Re: Tuplet brackets too short?

2023-10-19 Thread Brian Barker

At 16:10 19/10/2023 +0200, David Kastrup wrote:

... the results look awful:

Shouldn't both tuplet brackets span every notecolumn within the 
purview of the last note's duration?

For what it's worth (I know, I know!), Elaine Gould [Behind Bars, pp. 
195/6] seems to distinguish between old and newer practice:

*Tuplets ending with the longest duration*

Traditionally, the bracket extends only as far as the last written 
duration. Thus a numeral centred in a bracket occurs before the 
central duration, making the rhythm unnecessarily difficult to read. 
It is now usual to extend the bracket to the position of the 
hypothetical final division of the tuplet, so that the numeral occurs 
at the rhythmic centre of the group. This makes complex rhythms 
quicker to read.

*Aligning brackets between parts*

When the final division of a tuplet is subdivided in some parts but 
not in others, the bracket ends need to extend only as far as the 
last duration in each group. This means that brackets may finish at 
different points. If preferred, all brackets may be extended to the 
position of the longest bracket. There is a visual logic to this, 
especially as uniform bracket length will allow the centred tuplet 
numerals to align vertically.

Her subsequent examples seem to follow her "now usual" and "if 
preferred" style that you espouse.

Brian Barker  

Re: spacing

2023-07-07 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:02 07/07/2023 +0200, Valentin Petzel wrote:
The issue with [Lydia Westerberg's] spacing is that the second 
measure takes so much space it cannot fit the first system anymore. 
Your choices are:

Reduce font size
Use a more narrow font
Increase indent to make first system shorter

Wouldn't another possibility be to stack the problem words sung to 
the first note in the second bar?

Instead of
fathers'__doctrines__have__established one
something like:
\markup \column { "fathers' doctrines" "have established" } "  one"

Brian Barker 

Re: Slurs inside or outside beamed notes

2023-02-13 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:47 13/02/2023 -0800, Aaron Hill wrote:
I am quite used to LilyPond's default handling of slurs with them 
positioned next to the beam, but should I be following the source 
engraving with the slurs sit inside so they are closer to the note 
heads? Does Gould offer advice on this?

To your latter question, yes: she says "[The slur] should always 
remain outside a beam" (Behind Bars, p. 111).

Brian Barker 

Re: LilyPond-2.22.2 does not work on Windows XP

2022-10-14 Thread Brian Barker

At 23:51 12/10/2022 +, Dag Bergman wrote:

What is the latest version of Lilypond that actually works on Windows XP?

I happen to have an old Pentium Windows XP system from about 2004, 
which I used until about 2017. It has Lilypond 2.18.2 (the then 
"stable" version?) on it. I've checked, and it still works.

Brian Barker  

Re: phrase marks ending on tied notes: first vs last?

2022-05-04 Thread Brian Barker

At 17:30 04/05/2022 -0600, Jeff Olson wrote:

... I'm adding phrase marks ...
... I caught myself sometimes ending the phrase on the first note of 
a tied pair, and at other times going all the way to the last note 
of the tie. [...]

What would Elaine Gould do?

I can answer that bit.

"When a final pitch is extended by a series of tied notes, it is 
acceptable (and a convention) to end the slur with the first 
whole-bar duration; alternatively, in cramped conditions, with the 
first tied note. When an initial note is tied, the slur may begin 
with the final written tied note if absolutely necessary, to save 
space; however, it is much better to clarify phrase length by 
starting the slur with the first note." (Behind Bars, p 113)

Incidental examples elsewhere in the book follow the same principle: 
that of having the slur encompass all the notes in the phrase.

So she would accept both examples in your first staff, as well as the 
first example in your second staff - but the second example your 
second staff only "in cramped conditions".

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Re: bar count not displayed after partial measure followed by forced line break

2022-02-20 Thread Brian Barker

At 14:36 20/02/2022 -0800, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

I'm not sure I totally understand your response.

Evidently so.

I'd like to see the bar number displayed on the next line as that is 
when the incomplete measure is completed.

What, please, makes you think I didn't understand that?

I indeed hope that with the next release I'll be able to have the 
bar number displayed automatically or have a mechanism to force it 
to be displayed.

And why do you not think that the snippet I identified does that for 
you? (You don't need any new releases.)

As I said, the 2.23 Notation Reference (which you can easily look up) 
explains the situation at 1.2.5 Bars. It even provides a snippet that 
shows you what to do. (I even confirmed that the technique and 
snippet work in your version 2.22, despite not appearing in the 2.22 
documentation.) What happened when you tried that snippet or 
incorporated it into your work?

Brian Barker  

Re: bar count not displayed after partial measure followed by forced line break

2022-02-19 Thread Brian Barker

At 17:16 19/02/2022 -0800, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

bar count not displayed after partial measure followed by forced line break

I am engraving some music where there is a partial measure starting 
the music and later a measure is broken at a line break. To 
implement this I tried using:

\bar "||"
to display the end of line and then resume on the following line. 
The completed measure, at the beginning of the line, does not have a 
bar number displayed. I am using bar checks. Lilypond 2.22.1

I'd find a bare bar number labelling what is an incomplete bar 
confusing. Indeed, Elaine Gould tells me "Place the bar number on the 
new system in parenthesis to show that this is not the beginning of 
the bar" (Behind Bars, p. 490).

The 2.23 Notation Reference says (at 1.2.5 Bars) "_Printing bar 
numbers for broken measures_ By default a BarNumber of a broken 
measure is not repeated at the beginning of the new line. Use 
first-bar-number-invisible-save-broken-bars for barNumberVisibility 
to get a parenthesized BarNumber there." and provides a snippet. I 
don't see the snippet in the 2.22 documentation, but it does work in 
that version.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Re: Version 2.22.1 problem

2021-11-21 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:32 21/11/2021 -0500, Leonid Hrabovsky wrote:

Unfortunately, Run as an administrator option ...

It's not necessarily sufficient to "run as *an* administrator", as 
you put it: you need to use "Run as administrator".

... doesn't help to install - the .dlls are missing

I've still not seen the evidence that these files are "missing".

You may have permissions problems in the relevant folder. You may 
need local help to diagnose this. Remember that Lilypond does install 
seamlessly for others.

Brian Barker 

Re: Version 2.22.1 problem

2021-11-21 Thread Brian Barker

At 12:33 21/11/2021 -0500, Leonid Hrabovsky wrote:
... Windows version 2.22.1 ? There are two .dll missing and install 
fails so far.

At 12:52 21/11/2021 -0500, Leonid Hrabovsky wrote:

My Windows version is 8.

(Out of support for five years or more.)

The errors are:

"Error opening file for writing:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\ bin\libexpat-1.dll
Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file."

"Error opening file for writing:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\ bin\libffi-6.dll
Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file."

There is nothing here about the files being missing - only 
insufficient permission to write to them. Did you install with 
administrator permission? Right-click the installation file and 
choose "Run as administrator". That's how you install programs under Windows.

Brian Barker  

Re: Having problems with phrasing and ties combined

2021-09-14 Thread Brian Barker

At 14:55 14/09/2021 -0500, Carlos Martinez wrote:

\slashedGrace { e8\downbow } ~2\(8 8\)--\downbow |

But I am getting an error

Er, what error?!

I can't seem to get what the problem is?

In your e-mail message, that prime after the first "fis" is a smart 
apostrophe (close quote) instead of the straight prime it should be. 
Is that your problem?

Brian Barker 

Re: Placement of dynamic hairpins under chords with seconds

2021-08-07 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:59 06/08/2021 -0700, Knute Snortum wrote:
I have a minor quibble. If you have a dynamic hairpin under a chord 
with a second interval, the hairpin extends a little to the left (to 
cover the whole chord?)  I think it should only extend to the stem. 
I'm not an expert in engraving but the sheet music I've seen seems 
to back this up. What do you guys think?

Does Elaine Gould count as a "guy"? She says "A hairpin should start 
at the first relevant notehead (not accidental) and end with the 
following notehead or at the first rest thereafter. Good practice is 
to start the hairpin on the left-hand edge of the note and to finish 
it on the right-hand edge of a note" (Behind Bars, p. 104). She 
doesn't include examples of what she calls "adjacent-note chords", 
but her examples of notes with stems up show the hairpins starting at 
the left of the first notehead, not the stem. If you put \stemUp into 
your second example, you will see that Lilypond follows this principle.

Brian Barker  

Re: Trouble with my Piano-Scores

2021-06-14 Thread Brian Barker

At 20:43 14/06/2021 +0200, Robert Blackstone wrote:
... the next one with exactly the same score had, according to the 
console, two serious errors:

... error: EOF found inside a comment
... error: syntax error, unexpected end of input
Can any of you see what is wrong here and what must be changed to 
make it work?

I don't think there is anything wrong with what you have quoted. I'm 
guessing that you have a commented line somewhere that happens to 
start with an open-brace. That %{ constitutes the start of a "block 
comment", which continues across multiple lines until you have a 
corresponding %} to end the block. If it happens that you do not have 
any such occurrence, any material after the %{ will be ignored, and 
Lilypond will complain that the end of your text file occurs both 
within a comment and possibly at an irrational point in your code.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Re: convert-ly

2021-06-04 Thread Brian Barker

At 20:26 03/06/2021 +0200, Hans Aikema wrote:
Ah you're right on that, overlooked the first entry. But fairly 
certain that the statement on not interpreting the wildcard holds 
(It's a difference between Windows and shells like bash that is 
often overlooked - in bash the shell takes care of expanding the 
wildcard to a list of files matching the pattern. On windows the 
shell passes the wildcard parameter unchanged to the invoked application.
Appears to be an error in the documentation indeed. Thanks for 
correcting my misreading.

But thank *you* for eventually clarifying the matter!

Brian Barker 

Re: convert-ly

2021-06-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 07:22 03/06/2021 +0200, Hans Aikema wrote:
the convert-ly script does not interpret wildcards, but requires the 
file explicitly. The way you call it makes it look for a file that 
is named *.ly (which can never be present as * is not an allowed 
character for a filename)

Thanks for this.

As documented on
you need to use the 'forfiles' windows command to run the conversion 
for multiple files using a wildcard:

forfiles /s /M *.ly /c "cmd /c -e @file"

But that resource claims that this command is required only for 
searching subdirectories of the current directory, and that -e *.ly
works for all .ly files in a directory.

Can we agree, then, that this is wrong and that (in Windows) the 
forfiles command but without the /s parameter is required even for 
handling all .ly files in a single directory? Oh, and that the copy 
of convert-ly installed in version 2.22 in Windows has to have its 
name corrected (to for anything to work?

Brian Barker  

Re: convert-ly

2021-05-31 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:18 31/05/2021 -0700, Knute Snortum wrote:
Then rename convert-ly to Windows won't be able to 
know that it's a Python program otherwise.

*Again*, I don't have this problem: I'm just trying to encourage 
accurate responses to others. Did you not notice that I suggested 
this renaming earlier? (Yes: really, I did!) You cannot "check that 
... ...[is] in that folder" when it isn't.

Brian Barker  

Re: convert-ly

2021-05-31 Thread Brian Barker

At 13:38 31/05/2021 -0700, Knute Snortum wrote:
First off, you have "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin" in 
your path. Check that the path exists (use File Explorer) and check 
that both and python.exe are in that folder.

That was my earlier point. No, the file placed there in the 2.22 
Windows installation is named convert-ly, not That's 
the questioner's problem - or at least one of them.

Brian Barker  

Re: convert-ly

2021-05-31 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:04 31/05/2021 -0700, Knute Snortum wrote:

I suggest you rename the file to that, ...

For what it's worth, I didn't have this problem: that was Jerry 
Starks. Is he now happy? I was merely concerned that I was watching a 
conversation that seemed to include no doubt well-intentioned but 
misleading responses, including simple reference to the inaccurate 

Brian Barker  

Re: convert-ly

2021-05-31 Thread Brian Barker

At 09:17 31/05/2021 -0700, Knute Snortum wrote:

On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 8:25 AM Brian Barker wrote:

 At 09:31 31/05/2021 -0400, Tim Slattery wrote:

On 30 May 2021 at 17:50, JxStarks wrote:

Hi Ralph,
I read that documentation and tried it. I'm running Windows 10 
Pro, 10.0.19041 and I still get the same response: " 'convert-ly 
is not recognized...". Am I missing something obvious?

I think so. The name of the file is, ...

Are you sure? In my Windows 10 installation of Lilypond 2.22.1, the 
only file called "convert-ly" (in C:\Program Files 
(x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin) has no extension. Is this an error?

When you type a command, the OS will look for a file of that name 
with any of several extensions that it knows about: *.exe, *.bat, 
*.cmd, *.lnk that sort of thing. It doesn't know about the *.py

extension, so you have to type it in as part of the command.

Don't you first have to correct the name of convert-ly to what it 
should have been: Or what did I do wrong at 
installation time to cause this?

I don't think you caused anything.  I think it's this way in the 
2.22 installation.  I don't know if it's intentional or not.

Since your system doesn't recognize python as an executable, you'll 
have to launch it from python.  Type "python --version" to see if 
python is in your path.  If so, type "python path\to\convert-ly ..."

or create a script.

So (to answer the original enquirer's question) do we agree that the 
2.22 documentation about the use of convert-ly under Windows at 
is wrong?

Brian Barker  

Re: convert-ly

2021-05-31 Thread Brian Barker

At 09:31 31/05/2021 -0400, Tim Slattery wrote:

On 30 May 2021 at 17:50, JxStarks wrote:

Hi Ralph,
I read that documentation and tried it. I'm running Windows 10 Pro, 
10.0.19041 and I still get the same response: " 'convert-ly is not 
recognized...". Am I missing something obvious?

I think so. The name of the file is, ...

Are you sure? In my Windows 10 installation of Lilypond 2.22.1, the 
only file called "convert-ly" (in C:\Program Files 
(x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin) has no extension. Is this an error?

When you type a command, the OS will look for a file of that name 
with any of several extensions that it knows about: *.exe, *.bat, 
*.cmd, *.lnk that sort of thing. It doesn't know about the *.py 
extension, so you have to type it in as part of the command.

Don't you first have to correct the name of convert-ly to what it 
should have been: Or what did I do wrong at 
installation time to cause this?

Brian Barker  

Re: Placing arc's beneath text

2021-03-25 Thread Brian Barker

At 20:15 25/03/2021 +0100, Jogchum Reitsma wrote:
In placing two text elements (words, or syllables not belonging to 
the same word) under one note, I'd like to place an arc under these 
text elements. Any one knows if that can be done in Lilypond, and if yes, how?

Lilypond calls this a "lyric tie". All you need is a swung dash 
(sometimes referred to as a tilde) between the syllables. See 

Brian Barker 

Re: fails on Windows 10

2021-03-23 Thread Brian Barker

At 08:20 23/03/2021 +, Phil Holmes wrote:

On 23/03/2021 02:05, Bruce Pike wrote:
I installed Lilypond 2.22.0 on Windows 10, then attempted to 
execute the install test described in The test failed; the 
file test-tmp-9203207 appeared on the desktop, but not test.pdf.

I get the same. I suspect this is now a "feature" of windows' arcane 
permissions settings.

Hold on! So how does it work for me - also under Windows 10?

Brian Barker 

Re: explicitClefVisibility

2021-03-12 Thread Brian Barker

At 16:11 12/03/2021 +0100, Anthony Rushforth wrote:

I'm trying to get rid of key modifiers at end of lines.
I found this :
\set Staff.explicitClefVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
which works well when flats are added, but not when sharps are added
I don't find the answer in the documentation

As has been said, it's not a question of sharps rather than flats but 
of removing elements of the key signature instead of simply adding them.

How about
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
in addition to what you have?

Brian Barker  

Re: Accidental placement with simultaneous music

2021-02-21 Thread Brian Barker

At 09:11 21/02/2021 -0600, John Schlomann wrote:
I'm probably missing a simple fix for this. In the following example 
the natural sign on the f4 in the first voice is placed to the left 
of the a4 in the second voice. I can't seem to find a way to fix 
this. Or is this considered acceptable?

Elaine Gould suggests this *is* correct:
"_Accidentals in double-stemmed writing_
Place accidentals before both parts, except for altered unisons..."
(Behind Bars, p. 90)

Brian Barker 

Re: Partial ottava sign

2021-02-19 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:17 19/02/2021 -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

At 15:35 19/02/2021 +, Peter Toye wrote:
Is there an accepted way of notating an ottava sign for only part 
of a staff? I have a two-handed chord of which the LH part needs to 
be an octave lower than notated, but the RH part is at pitch.

I realise that this isn't really a LilyPond question but a general 
music engraving one (it may turn into a LilPond question depending 
on the answer, though)..

Do you have "Behind Bars" by Elaine Gould? It's kind of the 
definitive starting place for all such questions --- and an 
essential (I believe) addition to any engraver's library.

And the answer is on page 325:

"An octave sign applies to all parts on a stave. A note written with 
an octave transposition should not share a stave with a note to be 
played simultaneously at pitch (_loco_) if there is a feasible 
alternative layout. Transfer either the _ottava_ or the _loco_ 
pitches to another stave. If necessary, add a third stave for this.

Where there is not room for a third stave, the occasional 
octave-transposed note may be placed in the same stave as notes 
played at pitch, provided that the extent of the octave transposition 
is absolutely clear. For clarification, extend a dotted line 
vertically to encompass occasional octave-transposed pitches; for 
occasional notes written at pitch, extend a horizontal dotted line 
after _loco_ for the relevant duration."

Brian Barker 

Re: Page number position

2020-08-13 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:44 13/08/2020 +0200, Mario Moles wrote:
But that's not what I was looking for! I want to move the odd page 
numbers instead of the even ones and vice versa. It can be done?

Sorry, but this is even less clear! You want to move the odd page 
numbers to the left, but not change the even page numbers? I 
understand that. But now "and vice versa"! So you also want to move 
the even page numbers to the right but not change the odd page 
numbers? If so, you are contradicting yourself.

Do you just want everything reversed - so that odd-numbered pages 
(normally rectos) have the page numbers on the left and even-numbered 
pages (normally versos) have them on the right? If so:

\paper {
  keep = \evenHeaderMarkup
  evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup
  oddHeaderMarkup = \keep

Brian Barker 

Re: Page number position

2020-08-12 Thread Brian Barker

At 13:39 12/08/2020 +0200, Mario Moles wrote:

How to move the page number from right to left?

If you just want all page numbers on the left, it could be as easy as:
oddHeaderMarkup = \evenHeaderMarkup

Brian Barker 

Re: adjusting vertical positions of start and end of tie

2020-08-06 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:59 06/08/2020 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote:

On 2020-08-06 3:34 pm, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

Look at this example

  \relative c' {
\clef "alto" d'2 \tweak positions #'(8 . 4) ~
\clef "treble" d2

The `\tweak positions` doesn't work ­ which is 
kind-of expected. However, for this very 
situation it would be nice if I could change 
the start and end position of the slur manually.

Of course, it would be even better if LilyPond 
could handle this situation automatically :-)

I have never encountered this scenario before, so I am quite curious.
What is the correct behavior?  (I need to pick 
up a copy of Gould's book, though that presumes she has addressed this.)

She has - on page 9.

I see at least three options:

- The tie should be sloped like a slur.
- The tie should be split into a two halves 
(possibly dotted/dashed), each half attached to 
the terminal notes but individually still 
horizontal to keep it distinct from a slur.

- The tie should be rendered as a \laissezVibrer and \repeatTie combination.

Gould writes "Avoid changing a clef during a tied 
note, as the tie will look cumbersome. If this 
cannot be avoided, the clef is best changed at a 
system break". She gives three examples:

o "recommended" has the tie split across a system 
break at the same vertical position, with the 
clef change delayed until after the second part of the tied note.

o "acceptable" has the clef change at the system 
break, with each part of the tie being horizontal 
and appropriately positioned to its note - in 
different positions vertically, that is.

o "incorrect" has a tie winding its way from one 
vertical position to another, in the process wrapping around the new clef sign.

See (page 9).

Brian Barker  

Re: Adding a line break on \breve note

2020-05-25 Thread Brian Barker

At 04:40 25/05/2020 -0700, Frimlik Cage wrote:

is there a simple way, how to do a line break (in lyrics) on \breve note?

  \markup {
\column { "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
  \line { "Etiam commodo dui eget wisi. Nunc auctor." }
  } Su -- spen -- di -- sse.

Is this helpful?

Brian Barker  

Re: [Scheme coding] turning a list into a markup/string

2020-01-22 Thread Brian Barker

At 17:03 21/01/2020 -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
... it seemed a wonderfully magical start out of the gate, but we 
were ultimately unable to take it to the goal-line. Also, I mixed my 
sporting metaphors in that sentence; oh well.

That's nothing: a moment ago we had someone playing football whilst 
fishing up a mountain!

Brian Barker 

Re: Fyi: this list, lilypond-user, just had its subject [tag] and footer removed

2019-10-24 Thread Brian Barker

At 21:38 24/10/2019 -0400, Matthew Skala wrote:

On Thu, 24 Oct 2019, wrote:
Any list administrator for this list is free to change these 
settings back, instructions are below.

I hope that it will be changed back. The subject tag is useful for 
automatic categorization of incoming messages.

But surely this list currently had no subject *tag*?

Brian Barker  

Re: note spacing

2019-10-20 Thread Brian Barker via lilypond-user

At 18:50 20/10/2019 -0700, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
A setting of a treble (Hours-treble) 12 measures are spread over 
three lines -- 4 measures per line. When the bass is added (Hours 
with bass) the 12 measures are compressed into two lines.

The first line indent for your piano staff appears to be smaller than 
that for the single staff. Does that make the difference?

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Drinking song symbols

2019-09-17 Thread Brian Barker via lilypond-user

At 22:01 17/09/2019 +0200, Karl Hammar wrote:
... I made a little wineglass symbol where in the song you are to 
take a drink, as in bar 14 in: 

The first basses won't get much drinking done during a vivace 
crotchet, especially as they have to squeeze a breath in as well! Why 
do the other voices get five times as long to get tipsy? I think we 
should be told ...

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Spanish user mailing list

2019-06-01 Thread Brian Barker

At 07:23 01/06/2019 -0400, Ralph Palmer wrote:
I'm in communication with a Spanish-speaking potential user of 
LilyPond and Frescobaldi. I cannot find a link to the Spanish 
mailing list for either LilyPond ...

Go to Lilypond | Community | Contact. At the bottom of the left 
panel, under "Other languages", see "Spanish mailing list": .

... or Frescobaldi.

Is there one?

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Only show the opus number once when there are multiple score blocks

2019-02-24 Thread Brian Barker

At 16:59 24/02/2019 +1100, Robert White wrote:

I have a Lilypond file with two score blocks like the following:

\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  title = "Two minuets"
  opus = "Op. 1"

\score {
  \header {
piece = "No. 1: Minuet in D major"
  % Music here...

\score {
  \header {
piece = "No. 2: Minuet in G major"
  % Music here...

The problem is that the opus number is shown for every score block. 
How can I make Lilypond only show it once?

Two workarounds:

o Insert
opus = ""
in the headers blocks of all score blocks except the first. This 
doesn't quite work, as the remaining opus prints as part of the first 
score, on the same line as the first piece. But you could choose 
instead to abandon opus and use

title = "Two minuets, Op. 1".

o Omit opus from the global header and modify the score block headers 
to include:

piece = "Op. 1 No. 1: Minuet in D major"
piece = "Op. 1 No. 2: Minuet in G major"

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Non-integer tempo marking

2019-02-22 Thread Brian Barker

At 12:48 23/02/2019 +1100, Tsz Kiu Pang wrote:
I am just wondering if there is a way to have a non-integer tempo 
marking (e.g. crotchet = 72.5)?

How about \tempo 8 = 145 ?

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-17 Thread Brian Barker

At 14:40 17/10/2018 -0500, David Wright wrote:
The # wiki notes that British Telecom used the term "square" for 
hash at one time.

Surely not? Rather, they presumably used the term "square" for square 
- which is what was on the spare key on early designs of keyboard now 
occupied by the hash character. See .

I guess this was before the British public had an unambiguous name 
for it, "pound" being verboten, ...

Indeed: "pound" would have been as silly as "dollar" or "yen" or whatever.

... "number" rare, ...

UK usage is "No.", of course.

... and "hash" not quite proper in polite society.

Really? Always appropriate in my company!

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Figured Bass discrepancy with Manual Lilypond & lyLuaTeX

2018-08-10 Thread Brian Barker

At 00:09 11/08/2018 -0400, Nobody Noname wrote:

From the Lilypond manual,

 I use the following code for figured bass.

(The code is 3-steps above "Predefined commands" at the end)

  \new Staff = "myStaff"
  \figuremode {
<4>4 <10 6>8 s8
<6 4>4 <6 4>
  %% Put notes on same Staff as figures
  \context Staff = "myStaff"
\clef bass
c4 c'8 r8 c4 c'

If I compile it with Lilypond I get the attached image image-1 and 
with lyluatex I get attached image-2. Both image-1 and image-2 
disagree with what the manual shows the code should output. What do 
I do wrong ? [...]

You arbitrarily omitted the double angle brackets shown in the 
example, which indicate simultaneous expressions.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

2018-08-05 Thread Brian Barker

At 00:54 06/08/2018 -0400, Nobody Noname wrote:
Nowhere in the manual can I figure out what the commands are to get 
the half and diminished symbols in Lilypond.

and .

\version "2.18.2"
chordmusic = \relative c' {
  \chordmode {
c1:dim c1:m7.5-
  \new ChordNames {

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond is not generating a pdf file

2018-05-28 Thread Brian Barker

At 06:57 28/05/2018 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote:

At 08:07 27/05/2018 +, Peter Horan wrote:
I have previously used Lilypond on an older machine using Vista. 
This machine is new, running Windows 10. After installation, 
dropping onto the Lilypond short cut creates a test.log 
file but no pdf file as expected. It looks as though Lilypond is 
silently quitting before drawing everything.

The contents of test.log are:
# -*-compilation-*-
Processing `D:/Peter/Desktop/'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...

The closest similar behavior I have seen to this is when I am trying 
to regenerate a PDF but that PDF is currently open in another 
program. Then due to a sharing violation, LilyPond is unable to 
write to the file.

Indeed so. But, for the avoidance of doubt, when this happens, my 
Lilypond under Windows 10 shows four more lines in the log file, 
including one explaining that Ghostscript failed to create the PDF 
file - and anyway leaves behind the intermediate Postscript file.

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Grace Notes size

2018-05-27 Thread Brian Barker

At 08:42 27/05/2018 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote:
For reference, what you are seeing is a line endings issue. Windows' 
Notepad has always been famously and notoriously bad in this regard, 
as it only supports the carriage-return/line-feed (CRLF) combination 
for delimiting lines. [...] Most modern text editors are more aware 
of cross-platform issues and alternate encodings, so they will 
detect line endings and render appropriately. For example, Notepad++ 
is a great choice on Windows, if you want a more featured but still 
relatively lightweight editor.

Windows' bundled WordPad is another possibility. If a user prefers 
plain Notepad, opening a text file first in WordPad and simply saving 
it again will expand the line endings such that Notepad will 
understand them. Tedious but effective.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Different time signature on different staff

2018-04-16 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:17 16/04/2018 -0400, Ming Tsang wrote:
My code did not produce the expecting of time 6/8 on the first 
staff. What shall I code to correct this.

See "Different time signatures with equal-length measures" and 
"Different time signatures with unequal-length measures" under 
"Polymetric notation" at 

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Page numbers with "Page"

2018-04-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 19:20 03/04/2018 +, David Bobroff wrote:
I want to put page numbers centered at the bottom of each page with 
the word "Page" before the number. I found this code in the docs 
which gets me halfway there but I don't know what to do to add 
"Page" before each number. The closest I've managed to come to a 
solution results in "Page" being in the lower left corner with the 
page number in the lower right corner.


\version "2.18.2"

\book {
  \paper {
print-page-number = ##t
print-first-page-number = ##t
oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \null
evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \null
oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
  \fill-line {
\on-the-fly \print-page-number-check-first
\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup
  \score {
\new Staff { s1 \break s1 \break s1 }

But there is no "Page" at all there!


oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
  \fill-line {
\line {
  "Page "
  \on-the-fly \print-page-number-check-first
  \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Storing movement titles as a variable

2018-03-31 Thread Brian Barker

At 14:35 01/04/2018 +1000, Craig Dabelstein wrote:

Is it possible to store movement titles as a variable? e.g.,

movtI = { \markup{I. Allegro} }
movtII = { \markup{II. Adagio} }

piece = \movtI

So far I haven't been able to get this to work. Any ideas?

Is there any reason why you cannot use:

movtI = "I. Allegro"
movtII = "II. Adagio"

piece = \markup \movtI

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Define nr of measures per system

2018-03-06 Thread Brian Barker

At 18:16 06/03/2018 +0100, Omri Abram wrote:
Another beginner question, but can't seem to find the answer in the 
documentation: is it possible to define a constant number of 
measures per staff system?

The Notation Reference (at 4.3.1) suggests:

For line breaks at regular intervals use \break separated by skips 
and repeated with \repeat.
For example, this would cause the following 28 measures (assuming 4/4 
time) to be broken every 4 measures, and only there:

  \repeat unfold 7 {
s1 \noBreak s1 \noBreak
s1 \noBreak s1 \break
  { the actual music... }

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Missing messages [was: Stem forced to be at the right (or left) of the notehead]

2018-03-02 Thread Brian Barker

At 22:46 02/03/2018 +0100, Thomas Morley wrote:
Though, in the past, mails from Yahoo, distributed by the 
mailing-list, were put into my spam-folder by gmail. Obviously this 
changed 2 or 3 days ago. Now I receive nothing...

You are lucky: my mail provider has been rigorously following the 
"reject" instruction for ages. And others have, too: many choir 
members did not see circulars from the chairman when he wrote via the 
choir list also run my Mailman from his AOL address.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Missing messages [was: Stem forced to be at the right (or left) of the notehead]

2018-03-02 Thread Brian Barker

At 13:25 02/03/2018 -0700, Thomas Morley wrote:

Paolo Prete wrote


For unknown reasons I don't see your posts on the mailing-list, ...

Neither do I. But I can help there: it's all down to Domain-based 
Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC). This is a 
comparatively new system whereby mail domains can publish information 
to confirm or otherwise that messages are genuinely sent from a mail 
server maintained by that domain. Paolo Prete's mail domain appears 
to be, and Yahoo is one of the sending domains that uses 
this system. If he sent to you directly, everything would work OK and 
Gmail would accept the message.

The problem arises with mailing lists. The server forwarding the 
message - in this case Lilypond's - is not a proper source for messages, of course, so Gmail quite properly rejects list 
messages claiming to be from Yahoo addresses as spoofed. (As it 
happens, so does my mail provider.) If it is configured properly, 
mailing list software can arrange headers so that the receiving 
system - Gmail's in your case - sees his Yahoo server as the 
originator instead of the mailing list's. The problem is that most 
list software available when this protection was introduced was 
incapable of being properly configured. To avoid this effect, 
Lilypond may need to update the list software (apparently Mailman 
2.1.21) or maybe just configure it differently.

See - which includes "In April 2014, 
Yahoo changed its DMARC policy to p=reject, thereby causing 
misbehavior in several mailing lists."

and for details of Mailman's behaviour.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: where to download the "2.19.81" binary for windows

2018-01-28 Thread Brian Barker

At 08:11 29/01/2018 +0800, Mosea Chen wrote:
As the "The requested URL 
/lilypond/binaries/mingw/lilypond-2.19.81-1.mingw.exe was not found 
on this server.", where else can i get it?

Go to . 
Scroll down to the bottom. You will see the latest version offered is 
lilypond-2.19.80-1.mingw.exe. Will that do?

This is true for other operating systems, too. Has the parent page 
been updated to 2.19.81 without this version being available?

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Transcriber title

2018-01-21 Thread Brian Barker

At 01:17 22/01/2018 +0100, Álvaro Cáceres Muñoz wrote:
I am transcribing Jacob Collier's arrangement of 
I've Told Every Little Star. Normally I make my 
own arrangements of songs, so I write in the 
"composer" and "arranger" titles. However, here 
I would need to name the original composer 
(Jerome Kern), the arranger (Jacob Collier) and 
the transcriber (me). I have looked at the 
Lilypond manual, but I can't find a specific 
title for the transcriber. Is it possible to 
create a specific field for the transcriber?

You may not need to. How about something like:

\version "2.18.2"
\header {
  composer = "Composer: Jerome Kern"
  arranger = \markup {
\column {
  \fill-line { " " "Arranger: Jacob Collier" }
  \fill-line { " " "Transcriber: Álvaro Cáceres Muñoz" }
{ s1 }

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Lost messages]

2017-10-18 Thread Brian Barker

At 16:08 18/10/2017 +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
By now you should have realized that Mails to lilypond-user do not, 
as a rule, get lost ...

Ho, ho! Many of mine have.

... and reposting them several times does not help.

That's very probably true, though - and I don't attempt that solution.

At 11:38 18/10/2017 -0500, Karlin High wrote:
But anyway, is anyone else using Thunderbird, and never having any 
lost messages at all?

I use Eudora and some messages do get lost. (Yes, I know Eudora is 
old, but I tried Thunderbird did not provide what I needed, so I'm 
looking for another client.)

In my experience, it is a fool's errand to try fixing problems of this nature.

I found an administrator who, after some delay, explained, in effect, 
that he couldn't help and that there was no-one who could!

I wonder if this message will reach the list ...

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: making parts : specific number of measures per line?

2017-08-06 Thread Brian Barker

At 19:00 06/08/2017 -0400, Molly Preston wrote:
Ok I've been messing with this and I realize that where I have s1*13 
at m.86 it seems to print out 15 measures instead and doesn't 
generate an error. It prints out 12 measures on one line at m.98. I 
don't understand how it's counting?

\version "2.18.2"
layoutContent = {
\repeat unfold 11 { s1*6 \break } %m1-66
s1*8 \break | %m67-74
s1*11 \break | %m75-85
s1*13 \break | %m86-97
s1*15 \break | %m98
fluteMusic = {
  g4 r r2 | %m86
  R1* 5 | %m87-91
  r2 r\fermata | %m92
  \bar "||"
  \key c\major
  \time 3/4
  R2.*4 ^"Presto" | %m93-96
  g,2.~ \ff | %m97
\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice {
\new Voice {

o 85+13 is 98, not 97.
o As provided, your fluteMusic starts at bar 1, not bar 86.
o s1 has the length of a semibreve ("whole note"), not a full bar 
("measure") - so after your time signature change to 3/4, each s1 
lasts longer than a bar. So s1*13 needs to be s1*7 | s2.*6 to account 
for the change to 3/4.

(Er, I suggested privately that your problem might be a change to the 
time signature, but you denied you had one!)

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MsLily - LilyPond Add-In for Word

2017-07-18 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:28 18/07/2017 +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

And instead of "c d e f"
I'd rather see "{c d e f}"

Surely "{ c d e f }" ?

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Editorial ties

2017-06-04 Thread Brian Barker

At 17:42 04/06/2017 -0400, Giampaolo Orrigo wrote:
I would like to know if someone already found a way to engrave 
editorial ties, as used in more modern editions of early music, i.e. 
solid tie with a little vertical line in the middle.

Does this help?

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: RE;re; beaming with cadenzaOn

2017-06-01 Thread Brian Barker

At 03:47 01/06/2017 -0700, Sam Frybyte wrote:

Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 18:29:51 +0100
From: Brian Barker <>
Just as you would beam any other notes: follow the a8 with a left 
bracket "a8[" and the ges8 with a right bracket "ges8]".

It doesn't work.

It does for me - and clearly also for Mr Holmes.

I tried this and at least in version 2.18.2 nothing happens ...

For what it's worth, it works for me in 2.18.2.

Unless you mean I must include the quotation marks?


Otherwise without the marks nothing happens.

You must be doing something different; I cannot guess what this may 
be. Are you sure you are putting both the brackets exactly where suggested?

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: beaming with cadenzaOn

2017-05-31 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:16 31/05/2017 -0700, Sam Frybyte wrote:
If there is a time signature the beaming of 8th notes with 
acciaccaturas between them is created as I expect.

in version. 2.18.2
with \cadenzaOn
\stemUp\acciaccatura c'8 \stemNeutral a8
\stemUp\acciaccatura b8 \stemNeutral ges8
\times 2/3 {f16 [des des]} des4

I have not been able to figure out or find a way for the 8ths to be beamed.

Just as you would beam any other notes: follow the a8 with a left 
bracket "a8[" and the ges8 with a right bracket "ges8]".

If you wrote your triplet as { f16[ des des] } you might see more 
readily how the notation works: the brackets do not enclose anything 
but separately follow the notes to which they apply.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: placing "opus"

2017-04-28 Thread Brian Barker

At 08:17 28/04/2017 -0700, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:

I can get everything but to the opus under the composer. My code is attached.

composer = \markup \center-column { "E. MacDowell" "Op. 51" }

Warning it contains more than 10 lines.


Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.19.59 mingw binary: virus false positive?

2017-04-23 Thread Brian Barker

At 23:26 23/04/2017 +0200, Michael Käppler wrote:
I just installed LilyPond 2.19.59 mingw binary 
on my machine and my antivirus scanner

Avira Free Antivirus

Version 21.03.2017
Searching engine 20.04.2017
Signature file 23.04.2017

complains about having found the 
"TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen" virus in two bundled files:


Anybody experiencing the same issue?

Apparently so. See .

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Elysium broken link

2017-03-30 Thread Brian Barker

At 01:08 31/03/2017 +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
Searching for Esysium, (LilyPond IDE for Eclips), I'm getting a 404 
on the link

I found this (broken?) link on

So what happened to this Elysium website?

You might want contact its author; see .

Doesn't have what you need?

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Incorrect note alignment

2016-11-16 Thread Brian Barker

At 19:23 16/11/2016 +0100, Joram Noeck wrote:
Still, I would not over-interpret Behind Bars. If Gould states it 
explicitly: ok, but the examples are also done with some program, I 
guess. In case there is a detail she does not care enough, there can 
be cases where she accepts the program's default output without 
saying that other solutions are necessarily bad or wrong.

I replied earlier - but, as so often, my message was not posted by 
the list. I think David Sumbler is misreading Gould. As I see it, the 
illustration he mentions on page 10 is intended just to show that the 
semibreve is slightly wider horizontally than a black notehead - the 
point Gould has just made in the text. Her actual examples (there is 
one at the bottom of page 36) seems to show the left-alignment that 
he criticises.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Curious thing about ties

2016-11-14 Thread Brian Barker

At 21:09 14/11/2016 +0100, Robert Schmaus wrote:
something I just came across while pondering away: in the following 
snippet, there are two ties across barlines.

I've wondered why in the first instance, the tie is a down-tie, 
while in the second it's an up-tie (see attached screenshot).

(Your snippet doesn't match your output, in fact.)

If you repeat the motif, the ties appear to alternate down, up, down, up ...

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Voice and lyrics momentary separation

2016-10-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 18:00 03/10/2016 +0200, Ziad Gholam wrote:
Unfortunately, I could not find the 2.19.48 release (on URL in order to download it.

Go back to the front page and follow the Unstable Release link on the 
right. What you need is 

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: circle of fifths

2016-09-05 Thread Brian Barker

At 03:04 06/09/2016 +, Ming Tsang wrote:

I found LSR circle of fifths. It is in \language "deutsch" by Manuela

I tried to make / adapt for language "english", but having hard time 
to generate. Can someone make this circle of fifths for "english"?

Something like this?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker
\language "english"
%% created by Manuela
%% thanks to the German forum
%% feel free to change and distribute
%% draw a circle of fifths with Lilypond
%% in the style like here
%% you can use more Scheme if you like
%% e.g. drawing the ticker lines with whitening cirle as one graph
%% needs no include files

%% creating the score snippets
%% we remove some items not needed

\layout {
  indent = #0
  \context {
\omit TimeSignature
\omit BarLine
explicitClefVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\remove "Accidental_engraver"
  \context {
\omit NoteHead
\omit Stem
  \context {
\override BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-invisible
\override KeyCancellation.break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)

%% define score snippets als markups
%% in order of appearance

Cmaj=\markup \score { { \key c \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Gmaj=\markup \score { { \key g \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Dmaj=\markup \score { { \key d \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Amaj=\markup \score { { \key a \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Emaj=\markup \score { { \key e \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Bmaj=\markup \score { { \key b \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Fsmaj=\markup \score { { \key fs \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Gfmaj=\markup \score { { \key gf \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Dfmaj=\markup \score { { \key df \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Afmaj=\markup \score { { \key af \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Efmaj=\markup \score { { \key ef \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Bfmaj=\markup \score { { \key bf \major g'4 } \layout {  } }
Fmaj=\markup \score { { \key f \major g'4 } \layout {  } }

#(define (st-rot stencil myangle)
   ;; just for shortening the code
   (ly:stencil-rotate stencil myangle 0 0))

#(define (x-width mystencil)
   (let* ((x-ext (ly:stencil-extent mystencil X)))
 (- (cdr x-ext) (car x-ext

#(define (y-width mystencil)
   (let* ((y-ext (ly:stencil-extent mystencil Y)))
 (- (cdr y-ext) (car y-ext

#(define (bogen winkel)
   (* ( / winkel 180) PI))

#(define (kreis-punkt radius winkel)
   ;; this function returns the coordinates of a point on a circumference
   ;; as pair depending on radius and angle
   ;; like a clock: start at midnight ;-)
   ;; winkel = angle (in degrees)
   ;; '(x . y)
   (let* ((wiboma (bogen winkel)) ;; calculate angle as radian measure
   (x-sin (sin wiboma))
   (y-cos (cos wiboma))
   (x-cor (* x-sin radius))
   (y-cor (* y-cos radius)))
 (cons x-cor y-cor)))

#(define (mittel-punkt stencil)
   ;; returns the coordinates of the middle of the stencil als pair
   ;; '( x-middle . y-middle)
((x-li (car (ly:stencil-extent stencil X)))
 (x-re (cdr (ly:stencil-extent stencil X)))
 (y-li (car (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y)))
 (y-re (cdr (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y
(cons (/ (+ x-li x-re) 2) (/ (+ y-li y-re) 2

#(define (move-to-circle radius winkel stencil)
   ;; move a stencil to the edge of a cirle
   ;; depending on radius and angle
   ;; the arithmetic middle of the stenil coordinates is the reference point
   ;; which is moved with its `mittel-punkt' to `kreis-punkt'
   (let* ((mittel (mittel-punkt stencil))
  (mittel-x (car mittel))
  (mittel-y (cdr mittel))
  (kreis (kreis-punkt radius winkel))
  (kreis-x (car kreis))
  (kreis-y (cdr kreis)))
 (ly:stencil-translate stencil
(- kreis-x mittel-x)
(- kreis-y mittel-y)

#(define-markup-command (move-markup layout props mymark radius winkel)
   (markup? number? number?)
   (move-to-circle radius winkel (interpret-markup layout props mymark)))

#(define (move-to-circle-x radius winkel stencil delta)
   ;; move stencil down (at six)
   ;; winkel=0:  left aligned
   ;; winkel<>0: right aligned
   ;; just for Fs/Gf maj needed
   ;; two scales at six
   (let* ((mittel (mittel-punkt stencil))
  (mittel-x (car mittel))
  (mittel-y (cdr mittel))
  (kreis (kreis-punkt radius winkel))
  (kreis-x (car kreis))
  (kreis-y (cdr kreis)))
 (if (= winkel 0)
 (ly:stencil-translate stencil
(+ (* -2 mittel-x) delta)
(* radius -1)))
 (ly:stencil-translate stencil
(* radius -1))

#(define-markup-command (move-markup-x lay

Re: Courtesy Accidentals and Abbv.

2016-08-30 Thread Brian Barker

At 23:42 30/08/2016 -0500, Bonly Monly Gonly wrote:

How does one show courtesy accidentals (specifically a natural sign), ...

The Notation Manual distinguishes between reminder and cautionary 
accidentals; I'm not sure which you mean:
"Normally accidentals are printed automatically, but you may also 
print them manually. A reminder accidental can be forced by adding an 
exclamation mark ! after the pitch. A cautionary accidental (i.e., an 
accidental within parentheses) can be obtained by adding the question 
mark ? after the pitch. These extra accidentals can also be used to 
produce natural signs."

... and also how does one display the abbreviated names to the left 
of each system.

Again, the The Notation Manual:
"The value of instrumentName is used for the first staff, and the 
value of shortInstrumentName is used for all succeeding staves."

- and its example:

\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = #"Violin "
shortInstrumentName = #"Vln. "
{ c4.. g'16 c4.. g'16 \break | c1 }

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: space the width of key signature

2016-07-04 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:49 04/07/2016 -0500, Br. Gabriel-Marie | SSPX wrote:

So, the download page only provides version 2.18.2-1.

Go back to the front page and follow "Unstable Release".

Where can I get a Windows binary for 2.19.44?

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Making flags a bit thicker? Changing distance between key signature elements?

2016-05-30 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:18 30/05/2016 +0200, Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote:

Le 30 mai 2016 à 11:13, Stanislav Ossovsky a écrit :
I have been developing tactile stave music 
notation for the visually impaired. I am going 
to make a score with subsequent milling on a CNC machine. [...]

FMI : what is a CNC machine?

See .

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can not reach the list

2016-05-16 Thread Brian Barker

At 21:03 15/05/2016 +, Joram Noname wrote:

my mails do not reach lilypond-user. Does that only happen to me ...

No, it's often happened to me too.

... or is it a general problem? Is there something I can do?

There ought to be - but sadly it seems no-one is prepared to investigate.

I wonder if this message will make it ...

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Using strings and other types to return markup

2016-05-11 Thread Brian Barker

At 12:12 11/05/2016 +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:

... (if I had a list of unicode characters with tildes over them to hand) ...

See .

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Key change in alternative 1

2016-03-13 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:42 13/03/2016 +0100, Malte Meyn wrote:
how should I treat a key change in the first alternative of a volta 
repeat? I'm not sure whether to print the "change back" at the 
beginning of the second alternative (m. 5 of the attached code). I 
don't think it's necessary to print it if the change coincides with 
a line break (LilyPond's default behaviour, variant 1 in the 
attached code). But is it necessary when there is no line break 
(variant 2 or 3)?

For what it's worth, Elaine Gould (someone else will tell you hers is 
only one suggestion) says "After a change in the first-time bar, a 
reminder in brackets of a continuing clef, key signature or time 
signature is helpful at the beginning of the second-time bar" (p. 
235). Her example has all three in one set of parentheses but doesn't 
happen to require cancelling naturals. Separately, she says "When a 
key change coincides with a system break, the cancelling naturals and 
the new key signature go at the end of the first system. The new 
system takes only the new key signature" (p. 93).

"Reminder" and "helpful" suggest to me that the parenthesised 
addition is not essential, and that she would not include accidentals 
in your second-time bar. In addition, after a system break, wouldn't 
the appropriate key signature in your case be three sharps, not one 
flat - again obviating the accidentals?

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inline images, was Re: Variable slur thickness

2016-03-10 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:56 10/03/2016 -0600, Matthew Skala wrote:

On Thu, 10 Mar 2016, Brian Barker wrote:

At 10:33 10/03/2016 -0600, Matthew Skala wrote:

... HTML in email is usually spam.

You are joking, of course!


OK, I'll rephrase that to help you: either you *have to be* joking or 
you are plain wrong.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Inline images, was Re: Variable slur thickness

2016-03-10 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:33 10/03/2016 -0600, Matthew Skala wrote:

... HTML in email is usually spam.

You are joking, of course!

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Cannot resolve rest collision: rest direction not set

2016-02-08 Thread Brian Barker

At 19:26 08/02/2016 -0500, Joseph N. Srednicki wrote:
I receive the warning "cannot resolve rest collision: rest direction 
not set" when I compile the code listed below. Is there anything 
else that I can do to avoid the warning or am I overlooking something?

You need to add \voiceOne, \voiceTwo, etc. If you do that, the 
warnings disappear. See .

Oh, and you can then dispense with your \stemDown, which happens automatically.

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: incorporating .pdf file into a text

2015-12-30 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:57 29/12/2015 -0500, Joseph Breton wrote:
How can I incorporate my pdf file into a word processor like 
libreoffice? My trials always produce some to me undecipherable text 
which then greatly expands to non ASCII symbols.

As has been suggested, preferably create Lilypond output in Scalable 
Vector Graphics (SVG) or Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format 
instead. (See Notation Manual 3.4.3.)

Alternatively, in your LibreOffice text (Writer) document,
o Go to Insert | Object > | OLE Object... .
o Double-click "Further objects".
o Select "Create from file" and Browse... .
o Browse to and open the PDF document file.
o Resize and reposition the graphic as necessary.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ragged right on last 2 bars.

2015-12-28 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:41 28/12/2015 -0800, Peter Terpstra wrote:
Is it possible to apply the ragged-right paper option in such a way 
that only the last 2 bars will be affected?

\version "2.18.2"
\paper {
  indent = 0
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t
  ragged-right = ##t
\score {
  \relative c' {
   \repeat unfold 12 {a'4 b c d}\break
   <e, b' d gis> r <a, c' e a>2
   \bar "|."

ragged-last = ##t
(without ragged-right = ##t)
Note that ragged-last-bottom applies to vertical spacing, not horizontal.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Music running off page, yet passes bar line check

2015-12-28 Thread Brian Barker

At 18:05 28/12/2015 -0800, Ryan Michael wrote:

I have the following music :

\tempo 4=40
\time 4/4
\clef bass
\barNumberCheck #1
\barNumberCheck #2
\once \hide NoteHead bes4\glissando a2\glissando 
\once \hide NoteHead a4\glissando

\barNumberCheck #3
\once \hide NoteHead a4\glissando 
b-\markup{"don't articulate b. stop gliss 
exactly on 1"} r8 b8\glissando \once \hide NoteHead b16 a8.~

\barNumberCheck #4
a4\glissando \once \hide NoteHead bes4\glissando 
\once \hide NoteHead bes\glissando b8\glissando 
c16\glissando [\once \hide NoteHead b32\glissando a32]

\barNumberCheck #5
r16 b8.\glissando
 \once \hide NoteHead a4\glissando
\once \hide NoteHead gis8\glissando 
g8-\markup{\italic "crescendo"} 
g16\glissando-\markup{\italic "decrescendo"} \once \hide NoteHead a8.\glissando

\barNumberCheck #6
\once \hide NoteHead ais4\glissando \once \hide NoteHead b16 b8. r4
\barNumberCheck #7
\once \hide NoteHead gis4\glissando 
feh\glissando\mp\>\! \once \hide NoteHead 
g4\glissando \once \hide NoteHead a4\glissando

\barNumberCheck #8
gis4\!\p r4 gis4\glissando a\glissando
\barNumberCheck #9
b\glissando a\glissando b8\glissando a16.\glissando b32 r8 b8\glissando
\barNumberCheck #10
\once \hide NoteHead bes8 a\glissando \once \hide NoteHead
 bes8 \tuplet 3/2{ b\glissando a\glissando b\glissando} a8
r16 b\glissando
\barNumberCheck #11
\once \hide NoteHead a4\glissando \once \hide 
NoteHead aes8.\glissando g16\glissando

\once \hide NoteHead gis4\glissando \once \hide NoteHead a4\glissando
\barNumberCheck #12
\once \hide NoteHead ais4\glissando 
bes8-\markup{\italic "decrescendo molto"}\glissando b16 r16 r4 r4

And all the bars are right, and yet the second line is cramped and runs off.

It seems that systems will not break where there 
is a glissando across the bar line (in 2.18.2). 
The break that occurs after bar 4 is the last bar 
line that isn't spanned by a glissando: hence the 
cramped nature of the second system, as no 
further breaks are possible. In addition, your 
articulation "decrescendo molto" is too long to 
fit on the second system, even if there is (just) 
room for the music. If you shorten this or stack 
the words using \column, you will just see the 
final bar line, though displaced into the margin 
- or at least I do with my default settings. If 
you drop one of the glissandi, you can see three sensibly spaced systems.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ragged-right - turn it on and off

2015-12-26 Thread Brian Barker

At 19:36 26/12/2015 -0600, Steve Fullerton wrote:
Fiddle tunes usually have 2 parts, each with 8 measures. In 
tablature that works out to 2 lines of 3 measures and 1 line of 2 
measures followed by a \break. The line with 2 measures will be 
stretched out to fill the page because ragged-right = ##f. This 
looks odd. I would like the 2 measure line to not stretch out and 
behave like ragged-last=##t, even though it is not the last line.

One simple workaround is to set the two parts as separate scores - 
each with its own \score, that is. Then ragged-last will do its job twice over.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lower-case letter rehearsal marks

2015-12-09 Thread Brian Barker

At 09:34 09/12/2015 +0100, Urs Liska wrote:

Am 09.12.2015 um 08:57 schrieb Brian Barker:

At 17:08 08/12/2015 -0700, Abraham Lee wrote:
I am trying to figure out how to make rehearsal mark letters be 
their lower-case counterparts. I've read through all the options 
in "scm/translation-functions.scm" to see what's currently 
available and it doesn't seem to be an option at the moment.

I realize this isn't the standard way of notating rehearsal marks, 
but let's lay that aside for a moment. Any ideas on could I do this?

\mark \markup \box \bold "a"
\mark \markup \box \bold "b"

I'm pretty sure Abraham is looking for an *automated* solution.

So am I. But I also know he didn't need to be told that!

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lower-case letter rehearsal marks

2015-12-08 Thread Brian Barker

At 17:08 08/12/2015 -0700, Abraham Lee wrote:
I am trying to figure out how to make rehearsal mark letters be 
their lower-case counterparts. I've read through all the options in 
"scm/translation-functions.scm" to see what's currently available 
and it doesn't seem to be an option at the moment.

I realize this isn't the standard way of notating rehearsal marks, 
but let's lay that aside for a moment. Any ideas on could I do this?

\mark \markup \box \bold "a"
\mark \markup \box \bold "b"

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How Beautiful Upon the Mountains by Stainer

2015-12-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:18 03/12/2015 +, Gregory Citarella wrote:
Hello: is there any way I can get a pdf of the choir anthem that I 
see on you tube of How Beautiful upon the mountains by John Stainer. 
I see it was done by someone using
(or ).

Click Raw to download the PDF. You must satisfy yourself about 
copyright issues.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Valse des Sylphes - Charles GOUNOD

2015-11-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 21:44 02/11/2015 +, Alberto Simões wrote:
After your precious help, I consider my task of 
transcribing this music complete. Of course, I am happy to fix any issue:

There are still a few differences here:

Bar 1: As others have said, the third beat in the 
upper staff should be an E, not an F-sharp.

Bar 84: The decrescendo should end a beat 
earlier. Surely this should match what you have 
(correctly) in bars 92, 100, 108, and 116?

I'm puzzled by repeated reminder accidentals on tied notes in:
Bar 110: Natural sign before the tied C in the lower staff
Bar 112: Sharp sign before the tied F-sharp in the upper staff
Bar 120: Sharp sign before the tied F-sharp in the upper staff
Bar 122: Sharp sign before the tied F-sharp in the upper staff
Bar 124: Natural sign before the tied C in the lower staff

Surely these are simply confusing? (They are not 
present in the original.) Even if the accidentals 
in the previous bars were not reminders, they 
would affect the tied notes too, and - since the 
notes are tied - they couldn't be anything else 
but the same pitch. (The accidental in bar 120 
would be necessary if it were not a reminder one, 
since a system break now occurs here, but that 
doesn't apply in this case and Lilypond would 
insert it automatically anyway.) This problem 
seems to result from your use of the chord 
repetition symbol "q"; to avoid this, you may 
want to repeat the chords explicitly instead - without the exclamation marks.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Valse des Sylphes - Charles GOUNOD

2015-11-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 14:04 03/11/2015 +, Alberto Simões wrote:

At 09:59 03/11/2015 +, Brian Barker wrote:

I'm puzzled by repeated reminder accidentals on tied notes in:
Bar 110: Natural sign before the tied C in the lower staff

I did not like them too, but no clue how to remove them.

Easy. In the case of bar 110, you have:
<d' a' c!>2 ~ | q4
Replace this with:
<d' a' c!>2 ~ | 4
- and similarly.

GNU LilyPond 2.18.2 here, but I can try to update (even on El Capitan!)

No need, with this workaround.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Valse des Sylphes - Charles GOUNOD

2015-11-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 12:20 03/11/2015 +0100, Michael Gerdau wrote:
Interestingly enough these do not appear when I create the PDF on my 
local LP 2.19.30.

Yes: that *is* interesting! (Like the transcriber, I was using 2.18.2.)

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Redundant accidentals after clef changes

2015-10-25 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:19 25/10/2015 -0500, David Wright wrote:
I'm glad we singers don't meet this sort of thing in "normal" music. 
My own take is for having extra accidentals (ie clef 
changes=>forget) but also the extra cancellations (1471). (Perhaps 
written above.)

[from a position of ignorance of convention.]

For what it's worth, Elaine Gould has no doubt of the convention - 
that such accidentals are required: "An accidental holds good only in 
the clef in which it is written. A change of clef requires a further 
accidental for a note of the same pitch..." (Behind Bars, p 78).

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bar checks and independent time signatures

2015-10-22 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:57 22/10/2015 -0400, Michael Collins wrote:
A couple days ago, I described a problem with a piece for two staves 
in independent time signatures. After consulting this post, I moved 
the timing translator and bar line engraver out of the score context 
and into the staff context. While the midi compiles properly, the 
music in the pdf runs off the page.

Lilypond says that the bar checks in the top voice are failing. I 
suspect that this is the root of the problem. I've run versions of 
the code with each of the two voices commented out. When the voices 
play separately, the pdf output stays on the page. Something about 
combining the two voices is problematic.

I'm genuinely at a loss, since moving the timing translator to the 
staff context should make the voices completely independent. Any advice?

With a system containing two staves, Lilypond can create system 
breaks only where bar lines occur in both staves simultaneously. 
Music runs off the page when it cannot create appropriate system breaks.

The first bar in your lower staff contains the equivalent of four 
crotchets (quarter notes), the second 4/2 = 2, the third 4/3 = 1.33 
(approx.), and so on. The length of the music up to each bar line in 
the lower staff in crotchet units (rounded) is thus:


The first bar line, at four crotchets, coincides with a bar line in 
the upper staff, so a system break can occur there - and does. The 
second, at six crotchets, coincides with the middle of the second bar 
in the upper staff, so you could engineer a system break there by 
putting an invisible bar line at that point in the upper voice. But 
nowhere else do the ends of any *notes* - not just bars - coincide in 
the two voices. So you simply cannot have a system break without some 
note in one or other voice itself being broken - which doesn't happen 
in musical notation, of course. In principle you could divide a note 
and tie it across the break, but there would be no way to represent 
the strange fractions of note length you would require, would there?

The music runs off the page only because of the impossibility of 
(later) system breaks. You can see the full engraving if you either 
reduce the staff size or increase the paper width. You will also then 
easily see that the upper staff extends beyond the lower one, as you 
can see from the values above: the lower voice lasts approximately 
13.52 crotchets but the upper voice sixteen. You need two-and-a-bit 
crotchets' worth of rest at the end of the lower staff to make 
everything fit. You'd need a fearsome time signature to achieve this 
- which is left as an exercise for the reader!

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: dynamic with markup

2015-10-10 Thread Brian Barker

At 18:58 10/10/2015 -0700, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:

I recall that instructions were once given to achieve:

p ma ben marcato,

yet my search of the LSP was not successful.

 c_\markup { \dynamic p \italic { ma ben marcato } }

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Question re title formatting

2015-10-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:43 03/10/2015 +0200, Bonly Bonly wrote:
As you correctly found out, as a matter of fact line breaks will not 
work in your code. As I did a lot of programming in the past I do 
not think that is wrong but usually a rule in such code 
arrangements. Another point is the comment mark "%" that invalidates 
the rest of the line CR etc. included ...

The end-of-line marker - when correctly encoded - terminates 
comments, of course.

Simply read
there is an example that you might adjust to your wish.

Sorry, but you are missing the point here, in fact - indeed, two points.
1. It's not my code: I'm not the original enquirer.
2. The enquirer's code works exactly as she wishes; the problem is 
entirely with her (invisible) line breaks not being encoded properly. 
No-one needs to read the manual about formatting text, as the 
original code works.

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Question re title formatting

2015-10-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:01 03/10/2015 +0200, Bonly Bonly wrote:
There are lots of "%", say comments, that validate the rest of the 
line including braces.

\markup { \column
\fill-line { \large \bold \title } % title
\fill-line { \titleb }
\fill-line { \caps \piece \caps \composer }
\fill-line { \meter \arranger }

I'm not sure what you mean here: perhaps *in*validate?

The point is that the line break that should appear after "% meter" 
so that "\arranger" is not included in the comment and instead 
properly interpreted by Lilypond must be incorrect in the original 
.ly file. Notice also the clue that line breaks in what the enquirer 
describes as her "title information" do not appear correctly in the 
archive rendering.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Question re title formatting

2015-10-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 13:41 03/10/2015 +0200, David Kastrup wrote:

On 02.10.2015 18:29, Karen Billings wrote:

Lilypond incorporates the "meter" but ignores the "arranger"...

I suspect that the preceding line has a non-standard line ending, 
most likely just a CR or the line being wrapped by spaces rather 
than a proper line end. Then LilyPond will consider the next line 
just as part of the comment ending the previous line.

I think one can see from the rendering of the original enquiry in the 
archive at that 
something of this sort is indeed the case.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Repeat with alternatives

2015-10-02 Thread Brian Barker

At 19:30 02/10/2015 +0100, Anthony Youngman wrote:
At the end of the day, it's down to the conductor to make sure the 
players know what they're doing.

But surely engraved music is designed to indicate this unambiguously? 
If the conductor needs to get involved, the representation has 
failed. If I compose music and publish ambiguous engravings, any 
conductor cannot know what I intended.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Bar numbers seem to be one off

2015-09-26 Thread Brian Barker

At 11:36 26/09/2015 +0100, Ant Youngman wrote:
Actually, printing bar numbers at the start of each line is NOT 
general practice. Yes I think it's great, and leave it there when 
I'm redoing parts, but I've almost never seen it in any music I've 
been given to play.

Just to add another statistic: Elaine Gould says "Place bar numbers 
at the beginning of each system, ideally above the clef of the top 
stave" (p. 484).

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Bar numbers seem to be one off

2015-09-26 Thread Brian Barker

At 16:15 26/09/2015 +0200, Simon Albrecht wrote:

On 26.09.2015 16:14, Brian Barker wrote:

Just to add another statistic: ...

Which is only one opinion.

Isn't that what "another statistic" means?

(Mind you, the unqualified suggestion of the Senior New Music Editor 
at Faber Music since 1987 probably counts for something!)

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A call to Cantique de Fauré

2015-08-23 Thread Brian Barker

At 22:46 23/08/2015 +0200, Simon Albrecht wrote:

Am 23.08.2015 um 20:00 schrieb Ali Cuota:

Does somebody [know] where to find the Cantique de Jean Racine in Ly?
Mutopia, cpdl, imslp and so far google say no. :-(

Sir Michiel Lange was asking about a solution for manual changes, so
maybe he can help?

Well, apparently Mr. Lange did not choose to publish his code, then.
I don't know of any platform besides the three you mentioned where 
such code might be found, so you'll probably have to do it yourself, 
and be the first to contribute it on any of these :-)

Well, I do - and I've already replied to the list (and to the 
questioner) with my discovery. But the list has - as it sometimes 
does - decided to censor my contribution and not accept it and 
publish it. If anyone knows why it discriminates against me (and some 
others) in this way, I'd like to know.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A call to Cantique de Fauré

2015-08-23 Thread Brian Barker

At 21:58 23/08/2015 +0100, Brian Barker wrote:

At 22:46 23/08/2015 +0200, Simon Albrecht wrote:

Am 23.08.2015 um 20:00 schrieb Ali Cuota:

Does somebody [know] where to find the Cantique de Jean Racine in Ly?
Mutopia, cpdl, imslp and so far google say no. :-(

Sir Michiel Lange was asking about a solution for manual changes, 
so maybe he can help?

Well, apparently Mr. Lange did not choose to publish his code, then.
I don't know of any platform besides the three you mentioned where 
such code might be found, so you'll probably have to do it 
yourself, and be the first to contribute it on any of these :-)

Well, I do - and I've already replied to the list (and to the 
questioner) with my discovery. But the list has - as it sometimes 
does - decided to censor my contribution and not accept it and 
publish it. If anyone knows why it discriminates against me (and 
some others) in this way, I'd like to know.

Weirdly, the list has condescended to publish this comment but not my 
original suggestion, which was:

Try (and ).

Copyright issues are your responsibility.

Brian Sherlock Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Score.skipTypesetting

2015-08-13 Thread Brian Barker

At 15:12 13/08/2015 +0200, Orm Finnendahl wrote:
In a chamber music piece I'm writing, the first line of the score is 
(and should be) indented. While working on the score I want to 
typeset just the last part of the score and use

Score.skipTypesetting = ##f

in the beginning and set

Score.skipTypesetting = ##t

in some later part, e.g. after a \pageBreak.

lilypond renders this partial score with the first line indented 
which is suboptimal as the beginning of this page will *not* get 
indented in the final (non partial) score.

Wouldn't a (slightly messy) workaround be to position the restart of 
typesetting at a point before the page break - and perhaps a bar or 
two before that? You'd get a first, rubbish page, but the part you do 
want should be closer to how it will appear in the final copy.

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Italics in headers

2015-07-22 Thread Brian Barker

At 13:36 22/07/2015 -0400, Tim Slattery wrote:
How can I italicize just part of a header? What I want is a subhead 
that reads:

(From Les Meslanges - 1750)

with only Les Meslanges italicized.

subtitle = \markup { (From  \italic Les Meslanges  - 1750) }

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: volta repeat with and without alternative ending

2015-06-24 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:13 24/06/2015 -0700, Abraham Noname wrote:

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Gergely Kontra [via Lilypond] wrote:
I am engraving an orchestral score, and ran into the following: one 
staff has volta repeat with alternative ending, but the other staff 
has no alternate ending. When I engrave the score for the 
conductor, strange thing happens (one staff is shorter, that the 
other) I also would like to engrave scores for violin and viola, 
and those notes are in separate files. Viola part should not be 
aware of the alternative block in violin IMHO. So, how should I 
write this piece to be correct? (online version:

\version 2.18.2
\language deutsch

violin = \relative c'' {
\repeat volta 2 { c4 d e f | }
\alternative {
  { c2 e | }
  { f2 g | }

viola = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 { c4 d e f |
c2 c }

\score {
\new Staff \violin
\new Staff { \clef alto \viola }
  \layout { }

I believed I answered this already on the bugs list here:

I don't think you did. You claim there that looking at it by the raw 
musical content, I see 4 bars for violin and only 3 for viola, but 
you don't explain why you see that as a problem. You are counting 
notation, not actual bars as played. Why does it matter that, say, 
ten played bars might be expressed as only five bars repeated? And 
your expansion of the parts there is incorrect: you have included the 
first time bar the second time around for the violin, suggesting six 
bars played in total, whereas there are actually only five.

It got me thinking, though. Why don't you want the viola to have the 
same \repeat volta 2 { ... } \alternative { { ... } { ... } } 
structure, too? If you are making individual part scores, then 
you're going to need it, IMHO.

That's your dispute with the original questioner, who prefers the 
viola players not to see what is going on in other parts. (I happen 
to agree with you: that it is clearer if the identical first and 
second time bars in the viola part are laid out in the same way as in 
other parts. I *think* (she doesn't say this explicitly) that Elaine 
Gould agrees.)

If that's really not what you want, what should the viola be playing 
during the violin's 2nd ending?

Oh, that's easy and evident: exactly what is written. The last 
(second) bar of the viola part's repeat coincides with the second 
time bar in the violin part.

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MMA using lilypond syntax/style

2015-06-13 Thread Brian Barker

At 21:58 13/06/2015 +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

A quote from that website []:

And, please remember, our program is called MMA - Musical MIDI 
Accompaniement, not MMA.

So its full name would be Musical Musical Instrument Digital 
Interface Accompaniment - Musical Musical Instrument Digital 
Interface Accompaniment?

(Oh, and they do call it MMA far more often than anything else!)

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SATB polyphonic lyrics problems

2015-05-16 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:17 16/05/2015 +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:

- Original Message -

From: Alan Struthers
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 12:07 AM
Subject: SATB polyphonic lyrics problems

I am brand new to Lilypond. I have tried and tried to figure out 
how to code SATB four staves of polyphony with different notes, 
durations and lyrics, but while I am close, some of the lyrics fall 
to the very bottom of the score and will not stick to the staff 
that I want them to.

Sorry if the example is long, but I must learn :

1) how to code what I want
2) where to put the commands properly

The lyrics in CAPITALS are for voice two (i.e., soprano 2, alto 2 )
They are aligned correctly, meaning they are directly under the 
proper notes, but not attached to the correct staff.

If someone could correct my code in CAPITALS so I can see exactly 
what you have done, I will be able to engrave my music.

Could you attach a text-only version of your score, please?

I'm not he, but here it is.

Brian Barker \version 2.18.2
\language english

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size letter)

global = {
  \key d \major
  \time 3/4

sopranoVoice = \relative c'' {
c4 g8 c, g' 
{ \voiceOne

\new Voice 
{ \voiceTwo 
  g4 f e

   % lyrics for soprano 2
\new Lyrics \lyricmode
{ AL8 -- LE4 -- LU -- IA, }

verseSopranoVoice = \lyricmode {
  % Lyrics follow here.
  Al -- le -- lu -- ia, 
  Al -- le -- lu -- ia, 

altoVoice = \relative c' {
   c g' 2. 
  f8[ e] d[( e] f4)
  f4( c) f

\new Voice

   % lyrics for alto 2
   \new Lyrics \lyricmode
{ LU -- IA,  }


verseAltoVoice = \lyricmode {
  AL -- LE -- 
  Al -- le -- lu -- ia,

tenorVoice = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.
   e, g 2.
   d g 2.
   f bf 2.
   f c' 2.

verseTenorVoice = \lyricmode {
  Al -- le -- lu -- ia,

bassVoice = \relative c {
  c2. g 
   bf d 2.
   f' f, 2.

verseBassVoice = \lyricmode {
  Al -- le -- lu -- ia,

sopranoVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = Soprano
  midiInstrument = choir aahs
} { \sopranoVoice }
\addlyrics { \verseSopranoVoice }

altoVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = Alto
  midiInstrument = choir aahs
} { \altoVoice }
\addlyrics { \verseAltoVoice }

tenorVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = Tenor
  midiInstrument = choir aahs
} { \clef treble_8 \tenorVoice }
\addlyrics { \verseTenorVoice }

bassVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = Bass
  midiInstrument = acoustic grand
} { \clef bass \bassVoice }
\addlyrics { \verseBassVoice }

\score {
  \layout { }
  \midi {
\tempo 4 = 72
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: general question regarding replies

2015-04-21 Thread Brian Barker

At 21:38 21/04/2015 -0500, Lance James wrote:
i responded to each email using the lilypond-user address but do not 
receive notice of my reply as i would expect. am i responding correctly?


i assumed, though possibly incorrectly, that a reply to this email 
address would send notice to all subscribers. including myself.

It does - and the copies of your own messages arrive at your Gmail 
account. But for such messages, Gmail automatically skips your inbox 
and archives the message to save you time and prevent clutter. See . 
You can make your own choice to see this as a feature of or a bug in Gmail!

You can confirm what reaches the list at .

Brian Barker  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: procedure vs. function

2015-04-18 Thread Brian Barker

At 12:55 18/04/2015 +0100, Michael Hendry wrote:
I think it was Pascal that introduced a distinction between a 
Procedure (which does something without returning a value) and a 
Function (which does something AND returns a value).


Pascal: published 1970
Fortran II (included SUBROUTINE and FUNCTION): published 1958.

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tie between octaves

2015-04-03 Thread Brian Barker

At 18:03 03/04/2015 -0700, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
How do I get an \tieUp between the top notes of two octaves, yet a 
\tieDown between the bottom notes.

If I understand the question correctly, all of these work for me:

{  c c' ~  c c'  }
{  c~ c'~   c c'  }
{  c_~ c'^~   c c'  }

There is also
\override TieColumn.tie-configuration = ... - as shown at .

Brian Barker 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Automatic breaks not working?

2015-03-27 Thread Brian Barker

At 22:47 27/03/2015 +, A. Sentman wrote:
I have a couple of files where Lilypond fails to wrap the score 
across multiple lines, and instead cuts it off at the edge of the 
page. Most of these are fairly large files, and it seems to happen 
consistently if there are more staves than can fit vertically on the 
page. What I did: I used lilypond to render the example at the 
bottom of this post. What I expected: The score wraps to the next 
line after the sixth measure. What happened: The score does not 
wrap, instead running off of the edge of the page.

This is because your score makes no sense, I'm afraid. With a time 
signature of C, your second occurrence of r4.. in the top staff 
spans the line between the first and second bars. If I comment out 
the initial r4 and r16, in the top staff, the score breaks after 
bar 5 and again after bar 9. This may not be the music that you mean, 
but it illustrates the cause of the problem. The third staff then 
throws a similar problem in bar 13, where the d4. again spans the 
line between bars 13 and 14.

Once you have a score that properly respects bar lines, the automatic 
line breaks will behave themselves.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

lilypond-user mailing list

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