Midi issue

2005-04-02 Thread Carter Brey
Greetings Lilyponders --
Can't figure out why the midi output from this file does not include all 
the piano voices. Any help would be appreciated.

By the way, the new point-and-click method using URI tags is brilliant. 
One observation: the manual sez the EDITOR variable should be set to 
"vim". It actually should be set to "gvim". Additionally, an instance of 
the browser needs to be running already for the call to gvim to work, at 
least the way I have things set up. Just thought I'd offer these 
comments to help non-supergeeky users such as myself.

Thanks a lot,

\header {
title = "Margaritki (Daisies)"
subtitle = ""
composer = "Sergei Rachmaninov"
poet = "Arr. William `Skip' Doppman"
opus = "Op. 38 No. 3"
tagline = ""
instrument = ""
copyright = "Copyright by William Doppman"

\version "2.5.13"

u = { \change Staff = up \stemDown }
w = { \change Staff = down \stemUp }

melody =\context Voice = "Violoncello" {
#(set-global-staff-size 20) 
\time 3/4
\key f \major
\clef treble
\override Hairpin  #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
\override DynamicText   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
r8^\markup { \bold \large\bigger {\hspace #-5.0 \raise #2.0 
"Lento"}}\p\< bes^""^\markup{\italic cantabile}   b c' ees'4\!\mp( ~
\override Hairpin   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)
\override DynamicText   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
ees'\> d' des')\! 
\override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -0.5)
%   \revert DynamicText #'extra-offset
r r8 c'\< f'4 ~
f'2\! bes'8--(a' ~
a' f') c'4.(\> bes8)
a2\! r4
\override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -0.75) c'8\p\< c' 
d'4.\!\>( c'8\!)
r8 g'( f'4.\> c'8)\! \revert Hairpin #'extra-offset
\override DynamicText   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.5)
r4. a'8\pp bes'8.[( c''16)]
\revert DynamicText #'extra-offset 
a'2 d'4
\override TextScript   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.5)
ees'( _\markup \italic "cresc." e') f'
\revert TextScript #'extra-offset 
ges'8[( aes')] bes'[( c'')] d''[\mf c'']
\override Hairpin   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.25)
c''(\> g') r4\! \clef tenor \override Hairpin  #'extra-offset = 
#'(0 . -1) \times 2/3 {bes8[\<( b c')]}
\override DynamicText   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
ees'[\mp\! des'] ges4 \times 2/3 {bes8[( c' ges')]}
\revert Hairpin #'extra-offset 
\times 2/3 {ees'[( des') bes]( ~ }  \times 2/3 {bes[ ges aes)]} 
\grace {aes16[( bes]} \times 2/3 {aes8[ ges aes)]} 
bes4._\markup \italic "cresc." f'8( ~ f' bes' ~ 
bes') f' ~ f'4. \clef bass f,8(
\grace {g,)-0} \override DynamicText   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 
0)aes\f( g) f4.( ees8) 
f4.( ees8) f4\>
\revert DynamicText #'extra-offset
r\! \mf^\markup "pizz." r
r8 des,16[\> aes,] f[ aes8 bes16] ~ bes[ des' f'8]\!\p
\override TextScript   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2)
\override Hairpin   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.1)
r2 r8 b\p^\markup "arco"(
\revert TextScript #'extra-offset 
c' f) f4.( \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 
-0.5)c'8)\< \clef treble
f'4.\!\>( ees'8) c'( bes)\!
r8 c''\pp^\markup \italic "dolciss." bes'4.( a'8)
\override DynamicText   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -0.5)
a'4\< a'2\!\>\trill\mp(
\override Hairpin   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.25)
\grace {gis'16[ a']} f'4\!) a'4\trill(\mp  \times  8/9 {\small 
a'32\> gis' bes' a' gis' g' gis' bes' a')}
\override Hairpin   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
\normalsize f'4\! f'4.\trill \p \times 2/3 {e'16\>( gis' 
\override TextScript   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)
f'4 f'8\trill (\p ~ f'32 e' g' f') \small \times 8/10 
{e'_\markup \italic \large "cresc."( dis' e' f' fis' g' gis' b' bes' a')}
\normalsize f'4 f''4.\mf( c''8)
a'( f') b2
\override DynamicText   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.5)
f'8\mp( c') a2
\revert DynamicText #'extra-offset 
\clef bass a8\p( f) bes,2
\override TupletBracket   #'number-visibility = ##f
\override TextScript   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.25)
r16 c,[( a, c)] d[( b, d c)] \times 16/20 {\tiny e64\<( g f gis 
bes a) b( d' c' e' g'\! f'_\ma

Output problem

2005-03-26 Thread Carter Brey
Greetings fellow Lilyponders,
I've started getting odd behaviour from Lilypond, starting with version 
2.4.2 and now on through 2.4.5. To be more specific, the odd behaviour 
is coming from dvips. It refuses to produce ps and pdf output files as 
in the good old days of yore. Now it seems to want to produce the wrong 
format (a4) and send it directly to my printer. I don't want this. I 
just want nice ps and pdf files produced automatically. Here is the 
message I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Music]$ lilypond brahms.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.4.5
Processing `brahms.ly'
Interpreting music... [8][10]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3][6][9][10]
Layout output to `brahms.tex'...
Converting to `brahms.dvi'...
Converting to `brahms.ps'...
Error invoking `dvips  -t "a4"   -u+ec-mftrace.map -u+lilypond.map -Ppdf 
brahms > /dev/null 2>&1 '. Return value 256
Converting to `brahms.pdf'...Error invoking `ps2pdf  -sPAPERSIZE="a4" 
brahms.ps > /dev/null 2>&1 '. Return value 256

I do get preview files, but this is really not ideal as I'd like to be 
able to work with point-and-click xdvi and gvim, as I always have.

I read the man pages for dvips to find out how to alter this weird 
behaviour, but they were singularly unhelpful about where to locate the 
offending configuration files. Any help would be very gratefully 
received, as I'm fairly clueless about TeX and its siblings. I'm running 
Fedora Core 3 with updated Ghostscript version 8.15rc2-3 and 
ec-fonts-mftraced version 1.0.9-1.

Carter Brey

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: xdvi font troubles

2004-01-26 Thread Carter Brey
Many thanks to both Han Wen and Mats. I guess I just like being a source 
compilation sort of guy. When I have time, I'll follow that advice and 
fiddle with the TEXMF variable. In the meantime, I devised a ridiculous 
kludge and made a symbolic link from my music compilation directory to 
one of the music-drawing-routines.ps files in 
/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.x/ps. It works fine.

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

I guess the main problem is that you tried to install your
own version of xvi. In a normal teTeX installation, all paths
are found by looking at /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
(or wherever teTeX is installed). The settings in lilypond-profile
rely on this, which makes it possible to all the LilyPond-related
paths by just adding an extra texmf-like tree. This is done by
setting the TEXMF variable. The music-drawing-routines.ps is
normally found in usr/local/share/lilypond/2.*.*/tex/
(make install gives you two copies of the file, as Ferenc has
pointed out).
It seems that you followed the instructions in the reference manual
to install a newer xdvi. However, this requires some care to make
sure that the new xdvi works well together with your existing teTeX.
It's probably easier to install the full teTeX version 2.x, which
contains xdvik version 22.40v, that is fully capable of the
point-and-click feature that probably is the reason you installed
a newer xdvi.
In the texmf.cnf file for teTeX 2.0, I found the following lines
that may explain why your xdvi doesn't find the correct paths:
% support non"k"-xdvi:
PKFONTS.XDvi= .;$TEXMF/%s;$VARTEXFONTS/pk/{%m,modeless}//
PSHEADERS.XDvi  = .;$TEXMF/%q{dvips,fonts/type1}//
TEXPICTS.XDvi   = .;$TEXMF/%q{dvips,tex}//

If this still doesn't work and you insist on keeping your xdvi 22.81,
you probably want to fiddle with the PSHEADERS or TEXPICTS variables
instead of XDVIINPUTS.

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: xdvi font troubles

2004-01-24 Thread Carter Brey
Ferenc Wagner wrote:

Didn't you occasionally execute it instead of sourcing?  The
latter is done by the . or source shell builtin.

Hi there, Feri,

No... I ran the command:

. ~/bin/lilypond-profile

However, I did realize that I had been copying the template file 
buildscripts/lilpond-profile.sh, instead of 
buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile to my ~/bin directory. Once I copied 
the correct file, the noteheads appeared, but still no beams or slurs. 
And I still get the message:

"Cannot find PostScript file for inclusion in document:
So I'm still stumped. I can see that the file "music-drawing-routines.ps" is in /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.0.2/ps, but how do I make xdvi see it? Do I add that path to the XDVIINPUTS variable? Any insight much appreciated.

Carter Brey

Lilypond-user mailing list

xdvi font troubles

2004-01-23 Thread Carter Brey
Forgive me for asking what is probably the most common sort of question, 
but after successfully compiling and installing LilyPond 2.0.2, as well 
as xdvi 22.81, I get this message from xdvi when trying to open a dvi 
file generated by lilypond:

"Cannot find PostScript file for inclusion in document: 

The xdvi output has gibberish for noteheads, as well as other problems.

I ran buildscripts/clean-fonts.sh as root after compiling lilypond, 
added lilypond-profile to my ~/bin directory and sourced it, and added 
this as well to my .bash_profile:


Ggv reads the corresponding ps file perfectly, yet I cannot get usable 
output with xdvi. What have I neglected to do?

Many thanks in advance,
Carter Brey

Lilypond-user mailing list

re: Test file

2003-10-11 Thread Carter Brey
My thanks to both Paul and Thorkil for their kind replies. I apologize 
to the for the [spam] header in my last post; my antispam utility 
(PopFile) is still learning, and I forgot to alter the header before 
replying. Sic transit cloaca mundi.


Lilypond-user mailing list

Test file

2003-10-11 Thread Carter Brey
Hi all,

This is one of the files I've tried to compile with Lily 2.0.1, both 
before and after running it through convert-ly. I only get error 
messages in either case.

If it runs for you, please let me know.

Many many thanks,
#(set! point-and-click line-location)

\version "1.6.5"

title = "Study in Tango"
subtitle = "For solo Cello"
composer = "Carter Brey"
dedication = "In Memory of Stephen Kates"
tagline = "New York City, July, 2002"
copyright = "Copyright © 2002 by Carter Brey"

\property Staff.midiInstrument = #"cello"
\key d \minor
\time 5/4
\clef tenor
\property Voice.TupletBracket \override #'padding = #1
\property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'( -3 . 0 )
\property Voice.Hairpin \override #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
\relative c'' {a4\sfp->^#'(lines ((large bold)"Introduction") ((large 
italic) "very free"))(^\fermata ~
\property Voice.TextScript \revert #'extra-offset 
\times 8/7 {[a32\< bes a g a bes )a]} \property Voice.TupletBracket 
\set #'number-visibility = ##f \times 8/7 {[g( a g f g a )g]} 
\times 8/7 {[f( g f e f g )f]} \times 8/7 {[e( f e d e f )\!e]} 
a,4-0\f \clef bass \property Voice.Hairpin \revert #'extra-offset 
\times 8/7 {[a32-3\mf\<( bes a g a bes )a]} 
\times 8/7 {[g( a g f g a )g]} \times 8/7 {[f( g f e f g )f]} \times 
8/7 {[e^""^#'((italic) "rall.")( f e d e f )\!e]}
\property Voice.DynamicText \override #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1.5)
  f-- d-- f-- bes^""^""^#'((italic) "accel.") f d' bes f' 
d bes' f d' bes f' d
\clef treble bes' f d' bes 
\property Voice.DynamicText \revert #'extra-offset 
f'4->^\fermata \times 8/7 {[e32(\pp f e d e f )e]} \times 8/7 {[d( e d 
c d e )d]}
\times 8/7 {[c( d c bes c d )c]} \times 8/7 {[bes( c bes a bes c )bes]}
\times 8/7 {[a\<( bes a g a bes )a]}  \times 8/7 {[bes( c bes a bes c 
\times 8/7 {[a( bes a g a bes )a]} \times 8/7 {[g( a g f g a )g]} 
\times 8/7 {[f( g f e f g )\!f]} 
e4\f \clef bass \small  [a,,32_#'((italic) "dim.")( cis e a e cis a 
cis]  \clef tenor 
\times 8/11  {[e32 a cis e cis a cis e
a  cis  )e]} \clef treble \normalsize a4\p^\fermata \clef bass 
[a,,,16\ff-^^""^""^#'((large bold) "Allegro") g-^ f-^ e-^] 
\time 10/16 \bar "||" }
[( a,>  ]  [( b,>  ] [ c> ] [ d> ]
\property Voice.TupletBracket \set #'number-visibility = ##t
\times 6/7 { a> bes a gis a bes )a} \times 6/7 { a> bes a 
gis a bes )a} 
\times 4/5 { a> bes a gis )a} \times 4/5 { a> bes a gis )a}
[   ]
[   ]
[ ] [ ] 
\clef tenor \times 6/7 { bes' a' g' a' bes' )a'}  \times 
6/7  {a'( bes' a' g' a' bes' )a'}  
\times 4/5 {a'( bes' a' g' )a'} \times 4/5 {a'( bes' a' g' )a'} \clef 
\relative c'' { \times 6/8 {[d32( c bes a g f e )d]} \times 6/8 {[c'( 
bes a g f e d )c]}  [bes( c d e f g a )bes]
\times 6/7 { f e d e f )e} \times 6/7 { f e d e f )e} 
\times 4/5 { f e d )e} \times 4/5 { f e d )e}
\clef bass \times 6/8 {[d\mf( c bes a g f e )d]} \times 6/8 {[c'( bes 
a g f e d )c]}  [bes( c d e f g a )bes]
\times 6/7 { f e d e f )e} \times 6/7 { f e d e f )e} 
[e\<( f g a
b cis d )\!e]}
[  ] [  ] [ ] 
[ ]
[  ] [  ] [ ]  
[ ]
\property Voice.TupletBracket \override #'padding = #1.5
\relative c'' { \times 16/17 {a32( g fis e d cis b a g fis e d cis b a 
g )fis}}
\stemUp [ ] \stemBoth
\relative c'' { \times 16/17 {a32( g f e d c bes a g f e d c bes a g 
)f}  [e( f g
\property Voice.TupletBracket \override #'padding = #1
\stemUp [  ] [  ] 
\stemBoth [ ] [ ]
\clef treble \relative c

Re: [lilypond] Re: [inbox] Re: Runtime problem with 2.0.1

2003-10-07 Thread Carter Brey
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Carter Brey writes:


convert-ly only goes up to 1.9.8. Looks like I'll have to aquaint
myself with what is obviously new syntax since I last used the

There have not been any syntax changes since 1.9.8.  Most changes
should be converted by convert-ly.  Note that we had some bugreports
on convert-ly, and experimental modifications are in CVS.


Strange to say, I ran convert-ly on my old files (which had the correct 
version syntax, as in

/version "1.6.5"

but 2.0.1 choked on the resulting .ly files anyway. So I'll just bone up 
on the manual and see what's what. As you say, it may be that convert-ly 
is buggy.


Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [inbox] Re: Runtime problem with 2.0.1

2003-10-06 Thread Carter Brey
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

There has been a lot of discussion about this on the lilypond lists.
Have you considered installing lilypond from planet CCRMA?



Thanks for the reply; I upgraded finally to guile-1.6.4 and recompiled. 
LilyPond 2.0.1 runs perfectly now. Alas, all my source files are from 
1.6.5 and before, and throw 2.0.1 into a tizzy; convert-ly only goes up 
to 1.9.8. Looks like I'll have to aquaint myself with what is obviously 
new syntax since I last used the program. But that's progress.

Thanks again,

Lilypond-user mailing list

Runtime problem with 2.0.1

2003-10-05 Thread Carter Brey
Hi there--

Managed to compile 2.0.1 on RH 9 and its stock guile 1.6.0 with no 
obvious problems, but here is the verbose output when attempting to run 
it on a test file. What is this missing file 
("libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1")? Did I screw up the $LILYINCLUDE and 
$LILYPONDPREFIX environmental variables?

Thanks-- Carter

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Music]$ lilypond --verbose example-.ly
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.0.1
Opening pipe `/usr/local/bin/lilypond-bin --version '
Opening pipe `kpsexpand \$TEXMF'
Opening pipe `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$T1FONTS'
Invoking `/usr/local/bin/lilypond-bin  -I /home/cbrey/Music -I 
/home/cbrey/Music -I /home/cbrey/Music -H dedication -H title -H 
subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H composer -H arranger -H 
instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet -H texttranslator 
-H papersize -H textheight -H pagenumber -H language -H latexheaders -H 
latexoptions -H linewidth -H latexpackages -H unit -H orientation 
--verbose example-'
lilypond_datadir: `/usr/local/share/lilypond'
local_lilypond_datadir: `/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.0.1'
localedir: `/usr/local/share/locale'

ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link:
ERROR: file: "libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1", message: "file not found"
lilypond: warning: `usr' failed (status 2) (ignored)
lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file example- (exit status 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond", line 845, in ?
run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
  File "/usr/local/bin/lilypond", line 287, in run_lilypond
ly.exit (status)
  File "/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.0.1/python/lilylib.py", line 130, 
in exit
raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i
Exiting (512)...

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guile for lilypond on Red Hat 9

2003-08-21 Thread Carter Brey

i was using the GUI rpm installer, and the window would simply 
dissappear before running to completion, without the final message 
window which usually tells you either that the package has installed 
successfully or that some dependencies have not been met, etc.

since my last message, i have finally been successful in getting 
lilypond 1.8.0-1 running on RedHat 9, as follows:
1. installed guile-1.6.4-7.1.i386.rpm using command-line rpm (no 
problems there)
2. installed lilypond-1.8.0-1.i386.rpm using command-line rpm (no 
3. installed lilypond-documentation-1.8.0-1.i386.rpm using 
command-line rpm (no problems)
4. when running ly2dvi, got dynamic link error message (can't find 
5. installed guile-devel-1.6.4-7.1.i386.rpm to provide the .so file
6. ly2dvi runs fine

it looks like lilypond is dynamically linked and requires guile-devel, 
but that dependency is not required by the lilypond rpm. perhaps that 
needs to be fixed. is this a correct diagnosis, or is something else 
going on here?

anyway, i am DELIGHTED to finally have it running!

What about other applications that depend on the out-of-the-box guile 
that Red Hat 9 provides? I'm screwed if I can't use Gnucash, which I use 
for all my tax reporting. Will it run linked to guile-1.6.4-7.1?

"There is nothing so deadly as not to hold up to people the opportunity to
do great and wonderful things, if we wish to stimulate them in an active way."
- Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Laureate in chemistry

Lilypond-user mailing list

Making nice fonts for pdf

2003-01-27 Thread Carter Brey
Every time I use ps2pdf to create a Portable Document File version of a 
score, the output viewed through Acrobat Reader is rather choppy 
looking. The printout is fine; it's just the onscreen image that leaves 
something to be desired.

I seem to remember a post here a while back that referred to a use of 
something like mftrace to create pdf fonts that look good onscreen. 
Could someone remind me about that, and exactly what the implementation is?

Thanks so much,


Homepage: http://www.newyorkphilharmonic.org/music/orchestra/index.cfm?page=profile&personNum=7
divide-by-zero error

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to add text?

2003-01-03 Thread Carter Brey
Stanislav Kogan wrote:


I have a question: What is the best way to add text above the notes?
Right now I'm using the  ^# command like this for example:

mi4^#`(Large "Allegro non troppo")

But this comes out messed up very frequently, especially if there are
slurs under the text - the text goes over the slurs. Can I control the
vertical location of the text somehow?

Best regards,

I use two ways to do this, depending on my mood or level of impatience.

Method 1: \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(x . y)
  The variable x represents the horizontal axis (shifting the text left
  or right) and the variable y represents the vertical, or up-down axis.
  They can be positive or negative numbers, and can also be fractions
  (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, etc). Positive x values move the text right;
  positive y values move the text up. Experiment to see what works best.
  The one you don't need to change should be set at 0. Remember to reset
  the values afterward with \property Voice.TextScript \revert 

Method 2: Just add as many blank placeholders as you need:
  mi4^""^""^#'(Large "Allegro con cattivo gusto e tanti urli bestiali")

Hope this helps,


Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fis or not fis, that is the question.

2002-12-09 Thread Carter Brey
David Bobroff wrote:

My suggestion?  Get used to it if you want to use Lilypond.  In the long
run I have not found it to be a burden.  Yes, I forget sometimes and have
to correct my input.  The authors have made their decision regarding the
input syntax.  I don't think they want to change it.  It does have sound
reasoning behind it, even if it feels awkward at first.

Maybe not very informational, but I hope this helps you some.


David Bobroff


I couldn't have said it better. Like sign language or Chinese (and 
unlike English spelling, may I remind my fellow anglophones), it has its 
own logic and, once gotten used to, is not at all cumbersome. I've been 
using the \transpose function quite a bit recently and find it to be fun 
as well as fast and accurate.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis
are chosen correctly.
 2:44pm  up 7 days, 17:42,  1 user,  load average: 0.32, 0.29, 0.18

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: two problems

2002-12-01 Thread Carter Brey
Dear David,

Use this code:

_#'(columns ((italic bold) "sub  ") ((dynamic) "pp"))


David Bobroff wrote:

What started out as a single question has become two.  In the following
short excerpt I want to place "pp sub." below .  Specifically, I
want a regular dynamic "pp" and an italic "sub.".

\notes \relative c{
\clef F
\time 2/4
  ~ |  |

I have tried:



Both of them leave me with strange errors in the console;

Calculating column positions... warning: Too many clashing notecolumns.
Ignoring them.
warning: Too many clashing notecolumns.  Ignoring them.

paper output to `testing.tex'...
warning: can't find ascii character: 117
warning: can't find ascii character: 120
warning: can't find ascii character: 98
warning: can't find ascii character: 120
warning: can't find ascii character: 46
warning: can't find ascii character: 120 

...and I was left with only an italic 's' under the staff.

Placing the scheme code outside the <> gives me a nasty parse error
(unexpected "_").

Using a combination of \pp and _#'(italic "sub.") left me with the two
things overlapping each other.  Chaining them like:

_#'(dynamic "pp")_#'(italic "sub.") stacked them one on top of the other.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Christoph, please remember that irony is not available between the Canadian
and Mexican border you are confusing them again 8)

	- Alan Cox on linux-kernel
 9:32am  up 1 day,  9:20,  1 user,  load average: 2.25, 2.15, 2.05

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PNG output with Lilypond?

2002-11-12 Thread Carter Brey
David Boersma wrote:

I am trying to create a png output file with Lilypond.  I tried:
   lilypond -f PNG test.ly

Yesterday there was also a question about PNG generation. In UNIX/Linux
there is a beautiful command "convert" which translates one picture format
into another. If you create a single page postscript file mymusic.ps with
lilypond, then with the command ...

convert mymusic.ps mymusic.png


David is right, and 'convert' will also automatically create separate 
png files for each page of a mulitpage ps file. Boy, does this make 
sense. It's a beautiful example of a tiny Unix command that you can 
daisychain onto your lilypond command, e.g.

ly2dvi -P foo.ly && convert foo.ps foo.png

will produce foo.png.0 and foo.png.1 if foo.ps is a two-page postscript 

So economical and elegant. I love it.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Fertility is hereditary.  If your parents didn't have any children,
neither will you.
11:36am  up 13 days, 10:41,  2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.03, 0.00

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PS failure with 1.6.6

2002-11-11 Thread Carter Brey
Mark Hindley wrote:


I have exactly  the same problem. Just upgraded to 1.6.6 from 1.4 12 on top of
Debian woody. Installed from .deb.

In fact it is even stranger: xdvi (22.29) fails to find the file,
whereas oxdvik (22.40f) succeeds (but the PS specials don't look good --
ledger-lines are too high by about 1/4 notehead, braces too small)

Looks as though xdvi doesn't even look for music-drawing-routines.ps
with kpathsea!!

Yeah, I also tried making symlinks to dvips from ps and tex in 
/usr/local/share/lilypond. Still no go. I'll just wait for 1.6.7 and 
hope the problem goes away as my passive-aggressive contribution to 
LilyPond development.


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Any dramatic series the producers want us to take seriously as a representation
of contemporary reality cannot be taken seriously as a representation of
anything -- except a show to be ignored by anyone capable of sitting upright
in a chair and chewing gum simultaneously.
		-- Richard Schickel
 9:52am  up 12 days, 11:21,  1 user,  load average: 0.16, 0.11, 0.04

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: More 1.6 install problems (uni)

2002-11-01 Thread Carter Brey
This is my problem, too.  Seems to be spoecific to 1.6.6?


Rune Zedeler wrote:

I solved the guile problems, and managed to build and install lily 1.6
at the uni.
Lilypond also compiles files with no problems (apart from problem with
determining size of tex-fonts. Perhaps more on that later).

Problem is that dvips and xdvi cannot find the 
music-drawing-routines.ps even though GS_LIB points to the correct dir:

[rz@dapsang:~/lilypond/ly]$ dvips -o test.ps test.dvi
This is dvips(k) 5.86e Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software
' TeX output 2002.11.01:0606' -> test.ps
dvips: ! Couldn't find header file music-drawing-routines.ps
[rz@dapsang:~/lilypond/ly]$ echo $GS_LIB
[rz@dapsang:~/lilypond/ly]$ ls $GS_LIB
lilyponddefs.ps  music-drawing-routines.ps

The docu doesn't mention anything about this - perhaps an update would
be nice (Werner?)...

What can I do...? Linking from . to $GS_LIB is not nice...




|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PS failure with 1.6.6

2002-10-30 Thread Carter Brey
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

What do the following commands return?

kpsexpand '$TEXPSHEADERS'

[cbrey@Betty cbrey]$ kpsexpand '$TEXPSHEADERS'

kpsewhich -format 'PostScript header' music-drawing-routines.ps

[cbrey@Betty cbrey]$ kpsewhich -format 'PostScript header' 

Thanks for any help...


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PS failure with 1.6.6

2002-10-30 Thread Carter Brey

Yes, I did a make install, and music-drawing-routines.ps appears not 
only in /usr/local/share/lilypond/tex but also in 
/usr/local/share/lilypond/ps. I ran texhash just to be on the safe side 
(which actually I never did with previous version installs, and never 
had problems) but still get the same error message.

As with other version installs, I placed lilypond-profile in my $PATH 
and sourced it to set the tree.

Could it possibly be my version of xdvi? It's 22.58.

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

You say that you compiled the program yourself but you didn't
say how you installed it. If you did a make install, the file
should be placed below share/lilypond/tex/, where teTeX will find
it unless you've fiddled a lot with your texmf.cnf or forgot to 
run texhash after the installation.




Having just downloaded and compiled the 1.6.6 sourcecode, I ran ly2dvi 
-P on an .ly sourcefile without error messages and got a surprise when I 
tried to view the results with xdvi. It loaded with this error message: 
"Cannot find PostScript file for inclusion in document: 

The .ps file produced by the same ly2dvi run loaded perfectly with gv. 
The same thing happens with all my .ly sourcefiles. Is there a 
diagnostic I can run to track down the problem? This did not happen with 
1.6.5, and I was careful to run the font cleaning script after installation.

Thank you, my friends.


Lilypond-user mailing list



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

Lilypond-user mailing list

PS failure with 1.6.6

2002-10-25 Thread Carter Brey

Having just downloaded and compiled the 1.6.6 sourcecode, I ran ly2dvi 
-P on an .ly sourcefile without error messages and got a surprise when I 
tried to view the results with xdvi. It loaded with this error message: 
"Cannot find PostScript file for inclusion in document: 

The .ps file produced by the same ly2dvi run loaded perfectly with gv. 
The same thing happens with all my .ly sourcefiles. Is there a 
diagnostic I can run to track down the problem? This did not happen with 
1.6.5, and I was careful to run the font cleaning script after installation.

Thank you, my friends.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
All I can think of is a platter of organic PRUNE CRISPS being trampled
by an army of swarthy, Italian LOUNGE SINGERS ...
 9:44am  up 3 days, 23:57,  5 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.01, 0.00

Lilypond-user mailing list

Slur placement problem

2002-10-10 Thread Carter Brey

Hello, friends--

I finished my Tchaikovsky score last month, but have been struggling 
with one nagging problem for weeks. In a certain passage with the two 
flutes, no matter what I do with /slurUp or /slurDown switches and 
attachment overrides, I cannot for the life of me get the slurs to come 
out right. I don't know whether it's a part combiner bug, or if I'm 
simply doing something dumb, but I can't make it so that the slurs for 
Flute I are above the beams and the slurs for Flute II are below the beam.

I'm attaching an abbreviated pair of source files that give just the 
flute parts and just the variation in question. One runs ly2dvi -P on 

Many thanks,


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

#(set! point-and-click line-location)
\version "1.6.4"
title = "Variations on a Rococo Theme"
subtitle = "For Cello and Orchestra"
subsubtitle = "(Original Version)"
composer = "Piotr Tchaikovsky"
opus = "Opus 33"
dedication = "To Wilhelm Fitzenhagen"
tagline = ""

global = \notes{

\time 2/4
\partial 8 
% careful, skips are cumulative-- each one goes on from the previous skip, not 
from the beginning!
% The following means skip an eighth note 85 times.
 \skip 8 * 85 \bar "||"  
\property Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
 \skip 8 * 96 \bar "||"   
 \skip 8 * 96 \bar "||"  

 \skip 2 * 36  

\skip 2 * 23  \time 2/4  \bar "||"


 \skip 2 * 34  \bar "||"   

 %% VARIATION 4 %% 

 \skip 2 *46 \bar "||" 
 \property Score.skipTypesetting = ##f  

 %% VARIATION 5 %%  
 \skip 2 *58 \bar "||"
\property Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
 \skip 2 *46 \time 3/4 \bar "||" 


\skip 2. * 70 \bar "||" \time 2/4

\skip 2 *67 \bar "|."


tempi = \notes{
\property Staff.TextScript
\override #'extra-offset = #'( -2 . 0 )
s1^""^""^""^""^""^#'((large bold) "Moderato assai quasi andante")
\property Staff.TextScript \revert #'extra-offset
\skip 8 * 77  s1^""^""^""^""^""^#'(lines ((large italic)"Tema:") ((large bold) 
"Moderato semplice"))
\skip 8 * 88  s1^""^""^""^""^""^""^""^#'(lines ((large italic)"Variazione I:") 
((large bold) "Tempo della tema"))
\skip 8 * 88   s1^""^""^""^""^""^""^#'(lines ((large italic)"Variazione II:") 
((large bold) "Tempo della tema"))
\skip 2 * 34  s1^""^""^""^""^""^""^#'(italic large "Cadenza")   
\skip 2 * 21   s1^""^""^""^""^""^#'(lines ((large italic)"Variazione III:") 
((large bold) "Andante"))
\skip 2 * 32  s1^""^""^""^""^#'(lines ((large italic)"Variazione IV:") ((large 
bold) "Allegro vivo"))
\skip 2 *44 s1^""^""^""^""^""^""^""^""^#'(lines ((large italic) "Variazione 
V:") ((large bold) "Andante grazioso"))
\skip 2 *7
\skip 4 *1 s1^#'((large bold) "un poco animato")
\skip 4*17 \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #3 s1^#'((large 
bold) "a tempo")
\skip 2 *5 \property Voice.TextScript \revert #'padding 
\skip 4 \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #6 s1^#'((large bold) 
"un poco animato")
\skip 4
\skip 2 *8 \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #4 s1^#'((large 
bold) "a tempo")
\skip 2 *3 s1^#'((large) "a tempo")
\skip 2 
\skip 4 \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #5 s1^#'((large bold) 
"un poco animato

Re: Staves/Voices question

2002-09-24 Thread Carter Brey

Jule Slootbeek wrote:

> aah, so HariKiri does remove the staves that are not in use at that 
> time??
> the image in the documentation is a little vague...
> so basically what it does, is remove the measures with a full rest??
Only if there is an entire line of rests. That's why Mats suggests 
inserting a manual break before the line where you want the new staves 
to appear. If you have, for example, a Hinckelhorn part in your score, 
and the Hinckelhorn only has one note at the beginning of a line, 
LilyPond will print the Hinckelhorn staff, rests and all,  for the 
entire width of that system. This is conventional score typesetting 



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Historians have now definitely established that Juan Cabrillo, discoverer
of California, was not looking for Kansas, thus setting a precedent that
continues to this day.
-- Wayne Shannon
  5:34pm  up 13 days,  2:59,  4 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.11, 0.04

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can't achieve to compile lilypond 1.6.2 with gcc-3.2 and flex2.5.4a

2002-09-10 Thread Carter Brey

Alexandre Beneteau wrote:

> Hello,
> I know it's pretty "bleeding-edge", but I have recently upgraded my 
> system to gcc-3.2 and encounter problems when trying to compile 
> lilypond 1.6.2 (as expected after the reading of INSTALL.txt)...

For what it's worth, after struggling not only with LilyPond source but 
with other program source compilations as well (e.g. MPlayer)I 
downgraded my compiler to GCC 2.95.3.  *Everything* compiles better now. 
I'm happy I went to the trouble; I certainly don't miss any features or 
bugfixes of the 3.x series.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: *single* tie in chord

2002-08-12 Thread Carter Brey

Did you try setting

\property Voice.sparseTies = ##t



Atte Andre Jensen wrote:

>I cannot figure out how to get a tie between only one of the notes in a
>chord, like this: (excuse my poor ascii art)
>   -o- -o-
> \_/
>This is what I tried (including the obvious , that really is
>the way it should be done IMHO), lily 1.5.63:
>\include "paper20.ly"
>%\version "1.5.63"
>\header {
>title = "Single tie in chord"
>composer = "Atte André Jensen"
>tagline = " "
>footer = " "
>tHide = \property Voice.Tie \override #'transparent = ##t
>tShow = \property Voice.Tie \override #'transparent = ##f
>melody = \notes  \relative c' \context Voice = LHa {
>|   <~c e> 
>| <{c ~ c\tHide ~ c ~ c}{e e e e}>
>| \tShow   ~ 
>| <{c ~ c c c}{e e e ~ e}>
>\score {
>\context Staff = melody {
>   \time 4/4
>   \melody
>\paper {


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \mark on the last \bar "|."

2002-08-01 Thread Carter Brey

Simon Bailey wrote:

>at the moment it is not possible to place a rehearsal mark on a bar line
>that is not followed by another bar. this makes it rather hard to place
>any playing directions (like "d.s. al fine" or "opt. repeat") on the
>last bar line.
>is there any way to resolve this?
I suppose a kludge workaround might be to place it on the penultimate 
barline and shift it so far over to the right that it appears to be over 
the last barline, e.g.

\property Voice.RehearsalMark \override #'extra-offset = #'(6 . 0)

c1\segno \bar "|."

or whatever value works for the x coordinate instead of 6.

Of course in the case of written directions you would use \property 



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink
that they may live.
-- Socrates
  7:46am  up 6 days, 14:22,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.05, 0.02

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lily error

2002-07-29 Thread Carter Brey

Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

>>Dear Han Wen,
>>Of course you were right; I had to debug specifically using " #'( " as 
>>the search criterion before locating the typo.
>just out of curiosity -- which one was it? I tried finding the
>offending #'( , but gave up.
Line 670, first violin, 3rd variation. I also had to clean up a 
carelessly left over block comment in one of the horn parts from the 
previous debugging before everything got okay again.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Fine's Corollary:
Functionality breeds Contempt.
  5:15am  up 3 days, 16:33,  3 users,  load average: 0.30, 0.24, 0.30

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lily error

2002-07-29 Thread Carter Brey

Dear Han Wen,

Of course you were right; I had to debug specifically using " #'( " as 
the search criterion before locating the typo.

All's well. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.


Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

>>I'm having a very perplexing problem compiling my big score, and I can't 
>>trace the root of the trouble.
>I've got some work to do, so I can't trace the exact problem, but I
>think you forgot a close ")" for a markup text somewhere, causing all
>your notes to be read as Scheme expressions. It barfs on the ## in
>line 2240 (or thereabout) since that is not valid Scheme. If you want
>to debug this, try nailing down the problem by commenting out pieces,
>starting from the beginning with %{ %}. I'll look into providing a
>better error message (like, eg. the start of the #'( ) that got


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Fine's Corollary:
Functionality breeds Contempt.
  5:15am  up 3 days, 16:33,  3 users,  load average: 0.30, 0.24, 0.30

Lilypond-user mailing list

Lily error

2002-07-29 Thread Carter Brey


I'm having a very perplexing problem compiling my big score, and I can't 
trace the root of the trouble.

Here is the readout from a run of lilypond -V (version 1.5.64):

[cbrey@Betty rococo]$ lilypond -V rococo-score.ly
GNU LilyPond 1.5.64.uu1
Now processing: `rococo-score.ly'
In procedure read:
ERROR: Unknown # object: #\#
[cbrey@Betty rococo]$

I'm sorry to bug the list about this, but I've been over my source file 
with a fine-tooth comb a dozen times, commented out each part of 
rococo.ly in succession, searched for "#\#" and I cannot locate the 
source of the error. It had all been going swimmingly!

I've attached the two files as rococo.zip.

Thanks, as usual, for your help.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Fine's Corollary:
Functionality breeds Contempt.

Description: Zip compressed data

Re: hold on a minute...

2002-07-17 Thread Carter Brey


to ensure it appears below the note:


or above:



>I've searched the lilypond.ps file for how to code a 
>fermata, but I don't see it.  I suppose if it were me, 
>I'd put it in the section "Expressive marks."
>Where did I miss it?
>Thanks as always,

|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
For perfect happiness, remember two things:
(1) Be content with what you've got.
(2) Be sure you've got plenty.
  3:15pm  up 5 days,  4:14,  3 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: part combiner questions

2002-07-16 Thread Carter Brey
   way,  when running in client mode, xdvi will always return
   immediately.  This is set up so that other  programs  such
   as text editors may invoke xdvi in ``client mode'' to jump
   to a specific place in the dvi file corresponding  to  the
   current cursor position in the .tex file, and the user can
   continue editing without having to close the  xdvi  window

   The  argument for filename should match the file name used
   for the source specials in the dvi file. The space  before
   the filename is optional; it is only needed to avoid ambi­
   guity if filename starts with a digit  or  a  colon.  Note
   that  the  argument  needs  to  be enclosed in quotes if a
   space is used, to prevent the shell  from  misinterpreting
   the space as argument separator.

   Source  specials in the dvi file must have one of the fol­
   lowing formats:

src:line[ ]filename
src:line:col[ ]filename

   If filename or line are omitted, the  most  recent  values
   are  used.   The first source special on each page must be
   in one of the first two forms, so that  defaults  are  not
   inherited across pages.


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
All that glitters is not gold; all that wander are not lost.
 12:21am  up 4 days, 19:15,  3 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.05, 0.02

Lilypond-user mailing list

part combiner questions

2002-07-10 Thread Carter Brey

Hello, all--

I'm about halfway through a big orchestral score (Tchaikovsky's Rococo 
Variations, Original Version), and I've been running into a couple of 
mildly  frustrating problems with the part combiner. I've enclosed a zip 
file with just the two flute parts to illustrate, although the phenomena 
occur in all the wind and brass parts:

1) Dynamic indications, both hairpins and dynamic texts, are duplicated 
in both parts even when they occur at identical times, thereby taking up 
unnecessary space above the staff;

2) The above phenomenon is not consistent; look at the (missing) 
diminuendo hairpin below the staff in variation 5, bars 239-240.

3) When there is only the first part playing, the stems are still up, 
taking up way too much space above the staff, and the rests for the 
second part are unnecessarily printed, even though soloAdue is on and 
the "I" is indicated next to the active part.

What am I doing wrong?



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are
created jerks.
-- H. Allen Smith, "Let the Crabgrass Grow"

Description: Zip compressed data

Re: latex failure problem

2002-07-01 Thread Carter Brey


Yes, Lily 1.5.58 won't compile past a certain file size. Per your 
advice,  I've been struggling for the past week to get 1.5.63 to compile 
from source, wothout success. I run gcc 3.0.4 on Linux kernel 2.4.17, 
and for the first time am running into this Flex problem  with this 
version of gcc. The patch fails every time (no clue why), and I've even 
tried replacing lines 21 through 28 in lexer.cc by hand after the intial 
flex run (perhaps I'm doing something wrong here?), and still my compile 
grinds to a halt after 10 minutes or so. It's a bummer but not enough of 
one to make me downgrade my gcc version with a dialup connection from a 
hotel room!

If anyone has an insight, I's be so grateful. In the meantime I can 
compile my score piecemeal and will patiently wait for a) a binary 
release of 1.5.63 or b) 1.6.


Han-Wen wrote:

>>In this case it's actually not LaTeX but Lilypond that 
>>breaks as can be seen from the line
>>warning: lilypond: command exited with value 139 (ignored)
>>in your output.
>>I tried your file with version 1.5.63 without any problem, 
>>but 1.4.14 broke with a segmentation fault, so it may be
>>that you hit one of the intricate memory handling bugs that
>>were fixed in version 1.5.63. I recommend to upgrade.
>Impressive piece (I also see interesting spacing issues with 1.5.64
>:-). I processed it ok with 1.5.64, but your description matches the
>problem that we fixed in 1.4 this weekend. In case you didn't try 1.5,
>can you try 1.4.15 (or if you run windows, 1.4.14.jcn4) and tell us
>whether that solves your problem?
>Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
I watch television because you don't know what it will do if you leave it
in the room alone.
  9:02am  up 2 days,  6:04,  3 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.10, 0.11

Lilypond-user mailing list

Source compilation problems

2002-06-27 Thread Carter Brey


I'm trying to upgrade from a binary rpm version of 1.5.58 to compiling 
1.5.63 from source. I run gcc-3.0.4 and ran the patch script to deal 
with Flex incompatibility as advised in the INSTALL file . The compile 
throws in the towel with this message after a good while, and I'm 
wondering if this means I'm still getting bad code from Flex:

In file included from /usr/include/FlexLexer.h:47,
from out-gcc-3.0/lexer.cc:240:
/usr/local/include/g++-v3/backward/iostream.h:36: using directive `istream'
introduced ambiguous type `istream'
lexer.ll: In member function `virtual int My_lily_lexer::yylex()':
lexer.ll:506: cannot convert `std::istream*' to `istream*' in assignment
lexer.ll: In member function `void yyFlexLexer::yy_load_buffer_state()':
lexer.ll:1029: cannot convert `istream*' to `std::istream*' in assignment
lexer.ll: In member function `void
yyFlexLexer::yy_init_buffer(yy_buffer_state*, std::istream*)':
lexer.ll:1079: cannot convert `std::istream*' to `istream*' in assignment
/usr/local/include/g++-v3/bits/locale_facets.tcc: At top level:
lexer.ll:124: warning: `int yy_start_stack_ptr' defined but not used
lexer.ll:125: warning: `int yy_start_stack_depth' defined but not used
lexer.ll:126: warning: `int*yy_start_stack' defined but not used
lexer.ll:128: warning: `void yy_push_state(int)' declared `static' but 
lexer.ll:131: warning: `void yy_pop_state()' declared `static' but never
lexer.ll:134: warning: `int yy_top_state()' declared `static' but never 
make: *** [out-gcc-3.0/lexer.o] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `/home/cbrey/archive/lilypond-1.5.63/lily'

Any suggestions would be most gratefully accepted.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Never argue with a fool -- people might not be able to tell the difference.
  3:16pm  up  6:12,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.16, 0.07

Lilypond-user mailing list

Problems compiling Lily 1.5.63

2002-06-26 Thread Carter Brey


I'm trying to upgrade from a binary rpm version of 1.5.58 to compiling 
1.5.63 from source. I run gcc-3.0.4 and ran the patch script to deal 
with Flex incompatibility as advised in the INSTALL file . The compile 
throws in the towel with this message after a good while:

In file included from /usr/include/FlexLexer.h:47,
from out-gcc-3.0/lexer.cc:240:
/usr/local/include/g++-v3/backward/iostream.h:36: using directive `istream'
introduced ambiguous type `istream'
lexer.ll: In member function `virtual int My_lily_lexer::yylex()':
lexer.ll:506: cannot convert `std::istream*' to `istream*' in assignment
lexer.ll: In member function `void yyFlexLexer::yy_load_buffer_state()':
lexer.ll:1029: cannot convert `istream*' to `std::istream*' in assignment
lexer.ll: In member function `void
yyFlexLexer::yy_init_buffer(yy_buffer_state*, std::istream*)':
lexer.ll:1079: cannot convert `std::istream*' to `istream*' in assignment
/usr/local/include/g++-v3/bits/locale_facets.tcc: At top level:
lexer.ll:124: warning: `int yy_start_stack_ptr' defined but not used
lexer.ll:125: warning: `int yy_start_stack_depth' defined but not used
lexer.ll:126: warning: `int*yy_start_stack' defined but not used
lexer.ll:128: warning: `void yy_push_state(int)' declared `static' but 
lexer.ll:131: warning: `void yy_pop_state()' declared `static' but never
lexer.ll:134: warning: `int yy_top_state()' declared `static' but never 
make: *** [out-gcc-3.0/lexer.o] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `/home/cbrey/archive/lilypond-1.5.63/lily'

Any suggestions would be most gratefully accepted.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

Lilypond-user mailing list

latex failure problem

2002-06-24 Thread Carter Brey


I've been working on a full orchestral score for a while and have begun 
running into a perplexing problem. To save compiling time I usually use 

 \property Score.skipTypesetting = ##t

feature, just typesetting the part I'm currently working on and every 
once in a great while commenting the "skip typesetting" instruction so 
that I can see how the whole thing looks so far. Until yesterday I never 
had a problem with this, but after the score reached a certain length I 
started to get this error message at the very end of the compile:

paper output to `rococo-score.tex'...
writing header field `dedication' to `rococo-score.dedication'...
writing header field `title' to `rococo-score.title'...
writing header field `subtitle' to `rococo-score.subtitle'...
writing header field `subsubtitle' to `rococo-score.subsubtitle'...
writing header field `composer' to `rococo-score.composer'...
writing header field `opus' to `rococo-score.opus'...
warning: lilypond: command exited with value 139 (ignored)
Analyzing rococo-score.tex...
Running LaTeX...
error: latex: command exited with value 256
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 928, in ?
run_latex (files, outbase, extra_init)
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 670, in run_latex
quiet_system (cmd, 'LaTeX')
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 442, in quiet_system
return system (cmd)
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 247, in system
error (msg)
  File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 144, in error
raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
Exiting ...
LATEX output to `rococo-score.latex'...
MIDI output to `rococo-score.midi'...
TEX output to `rococo-score.tex'...

I can skip all but the very end or very beginning of the score and get a 
good compile with normal postscript output, but doing the entire thing 
makes latex choke. Any help gratefully appreciated. I'm attaching the 
two files zipped together, in case that helps.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
A pushy romeo asked a gorgeous elevator operator, "Don't all these
stops and starts get you pretty worn out?"  "It isn't the stops and starts
that get on my nerves, it's the jerks."

Description: Zip compressed data

Manipulating text markup in soloAdue mode

2002-06-15 Thread Carter Brey


It seems inevitable that, when using soloAdue with part combining, 
words such as "solo" and "a2" clash with slurs or other markings. Is it 
possible to change their spacing? I know I can turn off soloAdue with

 \property Staff.soloADue = ##f

but in some cases (I've no idea why!), in addition to eliminating the 
labels, this causes very strange and ugly beam behavior.

Using Lilypond 1.5.58 with Ghostscript 6.51 and Tex  3.14159.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Two cars in every pot and a chicken in every garage.
  9:38pm  up 23 days, 23:05,  4 users,  load average: 1.04, 0.49, 0.29

Lilypond-user mailing list


2002-06-11 Thread Carter Brey


What would be the most elegant way to override the music font size 
property in mid-stream? I'm thinking of places where notes are 
traditionally set in a smaller font for a limited time, such as for cues 
and cadenzas.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
About the only thing we have left that actually discriminates in favor of
the plain people is the stork.
  6:03pm  up 21 days,  3:57,  3 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.25, 0.12

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Attaching slurs to stem ends

2002-06-11 Thread Carter Brey

Yay. Got it, thanks a million.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

>Carter Brey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Could you take pity and tell me why the bottom voice slur in this
>>extract does not respond to my request to attach itself to the stem
>>ends rather than to the note heads?
>>\context Staff
>>< \context Voice = VA { \stemUp [a'8.] a16\p}
>>  \context Voice = VB { \stemDown \property Voice.Slur \set
>>#'attachment = #'(stem . stem) [fis'16( gis' )a']} >
>That's because the slur direction will be UP, and there are no stems
>available there, stems are down.  The attachment override will not
>change the slur's direction.
>Change \stemUp to \voiceOne, stemDown to \voiceTwo, and you'll be

|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
"When she hauled ass, it took three trips."
  2:02pm  up 20 days, 23:56,  3 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.17, 0.11

Lilypond-user mailing list

Attaching slurs to stem ends

2002-06-11 Thread Carter Brey


Could you take pity and tell me why the bottom voice slur in this 
extract does not respond to my request to attach itself to the stem ends 
rather than to the note heads?

\context Staff
< \context Voice = VA { \stemUp [a'8.] a16\p}
  \context Voice = VB { \stemDown \property Voice.Slur \set  
#'attachment = #'(stem . stem) [fis'16( gis' )a']} >

Thank you so much,


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
-- Muad'dib [Frank Herbert, "Dune"]
 11:22am  up 20 days, 21:16,  3 users,  load average: 0.37, 0.13, 0.04

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Re: Tuplet bracket numbering problem

2002-06-07 Thread Carter Brey

Thanks, that fixed everything. How weird; I know the case was correct 
when I sent the initial email. Can't figure out how the capital T got 
changed. Anyway... thanks for your patient assistance.

CB (on tour in Cologne)

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

>>Dear Gentlemen,
>>Alas, a correction using "number-visibility" elicits this error message:
>>warning: Not a grob name, 'tupletBracket'.
>>Has the grob also been renamed?
>No, but maybe you have done it, it should be called TupletBracket
>and the name is case sensitive. A complete version of your example
>can be found below.
>  /Mats
>\property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 8)
>\property Voice.TupletBracket  \set #'number-visibility = ##f
>\times 2/3{[d'16( )cis'' b'-.] [cis'( )b' a'-.] [b( )a' gis'-.] [bis( 
>)gis' fis'-.]
>[cis'\<( d'\!dis'] [fis'\> e' ) \!cis'] [gis-.( a-. b-.] [cis'-. 
>d'-. )e'-.] }


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man's being unable
to sit still in a room.
-- Blaise Pascal
  1:20am  up 18 days,  3:14,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.16, 0.08

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tuplet bracket numbering problem

2002-06-07 Thread Carter Brey

Dear Gentlemen,

Alas, a correction using "number-visibility" elicits this error message:

warning: Not a grob name, 'tupletBracket'.

Has the grob also been renamed?

Carter (still swimming in little 3's)

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

>It seems that some benign developer has renamed the property
>to number-visibility without even documenting the change in 
>the ChangeLog and without including the change in convert-ly
>or the example file input/regression/triplets.ly.
>Likewise, the tuplet-bracket-visibility property has been renamed
>to bracket-visibility.
>  /Mats
>>Dear colleagues,
>>I'm running Lily version 1.5.58. I cannot seem to get rid of the little 
>>"3's" under each triplet beam in this excerpt:
>>\property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 8)
>>\property Voice.TupletBracket  \set #'tuplet-number-visibility = ##f
>>\times 2/3{[d'( )cis'' b'-.] [cis'( )b' a'-.] [b( )a' gis'-.] [bis( 
>>)gis' fis'-.]
>>[cis'\<( d'\!dis'] [fis'\> e' ) \!cis'] [gis-.( a-. b-.] [cis'-. 
>>d'-. )e'-.] }
>>Did I mistype the tuplet bracket property somehow? Or has the 
>>nomenclature changed since 1.4?

|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

  7:26pm  up 17 days, 21:20,  3 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.11, 0.09

Lilypond-user mailing list

Tuplet bracket numbering problem

2002-06-07 Thread Carter Brey

Dear colleagues,

I'm running Lily version 1.5.58. I cannot seem to get rid of the little 
"3's" under each triplet beam in this excerpt:

\property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 8)
\property Voice.TupletBracket  \set #'tuplet-number-visibility = ##f
\times 2/3{[d'( )cis'' b'-.] [cis'( )b' a'-.] [b( )a' gis'-.] [bis( 
)gis' fis'-.]
[cis'\<( d'\!dis'] [fis'\> e' ) \!cis'] [gis-.( a-. b-.] [cis'-. 
d'-. )e'-.] }

Did I mistype the tuplet bracket property somehow? Or has the 
nomenclature changed since 1.4?

Thanks very much.


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
To have died once is enough.
-- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
  6:09pm  up 17 days, 20:03,  3 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.08, 0.07

Lilypond-user mailing list

Performance indications

2002-05-22 Thread Carter Brey


Here's a question that refers specifically to multi-voice scores. I'm 
running Lilypond 1.4.13 on a modified RH 7.2 distro.
I wrote a quartet score using the two-file technique detailed in the 
manual (os-music.ly, os-score.ly), using a little additional help from 
the opus-130 example included with the source. Everything works fine, 
including part extraction, but there's one thing that I cannot seem to 
do. I'd like to put the usual sort of performance indication at the 
beginning ("Allegro," for example), but have it appear only above the 
orchestra staff in the full score while appearing in each extracted 
part. If one puts it in the\notes for each voice as a text grob attached 
to a note or rest, it of course appears above every voice in the score, 
which looks silly. On the other hand, this is the only way I know of to 
have it appear in an extracted part.

Is there a way to put such an indication in the "global" settings along 
with key and meter? I notice that there is an attempt to do something 
this in the opus-130.ly, but it does not appear in the printout at all. 
It reads:

\property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-style = #'large
s8^"Allegro assai"

As I said, this has absolutely no effect on the Postscript result at 
all; it's as if it never existed, at least on my setup.

Such a capability should also include the potential for changes, such as 
a section in a new tempo. In the "global" list I guess it would appear 
as a \skip.

Thanks so much.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
The master programmer moves from program to program without fear.  No
change in management can harm him.  He will not be fired, even if the project
is canceled. Why is this?  He is filled with the Tao.
-- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Numbering of repeated bars

2002-05-11 Thread Carter Brey

Rune Zedeler wrote:

> Carter Brey wrote:
>> refuses to compile unless I enclosed them in quotes. That's fine, but 
>> they appear in a larger, less attractive font than the single digits. 
>> Any workaround? 
> bes,^#'(finger "10")
> -

Thanks; that did the trick nicely.


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|

Lilypond-user mailing list

Numbering of repeated bars

2002-05-11 Thread Carter Brey

Hi, all--

I'd be grateful if you could have a look at the attached and help me 
solve a very minor problem. There are fifteen or so bars at the end 
which repeat, and I put numbers over them to help keep the player from 
getting lost if he starts to think about his taxes or the last episode 
of "ER".  Once the numerals become two-digit starting at 10, Lilypond 
refuses to compile unless I enclosed them in quotes. That's fine, but 
they appear in a larger, less attractive font than the single digits. 
Any workaround? I know there's a technique for repeated bars in which 
the numbers appear over the barlines, but I really want them over the 

I'm using Lilypond 1.4.13 and Linux kernel 2.4.17.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Yinkel, n.:
A person who combs his hair over his bald spot, hoping no one
will notice.
-- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

instrument = Violoncello
subsubtitle = "(Tune C string down to B-flat)"
tagline = "Robert Schumann: Piano Quartet Opus 47, scordatura version"
copyright = "Robert Schumann: Piano Quartet Opus 47, scordatura 

\time 3/4
\clef bass
\key bes \major
\property Staff.midiInstrument = "cello"
r4^""^""^""^""^#'((bold large) "Andante cantabile") e2\f\>
\!f4\p r4 r4
r4 f\mf( ees
d c'4. )bes8
bes4( c' )d'
d'( )ees ees
ees ees( d
c bes4. )a8
a4( bes )c'
c'( )d d
d d( c
bes, a4. )g8
g4( a )bes
bes( )c c
c4. c8( d )bes,
a,4( g4. )ges8
f\>( e ees c g, \!a, 
c )bes, r4 r4 
r4 bes_#'((italic) "poco a poco cresc.")( a
g f'4. )ees'8
ees'4( f' g'
)a' r r
r a( g
fis ees'4. )d'8
d'4( e' fis' 
)g' r r
r g( f 
ees d'4. )c'8
c'4( d' )ees'
ees( )f f
f( f' ees'
)d' r r
bes,2 r4
ees2 r4
c2 r4
ees2 r4
c2 r4
d2 r4
d2 r4
g,2-o r4
g2 r4
ees2 r4
c2 r4
g,2_""_IV r4
f2 r4
bes2 r4
r c_""_IV( bes,
\bar "||"
\key ges \major
\time 4/4
)aes,\p\<  \!bes,8\>( )c
\!c4( des2 c4
bes, aes, f, g,\< ~
\!g,8\> )aes,4 \!aes,8( ges4_""_III f ~
f )ees2 ges4( ~
ges )f2 aes4( ~ 
aes )ges2 aes4 ~
aes aes,( des )ees,_IV
r4 aes,_""_IV^pizzicato r bes,8 c 
r4 des r c
r8 g, r aes, r f, r g,
r aes, r aes, r ges_""_III r f
r4 ees r ges
r f r aes
r ges r8 ges r aes
r aes r aes des4 r
\repeat volta 2 {r2 r4^arco ees( ~
ees8 )aes, aes,4 r 2
r2 r4 ges4\<( ~ 
ges8 )c \!c2(\f\> des8 )ees
\!ees4( des2 )c4}
\alternative { {r des2 des4
r aes,2_""_IV r4}
{r4 des2 des4
r aes,2_""_IV aes,4 ~ \bar "||"} }
\time 3/4

Re: Piano staff plus voice

2002-05-06 Thread Carter Brey

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

>Take a look at the files in the directory input/template/,
>I think you'll find something useful there.
I did indeed. Thank you so much; I found exactly what I needed there, 
and got perfect output after a few minutes' fumbling-- er, I mean 

Best regards,


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
A journey of a thousand miles starts under one's feet.
-- Lao Tsu
 11:10am  up 16:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.46, 0.14, 0.05

Lilypond-user mailing list

Piano staff plus voice

2002-05-05 Thread Carter Brey


Attribute it if you will to a double-digit IQ, but I cannot figure out 
how to create a simple piano score with a voice line either on its own 
staff above the piano part or with lyrics set between the two piano 
lines, within the piano staff.

I downloaded examples to study from Mutopia, but they are all 
complicated by alternative languages or mulitple verses. I can't seem to 
untangle what I need. The "lyrics" sections of the manual only deal with 
a single accompanimental line.

When you have the time, I would very much appreciate help with the most 
basic ways to set up these two kinds of vocal scores (voice on its own 
line above the piano part, and lyrics alone within the piano staff).

Thanks very much. By the way, some colleagues who use (very expensive) 
Mosaic on their Macs were quite impressed with the printed Lilypond 
output that I showed them, especially when I pointed out that the total 
cost of the software involved was $0.00. Bravi tutti.

Carter Brey


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits.
-- Mark Twain
  5:39pm  up 1 day, 22:51,  1 user,  load average: 0.13, 0.03, 0.01

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Text clashes with notes and/or slurs

2002-04-08 Thread Carter Brey

Stephen Allsopp wrote:

>FWIW, I have found that you can chain multiple text grobs onto a note.
>Where text has "bashed" into a note or marking, I've just added an empty
>text string to the note with the text label. This forces a blank line
>under the text, and "pushes" it up a bit.
>   c^"Molto Allegretto :-)"^""
>It's a kludge, I know, and not terribly "structured", but every time I
>think like that  I remind myself how much fun writing music out in
>longhand can be, and all of a sudden it seems like not so much of a kludge
>after all :-)
Yes, this is the method I came across while browsing the mail archives, 
and I find it simple and intuitive, pace those who might consider it 
inelegant coding. The problem was so pervasive in my first attempts at 
using Lilypond that I was delighted to discover this quick workaround.


|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
If at first you don't succeed, you must be a programmer.
  9:41am  up 19:25,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.05, 0.01

Lilypond-user mailing list

Text clashes with notes and/or slurs

2002-04-06 Thread Carter Brey


How do I raise text so that it stops covering the notes beneath it ? In 
the example below, the performance indication "Molto lento" goes 
straight through the slur and is therefore illegible. I know the 
solution must include some sort of "/override" command but can't find a 
specific example.

\score {
\notes {
\time 4/4
\clef tenor
\key g \minor
{ r4^#'((bold large) "Molto lento") g8\p\<( a )bes4 \times 2/3 
{d'8( f' \!)ees'} }

Thank very much for your help. I've been so thankful for this program, 
but have been plagued by this small problem.



|Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
A shy teenage boy finally worked up the nerve to give a gift to
Madonna, a young puppy.  It hitched its waggin' to a star.
  2:29pm  up 22:49,  2 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.06, 0.01

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