Re: Fwd: Dividing ties and adjusting ties in an arpeggiated chord

2011-04-03 Thread madMuze

It will be interesting to see if it works
in this example where there is more than one tie at a time.
That potentially answers half my question. I wonder if anyone knows
how to alter the curve of the ties in this situation.

Oh dear, but you are asking for it !
If one is adept with scheme, some or even much of the following can be
automated. Even so, it's quite a trip down the rabbit hole and only you can
decide if it is worth the grief.

You can, of course, write your own code to shape and position ties and place
it in your style file. The example code in the notation reference under
difficult tweaks is the model to follow. This could include any number of
conditions and calculations. However, although the left endpoint and the
inner control points can be determined from the first note of the tie
(X-offset = 0, Y-offset = position on the staff), I know of no way to access
the second note's position directly. Fortunately, the X-offset of the right
endpoint as determined by LilyPond (which varies in relation to the note)
can be retrieved:

\override Score.Tie #'after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob)
(let*   (
(noteL (ly:grob-parent (ly:grob-original grob) X)) % 
left notehead
(endX (car (cadddr (ly:tie::calc-control-points 
grob % right endpoint
of tie
(dotX (ly:duration-dot-count (ly:event-property 
(event-cause noteL)
% number of dots on left notehead
(noteY (ly:grob-property noteL 'Y-offset)) % vertical 
position of
(taiDir (ly:tie::calc-direction grob)) % tie direction 
according to
% … … … many, many things would follow to account for 
% if not all, possibilities

I know almost nothing of scheme and have gleaned these bits from the very
nice and intelligent people on this forum. You'll need a good bit of scheme,
a deep understanding of the Bezier function (in order to quantize the hump
and avoid staff-line collisions), and a couple hours/days/months to
experiment, if you plan to go this route. A similar routine could be created
incorporating variables along with \once \override… for adjusting
occasional, rather than default, behavior.

% freak not, remember to breathe %

You can also separate the chord into different voices and use:

\override Staff.NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t % and afterwards, 

to allow the notes to line up vertically. (You would have to manually offset
seconds.) Then, each voice can have its own command, allowing you to realize
your dream of controlling the ties independently:

\once \override Voice.Tie #'control-points = …

You can, of course, create definitions and shortcuts to simplify the
process. You may need more than four voices:
voiceFive = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 4) 'Voice)
voiceNine = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 8) 'Voice)

You will certainly need some patience, and you will probably only resort to
these measures under compulsion. Print publishers usually do in fact compel
copyists to make these emendations; I applaud your standards and desire for

Oh, and one other trick, not as flexible as the snippet Eluze mentioned, but
my battered mind finds this easier (does version 2.14 have the snippet built
If, in your style file, you set all ties to a low layer; for instance:

\override Score.Tie #'layer = #-2

you can then put something like this in your definitions file:

blnkIt = #(define-music-function (parser location left bottom width height) 
(number? number? number? number?)
\new Voice { \voiceNine
\once \override Voice.TextScript #'layer = #-1
\once \override Voice.TextScript 
#'outside-staff-priority = ##f
\once \override Voice.TextScript #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
\once \override Voice.TextScript #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)
\once \override Voice.TextScript #'X-offset = #0
\once \override Voice.TextScript #'Y-offset = #0
s1*0-\markup { \with-color #white \filled-box 
#(cons $left (+ $left $width)) #(cons $bottom (+ 
$bottom $height)) #0 }

Size and position the box to blank out any portion of the tie (or anything
you might assign to the lower layer). $left = 0 is the point in the music
where you place the command; $bottom = 0 is the center line of the staff. I
use voiceNine so it can be positioned independently of any other text at
that point in the music. If you can't see where the box is, change #white to
#red until you get it in place. To blank out around a downward stem, you
might try:

\blnkIt #-0.25 #-2 #0.6 #4 e'4

and adjust the #-2 and #4 for the vertical 

Re: no natural sign when clef changes

2011-04-03 Thread David Kastrup
Keith OHara writes:

 Bernhard Ott at writes:
 IMHO there should be a natural sign showing the f' after the 
 clef-change: am I wrong?
 music = \relative c' {
  c8 d e fis
  c d e f
  c8 d e fis
  \clef alto c d e f

 This is a bug, listed at

 The desired behavior would be to print accidentals if they either
 1) differ from the previous accidental if it is still in force under
 the chosen accidental style, OR
 2) are the first after the clef change to differ from the key signature.

 At the clef change, LilyPond currently resets the still in force list back
 to the key signature.  This succeeds in repeating accidentals of case-2 such
 as \clef alto  c d e fis , but it causes the worse problem of losing
 accidentals of case-1 when these bring us back to the key signature.

 I suspect the first step to a solution is simply to have LilyPond
 leave the still in force list un-touched at a clef changes, so that
 the required accidentals of case 1 are printed.  What I don't see,
 however, is a simple way to get the courtesy accidentals printed for
 case 2.

I think the solution would be to replace the presumably existing list of
currently altered accidentals not by an empty list but rather by a
list where every such accidental is replaced with a non-existing dirty

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [PATCH] New feature: A-A. Backend

2011-04-03 Thread David Kastrup
Han-Wen Nienhuys writes:

 On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Valentin Villenave wrote:

 Graham's recent 2.14 announcement, as well as Mike's wonderful work on
 the Emoticon_engraver (see
 ) made me realize there are other features much more urgently needed
 in LilyPond. This requires to add a new backend altogether, which is
 pretty hard but since I haven't been of much help recently, I figured
 I'd give it a try.

 The joke is on you...


  git show 824deccb0aafd303e9af99c8ec5105108b9f06aa:mf/


 ^L C 95; WX 1; N clefs-G; B 0 -2000 6000 5000;
  / |_
 | /| \

 In a long distant past, it was decided that ASCII messaging was the
 future, and that therefore we had to have ASCII-art backend too. I am
 glad we halted this experiment soon.

It has its uses in communication.

gnuplot set terminal dumb
Terminal type set to 'dumb'
Options are 'feed  size 79, 24'
gnuplot plot sin(x)

1 ++---***---+---**---+**-++
  +*  *  +  *  ** +  sin(x) ** +
  0.8 ++  *   * **   **   ++
  |  * *   * *   * *   |
  0.6 *+ *  *  * *   * *  ++
  |* *  * *   * *   *  |
  0.4 +**   * *   * *   * ++
  |*****   **  |
  0.2 +*   * ***   * *++
  | *  *  *  * *  *  * |
0 ++*  *  * *   * *   *+
 -0.2 ++ * *  * *   * *   *+
  |  **   ** **   *|
 -0.4 ++ ***   * *   **+
  |  *   *  *  * *  *  *
 -0.6 ++  *  *  *  * *  * +*
  |**   * *   * *  |
 -0.8 ++   ***   * *   *  ++
  + *  *   + **  *   + *  *+
   -1 ++-**+---**+--***---++
 -10  -5 0510


If it is reasonably cheap to have, things like that are a nice bonus
also helping communication in text-only channels.

Of course, reasonably cheap is not necessarily easy to achieve.  So
unless there is a more concrete application/demand, I would not even
accept this as a wishlist item since it might keep contributors from
working on more important things.

If somebody still decides to contribute such support in a reasonably
finished way...

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fwd: Dividing ties and adjusting ties in an arpeggiated chord

2011-04-03 Thread bruys .
Holy Moley, madMuze,
You're right, I'm feeling rather queasy right now. It's going to take
some patience to get to the bottom of this.
Your suggestion of separating the notes into separate voices and then
combining them might be the way to go (it seems to be the only way to
go, if I going to use the difficult tweaks control-points property
method). One possibility would be to do this, and then use slurs
instead of ties, because I notice that Lilypondtool has a slur tweak
tool which you could presumably use to change the slurs to look like
ties in the shape wanted.
Using the snippet that Eluze pointed me to (\hideCurvesFrom) seems to
nicely avoid the accidental if I use the grob Staff.Accidental,
however Staff.NoteHead or Staff.NoteColumn doesn't seem to have any
effect. When I use Voice.NoteHead, it avoids the notehead, but it
stuffs the accidentals up (they now overlap the noteheads).
I notice that there is also a snippet called Altering the shape of a
default slur with a list of offsets which could probably be adapted
to ties and used where there are separate voices. It would be useful
to have a variant of this function which allowed you to specify the
height, in staff spaces, of the curve of the tie. It would certainly
require some study on Bezier curves. That's do-able, but I don't know
whether I'll ever get to the level of competence with the Scheme
interface to work this one out, but I'm not giving up yet.
Your white box idea is yet another avenue for exploration.
Thanks for your help!

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 4:49 PM, madMuze wrote:

It will be interesting to see if it works
in this example where there is more than one tie at a time.
That potentially answers half my question. I wonder if anyone knows
how to alter the curve of the ties in this situation.

 Oh dear, but you are asking for it !
 If one is adept with scheme, some or even much of the following can be
 automated. Even so, it's quite a trip down the rabbit hole and only you can
 decide if it is worth the grief.

 You can, of course, write your own code to shape and position ties and place
 it in your style file. The example code in the notation reference under
 difficult tweaks is the model to follow. This could include any number of
 conditions and calculations. However, although the left endpoint and the
 inner control points can be determined from the first note of the tie
 (X-offset = 0, Y-offset = position on the staff), I know of no way to access
 the second note's position directly. Fortunately, the X-offset of the right
 endpoint as determined by LilyPond (which varies in relation to the note)
 can be retrieved:

        \override Score.Tie #'after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob)
                (let*   (
                        (noteL (ly:grob-parent (ly:grob-original grob) X)) % 
 left notehead
                        (endX (car (cadddr (ly:tie::calc-control-points 
 grob % right endpoint
 of tie
                        (dotX (ly:duration-dot-count (ly:event-property 
 (event-cause noteL)
                                % number of dots on left notehead
                        (noteY (ly:grob-property noteL 'Y-offset)) % vertical 
 position of
                        (taiDir (ly:tie::calc-direction grob)) % tie direction 
 according to
                        % … … … many, many things would follow to account for 
                        % if not all, possibilities

 I know almost nothing of scheme and have gleaned these bits from the very
 nice and intelligent people on this forum. You'll need a good bit of scheme,
 a deep understanding of the Bezier function (in order to quantize the hump
 and avoid staff-line collisions), and a couple hours/days/months to
 experiment, if you plan to go this route. A similar routine could be created
 incorporating variables along with \once \override… for adjusting
 occasional, rather than default, behavior.

 % freak not, remember to breathe %

 You can also separate the chord into different voices and use:

        \override Staff.NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t % and afterwards, 

 to allow the notes to line up vertically. (You would have to manually offset
 seconds.) Then, each voice can have its own command, allowing you to realize
 your dream of controlling the ties independently:

        \once \override Voice.Tie #'control-points = …

 You can, of course, create definitions and shortcuts to simplify the
 process. You may need more than four voices:
        voiceFive = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 4) 'Voice)
        voiceNine = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 8) 'Voice)

 You will certainly need some patience, and you will probably only resort to
 these measures under compulsion. Print publishers usually do in fact compel
 copyists to make these emendations; I applaud your standards and desire for

 Oh, and one other trick, not as flexible as the snippet Eluze 

Re: [PATCH] New feature: A-A. Backend

2011-04-03 Thread Valentin Villenave
On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 3:58 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 In a long distant past, it was decided that ASCII messaging was the
 future, and that therefore we had to have ASCII-art backend too. I am
 glad we halted this experiment soon.

Un-frigging-believable. Looks even more impressive in 9-char resolution:;a=blob_plain;f=mf/;hb=824deccb0aafd303e9af99c8ec5105108b9f06aa

Wow. Talk about a blast from the past :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

position of the little '8' in bass clef

2011-04-03 Thread Arlin

The bass recorder reads bass clef, but it sounds an octave higher than
written, so the clef needs a little '8' over it.  In Lilypond this is \clef

But the little '8' is printed way above the clef.  Is there a way to lower
the '8' to right above the clef?

Thanks for any help.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Favorite Lilypond-Score Printer?

2011-04-03 Thread Arlin

Laser vs. inkjet:

Laser printers are more expensive to buy but less expensive to use. 

Laser printers make cleaner text, and inkjet printers do better graphics.
(Lilypond symbols are treated as text.)

Laser output is more water-resistant then inkjet.

Laser toner cartridges are expensive but last a long time.

Most inkjet printers print in color, while basic laser printers are black

Large format laser printers (for tabloid-size paper) tend to be large and

Some of the great workhorse laser printers of the past may be available used
at reasonable prices, but beware shipping cost.

Card stock is more prone to jamming than paper, particularly so in an older

The HP 5000 series are very good printers that have been around for a long
time, so many are available used.  Although I'm not certain of this, I
believe the rollers are user-changeable.  Worn-out rollers cause jams.  If
they have to be changed by a technician that gets expensive.

If you're just printing for your personal use and not producing significant
quantity, go inkjet, but if you're selling or generating lots of music, go

I hope that helps.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: position of the little '8' in bass clef

2011-04-03 Thread James Worlton

On Apr 2, 2011, at 11:16 AM, Arlin wrote:

The bass recorder reads bass clef, but it sounds an octave higher than
written, so the clef needs a little '8' over it.  In Lilypond this  
is \clef


But the little '8' is printed way above the clef.  Is there a way  
to lower

the '8' to right above the clef?

Thanks for any help.

Here's how I solved that very problem in a piece for recorders that  
I'm currently writing:

\clef bass^8
\override Staff.OctavateEight #'Y-offset = #1.8
\override Staff.OctavateEight #'X-offset = #0.6

That puts the little 8 closer to the clef, and looking a little more  
centered to my liking.

Hope this helps.

James Worlton

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: position of the little '8' in bass clef

2011-04-03 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: Arlin

Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 5:16 PM
Subject: position of the little '8' in bass clef

The bass recorder reads bass clef, but it sounds an octave higher than
written, so the clef needs a little '8' over it.  In Lilypond this is 


But the little '8' is printed way above the clef.  Is there a way to lower
the '8' to right above the clef?

Thanks for any help.

Looks like a bug to me.  See attachment.

Phil Holmes
attachment: BassClef8.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: position of the little '8' in bass clef

2011-04-03 Thread Werner LEMBERG

 Looks like a bug to me.  See attachment.

Definitely a bug...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: position of the little '8' in bass clef

2011-04-03 Thread Colin Campbell

On 11-04-03 09:14 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

Looks like a bug to me.  See attachment.

Definitely a bug...


In fact, it's logged as issue


The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance
of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who
have too little.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US President (1882-1945)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Last line doesn't wrap

2011-04-03 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 4/2/11 7:22 PM, Paul Nocero wrote:

 I'm not top posting.
 This is my first use of LilyPond and it seems to work well, except for the
 problem noted here.  I'm creating a simple song with words and guitar chords,
 and the final line does not appear to wrap, but runs off the bottom of the
 page.  I've tried many variations of the input, but I can't seem to get around
 the problem.

This kind of question should be asked on -user, not on bug-.  I realize
you're new, and I'm not mentioning this to be angry with you, but to teach
you.  I've copied to -user for the archives.

 I'm sorry I am submitting such a big file, but the problem goes away if I
 include all components that are needed (music, words and chords).

Since you can't reproduce it with a tiny file, we can't accept it as a bug
report, even if it were a bug.   By asking on user, you'll bet the help you

 Here's my input file:

A final line not wrapping virtually always means that a note is carried
across a bar line, so there is no place for lilypond to make a break.

May I suggest that you put barchecks in your code.  You'll probably end up
with a barcheck warning when you compile your file.  That will tell you
where to fix it.



 \version 2.12.0
 \paper {ragged-right=##t}

 melody = \relative c' {
 \clef treble
 \key d \major
 \time 4/4
 s4 fis4 fis8 e4. d1~ d4 d4 fis4 a4 b2~ (b8 a8 b4) a2. a4
 b4. b8 b4 b4 a4 fis2 e4 d4. d8 cis4 d4 e4 fis4 fis4 e4
 d1~ d4 d4 fis4 a4 b2~ (b8 a8 b4) a2. a4 b4. b8 b4 b4
 a4 fis2 d8 d8 e4 d4 fis8 e4. d2. r4
 \bar ||
 e4 e4 e4 e4
 fis8 e8~ e2 a,4 b4 d4 d8 e4. d2. r4 e4 e4 e4 e4
 fis4. fis8 fis4. a,8 b8. d8 d4 e4 d4~ d2. r4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4
 fis8 e4. e4 e4 g4 g8 g4. g4 g4 fis8 fis4. fis4
 e4 e4 e4 e8 fis8~ fis4 e4 r4 a,8 a8 b4 d4 d8 e4 d8~ d4
 text = \lyricmode {
 My Je -- sus rose on Eas -- ter mor -- ning, He
 came to sing a love song, He came to be my friend. When He re --
 turns in all His glo -- -- ry, He's gon -- na find me
 sing -- ing and His song will ne -- ver end.
 Je -- sus found me
 cry -- ing and dried my bit -- ter tears, Held me in His
 lov -- ing arms and told me not to fear. Je -- sus died and
 set me free, then rose a -- gain, yes I be -- lieve He's
 stand -- ing right be -- side me, sure as I am stand -- ing here.
 harmonies = \chordmode {
 a1:7 d2 g2 d1 g1 d1 g1 d1 e1:7 a1:7 d2 g2 d1 g1 d1 g1 d2 b2:m e2:m a2
 a1 a1 g1 d1 a1 a1 g1 d1 b1:m a1 g1 d1 a1 a1 g1 d1
 \score {
 \new ChordNames {
 \set chordChanges = ##t
 \new Voice = one \melody
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto one \text

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: position of the little '8' in bass clef

2011-04-03 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: Werner LEMBERG

Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: position of the little '8' in bass clef

Looks like a bug to me.  See attachment.

Definitely a bug...


In fact,

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Can't embed font for chord changes

2011-04-03 Thread Patrick Karl
I am unable to compile the following file:

 \version 2.12.3
 melody = \relative c' { s4 fis4 fis8 e4. }
 harmonies = \chordmode { a1:7 }
 \score {

   \new ChordNames {
   \set chordChanges = ##t
   \new Voice = one \melody

The log file says:

 Interpreting music... 
 Preprocessing graphical objects...
 Finding the ideal number of pages...
 Fitting music on 1 page...
 Drawing systems...
 Layout output to `'...
 warning: do not know how to embed 
 Converting to `./cant_embed_font.pdf'...
 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite 
 -sOutputFile=./cant_embed_font.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f' 
 failed (256)
 error: failed files: 
 Processing time: 0 seconds

Pat Karl

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Last line doesn't wrap

2011-04-03 Thread Father Gordon Gilbert
Fr. Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Last line doesn't wrap

2011-04-03 Thread Father Gordon Gilbert
You may find the error is in bar 24.  I changed the d8 to a d16 as follows:

a,8 b8. d16 d4 e4 d4~

And everything wraps correctly -- although I'm not familiar with the
tune, it at least *looks* correct.  I've had this same problem over
and over -- not checking bars and getting one little note-value wrong.

Hope this helps.



Fr. Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Last line doesn't wrap

2011-04-03 Thread Father Gordon Gilbert
Hi again,

I did a bit of tweaking for you.  Hope you don't mind, but it produces
a nicer-looking piece of sheet music.  As I said in my last email, I'm
not familiar with the piece, so only you can judge the correctness of
my suggestions, but I did the following:

added a quarter-rest instead of a skip at the beginning
changed {ragged-right=##f}  instead of ##t
made the last note a whole-note to complete the bar.

You might want to put some header lines in with title, etc.

All this makes things scan correctly.  Here is the revised code:

 \version 2.13.29
 \paper {ragged-right=##f}

 melody = \relative c' {
 \clef treble
 \key d \major
 \time 4/4
 r4 fis4 fis8 e4. d1~ d4 d4 fis4 a4 b2~ (b8 a8 b4) a2. a4
 b4. b8 b4 b4 a4 fis2 e4 d4. d8 cis4 d4 e4 fis4 fis4 e4
 d1~ d4 d4 fis4 a4 b2~ (b8 a8 b4) a2. a4 b4. b8 b4 b4
 a4 fis2 d8 d8 e4 d4 fis8 e4. d2. r4
 \bar ||
 e4 e4 e4 e4
 fis8 e8~ e2 a,4 b4 d4 d8 e4. d2. r4 e4 e4 e4 e4
 fis4. fis8 fis4. a,8 b8. d16 d4 e4 d4~ d2. r4 fis4 fis4 fis4 fis4
 fis8 e4. e4 e4 g4 g8 g4. g4 g4 fis8 fis4. fis4
 e4 e4 e4 e8 fis8~ fis4 e4 r4 a,8 a8 b4 d4 d8 e4 d8~ d1

 text = \lyricmode {
 My Je -- sus rose on Eas -- ter mor -- ning, He
 came to sing a love song, He came to be my friend. When He re --
 turns in all His glo -- -- ry, He's gon -- na find me
 sing -- ing and His song will ne -- ver end.
 Je -- sus found me
 cry -- ing and dried my bit -- ter tears, Held me in His
 lov -- ing arms and told me not to fear. Je -- sus died and
 set me free, then rose a -- gain, yes I be -- lieve He's
 stand -- ing right be -- side me, sure as I am stand -- ing here.

 harmonies = \chordmode {
 a1:7 d2 g2 d1 g1 d1 g1 d1 e1:7 a1:7 d2 g2 d1 g1 d1 g1 d2 b2:m e2:m a2
 a1 a1 g1 d1 a1 a1 g1 d1 b1:m a1 g1 d1 a1 a1 g1 d1

 \score {
 \new ChordNames {
 \set chordChanges = ##t
 \new Voice = one \melody
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto one \text


Let me know if this solves your problems (or creates more)



On 03/04/2011, Father Gordon Gilbert wrote:
 You may find the error is in bar 24.  I changed the d8 to a d16 as follows:

 a,8 b8. d16 d4 e4 d4~

 And everything wraps correctly -- although I'm not familiar with the
 tune, it at least *looks* correct.  I've had this same problem over
 and over -- not checking bars and getting one little note-value wrong.

 Hope this helps.



 Fr. Gordon Gilbert
 Penetanguishene, ON

Fr. Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can't embed font for chord changes

2011-04-03 Thread Xavier Scheuer
On 3 April 2011 18:59, Patrick Karl wrote:

 I am unable to compile the following file:


Do you use Mac OS X?
There is a reported problem with Mac OSX 10.6.7 and the last security
update, concerning fonts.



Xavier Scheuer

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Add text to rehearsal mark

2011-04-03 Thread Ed Gordijn


I decided to split the problem in pieces, starting with the allignment.

I have two options. The first option (IIa in the script) is how I would 
do this as I would do this writing a score, setting an override to 
adjust the allignment. This works fine but I don't know how I could 
calculate the override value in this way. Is It possible?

Option IIb is something that I got from a snippet about centering 
Dynamics. It works almost, but doesn't behave as I would expect when the 
mark is alligned on the clef. Can that be solved?

Greetings, Ed

Op 01-04-11 13:57, Ed Gordijn schreef:


I'am working on a music function that creates a rehearsal mark with
extra text added. It would be nice if the end result would be
something that would work as: \mark \default text.
These are my first steps into the world of scheme, so I suppose that
some of my questions are rather basic.
The code below more or less works and shows what I am trying to
achieve but is not perfect at all! So, I need some help to solve the

Here are the issues that need attention:
1 - I would like to use the current format for the rehearsal mark. Is
it possible to call/use the current Score.markFormatter and store the
mark in a markup-variable?
2 - Now I redefine the Score.markFormater with /once /set but
/once generates warnings. What is wrong?
3 - Is it possible to avoid the /set Score.markFormatter and use the
/mark /markup /center-at-mark directly?
 I could use [1] to retrieve the current mark and should increment
the counter: Score.rehearsalMark = Score.rehearsalMark + 1
4 - Allignment is ok but the extend is not correct, see the allignment
of the first rehearsal mark that moves up because of the second mark.

Any advise?

Greetings, Ed

%%% Example

\version 2.13.39

#(define-markup-command (center-at-mark layout props mark text)
(markup? string?)
  x-align on the center of the rehaersal mark
  (let* (
  (txt (markup #:normal-text #:bold #:normalsize #:concat
(  text)))

  (txt-stencil  (interpret-markup layout props txt))
(txt-x-ext(ly:stencil-extent txt-stencil X))
(txt-width(- (cdr txt-x-ext)(car txt-x-ext)))

 (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:hspace 0 #:translate (cons txt-width 0)
   #:concat (mark txt)))

BoxMarkText = #(define-music-function (parser location AddText) (string?)
Create a Rehearsal mark and add the string AddText
% Redefine the Rehearsal mark
% \once does work but generates multiple warning.
\once \set Score.markFormatter = #(lambda (mark context)
  (markup #:center-at-mark
(format-mark-box-numbers mark context)$AddText))
\mark \default

\score {
\relative c'' {

\clef G
\key c \major
\time 4/4

% Rehearsal mark
\set Score.rehearsalMark = #10
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers
\mark \default
c1 \bar ||

% Add text to the next rehearsal mark
\BoxMarkText #Theme from 007
e( f)

% Revert to default mark
\mark \default
g( e) \break

indent = 0
ragged-right = ##t
%%% end of example

\version 2.13.54
#(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines)

BoxMarkTextIIa = #(define-music-function (parser location MarkText AddText 
x-align) (string? string? number?)
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #$x-align
\mark \markup { \bold { \box $MarkText \normalsize $AddText }}

#(define-markup-command (center-at-markIIb layout props mark text) (string? 
x-align on the center of the rehaersal mark
(let* (
(txt (markup #:normal-text #:bold #:normalsize #:concat (  text)))

(txt-stencil  (interpret-markup layout props txt))
(txt-x-ext(ly:stencil-extent txt-stencil X))
(txt-width(- (cdr txt-x-ext)(car txt-x-ext)))

(mrk (markup #:normal-text #:box #:bold mark))

(mrk-stencil (interpret-markup layout props mrk))
(mrk-x-ext (ly:stencil-extent mrk-stencil X))
(mrk-width (- (cdr mrk-x-ext)(car mrk-x-ext)))

(x-align (- (/ mrk-width (+ txt-width mrk-width)) 1 ))

(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:halign x-align #:concat (mrk txt)))

BoxMarkTextIIb = #(define-music-function (parser location MarkText AddText) 
(string? string?)
% Alternative using \halign within the markup
% \halign only has effect if X-offset is set to #0
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-offset = #0
\mark \markup { \center-at-markIIb #$MarkText #$AddText }

\score {
\relative c'' {

\clef G
\key c \major
\time 4/4

% Option IIa, an override before the markup works as expected
% I could calulate the value for x-align with a markup script but how do I 
get the resul
% in the override?

Re: lilypond-book too many open files

2011-04-03 Thread Matthias Kilian
On Sat, Apr 02, 2011 at 08:08:11AM -0500, Victor Eijkhout wrote:
   In which version
  does this happen, 2.12 or 2.13? 
 Using 2.12.3.

Then increasing your file descriptor limits (as a workaround) is
the weapon of choice.

The fd leaks are probably fixed in 2.13. (I can re-check this by
building 2.13 including the documentation on my OpenBSD box, but
IIRC it worked without problems some weeks ago, with an fd limit
of only 128 open files).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Last line doesn't wrap

2011-04-03 Thread Father Gordon Gilbert

A good scan through the manuals would be the best place to start in
order to figure out how to place a second verse in there.

My quick thought (I've never actually done this before) would be to
have the second verse in its own section as follows:

 texttwo = \lyricmode  {
Here are some more words for the se -- cond verse   

And then add the following line to the \score section below the similar line:

\new Lyrics \lyricsto one \texttwo

If you do that now, the words will appear right at the beginning of
the song, but there is a way (look it up -- I haven't figured that out
yet) to make these words delay till measure 18.

You might also want to add  \markup^ {D.S.} at the end, and a \segno
at bar 18.  And I'm thinking that you sing the beginning as a refrain
at the end, right?

I wouldn't mind a copy of your finished code.

Good luck! :-)



Fr. Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON

lilypond-user mailing list

Trill notation with fingering

2011-04-03 Thread Javier Ruiz-Alma
Any ideas as to how best to approximate the trill plus fingering notiation as 
shown in this image?
The closest I can get is:

a2.\trill^markup{\finger 3 2}

However, this doesn't show the cap over the digits, plus lilypond seems to 
always try to display the tr symbol at the very top, no matter what order the 
modifiers are listed after the note.

Thx, Javierattachment: original_fingered_trill.gif___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trill notation with fingering

2011-04-03 Thread
On Apr 3, 2011, at 7:31 PM, Javier Ruiz-Alma wrote:

 Any ideas as to how best to approximate the trill plus fingering notiation as 
 shown in this image?
 The closest I can get is:
 a2.\trill^markup{\finger 3 2}
 However, this doesn't show the cap over the digits, plus lilypond seems to 
 always try to display the tr symbol at the very top, no matter what order 
 the modifiers are listed after the note.
 Thx, Javier

This is not exactly what you want, but it's close!

Make sure to have a font w/ the lyric tie (like DejaVu) in your font search 

#(define-markup-command (up-tied-lyric layout props str)
  (if (string-contains str ~)
  ((parts (string-split str #\~))
   (tie-str (ly:wide-char-utf-8 #x2040))
   (joined  (list-join parts tie-str))
   (join-stencil (interpret-markup layout props tie-str))

(interpret-markup layout
   (/ (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent join-stencil 
X)) -3.5)
  (make-line-markup joined)))
   ;(map (lambda (s) (interpret-markup layout props s)) 
  (interpret-markup layout props str)))

{ \once \override Staff . Script #'outside-staff-priority = #0
a'2.\trill^\markup{ \up-tied-lyric #3~2 }}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trill notation with fingering

2011-04-03 Thread
On Apr 3, 2011, at 7:31 PM, Javier Ruiz-Alma wrote:

 Any ideas as to how best to approximate the trill plus fingering notiation as 
 shown in this image?
 The closest I can get is:
 a2.\trill^markup{\finger 3 2}
 However, this doesn't show the cap over the digits, plus lilypond seems to 
 always try to display the tr symbol at the very top, no matter what order 
 the modifiers are listed after the note.
 Thx, Javier
 lilypond-user mailing list

Just realized that this is better...

#(define-markup-command (up-tied-lyric layout props a b)
  (markup? markup?)
  ((tie-str (ly:wide-char-utf-8 #x2040))
   (joined  (list-join `(,a ,b) tie-str))
   (join-stencil (interpret-markup layout props tie-str))

(interpret-markup layout
   (/ (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent join-stencil 
X)) -3.5)
  (make-line-markup joined

{ \once \override Staff . Script #'outside-staff-priority = #0
a'2.\trill^\markup{ \up-tied-lyric \finger 3 \finger 2 }}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trill notation with fingering

2011-04-03 Thread Nick Payne

On 04/04/11 09:31, Javier Ruiz-Alma wrote:
Any ideas as to how best to approximate the trill plus fingering 
notiation as shown in this image?

The closest I can get is:
a2.\trill^markup{\finger 3 2}
However, this doesn't show the cap over the digits, plus lilypond 
seems to always try to display the tr symbol at the very top, no 
matter what order the modifiers are listed after the note.

To get the trill below the fingering, use something like this

once \override Script #'script-priority = #-100
cs a e4^\trill-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.6 . 0)^\markup { \finger 
2121 }

Can't help with the cap over the fingering as I don't use that.

lilypond-user mailing list

compiling small PDFs

2011-04-03 Thread Sebastian Valenzuela
I need to make small pdfs or images (on paper around A6 size, or a 4cm
square) with a single measure directly in the middle. I just need these
these little images so that i can put them in one panel of a GUI i'm
building for a program. Does anyone have a solution to this?
Thank you,
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trill notation with fingering

2011-04-03 Thread Javier Ruiz-Alma
On Apr 3, 2011, at 7:31 PM, Javier Ruiz-Alma wrote:

Any ideas as to how best to approximate the trill plus fingering notiation as 
shown in this image?
The closest I can get is:

a2.\trill^markup{\finger 3 2}

However, this doesn't show the cap over the digits, plus lilypond seems to 
always try to display the tr symbol at the very top, no matter what order 
modifiers are listed after the note.


lilypond-user mailing list

Just realized that this is better...

#(define-markup-command (up-tied-lyric layout props a b)
  (markup? markup?)
          ((tie-str (ly:wide-char-utf-8 #x2040))
           (joined  (list-join `(,a ,b) tie-str))
           (join-stencil (interpret-markup layout props tie-str))

        (interpret-markup layout
                           (/ (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent join-stencil 
X)) -3.5)
                          (make-line-markup joined

{ \once \override Staff . Script #'outside-staff-priority = #0
a'2.\trill^\markup{ \up-tied-lyric \finger 3 \finger 2 }}


Wow, Thank You Mike!
Attached is my first try with your code.  I improvised the following to reduce 
the space between digits, with bad results:
\markup{ \up-tied-lyric \finger 43 }
I don't know anything about custom commands (yet), so I suspect it fails is 
because your command is expecting two arguments.  Let me know if there's 
anything I can tweak to improve the distance between the digits or horizontal 
positioning of the cap/tie.
Rgds, Javierattachment: mike_custcomm1_fingered_trill.gif___
lilypond-user mailing list

irregular semi French score, how to accomplish?

2011-04-03 Thread 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng
  I had my mother look at my full score of the overture, and then compared with 
some other published scores. She found that my French score leaves many blank 
spaces at the bottom of some pages, while other scores always use blank staves 
to fill in. For example, the following Webern piece:,_Op.6_(Webern,_Anton)
  At a page, the two systems don't need strings, but the first one adds the 
whole string section with all resting, while the second one doesn't contain it. 
Also in some scores, the added staves have only blank staves plus label and 
key, no rests. How to do this in Lilypond?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: no natural sign when clef changes

2011-04-03 Thread Keith OHara
David Kastrup dak at writes:
 I think the solution would be to replace the presumably existing list of
 currently altered accidentals not by an empty list but rather by a
 list where every such accidental is replaced with a non-existing dirty

That sounds right.

I'll add a note to the bug tracker report, pointing to this suggestion.

lilypond-user mailing list

again, full score layout problem

2011-04-03 Thread 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng
Again for the full score pagination. A professor first tried to read a4 
version, and he must use a magnifying glass. I then compiled the a3 version 
(the link below, containing all score/parts/code/midi files. He said that it's 
actually not the problem of paper size, since many large scores are printed in 
just a4 but look very clear. I'm puzzled, since Lilypond always produce the 
most beautiful and clear music. Please check my full score, and tell me what' 
wrong with the appearance.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: compiling small PDFs

2011-04-03 Thread flup2


I had to do something like that, to create kind of a card game.

Here is the \paper block I used for that :


\paper {
   paper-width = 85\mm  % largeur de la page
   paper-height = 54\mm % hauteur de la page (taille du papier)
   top-margin = 10\mm % distance entre le haut de la page et le premier
   ragged-right = ##f
   line-width = 7\cm
   left-margin = 0.5\cm


I guess there are better and nicer solutions, but this one worked.
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