Re: How to create a double dashed bar across the PianoStaff in the middle of a measure?

2022-09-23 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data venerdì 23 settembre 2022 19:30:05 CEST, Volodymyr Prokopyuk ha 
> Hello,
> How to create a double dashed bar across the PianoStaff in the middle of a
> measure to indicate Fine?
> I can successfully create the following bars across the PianoStaff
>- Double solid bar with \bar "||"
>- Single dashed bar with \bar "!"
> I've tried with no success \bar "!!" and some variations of \defineBarLine
> to create a double dashed bar across the PianoStaff in the middle of a
> measure to indicate Fine. Could you, please, help me?
> I'm using lilypond v2.23.11.
> Thank you very much in advance! Vlad


Not sure if this is what you are after, anyway the following code prints a 
dashed double bar line in the middle of a measure:

\version "2.23.5"

\defineBarLine "!!" #'("!!" "!!" "!!")

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative c' {
c2 \bar "!!" c |
c1 |

  \new Staff \relative c {
\clef bass
c2 c |
c1 |

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: color change working in only upper staff

2022-07-18 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
> lower = \relative c {
>\override Fingering.color = #red

This line could be changed to read

>\override Staff.Fingering.color = #red

which “speaks” to the right context.

You could also replace the two \override with something like this:

> \score {
>\new PianoStaff <<
>  \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano  "
>  \override PianoStaff.Fingering.color = #red

which affects all the Staff contexts included.

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: How to change appearance of multimeasure rest?

2022-03-07 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data lunedì 7 marzo 2022 17:25:47 CET, David Kastrup ha scritto:
> \override MultiMeasureRest.usable-duration-logs = #'(0)

Yeah, a much better one, thank you!

Francesco Napoleoni

How to change appearance of multimeasure rest?

2022-03-07 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hello everyone

Given this fragment:

  \time 4/2

  R\breve |

I would like the multimeasure rest printed like a semibreve rest.

The following code brings me near to my goal, but...

  \time 4/2
  \override MultiMeasureRest.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \override MultiMeasureRest.text = \markup \musicglyph #"rests.0"
  \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #2
  R\breve |

... the rest is slammed to the left of the measure. What am I missing?

Or is there a better way to obtain what I want?

Thanks in advance

Francesco Napoleoni

Ancient time signature symbol

2022-02-28 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hi list

Where do I find a glyph for the time signature attached?

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: Font kerning

2022-02-16 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
> Of course, what it means to “conform as much as possible to the original
> layout” is the question at hand.  If purely visual, your code is
> correct; if purely semantic, “vº1º”/“vº2º” is correct (however the font
> displays that); if both together, then a font with appropriate letter
> and numeral forms is needed.

In my case “purely visual” is the correct answer. More in general, I 
definitely agree with you.

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: Font kerning

2022-02-14 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data lunedì 14 febbraio 2022 00:19:11 CET, Joel C. Salomon ha scritto:
> On 2/7/2022 11:53 AM, Francesco Napoleoni wrote:
> > How can I adjust (if possible) such property in a markup block?
> > 
> > namely I would like to “shrink” the “V.° I.°” and the “V.° 2.°” text like
> > the attached screenshot.
> I wonder whether you’re using the wrong symbol, and using the correct
> one might help a little.  Your code is using the degree sign “°” U+B0,
> when by context this should probably be the masculine ordinal indicator
> “º” U+BA.

Yes, I know that there are more appropriate symbols, but I have to conform as 
much as possible to the original layout, which uses superscript “o” 
everywhere. Indeed this makes sense since the little “o” is the last letter of 
every abbreviated word: “Violin_o_ prim_o_” and “Violin_o_ second_o_”, so I 
ended up writing something like this (inside \markup):

\concat { "V." \hspace #-0.4 \normal-size-super o "I." \hspace #-0.6 \normal-
size-super o }

which produces an output very similar to the original.

As a matter of fact the original text is an italian publication dated 1885, so 
you’re right, it’s quite old.

Anyway, thanks for your contribution.

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: Font kerning

2022-02-07 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data lunedì 7 febbraio 2022 21:46:49 CET, David Kastrup ha scritto:
> So how would you characterise this being any different from \kern ?

Uhmmm... I wouldn’t. :-)

Re: Font kerning

2022-02-07 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data lunedì 7 febbraio 2022 21:40:05 CET, David Kastrup ha scritto:
> Have you tried negative \hspace ?

Yes, that’s what Valentin suggested, and indeed it does the trick.

Re: Font kerning

2022-02-07 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Thanks to all for your answers. The trick suggested by Valentin works for me.

Anyway it looks like there’s no option to directly adjust letter spacing, 
something like \kern macro in LaTeX, right?

Francesco Napoleoni

Font kerning

2022-02-07 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hello everyone

How can I adjust (if possible) such property in a markup block?

namely I would like to “shrink” the “V.° I.°” and the “V.° 2.°” text like the 
attached screenshot.

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: Stem length of beamed notes

2022-01-24 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data lunedì 24 gennaio 2022 20:02:10 CET, Knute Snortum ha scritto:
> Try Beam.positions:

Beam.positions works perfectly!

Thanks you all! :-)

Francesco Napoleoni

Stem length of beamed notes

2022-01-24 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hi everyone

While engraving the music in screenshot-source.png I’ve stumbled on a problem: 
I cannot adjust the stem height of the first couple of eighth notes to look 
like the printed version.

To be more specific: overriding the Stem.details.beamed-lengths does not work 
for me no matter which value I put between the parentheses. The relevant part 
is at line 6 of

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
Francesco Napoleoni
\version "2.23.5"

\parallelMusic voceUno,voceTre,voceQuattro,voceDue {
%% 18
  e2. |
  \override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(2) g8 fis \revert Stem.details g a \once \stemUp b4 |
  e4 \stemNeutral s s |
  e,4. fis8 g4 |

musica = <<
  \clef treble
  \key d \major
  \time 3/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
  \set Timing.beatStructure = 2

  \new Voice {
\relative c'' \voceUno

  \new Voice {
\relative c' \voceDue

  \new Voice {
\relative c'' \voceTre

  \new Voice {
\relative c' \voceQuattro

\score {
  \new Staff \musica

Re: Questions about HorizontalBracket

2020-09-16 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data martedì 15 settembre 2020 12:58:19 CEST, Lukas-Fabian Moser ha 
> Hi Francesco,
> > Thank you very much, Lukas! :-) Your answer goes far beyond my
> > expectations: using slurs is a very good point.
> > [...]
> > Anyway, let’s see if I understand the big picture of your code:
> > 1. you define some pure Scheme functions that deal about creating the
> > basic
> > “shapes” (actually the vectors that will be used by the “path” command);
> > 2. then you define the commands that tweak the stencil of a Slur grob;
> > 3. and, like a “tweak” command, you call it just before the parentheses,
> > letting the magic happen, right?
> Yes, that basically is the picture. I created a second version that not
> only should have a clearer structure (because now the creation of the
> shapes is factored out into two custom-made markup functions) but is
> also heavily commented.
> I have a plan to create some examples of "LilyPond programming with
> annotations" (for the dual purpose of enlightening myself and helping
> others on their path), so feel free to comment and ask questions.

That would be great. Indeed for me it’s not as hard to learn the Guile 
language as to understand the internal structures of Lilypond and their 
relation with the language. So, a collection of commented examples could be 
very helpful.

> > By the way, the code does not compile with my old 2.19.83 version
> [...]
> My bad: I hadn't realized that the invaluable \=... mechanism [...] wasn't
> contained in 2.19.83. Sorry.

No problem: as a matter of fact it’s definitely time for me to upgrade my 
software to a more recent version. ;-)

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: Questions about HorizontalBracket

2020-09-13 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
 f g a g f')
> }
> \relative c' {
>c4 \VShapeSlur \=0_( \VShapeSlur \=1^( d e \bracketSlur \=2_( f\=1) e
> d\=2) c b\=0)
> }
> Best
> Lukas

Thank you very much, Lukas! :-) Your answer goes far beyond my expectations: 
using slurs is a very good point. Actually I had thought about using them, but 
I had no clue on how to modify their shape. Besides that, Scheme language 
still looks a bit intimidating to me, so I had to resort to use 

Anyway, let’s see if I understand the big picture of your code:
1. you define some pure Scheme functions that deal about creating the basic 
“shapes” (actually the vectors that will be used by the “path” command);
2. then you define the commands that tweak the stencil of a Slur grob;
3. and, like a “tweak” command, you call it just before the parentheses, 
letting the magic happen, right?

By the way, the code does not compile with my old 2.19.83 version (included in 
my Linux installation), I had to download the latest version.

Francesco Napoleoni

Questions about HorizontalBracket

2020-09-13 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hi everyone

I’m trying to use HorizontalBracket to annotate the intervals between notes of 
a scale.

The example (perhaps not minimal, but almost working) attached shows something 
very close to what I want to achieve.

However there are a few things that need to be fixed, or improved:
1) the brackets remain outside the staff no matter how I fiddle with staff-
padding and padding properties, while I would like them to stay closer to the 
2) I cannot find an (obvious and) automatic way to have the ends of a bracket 
to align with the center of the note heads. I found a manual workaround by 
setting the shorten-pair property, which is a far from being an optimal 
3) is there a way to create a V-shaped bracket? The hack I came up with is 
4) to have brackets both above and below the notes I have used two voices, one 
with the notes hidden. Is there a faster/less verbose way to obtain the same 

Besides these, it would be nice (but not essential) to have these bracket to 
also follow the slope of an interval.

The summary of my needs can be found in the attached image.

Can anyone shed some light, please?

Francesco Napoleoni
\version "2.19.83"

semitone = {
  % How can I obtain a V-shaped bracket?
  \once \override Voice.HorizontalBracket.bracket-flare = #'(3 . 3)

tone = {
  \once \override Voice.HorizontalBracket.bracket-flare = #'(0 . 0)
  \once \override Voice.HorizontalBracket.edge-height = #'(0.5 . 0.5)

\layout {
  \context {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\remove "Collision_engraver"
  \context {
\consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"

% Is there any better alternative to get the edges of the bracket
% aligned to the center of the notes?
\override HorizontalBracket.shorten-pair = #'(0.9 . 1)

\score {
  \new Staff \relative c' <<

\new Voice {
  c1\startGroup d\stopGroup
  e\startGroup f\stopGroup
  g\startGroup a\stopGroup
  b\startGroup c\stopGroup

\new Voice \with {
  \override HorizontalBracket.direction = #UP
} {
  d\startGroup e\stopGroup
  f\startGroup g\stopGroup
  a\startGroup b\stopGroup

Re: italian list or forum

2020-05-21 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hi Federico

In data giovedì 21 maggio 2020 11:37:34 CEST, Federico Bruni ha scritto:
> This is a message for the italian users subscribed to this mailing list.
> Some years ago I asked if anybody were interested in creating an
> italian mailing list.
> [...]
> Please let me know if you are interested.

Yes, I am!! :-)

> What would you suggest to use?
> Some options:
> 1. Mailing list on (as this one)
> [...]
> I'm for 1.

Me too. The less Google (and other pervasive monsters) creeps into my life, 
the better I feel. ;-)

That said, I just have no idea on how to create this list, but I also see many 
Italians interested in Lilypond and I think it would be great if we could get 

Francesco Napoleoni

Re: Including a score fragment in LaTeX document

2018-10-03 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
> However, I would suggest you have a look at the lyluatex package

Actually I am aware of lyluatex but I haven’t tried it yet, lately I have been 
very busy. Surely I’ll give it a try.

Thanks again
Francesco Napoleoni

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Including a score fragment in LaTeX document

2018-10-02 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
> > Now the (newbie) question: how can I include this code in a LaTeX document
> > (using \lilypondfile) without the last empty measure? I have tried clip-
> > regions in the \layout block with no success.
> You can do that by making the last spacer rest use no time by writing
> s1*0\!
> But please note that this isn't at all related to the question of
> including the score in the LaTeX document.

Many thanks to you and Orm for the answer. Your suggestion does exactly what I 
was looking for; I just thought that the clipping could be done by means of 
some obscure option in \lilypondfile, that’s why I mentioned LaTeX/lilypond-
book, so never mind.

Francesco Napoleoni

lilypond-user mailing list

Including a score fragment in LaTeX document

2018-10-02 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hi list,

I’m fiddling with lilypond-book and XeLaTeX for the first time and have a 
little problem with a fragment that I want to include. I have a little 
Lilypond file like this

\version "2.19.80"

\score {
  \new Staff {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 12/8

% excerpt from Grieg Piano sonata op. 7
\relative c'' {
% 16
  4.->\ff -> -> ->\> | % note the decrescendo 

% 17
  s1.\! | % I had to add this measure to get the hairpin printed

Now the (newbie) question: how can I include this code in a LaTeX document 
(using \lilypondfile) without the last empty measure? I have tried clip-
regions in the \layout block with no success.

Thanks in advance
Francesco Napoleoni

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ellipsis point music

2017-05-16 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data martedì 16 maggio 2017 16:29:26, Gianmaria Lari ha scritto:
> Is there any musical equivalent symbol for the ellipsis points used to
> indicates "and so forth"?
> For example, suppose you have an exercise where there is a pattern to play
> in different tonality. You write the first two or three measures and then I
> would like to indicate "and so forth". What I should use for that in
> lilypond?

Hi Gianmaria

As far as I know, the most wide-accepted practice is to enclose the music into 
a repeated section ||: :|| and to write how many times it should be played, or 
“ad libitum” if it is to leave to the freedom of the player.

In didactical examples it is appropriate to give some instructions before the 
music pattern. However it’s not uncommon to see staff lines continuing a bit 
past the last bar, maybe with an accompanying “etc.” text.

All these things can be done pretty easily in lilypond, like the following 
example, freely taken from “Rational principles of piano techinque” by Cortot:

\version "2.19.59"

\score {
  \header {
piece = \markup { "Esercizio n. 1b" \italic "(cominciando col 2° dito - m. 
d. e col 4° - m. s.)" }

  \new Staff \with {
\remove Time_signature_engraver
instrumentName = \markup {
  \center-column {
\line {
  \box "C" "*"
\line {
  \box "H" \box "R"
  } <<
\time 2/4
\new Voice \relative c' {
  \repeat volta 2 {
d16^2_4 c^1_5 e^3_3 f^4_2 g^5_1 f^4_2 e^3_3 c^1_5 |
  \repeat volta 2 {
d16 c f e g e f c |

\markup {
  \column {
\justify {
  *) Esempio tratto dall’esercizio n. 1b (Serie B, capitolo I)

\score {
  \new Staff \with {
\remove Bar_engraver
\remove Time_signature_engraver
instrumentName = "ascendendo:"
  } \relative c' {
d16 c e f g f e c dis cis eis fis gis fis eis cis e d fis g a g fis d f es 
as bes as g es \hideNotes fis \stopStaff e-\tweak TextScript.staff-padding #'() 
-\markup { \italic "ecc." }

  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 16)

This should help you, I hope.

Francesco Napoleoni

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to align bar numbers to the center of a measure?

2017-05-10 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data martedì 9 maggio 2017 19:57:39, Kieren MacMillan ha scritto:
> That’s a RTFLSR pointer… ;)
> Hope that helps!

It does! Thank you for your quick answer!

Francesco Napoleoni

lilypond-user mailing list

How to align bar numbers to the center of a measure?

2017-05-09 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
Hi all

I would like to have bar numbers printed below the last staff of a system, 
aligned to the middle point between bars, like the image attached. In the 
notation manual I see that BarNumber object can be configured in many ways, but 
I still can’t figure out whether such positioning and alignment is feasible.

Any ideas? or RTFM pointers? ;-)

Francesco Napoleoni
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Alignment of instrument names

2016-11-12 Thread Francesco Napoleoni
In data sabato 12 novembre 2016 09:29:54, Kieren MacMillan ha scritto:
> Here’s some code that David N. whipped up for me which, I believe, does what
> you want. Note that it does NOT automatically set the indent — you need to
> do this manually (by trial and error, essentially).

Ok, I have to study carefully your code to understand how it works: it’s not 
much time since I have started learning both Scheme and LilyPond programming 

Anyway, thanks to all for your answers!


lilypond-user mailing list