Re: attaching buzz marking in percussion

2009-07-27 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

M@ Nichols wrote:
Instead of putting a single, double, or triple slash tremolo on a snare 
drum note, how do you add the "z" as a roll?

\version "2.12.2"
\drums {
  sn4 sn8 sn sn4 sn4:32
  sn8 sn16 sn sn sn8 sn16 sn8 sn sn4

How would I add the "z" marking to the red snare example?

Greetings Matthew,

Here's how I create the Zs for my pieces.

ZRollsOn = \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-0.5 . -4.5)
ZRollsOff = \revert TextScript #'extra-offset
Z = \markup { \bold "z" }

Then I just do something like this:

sn8 \ZRollsOn sn8-\Z sn8-\Z \ZRollsOff sn8

There are probably more accurate methods based on overriding the stem 
stencil, but I'm not sure how to do that.

The extra-offset values will need to be shifted based on what sort of 
scheme you're using for your staves. That extra-offset pair is great for 
a single-line snare system with downward stems (leaving the area above 
notes for sticking indications and articulations).

I have a full drumline template hiding around here somewhere I can 
offer, if you're interested.


Bryan Stanbridge
President, Composer, Percussionist * Purple Frog Press
5533 Cresthaven Lane #3B, Toledo, Ohio 43614-1236
(419) 340-1027 *

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ver. 2.11.56 problems

2008-08-20 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Valentin Villenave wrote:
> We provide a shell script, that is *perfectly* maintained for both our
> stable and development versions, and for a wide range of operating
> systems and architectures. It can either be run in root mode (files go
> to /usr/local/) or in user mode (files goes to your home directory,
> which I definitely do not like but which can be prefered for
> non-power-users). What could the next step be?
Greetings Valentin,

I haven't written any install scripts, but is it possible to have a 
check, much like some OS X programs, where it asks "Do you want this 
program available to all users, or just your user?" and then if they 
select all-users to install as root instead of just install locally? 
(That is switch to the sudo style of installation.)


Bryan Stanbridge
President, Composer, Percussionist
Purple Frog Press
5533 Cresthaven Lane #3B
Toledo, Ohio 43614-1236
(419) 340-1027

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Drum rolls [was Re: other suggestions]

2008-04-17 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Trevor Daniels wrote:
As there have been no further comments on drum-rolls on -user, perhaps 
you could help a little further.

The notation you mention with a colon (in the example it g1:32) to 
indicate a drum-roll is described in the Notation Reference for 2.11 
section (or the User Manual for 2.10 sections 6.7.5 and 6.7.6) 
as the way to indicate a tremolo on a single note.  Could you please 
have a look at these, and let me know if this notation and appearance is 
exactly right for indicating a drum-roll to a percussionist?  If it is, 
could you please send me a short realistic example of using this 
notation for a drum-roll for inclusion in the percussion section of the 


As a percussionist and music publisher, I can offer some suggestions.

The g1:32 notation is exactly the modern way of spelling out rolls 
(anything quarter/quaver or higher is with 3 slashes, eighths are with 2 
[the beam becoming the third] and anything smaller than eighths are one 
slash). This is accepted notation for all percussion instruments as well 
including timpani, marimba, snare drum, multiple percussion setups, 
triangles, you name it.

Short example:

\time 2/4
sn16 sn8 sn16 sn8 sn8:32~ |
sn8 sn8 sn4:32~ |
sn4 sn8 sn16 sn16 |
sn4 r4 |

(Rolls for snare drum are often tied into the releasing note.)

For sticking issues, I just use ^"R" or ^"L" after notes and then 
override the staff-padding on TextScripts to achieve a pleasing baseline.

Hope this helps.


Bryan Stanbridge
President, Composer, Percussionist
Purple Frog Press
5533 Cresthaven Lane #3B
Toledo, Ohio 43614-1236
(419) 340-1027

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Percussion Discussion

2007-12-29 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Reilly wrote:
What is the experience in the Lilypond community regarding percussion 

I am asking for comments regarding consistency and clarity in writing 
for unpitched percussion.

I highly recommend the following two resources when it comes to 
percussion writing:

How to Write for Percussion by Sam Solomon (available on
-> This book goes into detail about the different sounds of percussion 
instruments, etc, but spends some time discussing how each should be 

I also firmly believe that if everyone adopted Vaclav Nehlybel's system 
for percussion notation, the world would be a better place. 
Unfortunately I can't find where I found this resource (mine's a copy 
with no attribution). If you can find it, though, it's great.

Percussion performer and educator
Bowling Green State University

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Not recognizing "\notes", install problem?

2007-10-08 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Seumas McX wrote:

This is probably something really simple, but I'm trying to compile the
following file and I get a lot of errors (including not recognizing "\notes"
as a command). I'm guessing it's an installation error and probably
something obvious  - can anyone point me to a fix for this?

Error message for above:
--- error: unknown escaped string: `\notes'

Greetings Seumas,

\notes is an old syntax from several stable versions ago. Try the \score 
{} block minus the \notes { and corresponding }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hiding whole measure rests from conductor score

2007-07-09 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Steve Schow wrote:

If you mean this is the answer:

"When skipBars is set, the result will look OK, but the bar numbering will be 

I already found that out from reading the  manual, but I am trying to figure out a work-around.  Also, what about the notion of the part sheets showing mm rests while the conductor score just shows empty measures? 


Transparent rests in the score is easy. Add:

\layout {
  \context {
\override MultiMeasureRest #'transparent = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRestNumber #'transparent = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRestText #'transparent = ##t

to your Score block for the musical score and make sure it's not in the 
Score block for the parts. It may be a little extreme in some cases (if 
all your MMRs are single measures in the score, for instance, the last 
two aren't needed), but it should do the trick. YMMV


lilypond-user mailing list

Lyric Extenders and Devnull

2007-05-02 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Greetings all,

I'm working on some music with a number of different verses, each with a 
different rhythmic structure. I'm using the Devnull trick to get lyrics 
independent of the printed rhythm (and using the very nice dashed 
slurs). Unfortunately, it seems that when using Devnull, two interesting 
things happen.

1) Lyric extenders refuse to display.
2) Lyrics are left-aligned with the nulled notes instead of center/left 
as appropriate for single notes/melismas.

Is there a way around this? (Setting an \override LyricText 
#'self-alignment-X = #0 does not work for the alignment issues.)

Here is a small example that demonstrates both problems.

\version "2.10.23"

\score { <<
  \new Staff {
\context Voice = "melody" {c' d'( e' f') g'}
  \new Devnull = "alt" {c'2 c'4 c' c'}
  \context Lyrics = "main" \lyricsto "melody" \lyricmode {Hel -- lo __ 
World }
  \context Lyrics = "diff" \lyricsto "alt" \lyricmode {\override 
LyricText #'self-

alignment-X = #0 Where __ is my line? }
>> }

Thanks for any help you can share!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: convert *.ly into *.mid

2007-05-01 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Christian Schröder wrote:
How can I convert a *.ly file into a MIDI file to listen to what I just wrote? 
Unfortunately the MIDI file is not automatically generated when I parse the *.ly

file into PDF. I use the Windows distribution, btw.

Thank you very much in advance, LilyPond is a great programme!!


\midi {}

In your score block (like you include \layout {} for the print version).

For more information see 10.3 MIDI output in the 2.10.x manual.



lilypond-user mailing list

MetronomeMark does not obey staff-padding

2007-03-25 Thread Bryan Stanbridge


I'm not sure if this is a bug, but given my tests, I suspect it is (so I 
 copied the bug list). It appears that the MetronomeMark object does 
not pay attention to staff-padding. Does it not have any reference 
points defined for staff-padding perhaps? Here's my simple test version.

\version "2.10.20"

\score {
  \new Staff {
\tempo 4=120
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'staff-padding = #5
\tempo 4=100
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 5)
\tempo 4=80

I included the extra-offset just to verify I had the correct grob 
construction, and that works, so I do. If you want to remove that part 
from the bug report, please feel free.

If anyone has a work-around, it'd be appreciated (my tempo indications 
are colliding with my vocal dynamics throughout an entire lieder cycle).



lilypond-user mailing list

Rehearsal Mark Spacing

2007-02-10 Thread Bryan Stanbridge


I'm wondering if there's something special about first bars that maybe 
I'm missing, but here's what I want to do:

I would like to have this RehearsalMark object appear at the beginning 
of the score, but have it not affect the spacing of the measures below 
it. Here's a small example to show what I want, and my surprise that 
no-spacing-rods doesn't seem to work here. I used the repeat just to 
make sure it floats to the second line, in case it was just the 
alignment playing an issue, but I don't think that's it.

Any ideas?

\version "2.10.16"

\score {
  \new Staff {
\time 3/4
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'no-spacing-rods = ##f
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1
\mark \markup {\large \bold "Peacefully, yet joyously" }
R2.*2 |
\repeat unfold 15 { r2 4 }



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Reorganizing the contents of the \paper block

2007-02-07 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

David Rogers wrote:

The correct answer is (I believe) exactly as you proposed earlier. Talking 
about Lilypond's internal logic is IMHO counterproductive. In fact, internally, 
I suspect Lilypond should stay the same - it just needs to allow the user to 
use it effectively by making (or even just *allowing*) the logical separation 
between paper, headers, and music, which you already outlined.

It would be great if we could also leave the current mechanism in place 
if we do such a change. The system made sense to me from the beginning 
and I'd prefer to think in terms of scope (I have a strong programming 
background). I don't oppose a division on its merits, but it would be 
nice if the format would stay the same.



lilypond-user mailing list

Using lyrics [solved]

2006-02-24 Thread Bryan Stanbridge
Thanks for all the help with using lyrics. I must have read the manual 
too quickly and missed the necessity for instatiating a Lyrics context. 
It's working well for me now.



lilypond-user mailing list

Using lyrics

2006-02-21 Thread Bryan Stanbridge


I've read TFM and yet I think I may not have the proper grasp on how to 
use lyrics. Here's a small example to illustrate what I'm doing. 
Hopefully I'm just making a simple mistake.

\version "2.7.35" % Windows XPSP2, Native install

\score {
 \new Staff {
   \context Voice = "mezzo" {c'1}
   \lyricsto "mezzo" {lah }

When I compile, I don't get any lyrics. If I explicitly set \lyricmode 
before {lah }, I still get no lyrics. I must be missing something important.



lilypond-user mailing list

Instrument Name Spacing

2005-07-20 Thread Bryan Stanbridge


I'm using 2.4.5-1 on FC3 (the CCRMA package).

I've noticed that the horizontal alignment of an entire line seems to be 
done completely independantly of the short instrument names.  It seems 
as though the musical line stretches from margin to margin and the 
instrument names get shoved into the left margin.  The very first line 
works as I would expect, but from that point forward it's no good.  It's 
visible in this tiny example but far more obvious in a full score of 
many pages.

\book {
 \score {
   \new Staff {
 \repeat unfold 20 {c'4 c' c' c' \break }

I searched the archives and couldn't find anything relating to this 
specific problem.  Can anyone else reproduce this, and/or would 
upgrading to 2.6.x help?  (I'm trying to wait until CCRMA gets a version 
online, but I'm not totally adverse to compiling it myself if I have to 
do so).


lilypond-user mailing list

DrumVoice Polyphony

2005-05-01 Thread Bryan Stanbridge


This may help others writing music for percussion polyphony.  It took me
quite a bit of time to realize that the shorthand setup for simple
polyphony needed the s1*x to equal the number of whole note values in
the piece, instead of just a method of starting the DrumVoices.  I'd
suggest adding the following to the documentation (5.9.3 in v2.4.x,
6.4.3 in v2.5.x):

"The length of the created voice (s1*2 in this instance), should equal
the length of use in a piece.  For example, if you had 32 bars of 4/4,
the s1*2 should be replaced by s1*32."

This would probably be added after the figure following this text:

"The above example shows verbose polyphonic notation.  The short
polyphonic notation, described in [Polyphony], can be used if the
[DrumVoice]s are instatiated by hand first. For example:"

At the very least, here it is on the archives (I checked earlier to make
sure I'm not posting something that's already been said, but they were
down).  Hopefully it'll save someone the hour+ I've spent wondering
why all my polyphonic examples broke down after two bars.  ::sigh::



PS Please feel free to adapt the language to conform to whatever
standards regarding tense, etc. is in use throughout the documentation. 
No rights reserved on the added text, etc. etc.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: repeat with alternates in middle

2005-04-28 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

On 4/29/2005, "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 27-Apr-05, at 4:25 PM, Jason Addison wrote:

>> The 1st and 3rd times have the same ending.
>> The 2nd and 4th times have the same ending.
>> The 3rd time has a different _begining_.
>Yikes.  I've never seen this in printed music.  Why not just write
>it out?  It's very easy to do with LilyPond.



While I admit I can't recall immediately a situation where the 3rd time
has a different beginning, I have seen some pit books that have weird
structures for their ending repeats.  Seeing 1,3 and 2,4 ending pairs
does happen from time to time.  I've can only recall it in pit books
off-hand, though.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sprechstimme

2005-04-11 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

On 4/11/2005, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>On Mon, 2005-04-11 at 11:54 -0700, D Josiah Boothby wrote:
>> I searched the lilypond-user and lilypond-devel archives and wasn't able
>> to find anything regarding sprechstimme, though I seem to recall that
>> there was a thread a couple months ago asking about it.
>> Is it supported in Lilypond? If not, has anyone found a way to insert the
>> little "x" onto the halfway point of a stem?
>No, it's not supported, AFAIK, but I'd be glad to implement it as a
>sponosered feature.
>Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>LilyPond Software Design -

I may be willing to sponsor such a feature.  In modern percussion music,
it's frequent to find a little 'z' on the halfway point of stems to
denote buzzed instead of open rolls.  Please feel free to contact me
offlist for an appropriate donation size for such a feature (both with
'x' and 'z').


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Instrument alignment in page head (v2.4.2)

2005-02-19 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

On 2/19/2005, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>On 18-Feb-05, at 3:34 AM, Thies Albrecht wrote:
>> I wonder if anybody ever got aware of the fact, that the instrument
>> name in the page head isn't exactly centered. Depending on odd or even
>> page it is put a little to the right or left.
>I don't know whether it's a bug or not, but let's send this to the
>bug-lilypond list
>in case it is.

I'd imagine it's related to binding issues.  Centered on a page isn't
really centered when you've bound a score, because of the center
gutter.  I recall printing out some music previously in LP that took
into account the center gutter and moved entire pages slightly
left-right depending on the side of the page.  It's not a large
distance, but it was noticeable.  Perhaps the bug is that the music
isn't shifting anymore? (though I'm pretty sure I was using 2.4.2)  Or
is this something we should be letting our PDF viewers (or PS handlers)
manage and just always have LP center everything exactly? (If, of
course, you've set the margins that way)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: still problems with output

2005-01-31 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

On 1/31/2005, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>From: Tapio Tuovila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: still problems with output
>Hi all,
>I've upgraded to SuSE 9.2 and tried to compile lily 2.5.9. Went OK
>except time signatures and dynamics had sort of font problem, they were
>printed in courier. So I decided to go back to 2.4.4, also because of
>But I can only get the .dvi file OK with 2.4.4. Onwards problems arise;
>this is what I get now when trying the in 2.4.4/input:

>-This is what I can get; the .dvi file seems to be OK, though. This
>appears to be some kind of font problem, but I have not been able to
>figure what could be done for it. (have installed
>ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.9.rpm, have run texhash, mftrace can't do bitmap
>fonts Any ideas?
>greetings, Tapio

This is a known problem with ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.9.  The *
file (I can never remember if it's or something
similar) was incorrectly truncated.  To fix this problem, just add .pfa
at the end of each line and it will correctly compile past the .DVI
file.  I believe this was fixed in later version of ec-fonts-mftraced.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: dvips fails: can't find header file ecrm10

2005-01-10 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

Aur?le Duda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>With an update to 2.5.6 have I the same problem this afternoon.
>Considering the, I tried to add ".pfa" at the end of the
>every lines in the file and it works now.
>I don't know if it's a good way but...

>-- next part --
>ecbx10 EuropeanCM-BoldExtended10 ecbx12 EuropeanCM-BoldExtended12 ecbx5 EuropeanCM-BoldExtended5 
>ectt9 EuropeanCMTypewriter-Regular9

Re: dvips fails: can't find header file ecrm10

2005-01-10 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

On 1/10/2005, "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Did you update the TeX file name database after installing
>ec-fonts? Try to run the command 'texhash' as root.

I had not.  However, after running texhash I still receive the exact same
error on

~/music# texhash
texhash: Updating /usr/share/lilypond/2.4.2/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R...
texhash: Done.

~/music$ lilypond -V
same output as before.

lilypond-user mailing list

dvips fails: can't find header file ecrm10

2005-01-10 Thread Bryan Stanbridge


I recently did a fresh install of FC3 and have tried to get lilypond
working again. I'm using the ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.9-1.noarch.rpm and
lilypond-2.4.2-1.i386.rpm both from the development team.

The production of the .dvi file goes well and loading it in Xdvik looks
as intended. However no ps file is created and a blank pdf is created
(obviously since no ps exists, though perhaps it shouldn't attempt to
create a pdf file if no ps file exists?).  Here's the relevent
information I could cull, based on previous conversations on the list
regarding ecrm10 (as found in the archives).
\version "2.4.2"
\header {

\score { c }

~/music$ lilypond -V
GNU LilyPond 2.4.2


time: 0.10 seconds
Element count 27 (spanners 7) Preprocessing graphical objects... Grob
Calculating line breaks... Global shortest duration is 3/16
Optimal demerits:

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 25, Issue 49

2004-12-22 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

On 12/22/2004, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: "Michael T. Garrison Stuber"
>I'm hitting a strange issue with Lilypond 2.4.2. The following works just
>frag = {
>\key bes \major
>\time 3/4
>{ r2. r r r4 r c g,2 e,4 e,4 f, g,~g, a, bes,~bes, c2 d2. ees
>r r r r
>However, if I put in change the Es to E-Flats:

The code for E-Flat is just es.  It's freaking out with the extra e.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: who uses lilypond

2004-12-01 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

On 12/2/2004, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

>I was having a discussion with a friend and he asked me.
>Who uses lilypond?

>I wasn't sure I think that publishers probably already have legacy apps
>they use not lilypond.
Many publishers used to use Score, if they used computer software at all.
 Most of the NY publishers still do.  Oxford University Press just
recently switched to Sibelius, and from what I've seen of their latest
book of madrigals, it's a shame they did.  The entire book just puts me
on edge every time I look through it.  It's unnatural. :)

>but I am not sure how this falls in numbers for the other categories.
>does anyone mind a informal survey?
>what do you use lilypond for.

Purple Frog Press proudly uses Lilypond for all its music engraving.  We
are just a small-time publisher, but the comments I've received from
collegues since we switched over to lily have all been incredibly

Bryan Stanbridge
Purple Frog Productions

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Web page documentation

2004-11-17 Thread Bryan Stanbridge

>I was just wondering how many people use the web-page version of the
>LilyPond documentation on Windows? The thing is, on Windows it is more
>convienient to use the pdf version and could mean that only this bit of the
>documentation needs to be built and distributed. However, hyperlinking the
>table of contents would be helpful (if possible)

I do, quite frequently.  I don't know why it's more convenient to use
the PDF rather than the website.  I find myself using the website far
more frequently than the PDF version.


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