Re: Users versus developers (was: Tempo mark alignment)

2009-05-23 Thread Ari Torhamo
la, 2009-05-23 kello 23:05 +0100, Anthony W. Youngman kirjoitti:
> In message <>, Ari Torhamo 

> >You don't quite seem to get Tim's point: everybody can't and doesn't
> >need to participate every project they find useful - especially when
> >they don't consume the resources of the project in question (more than
> >marginally). Most people don't contribute equally to things in their
> >life - people specialize, which is good, because they have different
> >lives, situations, skills and talents. It's good to encourage people and
> >make them aware of the ways to contribute - and then leave it to them.
> Unfortunately, Tim's point is at odds with the philosophy of free 
> software - which can be pretty succinctly stated as "he who writes the 
> software makes the rules".

It's hard to believe that you are serious. That may be your free
software philosophy, but not *the* free software philosophy. If the
essence of free software was about who makes the rules, there would be
no free software movement. Ever heard of the idea of freedom? Of
sharing? The idea of giving something for nothing is important to many.
Doesn't that qualify as a free software philosophy? What about the idea
of Ubuntu? There are several other free software philosophies. What
makes your's *the" one?

> And while I think that Graham is often more "bad cop" than necessary 
> (I've fallen foul of him too :-) he does have somewhat of a valid point 
> - if you're not prepared to put in any work then why should other people 
> put in work on your behalf?

A world where people always count how much they give to each other and
expect to get the same amount back sounds like a sad place to me. If
there's no joy in giving, it seems that the most important thing is



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Users versus developers (was: Tempo mark alignment)

2009-05-23 Thread Ari Torhamo
la, 2009-05-23 kello 19:57 +0200, Valentin Villenave kirjoitti:
> 2009/5/23 Tim McNamara :
> > "Helping" takes many forms.
> >
> > Like many LilyPond users, I know nothing useful about computer programming
> > and so cannot help with correcting problems in the code.  I have a full
> > time-plus highly demanding job, a marriage, a house, ailing parents, I play
> > music and have other hobbies.  If you have gotten to 50 years of age then
> > you will know what sort of things I am talking about; if you haven't gotten
> > to 50 yet, then you will understand when you get there.  I can't speak for
> > Xavier, but I don't have time to learn Scheme or C.  Sorry, that's just the
> > way it is.
> Hi Tim,
> As I told Xavier, please do not cross-post. Since you're starting a
> new discussion, let's keep this on -user.
> I am not sure I appreciate your "50 years of age" point :-)
> As you said, helping can take many forms, particularly for us
> non-programmers. But when we want something to be addressed and we
> can't do it on our own, what we can do really boils down to two
> things: either we can help the programmers so that they are available
> to deal with our problem, or we can find more programmers.
> The first option is achieved by handling everything a non-programmer
> can do: managing bugs, helping new users, writing the newsletter, etc.
> The second option is achieved in two ways: helping expand our
> community (and hoping this way more programmers will join on a
> long-term perspective), or hiring someone (with decent money) to let
> him learn the code and implement the feature/fix the bug you want.

You don't quite seem to get Tim's point: everybody can't and doesn't
need to participate every project they find useful - especially when
they don't consume the resources of the project in question (more than
marginally). Most people don't contribute equally to things in their
life - people specialize, which is good, because they have different
lives, situations, skills and talents. It's good to encourage people and
make them aware of the ways to contribute - and then leave it to them.

I think it would have been considerate of you to let it go after reading
what Tim hinted about his life situation.

> > LilyPond is currently a difficult application to learn to use.  It is not
> > intuitive.  LilyPond is very powerful and there are many, many options that
> > can be used and often many ways in which those options can be used.  The
> > documentation is at times difficult and opaque.  It is the newbies and
> > non-programmers who will tend to remind us of this fact.  Telling them that
> > they have no right to comment is not helpful because the project loses their
> > insights and may lose them as users.  For many folks like me, our
> > contribution is going to be limited to using LilyPond for practical
> > purposes, then providing feedback and financial support.  These things are
> > not invaluable.  You can't insult people into helping.

> Saying that the program is "not intuitive" or that the documentation
> is "difficult and opaque" will not help. We do welcome concrete
> suggestions, such as "this input syntax would be more intuitive",
> "this sentence should be rephrased this way; this chapter could be
> divided this way", etc.

Your comment doesn't make sense. Everyone can see that Tim didn't
mention the problems you quoted to report them, but to explain his point
about welcoming newbie comments.

You seem to have contributed quite a lot to Lilypond, which I greatly

Ari Torhamo

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip/Trick: Double-Breve or Single-Breve-with-Double-Sidebars

2009-04-09 Thread Ari Torhamo
to, 2009-04-09 kello 15:43 -0400, Kieren MacMillan kirjoitti:
> Hello Ari (et al.),
> > You'll need Kieren's scheme function as well.
> \version "2.12.2"
> dbreve =
>   #(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
>   #{
>   \once \override ParenthesesItem #'stencil = 
> #ly:text-interface::print
>   \once \override ParenthesesItem #'text =
>   \markup \translate #'(-0.4 . -0.46) \override 
> #'(thickness . 2)  
> { \draw-line #'(0 . 0.92) \hspace #2.26 \draw-line #'(0 . 0.92)  }
>   \parenthesize $note
>   #})
> \score { { \dbreve b'\breve*2 } }
> This function should be good at least as far back as v2.10.
> The *2 doubles the duration of the breve, to make a double-breve (so  
> if you just want double sidebars on a single breve, leave off the *2).
> I (or someone else, maybe?) will try to improve the function when I  
> get a moment.
> Cheers,
> Kieren.

It's good that you and Jonathan brought the scheme function up - I
didn't know it's needed. I just tested the function in Lilypond 2.11.61
and it seems to work fine.

It's indeed the double sidebars that I need, duration in itself isn't
too important. I'll include an attachment to this message to show what
I'm after (I hope a small attachment is OK). This type of singing is
called "resitatiivi" (recitative) at least in the musical subculture the
example notation is from. The breve and empty spaces around it are there
to tell that you are supposed to sing in the rhythm of speech as opposed
to a constant tempo.

Here's how I'm doing it at the present:

\version "2.11.61"

pi = { 
   \override Voice.NoteHead #'transparent = ##t 
   \override Voice.Stem #'transparent = ##t
   \override Voice.NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t

nä = {
   \revert Voice.NoteHead #'transparent 
   \revert Voice.Stem #'transparent
   \revert Voice.NoteHead #'no-ledgers

dbreve =
#(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
\once \override ParenthesesItem #'stencil =
\once \override ParenthesesItem #'text =
\markup \translate #'(-0.4 . -0.46)
\override #'(thickness . 2)  
{ \draw-line #'(0 . 0.92) \hspace #2.26 \draw-line #'(0 . 0.92)  }
\parenthesize $note

\relative c' { 
   e4 \pi e2 e e \nä \dbreve e\breve \pi e4 e \nä e f f f2

\addlyrics { 
Blubu baba bibi biba blubu dada didi dida blaa blaa bl


Thanks to everyone who responded :-)

Ari Torhamo
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Kieren's Double Breve: Thank You.

2009-04-09 Thread Ari Torhamo
to, 2009-04-09 kello 09:14 -0400, Kieren MacMillan kirjoitti:
> Hi Fred,
> > Thank you, Kieren, for that double-breve function
> My pleasure!
> > which I am now using in Reading's (d.1692)
> > Preces and Responses. I think the breve looks
> > much better with double side-bars.

What?! I can haz breve with duble side-barz neouw? Vry nice :-) I
asked about this a longish time ago, but it wasn't possible then.
Luckily I noticed this thread. Am I getting this right: where I normally
would put only "g\breve", I must add "\dbreve" before it and "*2" right
after for double side-bars? I'll probably have to upgrade from 2.11.61

Thanks :-)

Ari Torhamo

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Transparent ledger lines

2009-03-18 Thread Ari Torhamo
ke, 2009-03-18 kello 06:13 -0600, Carl D. Sorensen kirjoitti:
> On 3/17/09 7:17 PM, "Ari Torhamo"  wrote:
> > ti, 2009-03-17 kello 18:43 -0600, Carl D. Sorensen kirjoitti:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On 3/17/09 6:37 PM, "Ari Torhamo"  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Hello,
> >>> 
> >>> I have been wrestling with a problem for a while. I'm using these two
> >>> lines
> >>> 
> >>>\override Voice.NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
> >>>\override Voice.Stem #'transparent = ##t
> >>> 
> >>> to make certain note heads and stems transparent. This works fine, but
> >>> the problem is that the ledger lines connected to them stay visible. I
> >>> have tried several things to get rid of the ledger lines too, but
> >>> haven't found the solution.
> >>> 
> >>> I think these are what I have tried so far:
> >>> 
> >>> \override Staff.LedgerLine #'transparent = ##t
> >>> \override Staff.Ledger #'transparent = ##t
> >>> \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t
> >>> \override Voice.LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t
> >>> \override Voice.LedgerLine #'transparent = ##t
> >>> \override Voice.Ledger #'transparent = ##t
> >>> \override LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t
> >>> \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> From the command hideNotes (which is found in the file 
> >>> ly/
> >> I found that the property you want to use is
> >> 
> >> \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
> >> 
> >> Carl
> > 
> > Thanks Carl. I actually tried this already, as you can see from my list
> > above, but it's good that you took this up again, because it seems that
> > I wasn't looking at the error message I got close enough. The "override"
> > part goes well, but when I try to set the ledger lines back to visible
> > with
> > 
> > \revert Voice.NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
> > 
> > I get this:
> > 
> > virhe: syntax error, unexpected '='
> >\revert Voice.NoteHead #'no-ledgers
> >= ##t
> > 
> > I need transparency for the ledger lines only temporarily, so I'd like
> > to know how to revert the change. Any ideas?
> Just use
> \revert Voice.NoteHead #'no-ledgers
> When you use \revert, you don't give a value; the value is the default
> value.
> You could also use 
> \override Voice.NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##f

This worked. Thanks very much, Carl :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Transparent ledger lines

2009-03-17 Thread Ari Torhamo

I have been wrestling with a problem for a while. I'm using these two

   \override Voice.NoteHead #'transparent = ##t 
   \override Voice.Stem #'transparent = ##t

to make certain note heads and stems transparent. This works fine, but
the problem is that the ledger lines connected to them stay visible. I
have tried several things to get rid of the ledger lines too, but
haven't found the solution.

I think these are what I have tried so far:

\override Staff.LedgerLine #'transparent = ##t
\override Staff.Ledger #'transparent = ##t
\override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t
\override Voice.LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t
\override Voice.LedgerLine #'transparent = ##t
\override Voice.Ledger #'transparent = ##t
\override LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t
\override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t

This manual page
explains how to make heads and stems transparent, but unfortunately
doing the same for ledger lines, which I think in most cases would be
desired, has been omitted. Would it be a good idea to add the
instruction there?

Thanks :-)

Ari Torhamo

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with learning lilypond

2008-11-19 Thread Ari Torhamo
ke, 2008-11-19 kello 00:54 -0800, John Sellers kirjoitti:


> I've used lilypond off and on for a few years AND HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE 
> There are five reasons
> 1) lack of context
> 2) lack of context
> 3) lack of context
> 4) lack of context
> 5) lack of context


This is exactly what has frustrated me so many times - thanks for
putting it into words so elegantly ;-) 2.11 documentation makes a large
step into right direction in this respect (I whish I was told earlier to
use 2.11 instead of 2.10), and I hope the documenters will have the
patience to cover the contexts even more widely in the future versions.
I must add that in my eyes the Lilypond documentation (especially 2.11)
is generally exellent, and you can really see that those who are doing
it want to get it right in every way.

Unfortunately I can't say much about your idea on depencies, as I'm not
a developer.


Ari Torhamo

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: No time signature?

2008-11-17 Thread Ari Torhamo
ma, 2008-11-17 kello 16:36 -0800, alyozhik kirjoitti:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to Lilypond. I've been looking for a way to typeset music without
> time signatures. This is because I'm transcribing chants that often use
> _recitativ_ and rarely follow any strict meter--the rhythm of the chant is
> completely text-driven. 
> Any way to do this?


This is the method I've been using:

\relative c' {
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Notating recitative

2008-10-10 Thread Ari Torhamo
I don't know how to get the two vertical lines before and after the
note/chord that defines the pitches on the recitative section. Is there
some command/marking I can attach to a note in the chord so that all
lines would be automatically drawn from the lowest note to the highest.
Or do I need to draw four vertical lines (bar lines perhaps?) and define
their length and horizontal position on the staff?



pe, 2008-10-10 kello 08:46 +0200, James E. Bailey kirjoitti:
> What aspect of this are you trying to achieve and having difficulty  
> doing so? I don't really see anything special about the two examples  
> provided.
> On 10.10.2008, at 03:23, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm trying to achieve this:
> >[EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]/2927464861/sizes/o/in/photostream/
> > another example:
> >[EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]/2927464879/sizes/o/in/photostream/
> > (my apologies for the lousy images, I can send better ones tomorrow,  
> > if
> > needed)
> >
> > It's used to mark recitative type of singing (which is like talking,  
> > but
> > on a constant pitch). I don't know if it's commonly used everywhere
> > (perhaps not, because searching the internet didn't bring up any
> > examples (wrong search term?)), but it's used in the music I'm  
> > notating.
> >
> > Is this possible to do with Lilypond?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Ari
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >

lilypond-user mailing list

Notating recitative

2008-10-09 Thread Ari Torhamo

I'm trying to achieve this:[EMAIL 
another example:[EMAIL 
(my apologies for the lousy images, I can send better ones tomorrow, if

It's used to mark recitative type of singing (which is like talking, but
on a constant pitch). I don't know if it's commonly used everywhere
(perhaps not, because searching the internet didn't bring up any
examples (wrong search term?)), but it's used in the music I'm notating.

Is this possible to do with Lilypond?



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-08 Thread Ari Torhamo
ke, 2008-10-08 kello 13:03 +0300, Risto Vääräniemi kirjoitti: 
> Terve Ari,
> 2008/10/8 Ari Torhamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > It works, it works! Now I can get forward with what I'm doing :-)
> >
> > One more thing. I tried to add \lyricsto to the line above, but this
> > caused an error message. I'm trying to align the lyrics to the melody,
> > so that it wouldn't be necessary to add the durations by hand. Is there
> > a way to get this to work with the structure I'm using?
> Try modifying the following lines like this:
> sopraano = \relative c'' \context Voice = "sopraano" {
> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopraano" \sanat
> (and of course Trevor's \accept trick.)
> This creates a voice context to which you can attach the lyrics.

Your advice worked, so I'm again one step closer to the goal :-) Your
wording "This creates a voice context to which you can attach the
lyrics" also helped me understand what I'm doing and why. 

The solution also caused a problem though. Some stems of the upper voice
on the upper staff were changed to wrong direction, eg. down. Any ideas
what might have caused this? I tried to move some items around in the
code, but could only make things worse.

Here's how the code looks at the moment:


\version "2.11.61"
\paper { indent=0\cm }
\header { title = "Ylistysveisu" }

sopraano = \relative c'' \context Voice = "sopraano" { 
\key g \major 
g4( a b) b a2 gis 
\bar "|" 
a4 b c b a gis a1 
\bar "|" \break 
b2 a a a4( gis) a b c2( b) a2. b4\rest 
\bar "|" \break 
altto = \relative c' { 
d2( g4) g e2 e 
e4 g g g e e e1 
e2 e e e e4 g g1 e2. 
tenori = \relative c' { 
\clef bass 
\key g \major 
b4( c d) d c2 b 
c4 d e d c b c1 
d2 c c c4( b) c d e2( d) c2. 
basso = \relative c' { 
g2. g4 a2 e 
a4 g c, g' a e 1 
2   4( e) a g c,2( g') a2. d,4\rest 
sanat = \lyricmode { Y -- lis -- täm- me 

\score {
   \new PianoStaff \with { \accepts Lyrics }  <<
  \new Staff << 
 { \sopraano } \\
 { \altto }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopraano" { \sanat }
  \new Staff <<
 { \tenori } \\
 { \basso }

> Just out of curiosity... Are you using PianoStaff for music with
> lyrics in purpose instead of e.g. ChoirStaff?

The reason to use PianoStaff is to get the staves to start with braces
instead of brackets, nothing else (or at least I'm not aware of
anything else that I could achieve by using it). I discussed the
brace/bracket matter today, and the idea to use braces comes from the
fact that many older music books of the area of music in question use
braces instead of brackets. If braces are difficult to implement, using
brackets isn't ruled out. They have been used along with braces. I'm more the 
technical guy here (yes, really :-) helping
another person to start using Lilypond, so to know what the result
should look like I either have to look at the examples I have at hand, or ask 
the the person I'm teaching.

Thanks for your help :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-08 Thread Ari Torhamo
ke, 2008-10-08 kello 08:33 +0100, Trevor Daniels kirjoitti:
> Ari Torhamo wrote  Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:37 AM
> > I have also tried to add "\lyricsto" in different places on the string
> > above (docs suggest to use it), but then the file won't even render. Can
> > you see what I'm doing wrong?
> The problem is that the PianoStaff context does not accept a Lyrics
> context by default, so it is pushed outside.  To do what you what,
> change the PianoStaff line to:
>\new PianoStaff \with { \accepts Lyrics } <<
> so that Lyrics can be included within it.

It works, it works! Now I can get forward with what I'm doing :-) 

One more thing. I tried to add \lyricsto to the line above, but this
caused an error message. I'm trying to align the lyrics to the melody,
so that it wouldn't be necessary to add the durations by hand. Is there
a way to get this to work with the structure I'm using?

> I'll see if I can add this to the docs somewhere.

Great, this would be very helpful for newcomers.

Thanks for helping me out with this :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ma, 2008-10-06 kello 23:51 -0700, James E. Bailey kirjoitti:

> I'm guessing you're talking about D.2.3, Piano Centered Lyrics. What
> have you tried? If you take away everything but the \new statements,
> and just look at the \score block, what you'll see is 
> \new Staff
> \new Lyrics
> \new Staff

Here's the closest I have got:


\version "2.11.61"

\paper { indent=0\cm }

\header { title = "Bla" }

sopraano = \relative c'' { 
\key g \major 
g4( a b) b a2 gis 
\bar "|" 
a4 b c b a gis a1 
\bar "|" \break 
b2 a a a4( gis) a b c2( b) a2. b4\rest 
\bar "|" \break 

altto = \relative c' { 
%\once \override Slur #'positions = #'(-1.5 . -2.5) 
d2( g4) g e2 e 
e4 g g g e e e1 
e2 e e e e4 g g1 e2. 

tenori = \relative c' { 
\clef bass 
\key g \major 
b4( c d) d c2 b 
c4 d e d c b c1 
d2 c c c4( b) c d e2( d) c2. 

basso = \relative c' { 
g2. g4 a2 e 
a4 g c, g' a e 1 
2   4( e) a g c,2( g') a2. d,4\rest 

sanat = \lyricmode { 
Bla- bla- bla  

\score {
   \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff << 
 { \sopraano } \\
 { \altto }

  \new Lyrics { \sanat }

  \new Staff <<
 { \tenori } \\
 { \basso }


This gets the lyrics between the systems, not between the staves, where
they should go. I have probably tried every other possible position for 

"\new Lyrics { \sanat }"

I have also tried to add "\lyricsto" in different places on the string
above (docs suggest to use it), but then the file won't even render. Can
you see what I'm doing wrong?

I wouldn't want to abandon this basic score structure, unless it can't
be used with this kind of lyrics setting, because I put a lot of effort
into learning it. I took a look at the example file you linked in your
reply, and it does what I want to achieve - many thanks. The problem is
that I don't understand the structure used there, and I can't find it
properly explained in the documentation either. I need to understand
what I'm doing, not only because it makes things much easier for myself,
but because I should be able to teach these things to another person
soon. I can'ẗ do that, if I don't understand what I'm doing.

Thanks very much for your help :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ti, 2008-10-07 kello 18:55 -0500, Jonathan Kulp kirjoitti:

> I understand.  It "is" possible to run Finale on Linux under Wine, 
> though, so if he really can't manage Lilypond but does o.k. with Linux 
> in general, then perhaps he could just run the occasional proprietary 
> piece of software under Wine.  I've gotten the Finale demo to run nearly 
> perfectly under Wine, with playback and everything.  I don't have an 
> installation disc, though, so I can't install a full copy.  The only 
> problems I have are that the piano braces and ties look funny.  Still, 
> you can view and play back files, and if you have the full version, you 
> can save and share files with others.  I like to have the demo installed 
> in case my students send me Finale files, but that's really the only use 
> I have for Finale now that I've gotten comfy with Lilypond :)

Finale should work without a clitch under Wine, so that I would dare to
recommend it in this case. The person in question uses Ubuntu now, which
is so easy to use that he never has any problems with it. Wine is
another thing, because there probably would be porblems every now and
then and he wouldn't be able to solve them - even if they were minor in
our eyes. I have tried to run a few programs myself under Wine, but the
experience has always been discouraging (might be different this time of
course). The outcome under Wine should be flawless too, because this
person grew up among music books of late 19th and early 20th century,
many of which are beautifully engraved. He wouldn't accept funny looking
braces and ties :-) I showed him some examples from the Lilypond web
site, and he said "looks good". He in fact used to use Finale long time
ago, but he says he had to tweak the output too much. Sibelius might be
an alternative (some people seem to run it under Wine too).

I hope I'm not sounding too negative, when you do your best to help
me :-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ke, 2008-10-08 kello 02:34 +0300, Ari Torhamo kirjoitti:
> ti, 2008-10-07 kello 17:02 -0500, Jonathan Kulp kirjoitti: 
> > Here's a quick test of Kieren's suggestion, showing first the overridden 
> > slur and then one without the override.  Not too hard to do as long as 
> > there aren't too many.  
> This slur setting would be the norm. If it's too much work, I'll have
> to give up Lilypond.

I just took another look at the score that I'm trying to "lilypond", and
it may be that the slurs beginning at the stem wouldn't be needed too
often after all. The copy I have is so bad that it's often hard to tell
where the slurs end, but I'll check tomorrow and hopefully this was a
false alarm.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ti, 2008-10-07 kello 17:02 -0500, Jonathan Kulp kirjoitti:

> Here's a quick test of Kieren's suggestion, showing first the overridden 
> slur and then one without the override.  Not too hard to do as long as 
> there aren't too many.  

This slur setting would be the norm. If it's too much work, I'll have to
give up Lilypond. I'm not actually even studying it for myself, but to
teach someone else to use it. He is much less computer savy than I am,
so even without this complication teaching (and using) would be a
challenge. I got this other person to change from Windows to GNU/Linux a
couple of years ago, and I whish I wouldn't have to put Windows back to
his machine (or tell him to use proprietary software - if avoidable).

> This is a good trick to know.  Thanks Kieren :)
> \version "2.11.61"
> \relative c' {
>\once \override Slur #'positions = #'(2 . 2.5)
>fis4^( gis) g^( c,) d8^( d e c)
> }

To make sure that I don't misunderstand, does "#'(2 . 2.5)" mean that
the hight of the start and end points of the slur should be set manually
(in some units) for every slur?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ti, 2008-10-07 kello 14:46 -0500, Jonathan Kulp kirjoitti:

I forgot to add, that my Lilypond version is 2.10.33.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ti, 2008-10-07 kello 15:42 -0400, Kieren MacMillan kirjoitti:
> Hi Ari,
> > What I'd like to see is to have the slur start from the other end  
> > of the
> > stem - the end where there's no note.
> There used to be a functions that allowed you to set the slur to  
> begin at the stem — it was deprecated/eliminated several versions ago.
> Now, you must use \override Slur #'positions and manually set the  
> points…

Thanks Kieren, I'll try this if the more simple method suggested by Jon
doesn't work in every case (which seems possible at the moment). Perhaps
your suggestion is simple enough too - the word "manually" just scares
me a little...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ti, 2008-10-07 kello 14:46 -0500, Jonathan Kulp kirjoitti:
> Hmm.  I thought the code I put there gave what you're describing.  See 
> image attached.  The slur is on the stem side, nowhere near the 
> notehead.  Is this not what you meant?  I'm using version 2.11.61 if 
> that makes a difference.
> Here's the code used for attached image, only slightly different from 
> before but with no visible difference in output on my end:
> \version "2.11.61"
> \relative c' { fis2^( ~ fis4 g c,) }

Now I found out what's happening. You method works otherwise, but for
some reason not when used for two adjacent notes. The first slur in my
score happens to be between two adjacent notes :-) Any workaround?

Kind thanks


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-07 Thread Ari Torhamo
ma, 2008-10-06 kello 23:19 -0500, Jonathan Kulp kirjoitti:

> I know you can make the slurs attach to the stem side if you use 
> phrasing slurs and use either ^ or _ to tell it which direction to go:
> \relative c' { fis2^\( ~ fis4 g c,\) }
> Is that what you mean?
> Hope that helps!

Thanks Jon, but that isn't exactly what I mean. The problem isn't about
the arch of the slur being up or down (Lilypond seems to handle that
great), but where the slur is placed - too bad that I don't have a
scanner available at the moment. What Lilypond does at the moment is to
start the slur near the note head (and naturally end it near the other).
What I'd like to see is to have the slur start from the other end of the
stem - the end where there's no note. I hope this clarifies what I'm
trying to achieve. It would be nice if there was an option to do this
with one command for the whole score (and perhaps make an exception,
where needed).

Thanks again!


lilypond-user mailing list

Piano staff, single staff polyphony and lyrics

2008-10-06 Thread Ari Torhamo

I'm trying to create a score which contains a piano staff, has single
staff polyphony and has lyrics placed between the staves (only one
voice). I have managed to create the staves and the different voices,
but whatever I try I can't get the lyrics to work. I've been struggling
with the lyrics for at least 12 hours, so I wouldn't mind if someone
would help. I've read through the relevant sections of the documentation
time after time, but the examples there don't quite fit into my

This part of the documentation
explains how to place lyrics between the staves, but I haven't managed
to apply the instruction to single staff polyphony.

This page
explains how to do single staff polyphony, but the syntax used to create
the staves is different from the document above, and I haven't been able
to mix the information of these two. I've studied several other pages

So, how do I place the lyrics between the staves? How about two of them?
(I might figure that out myself, after I learn to do one). It would be
nice to know the (structurally) simplest possible way. Or, if some extra
bits would be useful, I'd like to know what the each bit is for (I like
to understand what I do, so that I'm able to apply it to other

Here's the beginning of the score:


\version "2.10.33"

sopraano = \relative c'' { 
\key g \major 
g4( a) b b a2 gis 
\bar "|" 
a4 b c b a gis a1 
\bar "|" \break 
b2 a a a4( gis) a b c2( b) a2. b4\rest 
\bar "|" \break 

altto = \relative c' { 
d2( g4) g e2 e 
e4 g g g e e e1 
e2 e e e e4 g g1 e2. 

tenori = \relative c' { 
\clef bass 
\key g \major 
b4( c) d d c2 b 
c4 d e d c b c1 
d2 c c c4( b) c d e2( d) c2. 

basso = \relative c' { 
g2. g4 a2 e 
a4 g c, g' a e 1 
2   4( e) a g c,2( g') a2. d,4\rest 

\score {
   \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff << 
 { \sopraano } \\
 { \altto }
  \new Staff <<
 { \tenori } \\
 { \basso }


Perhaps I might take this opportunity to ask another question. Is there
a way to make the first line of the piano score to start from the
beginning of the page, like the other lines? 

Oh, and yet another: is it possible to have slurs to be placed between
the tips of the stems, instead of between the note heads? This is how
it's typically done for the music I'm trying to notate.

I'm very grateful for any help.


Ari Torhamo

P.S. Lilypond makes wonderful looking scores (only if making them would
be a little easier :-) (yes, I tried the graphical front ends, but
unfortunately they were too buggy)

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