Re: Best way to center beam between upper/lower staff?

2024-03-08 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Aaron Hill on Thu, 07 Mar 2024 23:58:21 -0800:

> Is `\autoChange` [1] what you were looking for?

Well, I had looked at \autoChange but  it seems to add extra staves when
used with multiple  voices. I had also looked  at and
it didn't seem to make any difference either. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

I think I'll  just stick to using  a variable as Werner  suggests (I was
already doing that but wondered if I was missing some obvious feature).



Best way to center beam between upper/lower staff?

2024-03-07 Thread Andy Bradford

This has to be a FAQ, yet all my searching turned up a mixed bag.

I'm trying to have some notes cross from the lower staff to the upper staff but 
want the beam to automatically center.  In my example this is accomplished in 
measure 3 with much manual work.  Is there a better way?

\version "2.22.2"

\score {
\new PianoStaff {
\new Staff = "up" {
\new Voice {
  \relative c'' {
a4 g f e
e f g a
\new Staff = "down" {
\clef "bass"
\new Voice {
  \relative c {
d4 e f g
r8 a \change Staff = "up" c \change Staff = "down" a \change 
Staff = "up" d \change Staff = "down" a \change Staff = "up" e' \change Staff = 
"down" r
r8 a, \change Staff = "up" \stemDown c \change Staff = "down" 
\stemUp a \change Staff = "up" \stemDown d \change Staff = "down" \stemUp a 
\change Staff = "up" \stemDown e' \change Staff = "down" \stemNeutral r



Re: Using __ extender in lyrics

2024-03-03 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Hans Aikema on Sun, 03 Mar 2024 18:46:46 +0100:

> A solution to it is to put  an empty lyric ("") on the parenthesised f
> when there are no lyrics for it

That's so simple and I don't know  why I didn't think of doing just that
(hindsight  and  all  that)  instead  of trying  to  use  \skip  or  the



Using __ extender in lyrics

2024-03-03 Thread Andy Bradford

I  seem to  have some  fundamental  misunderstanding about  how the  __ 
extender is to  be used in lyrics. It seems  that under some conditions 
it doesn't behave as I would expect but I may be doing it wrong.

Given the  following example, what am  I doing wrong? It  works fine for
stanza 3 as I  would expect, but for stanzas 1 and 2  it seems that what
I'm doing causes the extender to go beyond where I would expect it.

It there any better way than what  was done in stanza 4 because the fake
extender never seems to have  the correct length---it's either too short
or  too long?  Perhaps  something  could be  done  differently with  the
musical expression?

\version "2.22.2"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

\score {
\new ChoirStaff {
\new Staff {
\time 12/8
\new Voice = "voice" {
  \relative c'' {
a8 b c r4. r a8 b c
d,( e4~) e4. r4 \parenthesize f8 g g a
g2. r
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" {
  \set stanza = "1. " Sing -- ing o sing -- ing a |
  song, __ _ sing -- ing a
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" {
  \set stanza = "2. " Some -- one sang.  They sang a
  song, __ \skip 1 a -- bout no --
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" {
  \set stanza = "3. " Sang a song? Who sang a |
  song? __ I sang a long
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" {
  \set stanza = "4. " Here a song.  The song is |
  "gone,_" _ I can -- not



Re: Volta spanner missing edge when using "|" as endRepeatType

2024-02-29 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Thomas Morley on Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:47:06 +0100:

> \allowVoltaHook = "|"
> placed toplevel, should do the trick.

Thanks, for the archives, the correct syntax is (without the "="):

\allowVoltaHook "|"

Works great.


Volta spanner missing edge when using "|" as endRepeatType

2024-02-28 Thread Andy Bradford

I want to place an interlude that  happens only the first time through a
a section that has  a repeat and a second interlude  for the second time
through. I don't want the repeat measure bar showing up in the middle of
the piece, so  I set the endRepeatType  to "|", but when I  do that, the
right edge of the volta spanner  loses the stright edge line. I've tried
various combinations of bars to see if  I can get it to work but haven't
succeeded so far.

I also tried  just using a solid  line Text spanner but  couldn't find a
way to get any text "inside" the spanner (only on the ends).

Any clues on how this could be done?

\version "2.22.2"

voltaprima = \markup { \text \italic { First time only } }
voltaseconda = \markup { \text \italic { On repeat only } }
\relative {
  \repeat volta 2 {
  \once \set Score.startRepeatType = "|"
  \set Score.endRepeatType = "|" % or "||"
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta voltaprima) 'start-repeat)
  c4 b d e
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta #f) (list 'volta voltaseconda)
  c b a b
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat)
  \set Score.endRepeatType = ":|."
  \alternative {
{ d }
{ a' }
  f \bar "|."



Re: How to align second repeat verse against second voice

2024-02-26 Thread Andy Bradford
> Reading the rhythm  would be easier if you replaced  two of the dotted
> quarter notes with an eighth note tied to the following quarter note.

Yes,  that's a  great suggestion  too  and in  fact I  had already  been
considering that very modification.



Re: How to align second repeat verse against second voice

2024-02-25 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Aaron Hill on Sat, 24 Feb 2024 20:51:44 -0800:

> Probably  the  easiest  the  option  is  to  \set  associatedVoice  to
> temporarily align  your lyrics to  the alternate notes.  The important
> quirk of associatedVoice  is that you must make the  change a syllable
> ahead of when you need it:

I see,  yes, this works  quite well, thank you.  It also cleans  up some
other tricks I had employed to try to get the text aligned (specifically
I had  some manual  \break and  also extended the  voice longer  than it
needed to be).



How to align second repeat verse against second voice

2024-02-24 Thread Andy Bradford

I have  a piece  with two verses  in a repeat.  The second  time through
there  is  a  slight  alteration  in one  of  the  measures  which  adds
additional notes.  I've been able  to accomplish this using  a temporary
voice, but I'm  not sure if this is  the best way as the words  "ma - mo
mu" end up shifted down another  line. Here is the smallest section that
I could provide, but I wonder if I can align the text better?

\version "2.18.2"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

\score {
\new ChoirStaff {
\new Staff {
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\new Voice = "first" {
  \relative c' {
\partial 4
c8 c
\repeat volta 2 {
  a b4. r4 a8 c
  << % maybe there is a better way?
{ \voiceOne c4. d8 d8. }
\new Voice = "second" {
  \voiceTwo \tiny c4 c8 d8 \normalsize }
  >> \oneVoice e16 f8 c
  a c4 c4. d8 e
\alternative {
  { f4 r2 c8 c }
  { f2( d4) c8 c }
f1 \bar "|."
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "first" {
  lo lo |
  la -- la la -- la |
  la, la la la la la --
  la la. la la la |
  lu mo mo
  mo __ mi me
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "first" {
  \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 }
  mo -- mu. mi me |
  \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 } ma ma mi me |
  mu -- mo.  ma mi -- mi
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "second" {
  ma -- mo mu % this ends up shifted down below the second verse
  \layout {
\context {
  proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)

Re: WARNING: SPAM / MALWARE being sent to list members

2023-10-23 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Jean Abou Samra on Mon, 23 Oct 2023 19:53:25 +0200:

> Let's not get into a debate about  this on the list. We can discuss it
> privately if you like.

Not worth  debating. I was  hoping that  whatever is generating  spam in
response to list posts would send me something.


Re: WARNING: SPAM / MALWARE being sent to list members

2023-10-23 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Jean Abou Samra on Mon, 23 Oct 2023 18:28:12 +0200:

> Luckily, we  have technologies  (SPF and DKIM)  that can  guarantee an
> email is sent  from the owner of  the sender address, and  if an email
> doesn't pass  SPF/DKIM, it's very  likely to  be blocked by  your spam
> filter.

Unfortunately SPF and DKIM are terrible hacks and wholly unnecessary.


Re: Wanting to leave list

2023-06-17 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said David Kastrup on Sat, 17 Jun 2023 18:44:54 +0200:

> Some  mail  clients  may,  for  that reason,  even  have  a  dedicated
> "Unsubscribe" button. But you can always look in the headers.

It's a shame that something like mailing list headers isn't made easy by
Gmail to  Gmail's users. They  seem pretty  adamant in their  crusade to
force everyone to use SPF and  DKIM (without having giving their users a
voice in the matter),  but won't help their users figure  out how to use
mailing lists by giving them a nice easy button to use.


Re: Accent on single note of chord?

2022-09-24 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Jean Abou Samra on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 22:17:26 +0200:

> Are you asking this because you  saw this notation in a printed score,
> or because you want to use it even though it's nonstandard?

Yes, the attachment  that I included in my original  email was a snippet
from an  actual printed score. I  can certainly imagine that  just the C
from the chord wants additional emphasis over the rest of the chord.


Accent on single note of chord?

2022-09-24 Thread Andy Bradford

Has anyone  come across notation where  only a single note  in the chord
has an accent?

I had  hoped that it  might just work by  placing the accent  within the
chord, but alas it did not:

\version "2.18.2"

\relative {
4   e-5>

See attached.



How to cause voice order to reverse?

2021-10-14 Thread Andy Bradford

How  can  I have  Lilypond  reverse  the  order  of voice  placement  as
described here for the entire score?

Trying to get the  second voice to come after the first  voice as far as
engraving order (in  the note columns) and resorting  to force-hshift is
how I'm  doing this, but I  would rather just have  Lilypond reverse the

Also, notice that the dots in the  second example of shifting show up in
a single column rather  than closer to the actual note.  It seems odd to
have all the dots out like that marching in a row.

First score shows the problem. Second  score shows what I've done to try
to "improve" it.

  \new Staff <<
\time 2/4
\relative c' {
d4 d16 e d8~
d8 c4 d16 c
4. f8
\new Voice {
  \relative c' {
d4. e16~ e

\score {
  \new Staff <<
\time 2/4
\relative c' {
  d4 d16 e d8~
  d8 c4 d16 c
  4. f8
\new Voice {
  \relative c' {
\once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.5 f'
\once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.5 d4. e16~ e



End pedal optionally with text.

2021-10-02 Thread Andy Bradford

I'm trying to  accomplish something similar to attached  image where the
sustain pedal ends without showing the line. In ASCII:

Ped. __/\

Optionally, it would be nice to follow it with something like:

Ped. __/\ con ped.

I've been able to eliminate the  bracket, but somehow have not been able
to get rid of the line:

Ped. __/\_

Using something like:

\version "2.18.2"
\relative c' {
  \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
  a b c d\sustainOn
  e \once\override Staff.PianoPedalBracket.edge-height = #'(1 . 0) f 
\sustainOff \sustainOn g \sustainOff a

I've tried  altering Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner but clearly  I do not
understand what it is for. Even hiding it has no effect.

Is there some documentation for this that I've missed? Any thoughts?



Re: How to shift trill to below phrasing slur?

2020-12-01 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Thomas Morley on Tue, 01 Dec 2020 21:07:22 +0100:

> avoid-slur is the correct method:

Is see,  thank you! The  problem was apparently  I didn't know  that the
\trill was part of Script object (I  think that's the term) so I had put
the avoid-slur property on the wrong thing.



How to shift trill to below phrasing slur?

2020-12-01 Thread Andy Bradford

I have a small section of music that has a trill that Lilypond places on
top of a phrasing  slur, but I would like it  beneath (between the staff
and the slur).

I've tried to use:

-\tweak Y-offset #-3 \trill

And it doesn't seem to have any effect at all (even though modifications
to the X-offset do). I've also looked at the avoid-slur property but I'm
not sure I know how to use  it (and attempts I've made haven't seemed to
make a difference).

Here's MWE:

\version "2.18.2"

\score {
\time 12/8
\relative c' { 
  a8 b\( c a b c d e f d e f 
  g a b g a b c2.
  d2.\trill \grace { c16 d } e2.\)

Thanks for any suggestions.


Convert from Personal Composer to Lilypond?

2017-12-10 Thread Andy Bradford

I searched  the archives (and also  search engines) and couldn't  find a
discussion about converting Personal Composer (.pc files) into Lilypond,
so I thought I would ask if anyone knows of a conversion tool.

I could manually engrave  it again from the PDF output  that I have, but
it would be quicker if there is a tool for conversion.


TAI64 timestamp: 40005a2d8c3f

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [OT] Linux Users

2017-11-18 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said "Brett M. Gilio" on Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:59:27 -0600:

> How many Linux  users are out there in the  Lilypond community? Do any
> of you use other type-setting software  such as LaTeX or Csound rather
> than graphical tools?

I wonder if analysis of the  user-agent strings from the web server logs
for would be of any value in this inquiry.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005a108e63

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: old f-clef

2017-06-29 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Stanton Sanderson on Thu, 29 Jun 2017 16:59:54 -0500:

> Still, it would have been better  to have asked about the older f-clef
> before  starting the  project, which  is in  recognition of  the 500th
> anniversary of the Reformation.

Sounds like an interesting project.

I'm  familiar with  this particular  bass clef,  and in  fact, had  been
wondering  myself how  to construct  it with  Lilypond. Now  that you've
brought it up, I  have a potential solution. I'm also  looking for a way
to engrave this particular C clef:

I assume a similar method could be used to as in the old-style F clef.

TAI64 timestamp: 40005955bd82

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New LilyPond website

2016-11-30 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said John Roper on Tue, 29 Nov 2016 19:58:35 -0500:


I  never got  to  see  the originally  proposed  changes.  At any  rate,
consider  my  opinion as  just  another  nobody's  voice in  the  crowd,
one  of many  non-stakeholder  LilyPond users,  but  personally, I  like's  current CSS;  however, that's  not to  say it  cannot be
improved. I  like the  bolder, darker  text that I  see on  the original
site. It seems that the text on the  new proposed site is not as dark or
as bold; maybe even grey?

Text should stand  out. It should be dark. Sometimes  it should be bold;
judiciously used of course like it  is with the current main banner that

LilyPond ... music notation for everyone

Why hide or mute text that is intended to be read?

The boxes  on the  right-hand side  make it  harder for  me to  pick out
valuable information because they blend in more with the background (are
less defined). On the original site, while there are no boxes, there are
big green header-like things (I'm not a web designer so pardon my lingo)
that stand out. On the old site, the links don't wrap. What I see on the
new  proposed site  has wrapping  going on  all over  in the  right-hand
boxes.  Hopefully  you  have  an  email client  that  will  render  this
properly, if not,  I imagine there are some email  archives that will do
it justice. What I see basically amounts to:



Manuals 2.18.2




This is likely due to the way I  browse (e.g. I don't use a browser full
screen but instead split my real-estate with other windows).

Also, the menu/banner across the top has muted colors for the foreground
text  which makes  it  more  difficult to  see  the individual  options.
LilyPond stands out, as does Home, but  all the rest are a fainter white
than before. With, they  were a solid white, maybe somewhat
bold, and  easily readable.  Now they look  diminished, muted  and don't
even get much more legible when I hover my mouse over them.

If you're interested, I can send you a screenshot.

Anyway, just my $0.02. :-)

TAI64 timestamp: 4000583e7d59

lilypond-user mailing list