decreasing spacing between staves

2009-02-08 Thread Eric Flesher

I've looked high and low for the solution to this (rather basic, IMO) problem,
and seem to be coming up empty-handed:

I have a score that requires a single-line tablature staff above the main staff,
which contains pitches. I need to find a way to decrease the space between the
tablature staff and the main one such that it generally is not more than 2
spaces (i.e. staff spaces) above the main staff, but yet will move higher if
needed to avoid collisions with leger lines, articulations, etc. Noteheads
between these two staves will typically be beamed together (i.e. cross-staff

Adjusting the minimum-Y-extent of VerticalAxisGroup does not seem to have the
desired effect (staves are too far apart); adjusting offsets in 
NonMusicalPaperColumn is possible, but only doable at the very last stage, i.e.
once all other input is done. 

So, is there an easy (and hopefully intuitive) way to decrease space between two
staves (even if the score were to contain more than 2 staves) globally, without
having to set system breaks, such that the layout will default to a narrower
vertical spacing for those staves?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tenuto/tie collision

2009-01-27 Thread Eric Flesher
Jonathan Kulp jonlancekulp at writes:

 You might try the tweaks covered in Learning Manual 4.5.3 Real Music 
 Example, which has an instance of a tie that needs to be raised to 
 avoid collision with something.

Right, but this is precisely the point: I'll be making dozens of such
adjustments, when IMO such collisions should be avoidable by default, if not by
design. This is why I'm wondering if there isn't a way to globally ensure the
positioning of ties _between_ (as opposed to above) noteheads; there would
likely then be the problem of the left ends of ties colliding (or at least
interfering) with augmentation dots, but there are likely to be fewer such


lilypond-user mailing list

tenuto/tie collision

2009-01-26 Thread Eric Flesher


I'm sure this has been addressed elsewhere, although my search of the  
forum turns up negative: It seems that in some instances the program  
will default to a tie placement such that it is bound to collide with  
certain articulations, such as tenuto marks. It appears as if ties  
are lowered for notes on spaces (e.g. the B5), yet they are higher  
for notes on lines (the 5). I would imagine this is to avoid tie  
endpoints on lines when such notes appear within the staff, yet one  
ends up with two different tie appearances, i.e. ties wholly between  
noteheads (the first measure) and ties above and just slightly off- 
centered from noteheads (the second measure). The previous would  
correspond, for instance, to Vinci's recommendations for tie  
endpoints (see _Die Notenschrift_), whereas the latter corresponds to  
Gardner Read.

Can one _easily_ override the problem in the latter measure, without  
having to tweak tie end-points or offsets? (I have done both in the  
past.) The ideal would be to create a global behavior in which ties  
appear either a) wholly between noteheads (this would require  
offsetting the left tie end-point to the right of augmentation dots),  
as per Vinci, or b) to raise ties so that they appear above tenuto  
marks. This latter occurs above the A5 with the augmentation dot, and  
I'm not sure why only it has the raised tie, although I suppose it  
has something to do with the dot itself.


inline: tenuto.jpg___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: air-tone tablature

2009-01-23 Thread Eric Flesher
Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool lilypondtool at writes:

 How do you do that in Sibelius? Perhaps mirroring the same approach
 would be the best.

With Sibelius, one can easily start and stop a staff mid-system (or measure) by
changing that staff to an invisible one. Thus, the passage was engraved with
two staves: a normal one for pitched notes, and a second, single line staff
above for non-pitched notes. Instead of placing pitches on that line, I engraved
pitches one line higher (this line does not show, of course) and used
invisible noteheads; thus the extended stem. Circular noteheads were placed
manually as symbols (e.g. articulations). 

My approach with Lilypond thus far has been similar, but I'm having difficulty
suppressing the single-line staff mid-measure or -system: if I change the number
of staff lines to zero, I get a whole host of warnings. Also, placing graphical
symbols over blank stems to create circular noteheads is problematic, as one
then triggers collision avoidance  (which, as you say, one should be able to
turn off). 

If I can find a way to create the notehead _and_ shift its position down and to
the left on the stem (assuming down stems), then I'm 80% there.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: air-tone tablature

2009-01-23 Thread Eric Flesher
Mark Polesky markpolesky at writes:

 I've gotten as far as I care to for now. Undoubtedly
 you'll want to tweak things anyway, so I'm sending 
 off what I have as it is. You could re-code the 
 stencil using Carl's (more efficient) way, but the
 code here should work fine. Let me know if anything
 breaks or if you need more from this function, or if
 you have any questions.
 - Mark

Brilliant! Looks like this should work; I'll play around with it tomorrow. 

lilypond-user mailing list

problem with engraving breath tones

2009-01-22 Thread Eric Flesher
I have a score that involves numerous passages of wind instruments making pure
breath (i.e. non-pitched) sounds; as per Kurt Stone, these should be indicated
on a single tablature line above the staff with circular noteheads. These
noteheads are unusual in that they are centered on the stem (i.e. the stem goes
through the center of the circle), with the stem protruding about a half a space
above/below the notehead. A simple example can be found here:

What I'm looking for is a solution that will allow me to introduce and remove
this tablature staff at will, including in the middle of the bar; I would
further like to be able to import a pre-existing symbol for this notehead, as it
does not appear that the Feta font has such a symbol. Any ideas? 

Many thanks in advance.

P.S. I have tried the following work-arounds, neither are terribly good:

1. Creating a 6-line staff, with the top line moved up 2 spaces to simulate a
separate tablature line. Advantage: ease of getting the breath pitches onto the
staff. Disadvantage: Solution does not work if leger-line pitches occur while
this 6-line staff is in effect.

2. Creating a separate, 1-line staff for the tablature pitches. Advantage: Can
easily accommodate leger-line pitches from (1) above, without placing these
above the tablature staff. Disadvantage: Space between staves must be adjusted;
may encounter problems in introducing/hiding staff mid-measure and/or 

3. Creating a line with \draw-line under \markup for the tablature staff.
Advantage: None I can see so far. Disadvantages: The line will move to avoid
collisions, thus making it difficult (if not impossible) to place noteheads on
the line. Insufficient documentation (IMO) on the destination arguments taken by
\draw-line, thus making the placement of such line a lengthy trial-and-error

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: markup dynamics wrong size

2008-08-07 Thread Eric Flesher

Mats Bengtsson mats.bengtsson at writes:

 The best solution for you is probably to use #(make-dynamic-script ... ) 
 to define all your dynamic commands, see subsection New dynamics. 
 Then, they will behave exactly as all the other dynamics.
 I haven't investigated how much tweaks would be involved to make 
 ordinary \markup commands work better in the centered dynamics context, 
 but you will certainly always suffer from the same lack of vertical 
 alignment that I just pointed out in an email with subject line Re: 
 GDP: NR 1.3 Expressive marks, second draft on the mailing list. There, 
 you can also find hints on how to use #(make-dynamic-script ) without 
 having to learn Scheme syntax for markup commands.

Thanks - this works very well. However, I have had another issue arise from
implementing this technique:

Longer dynamic strings (e.g. p delicato, crescendo, etc.) that are engraved
as dynamic scripts in this fashion end up getting centered, as a text string,
horizontally under the notehead. This necessitates offsetting them somehow; my
immediate workaround is to apply
\once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( x . y )
to shift the dynamic string to the appropriate position.

With this in mind, however, is there a means of doing the following:

a) Defining a dynamic text string that will left-align to the notehead? This is
generally what is desired for markings such as cresc. dim., plus other
expressive markings (dolce, etc.) that stand alone, i.e. without a dynamic
marking such as p, f, etc.

b) Defining a dynamic text string that centers the dynamic mark (p, f, etc.)
under the notehead as per usual, while allowing any modifiers in the string
(e.g. dim., dolce, etc.) to follow to the right?

I know that this latter, in particular, is a rather sophisticated request, but
it would be worth being able to automate such issues that are likely to occur


lilypond-user mailing list


2008-08-07 Thread Eric Flesher


Is it possible to suppress/alter the tuplet number in the case of the  
duplet shown below? (m. 91, bass staff) According to Stone, this  
should be engraved as a duplet with the numeral 2 in the bracket.  
This could of course be represented instead by dotted eighths, but  
these then get rather cumbersome given the quadruplet that follows on  
the next beat.

Replacing the duplet's 4 with a fraction (4:3) is possible, but  
rather counterintuitive to read.


inline: duplet.JPEG___
lilypond-user mailing list

markup dynamics wrong size

2008-08-05 Thread Eric Flesher

Wondering if anyone has experienced the following problem:

When creating new centered dynamics in a piano staff in ver. 2.11.55  
(and several earlier versions) using \markup, three things happen:

1. the markup text created is significantly larger than the normal  
dynamic size

2. the text does not align with other dynamic markings
3. the presence of the markup text forces additional space between  
the staves

inline: dynamics.JPEG

The dynamic marking concerned is contained in a variable thus:
pocoF = \markup  { \italic poco \dynamic f }

and is deployed locally as follows:
\times 4/5 { s16 s\mp s s-\pocoF s\ } \times 4/5 { s8\! s\mp s16 } s4

(I would include more code, but the file is extremely long.)

Any idea what might be wrong here, and how this could be fixed?

lilypond-user mailing list

ties across voices -- DIFFICULT!!!

2008-07-15 Thread Eric Flesher
I am having an extremely difficult time finding an acceptable coding solution
for a fairly straightforward (though relatively complex) notational problem:

I have several measures of piano music (code appended below) in which an initial
chord is struck, with voices released at different times. This _visually_
requires no more than 2 voices to be present during any given beat. Most of my
coding attempts, however, require 3 or more voices, often using tweaks to hide
pitches and shifting note columns to rectify the default displacement of
subsidiary voices. I have tried the documented moving of the Tie_engraver to the
staff (vs. voice) level, but end up with simultaneous tie events that end up
junking a required tie. 

Does anyone have any practical advice for solving this problems? The necessity
of creating invisible noteheads in 3 or more parts seems cumbersome and carries
with it a whole host of horizontal voice-offset (shift) problems. I have also
tried manipulating the control points on individual ties (documented elsewhere
on this forum) but cannot find any reference as to how this might be done with
tie columns.

Incidentally, the _simplest_ solution would appear to me to be somehow engraving
ties as individual graphic events, i.e. neither attached to, nor dependent upon
noteheads in any particular voice. (Is this possible?)

I will try to post another message with the code attached, but so far the server
fails to accept such, claiming I'm top-posting.

Many thanks,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ties across voices -- DIFFICULT!!!

2008-07-15 Thread Eric Flesher
Eric Flesher ericflesher at writes:

 I am having an extremely difficult time finding an acceptable coding solution
 for a fairly straightforward (though relatively complex) notational problem:

... et cetera... 

Here's the code:

\version 2.11.51

upper = \relative c'' {
  \clef bass
  \time 3/1
  { s1 s1 r1 } \\
{ \stemUp  fis,,,_~ gis_~ cis^~ dis^~ 1 
   fis~ gis~ cis^~ dis 1 
   fis gis~ cis~ 2 
   gis~ cis^~ 2 } 

  \time 3/1 \clef bass 
 fis! gis!~ cis!~ dis! 1 
 gis cis 1~  gis cis 2.~  gis cis 8 r8

  \time 4/1 \clef bass 


fis_~ gis_~ cis^~ dis^~ 1
fis \tweak #'transparent ##t gis cis 
 \tweak #'transparent ##t dis 1~
 \stemDown  \tweak #'transparent ##t fis cis' 1~
 \stemUp cis'2. r4
   s1 s1 fis,2~ fis8 r8 r4 s1
{  s1  gis dis' 2. r4 s1 s1   


lower = \relative c {
  \clef bass
   f,!_~ g!^~ c!^~ d!^~ 1 
   \tweak #'transparent ##t f g 
\tweak #'transparent ##t c d 1~
   g d' 1~  
   \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.75
f c' 4 c4\rest c2\rest s1 
{  s1
   \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.15
   d'2. r4 s1
f,!_~ g!_~ c!^~ d!^~ 1
f g c \tweak #'transparent ##t d 1~
   \stemUp  f_~ \tweak #'transparent ##t g c^~ 2
f c' 4. d'8\rest
   { s1 s1 \stemDown g,4. a,8\rest a2\rest }

f'!_~ g!_~ c!^~ d!^~1
   \once \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration =
   #'((-5.5 . -1)  (-4.5 . -1) (0.5 . 1) (1.5 . 1))
   \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.75
\tweak #'transparent ##t f \tweak #'transparent ##t g
 \tweak #'transparent ##t c \tweak #'transparent ##t d 
 \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-2.5 g2_~
 g8 c,8\rest c4\rest c2\rest 
  des\harmonic ges\harmonic as\harmonic des\harmonic 2
{  s1 \stemDown
   \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.75
g c 1~
   \once \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration =
   #'((-6.5 . -1)  (-2 . -1)) 
   \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-2.75
\tweak #'transparent ##t g c^~  \stemUp c2. a'4\rest  
{  s1
   \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.25
f, d' 2. r4

{  \stemUp


\score {
  \new PianoStaff 
\new Staff = upper \upper
\new Staff = lower \lower
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cross-staff synchronized grace-note figure

2008-03-01 Thread Eric Flesher
David Fedoruk david.fedoruk at writes:

 I'm not sure which notes are grace and which are not. The problem is
 interesting *think* i'm encountering a similar one, but you haven't
 given me enough information to tell.

All the left-hand (bass clef) pitches will look like grace notes. The right hand
pitch in the treble clef is a normal (and hence normal-sized) note. This all
unfolds in one measure of 3/8 time, with the pitches as follows:

Right hand: D#4 (i.e. just above middle C), dotted quarter-note
Left hand: D2 - D#4 - C#3 - F#3 G3 (dyad), all grace notes. (The second grace
note coincides with the main note in the right hand.)

I'm using standard pitch notation, where the digit after the pitch-class name
denotes the octave, i.e. not pitch-registral designations as would be given in
Lilypond – those could be converted easily enough. The main issue is how one
makes the second of the group of grace notes coincide with the right-hand pitch.
This also requires cross-staff beaming with the grace notes, and a
double-stemmed notehead on the D#4.

I have found a post on a similar topic, dealing with synchronizing grace and
normal notes between staves, but it only references synchronizing the first
grace of the figure with the normal note, and there is no cross-staff beaming of
the graces.


lilypond-user mailing list

cross-staff synchronized grace-note figure

2008-02-29 Thread Eric Flesher
This may have been addressed before, but my search of the archives hasn't
returned anything:

Is it possible in a piano (grand-staff) score to create a grace-note figures
such that:
1. the figure consists of 4 notes in the bass staff (beamed as small 8th notes)
2. the second note of the figure synchronizes with the same pitch on beat 1 of
the treble staff.
3. this second note is cross-staff beamed to the note in the treble staff

Essentially this is a sort of arabesque figure in which a chief melodic note
(here, the beat-1 note of the treble staff) is ornamented by a grace-like figure
beginning one pitch before the chief (treble-staff) note and finishing 2 pitches

Any advice would be most welcome.

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