Fwd: Mail an Charite

2020-09-16 Thread bb
Ich nehme besser direkt Kontakt zu Benjamin Franklin auf? Dann Dr. med. 
ASafwan Omran

 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff:Mail an Charite
Datum:  Wed, 16 Sep 2020 11:12:09 +0200
An: Ulrike Brodkorb 

Sehr geehrter Prof. Dr. med. univ. Andreas Greiner

Meine Untersuchung ergibt den  (Zitat) „Verdacht auf hochgradige ACI 
Stenose rechts DD Oklusion“. Nach Mitteilung der beteiligten Ärzte ist 
eine Operation erforderlich.

Es liegt eine CD mit den CT-Daten der Untersuchung im CT-MRTinstitut 
Berlin vor und ein Untersuchungsbericht von Prof. Dr. med. Clemens Fitzek .

Ich bin privat bei der Allianz versichert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard 
Blöchl, 22.04.1949.

Ich bitte zunächst um einen Beratungstermin im Gefäßzentrum und 
möglicherweise Vereinbarung eines Operationstermins, falls diese 
empfohlen wird.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Prof. Dr-Ing. Bernhard Blöchl

Difference Between This and That in English Grammar

2020-09-03 Thread bb



Adriana Altaras

2020-06-13 Thread bb

Klassik-Pop-et cetera

Am Mikrofon: Die Schauspielerin Adriana Altaras

Adriana Altaras spielt, inszeniert und schreibt. Ihre künstlerische 
Sozialisation fand in New York und in Westberlin statt, wo sie 
Schauspiel an der Hochschule der Künste studierte. Mit ehemaligen 
Kommilitonen gründete sie 1982 das „Theater zum westlichen 
Stadthirschen“. Dort probierte sie ihre vielfältigen Talente aus. Es 
folgten Engagements als Schauspielerin am Berliner Maxim Gorki Theater, 
an der Freien Volksbühne und in Basel, Stuttgart und Konstanz. Immer 
wieder ist Adriana Altaras auch in Filmen zu sehen. Für die Rolle der 
unkonventionellen Liebessucherin Maria in Rudolf Thomes „Das Mikroskop“ 
erhielt sie 1988 den Bundesfilmpreis. Adriana Altaras wurde 1960 als 
Tochter jüdischer Partisanen in Zagreb geboren. Der Vater setzte sich 
1964 ins Ausland ab, die Familie sollte nachkommen. Die Behörden 
entzogen jedoch der Mutter den Pass. Familienmitglieder aus Mantua 
schmuggelten daraufhin die vierjährige Tochter aus dem Land. Drei Jahre 
lang lebte Adriana Altaras bei Verwandten in Italien. 1967 kam sie mit 
den Eltern in Gießen zusammen. Ihre bewegte Kindheit ist auch Grundlage 
ihrer Bücher, etwa „Titos Brille“ oder „Doitscha – Eine jüdische Mutter 
packt aus“.

Straße frei für Kinder Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg eröffnet temporäre Spielstraßen

2020-05-06 Thread bb
Straße frei für Kinder Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg eröffnet temporäre 


TAB problem

2020-04-08 Thread bb
I like to avoid open strings, except for the lowest possible string, as
there is no alternative. Is it possible to raise an exception in
lilypond? How? Thanks.


check =\relative c {c8 e f gis a b }
\score {
    \new Staff { \check }
    \new TabStaff {  
    \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #4
    \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t
    \transpose c c,

Re: hide Stuff

2020-01-14 Thread bb
Thank you very much for the detailed examples. I think I can make it now.


Re: hide Stuff

2020-01-14 Thread bb

Am 14.01.20 um 11:36 schrieb bb:
> Thanks for reply. Works only partially.
> 1st there stays a Staff artefact
> 2nd ther is no midi sound for the hidden notes
> I need the midi sound, but not the grafics.
> Is there a solution?
> \version "2.19.2"
>   metronome = \tag #'A  {\relative c''' {{c4 c c c}}}
> \score  {  <<
>   \new Voice = "first"{ c' d e f g }
>   %\new Staff {\metronome}
>   \new Staff {  \removeWithTag #'A \metronome}
>     >>
>   \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> }

hide Stuff

2020-01-13 Thread bb
I need the Stuff only for midi output and want to hide it from the pdf.
Is it possible?


Re: named strings in TABs

2020-01-05 Thread bb
Solved: use "f#" "c#"

Am 05.01.20 um 10:55 schrieb bb:
> I named the strings in my TABs successfully as long as I use natural
> note names. If I use flats and sharps I get an error. How do I gat flats
> and sharps?
> \version "2.19.80"
> \score  {  <<
> \new TabStaff{ 
>   \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>   \override Staff.Clef #'text =
>   \markup
>   \center-column {{ fis cis  }     % how to get f# c# ???}
> }  >>  }
> kind regards

named strings in TABs

2020-01-05 Thread bb
I named the strings in my TABs successfully as long as I use natural
note names. If I use flats and sharps I get an error. How do I gat flats
and sharps?

\version "2.19.80"
\score  {  <<
\new TabStaff{ 
  \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \override Staff.Clef #'text =
  \center-column {{ fis cis  }     % how to get f# c# ???}
}  >>  }

kind regards

Re: double bar number

2018-04-07 Thread bb
Thank you! That does the job! I tried something else but had no success.
Now I know one first has to

    \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

in the \Score, than add the new one.

I rdeduced the lines, obviously the code is still working? Great! Thanks!

\version "2.18.2"

chordsone = \chordmode { c1:7  f1:7 c1:7 }
one =
  \relative c {
    \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible
    \clef "bass_8"
    c,4 g' c, ges' | f c' f, des |c g' c, as' |

harmonies = \chordmode { b2.:min fis2:min7 | }
\layout {
  \context {
    \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
  \context {
    \consists "Bar_number_engraver"
    \override BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible

\score {
    \new ChordNames { \chordsone }
    \new Staff { \one }

Am 07.04.2018 um 15:25 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
> That prints the numbers high - I think the OP wants to avoid that.
> Have a look at this from the list, a possible answer.
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2017-06/msg00382.html
> Andrew
> On 7 April 2018 at 23:22, Knute Snortum  > wrote:
> Try this:
> \version "2.19.80"
> chordsone = \chordmode { c1:7  f1:7 c1:7 }
> one = 
>   \relative c {
>     \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible
>     \clef "bass_8"
>     c,4 g' c, ges' | f c' f, des |c g' c, as' |
>   }
> \score  {
>   <<
>     \new ChordNames { \chordsone }
>     \new Staff
>     \one
>   >>
> }
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: double bar number

2018-04-07 Thread bb
Thak you! But this is not the solution. I want the bar numbers just
above the note lines, separated from the chord names. Jazz players
complain the bar numbers neighboring the chord names as in Jazz
harmonies there sometimes are strange names of complicated chords.


Am 07.04.2018 um 15:22 schrieb Knute Snortum:
> \version "2.19.80"
> chordsone = \chordmode { c1:7  f1:7 c1:7 }
> one = 
>   \relative c {
>     \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible
>     \clef "bass_8"
>     c,4 g' c, ges' | f c' f, des |c g' c, as' |
>   }
> \score  {
>   <<
>     \new ChordNames { \chordsone }
>     \new Staff
>     \one
>   >>
> }

lilypond-user mailing list

double bar number

2018-04-07 Thread bb
I want bar numbers for every bar and a low bar number position to avoid
interference with the chord names. My first attempt shows two bar
numbers one over the other. I do not want the second, the upper bar
number. I cannot find a solution. Thanks for help.

\version "2.19.80"
chordsone = \chordmode { c1:7  f1:7 c1:7 }
one = {
\relative c {
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible
\clef "bass_8"
  c,4 g' c, ges' | f c' f, des |c g' c, as' |
\score  {
    \new ChordNames { \chordsone }   
    \new Staff
  \layout {\context {
    \consists "Bar_number_engraver"

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Gis major key signature; Lily's key signature algorithm

2018-02-08 Thread bb

Am 08.02.2018 um 10:16 schrieb David Kastrup:

Blöchl Bernhard  writes:

Am 08.02.2018 01:08, schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 07.02.2018 um 22:56 schrieb Blöchl Bernhard:

If one is only playing the notes of the sheet is this really


Not in equally tempered scale. All that feelings of keys refer to the
historic tunings.

Not unless you are playing from piano roll notation, tablature or any
other notation omitting functional scale steps.

Our whole harmonic system is designed around scales.  Something like

   4|   2 |
   4|   2 |

sounds perfectly natural to us even though the thirds are
major, minor, minor, major, major.  Try figuring this out as semitone
intervals without referring to a scale (as a chromatic button accordion
player which _has_ a uniform keyboard I know what I am talking about).

And by the way, do you know that Bachs "Wohltemperierte Klavier" was
written just to show how awfull that sounds in the ears of musicians
of taht time? (I heard that in my side studies to physics in the Music
Academie and you find that theory on the net as well.)

You'll find a lot of "theories" on the net.  "Wohltemperirt" does not
refer to equal temperament.  It also does not refer to meantone


I forgot that Johann Sebastian Bachs Equal Temperament (he is sayed to 
be prononent of) was an unequal Well Temperament and not the equally 
tempered one of our days. (Historically there are two important reports 
of that, one by Werkmeister and one by Kirnberger, may be more?)
It is likely that he tuned his fifths justly (i.e. pure), that is easy 
and fast. (Forkel, Johann Nikolaus, Ueber Johann Sebastian Bachs Lebens, 
Kunst und Kunstwerke, Leipzig. 1802; facs. ed., Frankfurt, 1950; English 
trans., London 1820.
Forkel writes therein that  J. S. Bach always tuned his own keyboard and 
he needed not more than fifteen minutes.)
Kirnberger, one of Bachs pupils required to tune all the thirds sharp 
(do not have the source present actually - I think to remember.
I am sure many will disagree in future mails and indeed one finds 
different (lots of) reports and publications about. Historic tunings are 
an interesting topic to discuss and I appreciate the discussion going 
on. But I will jump out of this thread, even if I am wrong in some 
points  to do my other interesting work.

I never was a piano player, I play only different stringed instruments 
as a hobbyist, fretted and unfretted. But I know all that discussions 
from my pianist girlfriend, was a happy time, but long time past and gone.

To prevent myself from senseless discussions as a music hobbyist I
will ignore future discussions of the experts.

A discussion implies listening.  Without listening, it's just a shouting
match.  I have the feeling that communication in English is making it
hard for you to get and make points.  That might make a German LilyPond
user forum a better target for informal banter and would still leave the
English list for getting solutions when the German-speaking community
runs out of expertise.

As I already wrote above, I follow your recommendation and jump out of 
threads concerning musical interpretational discussions. My English is 
not precise enough for discussions about musical interpretation. But 
sorry, to discuss feelings of keys per se in the light of equally 
temperament is beyond my understanding, not to say nonsense and not a 
question of the quality of my English. (That "feeling" indeed was true 
for ancient tunings. Believe in that - I do not!) I had this discussions 
quite often at the Music Academy. What left using equally tempered 
tuning are TENSIONS between chords and the progression of chords alone.

I think for matters concerning use of lilypond my English is good enough 
and I discuss scientific physical matters in English without having 
problems so far.

Have fun, I am out and discard from the list.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: endless tab?

2018-02-06 Thread bb

Am 06.02.2018 um 15:35 schrieb David Wright:

On Tue 06 Feb 2018 at 09:33:41 (+0100), Blöchl Bernhard wrote:

Am 06.02.2018 03:15, schrieb Andrew Bernard:

Hi bb,

Do you simply want 17/16? I use times like this very often. Just use
time 17/16 and you will get barlines.

Thank you! This is a possibilty if one really wants 17/16. I do not.
But lilypond does not serve the sloppy user perfectly from using
such constructs inattentively - lilypond could do!

So your concern is just for LP to issue warnings about *your*
inattentiveness so you can debug your scores.
Seems to be an awesomeness to claim eventually support from a program to 
to give a fair warning if I am wrong?
I miss some logic in the behaviour of lilypond in this case. But I 
realize that is the best of all possilties in our world because all tell 
me so.

It doesn't seem to
matter to you that people writing perfectly correct scores are going
to be inundated with false warnings.

You've already brought this up under another thread, and
gave an example of the reason why LP does not issue warnings
unless you add | characters.

I do not claim lilypond to change my code but I wrote this as an example 
for what lilypond might do instead of setting questionable barlines. (I 
am awaiting some mail in short time that explains me that this is not 
questionable/wrong/critical or whatever for some reason - might it be 
the practice of Chopin or whoever.

Therefore let me point out: I see this behavour of lilypond as a great, 
great feature and the best and greatest of the world!

Hope that satisfies anybody to the end of the days.

My hand written pieces often change time sig every bar, and with any
sort of signature you like - lilypond handles that just fine, and
places barlines as expected. I use 15/16 commonly. Not a problem. And
in fact I hide the time signatures (for reasons not relevant to this
topic) so you can do that too if you want, and still have barlines.

For this case I think it's better to \omit the bar check.

Passing over the fact that one doesn't \omit bar checks,
one omits writing | characters as bar checks,
irregular measure lengths would be a particularly good
occasion to employ a | at the end of every measure.


I find it remarkable that warnings arise "one bar later". I would
understand this behaviour , if the first bar is not completed and
there is missing something to fill the bar - bit in this case
lilypond is not seting a bar line. Butt remeber that the first bar
is overstuffed by 1/16.

OK, you've made your remark. Could you now turn your attention
to the varieties of musical notation practice.
Indeed it was my realistic ambition to do my work. I hope your 
clarifying mail will give you relief and does not harm your karma. My 
karma is still intact.

With your reminder mail you might force more reactions - I will ignore 
in the future!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: endless tab?

2018-02-05 Thread bb

Am 05.02.2018 um 14:02 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 05.02.2018 um 10:07 schrieb Blöchl Bernhard:

Am 04.02.2018 23:56, schrieb Simon Albrecht:

On 04.02.2018 14:19, bb wrote:
It is not really endless but the tab does not have any line break. 
If I try to insert \break this will be ignored? There must be 
something wrong with my code I cannot figure out?

Thanks for help

\version "2.19.80"
    \new TabStaff {
    \set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = 

 \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
    %\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #(four-string-banjo 

 cis'''16\1 c'''16.\1 b''8\1 ais''8.\1 a''4\1 gis''4.\1 g''2\1 
fis''2.\1 f''1\1 e''1.\1 dis''\1 d''\1 cis''\1 c''\1 b'\1 ais'\1 
a'\1 gis'\1 g'\1 fis'\1 f'\1 e'\1 dis'\1 d'\1 g'\3 ais''\2 a''\2 
e'\3 g''\2 fis''\2 f''\2 e''\2 dis''\2 d''\2 cis''\2 c''\2 b'\2 
ais'\2 a'\2 gis'\2 g'\2 fis'\2 f'\2 e'\2 dis'\2 d'\2 cis'\2 c'\2 
b\2 g'\3 fis'\3 f'\3 e'\3 dis'\3 d'\3 cis'\3 c'\3 b\3 ais\3 a\3 
gis\3 g\3 d'\4 cis'\4 c'\4 b\4 ais\4 a\4 gis\4 g\4 fis\4 f\4 e\4 
dis\4 d\4 d\4 dis\4 e\4 f\4 fis\4 g\4 gis\4 a\4 ais\4 b8\4 < c'\4 
cis'\4 d'\4 >4 < g''\5 gis''\5 a''\5 ais''\5 >8     }

First, that’s gruesome code formatting. Use line breaks to make your
code readable by splitting it into chunks that one may sensibly grasp.
Second, use bar checks in order to find rhythmic typos/errors.
Third, if you want breaks mid-note, use \remove 

Best, Simon

This code is generated automaticly, nice isn't it?

No, it isn't.
If it *is* generated then nothing should stop you from generating it 
in a way that people you want to comment can actually read it.
Obviously that "endless string" is an  exciter? Frescobaldi will wrap 
the string if you change the editor preset in the menu.

As I have remarked, that the original long string was the output of a 
completestest written of a program for a program (therefore the "endless 
string") of an experimental program, not meant for any publication. It 
arrived the list because lilypond could not handle it in the 1st 
version. Certainly in the experimental phase I have to check it for 
corectniss and fed it into frescobaldi. Simply split it up:

list1 = str1.split( )
while (len(list1)):
    for word in list1[:5]:
    print(word, end = " ")
    list1 = list1[5:]

A for loop is possible as well. As frescobaldi is written mosty in 
python I have aded a simple python code. I have changed the string 
slightly so that lilypond does not have problems inserting tablines.

"Readable" result (change the parameters for another format):

fis'''4\1 f'''4\1 e'''4\1 dis'''4\1 d'''4\1
cis'''4\1 c'''4\1 b''4\1 ais''4\1 a''4\1
gis''4\1 g''4\1 fis''4\1 f''4\1 e''4\1
dis''\1 d''\1 cis''\1 c''\1 b'\1
ais'\1 a'\1 gis'\1 g'\1 fis'\1
f'\1 e'\1 dis'\1 d'\1 dis'''4\2
d'''4\2 cis'''4\2 c'''4\2 b''\2 ais''\2
a''\2 gis''\2 g''\2 fis''\2 f''\2
e''\2 dis''\2 d''\2 cis''\2 c''\2
b'\2 ais'\2 a'\2 gis'\2 g'\2
fis'\2 f'\2 e'\2 dis'\2 d'\2
cis'\2 c'\2 b\2 b''4\3 ais''4\3
a''4\3 gis''4\3 g''4\3 fis''4\3 f''4\3
e''4\3 dis''4\3 d''4\3 cis''4\3 c''4\3
b'4\3 ais'4\3 a'4\3 gis'\3 g'\3
fis'\3 f'\3 e'\3 dis'\3 d'\3
cis'\3 c'\3 b\3 ais\3 a\3
gis\3 g\3 < a\3 c'\2
d'\1 >4 < ais'\1 gis'\2
f'\3 >8 d\4 dis\4 e\4
f\4 fis\4 g\4 gis\4 a\4
ais\4 b\4 c'\4 cis'\4 d'\4
dis'\4 e'\4 f'\4 fis'\4 g'\4
gis'\4 a'\4 ais'\4 b'8\4 c''\4
cis''\4 fis\4 dis''\4 e''\4 f''\4
fis''\4 g'\5 gis'\5 a'\5 ais'\5
b'\5 c''\5 cis''\5 d''\5 dis''\5
e''\5 f''\5 fis''\5 g''\5 gis''\5
a''\5 ais''\5 b''\5 c'''\5 cis'''\5
d'''\5 dis'''\5 e'''\5 f'''\5 fis'''\5

The editor preset of frescobaldi is NOT to wrap long text. Change it 
if you are annoyed.

That doesn't really help. if the code is as unstructure as this. OK, 
it is not the only way to happiness, but there are many good reasons 
to format one's code so that it wraps reasonably by itself, that is 
usually by not exceeding ~80 characters per line.

Or of course less if there's useful sectioning available.

See above.

The question of lilypond setting barlines or not automaticly is still 
open in my opinion.  Lilypond is a nice program but does not use its 
intelligence perfectly for the good of the user.

Programs that use their "intelligence" in a way you suggest they 
should tend to know better than their users, which is not always the 
best choice.
Music notation is an absolutely rule based system, most often for this 
"machines" are doing better than humans.

Beside: There is spread a rumour on the list that I want lilypond to 
override my settings if wrong or not. But indeed I like to get 
informed by a warning etc.

If you want a warning then simply use the tools LilyPond provides for 
that: barchecks (and bar number checks). They are a great way of 
making your code b

Re: endless tab?

2018-02-04 Thread bb
Changed the note duration to something that makes sense. (Originally was 
just an experiment for checking regex.) Works now.


Am 04.02.2018 um 14:54 schrieb David Kastrup:

bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:

Thanks! If I try this, I get multiple warnings for different lines:
Crosses bar!

Even if I copy/paste the code you sent me back I get a lot of warnings.

Well, that's the idea.  LilyPond does not break across notes, so if you
have notes crossing bar lines, you'll not get line breaks.

My addition to your code _only_ was for giving you the warnings.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: endless tab?

2018-02-04 Thread bb
Thanks! If I try this, I get multiple warnings for different lines: 
Crosses bar!

Even if I copy/paste the code you sent me back I get a lot of warnings.


Am 04.02.2018 um 14:34 schrieb David Kastrup:

bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:

It is not really endless but the tab does not have any line break. If
I try to insert \break this will be ignored? There must be something
wrong with my code I cannot figure out?

Thanks for help

Does this help?

lilypond-user mailing list

endless tab?

2018-02-04 Thread bb
It is not really endless but the tab does not have any line break. If I 
try to insert \break this will be ignored? There must be something wrong 
with my code I cannot figure out?

Thanks for help

\version "2.19.80"
    \new TabStaff {
    \set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
 \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
    %\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #(four-string-banjo banjo-c-tuning)

 cis'''16\1 c'''16.\1 b''8\1 ais''8.\1 a''4\1 gis''4.\1 g''2\1 
fis''2.\1 f''1\1 e''1.\1 dis''\1 d''\1 cis''\1 c''\1 b'\1 ais'\1 a'\1 
gis'\1 g'\1 fis'\1 f'\1 e'\1 dis'\1 d'\1 g'\3 ais''\2 a''\2 e'\3 g''\2 
fis''\2 f''\2 e''\2 dis''\2 d''\2 cis''\2 c''\2 b'\2 ais'\2 a'\2 gis'\2 
g'\2 fis'\2 f'\2 e'\2 dis'\2 d'\2 cis'\2 c'\2 b\2 g'\3 fis'\3 f'\3 e'\3 
dis'\3 d'\3 cis'\3 c'\3 b\3 ais\3 a\3 gis\3 g\3 d'\4 cis'\4 c'\4 b\4 
ais\4 a\4 gis\4 g\4 fis\4 f\4 e\4 dis\4 d\4 d\4 dis\4 e\4 f\4 fis\4 g\4 
gis\4 a\4 ais\4 b8\4 < c'\4 cis'\4 d'\4 >4 < g''\5 gis''\5 a''\5 ais''\5 >8


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: turning a blind eye to dotted note

2018-01-29 Thread bb
Many thanks to all responses patiently describing how lilypond is doing. 
I have to accept that lilypond way and I think to understand it now and 
will internalize it.

Thanks and regards!

Am 29.01.2018 um 18:22 schrieb David Kastrup:

bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:

There was such a lot of information in all the responses, thanks.

Bar lines
Bar checks
I have read this and I think to understand.

\cadenzaOn does not set or check barlines and opens freedom to the
user, nice, I used that already.

\cadenzaOn stops in-measure time.  That also affects automatic beaming.

Let me come back to my original example:
\version "2.19.80"
mus = \relative { d4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis }
   \new Voice \mus
The point in the example is, that there is one 16th to much in the
bar, not one missing. If I count, I get 17/16 in the bar! And I wonder
that lilypond is seting automatically a barline after that 17/16
without complaining? In my understanding that is wrong!

Your understanding is wrong.  See for example

What I would do or awaiting lilypond to do is splitting up that last
8th note into 2 16th note and connect it with a tie! Than this is a
correct notation.

The Completion_heads_engraver can do that.  It's not the default because
it's not the default in music.

The "math", 16/16 in one bar with 4/4 is right.

\version "2.19.80"
mus = \relative c'' {
d4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis16 (gis16)
   \new Voice \mus

When you want a bar check, write a bar check.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: turning a blind eye to dotted note

2018-01-29 Thread bb

Thank you!

I already understand THAT lilypond is checking the bar lines I set 
myself and give me a message if wrong/critical. But I do not understand 
why lilypond is setting the same wrong/critical bar line WITHOUT giving 
me a message. As lilypond obviously checks bar length, why not telling 
me a problem if a bar length (17/16 in my example) is to long?

Am 29.01.2018 um 17:51 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

On 1/29/18, 8:29 AM, "bb" <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> wrote:

 I do not want lilypond to do it my way. But I want lilypond to throw an

 error message, a warning or a remark  that lilypond is breaking basic
 rules and help me to improve my limited understanding of music!

If you add bar checks, it will do so.

\version "2.19.80"
\relative { d4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis | }

This will generate a warning, because you place a bar-check character at what 
you think is the end of the bar, and it's actually 1/16 into the next bar.

That's all you need to do to get the warning you desire.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: turning a blind eye to dotted note

2018-01-29 Thread bb

Yes I read the answers.

For bar checks I have to set bars myself and lilypond tells me if wrong. 
o. k.

Sorry, needed some time to realize that I expect to much from lilypond 
to check automatically set bar lines and such "impossible cases" of 
17/16 itself.


Am 29.01.2018 um 16:48 schrieb Phil Holmes:

- Original Message ----- From: "bb" <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: turning a blind eye to dotted note


I do not want lilypond to do it my way. But I want lilypond to throw 
an error message, a warning or a remark that lilypond is breaking 
basic rules and help me to improve my limited understanding of music!

As has already been explained - use bar checks.

Do you read the replies to your questions?

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: turning a blind eye to dotted note

2018-01-29 Thread bb


I do not want lilypond to do it my way. But I want lilypond to throw an 
error message, a warning or a remark  that lilypond is breaking basic 
rules and help me to improve my limited understanding of music!

Am 29.01.2018 um 15:54 schrieb David Wright:

On Mon 29 Jan 2018 at 15:16:53 (+0100), bb wrote:

There was such a lot of information in all the responses, thanks.

Bar lines
Bar checks
I have read this and I think to understand.

\cadenzaOn does not set or check barlines and opens freedom to the
user, nice, I used that already.

Let me come back to my original example:
\version "2.19.80"
mus = \relative { d4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis }
   \new Voice \mus
The point in the example is, that there is one 16th to much in the
bar, not one missing. If I count, I get 17/16 in the bar! And I
wonder that lilypond is seting automatically a barline after that
17/16 without complaining? In my understanding that is wrong!

What I would do or awaiting lilypond to do is splitting up that last
8th note into 2 16th note and connect it with a tie! Than this is a
correct notation. The "math", 16/16 in one bar with 4/4 is right.

So do that by telling LP how you want it notated.

And to understand why LP doesn't just do it "your" way, or force you to,
just settle down and look at a variety of scores, and see how music
has been notated in the past, and how we got to where we are. This will
increase your limited knowledge, both of music and LP's flexibility.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: turning a blind eye to dotted note

2018-01-29 Thread bb

There was such a lot of information in all the responses, thanks.

Bar lines
Bar checks
I have read this and I think to understand.

\cadenzaOn does not set or check barlines and opens freedom to the user, 
nice, I used that already.

Let me come back to my original example:
\version "2.19.80"
mus = \relative { d4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis }
  \new Voice \mus

The point in the example is, that there is one 16th to much in the bar, 
not one missing. If I count, I get 17/16 in the bar! And I wonder that 
lilypond is seting automatically a barline after that 17/16 without 
complaining? In my understanding that is wrong!

What I would do or awaiting lilypond to do is splitting up that last 8th 
note into 2 16th note and connect it with a tie! Than this is a correct 
notation. The "math", 16/16 in one bar with 4/4 is right.


\version "2.19.80"
mus = \relative c'' {
d4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis16 (gis16)
  \new Voice \mus


Am 29.01.2018 um 10:56 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 29.01.2018 um 10:53 schrieb Blöchl Bernhard:
In my limited knowledge of music I think that bar is wrong because of 
the dotted 8th note?


%\version "2.19.80"
\version "2.18.20"
mus = \relative c'' {
d4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis
  \new Voice \mus

Indeed, it is, and therefore you see that space to the right of the 
barline. This represents the second half of the last eighth note.


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Re: capital letters for right hand fingering?

2018-01-28 Thread bb
Thanks for help! I asked that in context with TAB with right hand 
solution. May be the complete solution is interesting for others as well?

\version "2.18.2"

#(define RH rightHandFinger and with capital letters)
\new TabStaff \relative c {
  c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4

\layout {
  \context {
  \override StrokeFinger.digit-names = ##("P" "I" "M" "A" "X")
    \consists New_fingering_engraver
    strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)

Am 28.01.2018 um 12:34 schrieb Thomas Morley:

2018-01-28 11:58 GMT+01:00 Blöchl Bernhard :

How to get capital letters for right hand fingering? I add an example code.

#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\new Staff \relative c' {
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'( down)
   c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4

#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\new Staff \relative c' {
   \override StrokeFinger.digit-names = ##("P" "I" "M" "A" "X")
   \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
   c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TAB with right-hand fingerings?

2018-01-28 Thread bb
Maybe somebody is interested in the complete solution, TAB with right 
hand fingering AND with capital letters (from Thomas Morley)?

\version "2.18.2"

#(define RH rightHandFinger)

\new TabStaff \relative c {
  c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4

\layout {
  \context {
  \override StrokeFinger.digit-names = ##("P" "I" "M" "A" "X")
    \consists New_fingering_engraver
    strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)

Thanks to all helpers!

Am 28.01.2018 um 12:52 schrieb bb:

Thanks for help! Problem solved.


Am 28.01.2018 um 12:15 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:

Hi Bernhard,

Try :

\version "2.18.2"

#(define RH rightHandFinger)

\new TabStaff \relative c {
  c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists New_fingering_engraver
    strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)


2018-01-28 11:46 GMT+01:00 Blöchl Bernhard 

The left hand fingering is defined in the TAB, but how to get
right a hand fingering?
I tried this:

#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\new TabStaff \relative c {
   \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'( down)
  c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4

Compiles, but without fingering

Thanks for Help

PS: I ask for capital letters for the right hand fingering in a
separate thread.

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Re: TAB with right-hand fingerings?

2018-01-28 Thread bb

Thanks for help! Problem solved.


Am 28.01.2018 um 12:15 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:

Hi Bernhard,

Try :

\version "2.18.2"

#(define RH rightHandFinger)

\new TabStaff \relative c {
  c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists New_fingering_engraver
    strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)


2018-01-28 11:46 GMT+01:00 Blöchl Bernhard 

The left hand fingering is defined in the TAB, but how to get
right a hand fingering?
I tried this:

#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\new TabStaff \relative c {
   \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'( down)
  c-\RH #1 e-\RH #2 g-\RH #3 c-\RH #4

Compiles, but without fingering

Thanks for Help

PS: I ask for capital letters for the right hand fingering in a
separate thread.

lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: bug in \repeat percent?

2018-01-24 Thread bb
Thanks for explanation! I read the Manual but the information is very 
densly packed, easy to overlook something. But I do not find that in a 
second reading of 

I tried

\version "2.19.80"

    \layout { \context {
    %defaultBarType = ""

Fm = \relative c {
\clef bass
 \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
 \repeat percent 8 { f4 g2 as4 bes2 c4 d2 es4 f2 g4 \bar "||" } %\break

\score  { \new Staff  { \Fm }}

That looks better, but with

defaultBarType = ""


\bar "||"

again is missing.

Anyway, thanks for your help.


Am 24.01.2018 um 18:03 schrieb Jacques Menu Muzhic:

Hello bb,

According to the LPNR, \repeat percent is meant for patterns shorter than a 
measure or occupying one or two measures.

Maybe this explains that?


Le 24 janv. 2018 à 16:31, bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> a écrit :

\version "2.19.80"

 \layout { \context {
 defaultBarType = ""

Fm = \relative c {
\clef bass
  \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
  \repeat percent 8 { f4 g2 as4 bes2 c4 d2 es4 f2 g4 \bar "||" } %\break

\score  { \new Staff  { \Fm }}


I think there is bug:

1. not counting the repetitions

2. \bar "||"is omitted


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 5 string Banjo Tab

2018-01-24 Thread bb

Error: read "an 8th instead of a 4th"

Am 24.01.2018 um 16:51 schrieb bb:

Nice, needs some training!
The q8 means repetition of the previous as an 8th instaed of the 16th?
4 q8


Am 24.01.2018 um 16:19 schrieb Éric:

thanks very much for sharing this Lilypond TabTranslator.
A neophyte Schemer question : is it difficult to modify it to have a
traditionnal 6 line tablature for instruments with more than 6 
strings ? (7

strings but 7 lines in your exemple)

Letters instead of numbers, that's standart for lutenists.
How difficult is it for others to do so ? I don't know, after so many 

of use.

Off subject :
Pushing further the letters usage, I'm using "VocaTab", a 

(only for memorie practice of solo playing).
The number of string is replaced by a voyelle, so that you can 
prononce (at

least mentally) : \1 is a, \2 is e, \3 is i, \4 is o, \5 is u, \6 is y.
Then if necessary, \7 is z, and then \8 is A, \9 is E, etc… (note that
capitals mimics the top strings, corresponding to tablature signs for
additionnal basses "\a" (one bar) "\\a" (two bars) etc…).

Thus, using VocaTab, your exemple starts as :
4 q8 de | 16 ce ce8 16 ae32 di ae8 |

If ever it make sense for someone else than me (!?), then, it should be
possible to use these tablature-codes as note-names in an another 
kind of

TabTranslator in Lilypond ?

VocaTab was inspired by — often called "hermetic"— XVI century german 



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Re: 5 string Banjo Tab

2018-01-24 Thread bb

Nice, needs some training!
The q8 means repetition of the previous as an 8th instaed of the 16th?
4 q8


Am 24.01.2018 um 16:19 schrieb Éric:

thanks very much for sharing this Lilypond TabTranslator.
A neophyte Schemer question : is it difficult to modify it to have a
traditionnal 6 line tablature for instruments with more than 6 strings ? (7
strings but 7 lines in your exemple)

Letters instead of numbers, that's standart for lutenists.
How difficult is it for others to do so ? I don't know, after so many years
of use.

Off subject :
Pushing further the letters usage, I'm using "VocaTab", a full-letter-system
(only for memorie practice of solo playing).
The number of string is replaced by a voyelle, so that you can prononce (at
least mentally) : \1 is a, \2 is e, \3 is i, \4 is o, \5 is u, \6 is y.
Then if necessary, \7 is z, and then \8 is A, \9 is E, etc… (note that
capitals mimics the top strings, corresponding to tablature signs for
additionnal basses "\a" (one bar) "\\a" (two bars) etc…).

Thus, using VocaTab, your exemple starts as :
4 q8 de | 16 ce ce8 16 ae32 di ae8 |

If ever it make sense for someone else than me (!?), then, it should be
possible to use these tablature-codes as note-names in an another kind of
TabTranslator in Lilypond ?

VocaTab was inspired by — often called "hermetic"— XVI century german lute


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bug in \repeat percent?

2018-01-24 Thread bb

\version "2.19.80"

    \layout { \context {
    defaultBarType = ""

Fm = \relative c {
\clef bass
 \set countPercentRepeats = ##t
 \repeat percent 8 { f4 g2 as4 bes2 c4 d2 es4 f2 g4 \bar "||" } %\break

\score  { \new Staff  { \Fm }}


I think there is bug:

1. not counting the repetitions

2. \bar "||"is omitted


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 5 string Banjo Tab

2018-01-24 Thread bb
Attached please find an example for Banjo Tabs generated with Lilypond. 
One with music, and the other one without.


Am 24.01.2018 um 03:39 schrieb Richard Hoadley:

  I just joined Lilypond, so am very new at this program. I can’t read music 
and depend totally on Tabs. I need a table or list that shows what letters 
create each of the notes on a Tab. Some samples of the text would be helpful. 
Most of my Tabs are in Clawhammer style and open G tuning.

Richard Hoadley
lilypond-user mailing list

\version "2.18.2"
% automatically converted by musicxml2ly from /home/bb/Oud/Die_Gedanken_sind_frei.mxl
#(set-global-staff-size 27) 			%%% Systemgröße
% first, define a variable to hold the formatted date:
date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M" (localtime (current-time)))
% Macros
%#(define RH rightHandFinger) % -\RH #1,2,3 - allows right hand notation
sl = \glissando % Slide

\header {
   title = "Hotel California Chorus for Banjo"

subtitle =  "for educational purposes only" 
  poet =   \markup \tiny 
{" "}}
composer =  \markup \tiny { "Eagles - arranged by ear" 

%arranger = \markup \tiny { "arr. B. Blöchl" \line {" "} } 
%instrument = \markup \bold \italic "instrument"   
  copyright = 
\markup {\column {
   \lower #8
\wordwrap-string #"" }

   tagline = " "
  %tritone-six = \stringTuning <fis,, c, fis, c fis c'>
   tritone-four = \stringTuning 
   double-c =\stringTuning <g' c g c' d'>
   standard-c =\stringTuning <g' c g b d'> 
   open-g =\stringTuning <g' d g b d'>
   e-bass =\stringTuning <e, a, d g>
   verseOnePartOne = \lyricmode {

  %"\"I" am so lone -- "ly,\"" said she
  %"\"This" could be Heaven or this could be "Hell\""
{ \skip 4 }  
On8 a dark4 des-8 ert 
{ \skip 4 }  cool4 wind in8 my8 
{ \skip 4 } Warm4 smell of8 co-8 li-4 tas,  { \skip 2 }
ris- ing up4 through8 
Up4 ahead in the distance,1 I4 saw a shimmering light1
{ \skip 8 } My8 head grew hea- vy and my sight4 grew dim { \skip 4 }
I4 had8 to stop4 for8 the 
%Ende 1. Hälfte 

% Widerholung 
 %%  }
verseOnePartTwo = \lyricmode {
{ \skip 4 } There8 she stood4 in8 the 
door- way;1
% { \skip 8 } 
I8 heard the mis- sion bell,4
{ \skip 1 } 
{ \skip 4. } And8 I was thin- king to my-4 self:
"\"This"8 could be
Heav-4 en or8 this could be 
{ \skip 4. }Then8 she lit up a 
can-4 dle, { \skip 2 }
{ \skip 4 } and8 she showed4 me8 the 
{ \skip 4 } There8 were voic- es down the 
Cor-4 ri- dor, { \skip 4 }
{ \skip 8 } I8 thought I heard4 them 
Chorus = \lyricmode {
{ \skip 4 }Wel- come to8  the Hot-4 el Ca-8 li- forn-4 -ia { \skip 2 .}
{ \skip 2. } Such8 a love-8 ly place4 { \skip 4 }  
(Such8 a love-4 ly place)
Such_a4 love- ly face4 { \skip 4 }
{ \skip 1 } Plen- ty_of rooms at8 the Hotel4 Ca- li- forn- ia { \skip 2 .}
{ \skip 2 .} Any4 time of_the year (Any time of_the year)
You_can find it here.

harmonies = \chordmode{
as1 as1 es1 es1 g1:7 g1:7 c1:m c1:m as1 as1 es 1 es1 f1:m7 f1:m7 g1:7 g1:7


hotelcaliforniachorus = {
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
as4 c'8 [g'\5] c' as c' [g'\5] |
as4 c'8 [g'\5] c' ^" H" (d'\2) c' [g'\5] |
bes4 <  g' es' bes >8 [g'\5] g' es'\2 g' [g'\5] |
bes4 <  g' es' bes >8 [g'\5] g' [es'\2] bes\2 ^" P" (g) |
g [es] f [g'\5] f4 < g b d' >8 [g'\5] |
b [g] a ^" P"  (g) es4 f |
bes8\2 ^" P" (g) es  [g'\5]  es4 <es' c'>8  [g'\5] | 
c'4 <es' c'>8  [g'\5] es' [c'] es' [g'\5]
g8 ^" H" (bes)  c'8  [g'\5] c' [c'] c' [g'\5]
c'4 c'8 [g'\5] c' ^" H" (d'\2) c' [g'\5] |   
bes4 bes8 [g'\5] g' [es'\2] bes\2  [g'\5]| 
d4 <  g' es' bes >8 [g'\5] g' [es'\2] bes\2 ^" P" (g) | 
as8 [es] f8 [g'\5] as4 as8 [g'\5] |
as8 [f] as8 [g'\5] as4 8 [g'\5] |
a ^" P"  (g)  < g b d' >8 [g'\5] f' ^" P" (d') d' [b] |
g4 < g b d' >8 [g'\5] g [d'] < g b d' >8 [g'\5]
\bar "|."


hotelcalifornia = {
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
  %\set Score.currentBarNumber = #11
  % Permit first bar number to be printed
  %\bar ""

  c'4\3 <c'\3 dis' g' >8 [g'\5] c'4 <c'\3 dis' g' >8 g'\5 | %1st bar
  dis'4\2 <c'\3 dis' g' >8 [g'\5] c'4\3 <c'\3 dis' g' >8 g'\5 | 
  b4\3 <b\3 d' f' >8 [g'\5] f'4 <b\

reloading \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #x

2018-01-23 Thread bb
Is it possible to omit \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #x for a sequence of 

One can simply override the statement by defining a string for a note.

I have a couple of bars in sequence that should be fingered below that 
minimumFret. The fingering of the tones of the following bars should 
again resdtricted above some value. I like to avoid defining the strings 
for a long sequence of notes.

Thanks for help, regards.

\version "2.19.80"
music = {   \clef "bass_8" b'8(d'8)  fis'8(b'8)  g'8( e'8)  cis'8( e'8) |
  e,,1\4}  % a sequence of bars  I omitted to keep the 
example minimized

bass = \stringTuning 
\score {
  \context Staff <<
    \transpose c c, \music

  \new TabStaff {
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #bass
  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #7
  \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #x

2018-01-21 Thread bb
Sorry, my question was nonsense, my mistake. Obviously works if doing 

\version "2.19.80"
music = {   \clef "bass_8" b'8(d'8)  fis'8(b'8)  g'8( e'8)  cis'8( e'8) |

bass = \stringTuning <e,, a,, d, g,>
\score {
  \context Staff <<
    \transpose c c, \music

  \new TabStaff {
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #bass
  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #7
  \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t
  \layout { }

Am 21.01.2018 um 14:57 schrieb bb:

I use

  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #7
  \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t

because I get a handy fingering. BUT there are some bass notes that I 
only get with the low open string. But that is not allowed due to the 
settings above and I get a warning

/tmp/frescobaldi-zFYV58/tmpY1u93i/document.ly:3:15: Warnung: Keine 
Saite für Tonhöhe # (Bund () angegeben)


Is there any possibility to throw an exception for a single note or a 
group of notes?

I add an example for testing:

\version "2.19.80"
music = {   \clef "bass_8" b'8(d'8)  fis'8(b'8)  g'8( e'8) cis'8( e'8) 
| g,1\4}

\score {
  \context Staff <<
    \transpose c c, \music

  \new TabStaff {
  \makeDefaultStringTuning #'bass-tuning \stringTuning <e,, a,, d, g,>
  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #7
  \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t
  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #x

2018-01-21 Thread bb

I use

  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #7
  \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t

because I get a handy fingering. BUT there are some bass notes that I 
only get with the low open string. But that is not allowed due to the 
settings above and I get a warning

/tmp/frescobaldi-zFYV58/tmpY1u93i/document.ly:3:15: Warnung: Keine Saite 
für Tonhöhe # (Bund () angegeben)


Is there any possibility to throw an exception for a single note or a 
group of notes?

I add an example for testing:

\version "2.19.80"
music = {   \clef "bass_8" b'8(d'8)  fis'8(b'8)  g'8( e'8)  cis'8( e'8) 
| g,1\4}

\score {
  \context Staff <<
    \transpose c c, \music

  \new TabStaff {
  \makeDefaultStringTuning #'bass-tuning \stringTuning 
  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #7
  \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t
  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Next round on frescobaldi dependencies

2017-12-31 Thread bb
forgot to add, may be interesting:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    LinuxMint
Description:    Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya
Release:    18.2
Codename:    sonya

Am 31.12.2017 um 14:30 schrieb bb:
> I installed "by hand" from source the hard way a couple of Month ago
> on mint 18.3 - success. I had no success with older versions than mint
> 18. I had to search for the correct versions and solve the sip
> problem. Had to compile from source some of the needed programs.  May
> be the proper versions had not been available for pre-18 mint at that
> time on Linux?
> Thank you for
> https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/wiki/Running-Frescobaldi-3-From-Source-Git-(Linux)
> that makes something more comfortable if it works.
> $  uname -a
> Linux bb-MS-7713 4.10.0-42-generic #46~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 4
> 15:57:59 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> I tried on such an "old" mint-version and got no frescobaldi 3? 
> python setup.py build gives and nearly endless list of warnings.
> I read the source of setup.py and found frescobaldi not mentioned, I
> argue it installs only some poppler files. I cannot find an install
> directory? I cannot find any frescobaldi3 on the system to try to
> start with python3?
> In the INSTALL text, Dependencies: there are mentioned the versions I
> found not complete and outdated in my install from frescobaldi.org
> source.
> Am 31.12.2017 um 12:48 schrieb Urs Liska:
>> Well, I *wrote* that page ;-)
>> (and added the qtwebkit dependency a few days ago)
> ___
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> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Next round on frescobaldi dependencies

2017-12-31 Thread bb
I installed "by hand" from source the hard way a couple of Month ago on
mint 18.3 - success. I had no success with older versions than mint 18.
I had to search for the correct versions and solve the sip problem. Had
to compile from source some of the needed programs.  May be the proper
versions had not been available for pre-18 mint at that time on Linux?

Thank you for
that makes something more comfortable if it works.

$  uname -a
Linux bb-MS-7713 4.10.0-42-generic #46~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 4
15:57:59 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I tried on such an "old" mint-version and got no frescobaldi 3? 
python setup.py build gives and nearly endless list of warnings.
I read the source of setup.py and found frescobaldi not mentioned, I
argue it installs only some poppler files. I cannot find an install
directory? I cannot find any frescobaldi3 on the system to try to start
with python3?
In the INSTALL text, Dependencies: there are mentioned the versions I
found not complete and outdated in my install from frescobaldi.org source.

Am 31.12.2017 um 12:48 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Well, I *wrote* that page ;-)
> (and added the qtwebkit dependency a few days ago)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Next round on frescobaldi dependencies

2017-12-31 Thread bb
I think you cannot install different versions of frescobaldi or parallel
from different sources. You might simply remove the repository version,
try again and see what happens.

Concerning the description on http://www.frescobaldi.org/download.html
there are some errors for frescobaldi 3.0.0, the dependency list is
incomplete and versions are wrongly noted
one needs Python3-Poppler-Qt5, for me Python-Poppler-Qt5 did not work
for some reason I argue python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit is neded, that is not on
the list
may be more issues?

Try to install the dependencies with
sudo apt install git python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtsvg
python3-poppler-qt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit

Happy new year with frescobaldi running. hopefully

Am 31.12.2017 um 01:59 schrieb li...@openlilylib.org:
> Hi all,
> I must add some more confusion to this issue.
> I just had the opportunity to install a new OS from scratch and did
> (exactly) the following:
>   * Install Ubuntu MATE 17.10 from DVD
>   * sudo apt update
>   * sudo apt upgrade
>   * sudo apt install etckepper (definitely not related to all of this,
> but just for sake of completeness)
>   * sudo apt install frescobaldi
> This gave me a *working* installation of Frescobaldi, including
> LilyPond 2.18.2 and both the PDF and the SVG viewer working properly
> After making the frescobaldi and python-ly Git repositories available
> (and installing Git itself) I could invoke frescobaldi directly wtih
> PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/python-ly python3 /path/to/frescobaldi
> which gave me a working "development" version of Frescobaldi.
> I haven't yet figured out how to add a menu entry for the Git
> installation (it seems the package manager installation "shadows" the
> other one), but I have to state that I *did* successfully install
> Frescobaldi 3 on a clean Ubuntu 17.10 installation without *any*
> dependency problems.
> Urs
> 28. Dezember 2017 08:55, "Andrew Bernard"  > schrieb:
> Hello Urs and all,
> Following your excellent instructions on the dependenicies, always
> difficult to work out, especially when detail is missing, I am
> immediately presented with the same old core dump on startup, as
> per usual. I am using Ubuntu 17.10, kernel 4.13.0-21-generic (not
> that the kernel would make a difference!).
> Clearly there are deeper dependencies and issues at play here. I
> would not have imagined a python program could be so troublesome,
> and so difficult to understand and fix. I guess it is due to the
> complexity of the Qt ecosystem world.
> I remain stuck on Mint 18 for F at the moment therefore.
> Annoying, as all my other work is on Ubuntu 17.
> Andrew
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TAB-problem

2017-12-28 Thread bb
Thank you! My problem is solved!


Am 28.12.2017 um 16:02 schrieb bb:
> OK. You sent two versions. I will check it. Thank you!
> Am 28.12.2017 um 16:00 schrieb bb:
>> As there got lost my original mail, I have to add that I only want
>> "cleftext" or "test" or whatever text defined in the code only once at
>> the beginning of every TAB line. NOT every time the clef changes!
>> Am 28.12.2017 um 15:54 schrieb bb:
>>> Thank you for answering. Your code has exactly the problem I wanted to
>>> overcome. There is a "cleftext"  every time the clef changes!
>>> I minimized my example code due to your expectations.
>>> Regards
>>> begin ##
>>> \version "2.19.65"
>>> D-Dorian =  \relative c {
>>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>>   c1 |
>>>   \clef "treble_8"
>>>   c1|
>>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>>   c1
>>>   \bar "|."
>>> }
>>> <<
>>>     \new Staff {\D-Dorian }
>>>     \new TabStaff {
>>>   \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>>>   \omit Staff.ClefModifier
>>>   \override Staff.Clef #'text =
>>>   test
>>>   \D-Dorian
>>>     }
>>>   >>
>>> end ##
>>> Am 28.12.2017 um 15:22 schrieb Malte Meyn:
>>>> Am 28.12.2017 um 14:21 schrieb bb:
>>>>> I attach an example code. (Sorry, my skills are just not developed
>>>>> enough to shorten the code essential.)
>>>> Here is a much smaller example. It’s not minimal but near. How to
>>>> build such an example? Well, just leave everything out that has
>>>> nothing to do with the problem. In your case that is:
>>>> • layout things like set-global-staff-size or indent = 0
>>>> • complicated music (triplets, rests, extra barlines)
>>>> • \tabFullNotation
>>>> • instrument tweaks (stringTunings, minimumFret etc.)
>>>> • transpositions (btw the clefs should do that correctly)
>>>> • complicated markup for the clef
>>>> How to find out what things aren’t necessary? Just delete them and see
>>>> if the problem persists.
>>>> The following example contains also a possible solution: Set the clef
>>>> stencil to ##f (\omit is a shorthand for that) and only set the
>>>> stencil for the first occurence.
>>>> %%
>>>> \version "2.19.65"
>>>> D-Dorian =  \relative {
>>>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>>>   c1
>>>>   \clef "treble_8"
>>>>   c
>>>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>>>   c
>>>> }
>>>> <<
>>>>   \new Staff { \D-Dorian }
>>>>   \new TabStaff \with {
>>>>     \omit Clef
>>>>     \omit ClefModifier
>>>>     \override Clef.text = "cleftext"
>>>>   } {
>>>>     \once \override TabStaff.Clef.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>>>>     \D-Dorian
>>>>   }
>>>> ___
>>>> lilypond-user mailing list
>>>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>>>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
>>> ___
>>> lilypond-user mailing list
>>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TAB-problem

2017-12-28 Thread bb
OK. You sent two versions. I will check it. Thank you!

Am 28.12.2017 um 16:00 schrieb bb:
> As there got lost my original mail, I have to add that I only want
> "cleftext" or "test" or whatever text defined in the code only once at
> the beginning of every TAB line. NOT every time the clef changes!
> Am 28.12.2017 um 15:54 schrieb bb:
>> Thank you for answering. Your code has exactly the problem I wanted to
>> overcome. There is a "cleftext"  every time the clef changes!
>> I minimized my example code due to your expectations.
>> Regards
>> begin ##
>> \version "2.19.65"
>> D-Dorian =  \relative c {
>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>   c1 |
>>   \clef "treble_8"
>>   c1|
>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>   c1
>>   \bar "|."
>> }
>> <<
>>     \new Staff {\D-Dorian }
>>     \new TabStaff {
>>   \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>>   \omit Staff.ClefModifier
>>   \override Staff.Clef #'text =
>>   test
>>   \D-Dorian
>>     }
>>   >>
>> end ##
>> Am 28.12.2017 um 15:22 schrieb Malte Meyn:
>>> Am 28.12.2017 um 14:21 schrieb bb:
>>>> I attach an example code. (Sorry, my skills are just not developed
>>>> enough to shorten the code essential.)
>>> Here is a much smaller example. It’s not minimal but near. How to
>>> build such an example? Well, just leave everything out that has
>>> nothing to do with the problem. In your case that is:
>>> • layout things like set-global-staff-size or indent = 0
>>> • complicated music (triplets, rests, extra barlines)
>>> • \tabFullNotation
>>> • instrument tweaks (stringTunings, minimumFret etc.)
>>> • transpositions (btw the clefs should do that correctly)
>>> • complicated markup for the clef
>>> How to find out what things aren’t necessary? Just delete them and see
>>> if the problem persists.
>>> The following example contains also a possible solution: Set the clef
>>> stencil to ##f (\omit is a shorthand for that) and only set the
>>> stencil for the first occurence.
>>> %%
>>> \version "2.19.65"
>>> D-Dorian =  \relative {
>>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>>   c1
>>>   \clef "treble_8"
>>>   c
>>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>>   c
>>> }
>>> <<
>>>   \new Staff { \D-Dorian }
>>>   \new TabStaff \with {
>>>     \omit Clef
>>>     \omit ClefModifier
>>>     \override Clef.text = "cleftext"
>>>   } {
>>>     \once \override TabStaff.Clef.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>>>     \D-Dorian
>>>   }
>>> ___
>>> lilypond-user mailing list
>>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TAB-problem

2017-12-28 Thread bb
As there got lost my original mail, I have to add that I only want
"cleftext" or "test" or whatever text defined in the code only once at
the beginning of every TAB line. NOT every time the clef changes!

Am 28.12.2017 um 15:54 schrieb bb:
> Thank you for answering. Your code has exactly the problem I wanted to
> overcome. There is a "cleftext"  every time the clef changes!
> I minimized my example code due to your expectations.
> Regards
> begin ##
> \version "2.19.65"
> D-Dorian =  \relative c {
>   \clef "bass_8"
>   c1 |
>   \clef "treble_8"
>   c1|
>   \clef "bass_8"
>   c1
>   \bar "|."
> }
> <<
>     \new Staff {\D-Dorian }
>     \new TabStaff {
>   \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>   \omit Staff.ClefModifier
>   \override Staff.Clef #'text =
>   test
>   \D-Dorian
>     }
>   >>
> end ##
> Am 28.12.2017 um 15:22 schrieb Malte Meyn:
>> Am 28.12.2017 um 14:21 schrieb bb:
>>> I attach an example code. (Sorry, my skills are just not developed
>>> enough to shorten the code essential.)
>> Here is a much smaller example. It’s not minimal but near. How to
>> build such an example? Well, just leave everything out that has
>> nothing to do with the problem. In your case that is:
>> • layout things like set-global-staff-size or indent = 0
>> • complicated music (triplets, rests, extra barlines)
>> • \tabFullNotation
>> • instrument tweaks (stringTunings, minimumFret etc.)
>> • transpositions (btw the clefs should do that correctly)
>> • complicated markup for the clef
>> How to find out what things aren’t necessary? Just delete them and see
>> if the problem persists.
>> The following example contains also a possible solution: Set the clef
>> stencil to ##f (\omit is a shorthand for that) and only set the
>> stencil for the first occurence.
>> %%
>> \version "2.19.65"
>> D-Dorian =  \relative {
>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>   c1
>>   \clef "treble_8"
>>   c
>>   \clef "bass_8"
>>   c
>> }
>> <<
>>   \new Staff { \D-Dorian }
>>   \new TabStaff \with {
>>     \omit Clef
>>     \omit ClefModifier
>>     \override Clef.text = "cleftext"
>>   } {
>>     \once \override TabStaff.Clef.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>>     \D-Dorian
>>   }
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TAB-problem

2017-12-28 Thread bb
Thank you for answering. Your code has exactly the problem I wanted to
overcome. There is a "cleftext"  every time the clef changes!
I minimized my example code due to your expectations.


begin ##
\version "2.19.65"
D-Dorian =  \relative c {
  \clef "bass_8"
  c1 |
  \clef "treble_8"
  \clef "bass_8"
  \bar "|."
    \new Staff {\D-Dorian }
    \new TabStaff {
  \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \omit Staff.ClefModifier
  \override Staff.Clef #'text =
end ##

Am 28.12.2017 um 15:22 schrieb Malte Meyn:
> Am 28.12.2017 um 14:21 schrieb bb:
>> I attach an example code. (Sorry, my skills are just not developed
>> enough to shorten the code essential.)
> Here is a much smaller example. It’s not minimal but near. How to
> build such an example? Well, just leave everything out that has
> nothing to do with the problem. In your case that is:
> • layout things like set-global-staff-size or indent = 0
> • complicated music (triplets, rests, extra barlines)
> • \tabFullNotation
> • instrument tweaks (stringTunings, minimumFret etc.)
> • transpositions (btw the clefs should do that correctly)
> • complicated markup for the clef
> How to find out what things aren’t necessary? Just delete them and see
> if the problem persists.
> The following example contains also a possible solution: Set the clef
> stencil to ##f (\omit is a shorthand for that) and only set the
> stencil for the first occurence.
> %%
> \version "2.19.65"
> D-Dorian =  \relative {
>   \clef "bass_8"
>   c1
>   \clef "treble_8"
>   c
>   \clef "bass_8"
>   c
> }
> <<
>   \new Staff { \D-Dorian }
>   \new TabStaff \with {
>     \omit Clef
>     \omit ClefModifier
>     \override Clef.text = "cleftext"
>   } {
>     \once \override TabStaff.Clef.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>     \D-Dorian
>   }
> >>
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list


2017-12-28 Thread bb
A six string bass has a tonal range that overlaps in part with the
guitar. Therefore it is convenient to write parts of a score in treble
clef. While writing sheet music with tabs I get a problem with the notes
for the strings of the TAB. I get it for every change of the clef again
and I get  it wrong for the treble clef (if they are correct for the
bass clef and vice verse). The given fingering in the TAB stays correct!
Is there any way to avoid this repetition? I only want the notes on the
start of the TAB.

Thanks for any help!

I attach an example code. (Sorry, my skills are just not developed
enough to shorten the code essential.)

start #
\version "2.19.65"
%AF = all fourths = P4
   AFbassBsix =\stringTuning < b,, e, a, d g c'>
#(set-global-staff-size 27)
% kein Einzug am Anfang
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm } 
D-Dorian =  \relative c {
  \clef "bass_8"
  r2 \tuplet 3/2 {r8 d f  } \tuplet 3/2 { e g c } |
  \clef "treble_8"
  \tuplet 3/2 { e4 g8 (} \tuplet 3/2 { g) f e } d c d4 |
  \clef "bass_8"
  \tuplet 3/2 { r8 g, c } \tuplet 3/2 { e,4 a8 ( }
  a ) d b f
  \bar "|."
    \new Staff {\transpose c c, {\D-Dorian }}
    \new TabStaff {
  \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \omit Staff.ClefModifier
  \override Staff.Clef #'text =
  \raise #2.0
  \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.5)
  \center-column {\abs-fontsize #12 { c g, d, a,, e,, b,,}}
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #AFbassBsix 
% keine offenen Saiten 
  \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #1
   \set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Next round on frescobaldi dependencies

2017-12-23 Thread bb

Am 23.12.2017 um 15:48 schrieb Noeck
> Out of curiosity: Did anyone writing here at least try the fix that I
> posted here twice which worked for me?
> I.e. installing python3-poppler-qt5_0.24.2-3build1_amd64.deb?
> Joram
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
From:     Noeck
Subject:     Re: Python dependencies: plea for help
Date:     Fri, 8 Dec 2017 23:44:26 +0100
User-agent:     Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
> Hi Simon,
> on which system? And do you need to build it or can you use a deb package?
> As discussed on Sept 23rd on this list [1], I used this package
> python3-poppler-qt5_0.24.2-3build1_amd64.deb on my Ubuntu machine. And
> Jamie found out where it came from:
> > This one worked for me: 
> > https://answers.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+archive/ubuntu/python3.6-as-default/+files/python3-poppler-qt5_0.24.2-3build1_amd64.deb
> Does that solve your proplem?
> Cheers,
> Joram
I remeber that post, but that link did not help but guided me into a


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Next round on frescobaldi dependencies

2017-12-23 Thread bb
As I remarked, I could not install frescobaldi 3.0 on ubuntu version 17
(as I remember that is true for 16 as well).
I had success with ubuntu 18.2 brands (and higher). I sent some mails to
frescobaldi and the lilypond list. i.e see lilypond list from 09.12.2017
As I can reconstruct out of that, the crucial program was
and I posted "the error message popplerqt5 is misleading as
python3-poppler-qt5 is needed".
As i think to remember that was not offered in the repository older than
ubuntu version 18? (Cannot check that, do actually not have any version
older than 18.2 runing. May be it was aded in the meantime?) 

In my posting mentioned above I reported a frescobaldi crash  in using
the template function of the menu, a problem with PyQt5.QtSvg. After
some distro updates this is not longer true! A positive message!


Am 23.12.2017 um 15:07 schrieb bb:
> As I mailed frequently to frescobaldi and to the lilypond mail list it
> was/is definitely impossible for me to get frescobaldi 3.0 to work
> with any ubuntu 17 version and any linux brand based on ubuntu 17! I
> tried to install frescobaldi 3.0 multiple times on that version(s),
> especially following some large updates - without success and gave up
> at least.
> I work with different linuxes since about 40 years and was a fluent
> programmer in my active live. I recommend(ed) frescobaldi to make the
> error messages more specific to tell the user which version (2,3,4 or
> 9.5 or whatever) of something is needed. The python install file of
> frescobaldi knows (hopefully), which version of s
> omething is missing.
> I got running frescobaldi on version 18 up and do not longer use any
> ubuntu 17 based version or brand. I erased ubuntu studio (I think
> based on ubuntu 17.04?). Eventually I give a new release of ubunto
> studio based on an ubuntu 18 another try. Anybody can setup and
> install the required programs of ubuntu studio by hand to any linux
> version.
> I recommand anybody not to waste any time with ubuntu 17 and
> frescobaldi 3.0. The frescobaldi version in the distribution
> repository  of 17 (I think 2.20.0?) is working without any problem.
> Regards
> Am 23.12.2017 um 03:29 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
>> Hello everybody,
>> just to let you know: After gathering from the recent thread that the
>> situation with frescobaldi dependencies and conflicting versions of
>> python would be easier to handle with Ubuntu 17, I tried getting it
>> to work on a pristine 17.10 live system – unsucessfully, with another
>> weird bug (?) preventing to build sip from source. Here’s all the
>> details:
>> https://github.com/wbsoft/python-poppler-qt5/issues/14#issuecomment-353697574
>> <https://github.com/wbsoft/python-poppler-qt5/issues/14#issuecomment-353697574%3E>
>> Best, Simon
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Next round on frescobaldi dependencies

2017-12-23 Thread bb
As I mailed frequently to frescobaldi and to the lilypond mail list it
was/is definitely impossible for me to get frescobaldi 3.0 to work with
any ubuntu 17 version and any linux brand based on ubuntu 17! I tried to
install frescobaldi 3.0 multiple times on that version(s), especially
following some large updates - without success and gave up at least.

I work with different linuxes since about 40 years and was a fluent
programmer in my active live. I recommend(ed) frescobaldi to make the
error messages more specific to tell the user which version (2,3,4 or
9.5 or whatever) of something is needed. The python install file of
frescobaldi knows (hopefully), which version of s
omething is missing.

I got running frescobaldi on version 18 up and do not longer use any
ubuntu 17 based version or brand. I erased ubuntu studio (I think based
on ubuntu 17.04?). Eventually I give a new release of ubunto studio
based on an ubuntu 18 another try. Anybody can setup and install the
required programs of ubuntu studio by hand to any linux version.

I recommand anybody not to waste any time with ubuntu 17 and frescobaldi
3.0. The frescobaldi version in the distribution repository  of 17 (I
think 2.20.0?) is working without any problem.


Am 23.12.2017 um 03:29 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
> Hello everybody,
> just to let you know: After gathering from the recent thread that the
> situation with frescobaldi dependencies and conflicting versions of
> python would be easier to handle with Ubuntu 17, I tried getting it to
> work on a pristine 17.10 live system – unsucessfully, with another
> weird bug (?) preventing to build sip from source. Here’s all the
> details:
> https://github.com/wbsoft/python-poppler-qt5/issues/14#issuecomment-353697574
> Best, Simon
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hammer-on and pull-off

2017-12-22 Thread bb
5 string Banjo music quite often is notated and published as tab
exclusively. Slides (glissandos), hammer ons and pull offs are the rule
rather than exception in the folky Banjo stile.

In classical guitar as a rule the skilled player has to transform the
slur to a hammer or pull or a glissando.


Am 22.12.2017 um 15:31 schrieb bart deruyter:
> Hi,
> in my experience there seems to be a difference in notiation between
> classical music for gutiar and popular music. So far I have never seen
> H or P in scores for classical guitar, but sometimes in educational books.
> On the other hand I have sometimes seen it in sheet music for popular
> music, mainly in the tabulature but sometimes in the actual score too.
> HTH,
> Bart
> http://www.bartart3d.be/
> On Twitter 
> On Identi.ca 
> On Google+ 
> 2017-12-22 15:19 GMT+01:00 Menu Jacques  >:
> Hello folks,
> The LPNR states that:
> Hammer-on and pull-off can be obtained using slurs.
> \new TabStaff {
>   \relative c' {
>     d4( e\2)
>     a( g) 
>   }
> }
> Is that the regular way to write such fretted strings instruments
> music, or is sometimes an H or P placed between the two notes, as
> Finales does (see attached image)?
> Thanks for your help!
> JM
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org 
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hammer-on and pull-off

2017-12-22 Thread bb
My last mail did not answer your question completely. The answer is, you
have the choice.
Here an example if you prefer H and P without slurs

\version "2.19.2"

\new TabStaff <<
    % \key g \major
    %\partial 4
 g8^" H" a  a^" P" [g]   

Am 22.12.2017 um 15:19 schrieb Menu Jacques:
> Hello folks,
> The LPNR states that:
> Hammer-on and pull-off can be obtained using slurs.
> \new TabStaff {
>   \relative c' {
>     d4( e\2)
>     a( g) 
>   }
> }
> Is that the regular way to write such fretted strings instruments
> music, or is sometimes an H or P placed between the two notes, as
> Finales does (see attached image)?
> Thanks for your help!
> JM
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hammer-on and pull-off

2017-12-22 Thread bb
Here an arbitrary example as I use it
\version "2.19.2"
  test = {
   8 g'     %1. quarter note
  \times 2/3{d,^"  P " (c)^" H" (d)} %2. quarter note
   g %3. quarter note
  d^" P" (c) | %4. quarter note
   g'  %5. quarter note  
  \times 2/3{gis,^"  H " (f)^" P" (g)} %6. quarter note
   g %7. quarter note 
  8 g %8. quarter note 
  {g,8^"  H" (a)} 8 [g]  
  }  }

\score {
    \new Staff {
    \tempo "Thema"
    %\accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
    %\accidentalStyle modern
    \relative c''{
  }  }

    \new TabStaff {
    \key g \major
  8 g'     %1. quarter note
  \times 2/3{d^" P " (c)^" H" (d)} %2. quarter note
   g %3. quarter note
  d^" P" (c\5) | %4. quarter note
   g'  %5. quarter note
  \times 2/3{gis,^" H " (f)^" P" (g)} %6. quarter note 
   g %7. quarter note 
  8 g %8. quarter note
  % ... etc.
  {g,8^"H" (a)} 8 [g,]

Am 22.12.2017 um 15:19 schrieb Menu Jacques:
> Hello folks,
> The LPNR states that:
> Hammer-on and pull-off can be obtained using slurs.
> \new TabStaff {
>   \relative c' {
>     d4( e\2)
>     a( g) 
>   }
> }
> Is that the regular way to write such fretted strings instruments
> music, or is sometimes an H or P placed between the two notes, as
> Finales does (see attached image)?
> Thanks for your help!
> JM
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: accedentals

2017-12-17 Thread bb

Am 17.12.2017 um 16:02 schrieb Ben:
> On 12/17/2017 9:58 AM, Vivyan wrote:
>> I'm not sure why my accidentals arn't working?
>> Screen_Shot_2017-12-17_at_14.png
>> --
>> Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html
> What is the error you're seeing in the log? It's not possible to
> really tell what your /actual/ problem is from just looking at an
> accidental in a screenshot: ( -is -es etc)
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Frescobaldi 3 build on Ubuntu 17.10

2017-12-10 Thread bb
Do you know


Am 10.12.2017 um 11:09 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Am 10.12.2017 um 02:45 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
>> Hi All,
>> Attempting to get to the bottom of the Frescobaldi dependency
>> merry-go-round,
> Thank you for that!
>> I end up - having carefully checked everything - with the old crash
>> after the splash screen core dump.
> :-(
>> Altogether miserable. I remember trying to debug the source code for
>> this a while ago and came to grief then.
> I am 98% sure that this problem is *not* related to any code within
> Frescobaldi.
>> As this is probably OT, where is the most appropriate place to
>> discuss this topic to move it forward? The Google Groups Frescobaldi
>> group is more or less moribund, or has very low traffic and commands
>> little attention I have found.
>> Any suggestions? I am prepared to do the work to solve this, but I do
>> not know where the correct forum is.
> The "correct" forum would be Frescobaldi's Github issue tracker, but
> I'm afraid this will yield even less exchange than the Frescobaldi
> Google group. So I suggest to actually discuss it on the lilypond-user
> list as it isn't *that* off-topic IMO.
> But you may try looking into
> https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93=is%3Aissue+pyqt
> - the list of all issues containing "pyqt" somehow. (Also look into
> the closed issues)
> https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/issues/838 was one which helped
> me to get it running at one point.
> Urs
>> Andrew
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Frescobaldi 3.0 CRASHES

2017-12-10 Thread bb
Concerning LTS ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) and 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) do
not offer LTS and never had! As I used it , I had no problems but never
got frescobaldi 3.0.0 running. It did not work on "16" either!
Obviously "17" is a version "in between" the LTS releases.
See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases
I recommend not to waste any time with that gone version(s), better stay
with an old 16-version or move to the actual release ubuntu 18.4
(BionicBeaver) April 2018, that offers LTS. The end of life date is not
given in the list, but I think that is approximately 5 years.
There are a lot of linux brans based on ubuntu (Xenial Xerus), i. e.
linux mint
18.3     Sylvia     Ubuntu Xenial     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2021.
18.2     Sonya     Ubuntu Xenial     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2021.
18.1     Serena     Ubuntu Xenial     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2021.
18     Sarah     Ubuntu Xenial     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2021.
17.3     Rosa     Ubuntu Trusty     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2019.
17.2     Rafaela     Ubuntu Trusty     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2019.
17.1     Rebecca     Ubuntu Trusty     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2019.
17     Qiana     Ubuntu Trusty     Long term support release (LTS),
supported until April 2019.

Am 10.12.2017 um 02:48 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
> Hi Simon,
> Well, 16.04 is a long term support (LTS) release which companies seem
> to like.
> But there is nothing wrong therefore with 17.10. I find it to be
> really stable and trouble free, and superior in may ways - else why
> would they release it?.
> Still cant get Frescobaldi 3 running on it, but I have made that into
> a new thread.
> Andrew
I have reported problems to frescobaldi quite often, but never got any
reaction. I have frescobaldi 3.0.0 running on Version Linux Mint 18.2
Sonya 64-bit (based on Ubuntu Xenial) with some minor issues. As I have
frequently mentioned in different mails it did not work on any 16 or 17
version! That is true for ubuntu studio 17.04 and 17.10 as well, based
on ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus  and 17.10 Artful Aardvark respectively.
> On 10 December 2017 at 01:03, Simon Albrecht  > wrote:
> I meant generally. My experience with Ubuntu 16.04 is that I very
> rarely have to invest any time in OS problems; is that likely to
> become more with 17.04 or 17.10?
> ___
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> lilypond-user@gnu.org
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Python dependencies: plea for help

2017-12-09 Thread bb
Absolutely agree!

Am 09.12.2017 um 15:26 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
> On 09.12.2017 15:07, bb wrote:
>> Problems arises if you install from source and especially vedrsion
>> 3.0.0. I sent some reports about that troubles to the frescobaldi
>> mailing list.
>> As Ralph Palmer writes, setting up a new frescobaldi version always
>> needs uninstall of the old version.
> Only frescobaldi itself isn’t what causes the problem, but python and
> pyqt and python-poppler-qt5 and the different versions of each.
> Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Python dependencies: plea for help

2017-12-09 Thread bb
Installing frescobaldi from the distribution repository was no problem
at all.

Problems arises if you install from source and especially vedrsion
3.0.0. I sent some reports about that troubles to the frescobaldi
mailing list.

As Ralph Palmer writes, setting up a new frescobaldi version always
needs uninstall of the old version.


Am 08.12.2017 um 23:06 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
> Hello everybody,
> following the post by Vincenzo I take the liberty of turning to this
> group for advice, even if it’s OT. It’s such a hassle working with
> LilyPond without Frescobaldi, and I couldn’t solve the problem
> described in .
> So I beg your pardon and beg for advice on how to proceed, even if
> it’s just about how to completely purge all of python3.x and
> frescobaldi and the packages inbetween and reinstalling so that
> everything works…
> Best, Simon
> ___
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> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: clef_8

2017-12-02 Thread bb
Works! Thanks for your help!


Am 02.12.2017 um 12:58 schrieb Mark Knoop:
> At 12:47 on 02 Dec 2017, bb wrote:
>> I have a problem with the 8 under the clef clef_8. That number 8 does
>> not disappear with    
>> \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>> I cannot decide if this is a bug?
> The "8" is not part of the Clef object, but is a ClefModifier object. Try:
> \omit Staff.ClefModifier
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Regards
>> Example code:
>> \version "2.19.2"
>>    MTbass-five = \stringTuning < dis, g, b, dis g >
>> roottoroot-one  = {
>>     \clef "bass_8" 
>>     \transpose g g, { g8 a b d' c' bes a g \bar "||" \break }
>> }
>> chordroottoroot-one =\chordmode { g2:7 c:7 }
>> #(set-global-staff-size 27)
>> \score {
>>   <<
>>     \new ChordNames \chordroottoroot-one
>>     \new Staff \transpose c c, \roottoroot-one
>>     \new TabStaff {
>>     \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>>     \override Staff.Clef #'text =
>>     \markup
>>     \whiteout
>>     \raise #1.0
>>     \bold
>>     \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
>>     \center-column {
>>     \abs-fontsize #12 { g dis b, g, dis, }
>>     }
>>     \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #MTbass-five
>>     \roottoroot-one
>>     }
>>   >>
>>   \layout { }
>>     \midi { }
>> }
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list


2017-12-02 Thread bb
I have a problem with the 8 under the clef clef_8. That number 8 does
not disappear with    
\override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
I cannot decide if this is a bug?

Thanks for any help!


Example code:

\version "2.19.2"
   MTbass-five = \stringTuning < dis, g, b, dis g >
roottoroot-one  = {
    \clef "bass_8" 
    \transpose g g, { g8 a b d' c' bes a g \bar "||" \break }

chordroottoroot-one =\chordmode { g2:7 c:7 }

#(set-global-staff-size 27)

\score {
    \new ChordNames \chordroottoroot-one
    \new Staff \transpose c c, \roottoroot-one
    \new TabStaff {
    \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
    \override Staff.Clef #'text =
    \raise #1.0
    \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
    \center-column {
    \abs-fontsize #12 { g dis b, g, dis, }
    \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #MTbass-five
  \layout { }
    \midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: repeat index

2017-11-24 Thread bb
Sorry, interpreted this repetition as a scheme topic.


Am 24.11.2017 um 13:43 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>> Do you think that as a proper question for a lilipond user blog?
> The software is called "LilyPond", and LilyPond-user is not a blog but a
> mailing list.  Apart from that, the answer is most emphatically yes.
> This is a question about common LilyPond usage.  It is not trivial,
> there is no cut answer in the docs, but it's at user-attainable
> level.  This is very much what this mailing list is for.
>> I think a scheme blog might be a better place for that problem.
> Nonsense.  The problems involved here are LilyPond problems, not general
> Scheme problems.
>> I cannot help, but what however, whatever do you think that code to do?
> Uh, have you even been following the discussion?  Once you don't view
> this as a blog but a mailing list, you'll realize that there are
> _threads_ consisting of mails and answers to those mails.  Your mail
> reading software (or at least a mailing list aggregator if you prefer
> blog-like treatment) should provide you with the necessary context in
> form of the mailing list threads.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: repeat index

2017-11-24 Thread bb
Do you think that as a proper question for a lilipond user blog? I think
a scheme blog might be a better place for that problem.

I cannot help, but what however, whatever do you think that code to do?


Am 24.11.2017 um 10:45 schrieb Gianmaria Lari:
> whatever =
> #(define-music-function (pattern) (ly:music?)
>   #{ \fixed c' {
>        #@(map
>            (lambda (p)
>              #{ \modalTranspose c #(ly:make-pitch -1 p) \scale
> #pattern #})
>            (iota 8))
>      } #})
> \whatever {c d e f}
> \whatever {f e d c}
> \whatever {a c e g}
> I tried the above code but without success. When I tried it few days
> ago I was thinking there was some simple to solve problem  and I
> didn't write you immediately; I wanted to try to solve the problem by
> myself but I have not been able to do it.
> This is the complete code according what you wrote (I hope I didn't
> introduce any errors):
> \version "2.19.80"
> scale = {c d e f g a b }
> whatever =
> #(define-music-function (pattern) (ly:music?)
>   #{ \fixed c' {
>        #@(map
>            (lambda (p)
>              #{ \modalTranspose c #(ly:make-pitch -1 p) \scale
> #pattern #})
>            (iota 8))
>      } #})
> \whatever {c d e f}
> \whatever {a c e g}
> It looks that #(ly:make-pitch -1 p) inside this function does not
> decrease the value of p. So the result is always the same _non
> transposed_ sequence. There is also a strange (to me) problem with the
> octave that's too high ( I have been able to solve it but I don't
> understand why it happens).
> The same code outside the function works well:
> \fixed c' {
>   #@(map
>       (lambda (p)
>         #{ \modalTranspose c #(ly:make-pitch -1 p) \scale {c d e
> f} #})
>       (iota 8))
> }
> What's the issue?
> Thank you, g.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: midi volume single note

2017-11-13 Thread bb
Changes in the MIDI volume take place only on starting a note, so
crescendi and decrescendi cannot affect the volume of a single note.


Am 13.11.2017 um 08:38 schrieb Gianmaria Lari:
> \version "2.19.80"
> right = \relative c'' { c1 ~ c1 }
> dynamics = { s4\f\> s4 s4 s4
>              s4 s4 s4 s4\! \p }
> \score {
>   \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "accordion"} 
>     \new Voice <<\right \dynamics>>
>   \midi {}
>   \layout {}
> }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Newbie having trouble with transposition(s)

2017-11-11 Thread bb
Beside that monster "minimal"  example it becomes clear that with
% Global definitions
global = {
  \time 2/2
  \key d \minor
  \bar "|."
the key is set global. Global is global, so you get the key of d-minor
for the whole code. (It is a guess, I cannot check it with that code


Am 11.11.2017 um 02:51 schrieb Patrick Smith:
> Another first-time LilyPond poster/user here! 
> I've been using LilyPond for about a week now and I'm really loving it
> already.
> I'm a brass player who is using LilyPond to create beautiful
> engravings for brass ensembles. I'm also an engineer who wishes he was
> better at programming and LilyPond.
> Anyway, I'm starting by transcribing/arranging string quartets for the
> standard brass quartet (2 trumpets in B flat, 1 horn in F and 1
> trombone in C). The string parts are all non-transposing instruments.
> Because I plan to do a lot of these, I'd like to get my templates
> *perfect* before moving past the first one. So far, I've managed to
> create a *single* input files that does everything (produces all the
> PDFs ... score and parts). 
> I've got most of the basics working however I'm having trouble with
> the transpositions. They aren't working as I expected. I thought the
> transposition function would take care of putting the parts into the
> right key. But, all of the parts have a key signature of d minor (one
> flat) (no key signature transposition is happening).
> Please help me if you can. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Patrick
> Here is my minimalist Tiny code.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \header { ... }
> % Global definitions
> global = {
>   \time 2/2
>   \key d \minor
>   s1*78
>   \bar "|."
> }
> %*
> TrumpetOne = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet I in Bb"
>   \clef treble
>   \transpose bes c' {
>     \relative c'' {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %*
> TrumpetTwo = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet II in Bb"
>   \clef treble
>   \transpose bes c' {
>     \relative c' {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %*
> Horn = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Horn in F"
>   \clef treble
>   \transpose f c' {
>     \relative c' {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %*
> Trombone = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone"
>   \clef bass
>     \relative c {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %**
> music = {
>   <<
>     \tag #'score \tag #'trpI  \new Staff { << \global \TrumpetOne >> }
>     \tag #'score \tag #'trpII \new Staff { << \global \TrumpetTwo>> }
>     \tag #'score \tag #'horn  \new Staff { << \global \Horn>> }
>     \tag #'score \tag #'trbn  \new Staff { << \global \Trombone>> }
>   >>
> }
> %**
> % Print the score and create a midi file
> \book {
>   \bookOutputSuffix "Score"
>   #(set-global-staff-size 14)
>   \score {
>     \header { piece = "Score" }
> \bookOutputSuffix "Score"
>     \new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'score \music
>     \layout { }
>     \midi { }
>   }
> }
> %*
> % Print the TrumpetOne part
> \book {
>   \bookOutputSuffix "TrumpetOne"
>   \score {
>     \header { piece = "Trumpet I" }
>     \keepWithTag #'trpI \music
>     \layout { }
>   }
> }
> etc.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Newbie having trouble with transposition(s)

2017-11-11 Thread bb


Am 11.11.2017 um 02:51 schrieb Patrick Smith:
> Another first-time LilyPond poster/user here! 
> I've been using LilyPond for about a week now and I'm really loving it
> already.
> I'm a brass player who is using LilyPond to create beautiful
> engravings for brass ensembles. I'm also an engineer who wishes he was
> better at programming and LilyPond.
> Anyway, I'm starting by transcribing/arranging string quartets for the
> standard brass quartet (2 trumpets in B flat, 1 horn in F and 1
> trombone in C). The string parts are all non-transposing instruments.
> Because I plan to do a lot of these, I'd like to get my templates
> *perfect* before moving past the first one. So far, I've managed to
> create a *single* input files that does everything (produces all the
> PDFs ... score and parts). 
> I've got most of the basics working however I'm having trouble with
> the transpositions. They aren't working as I expected. I thought the
> transposition function would take care of putting the parts into the
> right key. But, all of the parts have a key signature of d minor (one
> flat) (no key signature transposition is happening).
> Please help me if you can. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Patrick
> Here is my minimalist Tiny code.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \header { ... }
> % Global definitions
> global = {
>   \time 2/2
>   \key d \minor
>   s1*78
>   \bar "|."
> }
> %*
> TrumpetOne = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet I in Bb"
>   \clef treble
>   \transpose bes c' {
>     \relative c'' {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %*
> TrumpetTwo = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet II in Bb"
>   \clef treble
>   \transpose bes c' {
>     \relative c' {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %*
> Horn = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Horn in F"
>   \clef treble
>   \transpose f c' {
>     \relative c' {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %*
> Trombone = \new Voice {
>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone"
>   \clef bass
>     \relative c {
> ...
>     }
>   }
> }
> %**
> music = {
>   <<
>     \tag #'score \tag #'trpI  \new Staff { << \global \TrumpetOne >> }
>     \tag #'score \tag #'trpII \new Staff { << \global \TrumpetTwo>> }
>     \tag #'score \tag #'horn  \new Staff { << \global \Horn>> }
>     \tag #'score \tag #'trbn  \new Staff { << \global \Trombone>> }
>   >>
> }
> %**
> % Print the score and create a midi file
> \book {
>   \bookOutputSuffix "Score"
>   #(set-global-staff-size 14)
>   \score {
>     \header { piece = "Score" }
> \bookOutputSuffix "Score"
>     \new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'score \music
>     \layout { }
>     \midi { }
>   }
> }
> %*
> % Print the TrumpetOne part
> \book {
>   \bookOutputSuffix "TrumpetOne"
>   \score {
>     \header { piece = "Trumpet I" }
>     \keepWithTag #'trpI \music
>     \layout { }
>   }
> }
> etc.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

dead link in http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/

2017-10-29 Thread bb
the link
Schnipsel: Percussion.
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/snippets/schlagzeug -> not
In the english version it's active


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Invisible note lines?

2017-10-27 Thread bb
I interpret this to have to comment out one of the two \score blocks for
printing and the other for to get the midi? or do I miss the point?

Regards BB

Am 27.10.2017 um 18:07 schrieb Marc Hohl:
> Am 27.10.2017 um 18:04 schrieb bb:
>> For a backing track I want a melody line and chords printed on a lead
>> sheet - standard with lilypond.
>> But a midi should have an aditional kickdrum/bassdrum for rhythm. The
>> notes should not be visible on the lead sheet but to hear in the midi.
>> Is it possible to add notes for midi but invisible on the print?
>> Certainly I can assemble one lilypond file for the lead sheet and
>> another one for the midi. But that is not really smart. It is not
>> comfortable to have to change two lilypond files for corrections etc.
> You only need to include two \score commands in one lilypond file:
> \score {
>   ... stuff to be printed ...
> }
> \score {
> ... same stuff without kick ...
>    \midi { }
> }
> HTH,
> Marc
>> Regards BB
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

lilypond-user mailing list

Invisible note lines?

2017-10-27 Thread bb
For a backing track I want a melody line and chords printed on a lead
sheet - standard with lilypond.
But a midi should have an aditional kickdrum/bassdrum for rhythm. The
notes should not be visible on the lead sheet but to hear in the midi.
Is it possible to add notes for midi but invisible on the print?

Certainly I can assemble one lilypond file for the lead sheet and
another one for the midi. But that is not really smart. It is not
comfortable to have to change two lilypond files for corrections etc.

Regards BB

lilypond-user mailing list

rim shot

2017-10-27 Thread bb
In the german Manual I found some funny translation for rim shot:

I am not a drummer, but I think that should read as "Randschlag" or
"Rahmenschlag" for a drum or snare drum. German readers will understand
what is meant. "Rand" is the "edge" of the Drum and "Rahmen" means
something like a "frame" or "border" or "edge".

Kind regards BB

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guitar/bass as a transposing instrument and midi

2017-10-27 Thread bb
Thank you, \transposition works nice. Only to find it. May be a tiny
reference in the midi chapter might be helpful?

Regards BB

Am 27.10.2017 um 16:14 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>> Thanks,  I will try to apply \transposition pitch.
>> I was looking in the midi part of the manual. Logically for me, this
>> problem only relates midi?  
> It doesn't relate only to Midi (also to cue notes and quotes), but yes,
> that's sort of a reasonable expectation that the manual does not meet.
>> Could be nice to have something simple like
>> \transpose c c, {
>> \midi{}
>> }
> For various reasons, different scores for Midi and Layout are usually
> called for and then you could just transpose in the score, but it's
> usually nicer to work with \transposition.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guitar/bass as a transposing instrument and midi

2017-10-27 Thread bb
Thanks,  I will try to apply \transposition pitch.

I was looking in the midi part of the manual. Logically for me, this
problem only relates midi?  

Could be nice to have something simple like
\transpose c c, {

Regards BB

Am 27.10.2017 um 14:22 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>> A /transposing instrument/ is one in which the absolute pitches of the
>> notes played on the instrument are shifted up or down by a certain
>> amount, compared to how they are written in notation. \clef "treble_8"
>> for guitar takes account of, but is not always written, as that
>> transposing property ias a standard. Bass is a transposing instrument as
>> well. \clef "bass_8"works as well but I found it never written in any
>> bass notation.
>> Writing tabulatures  can easily be corrected with \transpose in the 
>> \new TabStaff code section. 
>> That does not work the easy way for midi. The resulting midi-sound is an
>> octave higher in tone.
>> i cannot find a solution to lower the pitch for midi only. Every
>> \transpose alters the written notes as well. Eventually one has to write
>> an aditinal special music for midi? 
> Looking in the Notation manual under "Instrument transpositions"
> <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/displaying-pitches#instrument-transpositions>
> I read:
> When typesetting scores that involve transposing instruments, some
> parts can be typeset in a different pitch than the concert pitch. In
> these cases, the key of the transposing instrument should be
> specified; otherwise the MIDI output and cues in other parts will
> produce incorrect pitches. For more information about quotations,
> see Quoting other voices.
> \transposition pitch
> The pitch to use for \transposition should correspond to the real
> sound heard when a c' written on the staff is played by the
> transposing instrument. This pitch is entered in absolute mode, so
> an instrument that produces a real sound which is one tone higher
> than the printed music should use \transposition d'. \transposition
> should only be used if the pitches are not being entered in concert
> pitch.
> So where did you look for a solution?

lilypond-user mailing list

guitar/bass as a transposing instrument and midi

2017-10-27 Thread bb
A /transposing instrument/ is one in which the absolute pitches of the
notes played on the instrument are shifted up or down by a certain
amount, compared to how they are written in notation. \clef "treble_8"
for guitar takes account of, but is not always written, as that
transposing property ias a standard. Bass is a transposing instrument as
well. \clef "bass_8"works as well but I found it never written in any
bass notation.

Writing tabulatures  can easily be corrected with \transpose in the 
\new TabStaff code section. 

That does not work the easy way for midi. The resulting midi-sound is an
octave higher in tone.

i cannot find a solution to lower the pitch for midi only. Every
\transpose alters the written notes as well. Eventually one has to write
an aditinal special music for midi? 

Thanks for any help, regards

I add a simple test file. Is there any soultion?

\version "2.19.65"
guitar = \relative c {
  \clef "treble_8"
  r4 a b c d e f g
bass = \relative c, {
  %\clef "bass_8"
  \clef bass
  a b c d e f g
\score {
    \new Staff  { \guitar }
  \new Staff  {
    %\transpose c c' % with this \transpose midi sounds to high  but
notation is correct
  \layout {  }
  \midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tabs with lyrics

2017-10-03 Thread bb
With some experiments I got it:

\version "2.19.2"

Words = \lyricmode { Here are the words }

tune = {\clef "treble_8" a b c d e f g }
\score {
    \new Staff { \tune }

    \new TabStaff { \tune }
    \addlyrics{ \Words }

Am 03.10.2017 um 17:08 schrieb bb:
> Sorry, I sent this accidentally to the bug-list first. Please delete! 
> One more silly question, tabs with lyrics.
> I did not find any help in the archives.
> I tried it this way:
> \version "2.19.2"
> tune = {\clef "treble_8" a b c d e f g }
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new Staff { \tune }
>     \new TabStaff = tab \relative c'' { \tune }
>     \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "tab" { Here are the words }    }
>   >>
> }
> Another trial was with
>     \new Voice = "hidden" {
>   \hideNotes {\clef "treble_8" a b c d e f g }
>     }
>   \lyricsto "hidden" { Here are the words }
>     }
> Regards BB

lilypond-user mailing list

tabs with lyrics

2017-10-03 Thread bb
Sorry, I sent this accidentally to the bug-list first. Please delete! 

One more silly question, tabs with lyrics.

I did not find any help in the archives.

I tried it this way:

\version "2.19.2"

tune = {\clef "treble_8" a b c d e f g }
\score {
    \new Staff { \tune }

    \new TabStaff = tab \relative c'' { \tune }
    \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "tab" { Here are the words }    }

Another trial was with

    \new Voice = "hidden" {
  \hideNotes {\clef "treble_8" a b c d e f g }
      \lyricsto "hidden" { Here are the words }

Regards BB

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: fretboard bug

2017-10-01 Thread bb
ok, not a bug, no error message. One has to live with.

If one knows that difficulty, one might find it easily. But that is not
a robust syntax. 

Thanks and regards BB

Am 01.10.2017 um 16:07 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>> As you may see there is one string open and fingered same time. I sent a
>> bug report.
>> \version "2.19.65"
>>    Cuatro =\stringTuning <  a, d g c' f'>
>> cmSeven = { < g'\1 c,\2 g\3 dis\4 ais\5 > } % cd#ga#
>> \storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \cmSeven % cd#ga#
>>     #Cuatro
>>     #"1-1; 1-1;o;o;2-2;"
>>     \new FretBoards {
>>   \set Staff.stringTunings = #Cuatro
>>   { \cmSeven }
>>     }
> You did not send "a bug report", you sent several.  First to the User
> list.  You got a reply by Harm pointing out that the spurious space
> character in your string specification causes the problem.  Ignoring
> that reply, you sent another report, this time to the Bug list.  I asked
> there whether there was a particular point in ignoring the reply on the
> User list and repeating your report on the bug list.
> Now you are re-reporting the same problem with the same cause on the
> User list again.
> What do you want to achieve?

lilypond-user mailing list

fretboard bug

2017-10-01 Thread bb
As you may see there is one string open and fingered same time. I sent a
bug report.

\version "2.19.65"
   Cuatro =\stringTuning <  a, d g c' f'>
cmSeven = { < g'\1 c,\2 g\3 dis\4 ais\5 > } % cd#ga#
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \cmSeven % cd#ga#
    #"1-1; 1-1;o;o;2-2;"
    \new FretBoards {
  \set Staff.stringTunings = #Cuatro
  { \cmSeven }

lilypond-user mailing list


2017-09-28 Thread bb
The fretboard shows fourth string as open and fingered fret one. I have
added a pdf as a proof. If you compile you should get this pdf as well.

Regards BB

\version "2.19.2"
   allFourthsA =\stringTuning <  a, d g c' f'>
cmSevenA = { < g'\1 c,\2 g\3 dis\4 ais\5 > } % cd#ga#
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \cmSevenA % cd#ga#
    #"1-1; 1-1;o;o;2-2;" %
#(set-global-staff-size 27)
chordNames = \chordmode { c:m7 }
notes = { \cmSevenA \break  \bar "||" }
\score {
 \set Timing.defaultBarType = ""
 \new ChordNames {
  %\set chordChanges = ##t
  \chordNames }
    \new FretBoards {
  \set Staff.stringTunings = #allFourthsA
  \notes }
    \new TabStaff \relative c' {
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #allFourthsA
  \notes  }
  \layout {

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: restrain string numbers

2017-09-22 Thread bb
Thanks, works nice!

Am 22.09.2017 um 17:06 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>> I want to restrain/omit string numbers in the score. But I need them to
>> define because of the guitar tabs. How can I do that?
>> I was looking in the lilypond-user Archives for restrain/omit/avoid/no
>> string numbers but found no hit.
> Huh.  At any rate,
> \new Voice \with { \omit StringNumber } { ... }
> should work fine here.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: restrain string numbers

2017-09-22 Thread bb
Thanks, works nice!

Am 22.09.2017 um 17:07 schrieb Marc Hohl:
> \new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber } { ... your music }

lilypond-user mailing list

restrain string numbers

2017-09-22 Thread bb
I want to restrain/omit string numbers in the score. But I need them to
define because of the guitar tabs. How can I do that?

I was looking in the lilypond-user Archives for restrain/omit/avoid/no
string numbers but found no hit.

Regards BB

lilypond-user mailing list

Fwd: Fwd: fretdiagram bug?

2017-09-08 Thread bb

I found my mistake:

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gSix

I used "," instead of ";".

Sorry for the noise.

Regards BB

 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff:Fwd: fretdiagram bug?
Datum:  Fri, 8 Sep 2017 16:34:49 +0200
Von:bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net>
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org, bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net>

I forgot to mention, that I produced a whole bunch of such fingerboard 
diagrams without trouble. Only the g:6/gSix makes trouble.


 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff:fretdiagram bug?
Datum:  Fri, 8 Sep 2017 16:28:42 +0200
Von:bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net>
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org

I kindly ask the lilypond experts to check this code if I did a mistake 
or is it a bug?

Whatever I define in the line
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gSix

lilypond will ignore!

Given is a questionable fretboard instead.

Please tell me where there is my error or if I should write a bug report.

Kind regards BB


\version "2.19.2"

   allFourthsE =\stringTuning < e, a, d g c'>

gSix ={< e,\5 b'\4  d\3  g\2 d'\1 >1} %cegb
**\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gSix**

% end of potential include file /predefined-cuatro-fretboards.ly

%#(set-global-staff-size 27)

chordNames = \chordmode { g:6 }
notes = { \gSix \break  \bar "||" }
\score {
 \set Timing.defaultBarType = ""
 \new ChordNames {
  %\set chordChanges = ##t

\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
  \new Voice \with {
\remove "New_fingering_engraver"
  \relative c {

\new FretBoards {
  \set Staff.stringTunings = #allFourthsE


  \layout {


lilypond-user mailing list

Fwd: fretdiagram bug?

2017-09-08 Thread bb
I forgot to mention, that I produced a whole bunch of such fingerboard 
diagrams without trouble. Only the g:6/gSix makes trouble.


 Weitergeleitete Nachricht 
Betreff:fretdiagram bug?
Datum:  Fri, 8 Sep 2017 16:28:42 +0200
Von:bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net>
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org

I kindly ask the lilypond experts to check this code if I did a mistake 
or is it a bug?

Whatever I define in the line
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gSix

lilypond will ignore!

Given is a questionable fretboard instead.

Please tell me where there is my error or if I should write a bug report.

Kind regards BB


\version "2.19.2"

   allFourthsE =\stringTuning < e, a, d g c'>

gSix ={< e,\5 b'\4  d\3  g\2 d'\1 >1} %cegb
**\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gSix**

% end of potential include file /predefined-cuatro-fretboards.ly

%#(set-global-staff-size 27)

chordNames = \chordmode { g:6 }
notes = { \gSix \break  \bar "||" }
\score {
 \set Timing.defaultBarType = ""
 \new ChordNames {
  %\set chordChanges = ##t

\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
  \new Voice \with {
\remove "New_fingering_engraver"
  \relative c {

\new FretBoards {
  \set Staff.stringTunings = #allFourthsE


  \layout {


lilypond-user mailing list

fretdiagram bug?

2017-09-08 Thread bb
I kindly ask the lilypond experts to check this code if I did a mistake 
or is it a bug?

Whatever I define in the line
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gSix

lilypond will ignore!

Given is a questionable fretboard instead.

Please tell me where there is my error or if I should write a bug report.

Kind regards BB


\version "2.19.2"

   allFourthsE =\stringTuning < e, a, d g c'>

gSix ={< e,\5 b'\4  d\3  g\2 d'\1 >1} %cegb
**\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gSix**

% end of potential include file /predefined-cuatro-fretboards.ly

%#(set-global-staff-size 27)

chordNames = \chordmode { g:6 }
notes = { \gSix \break  \bar "||" }
\score {
 \set Timing.defaultBarType = ""
 \new ChordNames {
  %\set chordChanges = ##t

\new Staff {
\clef "treble_8"
  \new Voice \with {
\remove "New_fingering_engraver"
  \relative c {

\new FretBoards {
  \set Staff.stringTunings = #allFourthsE


  \layout {


lilypond-user mailing list

numbers in lyrics

2017-08-18 Thread bb
I tried to write
in lyrics mode under a Cmaj7 chord. Lilypond obviously interprets the 7
as a lenght? Is there a solution?

Regards BB

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bar number interference

2017-06-22 Thread bb
I have checked the NR
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/bars . Indeed,
there is not any problem, as long as you do not use chord names. 

May be, there is another chapter in the NR concerning this case of
interfering with chord names? If any please point me to that. Thanks.


Am 22.06.2017 um 17:12 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
> Hello BB,
> But this is in the NR in the section on bar numbers, is it not?
> Andrew
> ==
> \relative c' {
>   \set Score.currentBarNumber = #111
>   \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible
>   % Increase the size of the bar number by 2
>   \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #2
>   % Print a bar number every second measure
>   \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 2)
>   c1 | c1
>   % Center-align bar numbers
>   \override Score.BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #CENTER
>   c1 | c1
>   % Left-align bar numbers
>   \override Score.BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
>   c1 | c1
> }

lilypond-user mailing list

bar number interference

2017-06-22 Thread bb
The bar number is just above the 7 of the fis2:min7 and makes  the chord
name unclear.

How can I avoid this? How can I generally (always) set the bar number
directly above the bar line by default?


\version "2.18.2"

melody = { \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
\time 5/4   b2.( b4 ) r4 | }

harmonies = \chordmode { b2.:min fis2:min7 | }

\score {
  \new ChordNames { \harmonies }
  \new Staff { \melody }

Kind regards BB

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-05 Thread bb
I just found that did not remove the line for Banjo, that is responsible
for the additional fifth on the (shorter) fifths string!

tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo

Sotrry for the noise! Thanks  for answering anyway!

have a nice weekend,


Am 03.06.2017 um 17:15 schrieb bb:
> I wanted to show that a transposition does show the error as well. But
> wrote the opposite! Sorry for that!
> Am 03.06.2017 um 17:11 schrieb bb:
>> Thank you for answering.
>> I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
>> often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
>> usual old time sawmill tuning   
>> sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.
>> I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
>> fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .
>> In the example I used   
>> oud = \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >,
>> the usual  tuning of the arabic Oud. There are turkish variants as well,
>> that differ with a third step on different positions. Actually not a topic.
>> Anyway, obviously there is a bug(?) as the a on the a string will show
>> correctly in the TAB, but  for b, c  will be added a fifth. If I 
>> transpose the example an octave, it will be show correctly.
>> \version "2.18.2"
>> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>>fourth =  \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >
>>Scale= {
>>   %\relative c
>> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
>> \time 4/4
>> \transpose f, f
>> {
>>  f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
>> a d e f |   % with string definition
>> }
>>  \bar "|."
>> }
>> \new TabStaff \with {
>> \tabFullNotation
>> \stemDown
>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>> stringTunings = #fourth 
>> }
>> {
>>   \Scale
>>   }
>> Am 03.06.2017 um 16:47 schrieb David Kastrup:
>>> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>>>> the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
>>>> even with predefined string 5.
>>>> I  kindly ask for help.
>>>> Kind regards BB
>>>> \version "2.18.2"
>>>> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>>>>fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
>>>>Scale= {
>>>>   \relative c'
>>>> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
>>>> \time 4/4
>>>>{f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
>>>> c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
>>>>  g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
>>>>  e'' f'' g''  a''
>>>>  \bar "|."
>>>> }
>>>> \new TabStaff \with {
>>>> \tabFullNotation
>>>> \stemDown
>>>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>>> stringTunings = #fourth 
>>>> }
>>>> {
>>>>   \Scale
>>>>   }
>>> Banjo tablatures
>>> LilyPond has basic support for the five-string banjo.  When making
>>> tablatures for five-string banjo, use the banjo tablature format
>>> function to get correct fret numbers for the fifth string:
>>>  music = {
>>>g8 d' g'\5 a b g e d' |
>>>g4 d''8\5 b' a'\2 g'\5 e'\2 d' |
>>>  }
>>>  <<
>>>\new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber }
>>>{ \clef "treble_8"  \music }
>>>\new TabStaff \with {
>>>  tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>>  stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
>>>{ \music }
>>>  >>
>>> The definition is:
>>> (define-public (fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>> context string-number fret-number)
>>>   (make-vcenter-markup
>>>(number->string (cond
>>> ((and (> fret-number 0) (= string-number 5))
>>>  (+ fret-number 5))
>>> (else fret-number)
>>> So this is intentional (don't know how to play the banjo).  What kind of
>>> 6-string banjo do you actually use here?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
Indeed, totally stupid! I totally overlooked that line. Thanks!

Am 03.06.2017 um 17:31 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>> Thank you for answering.
>> I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
>> often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
>> usual old time sawmill tuning   
>> sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.
>> I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
>> fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .
> So why do you then write
>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
> ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
I wanted to show that a transposition does show the error as well. But
wrote the opposite! Sorry for that!

Am 03.06.2017 um 17:11 schrieb bb:
> Thank you for answering.
> I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
> often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
> usual old time sawmill tuning   
> sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.
> I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
> fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .
> In the example I used   
> oud = \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >,
> the usual  tuning of the arabic Oud. There are turkish variants as well,
> that differ with a third step on different positions. Actually not a topic.
> Anyway, obviously there is a bug(?) as the a on the a string will show
> correctly in the TAB, but  for b, c  will be added a fifth. If I 
> transpose the example an octave, it will be show correctly.
> \version "2.18.2"
> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>fourth =  \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >
>Scale= {
>   %\relative c
> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
> \time 4/4
> \transpose f, f
> {
>  f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
> a d e f |   % with string definition
> }
>  \bar "|."
> }
> \new TabStaff \with {
> \tabFullNotation
> \stemDown
> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
> stringTunings = #fourth 
> }
> {
>   \Scale
>   }
> Am 03.06.2017 um 16:47 schrieb David Kastrup:
>> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>>> the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
>>> even with predefined string 5.
>>> I  kindly ask for help.
>>> Kind regards BB
>>> \version "2.18.2"
>>> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>>>fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
>>>Scale= {
>>>   \relative c'
>>> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
>>> \time 4/4
>>>{f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
>>> c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
>>>  g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
>>>  e'' f'' g''  a''
>>>  \bar "|."
>>> }
>>> \new TabStaff \with {
>>> \tabFullNotation
>>> \stemDown
>>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>> stringTunings = #fourth 
>>> }
>>> {
>>>   \Scale
>>>   }
>> Banjo tablatures
>> LilyPond has basic support for the five-string banjo.  When making
>> tablatures for five-string banjo, use the banjo tablature format
>> function to get correct fret numbers for the fifth string:
>>  music = {
>>g8 d' g'\5 a b g e d' |
>>g4 d''8\5 b' a'\2 g'\5 e'\2 d' |
>>  }
>>  <<
>>\new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber }
>>{ \clef "treble_8"  \music }
>>\new TabStaff \with {
>>  tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>>  stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
>>{ \music }
>>  >>
>> The definition is:
>> (define-public (fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>> context string-number fret-number)
>>   (make-vcenter-markup
>>(number->string (cond
>> ((and (> fret-number 0) (= string-number 5))
>>  (+ fret-number 5))
>> (else fret-number)
>> So this is intentional (don't know how to play the banjo).  What kind of
>> 6-string banjo do you actually use here?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
Thank you for answering.

I confirm, that the Banjo TABs will show correctly, I used it quite
often in the past in g tuning and different tunings as well. I. e. the
usual old time sawmill tuning   
sawmill = \stringTuning < g' c g c' d' >.

I need TABs for a Guitar tuned in perfect fourth  
fourth = \stringTuning < e a d' g' c'' f'' > .
In the example I used   
oud = \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >,
the usual  tuning of the arabic Oud. There are turkish variants as well,
that differ with a third step on different positions. Actually not a topic.

Anyway, obviously there is a bug(?) as the a on the a string will show
correctly in the TAB, but  for b, c  will be added a fifth. If I
transpose the example an octave, it will be show correctly.
\version "2.18.2"

#(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
   fourth =  \stringTuning < f a d' g' c'' f'' >
   Scale= {
  %\relative c
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
\time 4/4
\transpose f, f
 f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
a d e f |   % with string definition

 \bar "|."
\new TabStaff \with {
tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
stringTunings = #fourth 

Am 03.06.2017 um 16:47 schrieb David Kastrup:
> bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:
>> the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
>> even with predefined string 5.
>> I  kindly ask for help.
>> Kind regards BB
>> \version "2.18.2"
>> #(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
>>fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
>>Scale= {
>>   \relative c'
>> \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
>> \time 4/4
>>{f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
>> c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
>>  g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
>>  e'' f'' g''  a''
>>  \bar "|."
>> }
>> \new TabStaff \with {
>> \tabFullNotation
>> \stemDown
>> tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>> stringTunings = #fourth 
>> }
>> {
>>   \Scale
>>   }
> Banjo tablatures
> LilyPond has basic support for the five-string banjo.  When making
> tablatures for five-string banjo, use the banjo tablature format
> function to get correct fret numbers for the fifth string:
>  music = {
>g8 d' g'\5 a b g e d' |
>g4 d''8\5 b' a'\2 g'\5 e'\2 d' |
>  }
>  <<
>\new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber }
>{ \clef "treble_8"  \music }
>\new TabStaff \with {
>  tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
>  stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
>{ \music }
>  >>
> The definition is:
> (define-public (fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
> context string-number fret-number)
>   (make-vcenter-markup
>(number->string (cond
> ((and (> fret-number 0) (= string-number 5))
>  (+ fret-number 5))
> (else fret-number)
> So this is intentional (don't know how to play the banjo).  What kind of
> 6-string banjo do you actually use here?

lilypond-user mailing list

what did I wrong?

2017-06-03 Thread bb
the b and c should be 2 and 3 on string 5. Instead they show 7 and 8,
even with predefined string 5.

I  kindly ask for help.

Kind regards BB

\version "2.18.2"

#(set-global-staff-size 27) %%% System
   fourth = \stringTuning < f, a, d g c' f' >
   Scale= {
  \relative c'
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
\time 4/4
   {f, g, a, b, | c d e f | 
c\5 d e f |   % with string definition
 g a b c' |  d' e' f' g' | a' b' c'' d'' |
 e'' f'' g''  a''
 \bar "|."
\new TabStaff \with {
tablatureFormat = #fret-number-tablature-format-banjo
stringTunings = #fourth 

lilypond-user mailing list


2016-11-07 Thread bb

Keaton Music Typewriter Demo


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: request for programming advice

2016-11-07 Thread bb

The complete vex-family ( i do not know if that is linked from vexflow):

vexflow A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar 

vextab A VexTab Parser for VexFlow https://github.com/0xfe/vextab

vexchords JavaScript Chord Charts https://github.com/0xfe/vexchords

vexwarp Audio Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting 

On 07.11.2016 12:50, Chris Yate wrote:

BB that is beautiful

On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 at 11:47 bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net 
<mailto:bb-543...@telecolumbus.net>> wrote:

May be that is what you lokk for?



    Regards BB

On 07.11.2016 12:25, Chris Yate wrote:

On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 at 11:10 Gerard McConnell <gerine...@gmail.com
<mailto:gerine...@gmail.com>> wrote:

About 10 years ago I wrote some Java applets which allow a
user to test their understanding of intervals
<http://homepage.eircom.net/%7Egerfmcc/interval.html> and
triads (http://homepage.eircom.net/~gerfmcc/chords.html
<http://homepage.eircom.net/%7Egerfmcc/chords.html>) and
minor scales
<http://homepage.eircom.net/%7Egerfmcc/pitchEtc2.html>). They
work well, but it seems that Java applets are now no longer
the best way to make programs available on web pages.  It
seems that the HTML5 canvas is most common now. I'm not an
experienced programmer but I think the logic for generating
the tests should be easy enough to transpose from java to
javascript, however for display I'm wondering what a
reasonably simple way to transform the note data into music
notation is.  I used transparent .gifs for the original
programs and shifted them into place, but I suspect that
Lilypond or something similar would be better.   No doubt
people here have worked on this sort of problem before, so
any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for any help,
Gerard McConnell

Lilypond can render to PNG which would probably be good for this
task. I don't think it's the right thing for dynamic music
creation though.

I'm not quite sure what you are looking to do but if you wanted
to create the music dynamically, I might render them in Lilypond,
chop them into tiny bitmaps and then render them within the
Canvas, using some custom positioning logic in Javascript.

By the way... I hope you are aware that the Javascript language
has almost nothing to do with Java?!  That said, I don't know how
tricky your logic is.


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: request for programming advice

2016-11-07 Thread bb

May be that is what you lokk for?



Regards BB

On 07.11.2016 12:25, Chris Yate wrote:
On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 at 11:10 Gerard McConnell <gerine...@gmail.com 
<mailto:gerine...@gmail.com>> wrote:

About 10 years ago I wrote some Java applets which allow a user to
test their understanding of intervals
<http://homepage.eircom.net/%7Egerfmcc/interval.html> and triads
<http://homepage.eircom.net/%7Egerfmcc/chords.html>) and minor
scales (http://homepage.eircom.net/~gerfmcc/pitchEtc2.html
<http://homepage.eircom.net/%7Egerfmcc/pitchEtc2.html>). They work
well, but it seems that Java applets are now no longer the best
way to make programs available on web pages.  It seems that the
HTML5 canvas is most common now.   I'm not an experienced
programmer but I think the logic for generating the tests should
be easy enough to transpose from java to javascript, however for
display I'm wondering what a reasonably simple way to transform
the note data into music notation is.  I used transparent .gifs
for the original programs and shifted them into place, but I
suspect that Lilypond or something similar would be better.   No
doubt people here have worked on this sort of problem before, so
any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for any help,
Gerard McConnell

Lilypond can render to PNG which would probably be good for this task. 
I don't think it's the right thing for dynamic music creation though.

I'm not quite sure what you are looking to do but if you wanted to 
create the music dynamically, I might render them in Lilypond, chop 
them into tiny bitmaps and then render them within the Canvas, using 
some custom positioning logic in Javascript.

By the way... I hope you are aware that the Javascript language has 
almost nothing to do with Java?!  That said, I don't know how tricky 
your logic is.


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Crash! -1073741819

2016-10-19 Thread bb
I think that is not a good question as you try to compile an erroneous 

Firstly correct your lilypond code and secondly then ask for the meaning 
of an error message - if any!

On 19.10.2016 13:12, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

Where does the error number come from? At least when LP crashes there
should be more verbal information, otherwise it is totally useless. The
same should apply to Frescobaldi.

My 5 cents


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Crash! -1073741819

2016-10-19 Thread bb
I tried with the old version 2.18 (the code needs 2.19.33) and get a 
barcheck error:

/tmp/frescobaldi-z8g5a2pn/tmp4w88rb38/document.ly:31:22 <0>: warning: 
barcheck failed at: 1/8

c4 h16 a f8 g 16 a

| g4.

On 19.10.2016 11:53, Thomas Morley wrote:

2016-10-19 11:17 GMT+02:00 Bernhard Kleine :

Can you please explain?

Win7, amd64, the  .ly could no longer to be saved in Frescobaldi, but
mark and copied to a fresh document and could be compiled from there
with any error.

I am stymied

Regards Bernhard

No crash here, apart from a failed bar-check warning.
Try compiling from command-line, if success, it's likely a frescobaldi-issue.


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Crash! -1073741819

2016-10-19 Thread bb

Check if it is reproducible, say, if it repeats.

Simply sh... happens some time.


On 19.10.2016 11:17, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

\version "2.19.33"
\language "deutsch"

\paper {
   #(set-paper-size "a4")

\layout {
   \context {
 \consists "Melody_engraver"
 \override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'()

global = {
   \key c \major
   \time 2/4
   \tempo "Allegretto"


sopranoVoice = \relative c'' {
   % Die Noten folgen hier.
   s8 | s2 |s2 | s2|\break
   s4 s8 e,16(f) |
   g8 f16( e) f8 g16 a | g4 e8 d'8\rest|
   c4 h16 a f8 g 16 a | g4.

verseOne = \lyricmode {
   % Liedtext folgt hier.
   Die Kin -- der sit -- zen im Zim -- mer Weih -- nach -- ten ist nicht mehr 
   bei trau -- li -- chem Lam -- pen -- schim -- mer und ju -- beln: es 
schneit, es schneit!
   Das leich -- te Floc -- ken -- ge -- wim -- mel, es schwebt durch die däm 
-- mern -- de Nacht,
   her -- un -- ter vom ho -- hen Him -- mel, vor -- ü -- ber am Fen -- ster 
   Und wo ein Flöckchen im Tanze den Schweiben vorüber schweift,

   da flimmerst in silbernem Glanze, vom Lichte der Lampe gestreift.
   Die Kindlein sehn's mit Frohlocken und drängen sich ans Fenster dicht,
   verfolgen die Silberflocken, die Mutter lächelnd spricht:
   Wißt, Kinder, die Englein schneidern im Himmel jetzt früh und spät,

   an Puppenbettchen und Kleidern wird fleißig auf Weihnacht genäht.
   Da fällt von Jäckchen und Röckchen manch silberner Flitter beiseit,
   vom Bettchen manch Federflöckchen, auf Erden sagt man: es schneit, es 
   Und seid ihr lieb und vernünftig, ist manches für Euch auch bestellt;

   wer weiß es, was Schönes auch künftig vom Tische der Englein fällt!
   Die Mutter spricht's, vor Entzücken den Kleinen das Herze lacht,
   sie träumen mit seligen Blicken hinaus in die zaubrische Nacht.

rightOne = \relative c'' {
   % Die Noten folgen hier.
   \partial 8 \stemDown
   \tuplet 3/2 {d'16( \p c f,} | \omit TupletNumber
   \tuplet 3/2 {d'16^>_"con gracia"  [c e,]} \tuplet 3/2 {a g h,}
   \tuplet 3/2 {a' [g c,]} \tuplet 3/2 {f\< e b} |
   \tuplet 3/2 { g'\> [f a,\!]} \tuplet 3/2 {e' [d a]} \tuplet 3/2 {e' [d g,]} 
\tuplet 3/2 {a [g e']}|
   c8~ \tuplet 3/2 {c16 [ais h]} c8~ \tuplet 3/2 {c16 [ais h]} |c4.)

rightTwo = \relative c'' {
   % Die Noten folgen hier.
   s8|s2|s2| \omit TupletNumber
   \tuplet 3/2 {c16 [e, g] } f8 \tuplet 3/2 { c'16 [e, g]} f8 | e4.

leftOne = \relative c' {
   % Die Noten folgen hier.
   \clef treble \stemDown
   8 |
   \stemUp ^>   |
\clef bass  4|
   \stemUp g,8( as g as|g4.)

leftTwo = \relative c' {
   % Die Noten folgen hier.
   c,4 c |c4.

sopranoVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
   instrumentName = "S."
   \consists "Ambitus_engraver"
} { \sopranoVoice }
\addlyrics { \verseOne }

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
   instrumentName = "Kl."
} <<
   \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
   \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }


\score {
   \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: makam.ly and Staff.keySignature

2016-08-28 Thread bb
Thank you for your help and example some days ago! Sorry, I was busy and 
therefore my delayed thanks.


Am 24.08.2016 um 18:39 schrieb Hans Åberg:

On 23 Aug 2016, at 21:45, Blöchl Bernhard  
I use Farahfaza ( http://www.maqamworld.com/maqamat/nahawand.html#farahfaza ), 
that is a Nahawand transposed to g and compares to our g minor.

I posted all the Arabic maqam on this site in Helmholtz-Ellis notation here 
[1]. For traditional Arabic notation, merely use a different set of glyphs, 
though this notation lacks two accidentals, those on the site with up arrows.

1. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2016-02/msg00607.html

lilypond-user mailing list

Open Sound control?

2016-08-13 Thread bb

is sayed to replace MIDI. Is this something usefull for lilypond? Can 
one save osc files like MIDI files?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond logo?

2016-08-04 Thread bb

I appreciated the b/w line version more.


Am 04.08.2016 um 15:59 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:

Hi Ralph,
Here you go.

2016-08-04 14:40 GMT+02:00 Ralph Palmer >:

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 8:31 AM, Pierre Perol-Schneider
> wrote:

Here's a gray scale version.
Lighter by far.

\version "2.19.46"
\include "logo-gray.ily"

%% Syntax is \markup\logoGray #size
%% Test:
\markup\logoGray #5

I've already tried an outlined b/w version but I'm not
satisfied with it yet.


Greetings, Pierre -

Could you please provide a .jpg, so those of us who are not
running the latest unstable version can view it?

Thanks in advance,


Ralph Palmer

Brattleboro, VT

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond logo?

2016-08-04 Thread bb
If any logo, I prefer the b/w version! I never print music sheets with a 
colour printer.


Am 04.08.2016 um 13:17 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:

Hi Malte, Hi All

Here's a first attempt to produce a vectorialised logo.
The file uses the new v2.19 markup path syntax.
I've reduced the number of colors so the image is a combination of 46 
Still, and as already pointed, the file is pretty heavy (649 ko/ca. 
8400 lines) so I cannot send it through the list.
I'll send it anyway privately to Malte and Kieren who have shown 
interest for it but, of course, I'll send it to all of you on demand.

Comments are welcome.

Attached is a screen shot of the following test :

\version "2.19.46"
\include "logo.ily"

%% Syntax is \markup\logo #size
%% Test:
\markup\logo #5

If there are some interest, I'll try to draw an optional b/w logo



2016-08-03 18:27 GMT+02:00 Malte Meyn >:

Am 03.08.2016 um 18:07 schrieb Pierre-Luc Gauthier:

2016-08-03 11:03 GMT-04:00 Andrew Bernard

The concept is fine I am sure, but the execution
difficult, and acceptance

I know it’s difficult but does that mean one cannot try?

Logo design is fraught with difficulty, and you will
inevitably end up with
something half the population does not like.

I think that might be realistic but not problematic. If someone
doesn’t like the logo, they don’t have to use it; of course it
would be nice to have something that is at least acceptable for
most people.

And this argument works also for the current logo (an image of a
waterlily flower, two leaves, and a score in the background): It’s
a nice picture, but I don’t like it as a logo because it cannot be
used in print (at least in small sizes).

I agree,
but since there already *is* a logo,
wouldn't it be acceptable to "simply" make it a b/w vectorialised
version of it?

That would be nice but I doubt one can make a convincing b/w
version of that. Even if you leave out the background it’s a very
complex image. And even if you manage to make a b/w version of
that it’s not usable at small sizes.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: appoggiatura problem

2016-07-07 Thread bb

Many tahnks! Have understood the problem.


Am 07.07.2016 um 17:42 schrieb David Kastrup:

bb <bb-543...@telecolumbus.net> writes:

I tried to write a treble line and a bass line. The treble line has an
appoggiatura at the beginning, the bass line has not. If you compile
that attached snippet you will find the appoggiatura before the time
definition. in the second measure/bar it is not.

There is also a strange treble clef in front of the bassline - only in
the short snippet I prepared for the derfinition of the question. In
the much longer original lilypond document I am working on it is not?

What is wrong with this??? I found no solution in my
experiments. Thanks for any help!


lilypond-user mailing list

appoggiatura problem

2016-07-07 Thread bb
I tried to write a treble line and a bass line. The treble line has an 
appoggiatura at the beginning, the bass line has not. If you compile 
that attached snippet you will find the appoggiatura before the time 
definition. in the second measure/bar it is not.

There is also a strange treble clef in front of the bassline - only in 
the short snippet I prepared for the derfinition of the question. In the 
much longer original lilypond document I am working on it is not?

What is wrong with this??? I found no solution in my experiments. Thanks 
for any help!



upper= { \relative c'' {

\clef treble

\key as \major

\time 2/4

\grace bes16 as8 as16 bes as8 g |

\grace { as16[( bes] } 4)

\grace { as16[( bes] } 4) \bar "||"


lower={ \relative c {

\clef bass

\key as \major

\time 2/4

as8 as16 bes as8 g |


4 \bar "||"



\new Staff {\upper}

\new Staff {\lower}



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ask about the typesetting of Lilypond

2016-06-15 Thread bb

#(define bars-per-line 4)

Am 22.05.2016 um 09:51 schrieb 15221328968:

Hello :
 I am using Lilypond to make a music score.
 But I found there are many bars in one line, and it is not very  
beautiful as the picture below shows.
 Could I ask u how to define the number of bars of each line? Thank 
you very much.

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