems that ragged-last shoul be used in the \layout block!

Athanasius Pelletier wrote:
 Also, I would like to have numbers for all the verses not just for the

you can add the following and maybe tweak the different values:

\set stanza = 2.
\set vocalName = #2.
\set shortVocalName = #2.
\override InstrumentName #'X-offset = #3
\override InstrumentName #'font-size = #'0.1

see also
in the forum!

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Re: cross-staff beams

2010-12-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
 Please try the following example, which is rendered less than optimal using
 2.13.40. Do you agree Lilypond should be able to do better than this ? Is it
 worth a bug report ?

I think you need to be more specific as to what exactly LilyPond could
do better in this particular case (or better yet, provide us with a
counter-example from a scanned score that behaves better in your
opinion). Attached is the output I get, and it looks (kinda) fine to

attachment: bug.preview.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Need help with voices and staves

2010-12-01 Thread Francisco Vila
2010/11/30 George_

 I'm transcribing Bach's Fugue No. 20 in A minor from the Well-Tempered
 Clavier Bk. 1, and I've run into a bit of a problem:

George:  I can reproduce your problem.  But my first advice is: try to
separate content from structure giving names to music blocks (such as
voices), then using the names in a bare bones structure.  That way you
(and we all) will see much more clearly how your file is structured.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt

Hello Eluze,

it seems that ragged-last shoul be used in the \layout block!


thanks. So my solution with the hidden note is an unneeded hack!
I often underestimate the layout block ;-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: subsections of a book

2010-12-01 Thread Jiri Zurek (Prague)

Well, nobody seems to know whether a third level element of the book is
possible in Lilypond. In fact, I could make a workaround by using the chain
of \book one after the other, which would do the trick, after all. The only
problem is that I would need to merge the PDFs which are created for each
\book separately which is very easy task. 
However, the only obstacle in doing it is that whenever new \book appears,
the page numbering is re-set to the initial value. Is there a way in
Lilypond how to say that it should NOT re-set page numbering when
encountering new \book command and rather to continue the page numbering
from the previous \book?

Jiri Zurek (Prague) wrote:
 Is it possible to create an additional, third level structure element of
 the book? 

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Fwd: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread Tim McNamara

Begin forwarded message:

Hello all!  I am having trouble making the last line stretch to the  
end.  Also, I would like to have numbers for all the verses not  
just for the first part.

Here is my file:

\version 2.13.35


\header {
  subtitle = Veni Creator Spiritus
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f

  ragged-last=##t %I don't know how to fix this


will fix that issue.

lilypond-user mailing list has vanished?!

2010-12-01 Thread -Eluze

is there a reason why the indenting program which was available
in former versions of lilypond is not included anymore?

for me it did a good job although i had to adapt my calling program to
enable updating lilypond code in place!
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Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: -Eluze

Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

Athanasius Pelletier wrote:

Hello all!  I am having trouble making the last line stretch to the end.

it seems that ragged-last shoul be used in the \layout block!

According to 
it should be in the \paper block.

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers : Slight Return

2010-12-01 Thread Br. Athanasius Pelletier
Thanks, everyone for your help!

I have used Eluze's reccomendation and it works well.

The verse numbers, however, are too far to the left and I would like to know
how to compact the lyrics a bit so that the numbers line up just under the
lines instead of being outside.

\version 2.13.35


\header {
  subtitle = Veni Creator Spiritus
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f


chant = \relative c' {
  \key a \major
  e4 fis e ( d) e fis (e) a b a2 \break \divisioMaior
  a4 e fis a b ( a) b cis b \break \divisioMaior
  a4 b ( cis) a ( gis) fis ( e) a ( b) e, fis a2 \break \divisioMaior
  gis4 ( a) fis e (d) fis fis ( gis fis) e d e2 \divisioMaxima
  e4 ( fis e) d2 ( e) \finalis

verbaOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 1.
  Ve -- ni Cre -- á -- tor __ Spí -- ri -- tus,

  \set stanza = 1.
  men -- tes tu -- ó -- rum vi -- sí -- ta,

  \set stanza = 1.
  im -- ple __ su -- pér -- na __ grá -- ti -- a

  \set stanza = 1.
  quae tu cre -- á -- sti __  pé -- cto -- ra.

verbaTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 2.
  Qui dí -- ce -- ris Pa -- rá -- cli -- tus,

  \set stanza = 2.
  al -- tís -- si -- mi do -- num De -- i,

  \set stanza = 2.
  fons vi -- vus, i -- gnis, ca -- ri -- tas,

  \set stanza = 2.
  et __ spi -- ri -- tá -- lis __ ún -- cti -- o.

verbaThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 3.
  Tu se -- pti -- fór -- mis __ mú -- ne -- re,

  \set stanza = 3.
  Dex -- trae De -- i tu __ dí -- gi -- tus,

  \set stanza = 3.
  Tu ri -- te pro -- mís -- sum Pa -- tris,

  \set stanza = 3.
  Ser -- mó -- ne __ di -- tans __ gút -- tu -- ra.

verbaFour = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 4.
  Ac -- cén -- de lu -- men sén -- si -- bus,

  \set stanza = 4.
  In -- fúnde a -- mó -- rem __ cór -- di -- bus,

  \set stanza = 4.
  In -- fír -- ma __ no -- stri __ cór -- po -- ris

  \set stanza = 4.
  Vir -- tú -- te __ fir -- mans __ pér -- pe -- ti.

verbaFive = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 5.
  Hos -- tem re -- pél -- las __ lón -- gi -- us,

  \set stanza = 5.
  pa -- cém -- que do -- nes __ pró -- ti -- nus;

  \set stanza = 5.
  Du -- ctó -- re sic __ te __ praé -- vi -- o,

  \set stanza = 5.
  Vi -- té -- mus __ o -- mne __ nó -- xi -- um.

verbaSix = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 6.
  Per te sci -- á -- mus __ da Pa -- trem,

  \set stanza = 6.
  No -- scá -- mus at -- que __ Fí -- li -- um,

  \set stanza = 6.
  Te u -- tri -- ús -- que __ Spí -- ri -- tum

  \set stanza = 6.
  Cre -- dá -- mus o -- mni __ tém -- po -- re.

verbaSeven = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = 7.
  De -- o Pa -- tri sit __ gló -- ri -- a,

  \set stanza = 7.
  Et Fí -- li -- o qui~a mór -- tu -- is,

  \set stanza = 7.
  Sur -- ré -- xit, __ ac __ Pa -- rá -- cli -- to,

  \set stanza = 7.
  In __ sae -- cu -- ló -- rum __ saé -- cu -- la. A -- men. __


\score {
  \new Staff { \chant }
  \addlyrics { \verbaOne }
  \addlyrics { \verbaTwo }
  \addlyrics { \verbaThree }
  \addlyrics { \verbaFour }
  \addlyrics { \verbaFive }
  \addlyrics { \verbaSix }
  \addlyrics { \verbaSeven }
  \layout {

\context {
  \remove Time_signature_engraver
  \remove Bar_engraver
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread -Eluze

Phil Holmes-2 wrote:
 According to
 it should be in the \paper block.
 Phil Holmes

that's what i used to think, but in this case it does not work in the \paper

the doc (NR) itself *always* uses ragged-last or ragged-right in the \layout
block - if it is supposed to work when specified in the paper block then it
looks like a flaw.

otherwise this should be substantiated in the documentation!

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Re: Need help with voices and staves

2010-12-01 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: George_

Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 6:30 AM
Subject: Need help with voices and staves

I'm transcribing Bach's Fugue No. 20 in A minor from the Well-Tempered
Clavier Bk. 1, and I've run into a bit of a problem:

[snip approx 150 lines]

When I get to bar 11 and the fourth voice comes in the output
becomes...strange. The First voice moves into the bottom staff and the 
note in bar 8 now has the stem coming from the middle of the note - but 
I change the rest to s8 in reference to the error I get, the stem moves 

to its normal position (why is that, anyway?)

I'd guess many people saw your first post.  However, the music you've posted 
is really too complicated for most people to want to step in and debug for 
you.  From my perspective, it's also written very strangely - why would you 
start the music in one stave with 2 voices, and swap staves all the time. 
Why not, as a general rule, put the music for the LH into the LH stave, only 
crossing where needed (see bar 4, for example).

Have you checked the logfile for errors - there are loads.  One thing to 
concentrate on is getting rid of them all.

Also - I'd suggest reading


Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cross-staff beams

2010-12-01 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: Valentin Villenave

To: Martin Tarenskeen
Cc: lilypond-user mailinglist
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: cross-staff beams

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
Please try the following example, which is rendered less than optimal 
2.13.40. Do you agree Lilypond should be able to do better than this ? Is 

worth a bug report ?

I think you need to be more specific as to what exactly LilyPond could
do better in this particular case (or better yet, provide us with a
counter-example from a scanned score that behaves better in your
opinion). Attached is the output I get, and it looks (kinda) fine to


Especially in comparison to

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: paper block for little snippets for webpublishing

2010-12-01 Thread Marc Mouries

On 11/19/2010 4:54 AM, Bill Mooney wrote:

you might try :-

lilypond -f png -dresolution=600 filename
where the 600 is an example - whatever you find is appropriate

Hope this helps
Thanks Bill. The option -d is not accepted by lilypond-book only by 

Is there any way to set the resolution with lilypond-book?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

2010-12-01 Thread eluze

Am 01.12.2010, 18:47 Uhr, schrieb Phil Holmes

- Original Message -
From: -Eluze
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers

Phil Holmes-2 wrote:

According to
it should be in the \paper block.

Phil Holmes

that's what i used to think, but in this case it does not work in the

the doc (NR) itself *always* uses ragged-last or ragged-right in the
block - if it is supposed to work when specified in the paper block then
looks like a flaw.

otherwise this should be substantiated in the documentation!

It works exactly as documented for me.  See the attached files.

Phil Holmes

your examples do not use ragged-right nor ragged-last!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: has vanished?!

2010-12-01 Thread Graham Percival
On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 03:38:17AM -0800, -Eluze wrote:
 is there a reason why the indenting program which was available
 in former versions of lilypond is not included anymore?

Err, I don't remember having any as part of lilypond.
What version did you see it in?

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: has vanished?!

2010-12-01 Thread eluze
Am 01.12.2010, 19:59 Uhr, schrieb Graham Percival

On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 03:38:17AM -0800, -Eluze wrote:
is there a reason why the indenting program which was  

in former versions of lilypond is not included anymore?

Err, I don't remember having any as part of lilypond.
What version did you see it in?

- Graham

2.13.8 and before 2.13, but i don't remember which!

c:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\share\lilypond\current\python\


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: paper block for little snippets for webpublishing

2010-12-01 Thread Bill Mooney

Dear Marc,
Sorry, I can't help with LP-Book.
I've never used it. :)

On 02/12/10 06:04, Marc Mouries wrote:

On 11/19/2010 4:54 AM, Bill Mooney wrote:

you might try :-

lilypond -f png -dresolution=600 filename
where the 600 is an example - whatever you find is appropriate

Hope this helps

Thanks Bill. The option -d is not accepted by lilypond-book only by
Is there any way to set the resolution with lilypond-book?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with sustain brackets with polyphony

2010-12-01 Thread Keith OHara
Christoph stadler.chr at writes:
 I am trying to figure out how to use sustain brackets correctly in polyphony. 
 the notes of the two voices are shifted horizontally on the same time, the
 bracket end at one note and start again at the other leaving a gap in between
 (you can see it in the attached example) I would like to have the brackets
 always connected. How can I do it?
  I do not think there is any way to change how the pedal bracket is placed 
relative to the other voices in the same staff. (Issue 723 in the bug list
is similar problem, that the bracket aligns to the left of chords with 2nds.)

  Maybe you would like to move the pedal to its own staff-like context.  
Someone has defined a staff-like context called Dynamics (link below) 
that people like well enough that it will be built-in in the next Lilypond
version 2.14.  As a side effect, which could be good, the pedal brackets
will always be aligned to the same height, even if there are gaps.

\score { 
  \new PianoStaff 
\new Staff 
\new Staff \clef F \time 3/4 \tenor \\ \bass 
\new Dynamics \with { 
  pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket 
 % or, \set Dynamics.pedalSustainStyle ... where you had it
} \pedal   
\layout {
  % copy the layout from

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: has vanished?!

2010-12-01 Thread -Eluze

Graham Percival-3 wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 03:38:17AM -0800, -Eluze wrote:
 is there a reason why the indenting program which was
 in former versions of lilypond is not included anymore?
 Err, I don't remember having any as part of lilypond.
 What version did you see it in?
 - Graham
maybe i have implemented it myself for my purposes? - i don't really

howsoever it would be nice to have such a program released by Lilypond!

- Lilypond users could run this program for themselves to have a nicely
indented + structured code and it'd be a big help in finding missing
brackets of any kind () [] {}
- you could ask this program be run before submitting code to a Lilypond

is there any scotch to this!?


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Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers : Slight Return

2010-12-01 Thread -Eluze

Athanasius Pelletier wrote:
 Thanks, everyone for your help!
 I have used Eluze's reccomendation and it works well.
 The verse numbers, however, are too far to the left and I would like to
 how to compact the lyrics a bit so that the numbers line up just under the
 lines instead of being outside.

you did *not* follow my recommendation for stanza numbers on every line!

here is an example how to:

output: vocalName.pdf 
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Re: has vanished?!

2010-12-01 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, -Eluze wrote:

maybe i have implemented it myself for my purposes? - i don't really

howsoever it would be nice to have such a program released by Lilypond!

There is a script that is part of the files that come with 
Frescobaldi. It is used by Frescobaldi, but should also work as a 
standalone version.

It used to work fine for me in the past, but currently I'm having some 
problems using it as a standalone tool. Wilbert has promised me to 
investigate the problem, which is probably related to my newer Python 2.7 
(Fedora 14).



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with ragged-last and verse numbers : Slight Return

2010-12-01 Thread Athanasius

Eluze or whoever, 

So I have added a hidden note, otherwise the verse text was over the verse
numbers.  Is there a way to modify the verse numbers, first, to match the
size of the ones on top and also to maybe move them to the left a little
bit?  Below is the modified file.  (is there stuff in the verseNumber
section that I don't need?) 

\version 2.13.35


\header {
  subtitle = Veni Creator Spiritus
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f


verseNumber = #(define-music-function (parser location number name
shortname) (string? string? string?)
\set stanza = \markup \smaller \italic $number
\set vocalName  = \markup $name
\set shortVocalName = \markup \teeny $shortname
\override InstrumentName #'font-series  = #'bold
\override InstrumentName #'font-shape   = #'italic  
  \override InstrumentName #'font-size= #'0.1 
\override InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\override InstrumentName #'X-offset = #3.2

chant = \relative c' {
  \key a \major
  e4 fis e ( d) e fis (e) a b a2 \break \divisioMaior
  \hideNotes e \unHideNotes
  a4 e fis a b ( a) b cis b \break \divisioMaior
  \hideNotes e \unHideNotes
  a,4 b ( cis) a ( gis) fis ( e) a ( b) e, fis a2 \break \divisioMaior
  \hideNotes e \unHideNotes
  gis4 ( a) fis e (d) fis fis ( gis fis) e d e2 \divisioMaxima
  \hideNotes e \unHideNotes
  e4 ( fis e) d2 ( e) \finalis

verbaOne = \lyricmode {
  \verseNumber #1. # #1.
  Ve -- ni Cre -- á -- tor __ Spí -- ri -- tus,
   men -- tes tu -- ó -- rum vi -- sí -- ta,
   im -- ple __ su -- pér -- na __ grá -- ti -- a
   quae tu cre -- á -- sti __  pé -- cto -- ra.

verbaTwo = \lyricmode {
  \verseNumber #2. # #2.
  Qui dí -- ce -- ris Pa -- rá -- cli -- tus,
   al -- tís -- si -- mi do -- num De -- i,
   fons vi -- vus, i -- gnis, ca -- ri -- tas,
   et __ spi -- ri -- tá -- lis __ ún -- cti -- o.

verbaThree = \lyricmode {
  \verseNumber #3. # #3.
  Tu se -- pti -- fór -- mis __ mú -- ne -- re,
   Dex -- trae De -- i tu __ dí -- gi -- tus,
   Tu ri -- te pro -- mís -- sum Pa -- tris,
   Ser -- mó -- ne __ di -- tans __ gút -- tu -- ra.

verbaFour = \lyricmode {
 \verseNumber #4. # #4.
  Ac -- cén -- de lu -- men sén -- si -- bus,
   In -- fúnde a -- mó -- rem __ cór -- di -- bus,
   In -- fír -- ma __ no -- stri __ cór -- po -- ris
   Vir -- tú -- te __ fir -- mans __ pér -- pe -- ti.

verbaFive = \lyricmode {
  \verseNumber #5. # #5.
  Hos -- tem re -- pél -- las __ lón -- gi -- us,
   pa -- cém -- que do -- nes __ pró -- ti -- nus;
   Du -- ctó -- re sic __ te __ praé -- vi -- o,
   Vi -- té -- mus __ o -- mne __ nó -- xi -- um.

verbaSix = \lyricmode {
  \verseNumber #6. # #6.
  Per te sci -- á -- mus __ da Pa -- trem,
   No -- scá -- mus at -- que __ Fí -- li -- um,
   Te u -- tri -- ús -- que __ Spí -- ri -- tum
   Cre -- dá -- mus o -- mni __ tém -- po -- re.

verbaSeven = \lyricmode {
  \verseNumber #7. # #7.
  De -- o Pa -- tri sit __ gló -- ri -- a,
   Et Fí -- li -- o qui~a mór -- tu -- is,
   Sur -- ré -- xit, __ ac __ Pa -- rá -- cli -- to,
   In __ sae -- cu -- ló -- rum __ saé -- cu -- la. A -- men. __


\score {
  \new Staff { \chant }
  \addlyrics { \verbaOne }
  \addlyrics { \verbaTwo }
  \addlyrics { \verbaThree }
  \addlyrics { \verbaFour }
  \addlyrics { \verbaFive }
  \addlyrics { \verbaSix }
  \addlyrics { \verbaSeven }
  \layout {

\context {
  \remove Time_signature_engraver
  \remove Bar_engraver
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t  
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Re: subsections of a book

2010-12-01 Thread Federico Bruni
Il giorno mer, 01/12/2010 alle 06.21 -0800, Jiri Zurek (Prague) ha
 However, the only obstacle in doing it is that whenever new \book
 the page numbering is re-set to the initial value. Is there a way in
 Lilypond how to say that it should NOT re-set page numbering when
 encountering new \book command and rather to continue the page
 from the previous \book? 

You can set it manually, specifying first-page-number for each \book
But I guess you want LilyPond to do it for you... I don't know how to
achieve that.

Maybe you could say LilyPond not to print any page number. Then when you
put pdf together you add page numbers at once. I don't know if pdftk can
add page numbers.


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