RE[2]: Harp-Symbols in LilyPond

2014-02-09 Thread Frank . Weichert
Many thanks.

> \new Voice = "melody" {
> \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
> c''4 ( d''4 )

This will affekt all lyrics , all stanzas. But I need this only for the 
harp-symbols, not
for stanzas.

With your help I could find a more better solution.

MuHaOben = \lyricmode {
\set ignoreMelismata = ##t%% ignors slurs and other  
\blasenI \blasenII%% harp-symbols
\unset ignoreMelismata%% back to normal
MuHaUnten = \lyricmode {
\set ignoreMelismata = ##t
\blasenII \blasenIII
\unset ignoreMelismata
StropheI = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1."
Lyric Text  %% this text is shown in the normal way

Now it looks fine.

Regards, Frank

>- Original Message - 
>Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 10:08 PM
>Subject: RE[2]: Harp-Symbols in LilyPond
>> \set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
>> this moves the symbol from the middle to the beginning of the slur
>> example c4( d4)
>> I like to have a symbol above both - c and d
>> It should work like c4 d4 (without slurs)
>> I'm looking for something like this:
>> Oben = \lyricmode {
>> }
>> BTW
>>>Alternatively, you could experiment with putting your harp symbols in a
>>>dynamics context?
>> I do not understand this statement. Would you please give me an example? 
>> May be this can
>> help to solve my problem.
>> Regards, Frank
>Firstly, please remember to reply-all, rather than to me indivually.
>Secondly, could I recommend a study of the lilypond manuals?  For example, I 
>suggested using "set melismaBusyProperties".  This is documented in the 
>Notation Reference and shows how slurs are ignored and a lyric is placed on 
>each note.  A cut down example is:
>\new Voice = "melody" {
>\set melismaBusyProperties = #'()
>c''4 ( d''4 )
>\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {
>a b
>which appears to work exactly as you want: see the attached image. 
>Similarly, searching for "dynamics context" will lead to:
>which says:
>"A Dynamics context is available to engrave dynamics on their own horizontal 
>line. Use spacer rests to indicate timing. (Notes in a Dynamics context will 
>also take up musical time, but will not be engraved.) The Dynamics context 
>can usefully contain some other items such as text scripts, text spanners, 
>and piano pedal marks."
>Phil Holmes 

lilypond-user mailing list

Harp-Symbols in LilyPond

2014-02-03 Thread Frank . Weichert
Hi All

To add some harp-symbols I have defined some lines like this:

ziehenI = \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "1" }
ziehenII = \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "2" }
ziehenIII = \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "3" }
blasenI = \markup { \finger \override #'(font-size . 1) "1" }
blasenII = \markup { \finger \override #'(font-size . 1) "2" }
blasenIII = \markup { \finger \override #'(font-size . 1) "3" }

Now I can use them like
c4^\blasenI d4^\ziehenI

But this lets twist the symbols in the hight.

An other idea is to use the symbols like lyrics:

Oben = \lyricmode {
   \blasenI \ziehenI
This works fine, all symbols are shown in one line.

But this does not work if the notation containes parenthis like
 c4( d4)
Then only one symbol is shown obove.

Here is a complete example:

May be someone has a better idea or there is a function for ignoring the 
parenthis in
\lyricmode {}?
At the moment I have workaround this as:

  \ziehenV \blasenIII \blasenIII 
 \markup { \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "3"
   \finger \circle \override #'(font-size . 1) "4"

Regards, Frank

lilypond-user mailing list

Special symbols for Blues harp (german: Mundharmonika)

2011-02-18 Thread Frank . Weichert
Hi All,

I'm looking for special symbols used for harp-notation (german: Mundharmonika). 
fingering for keybords, harps needs special symbols for "chanel-number" and 
"blow" and
"reverse blow", "Shift" (chromatic one only).
May be there is a solution available within lilypond.

Regards, Frank

lilypond-user mailing list

RE[2]: Merging Rests in Single Staff with more than one 'voice'

2011-01-23 Thread Frank . Weichert
You can try this:

\musicSourceOne = { a4 b c d | a1\rest | a4 r b r2 }
\musicSourceTwo = { f4 r f r | s1 | f4 f g r2 }


>2011/1/22 David Raleigh Arnold :
>> On Saturday 22 January 2011 12:52:54 James Lowe wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I don't often use multiple voices in a single staff, so am a bit
>>> unfamiliar and am still finding my way.
>>> However I cannot easily see how I can take two 'voices' each from a
>>> single source such that when they are combined on a single staff the
>>> rests that both voices share are only printed once.
>>> For example
>>> \musicSourceOne = { a4 b c d | R1*4 | a4 r b r2 }
>>> \musicSourceTwo = { f4 r f r | R1*4 | f4 f g r2 }
>> Your example is very simple, so merging is good or at least not
>> bad. In single staff polyphony which is not very simple, merging
>> rests is a very bad idea because it ruins the integrity of the
>> voices and can create arresting ambiguities. It ought not to be a
>> candidate for default behavior with the notable exception of the
>> whole measure or multimeasure rest, which cannot easily be
>> misread.
>Yes, i agree that merging all rests shouldn't be default behaviour
>(with the exception of multi-measure rests).
>However, having the merge-rests function added to lilypond itself (se
>we can use it when we want without needing to write it by hand) would
>be very good!
>lilypond-user mailing list
Mit freundlichen Gr��en / Best regards

Frank Weichert

LeiterPlatten Pfullingen GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft / Registered Office: Sandwiesenstr.3, 72793 Pfullingen
Registergericht / Register Court: AG Stuttgart HRB 730851
Gesch�ftsf�hrung / Board of Directors:
Bernd Zevens, Hartmut Brandt, Norbert Grauer

lilypond-user mailing list

RE[2]: Lilypond - 2 voices in 1 score - cannot add lyrics

2008-10-17 Thread Frank . Weichert
many thanks

this example is the only one witch works.


>If you read 
>and realize that the lyrics is not part of the Staff in LilyPond (in 
>contrast to what you intuition
>might tell you), you should fairly soon be able to come up with the 
>following version:
>\version "2.10.33"
>\header {
>title = "Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen"
>subtitle = "(J.von Eichendorff,1788-1857)"
>composer = "Th.Fröhlich (1803-1834)"
>tagline = "F.W. SAV Eningen 20081016"
>\include ""
>verseI= \lyricmode {
>\set stanza = "1."  
>Wem Gott will rech -- te Gunst er -- wei -- sen,
>den schickt er in die wei -- te Welt;
>dem will er sei -- ne Wun -- der wei -- sen
>in Berg und Wald und Strom und Feld.
>verseII= \lyricmode {
>\set stanza = "2."
>Die Bäch -- lein von den Ber -- gen sprin -- gen,
>die Ler -- chen schwir -- ren hoch vor Lust,
>was sollt' ich nicht mit ih -- nen sin -- gen
>aus vol -- ler Kehl und fri -- scher Brust?
>verseIII= \lyricmode {
>\set stanza = "3."
>Den lie -- ben Gott laß ich nur wal -- ten,
>der Bäch -- lein, Ler -- chen, Wald und Feld
>und Erd' und Him -- mel will er -- hal -- ten,
>hat auch mein' Sach' aufs best' be -- stellt.
>StimmeI =
>   \relative c {
>s2. c4 |
>e g c8. h16 c8 a8 |
>g2 e4 g4 |
>f8. e16 f8 d8 e4 c |
>d2 r4 d8 ~ e8 |
>f4. f8 e8. e16 f8 g8 |
>a2 g4 g4 |
>c8. h16 c8 d8 e4 d4 |
>StimmeII =
>  \relative c' {
>s2. c,4 |
>c e a8. gis16 a8 f8 |
>e2 c4 e4 |
>d8. cis16 d8 h8 c4 c|
>h2 r4 h8 ~ c8 |
>d4. d8 c8. c16 d8 e8 |
>f2 e4 g4 |
>e8. d16 e8 f8 g4 f4 |
>\score {
>  <<
> \new Staff {
> \time 4/4
> \key c \major
> \clef "G_8"
> <<
>\context Voice = "StimmeI" { \StimmeI }
>\context Voice = "StimmeII" { \StimmeII }
> >>
> r4 s4
> \bar "|."  
>   \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI }
>   \context Lyrics = "StropheII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "StimmeI" 
>\verseII }
>   \context Lyrics = "StropheIII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "StimmeI" 
>\verseIII }
>  >>
>\midi {
>\layout  {
> }
>\paper {
>   }
>Jonathan Kulp wrote:
>> I got some of the lyrics to appear but not all.  I've never done more 
>> than one verse before.  Hope this helps somewhat.  I don't have time 
>> to fiddle with it more although my curiousity begs me to :)
>> Code:
>> \version "2.10.33"
>> \header {
>> title = "Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen"
>> subtitle = "(J.von Eichendorff,1788-1857)"
>> composer = "Th.Fröhlich (1803-1834)"
>> tagline = "F.W. SAV Eningen 20081016"
>> }
>> \include ""
>> verseI= \lyricmode {
>> \set stanza = "1."   
>> Wem Gott will rech -- te Gunst er -- wei -- sen,
>> den schickt er in die wei -- te Welt;
>> dem will er sei -- ne Wun -- der wei -- sen
>> in Berg und Wald und Strom und Feld.
>> }
>> verseII= \lyricmode {
>> \set stanza = "2."
>> Die Bäch -- lein von den Ber -- gen sprin -- gen,
>> die Ler -- chen schwir -- ren hoch vor Lust,
>> was sollt' ich nicht mit ih -- nen sin -- gen
>> aus vol -- ler Kehl und fri -- scher Brust?
>> }
>> verseIII= \lyricmode {
>> \set stanza = "3."
>> Den lie -- ben Gott laß ich nur wal -- ten,
>> der Bäch -- lein, Ler -- chen, Wald und Feld
>> und Erd' und Him -- mel will er -- hal -- ten,
>> hat auch mein' Sach' aufs best' be -- stellt.
>> }
>> StimmeI =
>>\relative c {
>> \voiceOne
>> s2. c4 |
>> e g c8. h16 c8 a8 |
>> g2 e4 g4 |
>> f8. e16 f8 d8 e4 c |
>> d2 r4 d8 ~ e8 |
>> f4. f8 e8. e16 f8 g8 |
>> a2 g4 g4 |
>> c8. h16 c8 d8 e4 d4 |
>> c2
>> }
>> StimmeII =
>>   \relative c' {
>> \voiceTwo
>> s2. c,4 |
>> c e a8. gis16 a8 f8 |
>> e2 c4 e4 |
>> d8. cis16 d8 h8 c4 c|
>> h2 r4 h8 ~ c8 |
>> d4. d8 c8. c16 d8 e8 |
>> f2 e4 g4 |
>> e8. d16 e8 f8 g4 f4 |
>> e2
>> }
>> \score {
>>  \new Staff {
>>  \time 4/4
>>  \key c \major
>>  \clef "G_8"
>>  <<
>> \context Voice = "StimmeI" { \StimmeI }
>> \context Voice = "StimmeII" { \StimmeII }
>> \addlyrics { \verseI \verseII \verseIII }
>>  >>
>>  r4 s4
>>  \bar "|."   
>>  \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" 
>> \verseI }
>>  \context Lyrics = "StropheII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "StimmeI" 
>> \verseII }
>>  \context Lyrics = "StropheIII

RE[2]: Lilypond - 2 voices in 1 score - cannot add lyrics

2008-10-17 Thread Frank . Weichert

but the problem still exists

StimmeI = \new Voice = "StimmeI"
\relative c {

StimmeII = \new Voice = "StimmeII"
\relative c {

%lilypond %args "D:\Noten\Stimme\"
»D:/Noten/Stimme/« wird verarbeitet
Interpretation der Musik...
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: Stimme kann nicht gefunden werden: 
\context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { 
  \lyricsto "StimmeI" 
\verseI }
Interpretation der Musik...[8]
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: Stimme kann nicht gefunden werden: 
\context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { 
  \lyricsto "StimmeI" 
\verseI }
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
a2 g4 
  g4 |
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
   g4 g4 |
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
a2 g4 g4 |
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten 
f4. f8 e8. e16 f8 
  g8 |

Regards, Frank

>You have to name the voice StimmeI and StimmeII. Try StimmeI = \new  
>Voice = "StimmeI" \relative c { music } and StimmeII = \new Voice =  
>"StimmeII" \relative c' { music }
>Am 17.10.2008 um 16:52 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>> Hi,
>> when I put 2 voices into 1 staff I cannot add lyrics.
>> Console-Error-Message is (backtranslatet from german):
>> \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode {
>> ->   \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI }   StimmeI not found
>> What I'm doing wrong?
>> This is complete example:
>> \version "2.10.33"
>> \header {
>>  title = "Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen"
>>  subtitle = "(J.von Eichendorff,1788-1857)"
>>  composer = "Th.Fröhlich (1803-1834)"
>>  tagline = "F.W. SAV Eningen 20081016"
>> }
>> \include ""
>> verseI= \lyricmode {
>>  \set stanza = "1."  
>>  Wem Gott will rech -- te Gunst er -- wei -- sen,
>>  den schickt er in die wei -- te Welt;
>>  dem will er sei -- ne Wun -- der wei -- sen
>>  in Berg und Wald und Strom und Feld.
>> }
>> verseII= \lyricmode {
>>  \set stanza = "2."
>>  Die Bäch -- lein von den Ber -- gen sprin -- gen,
>>  die Ler -- chen schwir -- ren hoch vor Lust,
>>  was sollt' ich nicht mit ih -- nen sin -- gen
>>  aus vol -- ler Kehl und fri -- scher Brust?
>> }
>> verseIII= \lyricmode {
>>  \set stanza = "3."
>>  Den lie -- ben Gott laß ich nur wal -- ten,
>>  der Bäch -- lein, Ler -- chen, Wald und Feld
>>  und Erd' und Him -- mel will er -- hal -- ten,
>>  hat auch mein' Sach' aufs best' be -- stellt.
>> }
>> StimmeI =
>>   \relative c {
>>s2. c4 |
>>e g c8. h16 c8 a8 |
>>g2 e4 g4 |
>>f8. e16 f8 d8 e4 c |
>>d2 r4 d8 ~ e8 |
>>f4. f8 e8. e16 f8 g8 |
>>a2 g4 g4 |
>>c8. h16 c8 d8 e4 d4 |
>> }
>> StimmeII =
>>  \relative c' {
>>s2. c,4 |
>>c e a8. gis16 a8 f8 |
>>e2 c4 e4 |
>>d8. cis16 d8 h8 c4 c|
>>h2 r4 h8 ~ c8 |
>>d4. d8 c8. c16 d8 e8 |
>>f2 e4 g4 |
>>e8. d16 e8 f8 g4 f4 |
>> }
>> \score {
>> \new Staff {
>> \time 4/4
>> \key c \major
>> \clef "G_8"
>> << \StimmeI \\ \StimmeII >>
>> r4 s4
>> \bar "|."
>> \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI"  
>> \verseI }
>> \context Lyrics = "StropheII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "StimmeI"  
>> \verseII }
>> \context Lyrics = "StropheIII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "StimmeI"  
>> \verseIII }
>> }
>> \midi {
>>  }
>> \layout  {
>> }
>> }
>> \paper {
>>   }
>> --
>> Regards, Frank
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
>lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond - 2 voices in 1 score - cannot add lyrics

2008-10-17 Thread Frank . Weichert

when I put 2 voices into 1 staff I cannot add lyrics.

Console-Error-Message is (backtranslatet from german):
 \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { 
 ->   \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI }   StimmeI not found

What I'm doing wrong?

This is complete example:

\version "2.10.33"

\header {
title = "Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen"
subtitle = "(J.von Eichendorff,1788-1857)"
composer = "Th.Fröhlich (1803-1834)"
tagline = "F.W. SAV Eningen 20081016"

\include ""

verseI= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1."  
Wem Gott will rech -- te Gunst er -- wei -- sen,
den schickt er in die wei -- te Welt;
dem will er sei -- ne Wun -- der wei -- sen
in Berg und Wald und Strom und Feld.
verseII= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2."
Die Bäch -- lein von den Ber -- gen sprin -- gen,
die Ler -- chen schwir -- ren hoch vor Lust,
was sollt' ich nicht mit ih -- nen sin -- gen
aus vol -- ler Kehl und fri -- scher Brust?

verseIII= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3."
Den lie -- ben Gott laß ich nur wal -- ten,
der Bäch -- lein, Ler -- chen, Wald und Feld
und Erd' und Him -- mel will er -- hal -- ten,
hat auch mein' Sach' aufs best' be -- stellt.
StimmeI =
   \relative c {
s2. c4 |
e g c8. h16 c8 a8 |
g2 e4 g4 |
f8. e16 f8 d8 e4 c |
d2 r4 d8 ~ e8 |
f4. f8 e8. e16 f8 g8 |
a2 g4 g4 |
c8. h16 c8 d8 e4 d4 |

StimmeII =
  \relative c' {
s2. c,4 |
c e a8. gis16 a8 f8 |
e2 c4 e4 |
d8. cis16 d8 h8 c4 c|
h2 r4 h8 ~ c8 |
d4. d8 c8. c16 d8 e8 |
f2 e4 g4 |
e8. d16 e8 f8 g4 f4 |

\score { 
 \new Staff {
 \time 4/4
 \key c \major
 \clef "G_8"
 << \StimmeI \\ \StimmeII >>
 r4 s4
 \bar "|."  
 \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI }
 \context Lyrics = "StropheII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseII }
 \context Lyrics = "StropheIII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseIII 

\midi {

\layout  {

\paper {

Regards, Frank

lilypond-user mailing list from tips and tricks

2008-02-28 Thread Frank . Weichert

at the lilypond site "tips and tricks"

I found the example boxed-stencil.

I need the F in a little box. But this example does not work at my
version of lilypond 2.10.33 Windows-Version.

This happens during compilation:

D:/Noten/Celebration/ Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen
Fehler für den hier beginnenden Ausdruck
 (set! toplevel-score-handler ly:parser-print-score)
D:/Noten/Celebration/ Fehler: Ungültige Fluchtsequenz:
\renameinput ""
D:/Noten/Celebration/ Fehler: syntax error, unexpected
STRING, expecting '='
\renameinput "
Fehler: Falsche lilypond-Version: 2.4.0 (2.7.38, 2.10.33)
Fehler: Erwägen Sie die Aktualisierung der Eingabe mit dem Skript
D:/Noten/Celebration/ Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen
Fehler für den hier beginnenden Ausdruck
(make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.3 0.2 Text_interface::print)
D:/Noten/Celebration/ Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen
Fehler für den hier beginnenden Ausdruck
(make-stencil-boxer 0.05 0.25 0.25 Stem::print)
D:/Noten/Celebration/ Fehler: GUILE signalisierte einen
Fehler für den hier beginnenden Ausdruck
(make-stencil-boxer 0.15 0.3 0.3 Text_interface::print)
Interpretation der Musik...
Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typprüfung für »print-function«
(backend-type?) kann nicht gefunden werden.  vielleicht ein Tippfehler?
Warnung: Zuweisung wird trotzdem durchgeführt
Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typprüfung für »print-function«
(backend-type?) kann nicht gefunden werden.  vielleicht ein Tippfehler?
Warnung: Zuweisung wird trotzdem durchgeführt
Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typprüfung für »print-function«
(backend-type?) kann nicht gefunden werden.  vielleicht ein Tippfehler?
Warnung: Zuweisung wird trotzdem durchgeführt
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...
Layout nach »« ausgeben...
Konvertierung nach »kasten.pdf«...
Fehler: gescheiterte Dateien: "D:\\Noten\\Celebration\\"
Unbound variable: ly:parser-print-score
Wrong number of arguments to #
Wrong number of arguments to #
Wrong number of arguments to #
Processing time: 8 seconds

LilyPond ready.

May be the author of this example is on this list and can help...

Regards, Frank

lilypond-user mailing list