Problem with partcombine and shape notes

2016-12-29 Thread Bumby Hymnal
I've run into a problem with using \partcombine while using \aikenHeads.  The
problem is that under certain circumstances the aiken shape note heads are
not used in the output of \partcombine.  The strange thing is that it
sometimes works.  The following snippet shows 4 different voices.  The
first voice is a basic scale.  The 2nd voice is exactly the same.  The
third voice is a third below the first voice, and the fourth voice
alternates between being unison and being a 3rd apart from the first voice.
Each voice is rendered independently and shows the shape notes properly.  Then
the first voice is combined with the 2nd (identical), then the 3rd (down a
3rd), and the 4th (alternating unison then a third).  The first two cases
render the shape notes properly.  The last case of with alternating unison
/ 3rds produces proper shape notes when unison, but normal (non shape)
notes when rendered as a chord.


\version "2.19.49"

firstVoice  = \relative c' { \aikenHeads c4 d e f g a b c }

sameVoice   = \relative c' { \aikenHeads c4 d e f g a b c }

thirdVoice  = \relative c' { \aikenHeads a4 b c d e f g a } fourthVoice =
\relative c' { \aikenHeads c4 b e d g f b a }


  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "firstVoice"  } \firstVoice

  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "sameVoice"   } \sameVoice

  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "thirdVoice"  } \thirdVoice

  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "fourthVoice" } \fourthVoice

  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "unison"  } \partcombine #'(2 .
12) \firstVoice \sameVoice

  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "thirds"  } \partcombine #'(2 .
12) \firstVoice \thirdVoice

  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "mix" } \partcombine #'(2 .
12) \firstVoice \fourthVoice

\version "2.19.49"

firstVoice  = \relative c' { \aikenHeads c4 d e f g a b c }
sameVoice   = \relative c' { \aikenHeads c4 d e f g a b c }
thirdVoice  = \relative c' { \aikenHeads a4 b c d e f g a }
fourthVoice = \relative c' { \aikenHeads c4 b e d g f b a }

  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "firstVoice"  } \firstVoice
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "sameVoice"   } \sameVoice
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "thirdVoice"  } \thirdVoice
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "fourthVoice" } \fourthVoice
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "unison"  } \partcombine #'(2 . 12) \firstVoice \sameVoice
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "thirds"  } \partcombine #'(2 . 12) \firstVoice \thirdVoice
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "mix" } \partcombine #'(2 . 12) \firstVoice \fourthVoice
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which Linux distro for Lilypond

2016-12-29 Thread David Wright
On Thu 29 Dec 2016 at 22:03:32 (+), Wols Lists wrote:
> On 29/12/16 03:51, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
> > My concern with "easy" distros - and maybe I'm wrong here - is that if
> > something goes wrong (and it invariably will) you will need the ability
> > to fix it, which will require digging into the file system, editing
> > configuration files, etc.
> > 
> > I don't know what the happy medium is, though!
> Start with something easy? Ubuntu or Kubuntu sounds a good choice BUT. I
> just cannot get on with Debian-based distros or Gnome.

Could you explain that a bit? I can't see why the OP would take note of
I like A but not B without any explanation of what you base you views on.

> So openSUSE is
> also a good distro to try, seeing as it's rpm and KDE.

I don't understand. 36 hours ago you wrote "I've had a fair bit of
trouble with SuSE and lilypond" and "I could not get the then
latest lilypond to install on the then latest SuSE".
(Also I notice that another post here contained "OpenSuse Leap 42.1
[...] did have oddities in relation to lilypond.")

What are the advantages to LilyPond of rpm over deb,
for example? Or KDE on openSUSE as opposed to KDE on
a Debian-based distribution?

> The difficulty, of course, is that telling a noob to try several distros
> could be off-putting, even if it is good advice.

Yes. Fortunately the OP seems happy to "take the plunge", which is
encouraging. We haven't yet heard back on whether a DE is
essential or not.

I do wonder about some other posts in this thread that start
talking about LilyDev, checking out guile-v2-work, and compiling
LP. Perhaps the people writing such posts have had some off-list
communication from the OP.

OTOH I agree that the Arch wikis are excellent and clearly written;
very useful whatever distribution one runs.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: French tablature?

2016-12-29 Thread Alasdair McAndrew
Many thanks!  I didn't know about RhythmicStaff.  Is this all 
possible in version 2.18.2 (which I'm using)?  Certainly when I 
copied and pasted your text into a file (""), Lilypond 
returned an error:

/home/Lilypond/ error: syntax error, unexpected 
  4*3 8*2 4. 8*5 4*2 8*4 16*4 8. 16 8*2 4 2*2 1

Maybe version 2.18.2 requires a little extra tweaking.  Again, 
thank you very much.


Malte Meyn writes:

Am 29.12.2016 um 23:15 schrieb Alasdair McAndrew:
Is it likely that Lilypond will provide such tablature at some 
Currently, if I want to typeset tablature, I need to use 


LilyPond already supports this type of tablature: You have to 
set the 
tablatureFormat to #fret-letter-tablature, set a string tuning 
bass strings, and maybe change the default fret labels to not 
include j.

The rhythm can be added in a separate RhythmicStaff; maybe one 
extract it somehow from the music using a music function (might 
tricky with polyphonic music) but of course it can also be done 
by hand.

\version "2.19.53"

% maybe this could be automatically extracted from mel?
rh = {
   4*3 8*2 4. 8*5 4*2 8*4 16*4 8. 16 8*2 4 2*2 1

mel = \relative {
   a,,4 b c d8 e f4. g8
   a b c d e4 f g8
   a b c d16 e f g
   a8. b16 c8 cis d4
   d,2 d, d,1

\score {
 \new RhythmicStaff \rh
 \new TabStaff \mel
 \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \mel }
   \layout {
 \context {
   tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format
   stringTunings = \stringTuning 
   additionalBassStrings = \stringTuning 

   % don’t use j as a fret label:
   %fretLabels = #'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "k")
 \context {
   \override StaffSymbol.line-count = 0
   \remove Bar_engraver
   VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing.basic-distance = 6

   % you might want
   % 1. no time signature:
   %\remove Time_signature_engraver
   % 2. straight flags:
   %\override Flag.stencil = #old-straight-flag
   % 3. other note head shape or no note heads:
   %\override = #'petrucci
   %\omit NoteHead

lilypond-user mailing list

Alasdair McAndrew

lilypond-user mailing list

building a custom context for Schenker urlinie figures

2016-12-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all,

As we know, there are usually many ways of coaxing Lily to do what we want. I’m 
looking for some suggestions on the best approach in a particular case.

I’m trying to create a custom context (for my SchenkerLily framework) which 
consists primarily of moment-attached numbers (“urlinie” figures), with a few 
additional markup options/requirements. For myself, any of the methods I’ve 
brainstormed and/or built are fine — but for the framework, I want the input to 
be as elegant and newbie-proof as possible.

One [main] desirable output is a connected series of numbers (or, less often, 
arbitrary markups), each attached to a moment (or, put another way, each with a 
duration) — see the second example of the snippet included after this email. In 
this version/attempt, I’ve used a customized FiguredBass context; in other 
versions/attempts, I’ve used a from-scratch context (with the assistance code 
that Andrew B. graciously wrote for me).

The thing I like about the FiguredBass approach is that it suggests input like

\urlinie {
  \connectionOn <5>2 <4>4 <3>2 <2>8 <1>1
  \connectionOff <5>1 <4>2 <3>1

or even

\urlinie {
  <5>2 ~ <4>4 ~ <3>2 ~ <2>8 ~ <1>1
  <5>1 <4>2 <3>1
the latter being the most clear and newbie-proof version I can currently think 

I would love to hear suggestions on how this approach might be improved 
(especially how I can get the BassFigureContinuation to automagically extend 
itself to the next figure without the hacks seen in the second score in the 
snippet), or what might be a superior approach.


\version "2.19"

\layout {
  line-width = 5\in
  ragged-right = ##f
  \context {
\omit TimeSignature
\omit BarLine
  \context {
\override BassFigureContinuation.Y-offset = #0.625
\override BassFigureContinuation.padding = #0.5
\override BassFigureContinuation.thickness = #2

notes = { c''2 2 2 }

testA = \figuremode {
  <5>4 4 <4>4 4 <3>2

testB = \figuremode {
  \override BassFigureContinuation.padding = #-3
  \override BassFigureContinuation.extra-offset = #'(4 . 0)
  <5>4 4
  \override BassFigureContinuation.padding = #-5.75
  \override BassFigureContinuation.extra-offset = #'(6.5 . 0)
  <4>4 4 <3>2

\markup \bold { DEFAULT: }
  \new FiguredBass \testA
  \new Staff \notes

\markup \bold { DESIRED: }
  \new FiguredBass \testB
  \new Staff \notes

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Special bar lines

2016-12-29 Thread Br. Samuel Springuel

On 2016-12-29 4:26 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:



\defineBarLine "[" #'("" "[" "")
\defineBarLine "]" #'("]" "" "")

\override  Staff.BarLine.thick-thickness = 1
\override  Staff.BarLine.font-size = #-4
c' \bar "[" c' c' \bar "]" c'


help already?

That's perfect.

Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond

2016-12-29 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 29.12.2016 23:17, Philip Rhoades wrote:

OooLilyPond is a
great tool and has literally saved my life so many times.

How did OOoLP accomplish this? - by distracting an axe murderer who 
loves beautiful scores thus giving you enough time to escape? OOoLP 
giving you external heart massage after a heart attack?

Good tip . . bad English . . 

Well, it’s an oxymoron to use the word ‘literally’ figuratively… but no 
reason to deride people for not knowing what ‘literally’ literally 
means… Easy, man :-)

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond

2016-12-29 Thread SoundsFromSound
Klaus Blum wrote
> This line should be replaced by: 
> --
> sCommand = sCommand & " -dno-delete-intermediate-files --png " &
> sBackendOpt & " -dresolution=" & iGraphicDPI & "
> >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)
> --
> Cheers, 
> Klaus
> P.S.: Interestingly enough, the error showed up as complaining about an
> unknown variable named "CurserPosition", but that seems to be another
> story...

One question, hopefully someone knows how to fix this. 

I really think the font of the macro editor window is too difficult to see
in its default font/size. Look at the attachment photo and you'll see what I
mean. It looks kind of deformed, squished, and generally difficult to see
unless you really stop and squint. Not sure why it looks so rough.

Anyone know how to change the font of the macro editor window /itself /in


See here:  bad_font.PNG

composer | sound designer 
LilyPond Tutorials (for beginners) -->
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: French tablature?

2016-12-29 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 29.12.2016 um 23:15 schrieb Alasdair McAndrew:

Is it likely that Lilypond will provide such tablature at some stage?
Currently, if I want to typeset tablature, I need to use different

LilyPond already supports this type of tablature: You have to set the 
tablatureFormat to #fret-letter-tablature, set a string tuning including 
bass strings, and maybe change the default fret labels to not include j.

The rhythm can be added in a separate RhythmicStaff; maybe one could 
extract it somehow from the music using a music function (might be 
tricky with polyphonic music) but of course it can also be done by hand.

\version "2.19.53"

% maybe this could be automatically extracted from mel?
rh = {
  4*3 8*2 4. 8*5 4*2 8*4 16*4 8. 16 8*2 4 2*2 1

mel = \relative {
  a,,4 b c d8 e f4. g8
  a b c d e4 f g8
  a b c d16 e f g
  a8. b16 c8 cis d4
  d,2 d, d,1

\score {
\new RhythmicStaff \rh
\new TabStaff \mel
\new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \mel }
  \layout {
\context {
  tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format
  stringTunings = \stringTuning 
  additionalBassStrings = \stringTuning 
  % don’t use j as a fret label:
  %fretLabels = #'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "k")
\context {
  \override StaffSymbol.line-count = 0
  \remove Bar_engraver
  \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing.basic-distance = 6
  % you might want
  % 1. no time signature:
  %\remove Time_signature_engraver
  % 2. straight flags:
  %\override Flag.stencil = #old-straight-flag
  % 3. other note head shape or no note heads:
  %\override = #'petrucci
  %\omit NoteHead

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond

2016-12-29 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-12-30 07:37, Klaus Blum wrote:

Hello everybody,

maybe it's a little late to warm up an old thread, but I had to 

with a similar problem:

Roman Stawski wrote

When I hit the lilypond button the console popped up as usual to run
Lilypond, finished correctly and disappeared. The OOoLP dialogue 

open. When I looked at the LP output, everything had compiled fine.
There were no errors.

Debugging the macro, I found in the OOoLilypond/Make routine that 
compilation it was looking for OOoLilyPond.eps in the temp directory. 
reality I had OOoLilyPond-1.eps, OOoLilyPond-2.eps and 
... but no OOoLilyPond.eps, so the routine just exited. I commented 

out since the only file I'm interested in is OOoLilyPond.png which was
there, and was included next. Debugging further kept throwing out 

in LibreBasic ... so I gave up.

Current state is that its now inserting the image ... but holding the
image source open (even if I delete the image from the document). This
means that the next run of OOoLP fails because it can't delete the
source from the previous run.

I have OpenOffice 4.1.3 and OooLilyPond 0.4.0 running on Windows 7, and 

use them a lot.
Everything works fine as long as I use LilyPond 2.18.2, but I never got 

to work with any 2.19 version.

Apparently, LP 2.18 produces an EPS file and converts it into a PNG 

Both files are kept.
With LP 2.19 (invoked by the same command) there is no EPS file with 

same file name.

Unfortunately, OooLilyPond always checks the presence of the EPS file 
exits if there's none), no matter if it's told to use the PNG or the 

The easiest way I found was to change the way LilyPond is called, in a 

that there really is an EPS file present.

In the OooLilyPond macros, there is a section "LilyPond" containing a
function named "CallLilyPond()".
For composing the Windows command, there is a line that reads:

sCommand = sCommand & " " & sBackendOpt & " -f png -dresolution=" &
iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)

This line should be replaced by:

sCommand = sCommand & " -dno-delete-intermediate-files --png " & 
& " -dresolution=" & iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 


I've tested that with LP 2.18.2, LP 2.19.37 and LP 2.19.51, and it 

with all three versions.
By the way, I have no idea of how to use the command line parameters...
instead, I simply experimented with Frescobaldi and "stole" its output. 

I hope that this information is useful for some people. OooLilyPond is 

great tool and has literally saved my life so many times.

How did OOoLP accomplish this? - by distracting an axe murderer who 
loves beautiful scores thus giving you enough time to escape?  OOoLP 
giving you external heart massage after a heart attack?

Good tip . . bad English . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794

lilypond-user mailing list

French tablature?

2016-12-29 Thread Alasdair McAndrew
The tablature examples given (section 2.4.1) show Italian lute 
tablature: frets given as numbers, and written on the line. 
However, French tablature uses letters between lines, as shown 

Note durations are given above the staff, with only changes given. 
A variation on this was for music for the bass viol in different 
tunings (called playing "lyra way"; sometimes the viol thus played 
was called a "lyra viol") has the notes given with heads, not 
stems alone:

Is it likely that Lilypond will provide such tablature at some 
stage?  Currently, if I want to typeset tablature, I need to use 
different software.


Alasdair McAndrew

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Which Linux distro for Lilypond

2016-12-29 Thread Wols Lists
On 29/12/16 03:51, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
> My concern with "easy" distros - and maybe I'm wrong here - is that if
> something goes wrong (and it invariably will) you will need the ability
> to fix it, which will require digging into the file system, editing
> configuration files, etc.
> I don't know what the happy medium is, though!

Start with something easy? Ubuntu or Kubuntu sounds a good choice BUT. I
just cannot get on with Debian-based distros or Gnome. So openSUSE is
also a good distro to try, seeing as it's rpm and KDE.

The difficulty, of course, is that telling a noob to try several distros
could be off-putting, even if it is good advice.

And tell them that when they know a bit more, set up a system with Slack
or gentoo or arch or somesuch. Even if they don't use it, the act of
getting it to work should teach them a lot.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond

2016-12-29 Thread SoundsFromSound
Martin Tarenskeen wrote
> On Thu, 29 Dec 2016, Klaus Blum wrote:
>> In the OooLilyPond macros, there is a section "LilyPond" containing a
>> function named "CallLilyPond()".
>> For composing the Windows command, there is a line that reads:
>> --
>> sCommand = sCommand & " " & sBackendOpt & " -f png -dresolution=" &
>> iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)
>> --
>> This line should be replaced by:
>> --
>> sCommand = sCommand & " -dno-delete-intermediate-files --png " &
>> sBackendOpt
>> & " -dresolution=" & iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out
>> 2>&1"
>> (10)
>> --
> Thanks for this info. I used OooLilyPond regularly with LibreOffice and 
> LilyPond on Linux Fedora, until it stopped working with newer releases. 
> This helped me to make it work again :-)
> (Fedora 25, LilyPond 2.19.53, LibreOffice
> -- 
> MT
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

> lilypond-user@


Ah, I understand now. I edited the macro ITSELF, in LibreOffice 5 and
everything is working beautifully! I can confirm that the "variable" error
(BASIC) can be fixed by this method:

*In the OooLilyPond macros, there is a section "LilyPond" containing a
function named "CallLilyPond()".
For composing the Windows command, there is a line that reads:*

sCommand = sCommand & " " & sBackendOpt & " -f png -dresolution=" &
iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)

*This line should be replaced by:*

sCommand = sCommand & " -dno-delete-intermediate-files --png " & sBackendOpt
& " -dresolution=" & iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1"

Thank you so much for this fix!

composer | sound designer 
LilyPond Tutorials (for beginners) -->
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond

2016-12-29 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Thu, 29 Dec 2016, Klaus Blum wrote:

In the OooLilyPond macros, there is a section "LilyPond" containing a
function named "CallLilyPond()".
For composing the Windows command, there is a line that reads:

sCommand = sCommand & " " & sBackendOpt & " -f png -dresolution=" &
iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)

This line should be replaced by:

sCommand = sCommand & " -dno-delete-intermediate-files --png " & sBackendOpt
& " -dresolution=" & iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1"

Thanks for this info. I used OooLilyPond regularly with LibreOffice and 
LilyPond on Linux Fedora, until it stopped working with newer releases. 
This helped me to make it work again :-)

(Fedora 25, LilyPond 2.19.53, LibreOffice



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond

2016-12-29 Thread SoundsFromSound
Klaus Blum wrote
> Hello everybody, 
> maybe it's a little late to warm up an old thread, but I had to struggle
> with a similar problem: 
> Roman Stawski wrote
>> When I hit the lilypond button the console popped up as usual to run 
>> Lilypond, finished correctly and disappeared. The OOoLP dialogue stayed 
>> open. When I looked at the LP output, everything had compiled fine. 
>> There were no errors.
>> Debugging the macro, I found in the OOoLilypond/Make routine that after 
>> compilation it was looking for OOoLilyPond.eps in the temp directory. In 
>> reality I had OOoLilyPond-1.eps, OOoLilyPond-2.eps and OOoLilyPond-3.eps 
>> ... but no OOoLilyPond.eps, so the routine just exited. I commented this 
>> out since the only file I'm interested in is OOoLilyPond.png which was 
>> there, and was included next. Debugging further kept throwing out errors 
>> in LibreBasic ... so I gave up.
>> Current state is that its now inserting the image ... but holding the 
>> image source open (even if I delete the image from the document). This 
>> means that the next run of OOoLP fails because it can't delete the 
>> source from the previous run.
> I have OpenOffice 4.1.3 and OooLilyPond 0.4.0 running on Windows 7, and I
> use them a lot. 
> Everything works fine as long as I use LilyPond 2.18.2, but I never got it
> to work with any 2.19 version. 
> Apparently, LP 2.18 produces an EPS file and converts it into a PNG file.
> Both files are kept. 
> With LP 2.19 (invoked by the same command) there is no EPS file with the
> same file name. 
> Unfortunately, OooLilyPond always checks the presence of the EPS file (and
> exits if there's none), no matter if it's told to use the PNG or the EPS
> file. 
> The easiest way I found was to change the way LilyPond is called, in a way
> that there really is an EPS file present. 
> In the OooLilyPond macros, there is a section "LilyPond" containing a
> function named "CallLilyPond()". 
> For composing the Windows command, there is a line that reads: 
> --
> sCommand = sCommand & " " & sBackendOpt & " -f png -dresolution=" &
> iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)
> --
> This line should be replaced by: 
> --
> sCommand = sCommand & " -dno-delete-intermediate-files --png " &
> sBackendOpt & " -dresolution=" & iGraphicDPI & "
> >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)
> --
> I've tested that with LP 2.18.2, LP 2.19.37 and LP 2.19.51, and it worked
> with all three versions. 
> By the way, I have no idea of how to use the command line parameters...
> instead, I simply experimented with Frescobaldi and "stole" its output. 
> ;-)
> I hope that this information is useful for some people. OooLilyPond is a
> great tool and has literally saved my life so many times. 
> Cheers, 
> Klaus
> P.S.: Interestingly enough, the error showed up as complaining about an
> unknown variable named "CurserPosition", but that seems to be another
> story...


I mainly use Linux but recently I've tried to use OOoLilyPond with my
LibreOffice 5 on Windows 10, but it's failing. Windows 10 keeps crashing
LibreOffice whenever I try to convert the LP code into my document (as

I keep getting BASIC errors, like "BASIC runtime error. Variable not

How can I fix this on Windows, I don't understand the make and eps issues
mentioned in previous posts.

Thank you for helping!

composer | sound designer 
LilyPond Tutorials (for beginners) -->
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Special bar lines

2016-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-12-29 21:58 GMT+01:00 Br. Samuel Springuel :
> Right now I'm using some alternate bar lines to specially mark off specific
> passages in a piece like so:
> %%
> \version "2.19.53"
> % extra bar lines (optional bars)
> \defineBarLine "[" #'("" "[" "")
> \defineBarLine "]" #'("]" "" "")
> { c' \bar "[" c' c' \bar "]" c' }
> %%
> However, I find these barlines are a bit heavy in certain circumstances,
> especially the vertical line portion.  I'd like to define a bar line which
> has a similar shape, but has a lighter feel (thinner lines).  How would I go
> about doing this?



\defineBarLine "[" #'("" "[" "")
\defineBarLine "]" #'("]" "" "")

\override  Staff.BarLine.thick-thickness = 1
\override  Staff.BarLine.font-size = #-4
c' \bar "[" c' c' \bar "]" c'


help already?


lilypond-user mailing list

Special bar lines

2016-12-29 Thread Br. Samuel Springuel
Right now I'm using some alternate bar lines to specially mark off 
specific passages in a piece like so:

\version "2.19.53"

% extra bar lines (optional bars)
\defineBarLine "[" #'("" "[" "")
\defineBarLine "]" #'("]" "" "")

{ c' \bar "[" c' c' \bar "]" c' }

However, I find these barlines are a bit heavy in certain circumstances, 
especially the vertical line portion.  I'd like to define a bar line 
which has a similar shape, but has a lighter feel (thinner lines).  How 
would I go about doing this?

Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond

2016-12-29 Thread Klaus Blum
Hello everybody, 

maybe it's a little late to warm up an old thread, but I had to struggle
with a similar problem: 

Roman Stawski wrote
> When I hit the lilypond button the console popped up as usual to run 
> Lilypond, finished correctly and disappeared. The OOoLP dialogue stayed 
> open. When I looked at the LP output, everything had compiled fine. 
> There were no errors.
> Debugging the macro, I found in the OOoLilypond/Make routine that after 
> compilation it was looking for OOoLilyPond.eps in the temp directory. In 
> reality I had OOoLilyPond-1.eps, OOoLilyPond-2.eps and OOoLilyPond-3.eps 
> ... but no OOoLilyPond.eps, so the routine just exited. I commented this 
> out since the only file I'm interested in is OOoLilyPond.png which was 
> there, and was included next. Debugging further kept throwing out errors 
> in LibreBasic ... so I gave up.
> Current state is that its now inserting the image ... but holding the 
> image source open (even if I delete the image from the document). This 
> means that the next run of OOoLP fails because it can't delete the 
> source from the previous run.

I have OpenOffice 4.1.3 and OooLilyPond 0.4.0 running on Windows 7, and I
use them a lot. 
Everything works fine as long as I use LilyPond 2.18.2, but I never got it
to work with any 2.19 version. 

Apparently, LP 2.18 produces an EPS file and converts it into a PNG file.
Both files are kept. 
With LP 2.19 (invoked by the same command) there is no EPS file with the
same file name. 

Unfortunately, OooLilyPond always checks the presence of the EPS file (and
exits if there's none), no matter if it's told to use the PNG or the EPS
The easiest way I found was to change the way LilyPond is called, in a way
that there really is an EPS file present. 

In the OooLilyPond macros, there is a section "LilyPond" containing a
function named "CallLilyPond()". 
For composing the Windows command, there is a line that reads: 

sCommand = sCommand & " " & sBackendOpt & " -f png -dresolution=" &
iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1" (10)

This line should be replaced by: 

sCommand = sCommand & " -dno-delete-intermediate-files --png " & sBackendOpt
& " -dresolution=" & iGraphicDPI & " >OOoLilyPond.out 2>&1"

I've tested that with LP 2.18.2, LP 2.19.37 and LP 2.19.51, and it worked
with all three versions. 
By the way, I have no idea of how to use the command line parameters...
instead, I simply experimented with Frescobaldi and "stole" its output.  ;-)

I hope that this information is useful for some people. OooLilyPond is a
great tool and has literally saved my life so many times. 


P.S.: Interestingly enough, the error showed up as complaining about an
unknown variable named "CurserPosition", but that seems to be another

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Re: MultiMeasureRest symbol spacing

2016-12-29 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt

Am 29.12.2016 um 18:36 schrieb David Nalesnik:

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Phil Holmes  wrote:

- Original Message - From: "Jan-Peter Voigt" 
To: "David Nalesnik" 
Cc: "lilypond-user Mailinglist" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: MultiMeasureRest symbol spacing

Hi David,

many thanks for this patch! It does exactly what I need!

So now it could be uploaded to Rietvield - or do we need an issue number?

All the best

To get a review and the patch accepted into the LilyPond code base, you
should follow

This automatically creates an issue.

Done -- see


Thank you!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MultiMeasureRest symbol spacing

2016-12-29 Thread David Nalesnik
On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Phil Holmes  wrote:
> - Original Message - From: "Jan-Peter Voigt" 
> To: "David Nalesnik" 
> Cc: "lilypond-user Mailinglist" 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 9:59 AM
> Subject: Re: MultiMeasureRest symbol spacing
>> Hi David,
>> many thanks for this patch! It does exactly what I need!
>> So now it could be uploaded to Rietvield - or do we need an issue number?
>> All the best
>> Jan-Peter
> To get a review and the patch accepted into the LilyPond code base, you
> should follow
> This automatically creates an issue.

Done -- see


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Circled numbers for live electronics

2016-12-29 Thread Gilberto Agostinho
Thomas Morley-2 wrote
> Approved now as
> "Circled numbers for live electronics"

Great, thanks a lot, Thomas!


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Re: Circled numbers for live electronics

2016-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-12-23 12:46 GMT+01:00 Gilberto Agostinho :
> Hi Thomas,
> Thomas Morley-2 wrote
>> I had a look into your code here:
>> and now come up with the shortened version below.
>> What do you think?
> Thanks a lot for the feedback, the shortened versions you posted are looking
> very nice. It's quite clever to call \LEtext from \LE as you did, and the
> use of a transparent string is better than all those conditionals of mine.
> Thanks a lot!
> Cheers,
> Gilberto

Approved now as
"Circled numbers for live electronics"


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Change the font size of lyric hyphens

2016-12-29 Thread Bruce Pike
Thanks, that worked.

Also helped to add
  \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.height = #1
to move the hyphens up to align horizontally with the larger text.


On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Thomas Morley 

> 2016-12-28 23:15 GMT+01:00 Bruce Pike :
> > Is there a way to change the size of hyphens in lyric text?
> >
> > Tried
> >   \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.font-size = #6
> >   \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-size = #6
> > Changes the font size of the lyric text, but not the hyphens.
> >
> > BruceP
> See
> 002dhyphen_002dinterface
> for the tweakable properties of LyricHyphen.
> Probably resulting in:
> \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
> de -- fault
> \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.thickness = #6
> foo -- bar
> }
> \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
> de -- fault
> \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.length = #3
> foo -- bar
> }
> \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
> de -- fault
> \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.thickness = #6
> \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.length = #3
> foo -- bar
> }
> Cheers,
>   Harm
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Change the font size of lyric hyphens

2016-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2016-12-28 23:15 GMT+01:00 Bruce Pike :
> Is there a way to change the size of hyphens in lyric text?
> Tried
>   \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.font-size = #6
>   \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-size = #6
> Changes the font size of the lyric text, but not the hyphens.
> BruceP

for the tweakable properties of LyricHyphen.

Probably resulting in:

\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
de -- fault
\override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.thickness = #6
foo -- bar

\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
de -- fault
\override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.length = #3
foo -- bar

\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
de -- fault
\override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.thickness = #6
\override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.length = #3
foo -- bar


lilypond-user mailing list

Change the font size of lyric hyphens

2016-12-29 Thread Bruce Pike
Is there a way to change the size of hyphens in lyric text?

  \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.font-size = #6
  \override Lyrics.LyricText.font-size = #6
Changes the font size of the lyric text, but not the hyphens.

lilypond-user mailing list